HHH-14240 Stop generating fragments of SQL as uppercase

This commit is contained in:
Gavin King 2020-09-17 14:10:38 +02:00 committed by Sanne Grinovero
parent 7f6479541d
commit 9ac29ab4dc
13 changed files with 213 additions and 213 deletions

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@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public H2Dialect() {
this.sequenceInformationExtractor = buildId >= 201
? SequenceInformationExtractorLegacyImpl.INSTANCE
: SequenceInformationExtractorH2DatabaseImpl.INSTANCE;
this.querySequenceString = "select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES";
this.querySequenceString = "select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.sequences";
else {
this.sequenceInformationExtractor = SequenceInformationExtractorNoOpImpl.INSTANCE;

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public String getAddColumnString() {
public String getSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName) {
return "select " + getSelectSequenceNextValString( sequenceName ) + " from RDB$DATABASE";
return "select " + getSelectSequenceNextValString( sequenceName ) + " from rdb$database";
@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ public String getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName) {
public String getDropSequenceString(String sequenceName) {
return "delete from RDB$GENERATORS where RDB$GENERATOR_NAME = '" + sequenceName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) + "'";
return "delete from rdb$generators where rdb$generator_name = '" + sequenceName.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) + "'";
public String getQuerySequencesString() {
return "select rdb$generator_name from rdb$generators";
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public String getCurrentTimestampSelectString() {
// TODO : not sure which (either?) is correct, could not find docs on how to do this.
// did find various blogs and forums mentioning that select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
// does not work...
return "{?= call CURRENT_TIMESTAMP }";
return "{?= call current_timestamp }";
// return "select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from RDB$DATABASE";

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public String getSelectSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName) {
public String getQuerySequencesString() {
return "select table_name from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = database() and table_type = 'SEQUENCE'";
return "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = database() and table_type = 'SEQUENCE'";

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@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ public boolean canCreateSchema() {
public String getCurrentSchemaCommand() {
return "select sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA') from dual";

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public String getSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName) {
public String getQuerySequencesString() {
// The upper-case name should work on both case-sensitive and case-insensitive collations.
return "select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES";
return "select * from information_schema.sequences";

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public char closeQuote() {
public String getCurrentSchemaCommand() {
return "select schema_name()";

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public String addQueryHints(String query, String hints) {
String endToken = matcher.group( 2 );
return new StringBuilder( startToken )
.append( " USE INDEX (" )
.append( " use index (" )
.append( hints )
.append( ") " )
.append( endToken )

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@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.dialect.pagination;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.RowSelection;
public class Informix10LimitHandler extends AbstractLimitHandler {
public static final Informix10LimitHandler INSTANCE = new Informix10LimitHandler();
private Informix10LimitHandler() {
// Disallow instantiation
public String processSql(String sql, RowSelection selection) {
final boolean hasOffset = LimitHelper.hasFirstRow( selection );
String sqlOffset = hasOffset ? " SKIP " + selection.getFirstRow() : "";
String sqlLimit = " FIRST " + getMaxOrLimit( selection );
String sqlOffsetLimit = sqlOffset + sqlLimit;
String result = new StringBuilder( sql.length() + 10 )
.append( sql )
.insert( sql.toLowerCase( Locale.ROOT ).indexOf( "select" ) + 6, sqlOffsetLimit ).toString();
return result;
public boolean supportsLimit() {
return true;
public boolean bindLimitParametersFirst() {
return true;
public boolean useMaxForLimit() {
return false;
public boolean supportsLimitOffset() {
return true;
public boolean supportsVariableLimit() {
return false;
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.dialect.pagination;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.RowSelection;
public class Informix10LimitHandler extends AbstractLimitHandler {
public static final Informix10LimitHandler INSTANCE = new Informix10LimitHandler();
private Informix10LimitHandler() {
// Disallow instantiation
public String processSql(String sql, RowSelection selection) {
final boolean hasOffset = LimitHelper.hasFirstRow( selection );
String sqlOffset = hasOffset ? " skip " + selection.getFirstRow() : "";
String sqlLimit = " first " + getMaxOrLimit( selection );
String sqlOffsetLimit = sqlOffset + sqlLimit;
String result = new StringBuilder( sql.length() + 10 )
.append( sql )
.insert( sql.toLowerCase( Locale.ROOT ).indexOf( "select" ) + 6, sqlOffsetLimit ).toString();
return result;
public boolean supportsLimit() {
return true;
public boolean bindLimitParametersFirst() {
return true;
public boolean useMaxForLimit() {
return false;
public boolean supportsLimitOffset() {
return true;
public boolean supportsVariableLimit() {
return false;

