Migrate User Guide from Docbook to Asciidoctor

This commit is contained in:
vladmihalcea 2016-01-11 17:25:13 +02:00
parent 446aa84429
commit c2ece0108e
469 changed files with 28695 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ configurations {
asciidoclet {
description = 'Dependencies for Asciidoclet (the javadoc doclet tool for using Asciidoc)'
// asciidoctor
if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava8Compatible() ) {
@ -231,6 +231,48 @@ task renderGettingStartedGuides(type: AsciidoctorTask, group: 'Documentation') {
attributes icons: 'font', experimental: true, 'source-highlighter': 'prettify'
// Mapping Guides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
task renderMappingGuide(type: AsciidoctorTask, group: 'Documentation') {
description = 'Renders the Mapping Guides in HTML format using Asciidoctor.'
sourceDir = file( 'src/main/asciidoc/mapping' )
outputDir = new File("$buildDir/asciidoc/mapping/html")
backends "html5"
separateOutputDirs false
options logDocuments: true
//attributes icons: 'font', experimental: true, 'source-highlighter': 'prettify', linkcss: true, stylesheet: "css/hibernate.css"
attributes icons: 'font', experimental: true, 'source-highlighter': 'prettify', linkcss: true
resources {
from('src/main/asciidoc/') {
include 'images/**'
include 'css/**'
// User Guides ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
task renderUserGuide(type: AsciidoctorTask, group: 'Documentation') {
description = 'Renders the User Guides in HTML format using Asciidoctor.'
sourceDir = file( 'src/main/asciidoc/userguide' )
outputDir = new File("$buildDir/asciidoc/userguide/html")
backends "html5"
separateOutputDirs false
options logDocuments: true
//attributes icons: 'font', experimental: true, 'source-highlighter': 'prettify', linkcss: true, stylesheet: "css/hibernate.css"
attributes icons: 'font', experimental: true, 'source-highlighter': 'prettify', linkcss: true
resources {
from('src/main/asciidoc/') {
include 'images/**'
include 'css/**'
from('src/main/asciidoc/userguide/') {
include 'images/**'
buildDocs.dependsOn renderGettingStartedGuides
task buildTutorialZip(type: Zip) {

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ initial revision as well as the updated revision. A revision refers to a histor
.Using the org.hibernate.envers.AuditReader
.Using the `org.hibernate.envers.AuditReader`
[source, JAVA]

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@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ start-up of an application and closed at the end of the application lifecycle.
.Obtaining the org.hibernate.SessionFactory
.Obtaining the `org.hibernate.SessionFactory`
[source, JAVA]

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Configuration cfg = new Configuration()
// calls addResource using "/org/hibernate/auction/User.hbm.xml"
// parses Address class for mapping annotations
.addAnnotatedClass( Address.class )

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@ -611,4 +611,4 @@ StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder()
== Conclusion
Blah, blah, blah...

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
== References
- [[[PoEAA]]] Martin Fowler. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 2003.
- [[[JPwH]]] Christian Bauer & Gavin King. http://www.manning.com/bauer2[Java Persistence with Hibernate]. Manning Publications Co. 2007.

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
= Hibernate User Guide
:toclevels: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
== Preface
Developing Object-Oriented software that deals with data from Relational
Databases can be cumbersome and resource consuming. Development costs
are significantly higher due to a paradigm mismatch between how data is
represented in objects versus relational databases. Hibernate is an
Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) solution for Java environments. ORM
refers to the technique of mapping data between an object model
representation to a relational data model representation. See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping[Wikipedia] for a
good high-level discussion. Also, Martin Fowler's
http://martinfowler.com/bliki/OrmHate.html[OrmHate] article takes a look
at many of the mentioned mismatch problems.
Although having a strong background in SQL is not required to use
Hibernate, having a basic understanding of the concepts can help you
understand Hibernate more quickly and fully. An understanding of data
modeling principles is especially important. Both
http://www.agiledata.org/essays/dataModeling101.html and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_modeling are good starting points for
understanding these data modeling principles.
Understanding the basics of transactions and design patterns such as
"Unit of Work" <<Bibliography.adoc#PoEAA,PoEAA>> or "ApplicationTransaction" are important as well.
These topics will be discussed in the documentation, but a prior
understanding will certainly help.
Hibernate not only takes care of the mapping from Java classes to
database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types), but also
provides data query and retrieval facilities. It can significantly
reduce development time otherwise spent with manual data handling in SQL
and JDBC. Hibernates design goal is to relieve the developer from 95%
of common data persistence-related programming tasks by eliminating the
need for manual, hand-crafted data processing using SQL and JDBC.
However, unlike many other persistence solutions, Hibernate does not
hide the power of SQL from you and guarantees that your investment in
relational technology and knowledge is as valid as always.
Hibernate may not be the best solution for data-centric applications
that only use stored-procedures to implement the business logic in the
database, it is most useful with object-oriented domain models and
business logic in the Java-based middle-tier. However, Hibernate can
certainly help you to remove or encapsulate vendor-specific SQL code and
will help with the common task of result set translation from a tabular
representation to a graph of objects.
See http://hibernate.org/orm/contribute/ for information on getting
If you are just getting started with using Hibernate you may want to
start with the Hibernate Getting Started Guide available from the
http://hibernate.org/orm/documentation[documentation page]. It contains
quick-start style tutorials as well as lots of introductory information.
There is also a series of topical guides providing deep dives into
various topics.

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
== Legacy Bootstrapping
The legacy way to bootstrap a SessionFactory is via the `org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration` object.
`Configuration` represents, essentially, a single point for specifying all aspects of building the `SessionFactory`: everything from settings, to mappings, to strategies, etc.
I like to think of `Configuration` as a big pot to which we add a bunch of stuff (mappings, settings, etc) and from which we eventually get a `SessionFactory.`
There are some significant draw backs to this approach which led to its deprecation and the development of the new approach, which is discussed in <<chapters/bootstrap/Bootstrap.adoc#bootstrap-native,Native Bootstrapping>>.
`Configuration` is semi-deprecated but still available for use, in a limited form that eliminates these drawbacks.
"Under the covers", `Configuration` uses the new bootstrapping code, so the things available there as also available here in terms of auto-discovery.
You can obtain the `Configuration` by instantiating it directly.
You then specify mapping metadata (XML mapping documents, annotated classes) that describe your applications object model and its mapping to a SQL database.
Configuration cfg = new Configuration()
// addResource does a classpath resource lookup
// calls addResource using "/org/hibernate/auction/User.hbm.xml"
// parses Address class for mapping annotations
.addAnnotatedClass( Address.class )
// reads package-level (package-info.class) annotations in the named package
.addPackage( "org.hibernate.auction" )
.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect")
.setProperty("hibernate.connection.datasource", "java:comp/env/jdbc/test")
.setProperty("hibernate.order_updates", "true");
There are other ways to specify Configuration information, including:
* Place a file named hibernate.properties in a root directory of the classpath
* Pass an instance of java.util.Properties to `Configuration#setProperties`
* Via a `hibernate.cfg.xml` file
* System properties using java `-Dproperty=value`
== Migration
Mapping Configuration methods to the corresponding methods in the new APIs..

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@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
== Legacy Hibernate Criteria Queries
This appendix covers the legacy Hibernate `org.hibernate.Criteria` API, which should be considered deprecated.
New development should focus on the JPA javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery API.
Eventually, Hibernate-specific criteria features will be ported as extensions to the JPA `javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery`.
For details on the JPA APIs, see <<chapters/query-criteria/Criteria.adoc#criteria, Criteria>>.
Hibernate features an intuitive, extensible criteria query API.
=== Creating a `Criteria` instance
The interface `org.hibernate.Criteria` represents a query against a particular persistent class.
The `Session` is a factory for `Criteria` instances.
Criteria crit = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class);
List cats = crit.list();
=== Narrowing the result set
An individual query criterion is an instance of the interface `org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion`.
The class `org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions` defines factory methods for obtaining certain built-in `Criterion` types.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Restrictions.like("name", "Fritz%") )
.add( Restrictions.between("weight", minWeight, maxWeight) )
Restrictions can be grouped logically.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Restrictions.like("name", "Fritz%") )
.add( Restrictions.or(
Restrictions.eq( "age", new Integer(0) ),
) )
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Restrictions.in( "name", new String[] { "Fritz", "Izi", "Pk" } ) )
.add( Restrictions.disjunction()
.add( Restrictions.isNull("age") )
.add( Restrictions.eq("age", new Integer(0) ) )
.add( Restrictions.eq("age", new Integer(1) ) )
.add( Restrictions.eq("age", new Integer(2) ) )
) )
There are a range of built-in criterion types (`Restrictions` subclasses).
One of the most useful `Restrictions` allows you to specify SQL directly.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Restrictions.sqlRestriction("lower({alias}.name) like lower(?)", "Fritz%", Hibernate.STRING) )
The `{alias}` placeholder will be replaced by the row alias of the queried entity.
You can also obtain a criterion from a `Property` instance.
You can create a `Property` by calling `Property.forName()`:
Property age = Property.forName("age");
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Restrictions.disjunction()
.add( age.isNull() )
.add( age.eq( new Integer(0) ) )
.add( age.eq( new Integer(1) ) )
.add( age.eq( new Integer(2) ) )
) )
.add( Property.forName("name").in( new String[] { "Fritz", "Izi", "Pk" } ) )
=== Ordering the results
You can order the results using `org.hibernate.criterion.Order`.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Restrictions.like("name", "F%")
.addOrder( Order.asc("name").nulls(NullPrecedence.LAST) )
.addOrder( Order.desc("age") )
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Property.forName("name").like("F%") )
.addOrder( Property.forName("name").asc() )
.addOrder( Property.forName("age").desc() )
=== Associations
By navigating associations using `createCriteria()` you can specify constraints upon related entities:
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Restrictions.like("name", "F%") )
.add( Restrictions.like("name", "F%") )
The second `createCriteria()` returns a new instance of `Criteria` that refers to the elements of the `kittens` collection.
There is also an alternate form that is useful in certain circumstances:
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.createAlias("kittens", "kt")
.createAlias("mate", "mt")
.add( Restrictions.eqProperty("kt.name", "mt.name") )
(`createAlias()` does not create a new instance of `Criteria`.)
The kittens collections held by the `Cat` instances returned by the previous two queries are _not_ pre-filtered by the criteria.
If you want to retrieve just the kittens that match the criteria, you must use a `ResultTransformer`.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.createCriteria("kittens", "kt")
.add( Restrictions.eq("name", "F%") )
Iterator iter = cats.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Map map = (Map) iter.next();
Cat cat = (Cat) map.get(Criteria.ROOT_ALIAS);
Cat kitten = (Cat) map.get("kt");
Additionally you may manipulate the result set using a left outer join:
List cats = session.createCriteria( Cat.class )
.createAlias("mate", "mt", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN, Restrictions.like("mt.name", "good%") )
This will return all of the `Cat`s with a mate whose name starts with "good" ordered by their mate's age, and all cats who do not have a mate.
This is useful when there is a need to order or limit in the database prior to returning complex/large result sets,
and removes many instances where multiple queries would have to be performed and the results unioned by java in memory.
Without this feature, first all of the cats without a mate would need to be loaded in one query.
A second query would need to retrieve the cats with mates who's name started with "good" sorted by the mates age.
Thirdly, in memory; the lists would need to be joined manually.
=== Dynamic association fetching
You can specify association fetching semantics at runtime using `setFetchMode()`.
List cats = sess.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Restrictions.like("name", "Fritz%") )
.setFetchMode("mate", FetchMode.EAGER)
.setFetchMode("kittens", FetchMode.EAGER)
This query will fetch both `mate` and `kittens` by outer join.
=== Components
To add a restriction against a property of an embedded component, the component property name should be prepended to the property name when creating the `Restriction`.
The criteria object should be created on the owning entity, and cannot be created on the component itself.
For example, suppose the `Cat` has a component property `fullName` with sub-properties `firstName` and `lastName`:
List cats = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add(Restrictions.eq("fullName.lastName", "Cattington"))
Note: this does not apply when querying collections of components, for that see below <<querycriteria-collections>>
=== Collections
When using criteria against collections, there are two distinct cases.
One is if the collection contains entities (eg. `<one-to-many/>` or `<many-to-many/>`) or components (`<composite-element/>` ),
and the second is if the collection contains scalar values (`<element/>`).
In the first case, the syntax is as given above in the section <<querycriteria-associations>> where we restrict the `kittens` collection.
Essentially we create a `Criteria` object against the collection property and restrict the entity or component properties using that instance.
For querying a collection of basic values, we still create the `Criteria` object against the collection,
but to reference the value, we use the special property "elements".
For an indexed collection, we can also reference the index property using the special property "indices".
List cats = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add(Restrictions.eq("elements", "BadBoy"))
=== Example queries
The class `org.hibernate.criterion.Example` allows you to construct a query criterion from a given instance.
Cat cat = new Cat();
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Example.create(cat) )
Version properties, identifiers and associations are ignored.
By default, null valued properties are excluded.
You can adjust how the `Example` is applied.
Example example = Example.create(cat)
.excludeZeroes() //exclude zero valued properties
.excludeProperty("color") //exclude the property named "color"
.ignoreCase() //perform case insensitive string comparisons
.enableLike(); //use like for string comparisons
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
You can even use examples to place criteria upon associated objects.
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.add( Example.create(cat) )
.add( Example.create( cat.getMate() ) )
=== Projections, aggregation and grouping
The class `org.hibernate.criterion.Projections` is a factory for `Projection` instances.
You can apply a projection to a query by calling `setProjection()`.
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Projections.rowCount() )
.add( Restrictions.eq("color", Color.BLACK) )
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Projections.projectionList()
.add( Projections.rowCount() )
.add( Projections.avg("weight") )
.add( Projections.max("weight") )
.add( Projections.groupProperty("color") )
There is no explicit "group by" necessary in a criteria query.
Certain projection types are defined to be __grouping projections__, which also appear in the SQL `group by` clause.
An alias can be assigned to a projection so that the projected value can be referred to in restrictions or orderings.
Here are two different ways to do this:
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Projections.alias( Projections.groupProperty("color"), "colr" ) )
.addOrder( Order.asc("colr") )
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Projections.groupProperty("color").as("colr") )
.addOrder( Order.asc("colr") )
The `alias()` and `as()` methods simply wrap a projection instance in another, aliased, instance of `Projection`.
As a shortcut, you can assign an alias when you add the projection to a projection list:
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Projections.projectionList()
.add( Projections.rowCount(), "catCountByColor" )
.add( Projections.avg("weight"), "avgWeight" )
.add( Projections.max("weight"), "maxWeight" )
.add( Projections.groupProperty("color"), "color" )
.addOrder( Order.desc("catCountByColor") )
.addOrder( Order.desc("avgWeight") )
List results = session.createCriteria(Domestic.class, "cat")
.createAlias("kittens", "kit")
.setProjection( Projections.projectionList()
.add( Projections.property("cat.name"), "catName" )
.add( Projections.property("kit.name"), "kitName" )
.addOrder( Order.asc("catName") )
.addOrder( Order.asc("kitName") )
You can also use `Property.forName()` to express projections:
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Property.forName("name") )
.add( Property.forName("color").eq(Color.BLACK) )
List results = session.createCriteria(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Projections.projectionList()
.add( Projections.rowCount().as("catCountByColor") )
.add( Property.forName("weight").avg().as("avgWeight") )
.add( Property.forName("weight").max().as("maxWeight") )
.add( Property.forName("color").group().as("color" )
.addOrder( Order.desc("catCountByColor") )
.addOrder( Order.desc("avgWeight") )
=== Detached queries and subqueries
The `DetachedCriteria` class allows you to create a query outside the scope of a session and then execute it using an arbitrary `Session`.
DetachedCriteria query = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Cat.class)
.add( Property.forName("sex").eq('F') );
Session session = ....;
Transaction txn = session.beginTransaction();
List results = query.getExecutableCriteria(session).setMaxResults(100).list();
A `DetachedCriteria` can also be used to express a subquery.
`Criterion` instances involving subqueries can be obtained via `Subqueries` or `Property`.
DetachedCriteria avgWeight = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Property.forName("weight").avg() );
.add( Property.forName("weight").gt(avgWeight) )
DetachedCriteria weights = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Cat.class)
.setProjection( Property.forName("weight") );
.add( Subqueries.geAll("weight", weights) )
Correlated subqueries are also possible:
DetachedCriteria avgWeightForSex = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Cat.class, "cat2")
.setProjection( Property.forName("weight").avg() )
.add( Property.forName("cat2.sex").eqProperty("cat.sex") );
session.createCriteria(Cat.class, "cat")
.add( Property.forName("weight").gt(avgWeightForSex) )
Example of multi-column restriction based on a subquery:
DetachedCriteria sizeQuery = DetachedCriteria.forClass( Man.class )
.setProjection( Projections.projectionList().add( Projections.property( "weight" ) )
.add( Projections.property( "height" ) ) )
.add( Restrictions.eq( "name", "John" ) );
session.createCriteria( Woman.class )
.add( Subqueries.propertiesEq( new String[] { "weight", "height" }, sizeQuery ) )
=== Queries by natural identifier
For most queries, including criteria queries, the query cache is not efficient because query cache invalidation occurs too frequently.
However, there is a special kind of query where you can optimize the cache invalidation algorithm: lookups by a constant natural key.
In some applications, this kind of query occurs frequently.
The Criteria API provides special provision for this use case.
First, map the natural key of your entity using `<natural-id>` and enable use of the second-level cache.
<class name="User">
<cache usage="read-write"/>
<id name="id">
<generator class="increment"/>
<property name="name"/>
<property name="org"/>
<property name="password"/>
This functionality is not intended for use with entities with _mutable_ natural keys.
Once you have enabled the Hibernate query cache, the `Restrictions.naturalId()` allows you to make use of the more efficient cache algorithm.
.add( Restrictions.naturalId()
.set("name", "gavin")
.set("org", "hb")

