HHH-10108 - Substituted checkstyle NewlineAtEndOfFile rule with rules used in OGM and fixed classes having more than a newline at the end of file

This commit is contained in:
Andrea Boriero 2015-09-21 16:05:32 +01:00
parent d812f79ace
commit c5b1cf94f3
97 changed files with 13 additions and 320 deletions

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@ -45,9 +45,3 @@ public class HibernateException extends RuntimeException {
super( message, cause );

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@ -42,9 +42,3 @@ public class MappingException extends HibernateException {

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@ -26,10 +26,3 @@ public class ObjectDeletedException extends UnresolvableObjectException {

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@ -851,10 +851,3 @@ public interface Query extends BasicQueryContract {
public Query setResultTransformer(ResultTransformer transformer);

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@ -67,9 +67,3 @@ public enum ReplicationMode {
public abstract boolean shouldOverwriteCurrentVersion(Object entity, Object currentVersion, Object newVersion, VersionType versionType);

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@ -356,9 +356,3 @@ public interface ScrollableResults extends java.io.Closeable {
public TimeZone getTimeZone(int col);

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@ -45,10 +45,3 @@ public class StaleObjectStateException extends StaleStateException {

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@ -66,10 +66,3 @@ public class UnresolvableObjectException extends HibernateException {

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@ -46,4 +46,3 @@ public class WrongClassException extends HibernateException {
return identifier;

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@ -196,4 +196,3 @@ public abstract class CollectionAction implements Executable, Serializable, Comp
return (EventSource) getSession();

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@ -79,10 +79,3 @@ public final class CollectionRecreateAction extends CollectionAction {

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@ -124,10 +124,3 @@ public final class CollectionUpdateAction extends CollectionAction {

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@ -186,4 +186,3 @@ public abstract class EntityAction
return (EventSource) getSession();

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@ -347,4 +347,3 @@ public final class EntityUpdateAction extends EntityAction {

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@ -43,4 +43,3 @@ public final class QueuedOperationCollectionAction extends CollectionAction {
getPersister().processQueuedOps( getCollection(), getKey(), getSession() );

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@ -26,4 +26,3 @@ public @interface GenericGenerators {
GenericGenerator[] value();

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@ -104,4 +104,3 @@ public class Caching {

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@ -36,4 +36,3 @@ public enum TruthValue {
return value != null ? value.toBoolean( defaultValue ) : defaultValue;

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@ -200,4 +200,3 @@ public class Identifier implements Comparable<Identifier> {
return getCanonicalName().compareTo( o.getCanonicalName() );

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@ -24,4 +24,3 @@ public interface QualifiedName {
String render();

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@ -72,5 +72,3 @@ class AbstractConstraintSource implements ConstraintSource {
return result;

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@ -36,5 +36,3 @@ class IndexConstraintSourceImpl extends AbstractConstraintSource implements Inde
return false;

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@ -39,4 +39,3 @@ public class AttributeRole extends AbstractAttributeKey {
super( parent, property );

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@ -70,4 +70,3 @@ public interface AttributeSource extends ToolingHintContextContainer {
public boolean isIncludedInOptimisticLocking();

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@ -62,4 +62,3 @@ public interface IdentifiableTypeSource extends AttributeSourceContainer {
public List<JpaCallbackSource> getJpaCallbackClasses();

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@ -26,4 +26,3 @@ public enum NaturalIdMutability {

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@ -64,4 +64,3 @@ public interface SecondaryTableSource extends ForeignKeyContributingSource {
public CustomSql getCustomSqlDelete();

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@ -13,4 +13,3 @@ package org.hibernate.cache.spi;
public interface TransactionAwareCache {

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@ -1237,4 +1237,3 @@ public abstract class AbstractPersistentCollection implements Serializable, Pers

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@ -64,8 +64,3 @@ public enum MatchMode {
public abstract String toMatchString(String pattern);

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@ -305,4 +305,3 @@ public class IngresDialect extends Dialect {
return false;

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@ -201,4 +201,3 @@ public class SQLServerDialect extends AbstractTransactSQLDialect {
return new SQLServerIdentityColumnSupport();