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@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ public int convertToFirstRowValue(int zeroBasedFirstResult) {
* <pre>
* WITH query AS (
* SELECT inner_query.*
* , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__
* FROM ( original_query_with_top_if_order_by_present_and_all_aliased_columns ) inner_query
* )
* SELECT alias_list FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= offset AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < offset + last
* SELECT alias_list FROM query WHERE __row__ >= offset AND __row__ < offset + last
* </pre>
* When offset equals {@literal 0}, only <code>TOP(?)</code> expression is added to the original query.
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ public String processSql(String sql, RowSelection selection) {
encloseWithOuterQuery( sb, offset );
sb.insert( offset, !isCTE ? "WITH query AS (" : ", query AS (" );
sb.append( ") SELECT " ).append( selectClause ).append( " FROM query " );
sb.append( "WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?" );
sb.insert( offset, !isCTE ? "with query as (" : ", query as (" );
sb.append( ") select " ).append( selectClause ).append( " from query " );
sb.append( "where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?" );
return sb.toString();
@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ private String getAlias(String expression) {
* Encloses original SQL statement with outer query that provides {@literal __hibernate_row_nr__} column.
* Encloses original SQL statement with outer query that provides {@literal __row__} column.
* @param sql SQL query.
* @param offset SQL query offset.
protected void encloseWithOuterQuery(StringBuilder sql, int offset) {
sql.insert( offset, "SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " );
sql.insert( offset, "select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " );
sql.append( " ) inner_query " );
@ -321,11 +321,11 @@ protected void addTopExpression(StringBuilder sql, int offset) {
final int selectDistinctPos = shallowIndexOfPattern( sql, SELECT_DISTINCT_PATTERN, offset );
if ( selectPos == selectDistinctPos ) {
sql.insert( selectDistinctPos + SELECT_DISTINCT.length(), " TOP(?)" );
sql.insert( selectDistinctPos + SELECT_DISTINCT.length(), " top(?)" );
else {
// Place TOP after SELECT
sql.insert( selectPos + SELECT.length(), " TOP(?)" );
sql.insert( selectPos + SELECT.length(), " top(?)" );
topAdded = true;

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class InformixLimitHandlerTestCase extends
private Informix10LimitHandler informixLimitHandler;
private final String TEST_SQL = "SELECT field FROM table";
private final String TEST_SQL = "select field from table";
public void setup() {
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ public void setup() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-11509")
public void testCorrectLimit() {
assertLimitHandlerEquals( "SELECT FIRST 10 field FROM table", 0, 10 );
assertLimitHandlerEquals( "SELECT SKIP 3 FIRST 5 field FROM table", 3, 5 );
assertLimitHandlerEquals( "SELECT SKIP 10 FIRST 5 field FROM table", 10, 5 );
assertLimitHandlerEquals( "SELECT SKIP 55 FIRST 12 field FROM table", 55, 12 );
assertLimitHandlerEquals( "select first 10 field from table", 0, 10 );
assertLimitHandlerEquals( "select skip 3 first 5 field from table", 3, 5 );
assertLimitHandlerEquals( "select skip 10 first 5 field from table", 10, 5 );
assertLimitHandlerEquals( "select skip 55 first 12 field from table", 55, 12 );
private void assertLimitHandlerEquals(String sql, int firstRow, int maxRows) {

