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HHH-4936 - Document JPA criteria queries
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~ Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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<biblioentry id="JPA2">
<abbrev id="JPA2_ABBREV">JPA 2 Specification</abbrev>
<title>JSR 317: <trademark>Java</trademark> Persistence API, Version 2.0</title>
<collab>Java Persistence 2.0 Expert Group</collab>
<holder>SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC.</holder>
<ulink url="http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=317"/>
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~ Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
~ Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
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<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
<chapter id="querycriteria">
<title>JPA Criteria Queries</title>
This chapter elaborates on the material discussed in
<citetitle pubwork="chapter">Chapter 6 Criteria API</citetitle> of the
<biblioref linkend="JPA2" endterm="JPA2_ABBREV" />.
Criteria queries are a programmatic, type-safe way to express a query. They are type-safe
in terms of using interfaces and classes to represent various structural parts of a query
such as the query itself, or the select clause, or an order-by, etc. They can also be
type-safe in terms of referencing attributes as we will see in a bit. Users of the older
Hibernate <interfacename>org.hibernate.Criteria</interfacename> query API will recognize
the general approach, though we believe the JPA API to be superior as it represents a clean
look at the lessons learned from that API. There are essentially 2 phases to performing
a criteria query:
<para><link linkend="querycriteria-building">Building the criteria instance</link></para>
<para><link linkend="querycriteria-executing">Executing the criteria instance</link></para>
<section id="querycriteria-building">
<title>Criteria query building</title>
Criteria queries are essentially an object graph, where each part of the graph
represents an increasing (as we navigate down this graph) more atomic part of
query. The first step in performing a criteria query is building this graph.
<section id="querycriteria-builder">
The <interfacename>javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder</interfacename> interface is the
first thing with which you need to become acquainted to begin using criteria queries. Its role
is a factory for all the individual pieces of the criteria. You obtain a
<interfacename>javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder</interfacename> instance by calling
the <methodname>javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory.getCriteriaBuilder</methodname> method:
<programlisting>CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManagerFactory.getCriteriaBuilder();</programlisting>
<section id="querycriteria-criteria">
<title>CriteriaQuery creation</title>
Once you have the <interfacename>javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder</interfacename> reference
you can begin building the pieces of the criteria query. First, you will need a
<interfacename>javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery</interfacename> instance.
<interfacename>javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder</interfacename> defines 3 methods
for obtaining a <interfacename>javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery</interfacename>
<programlisting><![CDATA[CriteriaQuery<T> createQuery(Class<T>)]]></programlisting>
<programlisting><![CDATA[CriteriaQuery<Tuple> createTupleQuery()]]></programlisting>
<programlisting><![CDATA[CriteriaQuery<Object> createQuery()]]></programlisting>
Each serves different purposes depending on the expected type of the query results. The type
is "carried forward" to the <interfacename>javax.persistence.TypedQuery</interfacename> we
create from this <interfacename>javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery</interfacename> as
we will see <link linkend="querycriteria-executing">later</link>.
<section id="querycriteria-criteria-typed">
<title>Typed CriteriaQuery</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[CriteriaQuery<Person> personCriteria = builder.createQuery(Person.class);]]></programlisting>
Basically this is saying to create a criteria where the results of this query will be of type
Person. Person might be an entity or it might not. The type could even be simple types like
<classname>java.lang.Integer</classname>, <classname>java.lang.String</classname>, etc. We
will discuss this topic in more detail in <xref linkend="querycriteria-selection"/>
<section id="querycriteria-criteria-tuple">
<title>Tuple CriteriaQuery</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[CriteriaQuery<Tuple> personCriteria = builder.createTupleQuery();]]></programlisting>
<programlisting><![CDATA[CriteriaQuery<Tuple> personCriteria = builder.createQuery(Tuple.class);]]></programlisting>
These two forms are exactly the same. Both say to create a criteria where the results of this
query will be of type <interfacename>javax.persistence.Tuple</interfacename>. The term tuple is
taken from mathematics, but its intent here is simply to mean a plurality; namely we are saying
that each query result will actually be multiple values, a projection. The
<interfacename>javax.persistence.Tuple</interfacename> instance gives us typed access to these
multiple result values after the query has been executed. We will discuss accessing the query
results via a <interfacename>javax.persistence.Tuple</interfacename> in
<xref linkend="querycriteria-executing"/>.
<section id="querycriteria-criteria-untyped">
<title>Untyped CriteriaQuery</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[CriteriaQuery<Object> personCriteria = builder.createQuery();]]></programlisting>
<programlisting><![CDATA[CriteriaQuery<Object> personCriteria = builder.createQuery(Object.class);]]></programlisting>
These two forms are exactly the same. Both say to create a criteria where the results of this
query could be anything. Not generally recommended as you obviously lose the type safety.
