HHH-17980 Excessive contention during getter identification in the ByteBuddy enhancer

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Sanne Grinovero 2024-04-18 22:42:40 +01:00 committed by Sanne Grinovero
parent 6bf9dbb051
commit e84370e063
1 changed files with 25 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class ByteBuddyEnhancementContext {
private final EnhancementContext enhancementContext;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<TypeDescription, Map<String, MethodDescription>> getterByTypeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> locksMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
ByteBuddyEnhancementContext(EnhancementContext enhancementContext) {
this.enhancementContext = enhancementContext;
@ -135,15 +136,35 @@ class ByteBuddyEnhancementContext {
Optional<MethodDescription> resolveGetter(FieldDescription fieldDescription) {
Map<String, MethodDescription> getters = getterByTypeMap
.computeIfAbsent( fieldDescription.getDeclaringType().asErasure(), declaringType -> {
return MethodGraph.Compiler.DEFAULT.compile( declaringType )
//There is a non-straightforward cache here, but we really need this to be able to
//efficiently handle enhancement of large models.
final TypeDescription erasure = fieldDescription.getDeclaringType().asErasure();
//Always try to get with a simple "get" before doing a "computeIfAbsent" operation,
//otherwise large models might exhibit significant contention on the map.
Map<String, MethodDescription> getters = getterByTypeMap.get( erasure );
if ( getters == null ) {
//poor man lock striping: as CHM#computeIfAbsent has too coarse lock granularity
//and has been shown to trigger significant, unnecessary contention.
final String lockKey = erasure.toString();
final Object candidateLock = new Object();
final Object existingLock = locksMap.putIfAbsent( lockKey, candidateLock );
final Object lock = existingLock == null ? candidateLock : existingLock;
synchronized ( lock ) {
getters = getterByTypeMap.get( erasure );
if ( getters == null ) {
getters = MethodGraph.Compiler.DEFAULT.compile( erasure )
.filter( IS_GETTER )
.collect( Collectors.toMap( MethodDescription::getActualName, Function.identity() ) );
} );
getterByTypeMap.put( erasure, getters );
String capitalizedFieldName = Character.toUpperCase( fieldDescription.getName().charAt( 0 ) )
+ fieldDescription.getName().substring( 1 );