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@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ public void testGetLimitString() {
String input = "select distinct f1 as f53245 from table849752 order by f234, f67 desc";
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __hibernate_row_nr__ from ( " +
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select distinct top(?) f1 as f53245 from table849752 order by f234, f67 desc ) inner_query )" +
" select f53245 from query where __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? and __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
" select f53245 from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( input, toRowSelection( 10, 15 ) ).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) );
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-10736")
public void testGetLimitStringWithNewlineAfterSelect() {
final String query = "select" + System.lineSeparator() + "* FROM Employee E WHERE E.firstName = :firstName";
final String query = "select" + System.lineSeparator() + "* from Employee E where E.firstName = :firstName";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
query + " ) inner_query ) SELECT * FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
query + " ) inner_query ) select * from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 25 ) )
@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithNewlineAfterSelect() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-10736")
public void testGetLimitStringWithNewlineAfterSelectWithMultipleSpaces() {
final String query = "select " + System.lineSeparator() + "* FROM Employee E WHERE E.firstName = :firstName";
final String query = "select " + System.lineSeparator() + "* from employee e where e.firstName = :firstName";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
query + " ) inner_query ) SELECT * FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
query + " ) inner_query ) select * from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 25 ) )
@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithNewlineAfterSelectWithMultipleSpaces() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-8507")
public void testGetLimitStringWithNewlineAfterColumnList() {
final String query = "select E.fieldA,E.fieldB\r\nFROM Employee E WHERE E.firstName = :firstName";
final String query = "select e.fielda,e.fieldb\r\nfrom employee e where e.firstname = :firstname";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select E.fieldA as page0_,E.fieldB as page1_\r\n" +
"FROM Employee E WHERE E.firstName = :firstName ) inner_query ) SELECT page0_, page1_ FROM query " +
"WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select e.fielda as page0_,e.fieldb as page1_\r\n" +
"from employee e where e.firstname = :firstname ) inner_query ) select page0_, page1_ from query " +
"where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 25 ) )
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithFromColumnName() {
"where persistent0_.customerid=?";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
fromColumnNameSQL + " ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT rid1688_, deviati16_1688_, sortindex1688_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"select rid1688_, deviati16_1688_, sortindex1688_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( fromColumnNameSQL, toRowSelection( 1, 10 ) )
@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringAliasGeneration() {
final String notAliasedSQL = "select column1, column2, column3, column4 from table1";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select column1 as page0_, column2 as page1_, column3 as page2_, column4 as page3_ from table1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT page0_, page1_, page2_, page3_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"select page0_, page1_, page2_, page3_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( notAliasedSQL, toRowSelection( 3, 5 ) )
@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringAliasGeneration() {
public void testGetLimitStringAliasGenerationWithAliasesNoAs() {
final String aliasedSQLNoAs = "select column1 c1, column c2, column c3, column c4 from table1";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select column1 c1, column c2, column c3, column c4 from table1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4 FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"select c1, c2, c3, c4 from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( aliasedSQLNoAs, toRowSelection( 3, 5 ) )
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringAliasGenerationWithAliasesNoAs() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-11352")
public void testPagingWithColumnNameStartingWithFrom() {
final String sql = "select column1 c1, from_column c2 from table1";
assertEquals( "WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
assertEquals( "with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select column1 c1, from_column c2 from table1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT c1, c2 FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"select c1, c2 from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql(sql, toRowSelection(3, 5)));
@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithSubselect() {
"where persistent0_.type='v'";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