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
== Architecture
=== Overview
image:images/architecture/data_access_layers.svg[Data Access Layers]
Hibernate, as an ORM solution, effectively "sits between" the Java application data access layer and the Relational Database, as can be seen in the diagram above.
The Java application makes use of the Hibernate APIs to load, store, query, etc its domain data.
Here we will introduce the essential Hibernate APIs.
This will be a brief introduction; we will discuss these contracts in detail later.
As a JPA provider, Hibernate implements the Java Persistence API specifications and the association between JPA interfaces and Hibernate specific implementations can be visualized in the following diagram:
SessionFactory (`org.hibernate.SessionFactory`):: A thread-safe (and immutable) representation of the mapping of the application domain model to a database.
Acts as a factory for `org.hibernate.Session` instances. The `EntityManagerFactory` is the JPA equivalent of a `SessionFactory` and basically those two converge into the same `SessionFactory` implementation.
A `SessionFactory` is very expensive to create, so, for any given database, the application should have only one associated `SessionFactory`.
The `SessionFactory` maintains services that Hibernate uses across all `Session(s)` such as second level caches, connection pools, transaction system integrations, etc.
Session (`org.hibernate.Session`):: A single-threaded, short-lived object conceptually modeling a "Unit of Work" <<Bibliography.adoc#PoEAA,PoEAA>>.
In JPA nomenclature, the `Session` is represented by an `EntityManager`.
Behind the scenes, the Hibernate `Session` wraps a JDBC `java.sql.Connection` and acts as a factory for `org.hibernate.Transaction` instances.
It maintains a generally "repeatable read" persistence context (first level cache) of the application's domain model.
Transaction (`org.hibernate.Transaction`):: A single-threaded, short-lived object used by the application to demarcate individual physical transaction boundaries.
`EntityTransaction` is the JPA equivalent and both act as an abstraction API to isolate the application from the underling transaction system in use (JDBC or JTA).

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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
== Batching
:sourcedir: extras
=== JDBC batching
JDBC offers support for batching together SQL statements that can be represented as a single PreparedStatement.
Implementation wise this generally means that drivers will send the batched operation to the server in one call,
which can save on network calls to the database. Hibernate can leverage JDBC batching.
The following settings control this behavior.
`hibernate.jdbc.batch_size`:: Controls the maximum number of statements Hibernate will batch together before asking the driver to execute the batch.
Zero or a negative number disables this feature.
`hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data`:: Some JDBC drivers return incorrect row counts when a batch is executed.
If your JDBC driver falls into this category this setting should be set to `false`.
Otherwise it is safe to enable this which will allow Hibernate to still batch the DML for versioned entities and still use the returned row counts for optimistic lock checks.
Currently defaults to false to be safe.
`hibernate.jdbc.batch.builder`:: Names the implementation class used to manage batching capabilities.
It is almost never a good idea to switch from Hibernate's default implementation.
But if you wish to, this setting would name the `org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.spi.BatchBuilder` implementation to use.
`hibernate.order_update`:: Forces Hibernate to order SQL updates by the entity type and the primary key value of the items being updated.
This allows for more batching to be used. It will also result in fewer transaction deadlocks in highly concurrent systems.
Comes with a performance hit, so benchmark before and after to see if this actually helps or hurts your application.
`hibernate.order_inserts`:: Forces Hibernate to order inserts to allow for more batching to be used.
Comes with a performance hit, so benchmark before and after to see if this actually helps or hurts your application.
=== Session batching
The following example shows an anti-pattern for batch inserts.
.Naive way to insert 100000 lines with Hibernate
This fails with an `OutOfMemoryException` after around 50000 rows on most systems.
The reason is that Hibernate caches all the newly inserted `Customer` instances in the session-level cache.
There are several ways to avoid this problem.
Before batch processing, enable JDBC batching. To enable JDBC batching, set the property `hibernate.jdbc.batch_size` to an integer between 10 and 50.
Hibernate disables insert batching at the JDBC level transparently if you use an identity identifier generator.
If the above approach is not appropriate, you can disable the second-level cache, by setting `hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache` to `false`.
==== Batch inserts
When you make new objects persistent, employ methods `flush()` and `clear()` to the session regularly, to control the size of the first-level cache.
.Flushing and clearing the `Session`
==== Batch updates
When you retrieve and update data, `flush()` and `clear()` the session regularly.
In addition, use method `scroll()` to take advantage of server-side cursors for queries that return many rows of data.
.Using `scroll()`
==== StatelessSession
`StatelessSession` is a command-oriented API provided by Hibernate.
Use it to stream data to and from the database in the form of detached objects.
A `StatelessSession` has no persistence context associated with it and does not provide many of the higher-level life cycle semantics.
Some of the things not provided by a `StatelessSession` include:
* a first-level cache
* interaction with any second-level or query cache
* transactional write-behind or automatic dirty checking
Limitations of `StatelessSession`:
* Operations performed using a stateless session never cascade to associated instances.
* Collections are ignored by a stateless session.
* Operations performed via a stateless session bypass Hibernate's event model and interceptors.
* Due to the lack of a first-level cache, Stateless sessions are vulnerable to data aliasing effects.
* A stateless session is a lower-level abstraction that is much closer to the underlying JDBC.
.Using a `StatelessSession`
The `Customer` instances returned by the query are immediately detached.
They are never associated with any persistence context.
The `insert()`, `update()`, and `delete()` operations defined by the `StatelessSession` interface operate directly on database rows.
They cause the corresponding SQL operations to be executed immediately.
They have different semantics from the `save()`, `saveOrUpdate()`, and `delete()` operations defined by the `Session` interface.
=== Hibernate Query Language for DML
DML, or Data Manipulation Language, refers to SQL statements such as `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, and `DELETE`.
Hibernate provides methods for bulk SQL-style DML statement execution, in the form of Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
==== HQL for UPDATE and DELETE
.Psuedo-syntax for UPDATE and DELETE statements using HQL
UPDATE FROM EntityName e WHERE e.name = ?
DELETE FROM EntityName e WHERE e.name = ?
The `FROM` and `WHERE` clauses are each optional.
The `FROM` clause can only refer to a single entity, which can be aliased.
If the entity name is aliased, any property references must be qualified using that alias.
If the entity name is not aliased, then it is illegal for any property references to be qualified.
Joins, either implicit or explicit, are prohibited in a bulk HQL query.
You can use sub-queries in the `WHERE` clause, and the sub-queries themselves can contain joins.
.Executing an HQL UPDATE, using the `Query.executeUpdate()`
In keeping with the EJB3 specification, HQL UPDATE statements, by default, do not effect the version or the timestamp property values for the affected entities.
You can use a versioned update to force Hibernate to reset the version or timestamp property values, by adding the `VERSIONED` keyword after the `UPDATE` keyword.
.Updating the version of timestamp
If you use the `VERSIONED` statement, you cannot use custom version types, which use class `org.hibernate.usertype.UserVersionType`.
.An HQL `DELETE` statement
Method `Query.executeUpdate()` returns an `int` value, which indicates the number of entities effected by the operation.
This may or may not correlate to the number of rows effected in the database.
An HQL bulk operation might result in multiple SQL statements being executed, such as for joined-subclass.
In the example of joined-subclass, a `DELETE` against one of the subclasses may actually result in deletes in the tables underlying the join, or further down the inheritance hierarchy.
==== HQL syntax for INSERT
.Pseudo-syntax for INSERT statements
INSERT INTO EntityName properties_list SELECT properties_list FROM ...
Only the `INSERT INTO ... SELECT ...` form is supported.
You cannot specify explicit values to insert.
The `properties_list` is analogous to the column specification in the `SQL` `INSERT` statement.
For entities involved in mapped inheritance, you can only use properties directly defined on that given class-level in the `properties_list`.
Superclass properties are not allowed and subclass properties are irrelevant.
In other words, `INSERT` statements are inherently non-polymorphic.
The SELECT statement can be any valid HQL select query, but the return types must match the types expected by the INSERT.
Hibernate verifies the return types during query compilation, instead of expecting the database to check it.
Problems might result from Hibernate types which are equivalent, rather than equal.
One such example is a mismatch between a property defined as an `org.hibernate.type.DateType` and a property defined as an `org.hibernate.type.TimestampType`,
even though the database may not make a distinction, or may be capable of handling the conversion.
If id property is not specified in the `properties_list`,
Hibernate generates a value automatically.
Automatic generation is only available if you use ID generators which operate on the database.
Otherwise, Hibernate throws an exception during parsing.
Available in-database generators are `org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator` and its subclasses, and objects which implement `org.hibernate.id.PostInsertIdentifierGenerator`.
The most notable exception is `org.hibernate.id.TableHiLoGenerator`, which does not expose a selectable way to get its values.
For properties mapped as either version or timestamp, the insert statement gives you two options.
You can either specify the property in the properties_list, in which case its value is taken from the corresponding select expressions, or omit it from the properties_list,
in which case the seed value defined by the org.hibernate.type.VersionType is used.
.HQL INSERT statement
This section is only a brief overview of HQL. For more information, see <<chapters/query-hql/HQL.adoc#hql,HQL>>.
=== Java Persistence Query Language for DML

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
for ( int i=0; i<100000; i++ ) {
Customer customer = new Customer(.....);

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
String hqlUpdate = "update Customer c set c.name = :newName where c.name = :oldName";
// or String hqlUpdate = "update Customer set name = :newName where name = :oldName";
int updatedEntities = session.createQuery( hqlUpdate )
.setString( "newName", newName )
.setString( "oldName", oldName )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
for ( int i=0; i<100000; i++ ) {
Customer customer = new Customer(.....);
if ( i % 20 == 0 ) { //20, same as the JDBC batch size
//flush a batch of inserts and release memory:

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
String hqlDelete = "delete Customer c where c.name = :oldName";
// or String hqlDelete = "delete Customer where name = :oldName";
int deletedEntities = session.createQuery( hqlDelete )
.setString( "oldName", oldName )

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
String hqlInsert = "insert into DelinquentAccount (id, name) select c.id, c.name from Customer c where ...";
int createdEntities = session.createQuery( hqlInsert )

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
String hqlVersionedUpdate = "update versioned Customer set name = :newName where name = :oldName";
int updatedEntities = session.createQuery( hqlUpdate )
.setString( "newName", newName )
.setString( "oldName", oldName )

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
StatelessSession session = sessionFactory.openStatelessSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
ScrollableResults customers = session.getNamedQuery("GetCustomers")
while ( customers.next() ) {
Customer customer = (Customer) customers.get(0);

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
ScrollableResults customers = session.getNamedQuery("GetCustomers")
int count=0;
while ( customers.next() ) {
Customer customer = (Customer) customers.get(0);
if ( ++count % 20 == 0 ) {
//flush a batch of updates and release memory:

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@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
== Bootstrap
:sourcedir: extras
The term bootstrapping refers to initializing and starting a software component.
In Hibernate, we are specifically talking about the process of building a fully functional `SessionFactory` instance or `EntityManagerFactory` instance, for JPA.
The process is very different for each.
This chapter will not focus on all the possibilities of bootstrapping.
Those will be covered in each specific more-relevant chapters later on.
Instead we focus here on the API calls needed to perform the bootstrapping.
=== Native Bootstrapping
This section discusses the process of bootstrapping a Hibernate `SessionFactory`.
Specifically it discusses the bootstrapping APIs as redesigned in 5.0.
For a discussion of the legacy bootstrapping API, see <<appendices/Legacy_Bootstrap.adoc#appendix-legacy-bootstrap,Legacy Bootstrapping>>
==== Building the ServiceRegistry
The first step in native bootstrapping is the building of a `ServiceRegistry` holding the services Hibernate will need during bootstrapping and at run time.
Actually we are concerned with building 2 different ServiceRegistries.
First is the `org.hibernate.boot.registry.BootstrapServiceRegistry`.
The `BootstrapServiceRegistry` is intended to hold services that Hibernate needs at both bootstrap and run time.
This boils down to 3 services:
`org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoaderService`:: which controls how Hibernate interacts with `ClassLoader`s
`org.hibernate.integrator.spi.IntegratorService`:: which controls the management ands discovery of `org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator` instances.
`org.hibernate.boot.registry.selector.spi.StrategySelector`:: which control how Hibernate resolves implementations of various strategy contracts.
This is a very powerful service, but a full discussion of it is beyond the scope of this guide.
If you are ok with the default behavior of Hibernate in regards to these `BootstrapServiceRegistry` services
(which is quite often the case, especially in stand-alone environments), then building the `BootstrapServiceRegistry` can be skipped.
If you wish to alter how the `BootstrapServiceRegistry` is built, that is controlled through the `org.hibernate.boot.registry.BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder:`
.Controlling BootstrapServiceRegistry building
The services of the `BootstrapServiceRegistry` cannot be extended (added to) nor overridden (replaced).
The second ServiceRegistry is the `org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistry`.
You will almost always need to configure the `StandardServiceRegistry`, which is done through `org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistryBuilder`:
.Building a BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder
A `StandardServiceRegistry` is also highly configurable via the StandardServiceRegistryBuilder API.
See the `StandardServiceRegistryBuilder` https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/orm/javadocs/org/hibernate/boot/registry/StandardServiceRegistryBuilder.html[Javadocs] for more details.
Some specific methods of interest:
.Configuring a MetadataSources
==== Event Listener registration
The main use cases for an `org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator` right now are registering event listeners and providing services (see `org.hibernate.integrator.spi.ServiceContributingIntegrator`).
With 5.0 we plan on expanding that to allow altering the metamodel describing the mapping between object and relational models.
==== Building the Metadata
The second step in native bootstrapping is the building of a `org.hibernate.boot.Metadata` object containing the parsed representations of an application's domain model and its mapping to a database.
The first thing we obviously need to build a parsed representation is the source information to be parsed (annotated classes, `hbm.xml` files, `orm.xml` files).
This is the purpose of `org.hibernate.boot.MetadataSources`:
`MetadataSources` has many other methods as well, explore its API and https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/orm/javadocs/org/hibernate/boot/MetadataSources.html[Javadocs] for more information.
Also, all methods on `MetadataSources` offer fluent-style call chaining::
.Configuring a MetadataSources with method chaining
Once we have the sources of mapping information defined, we need to build the `Metadata` object.
If you are ok with the default behavior in building the Metadata then you can simply call the https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/orm/javadocs/org/hibernate/boot/MetadataSources.html#buildMetadata--[1buildMetadata`] method of the `MetadataSources`.
Notice that a `ServiceRegistry` can be passed at a number of points in this bootstrapping process.
The suggested approach is to build a `StandardServiceRegistry` yourself and pass that along to the `MetadataSources` constructor.
From there, `MetadataBuilder`, `Metadata`, `SessionFactoryBuilder` and `SessionFactory` will all pick up that same `StandardServiceRegistry`.
However, if you wish to adjust the process of building `Metadata` from `MetadataSources`,
you will need to use the `MetadataBuilder` as obtained via `MetadataSources#getMetadataBuilder`.
`MetadataBuilder` allows a lot of control over the `Metadata` building process.
See its https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/orm/javadocs/org/hibernate/boot/MetadataBuilder.html[Javadocs] for full details.
.Building Metadata via MetadataBuilder
==== Building the SessionFactory
The final step in native bootstrapping is to build the `SessionFactory` itself.
Much like discussed above, if you are ok with the default behavior of building a `SessionFactory` from a `Metadata` reference, you can simply call the https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/orm/javadocs/org/hibernate/boot/Metadata.html#buildSessionFactory--[`buildSessionFactory`] method on the `Metadata` object.
However, if you would like to adjust that building process you will need to use `SessionFactoryBuilder` as obtained via [`Metadata#getSessionFactoryBuilder`. Again, see its https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/orm/javadocs/org/hibernate/boot/Metadata.html#getSessionFactoryBuilder--[Javadocs] for more details.
.Native Bootstrapping - Putting it all together
The bootstrapping API is quite flexible, but in most cases it makes the most sense to think of it as a 3 step process:
1. Build the `StandardServiceRegistry`
2. Build the `Metadata`
3. Use those 2 to build the `SessionFactory`
.Building `SessionFactory` via `SessionFactoryBuilder`
=== JPA Bootstrapping
Bootstrapping Hibernate as a JPA provider can be done in a JPA-spec compliant manner or using a proprietary bootstrapping approach.
The standardized approach has some limitations in certain environments, but aside from those, it is *highly* recommended that you use JPA-standardized bootstrapping.
==== JPA-compliant bootstrapping
In JPA, we are ultimately interested in bootstrapping a `javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory` instance.
The JPA specification defines 2 primary standardized bootstrap approaches depending on how the application intends to access the `javax.persistence.EntityManager` instances from an `EntityManagerFactory`.
It uses the terms _EE_ and _SE_ for these two approaches, but those terms are very misleading in this context.
What the JPA spec calls EE bootstrapping implies the existence of a container (EE, OSGi, etc), who'll manage and inject the persistence context on behalf of the application.
What it calls SE bootstrapping is everything else. We will use the terms container-bootstrapping and application-bootstrapping in this guide.
If you would like additional details on accessing and using `EntityManager` instances, sections 7.6 and 7.7 of the JPA 2.1 specification cover container-managed and application-managed `EntityManagers`, respectively.
For compliant container-bootstrapping, the container will build an `EntityManagerFactory` for each persistent-unit defined in the `META-INF/persistence.xml` configuration file
and make that available to the application for injection via the `javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit` annotation or via JNDI lookup.
.Injecting a EntityManagerFactory
For compliant application-bootstrapping, rather than the container building the `EntityManagerFactory` for the application, the application builds the `EntityManagerFactory` itself using the `javax.persistence.Persistence` bootstrap class.
The application creates an `EntityManagerFactory` by calling the `createEntityManagerFactory` method:
.Application bootstrapped EntityManagerFactory
==== Proprietary JPA bootstrapping
Hibernate defines a proprietary https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/orm/javadocs/org/hibernate/jpa/boot/internal/EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl.html[`EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl`]
utility, which allows bootstrapping the JPA environment without even in the absence of the `persistence.xml` configuration file.
To substitute the `persistence.xml` file, Hibernate offers the `PersistenceUnitInfoDescriptor` utility, which can take configuration that's available in the standard XML configuration file.
.Proprietary bootstrapped `EntityManagerFactory`
The `integrationSettings` allows the application develoepr to customize the bootstrapping process by specifying different `hibernate.integrator_provider` or `hibernate.strategy_registration_provider` integration providers.

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
EntityManagerFactory emf;

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
// Create an EMF for our CRM persistence-unit.
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "CRM" );

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
String persistenceUnitName = ...
List<String> entityClassNames = ...
Properties properties = ...
PersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnitInfo = new PersistenceUnitInfoImpl(
Map<String, Object> integrationSettings = new HashMap<>();
integrationSettings.put(AvailableSettings.INTERCEPTOR, interceptor());
EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl entityManagerFactoryBuilder = new EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl(
new PersistenceUnitInfoDescriptor(persistenceUnitInfo),
EntityManagerFactory emf = entityManagerFactoryBuilder.build();

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder bootstrapRegistryBuilder = new BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder();
// add a special ClassLoader
bootstrapRegistryBuilder.applyClassLoader( mySpecialClassLoader );
// manually add an Integrator
bootstrapRegistryBuilder.applyIntegrator( mySpecialIntegrator );
BootstrapServiceRegistry bootstrapRegistry = bootstrapRegistryBuilder.build();

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
// An example using an implicitly built BootstrapServiceRegistry
StandardServiceRegistryBuilder standardRegistryBuilder = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder();

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// An example using an explicitly built BootstrapServiceRegistry
BootstrapServiceRegistry bootstrapRegistry = ...;
StandardServiceRegistryBuilder standardRegistryBuilder = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder( bootstrapRegistry );

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
StandardServiceRegistryBuilder standardRegistryBuilder = ...;
// load some properties via resource lookup
standardRegistryBuilder.loadProperties( "org/hibernate/example/MyProperties.properties" );
// configure the registry from a resource lookup for a cfg.xml config file
standardRegistryBuilder.configure( "org/hibernate/example/my.cfg.xml" );
// apply a random setting
standardRegistryBuilder.applySetting( "myProp","some value" );
// apply a service initiator
standardRegistryBuilder.addInitiator( new CustomServiceInitiator() );
// apply a service impl
standardRegistryBuilder.addService( SomeCustomService.class,new SomeCustomServiceImpl() );
// and finally build the StandardServiceRegistry
StandardServiceRegistry standardRegistry = standardRegistryBuilder.build();

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
MetadataSources sources = new MetadataSources( standardRegistry );
// alternatively, we can build the MetadataSources without passing
// a service registry, in which case it will build a default
// BootstrapServiceRegistry to use. But the approach shown
// above is preferred
// MetadataSources sources = new MetadataSources();
// add a class using JPA/Hibernate annotations for mapping
sources.addAnnotatedClass( MyEntity.class );
// add the name of a class using JPA/Hibernate annotations for mapping.
// differs from above in that accessing the Class is deferred which is
// important if using runtime bytecode-enhancement
sources.addAnnotatedClassName( "org.hibernate.example.Customer" );
// Adds the named hbm.xml resource as a source: which performs the
// classpath lookup and parses the XML
sources.addResource( "org/hibernate/example/Order.hbm.xml" );
// Adds the named JPA orm.xml resource as a source: which performs the
// classpath lookup and parses the XML
sources.addResource( "org/hibernate/example/Product.orm.xml" );

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
MetadataSources sources = new MetadataSources( standardRegistry )
.addAnnotatedClass( MyEntity.class )
.addAnnotatedClassName( "org.hibernate.example.Customer" )
.addResource( "org/hibernate/example/Order.hbm.xml" )
.addResource( "org/hibernate/example/Product.orm.xml" );

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MetadataBuilder metadataBuilder = sources.getMetadataBuilder();
// Use the JPA-compliant implicit naming strategy
metadataBuilder.applyImplicitNamingStrategy( ImplicitNamingStrategyJpaCompliantImpl.INSTANCE );
// specify the schema name to use for tables, etc when none is explicitly specified
metadataBuilder.applyImplicitSchemaName( "my_default_schema" );
Metadata metadata = metadataBuilder.build();

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
SessionFactoryBuilder sessionFactoryBuilder = metadata.getSessionFactoryBuilder();
// Supply an SessionFactory-level Interceptor
sessionFactoryBuilder.applyInterceptor( new MySessionFactoryInterceptor() );
// Add a custom observer
sessionFactoryBuilder.addSessionFactoryObservers( new MySessionFactoryObserver() );
// Apply a CDI BeanManager ( for JPA event listeners )
sessionFactoryBuilder.applyBeanManager( getBeanManagerFromSomewhere() );
SessionFactory sessionFactory = sessionFactoryBuilder.build();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
StandardServiceRegistry standardRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder()
.configure( "org/hibernate/example/MyCfg.xml" )
Metadata metadata = new MetadataSources( standardRegistry )
.addAnnotatedClass( MyEntity.class )
.addAnnotatedClassName( "org.hibernate.example.Customer" )
.addResource( "org/hibernate/example/Order.hbm.xml" )
.addResource( "org/hibernate/example/Product.orm.xml" )
.applyImplicitNamingStrategy( ImplicitNamingStrategyJpaCompliantImpl.INSTANCE )
SessionFactory sessionFactory = metadata.getSessionFactoryBuilder()
.applyBeanManager( getBeanManagerFromSomewhere() )

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
public class MyIntegrator implements org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator {
public void integrate(
Configuration configuration,
SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
SessionFactoryServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {
// As you might expect, an EventListenerRegistry is the thing with which event listeners are registered It is a
// service so we look it up using the service registry
final EventListenerRegistry eventListenerRegistry = serviceRegistry.getService( EventListenerRegistry.class );
// If you wish to have custom determination and handling of "duplicate" listeners, you would have to add an
// implementation of the org.hibernate.event.service.spi.DuplicationStrategy contract like this
eventListenerRegistry.addDuplicationStrategy( myDuplicationStrategy );
// EventListenerRegistry defines 3 ways to register listeners:
// 1) This form overrides any existing registrations with
eventListenerRegistry.setListeners( EventType.AUTO_FLUSH, myCompleteSetOfListeners );
// 2) This form adds the specified listener(s) to the beginning of the listener chain
eventListenerRegistry.prependListeners( EventType.AUTO_FLUSH, myListenersToBeCalledFirst );
// 3) This form adds the specified listener(s) to the end of the listener chain
eventListenerRegistry.appendListeners( EventType.AUTO_FLUSH, myListenersToBeCalledLast );

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
== Caching
=== Configuring second-level caching
Hibernate defines the ability to integrate with pluggable providers for the purpose of caching data outside the context of a particular `Session`.
This section defines the settings which control that behavior.
=== RegionFactory
`org.hibernate.cache.spi.RegionFactory` defines the integration between Hibernate and a pluggable caching provider.
`hibernate.cache.region.factory_class` is used to declare the provider to use. Hibernate comes with support for 2 popular caching libraries: Ehcache and Infinispan.
=== Ehcache
Use of the build-in integration for Ehcache requires that the hibernate-ehcache module jar (and all of its dependencies) are on the classpath.
The hibernate-ehcache module defines 2 specific region factories: `EhCacheRegionFactory` and `SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory`.
==== `EhCacheRegionFactory`
==== `SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory`
=== Infinispan
Use of the build-in integration for Infinispan requires that the hibernate-infinispan module jar (and all of its dependencies) are on the classpath.
The hibernate-infinispan module defines 2 specific providers: `infinispan` and `infinispan-jndi`.
=== Caching behavior
Besides specific provider configuration, there are a number of configurations options on the Hibernate side of the integration that control various caching behavior:
`hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache`:: Enable or disable second level caching overall. Default is true, although the default region factory is `NoCachingRegionFactory`.
`hibernate.cache.use_query_cache`:: Enable or disable second level caching of query results. Default is false.
`hibernate.cache.query_cache_factory`:: Query result caching is handled by a special contract that deals with staleness-based invalidation of the results.
The default implementation does not allow stale results at all. Use this for applications that would like to relax that.
Names an implementation of `org.hibernate.cache.spi.QueryCacheFactory`
`hibernate.cache.use_minimal_puts`:: Optimizes second-level cache operations to minimize writes, at the cost of more frequent reads. Providers typically set this appropriately.
`hibernate.cache.region_prefix`:: Defines a name to be used as a prefix to all second-level cache region names.
`hibernate.cache.default_cache_concurrency_strategy`:: In Hibernate second-level caching, all regions can be configured differently including the concurrency strategy to use when accessing the region.
This setting allows to define a default strategy to be used.
This setting is very rarely required as the pluggable providers do specify the default strategy to use.
Valid values include:
* read-only,
* read-write,
* nonstrict-read-write,
* transactional
hibernate.cache.use_structured_entries:: If `true`, forces Hibernate to store data in the second-level cache in a more human-friendly format.
Can be useful if you'd like to be able to "browse" the data directly in your cache, but does have a performance impact.
* hibernate.cache.auto_evict_collection_cache:: Enables or disables the automatic eviction of a bidirectional association's collection cache entry when the association is changed just from the owning side.
This is disabled by default, as it has a performance impact to track this state.
However if your application does not manage both sides of bidirectional association where the collection side is cached, the alternative is to have stale data in that collection cache.
=== Managing the Cached Data
At runtime Hibernate handles moving data into and out of the second-level cache in response to the operations performed by the `Session`.
The `org.hibernate.Cache` interface (or the `javax.persistence.Cache` interface if using JPA) allow to clear data from the second-level cache.

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
== Domain Model
:sourcedir: extras
The term https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_model[domain model] comes from the realm of data modeling.
It is the model that ultimately describes the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_domain[problem domain] you are working in.
Sometimes you will also hear the term _persistent classes_.
Ultimately the application's domain model is the central character in an ORM.
They make up the classes you wish to map. Hibernate works best if these classes follow the Plain Old Java Object (POJO) / JavaBean programming model.
However, none of these rules are hard requirements.
Indeed, Hibernate assumes very little about the nature of your persistent objects. You can express a domain model in other ways (using trees of `java.util.Map` instances, for example).
Historically applications using Hibernate would have used its proprietary XML mapping file format for this purpose.
With the coming of JPA, most of this information is now defined in a way that is portable across ORM/JPA providers using annotations (and/or standardized XML format).
This chapter will focus on JPA mapping where possible.
For Hibernate mapping features not supported by JPA we will prefer Hibernate extension annotations.