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@ -271,4 +271,3 @@ public class Teradata14Dialect extends TeradataDialect {
return new Teradata14IdentityColumnSupport();

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@ -134,9 +134,3 @@ public class TypeNames {
defaults.put( typeCode, value );

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@ -82,4 +82,3 @@ public class BatchBuilderImpl implements BatchBuilder, Configurable {
return this;

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@ -57,4 +57,3 @@ public interface Batch {
public void release();

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@ -42,5 +42,3 @@ public enum SQLStateType {

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@ -95,4 +95,3 @@ public class SqlStatementLogger {

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@ -32,4 +32,3 @@ public interface TransactionObserver {
public void afterCompletion(boolean successful, boolean delayed);

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@ -24,4 +24,3 @@ public interface LockEventListener extends Serializable {
public void onLock(LockEvent event) throws HibernateException;

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@ -47,11 +47,4 @@ public class GroupByParser implements Parser {
public void end(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException {

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@ -21,10 +21,3 @@ public interface Parser {
public void end(QueryTranslatorImpl q) throws QueryException;

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@ -44,11 +44,4 @@ public final class ParserHelper {
p.end( q );

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@ -137,4 +137,3 @@ public class PreprocessingParser implements Parser {

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@ -26,10 +26,3 @@ public class SelectPathExpressionParser extends PathExpressionParser {
return getCurrentName();

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@ -76,10 +76,4 @@ public abstract class AbstractUUIDGenerator implements IdentifierGenerator {
protected int getLoTime() {
return (int) System.currentTimeMillis();

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@ -47,9 +47,3 @@ public class Assigned implements IdentifierGenerator, Configurable {

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@ -56,4 +56,3 @@ public enum EntityIdentifierNature {

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@ -24,11 +24,4 @@ public class IdentifierGenerationException extends HibernateException {
public IdentifierGenerationException(String msg, Throwable t) {
super(msg, t);

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@ -48,4 +48,3 @@ public final class StreamCopier {

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@ -81,4 +81,3 @@ public final class JndiHelper {

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@ -22,9 +22,3 @@ public interface CollectionInitializer {
public void initialize(Serializable id, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException;

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@ -62,12 +62,4 @@ public abstract class IdentifierCollection extends Collection {

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@ -46,9 +46,3 @@ public interface CollectionMetadata {
public boolean isLazy();

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@ -27,10 +27,3 @@ public interface HibernateProxy extends Serializable {
public LazyInitializer getHibernateLazyInitializer();

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@ -33,11 +33,4 @@ public final class HibernateProxyHelper {
private HibernateProxyHelper() {
//cant instantiate

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@ -42,4 +42,3 @@ public class HSQLCaseFragment extends CaseFragment {
return buf.toString();

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@ -43,4 +43,3 @@ public class MckoiCaseFragment extends CaseFragment {
return buf.toString();

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@ -125,9 +125,3 @@ public class QueryJoinFragment extends JoinFragment {
afterWhere.setLength( 0 );

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@ -110,5 +110,3 @@ public class Sybase11JoinFragment extends JoinFragment {
addCondition( on );

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@ -57,11 +57,4 @@ public class ColumnMetadata {
public int getTypeCode() {
return typeCode;

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@ -74,9 +74,3 @@ public class ForeignKeyMetadata {
return "ForeignKeyMetadata(" + name + ')';

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@ -40,9 +40,3 @@ public class IndexMetadata {
return "IndexMatadata(" + name + ')';

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@ -82,11 +82,4 @@ public class ColumnInformationImpl implements ColumnInformation {
public String toString() {
return "ColumnInformation(" + columnIdentifier + ')';

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@ -67,9 +67,3 @@ public interface ColumnInformation {
public int getDecimalDigits();

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@ -222,4 +222,3 @@ public abstract class AbstractCompositionAttribute
return super.loggableMetadata() + ",composition";

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@ -37,6 +37,4 @@ public class BlobType extends AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<Blob> {
protected Blob getReplacement(Blob original, Blob target, SessionImplementor session) {
return session.getFactory().getDialect().getLobMergeStrategy().mergeBlob( original, target, session );

