6 - SQM based on JPA type system
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ package org.hibernate.test.cut;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Currency;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;
import org.hibernate.query.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASE15Dialect;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException;
import org.hibernate.query.Query;
import org.hibernate.query.SemanticException;
import org.hibernate.testing.DialectChecks;
import org.hibernate.testing.RequiresDialectFeature;
@ -39,183 +41,213 @@ public class CompositeUserTypeTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
public void testCompositeUserType() {
Session s = openSession();
org.hibernate.Transaction t = s.beginTransaction();
s -> {
Transaction tran = new Transaction();
tran.setDescription( "a small transaction" );
tran.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 1.5 ), Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) ) );
s.persist( tran );
Transaction tran = new Transaction();
tran.setDescription("a small transaction");
tran.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal(1.5), Currency.getInstance("USD") ) );
List result = s.createQuery(
"from Transaction tran where tran.value.amount > 1.0 and tran.value.currency = 'USD'" )
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
tran.getValue().setCurrency( Currency.getInstance( "AUD" ) );
result = s.createQuery(
"from Transaction tran where tran.value.amount > 1.0 and tran.value.currency = 'AUD'" )
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
List result = s.createQuery("from Transaction tran where tran.value.amount > 1.0 and tran.value.currency = 'USD'").list();
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
tran.getValue().setCurrency( Currency.getInstance("AUD") );
result = s.createQuery("from Transaction tran where tran.value.amount > 1.0 and tran.value.currency = 'AUD'").list();
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
if ( !( getDialect() instanceof HSQLDialect ) ) {
if ( !(getDialect() instanceof HSQLDialect) ) {
result = s.createQuery( "from Transaction txn where txn.value = (1.5, 'AUD')" ).list();
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
result = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value = (1.5, 'AUD')" ).list();
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
result = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value != (1.4, 'AUD')" ).list();
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
result = s.createQuery("from Transaction txn where txn.value = (1.5, 'AUD')").list();
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
result = s.createQuery("from Transaction where value = (1.5, 'AUD')").list();
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
result = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value != (1.4, 'AUD')" ).list();
assertEquals( result.size(), 1 );
s.delete( tran );
@SkipForDialect ( value = { SybaseASE15Dialect.class }, jiraKey = "HHH-6788" )
@SkipForDialect ( value = { DB2Dialect.class }, jiraKey = "HHH-6867" )
@SkipForDialect(value = { SybaseASE15Dialect.class }, jiraKey = "HHH-6788")
@SkipForDialect(value = { DB2Dialect.class }, jiraKey = "HHH-6867")
public void testCustomColumnReadAndWrite() {
Session s = openSession();
org.hibernate.Transaction t = s.beginTransaction();
final BigDecimal AMOUNT = new BigDecimal(73000000d);
final BigDecimal AMOUNT_MILLIONS = AMOUNT.divide(new BigDecimal(1000000d));
MutualFund f = new MutualFund();
f.setHoldings( new MonetoryAmount( AMOUNT, Currency.getInstance("USD") ) );
s -> {
final BigDecimal AMOUNT = new BigDecimal( 73000000d );
final BigDecimal AMOUNT_MILLIONS = AMOUNT.divide( new BigDecimal( 1000000d ) );
MutualFund f = new MutualFund();
f.setHoldings( new MonetoryAmount( AMOUNT, Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) ) );
s.persist( f );
// Test value conversion during insert
BigDecimal amountViaSql = (BigDecimal)s.createSQLQuery("select amount_millions from MutualFund").uniqueResult();
assertEquals(AMOUNT_MILLIONS.doubleValue(), amountViaSql.doubleValue(), 0.01d);
// Test value conversion during insert
BigDecimal amountViaSql = (BigDecimal) s.createNativeQuery( "select amount_millions from MutualFund" )
assertEquals( AMOUNT_MILLIONS.doubleValue(), amountViaSql.doubleValue(), 0.01d );
// Test projection
BigDecimal amountViaHql = (BigDecimal)s.createQuery("select f.holdings.amount from MutualFund f").uniqueResult();
assertEquals(AMOUNT.doubleValue(), amountViaHql.doubleValue(), 0.01d);
// Test projection
BigDecimal amountViaHql = (BigDecimal) s.createQuery( "select f.holdings.amount from MutualFund f" )
assertEquals( AMOUNT.doubleValue(), amountViaHql.doubleValue(), 0.01d );
// Test restriction and entity load via criteria
BigDecimal one = new BigDecimal(1);
f = (MutualFund)s.createCriteria(MutualFund.class)
.add(Restrictions.between("holdings.amount", AMOUNT.subtract(one), AMOUNT.add(one)))
assertEquals(AMOUNT.doubleValue(), f.getHoldings().getAmount().doubleValue(), 0.01d);
// Test restriction and entity load via criteria
BigDecimal one = new BigDecimal( 1 );
// Test predicate and entity load via HQL
f = (MutualFund)s.createQuery("from MutualFund f where f.holdings.amount between ?1 and ?2")
.setBigDecimal(1, AMOUNT.subtract(one))
.setBigDecimal(2, AMOUNT.add(one))
assertEquals(AMOUNT.doubleValue(), f.getHoldings().getAmount().doubleValue(), 0.01d);
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = s.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<MutualFund> criteria = criteriaBuilder.createQuery( MutualFund.class );
Root<MutualFund> root = criteria.from( MutualFund.class );
criteria.where( criteriaBuilder.between(
root.get( "holdings" ).get( "amount" ),
AMOUNT.subtract( one ),
AMOUNT.add( one )
) );
f = s.createQuery( criteria ).uniqueResult();
// f = (MutualFund)s.createCriteria(MutualFund.class)
// .add(Restrictions.between("holdings.amount", AMOUNT.subtract(one), AMOUNT.add(one)))
// .uniqueResult();
assertEquals( AMOUNT.doubleValue(), f.getHoldings().getAmount().doubleValue(), 0.01d );
// Test predicate and entity load via HQL
f = (MutualFund) s.createQuery( "from MutualFund f where f.holdings.amount between ?1 and ?2" )
.setParameter( 1, AMOUNT.subtract( one ) )
.setParameter( 2, AMOUNT.add( one ) )
assertEquals( AMOUNT.doubleValue(), f.getHoldings().getAmount().doubleValue(), 0.01d );
s.delete( f );
* Tests the {@code =} operator on composite types.