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
==== Access strategies
:sourcedir: extras
As a JPA provider, Hibernate can introspect both the entity attributes (instance fields) or the accessors (instance properties).
By default, the placement of the `@Id` annotation gives the default access strategy.
When placed on a field, Hibernate will assume field-based access.
Place on the identifier getter, Hibernate will use property-based access.
Embeddable types inherit the access strategy from their parent entities.
===== Field-based access
.Field-based access
When using field-based access, adding other entity-level methods is much more flexible because Hibernate won't consider those part of the persistence state.
To exclude a field from being part of the entity persistent state, the field must be marked with the `@Transient` annotation.
Another advantage of using field-based access is that some entity attributes can be hidden from outside the entity.
An example of such attribute is the entity `@Version` field, which must not be manipulated by the data access layer.
With field-based access, we can simply omit the the getter and the setter for this version field, and Hibernate can still leverage the optimistic concurrency control mechanism.
===== Property-based access
.Property-based access
When using property-based access, Hibernate uses the accessors for both reading and writing the entity state.
Every other method that will be added to the entity (e.g. helper methods for synchronizing both ends of a bidirectional one-to-many association) will have to be marked with the `@Transient` annotation.
===== Overriding the default access strategy
The default access strategy mechanism can be overridden with the JPA `@Access` annotation.
In the following example, the `@Version` attribute is accessed by its field and not by its getter, like the rest of entity attributes.
.Overriding access strategy
===== Embeddable types and access strategy
Because embeddables are managed by their owning entities, the access strategy is therefore inherited from the entity too.
This applies to both simple embeddable types as well as for collection of embeddables.
The embeddable types can overrule the default implicit access strategy (inherited from the owning entity).
In the following example, the embeddable uses property-based access, no matter what access strategy the owning entity is choosing:
.Embeddable with exclusive access strategy
The owning entity can use field-based access, while the embeddable uses property-based access as it has chosen explicitly:
.Entity including a single embeddable type
This works also for collection of embeddable types:
.Entity including a collection of embeddable types

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@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
=== Associations
:sourcedir: extras
Associations describe how two or more entities form a relationship based on a database joining semantics.
==== `@ManyToOne`
`@ManyToOne` is the most common association, having a direct equivalent in the relational database as well (e.g. foreign key),
and so it establishes a relationship between a child entity and a parent.
.`@ManyToOne` association
Each entity has a lifecycle of its own. Once the `@ManyToOne` association is set, Hibernate will set the associated database foreign key column.
.`@ManyToOne` association lifecycle
==== `@OneToMany`
The `@OneToMany` association links a parent entity with one or more child entities.
If the `@OneToMany` doesn't have a mirroring `@ManyToOne` association on the child side, the `@OneToMany` association is unidirectional.
If there is a `@ManyToOne` association on the child side, the `@OneToMany` association is bidirectional and the application developer can navigate this relationship from both ends.
===== Unidirectional `@OneToMany`
When using a unidirectional `@OneToMany` association, Hibernate resorts to using a link table between the two joining entities.
.Unidirectional `@OneToMany` association
The `@OneToMany` association is by definition a parent association, even if it's a unidirectional or a bidirectional one.
Only the parent side of an association makes sense to cascade its entity state transitions to children.
.Cascading `@OneToMany` association
When persisting the `Person` entity, the cascade will propagate the persist operation to the underlying `Phone` children as well.
Upon removing a `Phone` from the phones collection, the association row is deleted from the link table, and the `orphanRemoval` attribute will trigger a `Phone` removal as well.
The unidirectional associations are not very efficient when it comes to removing child entities.
In this particular example, upon flushing the persistence context, Hibernate deletes all database child entries and reinserts the ones that are still found in the in-memory persistence context.
On the other hand, a bidirectional `@OneToMany` association is much more efficient because the child entity controls the association.
===== Bidirectional `@OneToMany`
The bidirectional `@OneToMany` association also requires a `@ManyToOne` association on the child side.
Although the Domain Model exposes two sides to navigate this association, behind the scenes, the relational database has only one foreign key for this relationship.
Every bidirectional association must have one owning side only (the child side), the other one being referred to as the _inverse_ (or the `mappedBy`) side.
.`@OneToMany` association mappedBy the `@ManyToOne` side
Whenever a bidirectional association is formed, the application developer must make sure both sides are in-sync at all times.
The `addPhone()` and `removePhone()` are utilities methods that synchronize both ends whenever a child element is added or removed.
Because the `Phone` class has a `@NaturalId` column (the phone number being unique),
the `equals()` and the `hashCode()` can make use of this property, and so the `removePhone()` logic is reduced to the `remove()` Java `Collection` method.
.Bidirectional `@OneToMany` with an owner `@ManyToOne` side lifecycle
Unlike the unidirectional `@OneToMany`, the bidirectional association is much more efficient when managing the collection persistence state.
Every element removal only requires a single update (in which the foreign key column is set to `NULL`), and,
if the child entity lifecycle is bound to its owning parent so that the child cannot exist without its parent,
then we can annotate the association with the `orphan-removal` attribute and disassociating the child will trigger a delete statement on the actual child table row as well.
==== `@OneToOne`
The `@OneToOne` association can either be unidirectional or bidirectional.
A unidirectional association follows the relational database foreign key semantics, the client-side owning the relationship.
A bidirectional association features a `mappedBy` `@OneToOne` parent side too.
===== Unidirectional `@OneToOne`
.Unidirectional `@OneToOne`
From a relational database point of view, the underlying schema is identical to the unidirectional `@ManyToOne` association,
as the client-side controls the relationship based on the foreign key column.
But then, it's unusual to consider the `Phone` as a client-side and the `PhoneDetails` as the parent-side because the details cannot exist without an actual phone.
A much more natural mapping would be if the `Phone` was the parent-side, therefore pushing the foreign key into the `PhoneDetails` table.
This mapping requires a bidirectional `@OneToOne` association as you can see in the following example:
===== Bidirectional `@OneToOne`
.Bidirectional `@OneToOne`
This time, the `PhoneDetails` owns the association, and, like any bidirectional association, the parent-side can propagate its lifecycle to the child-side through cascading.
.Bidirectional `@OneToOne` lifecycle
When using a bidirectional `@OneToOne` association, Hibernate enforces the unique constraint upon fetching the child-side.
If there are more than one children associated to the same parent, Hibernate will throw a constraint violation exception.
.Bidirectional `@OneToOne` unique constraint
==== `@ManyToMany`
The `@ManyToMany` association requires a link table that joins two entities.
Like the `@OneToMany` association, `@ManyToMany` can be a either unidirectional or bidirectional.
===== Unidirectional `@ManyToMany`
.Unidirectional `@ManyToMany`
Just like with unidirectional `@OneToMany` associations, the link table is controlled by the owning side.
When an entity is removed from the `@ManyToMany` collection, Hibernate simply deletes the joining record in the link table.
Unfortunately, this operation requires removing all entries associated to a given parent and recreating the ones that are listed in the current running persistent context.
.Unidirectional `@ManyToMany` lifecycle
For `@ManyToMany` associations, the `REMOVE` entity state transition doesn't make sense to be cascaded because it will propagate beyond the link table.
Since the other side might be referenced by other entities on the parent-side, the automatic removal might end up in a `ConstraintViolationException`.
For example, if `@ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)` was defined and the first person would be deleted,
Hibernate would throw an exception because another person is still associated to the address that's being deleted.
Person person1 = entityManager.find(Person.class, personId);
Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement
Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement
Caused by: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: integrity constraint violation: foreign key no action; FKM7J0BNABH2YR0PE99IL1D066U table: PERSON_ADDRESS
By simply removing the parent-side, Hibernate can safely remove the associated link records as you can see in the following example:
.Unidirectional `@ManyToMany` entity removal
===== Bidirectional `@ManyToMany`
A bidirectional `@ManyToMany` association has an owning and a `mappedBy` side.
To preserve synchronicity between both sides, it's good practice to provide helper methods for adding or removing child entities.
.Bidirectional `@ManyToMany`
With the helper methods in place, the synchronicity management can be simplified, as you can see in the following example:
.Bidirectional `@ManyToMany` lifecycle
If a bidirectional `@OneToMany` association performs better when removing or changing the order of child elements,
the `@ManyToMany` relationship cannot benefit from such an optimization because the foreign key side is not in control.
To overcome this limitation, the the link table must be directly exposed and the `@ManyToMany` association split into two bidirectional `@OneToMany` relationships.
===== Bidirectional many-to-many with a link entity
To most natural `@ManyToMany` association follows the same logic employed by the database schema,
and the link table has an associated entity which controls the relationship for both sides that need to be joined.
.Bidirectional many-to-many with link entity
Both the `Person` and the `Address` have a` mappedBy` `@OneToMany` side, while the `PersonAddress` owns the `person` and the `address` `@ManyToOne` associations.
Because this mapping is formed out of two bidirectional associations, the helper methods are even more relevant.
The aforementioned example uses a Hibernate specific mapping for the link entity since JPA doesn't allow building a composite identifier out of multiple `@ManyToOne` associations.
For more details, see the <<chapters/domain/identifiers.adoc#identifiers-composite-associations,Composite identifiers - associations>> section.
The entity state transitions are better managed than in the previous bidirectional `@ManyToMany` case.
.Bidirectional many-to-many with link entity lifecycle
There is only one delete statement executed because, this time, the association is controlled by the `@ManyToOne` side which only has to monitor the state of the underlying foreign key relationship to trigger the right DML statement.