<section id="querycriteria-from">
<title>FROM clause</title>
<attribution><biblioref linkend="JPA2" endterm="JPA2_ABBREV" /></attribution>
A CriteriaQuery object defines a query over one or more entity, embeddable, or basic abstract
schema types. The root objects of the query are entities, from which the other types are reached
by navigation.
<section id="querycriteria-from-root">
<section id="querycriteria-from-join">
<section id="querycriteria-from-fetch">
<section id="querycriteria-path">
<title>Path expressions</title>
Roots, joins and fetches are themselves paths as well
<section id="querycriteria-selection">
<section id="querycriteria-executing">
<title>Criteria query execution</title>
<section id="querycriteria-common">
<title>Common use cases</title>
<section id="querycriteria-common-selectroot">
<title>Selecting the root entity</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[// get all people with brown eyes
CriteriaQuery<Person> personCriteria = build.createQuery( Person.class );
Root<Person> personRoot = personCriteria.from( Person.class );
// specifying select here is not strictly needed because 'personRoot'
// will be the implied selection since we have only a single root;
// but done here for explicitness
personCriteria.select( personRoot );
personCriteria.where( builder.equal( Person_.eyeColor, "brown" ) );
List<Person> people = em.createQuery( personCriteria ).getResultList();]]></programlisting>
<section id="querycriteria-common-selectassociation">
<title>Selecting an association</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[// get the gender of all people with brown eyes
CriteriaQuery<Gender> personCriteria = build.createQuery( Gender.class );
Root<Person> personRoot = personCriteria.from( Person.class );
// specifying select here is not strictly needed because 'personRoot'
// will be the implied selection since we have only a single root;
// but done here for explicitness
personCriteria.select( personRoot );
personCriteria.where( builder.equal( Person_.eyeColor, "brown" ) );
List<Person> people = em.createQuery( personCriteria ).getResultList();]]></programlisting>
<section id="querycriteria-common-selectvalue">
<title>Selecting a value</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[// get the height of all people with brown eyes
CriteriaQuery<Integer> personCriteria = build.createQuery( Integer.class );
Root<Person> personRoot = personCriteria.from( Person.class );
personCriteria.select( personRoot.get( Person.height ) );
personCriteria.where( builder.equal( Person_.eyeColor, "brown" ) );
List<Integer> heights = em.createQuery( personCriteria ).getResultList();]]></programlisting>
<section id="querycriteria-common-selectaggregation">
<title>Selecting an aggregated value</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[// get the maximum height of all people with brown eyes
CriteriaQuery<Integer> personCriteria = build.createQuery( Integer.class );
Root<Person> personRoot = personCriteria.from( Person.class );
personCriteria.select( builder.max( personRoot.get( Person.height ) ) );
personCriteria.where( builder.equal( Person_.eyeColor, "brown" ) );
Integer maxHeight = em.createQuery( personCriteria ).getSingleResult();]]></programlisting>
<section id="querycriteria-common-selecttuple">
<title>Selecting a tuple</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[// get the id, height and gender of all people with brown eyes
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> personCriteria = build.createTupleQuery();
Root<Person> personRoot = personCriteria.from( Person.class );
Path<Long> idPath = personRoot.get( Person_.id );
idPath.setAlias( "id" );
Path<Integer> heightPath = personRoot.get( Person_.height );
Path<Gender> genderPath = personRoot.get( Person_.gender );
personCriteria.multiselect( idPath, heightPath, genderPath );
personCriteria.where( builder.equal( Person_.eyeColor, "brown" ) );
List<Tuple> tuples = em.createQuery( personCriteria ).getResultList();
for ( Tuple tuple : tuples ) {
// the id value, for example, can be accessed by expression...
handleId( tuple.get( idPath ) );
// or by position...
handleId( tuple.get( 0 ) );
// or by the explicit alias we gave it...
handleId( tuple.get( "id" ) );
<section id="querycriteria-common-selectconstruct">
<title>Selecting a constructed value</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[// get the id, height and gender of all people with brown eyes
// like we did before, but this time wrap them in a "holder"
CriteriaQuery<PersonHolder> personCriteria = build.createQuery( PersonHolder.class );
Root<Person> personRoot = personCriteria.from( Person.class );
personRoot.get( Person_.id ),
personRoot.get( Person_.height ),
personRoot.get( Person_.gender )
List<PersonHolder> people = em.createQuery( personCriteria ).getResultList();]]></programlisting>
<section id="querycriteria-common-param">
<title>Using parameters</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[// get all people with brown eyes
CriteriaQuery<Person> personCriteria = build.createQuery( Person.class );
Root<Person> personRoot = personCriteria.from( Person.class );
personCriteria.select( personRoot );
ParameterExpression<String> eyeColorParam = builder.parameter( String.class );
personCriteria.where( builder.equal( Person_.eyeColor, eyeColorParam ) );
TypedQuery<Person> query = em.createQuery( personCriteria );
query.setParameter( eyeColorParam, "brown" );
List<Person> people = query.getResultList();]]></programlisting>
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