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synced 2025-03-04 08:49:22 +00:00
HHH-8530 - Align JPA "positional parameter" handling in javax.persistence.Parameter impl
This commit is contained in:
@ -612,9 +612,9 @@ void noSessionFactoryWithJndiName(String sfJNDIName,
@Message(value = "Package not found or wo package-info.java: %s", id = 194)
void packageNotFound(String packageName);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Parameter position [%s] occurred as both JPA and Hibernate positional parameter", id = 195)
void parameterPositionOccurredAsBothJpaAndHibernatePositionalParameter(Integer position);
// @LogMessage(level = WARN)
// @Message(value = "Parameter position [%s] occurred as both JPA and Hibernate positional parameter", id = 195)
// void parameterPositionOccurredAsBothJpaAndHibernatePositionalParameter(Integer position);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error parsing XML (%s) : %s", id = 196)
@ -108,4 +108,13 @@ void unableToLocateStaticMetamodelField( String name,
"as the entity (type=%s, id=%s) does not exist", id = 15013 )
void ignoringEntityNotFound( String entityName, String identifier);
@LogMessage( level = WARN )
value = "DEPRECATION - attempt to refer to JPA positional parameter [?%1$s] using String name [\"%1$s\"] " +
"rather than int position [%1$s] (generally in Query#setParameter, Query#getParameter or " +
"Query#getParameterValue calls). Hibernate previously allowed such usage, but it is considered " +
id = 15014
void deprecatedJpaPositionalParameterAccess(Integer jpaPositionalParameter);
@ -23,10 +23,13 @@
package org.hibernate.jpa.internal;
import static javax.persistence.TemporalType.DATE;
import static javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIME;
import static javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP;
import javax.persistence.NoResultException;
import javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException;
import javax.persistence.ParameterMode;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
@ -36,27 +39,18 @@
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.NoResultException;
import javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException;
import javax.persistence.ParameterMode;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import javax.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.hibernate.CacheMode;
import org.hibernate.FlushMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.TypeMismatchException;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.NamedParameterDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.OrdinalParameterDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.ParameterMetadata;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryExecutionRequestException;
import org.hibernate.internal.SQLQueryImpl;
import org.hibernate.jpa.AvailableSettings;
@ -69,7 +63,10 @@
import org.hibernate.jpa.spi.ParameterRegistration;
import org.hibernate.type.CompositeCustomType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import static javax.persistence.TemporalType.DATE;
import static javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIME;
import static javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP;
* Hibernate implementation of both the {@link Query} and {@link TypedQuery} contracts.
@ -83,7 +80,6 @@ public class QueryImpl<X> extends AbstractQueryImpl<X> implements TypedQuery<X>,
public static final EntityManagerMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(EntityManagerMessageLogger.class, QueryImpl.class.getName());
private org.hibernate.Query query;
private Set<Integer> jpaPositionalIndices;
public QueryImpl(org.hibernate.Query query, AbstractEntityManagerImpl em) {
this( query, em, Collections.<String, Class>emptyMap() );
@ -104,6 +100,8 @@ private void extractParameterInfo(Map<String,Class> namedParameterTypeRedefiniti
throw new IllegalStateException( "Unknown query type for parameter extraction" );
boolean hadJpaPositionalParameters = false;
final ParameterMetadata parameterMetadata = org.hibernate.internal.AbstractQueryImpl.class.cast( query ).getParameterMetadata();
// extract named params
@ -118,24 +116,30 @@ private void extractParameterInfo(Map<String,Class> namedParameterTypeRedefiniti
else if ( descriptor.getExpectedType() != null ) {
javaType = descriptor.getExpectedType().getReturnedClass();
registerParameter( new ParameterRegistrationImpl( this, query, name, javaType ) );
if ( descriptor.isJpaStyle() ) {
if ( jpaPositionalIndices == null ) {
jpaPositionalIndices = new HashSet<Integer>();
jpaPositionalIndices.add( Integer.valueOf( name ) );