subselectInSelectClauseSQL + " ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT col_0_0_, col_1_0_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"select col_0_0_, col_1_0_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( subselectInSelectClauseSQL, toRowSelection( 2, 5 ) )
@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithSubselect() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-11084")
public void testGetLimitStringWithSelectDistinctSubselect() {
final String selectDistinctSubselectSQL = "select page0_.CONTENTID as CONTENT1_12_ " +
"where page0_.CONTENTTYPE='PAGE' and (page0_.CONTENTID in " +
"(select distinct page2_.PREVVER from CONTENT page2_ where (page2_.PREVVER is not null)))";
final String selectDistinctSubselectSQL = "select page0_.contentid as content1_12_ " +
"where page0_.contenttype='page' and (page0_.contentid in " +
"(select distinct page2_.prevver from content page2_ where (page2_.prevver is not null)))";
"select TOP(?) page0_.CONTENTID as CONTENT1_12_ " +
"where page0_.CONTENTTYPE='PAGE' and (page0_.CONTENTID in " +
"(select distinct page2_.PREVVER from CONTENT page2_ where (page2_.PREVVER is not null)))",
"select top(?) page0_.contentid as content1_12_ " +
"where page0_.contenttype='page' and (page0_.contentid in " +
"(select distinct page2_.prevver from content page2_ where (page2_.prevver is not null)))",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( selectDistinctSubselectSQL, toRowSelection( 0, 5 ) )
@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithSelectDistinctSubselect() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-11084")
public void testGetLimitStringWithSelectDistinctSubselectNotFirst() {
final String selectDistinctSubselectSQL = "select page0_.CONTENTID as CONTENT1_12_ FROM CONTEXT page0_ " +
"where page0_.CONTENTTYPE='PAGE' and (page0_.CONTENTID in " +
"(select distinct page2_.PREVVER from CONTENT page2_ where (page2_.PREVVER is not null)))";
final String selectDistinctSubselectSQL = "select page0_.contentid as content1_12_ from context page0_ " +
"where page0_.contenttype='page' and (page0_.contentid in " +
"(select distinct page2_.prevver from content page2_ where (page2_.prevver is not null)))";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ " +
"FROM ( " + selectDistinctSubselectSQL + " ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT CONTENT1_12_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ " +
"from ( " + selectDistinctSubselectSQL + " ) inner_query ) " +
"select content1_12_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( selectDistinctSubselectSQL, toRowSelection( 1, 5 ) )
@ -189,18 +189,18 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithSelectDistinctSubselectNotFirst() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-6728")
public void testGetLimitStringCaseSensitive() {
final String caseSensitiveSQL = "select persistent0_.id, persistent0_.uid AS tmp1, " +
final String caseSensitiveSQL = "select persistent0_.id, persistent0_.uid as tmp1, " +
"(select case when persistent0_.name = 'Smith' then 'Neo' else persistent0_.id end) " +
"from C_Customer persistent0_ " +
"from c_customer persistent0_ " +
"where persistent0_.type='Va' " +
"order by persistent0_.Order";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) persistent0_.id as page0_, persistent0_.uid AS tmp1, " +
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) persistent0_.id as page0_, persistent0_.uid as tmp1, " +
"(select case when persistent0_.name = 'Smith' then 'Neo' else persistent0_.id end) as page1_ " +
"from C_Customer persistent0_ where persistent0_.type='Va' order by persistent0_.Order ) " +
"inner_query ) SELECT page0_, tmp1, page1_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"from c_customer persistent0_ where persistent0_.type='Va' order by persistent0_.Order ) " +
"inner_query ) select page0_, tmp1, page1_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( caseSensitiveSQL, toRowSelection( 1, 2 ) )
@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringDistinctWithinAggregation() {
final String distinctInAggregateSQL = "select aggregate_function(distinct p.n) as f1 from table849752 p order by f1";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) aggregate_function(distinct p.n) as f1 from table849752 p order by f1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT f1 FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) aggregate_function(distinct p.n) as f1 from table849752 p order by f1 ) inner_query ) " +
"select f1 from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( distinctInAggregateSQL, toRowSelection( 2, 5 ) )
@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringDistinctWithinAggregationWithoutAlias() {
final String distinctInAggregateSQL = "select aggregate_function(distinct p.n) from table849752 p order by f1";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) aggregate_function(distinct p.n) as page0_ from table849752 p order by f1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT page0_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) aggregate_function(distinct p.n) as page0_ from table849752 p order by f1 ) inner_query ) " +
"select page0_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( distinctInAggregateSQL, toRowSelection( 2, 5 ) )
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringDistinctWithinAggregationWithAliasNoAs() {
