
This commit is contained in:
Steve Ebersole 2013-05-29 12:48:01 -05:00
parent 3bc26b6448
commit 9699ce41c2
2 changed files with 48 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ buildscript {
ext.hibernateTargetVersion = '4.3.0-SNAPSHOT'
ext.hibernateTargetVersion = '4.3.0.Beta3'
ext.javaLanguageLevel = "1.6"
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {

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@ -5,6 +5,53 @@ match the actual issue resolution (i.e. a bug might not be a bug). Please
refer to the particular case on JIRA using the issue tracking number to learn
more about each case.
Changes in version 4.3.0.Beta3 (2013.05.29)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-8144] - Create a 'release' task that performs all tasks needed for doing a release
** Bug
* [HHH-2664] - full join not working
* [HHH-5465] - HQL left join fetch of an element collection following a left join fetch of a one-to-one relationship causes NullPointerException
* [HHH-6813] - @Id @OneToOne cause NullPointerException during query
* [HHH-8083] - @OrderColumn not updated on @OneToMany cascade
* [HHH-8219] - Protect against JDK 7 API usage
* [HHH-8220] - pom dependencies scope changed from compile to runtime
* [HHH-8225] - EMF cannot be created, closed, then re-created in OSGi
* [HHH-8233] - exclude-unlisted-classes is not excluding unlisted classes in root
* [HHH-8236] - Update to hibernate-commons-annotations 4.0.2.Final
* [HHH-8241] - Reusing of scanner instance is impossible with Apache Aries JPA
* [HHH-8250] - DefaultInitializeCollectionEventListener not finding collections in cache
* [HHH-8254] - throw HibernateException when transaction is rolledback by a reaper thread
* [HHH-8266] - Binding of named-stored-procedure XML element tries to create duplicate
* [HHH-8269] - DenormalizedTable FK constraint names can be too long
* [HHH-8270] - Support for accessing JPA schema export script files specified by URL
* [HHH-8271] - Handling of javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source
* [HHH-8273] - Incorrect "unique-key" naming comment in docs
** Improvement
* [HHH-6875] - @OrderBy on @ElementCollection of basic type should "order by value"
* [HHH-7214] - DiscriminatorValue
* [HHH-7582] - TableGenerator does not distinguish between different tenants (MultiTenant Schema based)
* [HHH-8211] - Checkstyle and FindBugs fix-ups
* [HHH-8217] - Make generated constraint names short and non-random
* [HHH-8226] - table synonyms cannot find columns on Oracle
* [HHH-8231] - Pass along IOException as cause when trying to open script outputs
* [HHH-8238] - OsgiJtaPlatform null pointer exception
* [HHH-8257] - More concisely obtaining a JBoss logger
** Task
* [HHH-8218] - Update to final versions of BV 1.1 and HV 5
* [HHH-8222] - Implement @NamedStoredProcedureQuery binding
* [HHH-8223] - Implement @NamedEntityGraph binding
* [HHH-8232] - Upgrade to Gradle 1.6
* [HHH-8235] - Drop database profiles upstream
* [HHH-8246] - Implement XML binding of NamedStoredProcedureQuery
* [HHH-8247] - Implement XML binding of NamedEntityGraph
Changes in version 4.3.0.Beta2 (2013.05.02)