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=== Basic Types
:sourcedir: extras
Basic value types usually map a single database column, to a single, non-aggregated Java type.
Hibernate provides a number of built-in basic types, which follow the natural mappings recommended by the JDBC specifications.
Internally Hibernate uses a registry of basic types when it needs to resolve a specific `org.hibernate.type.Type`.
==== Hibernate-provided BasicTypes
.Standard BasicTypes
|Hibernate type (org.hibernate.type package) |JDBC type |Java type |BasicTypeRegistry key(s)
|StringType |VARCHAR |java.lang.String |string, java.lang.String
|MaterializedClob |CLOB |java.lang.String |materialized_clob
|TextType |LONGVARCHAR |java.lang.String |text
|CharacterType |CHAR |char, java.lang.Character |char, java.lang.Character
|BooleanType |BIT |boolean, java.lang.Boolean |boolean, java.lang.Boolean
|NumericBooleanType |INTEGER, 0 is false, 1 is true |boolean, java.lang.Boolean |numeric_boolean
|YesNoType |CHAR, 'N'/'n' is false, 'Y'/'y' is true. The uppercase value is written to the database. |boolean, java.lang.Boolean |yes_no
|TrueFalseType |CHAR, 'F'/'f' is false, 'T'/'t' is true. The uppercase value is written to the database. |boolean, java.lang.Boolean |true_false
|ByteType |TINYINT |byte, java.lang.Byte |byte, java.lang.Byte
|ShortType |SMALLINT |short, java.lang.Short |short, java.lang.Short
|IntegerTypes |INTEGER |int, java.lang.Integer |int, java.lang.Integer
|LongType |BIGINT |long, java.lang.Long |long, java.lang.Long
|FloatType |FLOAT |float, java.lang.Float |float, java.lang.Float
|DoubleType |DOUBLE |double, java.lang.Double |double, java.lang.Double
|BigIntegerType |NUMERIC |java.math.BigInteger |big_integer, java.math.BigInteger
|BigDecimalType |NUMERIC |java.math.BigDecimal |big_decimal, java.math.bigDecimal
|TimestampType |TIMESTAMP |java.sql.Timestamp |timestamp, java.sql.Timestamp
|TimeType |TIME |java.sql.Time |time, java.sql.Time
|DateType |DATE |java.sql.Date |date, java.sql.Date
|CalendarType |TIMESTAMP |java.util.Calendar |calendar, java.util.Calendar
|CalendarDateType |DATE |java.util.Calendar |calendar_date
|CalendarTimeType |TIME |java.util.Calendar |calendar_time
|CurrencyType |java.util.Currency |VARCHAR |currency, java.util.Currency
|LocaleType |VARCHAR |java.util.Locale |locale, java.utility.locale
|TimeZoneType |VARCHAR, using the TimeZone ID |java.util.TimeZone |timezone, java.util.TimeZone
|UrlType |VARCHAR |java.net.URL |url, java.net.URL
|ClassType |VARCHAR (class FQN) |java.lang.Class |class, java.lang.Class
|BlobType |BLOB |java.sql.Blob |blog, java.sql.Blob
|ClobType |CLOB |java.sql.Clob |clob, java.sql.Clob
|BinaryType |VARBINARY |byte[] |binary, byte[]
|MaterializedBlobType |BLOB |byte[] |materized_blob
|ImageType |LONGVARBINARY |byte[] |image
|WrapperBinaryType |VARBINARY |java.lang.Byte[] |wrapper-binary, Byte[], java.lang.Byte[]
|CharArrayType |VARCHAR |char[] |characters, char[]
|CharacterArrayType |VARCHAR |java.lang.Character[] |wrapper-characters, Character[], java.lang.Character[]
|UUIDBinaryType |BINARY |java.util.UUID |uuid-binary, java.util.UUID
|UUIDCharType |CHAR, can also read VARCHAR |java.util.UUID |uuid-char
|PostgresUUIDType |PostgreSQL UUID, through Types#OTHER, which complies to the PostgreSQL JDBC driver definition |java.util.UUID |pg-uuid
|SerializableType |VARBINARY |implementors of java.lang.Serializable |Unlike the other value types, multiple instances of this type are registered. It is registered once under java.io.Serializable, and registered under the specific java.io.Serializable implementation class names.
|StringNVarcharType |NVARCHAR |java.lang.String |nstring
|NTextType |LONGNVARCHAR |java.lang.String |ntext
|NClobType |NCLOB |java.sql.NClob |nclob, java.sql.NClob
|MaterializedNClobType |NCLOB |java.lang.String |materialized_nclob
|PrimitiveCharacterArrayNClobType |NCHAR |char[] |N/A
|CharacterNCharType |NCHAR |java.lang.Character |ncharacter
|CharacterArrayNClobType |NCLOB |java.lang.Character[] |N/A
.BasicTypes added by hibernate-java8
|Hibernate type (org.hibernate.type package) |JDBC type |Java type |BasicTypeRegistry key(s)
|DurationType |BIGINT |java.time.Duration |Duration, java.time.Duration
|InstantType |TIMESTAMP |java.time.Instant |Instant, java.time.Instant
|LocalDateTimeType |TIMESTAMP |java.time.LocalDateTime |LocalDateTime, java.time.LocalDateTime
|LocalDateType |DATE |java.time.LocalDate |LocalDate, java.time.LocalDate
|LocalTimeType |TIME |java.time.LocalTime |LocalTime, java.time.LocalTime
|OffsetDateTimeType |TIMESTAMP |java.time.OffsetDateTime |OffsetDateTime, java.time.OffsetDateTime
|OffsetTimeType |TIME |java.time.OffsetTime |OffsetTime, java.time.OffsetTime
|OffsetTimeType |TIMESTAMP |java.time.ZonedDateTime |ZonedDateTime, java.time.ZonedDateTime
To use these hibernate-java8 types just add the `hibernate-java8` dependency to your classpath and Hibernate will take care of the rest.
See <<basic-datetime>> for more about Java 8 Date/Time types.
These mappings are managed by a service inside Hibernate called the `org.hibernate.type.BasicTypeRegistry`, which essentially maintains a map of `org.hibernate.type.BasicType` (a `org.hibernate.type.Type` specialization) instances keyed by a name.
That is the purpose of the "BasicTypeRegistry key(s)" column in the previous tables.
==== The `@Basic` annotation
Strictly speaking, a basic type is denoted with with the `javax.persistence.Basic` annotation.
Generally speaking the `@Basic` annotation can be ignored, as it is assumed by default.
Both of the following examples are ultimately the same.
.With `@Basic`
.Without `@Basic`
The JPA specification strictly limits the Java types that can be marked as basic to the following listing:
* Java primitive types (`boolean`, `int`, etc)
* wrappers for the primitive types (`java.lang.Boolean`, `java.lang.Integer`, etc)
* `java.lang.String`
* `java.math.BigInteger`
* `java.math.BigDecimal`
* `java.util.Date`
* `java.util.Calendar`
* `java.sql.Date`
* `java.sql.Time`
* `java.sql.Timestamp`
* `byte[]` or `Byte[]`
* `char[]` or `Character[]`
* `enums`
* any other type that implements `Serializable` (JPA's "support" for `Serializable` types is to directly serialize their state to the database).
If provider portability is a concern, you should stick to just these basic types.
Note that JPA 2.1 did add the notion of an `javax.persistence.AttributeConverter` to help alleviate some of these concerns; see <<basic-jpa-convert>> for more on this topic.
The `@Basic` annotation defines 2 attributes.
`optional` - boolean (defaults to true):: Defines whether this attribute allows nulls.
JPA defines this as "a hint", which essentially means that it effect is specifically required.
As long as the type is not primitive, Hibernate takes this to mean that the underlying column should be `NULLABLE`.
`fetch` - FetchType (defaults to EAGER):: Defines whether this attribute should be fetched eagerly or lazily.
JPA says that EAGER is a requirement to the provider (Hibernate) that the value should be fetched when the owner is fetched, while LAZY is merely a hint that the value be fetched when the attribute is accessed.
Hibernate ignores this setting for basic types unless you are using bytecode enhancement.
See the <chapters/pc/BytecodeEnhancement.adoc#BytecodeEnhancement,BytecodeEnhancement>> for additional information on fetching and on bytecode enhancement.
==== The `@Column` annotation
JPA defines rules for implicitly determining the name of tables and columns.
For a detailed discussion of implicit naming see <<naming.adoc#naming,Naming>>.
For basic type attributes, the implicit naming rule is that the column name is the same as the attribute name.
If that implicit naming rule does not meet your requirements, you can explicitly tell Hibernate (and other providers) the column name to use.
.Explicit column naming
Here we use `@Column` to explicitly map the `description` attribute to the `NOTES` column, as opposed to the implicit column name `description`.
The `@Column` annotation defines other mapping information as well. See its javadocs for details.
==== BasicTypeRegistry
We said before that a Hibernate type is not a Java type, nor a SQL type, but that it understands both and performs the marshalling between them.
But looking at the basic type mappings from the previous examples,
how did Hibernate know to use its `org.hibernate.type.StringType` for mapping for `java.lang.String` attributes,
or its `org.hibernate.type.IntegerType` for mapping `java.lang.Integer` attributes?
The answer lies in a service inside Hibernate called the `org.hibernate.type.BasicTypeRegistry`, which essentially maintains a map of `org.hibernate.type.BasicType` (a `org.hibernate.type.Type` specialization) instances keyed by a name.
We will see later, in the <<basic-explicit>> section, that we can explicitly tell Hibernate which BasicType to use for a particular attribute.
But first let's explore how implicit resolution works and how applications can adjust implicit resolution.
A thorough discussion of the `BasicTypeRegistry` and all the different ways to contribute types to it is beyond the scope of this documentation.
Please see Integrations Guide for complete details.
As an example, take a String attribute such as we saw before with Product#sku.
Since there was no explicit type mapping, Hibernate looks to the `BasicTypeRegistry` to find the registered mapping for `java.lang.String`.
This goes back to the "BasicTypeRegistry key(s)" column we saw in the tables at the start of this chapter.
As a baseline within `BasicTypeRegistry`, Hibernate follows the recommended mappings of JDBC for Java types.
JDBC recommends mapping Strings to VARCHAR, which is the exact mapping that `StringType` handles.
So that is the baseline mapping within `BasicTypeRegistry` for Strings.
Applications can also extend (add new `BasicType` registrations) or override (replace an exiting `BasicType` registration) using one of the
`MetadataBuilder#applyBasicType` methods or the `MetadataBuilder#applyTypes` method during bootstrap.
For more details, see <<basic-custom>> section.
==== Explicit BasicTypes
Sometimes you want a particular attribute to be handled differently.
Occasionally Hibernate will implicitly pick a `BasicType` that you do not want (and for some reason you do not want to adjust the `BasicTypeRegistry`).
In these cases you must explicitly tell Hibernate the `BasicType` to use, via the `org.hibernate.annotations.Type` annotation.
.Using `@org.hibernate.annotations.Type`
This tells Hibernate to store the Strings as nationalized data.
This is just for illustration purposes; for better ways to indicate nationalized character data see <<basic-nationalized>> section.
Additionally the description is to be handled as a LOB. Again, for better ways to indicate LOBs see <<basic-lob>> section.
The `org.hibernate.annotations.Type#type` attribute can name any of the following:
* Fully qualified name of any `org.hibernate.type.Type` implementation
* Any key registered with `BasicTypeRegistry`
* The name of any known "type definitions"
==== Custom BasicTypes
Hibernate makes it relatively easy for developers to create their own basic type mappings type.
For example, you might want to persist properties of type `java.lang.BigInteger` to `VARCHAR` columns, or support completely new types.
There are two approaches to developing a custom BasicType.
As a means of illustrating the different approaches, let's consider a use case where we need to support a class called `Fizzywig` from a third party library.
Let's assume that Fizzywig naturally stores as a VARCHAR.
The first approach is to directly implement the BasicType interface.
.Custom BasicType implementation
The second approach is to implement the UserType interface.
.Custom UserType implementation
For additional information on developing and registering custom types, see the Hibernate Integration Guide.
==== Mapping enums
Hibernate supports the mapping of Java enums as basic value types in a number of different ways.
==== @Enumerated
The original JPA-compliant way to map enums was via the `@Enumerated` and `@MapKeyEnumerated` for map keys annotations which works on the principle that the enum values are stored according to one of 2 strategies indicated by `javax.persistence.EnumType`:
* `ORDINAL` - stored according to the enum value's ordinal position within the enum class, as indicated by java.lang.Enum#ordinal
* `STRING` - stored according to the enum value's name, as indicated by java.lang.Enum#name
.`@Enumerated(ORDINAL)` example
In the ORDINAL example, the gender column is defined as an (nullable) INTEGER type and would hold:
* `NULL` - null
* `0` - MALE
* `1` - FEMALE
.`@Enumerated(STRING)` example
In the STRING example, the gender column is defined as an (nullable) VARCHAR type and would hold:
* `NULL` - null
==== AttributeConverter
You can also map enums in a JPA compliant way using a JPA 2.1 AttributeConverter.
Let's revisit the Gender enum example, but instead we want to store the more standardized `'M'` and `'F'` codes.
.Enum mapping with AttributeConverter example
Here, the gender column is defined as a CHAR type and would hold:
* `NULL` - null
* `'M'` - MALE
* `'F'` - FEMALE
For additional details on using AttributeConverters, see <<basic-jpa-convert>> section.
Note that JPA explicitly disallows the use of an AttributeConverter with an attribute marked as `@Enumerated`.
So if using the AttributeConverter approach, be sure to not mark the attribute as `@Enumerated`.
==== Custom type
You can also map enums using a Hibernate custom type mapping.
Let's again revisit the Gender enum example, this time using a custom Type to store the more standardized `'M'` and `'F'` codes.
.Enum mapping with custom Type example
Again, the gender column is defined as a CHAR type and would hold:
* `NULL` - null
* `'M'` - MALE
* `'F'` - FEMALE
For additional details on using custom types, see <<basic-custom>> section..
==== Mapping LOBs
Mapping LOBs (database Large Objects) come in 2 forms, those using the JDBC locator types and those materializing the LOB data.
JDBC LOB locators exist to allow efficient access to the LOB data.
They allow the JDBC driver to stream parts of the LOB data as needed, potentially freeing up memory space.
However they can be unnatural to deal with and have certain limitations.
For example, a LOB locator is only portably valid during the duration of the transaction in which it was obtained.
The idea of materialized LOBs is to trade-off the potential efficiency (not all drivers handle LOB data efficiently) for a more natural programming paradigm using familiar Java types such as String or byte[], etc for these LOBs.
Materialized deals with the entire LOB contents in memory, whereas LOB locators (in theory) allow streaming parts of the LOB contents into memory as needed.
The JDBC LOB locator types include:
* `java.sql.Blob`
* `java.sql.Clob`
* `java.sql.NClob`
Mapping materialized forms of these LOB values would use more familiar Java types such as String, char[], byte[], etc.
The trade off for "more familiar" is usually performance.
For a first look, let's assume we have a CLOB column that we would like to map (NCLOB character LOB data will be covered in <<basic-nationalized>> section.
Let's first map this using the JDBC locator.
.CLOB - locator mapping
We could also map a materialized form.
.CLOB - materialized mapping
How JDBC deals with LOB data varies from driver to driver.
Hibernate tries to handle all these variances for you.
However some drivers do not allow Hibernate to always do that in an automatic fashion (looking directly at you PostgreSQL JDBC drivers).
In such cases you may have to do some extra to get LOBs working. Such discussions are beyond the scope of this guide however.
We might even want the materialized data as a char array (for some crazy reason).
.CLOB - materialized char[] mapping
We'd map BLOB data in a similar fashion.
Let's first map this using the JDBC locator.
.BLOB - locator mapping
We could also map a materialized BLOB form.
.BLOB - materialized mapping
==== Mapping Nationalized Character Data
JDBC 4 added the ability to explicitly handle nationalized character data.
To this end it added specific nationalized character data types.
To map a specific attribute to a nationalized variant data type, Hibernate defines the `@Nationalized` annotation.
.NVARCHAR mapping
.NCLOB (locator) mapping
.NCLOB (materialized) mapping
If you application and database are entirely nationalized you may instead want to enable nationalized character data as the default.
You can do this via the `hibernate.use_nationalized_character_data` setting or by calling `MetadataBuilder#enableGlobalNationalizedCharacterDataSupport` during bootstrap.
==== Mapping UUID Values
Hibernate also allows you to map UUID values, again in a number of ways.
The default UUID mapping is as binary because it represents more efficient storage.
However many applications prefer the readability of character storage.
To switch the default mapping, simply call `MetadataBuilder.applyBasicType( UUIDCharType.INSTANCE, UUID.class.getName() )`
==== UUID as binary
As mentioned, the default mapping for UUID attributes.
Maps the UUID to a `byte[]` using `java.util.UUID#getMostSignificantBits` and `java.util.UUID#getLeastSignificantBits` and stores that as BINARY data.
Chosen as the default simply because it is generally more efficient from storage perspective.
==== UUID as (var)char
Maps the UUID to a String using `java.util.UUID#toString` and `java.util.UUID#fromString` and stores that as CHAR or VARCHAR data.
==== PostgeSQL-specific UUID
When using one of the PostgreSQL Dialects, this becomes the default UUID mapping
Maps the UUID using PostgreSQL's specific UUID data type.
The PostgreSQL JDBC driver chooses to map its UUID type to the `OTHER` code.
Note that this can cause difficulty as the driver chooses to map many different data types to OTHER.
==== UUID as identifier
Hibernate supports using UUID values as identifiers, and they can even be generated on user'sbehalf.
For details see the discussion of generators in <<chapters/domain/identifiers.adoc#identifiers,_Identifier generators_>>
==== Mapping Date/Time Values
Hibernate allows various Java Date/Time classes to be mapped as persistent domain model entity properties.
The SQL standard defines three Date/Time types:
DATE:: Represents a calendar date by storing years, months and days. The JDBC equivalent is `java.sql.Date`
TIME:: Represents the time of a day and it stores hours, minutes and seconds. The JDBC equivalent is `java.sql.Time`
TIMESTAMP:: It stores both a DATE and a TIME plus nanoseconds. The JDBC equivalent is `java.sql.Timestamp`
To avoid dependencies on the `java.sql` package, it's common to use the `java.util` or `java.time` Date/Time classes instead.
While the `java.sql` classes define a direct association to the SQL Date/Time data types,
the `java.util` or `java.time` properties need to explicitly mark the SQL type correlation with the `@Temporal` annotation.
This way, a `java.util.Date` or a `java.util.Calendar` cn be mapped to either an SQL `DATE`, `TIME` or `TIMESTAMP` type.
Considering the following entity:
.`java.util.Date` mapping
When persisting such entity:
DateEvent dateEvent = new DateEvent(new Date());
Hibernate generates the following INSERT statement:
( timestamp, id )
VALUES ( '2015-12-29', 1 )
Only the year, month and the day field were saved into the the database.
If we change the `@Temporal` type to TIME:
private Date timestamp;
Hibernate will issue an INSERT statement containing the hour, minutes and seconds.
( timestamp, id )
VALUES ( '16:51:58', 1 )
When the the `@Temporal` type is set to TIMESTAMP:
private Date timestamp;
Hibernate will include both the DATE, the TIME and the nanoseconds in the INSERT statement:
( timestamp, id )
VALUES ( '2015-12-29 16:54:04.544', 1 )
Just like the `java.util.Date`, the `java.util.Calendar` requires the `@Temporal` annotation in order to know what JDBC data type to be chosen: DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP.
If the `java.util.Date` marks a point in time, the `java.util.Calendar` takes into consideration the default Time Zone.
===== Mapping Java 8 Date/Time Values
Java 8 came with a new Date/Time API, offering support for instant dates, intervals, local and zoned Date/Time immutable instances, bundled in the `java.time` package.
Hibernate added support for the new Date/Time API in a new module, which must be included with the following Maven dependency:
.`hibernate-java8` Maven dependency
The mapping between the standard SQL Date/Time types and the supported Java 8 Date/Time class types looks as follows;
DATE:: `java.time.LocalDate`
TIME:: `java.time.LocalTime`, `java.time.OffsetTime`
TIMESTAMP:: `java.time.Instant`, `java.time.LocalDateTime`, `java.time.OffsetDateTime` and `java.time.ZonedDateTime`
Because the mapping between Java 8 Date/Time classes and the SQL types is implicit, there is not need to specify the `@Temporal` annotation.
Setting it on the `java.time` classes throws the following exception:
org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @Temporal should only be set on a java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar property
==== JPA 2.1 AttributeConverters
Although Hibernate has long been offering <<basic-custom,custom types>>, as a JPA 2.1 provider,
it also supports `AttributeConverter`s as well.
With a custom `AttributeConverter`, the application developer can map a given JDBC type to an entity basic type.
In the following example, the `java.util.Period` is going to be mapped to a `VARCHAR` database column.
.`java.util.Period` custom `AttributeConverter`
To make use of this custom converter, the `@Convert` annotation must decorate the entity attribute.
.Entity using the custom `AttributeConverter`
When persisting such entity, Hibernate will do the type conversion based on the `AttributeConverter` logic:
.Persisting entity using the custom `AttributeConverter`
==== SQL quoted identifiers
You can force Hibernate to quote an identifier in the generated SQL by enclosing the table or column name in backticks in the mapping document.
Hibernate will use the correct quotation style for the SQL `Dialect`.
This is usually double quotes, but the SQL Server uses brackets and MySQL uses backticks.
.Quoting column names
@Entity @Table(name="`Line Item`")
class LineItem {
@Column(name="`Item Id`")
private Integer id;
@Column(name="`Item #`")
private Integer itemNumber
==== Generated properties
Generated properties are properties that have their values generated by the database.
Typically, Hibernate applications needed to `refresh` objects that contain any properties for which the database was generating values.
Marking properties as generated, however, lets the application delegate this responsibility to Hibernate.
When Hibernate issues an SQL INSERT or UPDATE for an entity that has defined generated properties, it immediately issues a select afterwards to retrieve the generated values.
Properties marked as generated must additionally be _non-insertable_ and _non-updateable_.
Only `@Version` and `@Basic` types can be marked as generated.
`never` (the default):: the given property value is not generated within the database.
`insert`:: the given property value is generated on insert, but is not regenerated on subsequent updates. Properties like _creationTimestamp_ fall into this category.
`always`:: the property value is generated both on insert and on update.
To mark a property as generated, use The Hibernate specific `@Generated` annotation.
==== Column transformers: read and write expressions
Hibernate allows you to customize the SQL it uses to read and write the values of columns mapped to `@Basic` types.
For example, if your database provides a set of data encryption functions, you can invoke them for individual columns like this:
.`@ColumnTransformer` example
class CreditCard {
private Integer id;
private String creditCardNumber;
You can use the plural form `@ColumnTransformers` if more than one columns need to define either of these rules.
If a property uses more than one column, you must use the `forColumn` attribute to specify which column, the expressions are targeting.
.`@ColumnTransformer` `forColumn` attribute usage
class User {
private Integer id;
@Columns( {
private CreditCard creditCard;
Hibernate applies the custom expressions automatically whenever the property is referenced in a query.
This functionality is similar to a derived-property <<mapping-column-formula>> with two differences:
* The property is backed by one or more columns that are exported as part of automatic schema generation.
* The property is read-write, not read-only.
The `write` expression, if specified, must contain exactly one '?' placeholder for the value.
==== Formula
Sometimes, you want the Database to do some computation for you rather than in the JVM, you might also create some kind of virtual column.
You can use a SQL fragment (aka formula) instead of mapping a property into a column. This kind of property is read only (its value is calculated by your formula fragment)
.`@Formula` mapping usage
@Formula("obj_length * obj_height * obj_width")
private long objectVolume;
The SQL fragment can be as complex as you want and even include subselects.
==== Any
There is one more type of property mapping.
The `@Any` mapping defines a polymorphic association to classes from multiple tables.
This type of mapping requires more than one column.
The first column contains the type of the associated entity.
The remaining columns contain the identifier.
It is impossible to specify a foreign key constraint for this kind of association.
This is not the usual way of mapping polymorphic associations and you should use this only in special cases (e.g. audit logs, user session data, etc).
The `@Any` annotation describes the column holding the metadata information.
To link the value of the metadata information and an actual entity type, the `@AnyDef` and `@AnyDefs` annotations are used.
The `metaType` attribute allows the application to specify a custom type that maps database column values to persistent classes that have identifier properties of the type specified by `idType`.
You must specify the mapping from values of the metaType to class names.
.`@Any` mapping usage
metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ),
idType = "integer",
metaType = "string",
metaValues = {
@MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
@MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class )
@JoinColumn( name = "property_id" )
private Property mainProperty;
Note that `@AnyDef` can be mutualized and reused. It is recommended to place it as a package metadata in this case.
.`@AnyMetaDef` mapping usage
//on a package
@AnyMetaDef( name="property"
idType = "integer",
metaType = "string",
metaValues = {
@MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
@MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class )
package org.hibernate.test.annotations.any;
//in a class
metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ),
@JoinColumn( name = "property_id" )
private Property mainProperty;

