HHH-14083 Use a less verbose syntax for git commands

This commit is contained in:
Yoann Rodière 2020-06-03 10:19:12 +02:00 committed by Andrea Boriero
parent bd03cc3347
commit fbbba7bff2

View File

@ -257,22 +257,13 @@ task updateChangeLogFile {
group = "Release"
description = "Updates the changelog.txt file and push the changes to github"
logger.lifecycle( "Appending version '${project.releaseVersion}' to changelog..." )
ChangeLogFile.update( ormVersion.fullName );
"git add .",
"An error occurred during the execution of git add for the changelog.txt and the release version changes."
"git commit -m \"${project.ormVersion.fullName}\"",
"An error occurred during the execution of git commit for the changelog.txt and the release version changes."
"git push ${gitRemote}",
"An error occurred during the execution git push for the changelog.txt and the release version changes."
logger.lifecycle( "Adding commit to update version to '${project.releaseVersion}'..." )
executeGitCommand( 'add', '.' )
executeGitCommand( 'commit', '-m', project.ormVersion.fullName )
executeGitCommand( 'push', gitRemote )
@ -291,31 +282,15 @@ task ciRelease() {
if ( tag.endsWith( ".Final" ) ) {
tag = tag.replace( ".Final", "" )
"git tag ${tag}",
"An error occurred during the execution of git tag"
"git push ${gitRemote} ${tag}",
"An error occurred during the execution of git push od the tag"
logger.lifecycle( "Tagging '${tag}'..." )
executeGitCommand( 'tag', tag )
executeGitCommand( 'push', gitRemote, tag )
// the hibernate version is changed to the development one and the changes are pushed to github
project.ormVersionFile.text = "hibernateVersion=${project.property( 'developmentVersion' )}"
"git add .",
"An error occurred during the execution of git add for the development version change."
"git commit -m \"${project.property( 'developmentVersion' )}\"",
"An error occurred during the execution of git commit for the development version change."
"git push ${gitRemote}",
"An error occurred during the execution git push for the development version change."
logger.lifecycle( "Adding commit to update version to '${project.developmentVersion}'..." )
project.ormVersionFile.text = "hibernateVersion=${project.developmentVersion}"
executeGitCommand( 'add', '.')
executeGitCommand( 'commit', '-m', project.developmentVersion )
executeGitCommand( 'push', gitRemote )
@ -323,13 +298,15 @@ task ciRelease() {
ciRelease.dependsOn updateChangeLogFile, release
release.mustRunAfter updateChangeLogFile
static void executeGitCommand(String command, String errorMessage){
static void executeGitCommand(Object ... subcommand){
List<Object> command = ['git']
Collections.addAll( command, subcommand )
def proc = command.execute()
def code = proc.waitFor()
def stdout = inputStreamToString( proc.getInputStream() )
def stderr = inputStreamToString( proc.getErrorStream() )
if ( code != 0 ) {
throw new GradleException( errorMessage + "\n\nstdout:\n" + stdout + "\n\nstderr:\n" + stderr )
throw new GradleException( "An error occurred while executing " + command + "\n\nstdout:\n" + stdout + "\n\nstderr:\n" + stderr )