HHH-5477 - Introduce StandardBasicTypes for standard basic type constants
git-svn-id: https://svn.jboss.org/repos/hibernate/core/trunk@20138 1b8cb986-b30d-0410-93ca-fae66ebed9b2
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,172 +106,173 @@ public final class Hibernate {
private Hibernate() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Hibernate <tt>long</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link LongType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final LongType LONG = LongType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>short</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link ShortType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final ShortType SHORT = ShortType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>integer</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link IntegerType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final IntegerType INTEGER = IntegerType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>byte</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link ByteType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final ByteType BYTE = ByteType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>float</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link FloatType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final FloatType FLOAT = FloatType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>double</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link DoubleType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final DoubleType DOUBLE = DoubleType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>character</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link CharacterType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final CharacterType CHARACTER = CharacterType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>string</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link StringType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final StringType STRING = StringType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>time</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link TimeType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final TimeType TIME = TimeType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>date</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link DateType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final DateType DATE = DateType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>timestamp</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link TimestampType#INSTANCE} instead.
public static final TimestampType TIMESTAMP = TimestampType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>boolean</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link BooleanType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#BOOLEAN} instead.
public static final BooleanType BOOLEAN = BooleanType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>true_false</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link TrueFalseType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#TRUE_FALSE} instead.
public static final TrueFalseType TRUE_FALSE = TrueFalseType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>yes_no</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link YesNoType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#YES_NO} instead.
public static final YesNoType YES_NO = YesNoType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>big_decimal</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link BigDecimalType#INSTANCE} instead.
* Hibernate <tt>byte</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#BYTE} instead.
public static final BigDecimalType BIG_DECIMAL = BigDecimalType.INSTANCE;
public static final ByteType BYTE = ByteType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>short</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#SHORT} instead.
public static final ShortType SHORT = ShortType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>integer</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#INTEGER} instead.
public static final IntegerType INTEGER = IntegerType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>long</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#LONG} instead.
public static final LongType LONG = LongType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>float</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#FLOAT} instead.
public static final FloatType FLOAT = FloatType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>double</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#DOUBLE} instead.
public static final DoubleType DOUBLE = DoubleType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>big_integer</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link BigIntegerType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#BIG_INTEGER} instead.
public static final BigIntegerType BIG_INTEGER = BigIntegerType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>big_decimal</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#BIG_DECIMAL} instead.
public static final BigDecimalType BIG_DECIMAL = BigDecimalType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>character</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#CHARACTER} instead.
public static final CharacterType CHARACTER = CharacterType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>string</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#STRING} instead.
public static final StringType STRING = StringType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>time</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#TIME} instead.
public static final TimeType TIME = TimeType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>date</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#DATE} instead.
public static final DateType DATE = DateType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>timestamp</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#TIMESTAMP} instead.
public static final TimestampType TIMESTAMP = TimestampType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>binary</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link BinaryType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#BINARY} instead.
public static final BinaryType BINARY = BinaryType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>wrapper-binary</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link WrapperBinaryType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#WRAPPER_BINARY} instead.
public static final WrapperBinaryType WRAPPER_BINARY = WrapperBinaryType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate char[] type.
* @deprecated Use {@link CharArrayType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#CHAR_ARRAY} instead.
public static final CharArrayType CHAR_ARRAY = CharArrayType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate Character[] type.
* @deprecated Use {@link CharacterArrayType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#CHARACTER_ARRAY} instead.
public static final CharacterArrayType CHARACTER_ARRAY = CharacterArrayType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>image</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link ImageType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#IMAGE} instead.
public static final ImageType IMAGE = ImageType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>text</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link TextType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#TEXT} instead.
public static final TextType TEXT = TextType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>materialized_blob</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link MaterializedBlobType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#MATERIALIZED_BLOB} instead.
public static final MaterializedBlobType MATERIALIZED_BLOB = MaterializedBlobType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>materialized_clob</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link MaterializedClobType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#MATERIALIZED_CLOB} instead.
public static final MaterializedClobType MATERIALIZED_CLOB = MaterializedClobType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>blob</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link BlobType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#BLOB} instead.
public static final BlobType BLOB = BlobType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>clob</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link ClobType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#CLOB} instead.
