minor changes; added biblio references for JPwH

git-svn-id: https://svn.jboss.org/repos/hibernate/core/branches/Branch_3_3@16752 1b8cb986-b30d-0410-93ca-fae66ebed9b2
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Steve Ebersole 2009-06-10 18:46:26 +00:00
parent 68242555d4
commit 95d9f93de1
1 changed files with 204 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
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<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
<chapter id="portability">
<title>Database Portability Considerations</title>
<sect1 id="portability-basics">
<title>Portability Basics</title>
One of the selling points of Hibernate (and really Object/Relational Mapping as a whole) is
the notion of database portability. This could mean an internal IT user migrating from one
database vendor to another, or it could mean a framework or deployable application consuming
Hibernate to simultaneously target multiple database products by their users. Regardless of
the exact scenario, the basic idea is that you want Hibernate to help you run against any number
of databases without changes to your code, and ideally without any changes to the mapping metadata.
<sect1 id="portability-dialect">
The first line of portability for Hibernate is the dialect, which is a specialization of the
<classname>org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect</classname> contract. A dialect encapsulates all
the differences in how Hibernate must communicate with a particular database to accomplish some
task like getting a sequence value or structuring a SELECT query. Hibernate bundles a wide range
of dialects for many of the most popular databases. If you find that your particular database is
not among them, it is not terribly difficult to write your own.
<sect1 id="portability-dialectresolver">
<title>Dialect resolution</title>
Originally, Hibernate would always require that users specify which dialect to use. In the case
of users looking to simultaneously target multiple databases with their build that was problematic.
Generally this required their users to configure the Hibernate dialect or defining their own method
of setting that value.
Starting with version 3.2, Hibernate introduced the notion of automatically detecting the dialect
to use based on the <interfacename>java.sql.DatabaseMetaData</interfacename> obtained from a
<interfacename>java.sql.Connection</interfacename> to that database. This was much better, expect
that this resolution was limited to databases Hibernate know about ahead of time and was in no way
configurable or overrideable.
Starting with version 3.3, Hibernate has a fare more powerful way to automatically determine
which dialect to should be used by relying on a series of delegates which implement the
<interfacename>org.hibernate.dialect.resolver.DialectResolver</interfacename> which defines only a
single method:<programlisting><![CDATA[public Dialect resolveDialect(DatabaseMetaData metaData) throws JDBCConnectionException]]></programlisting>.
The basic contract here is that if the resolver 'understands' the given database metadata then
it returns the corresponding Dialect; if not it returns null and the process continues to the next
resolver. The signature also identifies <exceptionname>org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException</exceptionname>
as possibly being thrown. A JDBCConnectionException here is interpreted to imply a "non transient"
(aka non-recoverable) connection problem and is used to indicate an immediate stop to resolution
attempts. All other exceptions result in a warning and continuing on to the next resolver.
The cool part about these resolvers is that users can also register their own custom resolvers
which will be processed ahead of the built-in Hibernate ones. This might be useful in a number of
different situations: it allows easy integration for auto-detection of dialects beyond those
shipped with HIbernate itself; it allows you to specify to use a custom dialect when a particular
database is recognized; etc. To register one or more resolvers, simply specify them (seperated by
commas, tabs or spaces) using the 'hibernate.dialect_resolvers' configuration setting (see the
<constant>DIALECT_RESOLVERS</constant> constant on
<sect1 id="portability-idgen">
<title>Identifier generation</title>
When considering portability between databases, another important decision is selecting the
identifier generation stratagy you want to use. Originally Hibernate provided the
<emphasis>native</emphasis> generator for this purpose, which was intended to select between
a <emphasis>sequence</emphasis>, <emphasis>identity</emphasis>, or <emphasis>table</emphasis>
strategy depending on the capability of the underlying database. However, an insidious implication
of this approach comes about when targtetting some databases which support <emphasis>identity</emphasis>
generation and some which do not. <emphasis>identity</emphasis> generation relies on the SQL
definition of an IDENTITY (or auto-increment) column to manage the identifier value; it is what is
known as a post-insert generation strategy becauase the insert must actually happen before we can
know the identifier value. Because Hibernate relies on this identifier value to uniquely reference
entities within a persistence context it must then issue the insert
immediately when the users requests the entitiy be associated with the session (like via
save() e.g.) regardless of current transactional semantics.
Hibernate was changed slightly once the implication of this was better understood so that
the insert is delayed in cases where that is feasible.
The underlying issue is that the actual semanctics of the application itself changes in these cases.
Starting with version 3.2.3, Hibernate comes with a set of
<ulink url="http://in.relation.to/2082.lace">enhanced</ulink> identifier generators targetting
portability in a much different way.
There are specifically 2 bundled <emphasis>enhanced</emphasis>generators:
The idea behind these generators is to port the actual semantics of the identifer value
generation to the different databases. For example, the
<classname>org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator</classname> mimics the behavior of
a sequence on databases which do not support sequences by using a table.
<sect1 id="portability-functions">
<title>Database functions</title>
This is an area in Hibernate in need of improvement. In terms of portability concerns,
this function handling currently works pretty well from HQL; however, it is quite lacking
in all other aspects.
SQL functions can be referenced in many ways by users. However, not all databases
support the same set of functions. Hibernate, provides a means of mapping a
<emphasis>logical</emphasis> function name to a a delegate which knows how to render
that particular function, perhaps even using a totally different physical function call.
Technically this function registration is handled through the
<classname>org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionRegistry</classname> class
which is intended to allow users to provide custom function definitions without
having to provide a custom dialect. This specific behavior is not fully completed
as of yet.
It is sort of implemented such that users can programatically register functions
with the <classname>org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration</classname> and those functions
will be recognized for HQL.
<sect1 id="portability-types">
<title>Type mappings</title>
This section scheduled for completion at a later date...
todo :
<sect2 id="portability-types-lobs">
<title>BLOB/CLOB mappings</title>
<sect2 id="portability-types-bool">
<title>Boolean mappings</title>