final String distinctInAggregateSQL = "select aggregate_function(distinct p.n) f1 from table849752 p order by f1";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) aggregate_function(distinct p.n) f1 from table849752 p order by f1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT f1 FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) aggregate_function(distinct p.n) f1 from table849752 p order by f1 ) inner_query ) " +
"select f1 from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( distinctInAggregateSQL, toRowSelection( 2, 5 ) )
@ -248,20 +248,20 @@ public void testGetLimitStringDistinctWithinAggregationWithAliasNoAs() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-7370")
public void testGetLimitStringWithMaxOnly() {
final String query = "select product2x0_.id as id0_, product2x0_.description as descript2_0_ " +
"from Product2 product2x0_ order by product2x0_.id";
"from product2 product2x0_ order by product2x0_.id";
"select TOP(?) product2x0_.id as id0_, product2x0_.description as descript2_0_ " +
"from Product2 product2x0_ order by product2x0_.id",
"select top(?) product2x0_.id as id0_, product2x0_.description as descript2_0_ " +
"from product2 product2x0_ order by product2x0_.id",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 0, 1 ) )
final String distinctQuery = "select distinct product2x0_.id as id0_, product2x0_.description as descript2_0_ " +
"from Product2 product2x0_ order by product2x0_.id";
"from product2 product2x0_ order by product2x0_.id";
"select distinct TOP(?) product2x0_.id as id0_, product2x0_.description as descript2_0_ " +
"from Product2 product2x0_ order by product2x0_.id",
"select distinct top(?) product2x0_.id as id0_, product2x0_.description as descript2_0_ " +
"from product2 product2x0_ order by product2x0_.id",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( distinctQuery, toRowSelection( 0, 5 ) )
@ -269,14 +269,14 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithMaxOnly() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-7781")
public void testGetLimitStringWithCastOperator() {
final String query = "select cast(lc302_doku6_.redniBrojStavke as varchar(255)) as col_0_0_, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID as col_1_0_ " +
"from LC302_Dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID DESC";
final String query = "select cast(lc302_doku6_.rednibrojstavke as varchar(255)) as col_0_0_, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid as col_1_0_ " +
"from lc302_dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid desc";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) cast(lc302_doku6_.redniBrojStavke as varchar(255)) as col_0_0_, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID as col_1_0_ " +
"from LC302_Dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID DESC ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT col_0_0_, col_1_0_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) cast(lc302_doku6_.rednibrojstavke as varchar(255)) as col_0_0_, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid as col_1_0_ " +
"from lc302_dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid desc ) inner_query ) " +
"select col_0_0_, col_1_0_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 3 ) )
@ -284,14 +284,14 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithCastOperator() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-10994")
public void testGetLimitStringWithCastOperatorWithAliasNoAs() {
final String query = "select cast(lc302_doku6_.redniBrojStavke as varchar(255)) f1, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID f2 " +
"from LC302_Dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID DESC";
final String query = "select cast(lc302_doku6_.rednibrojstavke as varchar(255)) f1, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid f2 " +
"from lc302_dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid desc";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) cast(lc302_doku6_.redniBrojStavke as varchar(255)) f1, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID f2 " +
"from LC302_Dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID DESC ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT f1, f2 FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) cast(lc302_doku6_.rednibrojstavke as varchar(255)) f1, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid f2 " +
"from lc302_dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid desc ) inner_query ) " +
"select f1, f2 from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 3 ) )
@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithCastOperatorWithAliasNoAs() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-10994")
public void testGetLimitStringWithCastOperatorWithoutAliases() {
final String query = "select cast(lc302_doku6_.redniBrojStavke as varchar(255)), lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID " +
"from LC302_Dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID DESC";
final String query = "select cast(lc302_doku6_.rednibrojstavke as varchar(255)), lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid " +
"from lc302_dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid desc";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) cast(lc302_doku6_.redniBrojStavke as varchar(255)) as page0_, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID as page1_ " +
"from LC302_Dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiID DESC ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT page0_, page1_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) cast(lc302_doku6_.rednibrojstavke as varchar(255)) as page0_, lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid as page1_ " +