public static final ClobType CLOB = ClobType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>calendar</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link CalendarType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#CALENDAR} instead.
public static final CalendarType CALENDAR = CalendarType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>calendar_date</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link CalendarDateType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#CALENDAR_DATE} instead.
public static final CalendarDateType CALENDAR_DATE = CalendarDateType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>locale</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link LocaleType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#LOCALE} instead.
public static final LocaleType LOCALE = LocaleType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>currency</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link CurrencyType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#CURRENCY} instead.
public static final CurrencyType CURRENCY = CurrencyType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>timezone</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link TimeZoneType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#TIMEZONE} instead.
public static final TimeZoneType TIMEZONE = TimeZoneType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>class</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link ClassType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#CLASS} instead.
public static final ClassType CLASS = ClassType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>serializable</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link SerializableType#INSTANCE} instead.
* @deprecated Use {@link org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes#SERIALIZABLE} instead.
public static final SerializableType SERIALIZABLE = SerializableType.INSTANCE;
* Hibernate <tt>object</tt> type.
* @deprecated Use {@link ObjectType#INSTANCE} instead.
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.PrimitiveByteArrayTypeDescriptor;
import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.VarbinaryTypeDescriptor;
* A type that maps between a {@link java.sql.Types#NUMERIC NUMERIC} and {@code byte[]}
* A type that maps between a {@link java.sql.Types#VARBINARY VARBINARY} and {@code byte[]}
* @author Gavin King
* @author Steve Ebersole
@ -30,6 +30,14 @@ import org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.VarbinaryTypeDescriptor;
* A type that maps between a {@link java.sql.Types#VARBINARY VARBINARY} and {@link Serializable} classes.
* <p/>
* Notice specifically the 2 forms:<ul>
* <li>{@link #INSTANCE} indicates a mapping using the {@link Serializable} interface itself.</li>
* <li>{@link #SerializableType(Class)} indicates a mapping using the specific class</li>
* </ul>
* The important distinction has to do with locating the appropriate {@link ClassLoader} to use during deserialization.
* In the fist form we are always using the {@link ClassLoader} of the JVM (Hibernate will always fallback to trying
* its classloader as well). The second form is better at targeting the needed {@link ClassLoader} actually needed.
* @author Gavin King
* @author Steve Ebersole
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.hibernate.type;
* Centralizes access to the standard set of basic {@link Type types}.
* <p/>
* Type mappings can be adjusted per {@link org.hibernate.SessionFactory}. These adjusted mappings can be accessed
* from the {@link org.hibernate.TypeHelper} instance obtained via {@link org.hibernate.SessionFactory#getTypeHelper()}
* @see BasicTypeRegistry
* @see org.hibernate.TypeHelper
* @see org.hibernate.SessionFactory#getTypeHelper()
* @author Gavin King
* @author Steve Ebersole
public class StandardBasicTypes {
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Boolean} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#BIT BIT}.
* @see BooleanType
public static final BooleanType BOOLEAN = BooleanType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Boolean} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#INTEGER INTEGER}.
* @see NumericBooleanType
public static final NumericBooleanType NUMERIC_BOOLEAN = NumericBooleanType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Boolean} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#CHAR CHAR(1)} (using 'T'/'F').
* @see TrueFalseType
public static final TrueFalseType TRUE_FALSE = TrueFalseType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Boolean} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#CHAR CHAR(1)} (using 'Y'/'N').
* @see YesNoType
public static final YesNoType YES_NO = YesNoType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Byte} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#TINYINT TINYINT}.
public static final ByteType BYTE = ByteType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Short} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#SMALLINT SMALLINT}.
* @see ShortType
public static final ShortType SHORT = ShortType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Integer} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#INTEGER INTEGER}.
* @see IntegerType
public static final IntegerType INTEGER = IntegerType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Long} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#BIGINT BIGINT}.
* @see LongType
public static final LongType LONG = LongType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Float} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#FLOAT FLOAT}.
* @see FloatType
public static final FloatType FLOAT = FloatType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Double} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#DOUBLE DOUBLE}.
* @see DoubleType
public static final DoubleType DOUBLE = DoubleType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.math.BigInteger} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#NUMERIC NUMERIC}.