hadJpaPositionalParameters = true;
final Integer position = Integer.valueOf( name );
registerParameter( new JpaPositionalParameterRegistrationImpl( this, query, position, javaType ) );
else {
registerParameter( new ParameterRegistrationImpl( this, query, name, javaType ) );
// extract positional parameters
if ( hadJpaPositionalParameters ) {
if ( parameterMetadata.getOrdinalParameterCount() > 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot mix JPA positional parameters and native Hibernate positional/ordinal parameters"
// extract Hibernate native positional parameters
for ( int i = 0, max = parameterMetadata.getOrdinalParameterCount(); i < max; i++ ) {
final OrdinalParameterDescriptor descriptor = parameterMetadata.getOrdinalParameterDescriptor( i + 1 );
Class javaType = descriptor.getExpectedType() == null ? null : descriptor.getExpectedType().getReturnedClass();
registerParameter( new ParameterRegistrationImpl( this, query, i+1, javaType ) );
Integer position = descriptor.getOrdinalPosition();
if ( jpaPositionalIndices != null && jpaPositionalIndices.contains(position) ) {
@ -162,7 +166,7 @@ private static class ParameterRegistrationImpl<T> implements ParameterRegistrati
private ParameterBind<T> bind;
private ParameterRegistrationImpl(
protected ParameterRegistrationImpl(
Query jpaQuery,
org.hibernate.Query nativeQuery,
String name,
@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ private ParameterRegistrationImpl(
this.position = null;
private ParameterRegistrationImpl(
protected ParameterRegistrationImpl(
Query jpaQuery,
org.hibernate.Query nativeQuery,
Integer position,
@ -186,6 +190,11 @@ private ParameterRegistrationImpl(
this.name = null;
public boolean isJpaPositionalParameter() {
return false;
public Query getQuery() {
return jpaQuery;
@ -304,6 +313,39 @@ public ParameterBind<T> getBind() {
* Specialized handling for JPA "positional parameters".
* @param <T> The parameter type type.
public static class JpaPositionalParameterRegistrationImpl<T> extends ParameterRegistrationImpl<T> {
final Integer position;
protected JpaPositionalParameterRegistrationImpl(
Query jpaQuery,
org.hibernate.Query nativeQuery,
Integer position,
Class<T> javaType) {
super( jpaQuery, nativeQuery, position.toString(), javaType );
this.position = position;
public String getName() {
return null;
public Integer getPosition() {
return position;
public boolean isJpaPositionalParameter() {
return true;
public org.hibernate.Query getHibernateQuery() {
return query;
@ -465,11 +507,6 @@ else if ( result.size() > 1 ) {
protected boolean isJpaPositionalParameter(int position) {
return jpaPositionalIndices != null && jpaPositionalIndices.contains( position );
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> tClass) {
@ -450,11 +450,6 @@ protected boolean applyFetchSizeHint(int fetchSize) {
// parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
protected boolean isJpaPositionalParameter(int position) {
return false;
public ProcedureCall getHibernateProcedureCall() {
return procedureCall;
@ -487,6 +482,11 @@ public Class<T> getParameterType() {
return nativeParamRegistration.getType();
public boolean isJpaPositionalParameter() {
return getPosition() != null;
public Query getQuery() {
return query;
@ -429,21 +429,50 @@ else if ( parameter.getPosition() != null ) {
protected <X> ParameterRegistration<X> findParameterRegistration(String parameterName) {
return (ParameterRegistration<X>) getParameter( parameterName );
final Integer jpaPositionalParameter = toNumberOrNull( parameterName );
if ( parameterRegistrations != null ) {
for ( ParameterRegistration<?> param : parameterRegistrations ) {
if ( parameterName.equals( param.getName() ) ) {
return (ParameterRegistration<X>) param;
// legacy allowance of the application to access the parameter using the position as a String
if ( param.isJpaPositionalParameter() && jpaPositionalParameter != null ) {
if ( jpaPositionalParameter.equals( param.getPosition() ) ) {
LOG.deprecatedJpaPositionalParameterAccess( jpaPositionalParameter );
return (ParameterRegistration<X>) param;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter with that name [" + parameterName + "] did not exist" );
private Integer toNumberOrNull(String parameterName) {
try {
return Integer.valueOf( parameterName );
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return null;
protected <X> ParameterRegistration<X> findParameterRegistration(int parameterPosition) {
if ( isJpaPositionalParameter( parameterPosition ) ) {
return findParameterRegistration( Integer.toString( parameterPosition ) );
else {