"from lc302_dokumenti lc302_doku6_ order by lc302_doku6_.dokumentiid desc ) inner_query ) " +
"select page0_, page1_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 3 ) )
@ -317,9 +317,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringSelectingMultipleColumnsFromSeveralTables() {
final String query = "select t1.*, t2.* from tab1 t1, tab2 t2 where t1.ref = t2.ref order by t1.id desc";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) t1.*, t2.* from tab1 t1, tab2 t2 where t1.ref = t2.ref order by t1.id desc ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT * FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) t1.*, t2.* from tab1 t1, tab2 t2 where t1.ref = t2.ref order by t1.id desc ) inner_query ) " +
"select * from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 3 ) )
@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringSelectingAllColumns() {
final String query = "select * from tab1 t1, tab2 t2 where t1.ref = t2.ref order by t1.id desc";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) * from tab1 t1, tab2 t2 where t1.ref = t2.ref order by t1.id desc ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT * FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) * from tab1 t1, tab2 t2 where t1.ref = t2.ref order by t1.id desc ) inner_query ) " +
"select * from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 3 ) )
@ -342,9 +342,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringSelectingAllColumns() {
public void testGetLimitStringWithFromInColumnName() {
final String query = "select [Created From Nonstock Item], field2 from table1";
assertEquals( "WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
assertEquals( "with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select [Created From Nonstock Item] as page0_, field2 as page1_ from table1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT page0_, page1_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"select page0_, page1_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 5 ) )
@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithFromInColumnName() {
public void testGetLimitStringWithQuotedColumnNamesAndAlias() {
final String query = "select [Created From Item] c1, field2 from table1";
assertEquals( "WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
assertEquals( "with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select [Created From Item] c1, field2 as page0_ from table1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT c1, page0_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"select c1, page0_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 5 ) )
@ -366,9 +366,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithQuotedColumnNamesAndAlias() {
public void testGetLimitStringWithQuotedColumnNamesAndAliasWithAs() {
final String query = "select [Created From Item] as c1, field2 from table1";
assertEquals( "WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
assertEquals( "with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select [Created From Item] as c1, field2 as page0_ from table1 ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT c1, page0_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"select c1, page0_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 5 ) )
@ -376,12 +376,12 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithQuotedColumnNamesAndAliasWithAs() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-11324")
public void testGetLimitStringWithSelectClauseNestedQueryUsingParenthesis() {
final String query = "select t1.c1 as col_0_0, (select case when count(t2.c1)>0 then 'ADDED' else 'UNMODIFIED' end from table2 t2 WHERE (t2.c1 in (?))) as col_1_0 from table1 t1 WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY t1.c1 ASC";
final String query = "select t1.c1 as col_0_0, (select case when count(t2.c1)>0 then 'added' else 'unmodified' end from table2 t2 where (t2.c1 in (?))) as col_1_0 from table1 t1 where 1=1 order by t1.c1 asc";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) t1.c1 as col_0_0, (select case when count(t2.c1)>0 then 'ADDED' else 'UNMODIFIED' end from table2 t2 WHERE (t2.c1 in (?))) as col_1_0 from table1 t1 WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY t1.c1 ASC ) inner_query ) " +
"SELECT col_0_0, col_1_0 FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) t1.c1 as col_0_0, (select case when count(t2.c1)>0 then 'added' else 'unmodified' end from table2 t2 where (t2.c1 in (?))) as col_1_0 from table1 t1 where 1=1 order by t1.c1 asc ) inner_query ) " +
"select col_0_0, col_1_0 from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 5 ) )
@ -389,11 +389,11 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithSelectClauseNestedQueryUsingParenthesis() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-11650")
public void testGetLimitWithStringValueContainingParenthesis() {
final String query = "select t1.c1 as col_0_0 FROM table1 t1 where t1.c1 = '(123' ORDER BY t1.c1 ASC";
final String query = "select t1.c1 as col_0_0 from table1 t1 where t1.c1 = '(123' order by t1.c1 asc";
"WITH query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( " +
"select TOP(?) t1.c1 as col_0_0 FROM table1 t1 where t1.c1 = '(123' ORDER BY t1.c1 ASC ) inner_query ) SELECT col_0_0 FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( " +