* @see BigIntegerType
public static final BigIntegerType BIG_INTEGER = BigIntegerType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.math.BigDecimal} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#NUMERIC NUMERIC}.
* @see BigDecimalType
public static final BigDecimalType BIG_DECIMAL = BigDecimalType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Character} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#CHAR CHAR(1)}.
* @see CharacterType
public static final CharacterType CHARACTER = CharacterType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link String} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARCHAR VARCHAR}.
* @see StringType
public static final StringType STRING = StringType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.net.URL} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARCHAR VARCHAR}.
* @see UrlType
public static final UrlType URL = UrlType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.Date} ({@link java.sql.Time}) to JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Types#TIME TIME}.
* @see TimeType
public static final TimeType TIME = TimeType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.Date} ({@link java.sql.Date}) to JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Types#DATE DATE}.
* @see TimeType
public static final DateType DATE = DateType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.Date} ({@link java.sql.Timestamp}) to JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Types#TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP}.
* @see TimeType
public static final TimestampType TIMESTAMP = TimestampType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.Calendar} to JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Types#TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP}.
* @see CalendarType
public static final CalendarType CALENDAR = CalendarType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.Calendar} to JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Types#DATE DATE}.
* @see CalendarDateType
public static final CalendarDateType CALENDAR_DATE = CalendarDateType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Class} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARCHAR VARCHAR}.
* @see ClassType
public static final ClassType CLASS = ClassType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.Locale} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARCHAR VARCHAR}.
* @see LocaleType
public static final LocaleType LOCALE = LocaleType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.Currency} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARCHAR VARCHAR}.
* @see CurrencyType
public static final CurrencyType CURRENCY = CurrencyType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.TimeZone} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARCHAR VARCHAR}.
* @see TimeZoneType
public static final TimeZoneType TIMEZONE = TimeZoneType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.UUID} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#BINARY BINARY}.
* @see UUIDBinaryType
public static final UUIDBinaryType UUID_BINARY = UUIDBinaryType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.util.UUID} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#CHAR CHAR}.
* @see UUIDCharType
public static final UUIDCharType UUID_CHAR = UUIDCharType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@code byte[]} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARBINARY VARBINARY}.
* @see BinaryType
public static final BinaryType BINARY = BinaryType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Byte Byte[]} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARBINARY VARBINARY}.
* @see WrapperBinaryType
public static final WrapperBinaryType WRAPPER_BINARY = WrapperBinaryType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@code byte[]} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#LONGVARBINARY LONGVARBINARY}.
* @see ImageType
public static final ImageType IMAGE = ImageType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.sql.Blob} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#BLOB BLOB}.
* @see BlobType
public static final BlobType BLOB = BlobType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@code byte[]} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#BLOB BLOB}.
* @see MaterializedBlobType
* @see #IMAGE
public static final MaterializedBlobType MATERIALIZED_BLOB = MaterializedBlobType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@code char[]} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARCHAR VARCHAR}.
* @see CharArrayType
public static final CharArrayType CHAR_ARRAY = CharArrayType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link Character Character[]} to JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Types#VARCHAR VARCHAR}.
* @see CharacterArrayType
public static final CharacterArrayType CHARACTER_ARRAY = CharacterArrayType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link String} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#LONGVARCHAR LONGVARCHAR}.
* <p/>
* Similar to a {@link #MATERIALIZED_CLOB}
* @see TextType
public static final TextType TEXT = TextType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.sql.Clob} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#CLOB CLOB}.
* @see ClobType
public static final ClobType CLOB = ClobType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link String} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#CLOB CLOB}.
* @see MaterializedClobType
* @see #TEXT
public static final MaterializedClobType MATERIALIZED_CLOB = MaterializedClobType.INSTANCE;
* The standard Hibernate type for mapping {@link java.io.Serializable} to JDBC {@link java.sql.Types#VARBINARY VARBINARY}.
* <p/>
* See especially the discussion wrt {@link ClassLoader} determination on {@link SerializableType}
* @see SerializableType
public static final SerializableType SERIALIZABLE = SerializableType.INSTANCE;
Reference in New Issue