return (ParameterRegistration<X>) getParameter( parameterPosition );
if ( parameterRegistrations != null ) {
for ( ParameterRegistration<?> param : parameterRegistrations ) {
if ( param.getPosition() == null ) {
if ( parameterPosition == param.getPosition() ) {
return (ParameterRegistration<X>) param;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter with that position [" + parameterPosition + "] did not exist" );
protected abstract boolean isJpaPositionalParameter(int position);
protected static class ParameterBindImpl<T> implements ParameterBind<T> {
private final T value;
private final TemporalType specifiedTemporalType;
@ -664,21 +693,14 @@ public Set getParameters() {
public Parameter<?> getParameter(String name) {
checkOpen( false );
if ( parameterRegistrations != null ) {
for ( ParameterRegistration<?> param : parameterRegistrations ) {
if ( name.equals( param.getName() ) ) {
return param;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter with that name [" + name + "] did not exist" );
return findParameterRegistration( name );
public <T> Parameter<T> getParameter(String name, Class<T> type) {
checkOpen( false );
Parameter param = getParameter( name );
Parameter param = findParameterRegistration( name );
if ( param.getParameterType() != null ) {
// we were able to determine the expected type during analysis, so validate it here
@ -698,21 +720,8 @@ public <T> Parameter<T> getParameter(String name, Class<T> type) {
public Parameter<?> getParameter(int position) {
if ( isJpaPositionalParameter( position ) ) {
return getParameter( Integer.toString( position ) );
checkOpen( false );
if ( parameterRegistrations != null ) {
for ( ParameterRegistration<?> param : parameterRegistrations ) {
if ( param.getPosition() == null ) {
if ( position == param.getPosition() ) {
return param;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter with that position [" + position + "] did not exist" );
return findParameterRegistration( position );
@ -720,7 +729,7 @@ public Parameter<?> getParameter(int position) {
public <T> Parameter<T> getParameter(int position, Class<T> type) {
checkOpen( false );
Parameter param = getParameter( position );
Parameter param = findParameterRegistration( position );
if ( param.getParameterType() != null ) {
// we were able to determine the expected type during analysis, so validate it here
@ -39,6 +39,17 @@
* @author Steve Ebersole
public interface ParameterRegistration<T> extends Parameter<T> {
* JPA has a different definition of positional parameters than what legacy Hibernate HQL had. In JPA,
* the parameter holders are labelled (named :/). At any rate the semantics are different and we often
* need to understand which we are dealing with (and applications might too).
* @return {@code true} if this is a JPA-style positional parameter; {@code false} would indicate
* we have either a named parameter ({@link #getName()} would return a non-{@code null} value) or a native
* Hibernate positional parameter.
public boolean isJpaPositionalParameter();
* Access to the query that this parameter belongs to.
@ -187,6 +187,21 @@ public void testMultipleParameterLists() throws Exception {
public void testJpaPositionalParameters() {
EntityManager em = getOrCreateEntityManager();
Query query = em.createQuery( "from Item item where item.name =?1 or item.descr = ?1" );
Parameter p1 = query.getParameter( 1 );
Assert.assertNotNull( p1 );
Assert.assertNotNull( p1.getPosition() );
Assert.assertNull( p1.getName() );
public void testParameterList() throws Exception {
final Item item = new Item( "Mouse", "Micro$oft mouse" );
@ -225,6 +240,7 @@ public void testParameterList() throws Exception {
params = new ArrayList();
params.add( item.getName() );
params.add( item2.getName() );
// deprecated usage of positional parameter by String
q.setParameter( "1", params );
result = q.getResultList();
assertNotNull( result );
@ -277,6 +293,7 @@ public void testParameterListInExistingParens() throws Exception {
params = new ArrayList();
params.add( item.getName() );
params.add( item2.getName() );
// deprecated usage of positional parameter by String
q.setParameter( "1", params );
result = q.getResultList();
assertNotNull( result );
@ -424,6 +441,7 @@ public void testPositionalParameterForms() throws Exception {
// next using jpa-style positional parameter, but as a name (which is how Hibernate core treats these
query = em.createQuery( "select w from Wallet w where w.brand = ?1" );
// deprecated usage of positional parameter by String
query.setParameter( "1", "Lacoste" );
w = (Wallet) query.getSingleResult();
assertNotNull( w );
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