"select top(?) t1.c1 as col_0_0 from table1 t1 where t1.c1 = '(123' order by t1.c1 asc ) inner_query ) select col_0_0 from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 1, 5 ) )
@ -401,10 +401,10 @@ public void testGetLimitWithStringValueContainingParenthesis() {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-11324")
public void testGetLimitStringWithSelectClauseNestedQueryUsingParenthesisOnlyTop() {
final String query = "select t1.c1 as col_0_0, (select case when count(t2.c1)>0 then 'ADDED' else 'UNMODIFIED' end from table2 t2 WHERE (t2.c1 in (?))) as col_1_0 from table1 t1 WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY t1.c1 ASC";
final String query = "select t1.c1 as col_0_0, (select case when count(t2.c1)>0 then 'ADDED' else 'UNMODIFIED' end from table2 t2 where (t2.c1 in (?))) as col_1_0 from table1 t1 where 1=1 order by t1.c1 asc";
"select TOP(?) t1.c1 as col_0_0, (select case when count(t2.c1)>0 then 'ADDED' else 'UNMODIFIED' end from table2 t2 WHERE (t2.c1 in (?))) as col_1_0 from table1 t1 WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY t1.c1 ASC",
"select top(?) t1.c1 as col_0_0, (select case when count(t2.c1)>0 then 'ADDED' else 'UNMODIFIED' end from table2 t2 where (t2.c1 in (?))) as col_1_0 from table1 t1 where 1=1 order by t1.c1 asc",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query, toRowSelection( 0, 5 ) )
@ -415,34 +415,34 @@ public void testGetLimitStringUsingCTEQueryNoOffset() {
RowSelection selection = toRowSelection( 0, 5 );
// test top-based CTE with single CTE query definition with no odd formatting
final String query1 = "WITH a (c1, c2) AS (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t) SELECT c1, c2 FROM a";
final String query1 = "with a (c1, c2) as (select c1, c2 from t) select c1, c2 from a";
"WITH a (c1, c2) AS (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t) SELECT TOP(?) c1, c2 FROM a",
"with a (c1, c2) as (select c1, c2 from t) select top(?) c1, c2 from a",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query1, selection )
// test top-based CTE with single CTE query definition and various tab, newline spaces
final String query2 = " \n\tWITH a (c1\n\t,c2)\t\nAS (SELECT\n\tc1,c2 FROM t)\t\nSELECT c1, c2 FROM a";
final String query2 = " \n\twith a (c1\n\t,c2)\t\nas (select\n\tc1,c2 from t)\t\nselect c1, c2 from a";
" \n\tWITH a (c1\n\t,c2)\t\nAS (SELECT\n\tc1,c2 FROM t)\t\nSELECT TOP(?) c1, c2 FROM a",
" \n\twith a (c1\n\t,c2)\t\nas (select\n\tc1,c2 from t)\t\nselect top(?) c1, c2 from a",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query2, selection )
// test top-based CTE with multiple CTE query definitions with no odd formatting
final String query3 = "WITH a (c1, c2) AS (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1), b (b1, b2) AS (SELECT b1, b2 FROM t2) " +
"SELECT c1, c2, b1, b2 FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.c1 = t2.b1";
final String query3 = "with a (c1, c2) as (select c1, c2 from t1), b (b1, b2) as (select b1, b2 from t2) " +
"select c1, c2, b1, b2 from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.b1";
"WITH a (c1, c2) AS (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1), b (b1, b2) AS (SELECT b1, b2 FROM t2) " +
"SELECT TOP(?) c1, c2, b1, b2 FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.c1 = t2.b1",
"with a (c1, c2) as (select c1, c2 from t1), b (b1, b2) as (select b1, b2 from t2) " +
"select top(?) c1, c2, b1, b2 from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.b1",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query3, selection )
// test top-based CTE with multiple CTE query definitions and various tab, newline spaces
final String query4 = " \n\r\tWITH a (c1, c2) AS\n\r (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1)\n\r, b (b1, b2)\tAS\t" +
"(SELECT b1, b2 FROM t2) SELECT c1, c2, b1, b2 FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.c1 = t2.b1";
final String query4 = " \n\r\twith a (c1, c2) as\n\r (select c1, c2 from t1)\n\r, b (b1, b2)\tas\t" +
"(select b1, b2 from t2) select c1, c2, b1, b2 from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.b1";
" \n\r\tWITH a (c1, c2) AS\n\r (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1)\n\r, b (b1, b2)\tAS\t(SELECT b1, b2 FROM t2)" +
" SELECT TOP(?) c1, c2, b1, b2 FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.c1 = t2.b1",
" \n\r\twith a (c1, c2) as\n\r (select c1, c2 from t1)\n\r, b (b1, b2)\tas\t(select b1, b2 from t2)" +
" select top(?) c1, c2, b1, b2 from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.b1",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query4, selection )
@ -453,44 +453,44 @@ public void testGetLimitStringUsingCTEQueryWithOffset() {
RowSelection selection = toRowSelection( 1, 5 );
// test non-top based CTE with single CTE query definition with no odd formatting
final String query1 = "WITH a (c1, c2) AS (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t) SELECT c1, c2 FROM a";
final String query1 = "with a (c1, c2) as (select c1, c2 from t) select c1, c2 from a";
"WITH a (c1, c2) AS (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t), query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER " +
"(ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( SELECT c1 as page0_, c2 as page1_ " +
"FROM a ) inner_query ) SELECT page0_, page1_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? " +
"AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with a (c1, c2) as (select c1, c2 from t), query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over " +
