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git-svn-id: 1b8cb986-b30d-0410-93ca-fae66ebed9b2
This commit is contained in:
xhuang 2007-10-27 03:41:26 +00:00
parent 1a1fc99092
commit add1ff0f46
7 changed files with 214 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -284,7 +284,14 @@
<literal>org.hibernate.context.ThreadLocalSessionContext</literal> - 현재의 세션들은
실행 쓰레드에 의해 추적된다. 상세한 것은 다시 javadocs를 보라.
</listitem> <listitem>
<literal>org.hibernate.context.ManagedSessionContext</literal> - current
sessions are tracked by thread of execution. However, you are responsible to
bind and unbind a <literal>Session</literal> instance with static methods
on this class, it does never open, flush, or close a <literal>Session</literal>.
처음의 두 구현들은 <emphasis>session-per-request</emphasis>로 알려지고 사용되고 있는

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@ -862,7 +862,175 @@
<sect2 id="mapping-declaration-id-enhanced">
<title>NOT TRANSLATED!Enhanced identifier generators</title>
Starting with release 3.2.3, there are 2 new generators which represent a re-thinking of 2 different
aspects of identifier generation. The first aspect is database portability; the second is optimization
(not having to query the database for every request for a new identifier value). These two new
generators are intended to take the place of some of the named generators described above (starting
in 3.3.x); however, they are included in the current releases and can be referenced by FQN.
The first of these new generators is <literal></literal>
which is intended firstly as a replacement for the <literal>sequence</literal> generator and secondly as
a better portability generator than <literal>native</literal> (because <literal>native</literal>
(generally) chooses between <literal>identity</literal> and <literal>sequence</literal> which have
largely different semantics which can cause subtle isssues in applications eyeing portability).
<literal></literal> however achieves portability in
a different manner. It chooses between using a table or a sequence in the database to store its
incrementing values depending on the capabilities of the dialect being used. The difference between this
and <literal>native</literal> is that table-based and sequence-based storage have the same exact
semantic (in fact sequences are exactly what Hibernate tries to emmulate with its table-based
generators). This generator has a number of configuration parameters:
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<literal>sequence_name</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>hibernate_sequence</literal>):
The name of the sequence (or table) to be used.
<literal>initial_value</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>1</literal>): The initial
value to be retrieved from the sequence/table. In sequence creation terms, this is analogous
to the clause typical named "STARTS WITH".
<literal>increment_size</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>1</literal>): The value by
which subsequent calls to the sequence/table should differ. In sequence creation terms, this
is analogous to the clause typical named "INCREMENT BY".
<literal>force_table_use</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>false</literal>): Should
we force the use of a table as the backing structure even though the dialect might support
<literal>value_column</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>next_val</literal>): Only
relevant for table structures! The name of the column on the table which is used to
hold the value.
<literal>optimizer</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>none</literal>):
See <xref linkend="mapping-declaration-id-enhanced-optimizers"/>
The second of these new generators is <literal></literal> which
is intended firstly as a replacement for the <literal>table</literal> generator (although it actually
functions much more like <literal></literal>) and secondly
as a re-implementation of <literal></literal> utilizing the
notion of pluggable optimiziers. Essentially this generator defines a table capable of holding
a number of different increment values simultaneously by using multiple distinctly keyed rows. This
generator has a number of configuration parameters:
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<literal>table_name</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>hibernate_sequences</literal>):
The name of the table to be used.
<literal>value_column_name</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>next_val</literal>):
The name of the column on the table which is used to hold the value.
<literal>segment_column_name</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>sequence_name</literal>):
The name of the column on the table which is used to hold the "segement key". This is the
value which distinctly identifies which increment value to use.
<literal>segment_value</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>default</literal>):
The "segment key" value for the segment from which we want to pull increment values for
this generator.
<literal>segment_value_length</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>255</literal>):
Used for schema generation; the column size to create this segment key column.
<literal>initial_value</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>1</literal>):
The initial value to be retrieved from the table.
<literal>increment_size</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal>1</literal>):
The value by which subsequent calls to the table should differ.
<literal>optimizer</literal> (optional, defaults to <literal></literal>):
See <xref linkend="mapping-declaration-id-enhanced-optimizers"/>
<sect2 id="mapping-declaration-id-enhanced-optimizers">
<title>NOT TRANSLATED! Identifier generator optimization</title>
For identifier generators which store values in the database, it is inefficient for them to hit the
database on each and every call to generate a new identifier value. Instead, you'd ideally want to
group a bunch of them in memory and only hit the database when you have exhausted your in-memory
value group. This is the role of the pluggable optimizers. Currently only the two enhanced generators
(<xref linkend="mapping-declaration-id-enhanced"/> support this notion.
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<literal>none</literal> (generally this is the default if no optimizer was specified): This
says to not perform any optimizations, and hit the database each and every request.
<literal>hilo</literal>: applies a hi/lo algorithm around the database retrieved values. The
values from the database for this optimizer are expected to be sequential. The values
retrieved from the database structure for this optimizer indicates the "group number"; the
<literal>increment_size</literal> is multiplied by that value in memory to define a group
"hi value".
<literal>pooled</literal>: like was discussed for <literal>hilo</literal>, this optimizers
attempts to minimize the number of hits to the database. Here, however, we simply store
the starting value for the "next group" into the database structure rather than a sequential
value in combination with an in-memory grouping algorithm. <literal>increment_size</literal>
here refers to the values coming from the database.
<sect2 id="mapping-declaration-compositeid" revision="3">