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=== Collections
:sourcedir: extras
Naturally Hibernate also allows to persist collections.
These persistent collections can contain almost any other Hibernate type, including: basic types, custom types, components and references to other entities.
In this context, the distinction between value and reference semantics is very important.
An object in a collection might be handled with _value_ semantics (its life cycle being fully depends on the collection owner),
or it might be a reference to another entity with its own life cycle.
In the latter case, only the _link_ between the two objects is considered to be a state held by the collection.
The owner of the collection is always an entity, even if the collection is defined by an embeddable type.
Collections form one/many-to-many associations between types, so there can be:
- value type collections
- embeddable type collections
- entity collections
Hibernate uses its own collection implementations which are enriched with lazy-loading, caching or state change detection semantics.
For this reason, persistent collections must be declared as an interface type.
The actual interface might be `java.util.Collection`, `java.util.List`, `java.util.Set`, `java.util.Map`, `java.util.SortedSet`, `java.util.SortedMap` or even other object types (meaning you will have to write an implementation of `org.hibernate.usertype.UserCollectionType`).
As the following example demonstrates, it's important to use the interface type and not the collection implementation, as declared in the entity mapping.
.Hibernate uses its own collection implementations
It is important that collections be defined using the appropriate Java Collections Framework interface rather than a specific implementation.
From a theoretical perspective, this just follows good design principles.
From a practical perspective, Hibernate (like other persistence providers) will use their own collection implementations which conform to the Java Collections Framework interfaces.
The persistent collections injected by Hibernate behave like `ArrayList`, `HashSet`, `TreeSet`, `HashMap` or `TreeMap`, depending on the interface type.
==== Collections as a value type
Value and embeddable type collections have a similar behavior as simple value types because they are automatically persisted when referenced by a persistent object and automatically deleted when unreferenced.
If a collection is passed from one persistent object to another, its elements might be moved from one table to another.
Two entities cannot share a reference to the same collection instance.
Collection-valued properties do not support null value semantics because Hibernate does not distinguish between a null collection reference and an empty collection.
==== Collections of value types
Collections of value type include basic and embeddable types.
Collections cannot be nested, and, when used in collections, embeddable types are not allowed to define other collections.
For collections of value types, JPA 2.0 defines the `@ElementCollection` annotation.
The lifecycle of the value-type collection is entirely controlled by its owning entity.
Considering the previous example mapping, when clearing the phone collection, Hibernate deletes all the associated phones.
When adding a new element to the value type collection, Hibernate issues a new insert statement.
.Value type collection lifecycle
If removing all elements or adding new ones is rather straightforward, removing a certain entry actually requires reconstructing the whole collection from scratch.
.Removing collection elements
Depending on the number of elements, this behavior might not be efficient, if many elements need to be deleted and reinserted back into the database table.
A workaround is to use an `@OrderColumn`, which, although not as efficient as when using the actual link table primary key, might improve the efficiency of the remove operations.
.Removing collection elements using the order column
The `@OrderColumn` column works best when removing from the tail of the collection, as it only requires a single delete statement.
Removing from the head or the middle of the collection requires deleting the extra elements and updating the remaining ones to preserve element order.
Embeddable type collections behave the same way as value type collections.
Adding embeddables to the collection triggers the associated insert statements and removing elements from the collection will generate delete statements.
.Embeddable type collections
==== Collections of entities
If value type collections can only form a one-to-many association between an owner entity and multiple basic or embeddable types,
entity collections can represent both <<chapters/domain/associations.adoc#associations-one-to-many,@OneToMany>> and <<chapters/domain/associations.adoc#associations-many-to-many,@ManyToMany>> associations.
From a relational database perspective, associations are defined by the foreign key side (the child-side).
With value type collections, only the entity can control the association (the parent-side), but for a collection of entities, both sides of the association are managed by the persistence context.
For ths reason, entity collections can be devised into two main categories: unidirectional and bidirectional associations.
Unidirectional associations are very similar to value type collections, since only the parent side controls this relationship.
Bidirectional associations are more tricky, since, even if sides need to be in-sync at all times, only one side is responsible for managing the association.
A bidirectional association has an _owning_ side and an _inverse (mappedBy)_ side.
Another way of categorizing entity collections is by the underlying collection type, and so we can have:
* bags
* indexed lists
* sets
* sorted sets
* maps
* sorted maps
* arrays
In the following sections, we will go through all these collection types and discuss both unidirectional and bidirectional associations.
==== Bags
Bags are unordered lists and we can have unidirectional bags or bidirectional ones.
===== Unidirectional bags
The unidirectional bag is mapped using a single `@OneToMany` annotation on the parent side of the association.
Behind the scenes, Hibernate requires an association table to manage the parent-child relationship, as we can see in the following example:
.Unidirectional bag
Because both the parent and the child sides are entities, the persistence context manages each entity separately.
Cascades can propagate an entity state transition from a parent entity to its children.
By marking the parent side with the `CascadeType.ALL` attribute, the unidirectional association lifecycle becomes very similar to that of a value type collection.
.Unidirectional bag lifecycle
In the example above, once the parent entity is persisted, the child entities are going to be persisted as well.
Just like value type collections, unidirectional bags are not as efficient when it comes to modifying the collection structure (removing or reshuffling elements).
Because the parent-side cannot uniquely identify each individual child, Hibernate might delete all child table rows associate to the parent entity and re-add them according to the current collection state.
===== Bidirectional bags
The bidirectional bag is the most common type of entity collection.
The `@ManyToOne` side is the owning side of the bidirectional bag association, while the `@OneToMany` is the _inverse_ side, being marked with the `mappedBy` attribute.
.Bidirectional bag
.Bidirectional bag lifecycle
.Bidirectional bag with orphan removal
When rerunning the previous example, the child will get removed because the parent-side propagates the removal upon disassociating the child entity reference.
==== Ordered Lists
Although they use the `List` interface on the Java side, bags don't retain element order.
To preserve the collection element order, there are two possibilities:
`@OrderBy`:: the collection is ordered upon retrieval using a child entity property
`@OrderColumn`:: the collection uses a dedicated order column in the collection link table
===== Unidirectional ordered lists
When using the `@OrderBy` annotation, the mapping looks as follows:
.Unidirectional `@OrderBy` list
The database mapping is the same as with the <<collections-unidirectional-bag>> example, so it won't be repeated.
Upon fetching the collection, Hibernate generates the following select statement:
.Unidirectional `@OrderBy` list select statement
The child table column is used to order the list elements.
The `@OrderBy` annotation can take multiple entity properties, and each property can take an ordering direction too (e.g. `@OrderBy("name ASC, type DESC")`).
If no property is specified (e.g. `@OrderBy`), the primary key of the child entity table is used for ordering.
Another ordering option is to use the `@OrderColumn` annotation:
.Unidirectional `@OrderColumn` list
This time, the link table takes the `order_id` column and uses it to materialize the collection element order.
When fetching the list, the following select query is executed:
.Unidirectional `@OrderColumn` list select statement
With the `order_id` column in place, Hibernate can order the list in-memory after it's being fetched from the database.
===== Bidirectional ordered lists
The mapping is similar with the <<collections-bidirectional-bag>> example, just that the parent side is going to be annotated with either `@OrderBy` or `@OrderColumn`.
.Bidirectional `@OrderBy` list
Just like with the unidirectional `@OrderBy` list, the `number` column is used to order the statement on the SQL level.
When using the `@OrderColumn` annotation, the `order_id` column is going to be embedded in the child table:
.Bidirectional `@OrderColumn` list
When fetching the collection, Hibernate will use the fetched ordered columns to sort the elements according to the `@OrderColumn` mapping.
==== Sets
Sets are collections that don't allow duplicate entries and Hibernate supports both the unordered `Set` and the natural-ordering `SortedSet`.
===== Unidirectional sets
The unidirectional set uses a link table to hold the parent-child associations and the entity mapping looks as follows:
.Unidirectional set
The unidirectional set lifecycle is similar to that of the <<collections-unidirectional-bag>>, so it can be omitted.
The only difference is that `Set` doesn't allow duplicates, but this constraint is enforced by the Java object contract rather then the database mapping.
When using sets, it's very important to supply proper equals/hashCode implementations for child entities.
In the absence of a custom equals/hashCode implementation logic, Hibernate will use the default Java reference-based object equality which might render unexpected results when mixing detached and managed object instances.
===== Bidirectional sets
Just like bidirectional bags, the bidirectional set doesn't use a link table, and the child table has a foreign key referencing the parent table primary key.
The lifecycle is just like with bidirectional bags except for the duplicates which are filtered out.
.Bidirectional set
==== Sorted sets
For sorted sets, the entity mapping must use the `SortedSet` interface instead.
According to the `SortedSet` contract, all elements must implement the comparable interface and therefore provide the sorting logic.
===== Unidirectional sorted sets
A `SortedSet` that relies on the natural sorting order given by the child element `Comparable` implementation logic must be annotated with the `@SortNatural` Hibernate annotation.
.Unidirectional natural sorted set
The lifecycle and the database mapping are identical to the <<collections-unidirectional-bag>>, so they are intentionally omitted.
To provide a custom sorting logic, Hibernate also provides a `@SortComparator` annotation:
.Unidirectional custom comparator sorted set
===== Bidirectional sorted sets
The `@SortNatural` and `@SortComparator` work the same for bidirectional sorted sets too:
.Bidirectional natural sorted set
==== Maps
A `java.util.Map` is ternary association because it required a parent entity a map key and a value.
An entity can either be a map key or a map value, depending on the mapping.
Hibernate allows using the following map keys:
`MapKeyColumn`:: for value type maps, the map key is a column in the link table that defines the grouping logic
`MapKey`:: the map key is either the primary key or another property of the entity stored as a map entry value
`MapKeyEnumerated`:: the map key is an `Enum` of the target child entity
`MapKeyTemporal`:: the map key is a `Date` or a `Calendar` of the target child entity
`MapKeyJoinColumn`:: the map key is a an entity mapped as an association in the child entity that's stored as a map entry key
===== Value type maps
A map of value type must use the `@ElementCollection` annotation, just like value type lists, bags or sets.
.Value type map with an entity as a map key
Adding entries to the map generates the following SQL statements:
.Adding value type map entries
===== Unidirectional maps
A unidirectional map exposes a parent-child association from the parent-side only.
The following example shows a unidirectional map which also uses a `@MapKeyTemporal` annotation.
The map key is a timestamp and it's taken from the child entity table.
.Unidirectional Map
===== Bidirectional maps
Like most bidirectional associations, this relationship is owned by the child-side while the parent is the inverse side abd can propagate its own state transitions to the child entities.
In the following example, you can see that `@MapKeyEnumerated` was used so that the `Phone` enumeration becomes the map key.
.Bidirectional Map
==== Arrays
When it comes to arrays, there is quite a difference between Java arrays and relational database array types (e.g. VARRAY, ARRAY).
First, not all database systems implement the SQL-99 ARRAY type, and, for this reason, Hibernate doesn't support native database array types.
Second, Java arrays are relevant for basic types only, since storing multiple embeddables or entities should always be done using the Java Collection API.
==== Arrays as binary
By default, Hibernate will choose a BINARY type, as supported by the current `Dialect`.
.Binary arrays
==== Collections as basic value type
Notice how all the previous examples explicitly mark the collection attribute as either `ElementCollection`, `OneToMany` or `ManyToMany`.
Collections not marked as such require a custom Hibernate `Type` and the collection elements must be stored in a single database column.
This is sometimes beneficial. Consider a use-case such as a `VARCHAR` column that represents a delimited list/set of Strings.
.Comma delimited collection
The developer can use the comma-delimited collection like any other collection we've discussed so far and Hibernate will take care of the type transformation part.
The collection itself behaves like any other basic value type, as its lifecycle is bound to its owner entity.
.Comma delimited collection lifecycle
See the Hibernate Integrations Guide for more details on developing custom value type mappings.

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=== Dynamic Model
:sourcedir: extras
JPA only acknowledges the entity model mapping, so if you are concerned about JPA provider portability it's best to stick to the strict POJO model.
On the other hand, Hibernate can work with both POJO entities as well as with dynamic entity models.
==== Dynamic mapping models
Persistent entities do not necessarily have to be represented as POJO/JavaBean classes.
Hibernate also supports dynamic models (using `Map`s of `Map`s at runtime).
With this approach, you do not write persistent classes, only mapping files.
The mapping of dynamic models is beyond the scope of this chapter.
We will discuss using such models with Hibernate, in the <<mapping, next chapter>>.
A given entity has just one entity mode within a given SessionFactory.
This is a change from previous versions which allowed to define multiple entity modes for an entity and to select which to load.
Entity modes can now be mixed within a domain model; a dynamic entity might reference a POJO entity, and vice versa.
.Working with Dynamic Domain Models
The main advantage of dynamic models is quick turnaround time for prototyping without the need for entity class implementation.
The main down-fall is that you lose compile-time type checking and will likely deal with many exceptions at runtime.
However, as a result of the Hibernate mapping, the database schema can easily be normalized and sound, allowing to add a proper domain model implementation on top later on.
It is also interesting to note that dynamic models are great for certain integration use cases as well.
Envers, for example, makes extensive use of dynamic models to represent the historical data.