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@ -57,8 +57,3 @@ public class BooleanType
return dialect.toBooleanValueString( value );

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@ -47,8 +47,3 @@ public class FloatType extends AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<Float> impl
return toString( value );

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@ -47,6 +47,4 @@ public class ListType extends CollectionType {
return null;

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@ -171,6 +171,4 @@ public class OneToOneType extends EntityType {
//TODO: this is kinda inconsistent with CollectionType
return false;

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@ -43,11 +43,4 @@ public class SortedMapType extends MapType {
public PersistentCollection wrap(SessionImplementor session, Object collection) {
return new PersistentSortedMap( session, (java.util.SortedMap) collection );

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@ -41,9 +41,3 @@ public interface VersionType<T> extends Type {
public Comparator<T> getComparator();

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@ -160,11 +160,4 @@ public interface UserType {
* @return the value to be merged
public Object replace(Object original, Object target, Object owner) throws HibernateException;

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@ -385,4 +385,3 @@ abstract class AbstractReadWriteEhcacheAccessStrategy<T extends EhcacheTransacti

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@ -57,4 +57,3 @@ public class ExplicitTruthValueCheck
+ ( getTruthValue() == TruthValue.TRUE ? "true" : "false" );

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@ -94,5 +94,3 @@ public class RevisionTypeType implements UserType, Serializable {
return EqualsHelper.equals( x, y );

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@ -290,4 +290,3 @@ public class Parameters {
queryParamValues.putAll( localQueryParamValues );

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@ -136,7 +136,4 @@ public class GeoDbWkb {
return ByteBuffer.from( baos.toByteArray() );

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@ -133,6 +133,4 @@ public class MySQL56SpatialDialect extends MySQL5Dialect implements SpatialDiale
public boolean supports(SpatialFunction function) {
return dialectDelegate.supports( function );

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@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ import java.lang.annotation.Target;
@Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE })
public @interface BeforeClassOnce {

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@ -69,7 +69,4 @@ class BaseRegion implements Region {
public int getTimeout() {
return timeout;

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@ -39,9 +39,3 @@ public final class Timestamper {
private Timestamper() {

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@ -212,7 +212,19 @@
<property name="severity" value="warning" />
<module name="NewlineAtEndOfFile" />
<!-- We are not using NewLineAtEndOfFile because the new line chars change
on different operating systems and that rule allows only one type. This rule
is not actually checking for new lines, but it will work if we check that
there are not white spaces at the end of a line with another rule. -->
<module name="RegexpMultiline">
<property name="format" value="\S\z" />
<property name="message" value="Missing new line at the end of file" />
<module name="RegexpMultiline">
<property name="format" value="\S\r?\n(\r?\n)+\z" />
<property name="message" value="Only one new line is allowed at the end of a file" />
Used to collect "todo" comments into a single location

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@ -20,5 +20,3 @@ public class MetaModelGenerationException extends RuntimeException {
super( message );

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@ -19,5 +19,3 @@ public final class Version {
return "[WORKING]";

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@ -318,5 +318,3 @@ class BasicAttributeVisitor extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Boolean, Element> {
return Boolean.FALSE;

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@ -73,5 +73,3 @@ public class AccessTypeInformation {
return sb.toString();

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@ -78,5 +78,3 @@ public final class Constants {
private Constants() {

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@ -57,5 +57,3 @@ public class FileTimeStampChecker implements Serializable {
return sb.toString();

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@ -99,5 +99,3 @@ public final class StringUtil {
Character.isUpperCase( string.charAt( 1 ) );

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@ -426,4 +426,3 @@ public final class TypeUtils {

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@ -41,5 +41,3 @@ public class ContextProvidingValidationEventHandler implements ValidationEventHa
return message;

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@ -149,6 +149,3 @@ public class JpaNamespaceTransformingEventReader extends EventReaderDelegate {
return newElementAttributeList;

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@ -176,6 +176,3 @@ public class XmlParserHelper {
return schema;

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@ -16,5 +16,3 @@ public class XmlParsingException extends Exception {
super( message, root );

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@ -465,5 +465,3 @@ public class JpaDescriptorParser {
return null;