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@ -581,8 +581,7 @@ hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect]]></programlisting>
<literal>binary</literal> 또는 <literal>serializable</literal> 타입들을 JDBC로 기록하고
/JDBC로부터 <literal>binary</literal> 또는 <literal>serializable</literal> 타입들을 읽어들일 때
FUZZY! <literal>binary</literal> 또는 <literal>serializable</literal> 타입들을 읽어들일 때
스트림들을 사용한다(시스템-레벨 프로퍼티).
<emphasis role="strong">예.</emphasis>

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@ -121,12 +121,7 @@ public class AuditInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor {
<programlisting><![CDATA[Session session = sf.openSession( new AuditInterceptor() );]]></programlisting>
당신은 또한 <literal>Configuration</literal>을 사용하여 인터셉터를 전역 레벨 상에 설정할 수도 있다.
이 경우에, 인터셉터는 threadsafe이어야 한다.
<programlisting><![CDATA[Session session = sf.openSession( new AuditInterceptor() );]]></programlisting>
<literal>SessionFactory</literal>-영역의 인터셉터는 <literal>SessionFactory</literal>을 빌드하기에 앞서

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@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ Cat fritz = (Cat);]]></programlisting>
<entry>memory, disk</entry>
<entry>yes (clustered invalidation)</entry>

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@ -155,9 +155,7 @@ public class Cat {
를 보라

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@ -84,6 +84,28 @@ Long generatedId = (Long);]]></programlisting>
호출하기 전에 그 식별자가<literal>cat</literal> 인스턴스에 할당될 것이다. 당신은 또한 EJB3 초기 드래프트에서
정의된 의미로 <literal>save()</literal> 대신 <literal>persist()</literal>를 사용할 수도 있다.
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<literal>persist()</literal> makes a transient instance persistent.
However, it doesn't guarantee that the identifier value will be assigned to
the persistent instance immediately, the assignment might happen at flush time.
<literal>persist()</literal> also guarantees that it will not execute an
<literal>INSERT</literal> statement if it is called outside of transaction
boundaries. This is useful in long-running conversations with an extended
Session/persistence context.
<literal>save()</literal> does guarantee to return an identifier. If an INSERT
has to be executed to get the identifier ( e.g. "identity" generator, not
"sequence"), this INSERT happens immediately, no matter if you are inside or
outside of a transaction. This is problematic in a long-running conversation
with an extended Session/persistence context.
다른 방법으로, 당신은 <literal>save()</literal>의 오버로드된 버전을 사용하여 식별자를 할당할 수 있다.
@ -279,8 +301,8 @@ while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
while ( kittensAndMothers.hasNext() ) {
Object[] tuple = (Object[]);
Cat kitten = (Cat) tuple[0];
Cat mother = (Cat) tuple[1];
Cat kitten = (Cat) tuple[0];
Cat mother = (Cat) tuple[1];
@ -526,16 +548,16 @@ List cats = crit.list();]]></programlisting>
중괄호들 속에 포함시켜야 한다:
<programlisting><![CDATA[List cats = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT {cat.*} FROM CAT {cat} WHERE ROWNUM<10")
.addEntity("cat", Cat.class)
<programlisting><![CDATA[List cats = session.createSQLQuery(
"SELECT {cat}.ID AS {}, {cat}.SEX AS {}, " +
"{cat}.MATE AS {cat.mate}, {cat}.SUBCLASS AS {cat.class}, ... " +
.addEntity("cat", Cat.class)
<programlisting><![CDATA[List cats = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT {cat.*} FROM CAT {cat} WHERE ROWNUM<10")
.addEntity("cat", Cat.class)
<programlisting><![CDATA[List cats = session.createSQLQuery(
"SELECT {cat}.ID AS {}, {cat}.SEX AS {}, " +
"{cat}.MATE AS {cat.mate}, {cat}.SUBCLASS AS {cat.class}, ... " +
.addEntity("cat", Cat.class)
SQL 질의들은 Hibernate 질의들처럼 명명된 파라미터들과 위치 파라미터들을 포함할 수도 있다. SQL 질의들에 대한