"(order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( select c1 as page0_, c2 as page1_ " +
"from a ) inner_query ) select page0_, page1_ from query where __row__ >= ? " +
"and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query1, selection )
// test non-top based CTE with single CTE query definition and various tab, newline spaces
final String query2 = " \n\tWITH a (c1\n\t,c2)\t\nAS (SELECT\n\tc1,c2 FROM t)\t\nSELECT c1, c2 FROM a";
final String query2 = " \n\twith a (c1\n\t,c2)\t\nas (select\n\tc1,c2 from t)\t\nselect c1, c2 from a";
" \n\tWITH a (c1\n\t,c2)\t\nAS (SELECT\n\tc1,c2 FROM t), query AS (SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER()" +
" OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM ( \t\nSELECT c1 as page0_, c2 " +
"as page1_ FROM a ) inner_query ) SELECT page0_, page1_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= " +
"? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
" \n\twith a (c1\n\t,c2)\t\nas (select\n\tc1,c2 from t), query as (select inner_query.*, row_number()" +
" over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from ( \t\nselect c1 as page0_, c2 " +
"as page1_ from a ) inner_query ) select page0_, page1_ from query where __row__ >= " +
"? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query2, selection )
// test non-top based CTE with multiple CTE query definitions with no odd formatting
final String query3 = "WITH a (c1, c2) AS (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1), b (b1, b2) AS (SELECT b1, b2 FROM t2) " +
" SELECT c1, c2, b1, b2 FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.c1 = t2.b1";
final String query3 = "with a (c1, c2) as (select c1, c2 from t1), b (b1, b2) as (select b1, b2 from t2) " +
" select c1, c2, b1, b2 from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.b1";
"WITH a (c1, c2) AS (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1), b (b1, b2) AS (SELECT b1, b2 FROM t2), query AS (" +
"SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM (" +
" SELECT c1 as page0_, c2 as page1_, b1 as page2_, b2 as page3_ FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.c1 = t2.b1 ) inner_query )" +
" SELECT page0_, page1_, page2_, page3_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"with a (c1, c2) as (select c1, c2 from t1), b (b1, b2) as (select b1, b2 from t2), query as (" +
"select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from (" +
" select c1 as page0_, c2 as page1_, b1 as page2_, b2 as page3_ from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.b1 ) inner_query )" +
" select page0_, page1_, page2_, page3_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query3, selection )
// test top-based CTE with multiple CTE query definitions and various tab, newline spaces
final String query4 = " \n\r\tWITH a (c1, c2) AS\n\r (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1)\n\r, b (b1, b2)\tAS\t(SELECT b1, " +
"b2 FROM t2) SELECT c1, c2, b1, b2 FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.c1 = t2.b1";
final String query4 = " \n\r\twith a (c1, c2) as\n\r (select c1, c2 from t1)\n\r, b (b1, b2)\tas\t(select b1, " +
"b2 from t2) select c1, c2, b1, b2 from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.b1";
" \n\r\tWITH a (c1, c2) AS\n\r (SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1)\n\r, b (b1, b2)\tAS\t(SELECT b1, b2 FROM t2), query AS (" +
"SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __hibernate_row_nr__ FROM (" +
" SELECT c1 as page0_, c2 as page1_, b1 as page2_, b2 as page3_ FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.c1 = t2.b1 ) inner_query )" +
" SELECT page0_, page1_, page2_, page3_ FROM query WHERE __hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? AND __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
" \n\r\twith a (c1, c2) as\n\r (select c1, c2 from t1)\n\r, b (b1, b2)\tas\t(select b1, b2 from t2), query as (" +
"select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ from (" +
" select c1 as page0_, c2 as page1_, b1 as page2_, b2 as page3_ from t1, t2 where t1.c1 = t2.b1 ) inner_query )" +
" select page0_, page1_, page2_, page3_ from query where __row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( query4, selection )

View File

@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ public void testGetLimitStringWithOffsetAndMaxRowsNoOrderBy() {
// See SQLServer2012LimitHandler for why this falls back
final String input = "select f1 from table";
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __hibernate_row_nr__ " +
"with query as (select inner_query.*, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) as __row__ " +
"from ( select f1 as page0_ from table ) inner_query ) select page0_ from query where " +
"__hibernate_row_nr__ >= ? and __hibernate_row_nr__ < ?",
"__row__ >= ? and __row__ < ?",
dialect.getLimitHandler().processSql( input, toRowSelection( 5, 10 ) ).toLowerCase( Locale.ROOT )

View File

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public void testSelectNamedNativeQueryWithQueryHintUsingIndex() {
"/* COMMENT_SELECT_INDEX_game_title */ select namedquery0_.id as id1_0_, namedquery0_.title as title2_0_ from game namedquery0_ USE INDEX (idx_game_id) where namedquery0_.title=?" )
"/* COMMENT_SELECT_INDEX_game_title */ select namedquery0_.id as id1_0_, namedquery0_.title as title2_0_ from game namedquery0_ use index (idx_game_id) where namedquery0_.title=?" )
} );