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=== Embeddable types
:sourcedir: extras
Historically Hibernate called these components.
JPA calls them embeddables.
Either way the concept is the same: a composition of values.
For example we might have a Name class that is a composition of first-name and last-name, or an Address class that is a composition of street, city, postal code, etc.
.Usage of the word _embeddable_
To avoid any confusion with the annotation that marks a given embeddable type, the annotation will be further referred as `@Embeddable`.
Throughout this chapter and thereafter, for brevity sake, embeddable types may also be referred as _embeddable_.
.Simple embeddable type example
An embeddable type is another form of value type, and its lifecycle is bound to a parent entity type, therefore inheriting the attribute access from its parent (for details on attribute access, see <<chapters/domain/entity.adoc#access-embeddable-types,Access strategies>>).
Embeddable types can be made up of basic values as well as associations, with the caveat that, when used as collection elements, they cannot define collections themselves.
==== Component / Embedded
Most often, embeddable types are used to group multiple basic type mappings and reuse them across several entities.
.Simple Embeddedable
JPA defines two terms for working with an embeddable type: `@Embeddable` and `@Embedded`.
`@Embeddable` is used to describe the mapping type itself (e.g. `Name`).
`@Embedded` is for referencing a given embeddable type (e.g. `person.name`).
So, the embeddable type is represented by the `Name` class and the parent makes use of it through the `person.name` object composition.
.Person table
The composed values are mapped to the same table as the parent table.
Composition is part of good OO data modeling (idiomatic Java).
In fact, that table could also be mapped by the following entity type instead.
.Alternative to embeddable type composition
The composition form is certainly more Object-oriented, and that becomes more evident as we work with multiple embeddable types.
==== Multiple embeddable types
.Multiple embeddable types
Although from an object-oriented perspective, it's much more convenient to work with embeddable types, this example doesn't work as-is.
When the same embeddable type is included multiple times in the same parent entity type, the JPA specification demands setting the associated column names explicitly.
This requirement is due to how object properties are mapped to database columns.
By default, JPA expects a database column having the same name with its associated object property.
When including multiple embeddables, the implicit name-based mapping rule doesn't work anymore because multiple object properties could end-up being mapped to the same database column.
We have a few options to handle this issue.
==== JPA's AttributeOverride
JPA defines the `@AttributeOverride` annotation to handle this scenario.
.JPA's AttributeOverride
This way, the mapping conflict is resolved by setting up explicit name-based property-column type mappings.
==== ImplicitNamingStrategy
This is a Hibernate specific feature.
Users concerned with JPA provider portability should instead prefer explicit column naming with <<embeddable-multiple-jpa,`@AttributeOverride`>>.
Hibernate naming strategies are covered in detail in <<naming.adoc#naming,Naming>>.
However, for the purposes of this discussion, Hibernate has the capability to interpret implicit column names in a way that is safe for use with multiple embeddable types.
.Enabling embeddable type safe implicit naming
Now the "path" to attributes are used in the implicit column naming.
You could even develop your own to do special implicit naming.
==== Collections of embeddable types
Collections of embeddable types are specifically value collections (as embeddable types are a value type).
Value collections are covered in detail in <<collection.adoc#collections-value,Collections of value types>>.
==== Embeddable types as Map key
Embeddable types can also be used as `Map` keys.
This topic is converted in detail in <<collection.adoc#collections-map,Map - key>>.
==== Embeddable types as identifiers
Embeddable types can also be used as entity type identifiers.
This usage is covered in detail in <chapters/domain/identifiers.adoc#identifiers-composite,Composite identifiers>>.
Embeddable types that are used as collection entries, map keys or entity type identifiers cannot include their own collection mappings.

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=== Entity types
:sourcedir: extras
.Usage of the word _entity_
The entity type describes the mapping between the actual persistable domain model object and a database table row.
To avoid any confusion with the annotation that marks a given entity type, the annotation will be further referred as `@Entity`.
Throughout this chapter and thereafter, entity types will be simply referred as _entity_.
==== POJO Models
Section _2.1 The Entity Class_ of the _JPA 2.1 specification_ defines its requirements for an entity class.
Applications that wish to remain portable across JPA providers should adhere to these requirements.
* The entity class must be annotated with the `javax.persistence.Entity` annotation (or be denoted as such in XML mapping)
* The entity class must have a public or protected no-argument constructor. It may define additional constructors as well.
* The entity class must be a top-level class.
* An enum or interface may not be designated as an entity.
* The entity class must not be final. No methods or persistent instance variables of the entity class may be final.
* If an entity instance is to be used remotely as a detached object, the entity class must implement the `Serializable` interface.
* Both abstract and concrete classes can be entities. Entities may extend non-entity classes as well as entity classes, and non-entity classes may extend entity classes.
* The persistent state of an entity is represented by instance variables, which may correspond to JavaBean-style properties.
An instance variable must be directly accessed only from within the methods of the entity by the entity instance itself.
The state of the entity is available to clients only through the entitys accessor methods (getter/setter methods) or other business methods.
Hibernate, however, is not as strict in its requirements. The differences from the list above include:
* The entity class must have a no-argument constructor, which may be public, protected or package visibility. It may define additional constructors as well.
* The entity class _need not_ be a top-level class.
* Technically Hibernate can persist final classes or classes with final persistent state accessor (getter/setter) methods.
However, it is generally not a good idea as doing so will stop Hibernate from being able to generate proxies for lazy-loading the entity.
* Hibernate does not restrict the application developer from exposing instance variables and reference them from outside the entity class itself.
The validity of such a paradigm, however, is debatable at best.
Let's look at each requirement in detail.
==== Prefer non-final classes
A central feature of Hibernate is the ability to load lazily certain entity instance variables (attributes) via runtime proxies.
This feature depends upon the entity class being non-final or else implementing an interface that declares all the attribute getters/setters.
You can still persist final classes that do not implement such an interface with Hibernate,
but you will not be able to use proxies for fetching lazy associations, therefore limiting your options for performance tuning.
For the very same reason, you should also avoid declaring persistent attribute getters and setters as final.
Starting in 5.0 Hibernate offers a more robust version of bytecode enhancement as another means for handling lazy loading.
Hibernate had some bytecode re-writing capabilities prior to 5.0 but they were very rudimentary.
See the <chapters/pc/BytecodeEnhancement.adoc#BytecodeEnhancement,BytecodeEnhancement>> for additional information on fetching and on bytecode enhancement.
==== Implement a no-argument constructor
The entity class should have a no-argument constructor. Both Hibernate and JPA require this.
JPA requires that this constructor be defined as public or protected.
Hibernate, for the most part, does not care about the constructor visibility, as long as the system SecurityManager allows overriding the visibility setting.
That said, the constructor should be defined with at least package visibility if you wish to leverage runtime proxy generation.
==== Declare getters and setters for persistent attributes
The JPA specification requires this, otherwise the model would prevent accessing the entity persistent state fields directly from outside the entity itself.
Although Hibernate does not require it, it is recommended to follow the JavaBean conventions and define getters and setters for entity persistent attributes.
Nevertheless, you can still tell Hibernate to directly access the entity fields.
Attributes (whether fields or getters/setters) need not be declared public.
Hibernate can deal with attributes declared with public, protected, package or private visibility.
Again, if wanting to use runtime proxy generation for lazy loading, the getter/setter should grant access to at least package visibility.
==== Provide identifier attribute(s)
Historically this was considered optional.
However, not defining identifier attribute(s) on the entity should be considered a deprecated feature that will be removed in an upcoming release.
The identifier attribute does not necessarily need to be mapped to the column(s) that physically define the primary key.
However, it should map to column(s) that can uniquely identify each row.
We recommend that you declare consistently-named identifier attributes on persistent classes and that you use a nullable (i.e., non-primitive) type.
The placement of the `@Id` annotation marks the <<chapters/domain/access.adoc#access,persistence state access strategy>>.
Hibernate offers multiple identifier generation strategies, see the <<chapters/domain/identifiers.adoc#identifiers,Identifier Generators>> chapter for more about this topic.
==== Mapping the entity
The main piece in mapping the entity is the `javax.persistence.Entity` annotation.
The `@Entity` annotation defines just one attribute `name` which is used to give a specific entity name for use in JPQL queries.
By default, the entity name represents the unqualified name of the entity class itself.
.Simple `@Entity`
An entity models a database table.
The identifier uniquely identifies each row in that table.
By default, the name of the table is assumed to be the same as the name of the entity.
To explicitly give the name of the table or to specify other information about the table, we would use the `javax.persistence.Table` annotation.
.Simple `@Entity` with `@Table`
==== Implementing `equals()` and `hashCode()`
Much of the discussion in this section deals with the relation of an entity to a Hibernate Session, whether the entity is managed, transient or detached.
If you are unfamiliar with these topics, they are explained in the <<chapters/pc/PersistenceContext.adoc#pc,Persistence Context>> chapter.
Whether to implement `equals()` and `hashCode()` methods in your domain model, let alone how to implement them, is a surprisingly tricky discussion when it comes to ORM.
There is really just one absolute case: a class that acts as an identifier must implement equals/hashCode based on the id value(s).
Generally this is pertinent for user-defined classes used as composite identifiers.
Beyond this one very specific use case and few others we will discuss below, you may want to consider not implementing equals/hashCode altogether.
So what's all the fuss? Normally, most Java objects provide a built-in `equals()` and `hashCode()` based on the object's identity, so each new object will be different from all others.
This is generally what you want in ordinary Java programming.
Conceptually however this starts to break down when you start to think about the possibility of multiple instances of a class representing the same data.
This is, in fact, exactly the case when dealing with data coming from a database.
Every time we load a specific `Person` from the database we would naturally get a unique instance.
Hibernate, however, works hard to make sure that does not happen within a given `Session`.
In fact Hibernate guarantees equivalence of persistent identity (database row) and Java identity inside a particular session scope.
So if we ask a Hibernate `Session` to load that specific Person multiple times we will actually get back the same __instance__:
.Scope of identity
Consider another example using a persistent `java.util.Set`:
.Set usage with Session-scoped identity
However, the semantic changes when we mix instances loaded from different Sessions:
.Mixed Sessions
Specifically the outcome in this last example will depend on whether the `Person` class implemented equals/hashCode, and, if so, how.
Consider yet another case:
.Sets with transient entities
In cases where you will be dealing with entities outside of a Session (whether they be transient or detached), especially in cases where you will be using them in Java collections,
you should consider implementing equals/hashCode.
A common initial approach is to use the entity's identifier attribute as the basis for equals/hashCode calculations:
.Naive equals/hashCode implementation
It turns out that this still breaks when adding transient instance of `Person` to a set as we saw in the last example:
.Still trouble
The issue here is a conflict between _the use of generated identifier_, _the contract of `Set`_ and _the equals/hashCode implementations_.
`Set` says that the equals/hashCode value for an object should not change while the object is part of the Set.
But that is exactly what happened here because the equals/hasCode are based on the (generated) id, which was not set until the `session.getTransaction().commit()` call.
Note that this is just a concern when using generated identifiers.
If you are using assigned identifiers this will not be a problem, assuming the identifier value is assigned prior to adding to the `Set`.
Another option is to force the identifier to be generated and set prior to adding to the `Set`:
.Forcing identifier generation
But this is often not feasible.
The final approach is to use a "better" equals/hashCode implementation, making use of a natural-id or business-key.
.Better equals/hashCode with natural-id
As you can see the question of equals/hashCode is not trivial, nor is there a one-size-fits-all solution.
For details on mapping the identifier, see the <<chapters/domain/identifiers.adoc#identiifers,Identifiers>> chapter.
==== Mapping optimistic locking
JPA defines support for optimistic locking based on either a version (sequential numeric) or timestamp strategy.
To enable this style of optimistic locking simply add the `javax.persistence.Version` to the persistent attribute that defines the optimistic locking value.
According to JPA, the valid types for these attributes are limited to:
* `int` or `Integer`
* `short` or `Short`
* `long` or `Long`
* `java.sql.Timestamp`
Hibernate supports a form of optimistic locking that does not require a dedicated "version attribute".
This is intended mainly for use with modeling legacy schemas.
The idea is that you can get Hibernate to perform "version checks" using either all of the entity's attributes, or just the attributes that have changed.
This is achieved through the use of the `org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLocking` annotation which defines a single attribute of type `org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLockType`.
There are 4 available OptimisticLockTypes:
`NONE`:: optimistic locking is disabled even if there is a `@Version` annotation present
`VERSION` (the default):: performs optimistic locking based on a `@Version` as described above
`ALL`:: performs optimistic locking based on _all_ fields as part of an expanded WHERE clause restriction for the UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements
`DIRTY`:: performs optimistic locking based on _dirty_ fields as part of an expanded WHERE clause restriction for the UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
public class Patch {
private Long id;
@OrderColumn(name = "index_id")
private List<Change> changes = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Change> getChanges() {
return changes;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
public static class Change {
private String path;
private String diff;
public Change() {}
@Column(name = "path", nullable = false)
public String getPath() {
return path;
public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;
@Column(name = "diff", nullable = false)
public String getDiff() {
return diff;
public void setDiff(String diff) {
this.diff = diff;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
public class Patch {
private Long id;
private Change change;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
public class Simple {
private Integer id;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId( Integer id ) {
this.id = id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
public class Simple {
private Integer id;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId( Integer id ) {
this.id = id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
public class Simple {
private Integer id;
@Access( AccessType.FIELD )
private Integer version;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId( Integer id ) {
this.id = id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
public class Person {
private Long id;
private String registrationNumber;
public Person() {}
public Person(String registrationNumber) {
this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;
@ManyToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE} )
private List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Address> getAddresses() {
return addresses;
public void addAddress(Address address) {
public void removeAddress(Address address) {
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Person person = (Person) o;
return Objects.equals(registrationNumber, person.registrationNumber);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(registrationNumber);
public class Address {
private Long id;
private String street;
private String number;
private String postalCode;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "addresses")
private List<Person> owners = new ArrayList<>();
public Address() {}
public Address(String street, String number, String postalCode) {
this.street = street;
this.number = number;
this.postalCode = postalCode;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getStreet() {
return street;
public String getNumber() {
return number;
public String getPostalCode() {
return postalCode;
public List<Person> getOwners() {
return owners;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Address address = (Address) o;
return Objects.equals(street, address.street) &&
Objects.equals(number, address.number) &&
Objects.equals(postalCode, address.postalCode);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(street, number, postalCode);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
number VARCHAR(255) ,
postalCode VARCHAR(255) ,
street VARCHAR(255) ,
registrationNumber VARCHAR(255) ,
CREATE TABLE Person_Address (
owners_id BIGINT NOT NULL ,
addresses_id BIGINT NOT NULL
ADD CONSTRAINT UK_23enodonj49jm8uwec4i7y37f
UNIQUE (registrationNumber)
ALTER TABLE Person_Address
ADD CONSTRAINT FKm7j0bnabh2yr0pe99il1d066u
FOREIGN KEY (addresses_id) REFERENCES Address
ALTER TABLE Person_Address
ADD CONSTRAINT FKbn86l24gmxdv2vmekayqcsgup

