HHH-9411 : Fix downcast of treat statement.

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Falaize 2016-02-04 23:40:14 +01:00 committed by Vlad Mihalcea
parent 4fb11c9919
commit b8a3774cb4
3 changed files with 148 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -620,6 +620,21 @@ public class SingleTableEntityPersister extends AbstractEntityPersister {
if ( !queryable.isAbstract() ) {
values.add( queryable.getDiscriminatorSQLValue() );
else if ( queryable.hasSubclasses() ) {
// if the treat is an abstract class, add the concrete implementations to values if any
Set<String> actualSubClasses = queryable.getEntityMetamodel().getSubclassEntityNames();
for ( String actualSubClass : actualSubClasses ) {
if ( actualSubClass.equals( subclass ) ) {
Queryable actualQueryable = (Queryable) getFactory().getEntityPersister( actualSubClass );
if ( !actualQueryable.hasSubclasses() ) {
values.add( actualQueryable.getDiscriminatorSQLValue() );
return values.toArray( new String[values.size()] );

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@ -11,14 +11,17 @@ import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -38,7 +41,8 @@ public class TreatKeywordTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
return new Class[] {
JoinedEntity.class, JoinedEntitySubclass.class, JoinedEntitySubSubclass.class,
JoinedEntitySubclass2.class, JoinedEntitySubSubclass2.class,
DiscriminatorEntity.class, DiscriminatorEntitySubclass.class, DiscriminatorEntitySubSubclass.class
DiscriminatorEntity.class, DiscriminatorEntitySubclass.class, DiscriminatorEntitySubSubclass.class,
Animal.class, Dog.class, Dachshund.class, Greyhound.class
@ -184,6 +188,25 @@ public class TreatKeywordTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-9411")
public void testTreatWithRestrictionOnAbstractClass() {
Session s = openSession();
Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction();
Greyhound greyhound = new Greyhound();
Dachshund dachshund = new Dachshund();
s.save( greyhound );
s.save( dachshund );
List results = s.createQuery( "select treat (a as Dog) from Animal a where a.fast = TRUE" ).list();
assertEquals( Arrays.asList( greyhound ), results );
@Entity( name = "JoinedEntity" )
@Table( name = "JoinedEntity" )
@Inheritance( strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED )
@ -334,4 +357,38 @@ public class TreatKeywordTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
super( id, name, other );
@Entity(name = "Animal")
public static abstract class Animal {
private Long id;
@Entity(name = "Dog")
public static abstract class Dog extends Animal {
private boolean fast;
protected Dog(boolean fast) {
this.fast = fast;
public final boolean isFast() {
return fast;
@Entity(name = "Dachshund")
public static class Dachshund extends Dog {
public Dachshund() {
super( false );
@Entity(name = "Greyhound")
public static class Greyhound extends Dog {
public Greyhound() {
super( true );

View File

@ -6,8 +6,13 @@
package org.hibernate.jpa.test.criteria;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;
@ -22,6 +27,8 @@ import org.hibernate.testing.TestForIssue;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
* @author Steve Ebersole
@ -29,7 +36,10 @@ public class TreatKeywordTest extends BaseEntityManagerFunctionalTestCase {
protected Class<?>[] getAnnotatedClasses() {
return new Class[] { Animal.class, Elephant.class, Human.class, Thing.class, ThingWithQuantity.class };
return new Class[] {
Animal.class, Elephant.class, Human.class, Thing.class, ThingWithQuantity.class,
TreatAnimal.class, Dog.class, Dachshund.class, Greyhound.class
@ -213,4 +223,68 @@ public class TreatKeywordTest extends BaseEntityManagerFunctionalTestCase {
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-9411")
public void testTreatWithRestrictionOnAbstractClass() {
EntityManager em = getOrCreateEntityManager();
EntityTransaction entityTransaction = em.getTransaction();
Greyhound greyhound = new Greyhound();
Dachshund dachshund = new Dachshund();
em.persist( greyhound );
em.persist( dachshund );
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<TreatAnimal> criteriaQuery = cb.createQuery( TreatAnimal.class );
Root<TreatAnimal> animal = criteriaQuery.from( TreatAnimal.class );
Root<Dog> dog = cb.treat( animal, Dog.class );
// only fast dogs
criteriaQuery.where( cb.isTrue( dog.<Boolean>get( "fast" ) ) );
List<TreatAnimal> results = em.createQuery( criteriaQuery ).getResultList();
// we should only have a single Greyhound here, not slow long dogs!
assertEquals( Arrays.asList( greyhound ), results );
public static abstract class TreatAnimal {
private Long id;
public static abstract class Dog extends TreatAnimal {
private boolean fast;
protected Dog(boolean fast) {
this.fast = fast;
public final boolean isFast() {
return fast;
public static class Dachshund extends Dog {
public Dachshund() {
super( false );
public static class Greyhound extends Dog {
public Greyhound() {
super( true );