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Person person1 = new Person("ABC-123");
Person person2 = new Person("DEF-456");
Address address1 = new Address("12th Avenue", "12A", "4005A");
Address address2 = new Address("18th Avenue", "18B", "4007B");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
INSERT INTO Person ( registrationNumber, id )
VALUES ( 'ABC-123', 1 )
INSERT INTO Address ( number, postalCode, street, id )
VALUES ( '12A', '4005A', '12th Avenue', 2 )
INSERT INTO Address ( number, postalCode, street, id )
VALUES ( '18B', '4007B', '18th Avenue', 3 )
INSERT INTO Person ( registrationNumber, id )
VALUES ( 'DEF-456', 4 )
INSERT INTO Person_Address ( owners_id, addresses_id )
VALUES ( 1, 2 )
INSERT INTO Person_Address ( owners_id, addresses_id )
VALUES ( 1, 3 )
INSERT INTO Person_Address ( owners_id, addresses_id )
VALUES ( 4, 2 )
DELETE FROM Person_Address
WHERE owners_id = 1
INSERT INTO Person_Address ( owners_id, addresses_id )
VALUES ( 1, 3 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
public class Person {
private Long id;
private String registrationNumber;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<PersonAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
public Person() {}
public Person(String registrationNumber) {
this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public List<PersonAddress> getAddresses() {
return addresses;
public void addAddress(Address address) {
PersonAddress personAddress = new PersonAddress(this, address);
public void removeAddress(Address address) {
PersonAddress personAddress = new PersonAddress(this, address);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Person person = (Person) o;
return Objects.equals(registrationNumber, person.registrationNumber);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(registrationNumber);
public class PersonAddress implements Serializable {
private Person person;
private Address address;
public PersonAddress() {}
public PersonAddress(Person person, Address address) {
this.person = person;
this.address = address;
public Person getPerson() {
return person;
public void setPerson(Person person) {
this.person = person;
public Address getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(Address address) {
this.address = address;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
PersonAddress that = (PersonAddress) o;
return Objects.equals(person, that.person) &&
Objects.equals(address, that.address);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(person, address);
public class Address {
private Long id;
private String street;
private String number;
private String postalCode;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "address", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<PersonAddress> owners = new ArrayList<>();
public Address() {}
public Address(String street, String number, String postalCode) {
this.street = street;
this.number = number;
this.postalCode = postalCode;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getStreet() {
return street;
public String getNumber() {
return number;
public String getPostalCode() {
return postalCode;
public List<PersonAddress> getOwners() {
return owners;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Address address = (Address) o;
return Objects.equals(street, address.street) &&
Objects.equals(number, address.number) &&
Objects.equals(postalCode, address.postalCode);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(street, number, postalCode);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
number VARCHAR(255) ,
postalCode VARCHAR(255) ,
street VARCHAR(255) ,
registrationNumber VARCHAR(255) ,
CREATE TABLE PersonAddress (
person_id BIGINT NOT NULL ,
address_id BIGINT NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( person_id, address_id )
ADD CONSTRAINT UK_23enodonj49jm8uwec4i7y37f
UNIQUE (registrationNumber)
ALTER TABLE PersonAddress
ADD CONSTRAINT FK8b3lru5fyej1aarjflamwghqq
ALTER TABLE PersonAddress
ADD CONSTRAINT FK7p69mgialumhegyl4byrh65jk
FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES Address

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Person person1 = new Person("ABC-123");
Person person2 = new Person("DEF-456");
Address address1 = new Address("12th Avenue", "12A", "4005A");
Address address2 = new Address("18th Avenue", "18B", "4007B");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
INSERT INTO Person ( registrationNumber, id )
VALUES ( 'ABC-123', 1 )
INSERT INTO Person ( registrationNumber, id )
VALUES ( 'DEF-456', 2 )
INSERT INTO Address ( number, postalCode, street, id )
VALUES ( '12A', '4005A', '12th Avenue', 3 )
INSERT INTO Address ( number, postalCode, street, id )
VALUES ( '18B', '4007B', '18th Avenue', 4 )
INSERT INTO PersonAddress ( person_id, address_id )
VALUES ( 1, 3 )
INSERT INTO PersonAddress ( person_id, address_id )
VALUES ( 1, 4 )
INSERT INTO PersonAddress ( person_id, address_id )
VALUES ( 2, 3 )
DELETE FROM PersonAddress
WHERE person_id = 1 AND address_id = 3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
public class Person {
private Long id;
public Person() {}
public Person(Long id) {
this.id = id;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Phone> getPhones() {
return phones;
public void addPhone(Phone phone) {
public void removePhone(Phone phone) {
public class Phone {
private Long id;
@Column(unique = true)
private String number;
private Person person;
public Phone() {}
public Phone(String number) {
this.number = number;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getNumber() {
return number;
public Person getPerson() {
return person;
public void setPerson(Person person) {
this.person = person;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Phone phone = (Phone) o;
return Objects.equals(number, phone.number);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(number);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
number VARCHAR(255) ,
person_id BIGINT ,
ADD CONSTRAINT UK_l329ab0g4c1t78onljnxmbnp6
UNIQUE (number)
ADD CONSTRAINT FKmw13yfsjypiiq0i1osdkaeqpg

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Person person = new Person();
Phone phone1 = new Phone("123-456-7890");
Phone phone2 = new Phone("321-654-0987");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
( number, person_id, id )
VALUES ( '123-456-7890', NULL, 2 )
( number, person_id, id )
VALUES ( '321-654-0987', NULL, 3 )
WHERE id = 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
public class Phone {
private Long id;
private String number;
@OneToOne(mappedBy = "phone", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private PhoneDetails details;
public Phone() {}
public Phone(String number) {
this.number = number;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getNumber() {
return number;
public PhoneDetails getDetails() {
return details;
public void addDetails(PhoneDetails details) {
this.details = details;
public void removeDetails() {
if (details != null) {
this.details = null;
public class PhoneDetails {
private Long id;
private String provider;
private String technology;
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "phone_id")
private Phone phone;
public PhoneDetails() {}
public PhoneDetails(String provider, String technology) {
this.provider = provider;
this.technology = technology;
public String getProvider() {
return provider;
public String getTechnology() {
return technology;
public void setTechnology(String technology) {
this.technology = technology;
public Phone getPhone() {
return phone;
public void setPhone(Phone phone) {
this.phone = phone;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
number VARCHAR(255) ,
CREATE TABLE PhoneDetails (
provider VARCHAR(255) ,
technology VARCHAR(255) ,
phone_id BIGINT ,
ALTER TABLE PhoneDetails
ADD CONSTRAINT FKeotuev8ja8v0sdh29dynqj05p

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Phone phone = new Phone("123-456-7890");
PhoneDetails details = new PhoneDetails("T-Mobile", "GSM");
PhoneDetails otherDetails = new PhoneDetails("T-Mobile", "CDMA");
//throws javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: More than one row with the given identifier was found: 1
entityManager.find(Phone.class, phone.getId()).getDetails().getProvider();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Phone phone = new Phone("123-456-7890");
PhoneDetails details = new PhoneDetails("T-Mobile", "GSM");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
INSERT INTO Phone ( number, id )
VALUES ( '123 - 456 - 7890', 1 )
INSERT INTO PhoneDetails ( phone_id, provider, technology, id )
VALUES ( 1, 'T - Mobile, GSM', 2 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
public class Person {
private Long id;
public Person() {}
public class Phone {
private Long id;
private String number;
@JoinColumn(name = "person_id",
foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name = "PERSON_ID_FK")
private Person person;
public Phone() {}
public Phone(String number) {
this.number = number;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getNumber() {
return number;
public Person getPerson() {
return person;
public void setPerson(Person person) {
this.person = person;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
number VARCHAR(255) ,
person_id BIGINT ,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Person person = new Person();
Phone phone = new Phone("123-456-7890");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
INSERT INTO Person ( id )
VALUES ( 1 )
INSERT INTO Phone ( number, person_id, id )
VALUES ( '123-456-7890', 1, 2 )
SET number = '123-456-7890',
person_id = NULL
WHERE id = 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
public class Person {
private Long id;
public Person() {}
@ManyToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE} )
private List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Address> getAddresses() {
return addresses;
public class Address {
private Long id;
private String street;
private String number;
public Address() {}
public Address(String street, String number) {
this.street = street;
this.number = number;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getStreet() {
return street;
public String getNumber() {
return number;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
number VARCHAR(255) ,
street VARCHAR(255) ,
CREATE TABLE Person_Address (
addresses_id BIGINT NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE Person_Address
ADD CONSTRAINT FKm7j0bnabh2yr0pe99il1d066u
FOREIGN KEY (addresses_id) REFERENCES Address
ALTER TABLE Person_Address
ADD CONSTRAINT FKba7rc9qe2vh44u93u0p2auwti

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Person person1 = new Person();
Person person2 = new Person();
Address address1 = new Address("12th Avenue", "12A");
Address address2 = new Address("18th Avenue", "18B");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
INSERT INTO Person ( id )
VALUES ( 1 )
INSERT INTO Address ( number, street, id )
VALUES ( '12A', '12th Avenue', 2 )
INSERT INTO Address ( number, street, id )
VALUES ( '18B', '18th Avenue', 3 )
INSERT INTO Person ( id )
VALUES ( 4 )
INSERT INTO Person_Address ( Person_id, addresses_id )
VALUES ( 1, 2 )
INSERT INTO Person_Address ( Person_id, addresses_id )
VALUES ( 1, 3 )
INSERT INTO Person_Address ( Person_id, addresses_id )
VALUES ( 4, 2 )
DELETE FROM Person_Address
WHERE Person_id = 1
INSERT INTO Person_Address ( Person_id, addresses_id )
VALUES ( 1, 3 )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Person person1 = entityManager.find(Person.class, personId);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
DELETE FROM Person_Address
WHERE Person_id = 1
WHERE id = 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
public class Person {
private Long id;
public Person() {}
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Phone> getPhones() {
return phones;
public class Phone {
private Long id;
private String number;
public Phone() {}
public Phone(String number) {
this.number = number;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getNumber() {
return number;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
CREATE TABLE Person_Phone (
number VARCHAR(255) ,
ALTER TABLE Person_Phone
ADD CONSTRAINT UK_9uhc5itwc9h5gcng944pcaslf
UNIQUE (phones_id)
ALTER TABLE Person_Phone
ADD CONSTRAINT FKr38us2n8g5p9rj0b494sd3391
ALTER TABLE Person_Phone
ADD CONSTRAINT FK2ex4e4p7w1cj310kg2woisjl2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Person person = new Person();
Phone phone1 = new Phone("123-456-7890");
Phone phone2 = new Phone("321-654-0987");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
( id )
VALUES ( 1 )
( number, id )
VALUES ( '123 - 456 - 7890', 2 )
( number, id )
VALUES ( '321 - 654 - 0987', 3 )
INSERT INTO Person_Phone
( Person_id, phones_id )
VALUES ( 1, 2 )
INSERT INTO Person_Phone
( Person_id, phones_id )
VALUES ( 1, 3 )
DELETE FROM Person_Phone
WHERE Person_id = 1
INSERT INTO Person_Phone
( Person_id, phones_id )
VALUES ( 1, 3 )
WHERE id = 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
public class Phone {
private Long id;
private String number;
@JoinColumn(name = "details_id")
private PhoneDetails details;
public Phone() {}
public Phone(String number) {
this.number = number;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public String getNumber() {
return number;
public PhoneDetails getDetails() {
return details;
public void setDetails(PhoneDetails details) {
this.details = details;
public class PhoneDetails {
private Long id;
private String provider;
private String technology;
public PhoneDetails() {}
public PhoneDetails(String provider, String technology) {
this.provider = provider;
this.technology = technology;
public String getProvider() {
return provider;
public String getTechnology() {
return technology;
public void setTechnology(String technology) {
this.technology = technology;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
number VARCHAR(255) ,
details_id BIGINT ,
CREATE TABLE PhoneDetails (
provider VARCHAR(255) ,
technology VARCHAR(255) ,
ADD CONSTRAINT FKnoj7cj83ppfqbnvqqa5kolub7
FOREIGN KEY (details_id) REFERENCES PhoneDetails

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
create table step(
instruction BLOB not null,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
public class Step {
public Blob instructions;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
public class Step {
public byte[] instructions;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
create table product(
description CLOB not null,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
public class Product {
public Clob description;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
public class Product {
public String description;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
public class Product {
public char[] description;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
public class DateEvent {
private Long id;
private Date timestamp;
public DateEvent() {}
public DateEvent(Date timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public Date getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
public enum Gender {
private final char code;
private Gender( char code ) {
this.code = code;
public static Gender fromCode( char code ) {
if ( code == 'M' || code == 'm' ) {
return MALE;
if ( code == 'F' || code == 'f' ) {
return FEMALE;
public char getCode() {
return code;
public class Person {
@Convert( converter = GenderConverter.class )
public Gender gender;
public class GenderConverter implements AttributeConverter<Character, Gender> {
public Character convertToDatabaseColumn( Gender value ) {
if ( value == null ) {
return null;
return value.getCode();
public Gender convertToEntityAttribute( Character value ) {
if ( value == null ) {
return null;
return Gender.fromCode( value );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.CharacterTypeDescriptor;
public enum Gender {
private final char code;
private Gender( char code ) {
this.code = code;
public static Gender fromCode( char code ) {
if ( code == 'M' || code == 'm' ) {
return MALE;
if ( code == 'F' || code == 'f' ) {
return FEMALE;
public char getCode() {
return code;
public static class GenderJavaTypeDescriptor extends AbstractTypeDescriptor<Gender> {
public static final GenderJavaTypeDescriptor INSTANCE = new GenderJavaTypeDescriptor();
public String toString( Gender value ) {
return value == null ? null : value.name();
public Gender fromString( String string ) {
return string == null ? null : Gender.valueOf( string );
public <X> X unwrap( Gender value, Class<X> type, WrapperOptions options ) {
return CharacterTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE.unwrap(
value == null ? null : value.getCode(),
public <X> Gender wrap( X value, WrapperOptions options ) {
return CharacterTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE.wrap( value, options );
public class Person {
@Type( type = GenderType.class )
public Gender gender;
public class GenderType extends AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<Gender> {
public static final GenderType INSTANCE = new GenderType();
private GenderType() {
public String getName() {
return "gender";
protected boolean registerUnderJavaType() {
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
public class Person {
public Gender gender;
public static enum Gender {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
public class Person {
@Enumerated( STRING )
public Gender gender;
public static enum Gender {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
public class Product {
private Integer id;
private String sku;
private String name;
@Column( name = "NOTES" )
private String description;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
public class FizzywigType1 implements org.hibernate.type.BasicType {
public static final FizzywigType1 INSTANCE = new FizzywigType1();
public String[] getRegistrationKeys() {
return new String[]{Fizzywig.class.getName()};
public int[] sqlTypes( Mapping mapping ) {
return new int[]{java.sql.Types.VARCHAR};
public Class getReturnedClass() {
return Money.class;
public Object nullSafeGet(
ResultSet rs,
String[] names,
SessionImplementor session,
Object owner) throws SQLException {
return Fizzwig.fromString(
StringType.INSTANCE.get( rs, names[0], sesson )
public void nullSafeSet(
PreparedStatement st,
Object value,
int index,
boolean[] settable,
SessionImplementor session) throws SQLException {
final String dbValue = value == null
? null
: (( Fizzywig ) value).asString();
StringType.INSTANCE.nullSafeSet( st, value, index, settable, session );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
MetadataSources metadataSources = ...;
metadataSources.getMetaDataBuilder().applyBasicType( FizzwigType1.INSTANCE );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
public class FizzywigType2 implements org.hibernate.usertype.UserType {
public static final String KEYS = new String[]{Fizzywig.class.getName()};
public static final FizzywigType1 INSTANCE = new FizzywigType1();
public int[] sqlTypes( Mapping mapping ) {
return new int[]{java.sql.Types.VARCHAR};
public Class getReturnedClass() {
return Fizzywig.class;
public Object nullSafeGet(
ResultSet rs,
String[] names,
SessionImplementor session,
Object owner) throws SQLException {
return Fizzwig.fromString(
StringType.INSTANCE.get( rs, names[0], sesson )
public void nullSafeSet(
PreparedStatement st,
Object value,
int index,
SessionImplementor session) throws SQLException {
final String dbValue = value == null
? null
: (( Fizzywig ) value).asString();
StringType.INSTANCE.nullSafeSet( st, value, index, session );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
MetadataSources metadataSources = ...;
metadataSources.getMetaDataBuilder().applyBasicType( FizzwigType2.KEYS,FizzwigType2.INSTANCE )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
public class Product {
public NClob description;
// Clob also works, because NClob
// extends Clob. The db type is
// still NCLOB either way and
// handled as such

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More