public void testEqualOperator() {
final Session s = openSession();
s -> {
final Transaction txn = new Transaction();
txn.setDescription( "foo" );
txn.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 42 ), Currency.getInstance( "AUD" ) ) );
txn.setTimestamp( new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 35, 0 ) );
s.persist( txn );
final Transaction txn = new Transaction();
txn.setDescription( "foo" );
txn.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 42 ), Currency.getInstance( "AUD" ) ) );
txn.setTimestamp( new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 35, 0 ) );
s.persist( txn );
final Query q = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value = :amount" );
final Query q = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value = :amount" );
/* Both amount and currency match. */
new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 42 ), Currency.getInstance( "AUD" ) )
assertEquals( 1, q.list().size() );
/* Both amount and currency match. */
q.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 42 ), Currency.getInstance( "AUD" ) ) );
assertEquals( 1, q.list().size() );
/* Only currency matches. */
new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 36 ), Currency.getInstance( "AUD" ) )
assertEquals( 0, q.list().size() );
/* Only currency matches. */
q.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 36 ), Currency.getInstance( "AUD" ) ) );
assertEquals( 0, q.list().size() );
/* Only amount matches. */
new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 42 ), Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) )
assertEquals( 0, q.list().size() );
/* Only amount matches. */
q.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 42 ), Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) ) );
assertEquals( 0, q.list().size() );
/* None match. */
new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 76 ), Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) )
assertEquals( 0, q.list().size() );
/* None match. */
q.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 76 ), Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) ) );
assertEquals( 0, q.list().size() );
final Query qTimestamp = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where timestamp = :timestamp" );
final Query qTimestamp = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where timestamp = :timestamp" );
/* All matches. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 35, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 1, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* All matches. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 35, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 1, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* None matches. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2013, 9, 25, 12, 31, 25 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* None matches. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2013, 9, 25, 12, 31, 25 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* Year doesn't match. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2013, 8, 23, 14, 35, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* Year doesn't match. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2013, 8, 23, 14, 35, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* Month doesn't match. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 9, 23, 14, 35, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* Month doesn't match. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 9, 23, 14, 35, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* Minute doesn't match. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 41, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* Minute doesn't match. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 41, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* Second doesn't match. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 35, 28 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
/* Second doesn't match. */
qTimestamp.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 35, 28 ) );
assertEquals( 0, qTimestamp.list().size() );
s.delete( txn );
s.delete( txn );
* Tests the {@code <>} operator on composite types.
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-5946" )
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-5946")
public void testNotEqualOperator() {
final Session s = openSession();
s -> {
final Transaction t1 = new Transaction();
t1.setDescription( "foo" );
t1.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 178 ), Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) ) );
t1.setTimestamp( new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 23, 0 ) );
s.persist( t1 );
final Transaction t1 = new Transaction();
t1.setDescription( "foo" );
t1.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 178 ), Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) ) );
t1.setTimestamp( new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 23, 0 ) );
s.persist( t1 );
final Transaction t2 = new Transaction();
t2.setDescription( "bar" );
t2.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 1000000 ), Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) ) );
t1.setTimestamp( new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 22, 14, 23, 0 ) );
s.persist( t2 );
final Transaction t2 = new Transaction();
t2.setDescription( "bar" );
t2.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 1000000 ), Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) ) );
t1.setTimestamp( new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 22, 14, 23, 0 ) );
s.persist( t2 );
final Transaction t3 = new Transaction();
t3.setDescription( "bar" );
t3.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 1000000 ), Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) ) );
t3.setTimestamp( new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 22, 14, 23, 01 ) );
s.persist( t3 );
final Transaction t3 = new Transaction();
t3.setDescription( "bar" );
t3.setValue( new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 1000000 ), Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) ) );
t3.setTimestamp( new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 22, 14, 23, 01 ) );
s.persist( t3 );
final Query q1 = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value <> :amount" );
new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 178 ), Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) )
assertEquals( 2, q1.list().size() );
final Query q1 = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value <> :amount" );
q1.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 178 ), Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) ) );
assertEquals( 2, q1.list().size() );
final Query q2 = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value <> :amount and description = :str" );
new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 1000000 ), Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) )
q2.setParameter( "str", "bar" );
assertEquals( 1, q2.list().size() );
final Query q2 = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value <> :amount and description = :str" );
q2.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( new BigDecimal( 1000000 ), Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) ) );
q2.setParameter( "str", "bar" );
assertEquals( 1, q2.list().size() );
final Query q3 = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where timestamp <> :timestamp" );
q3.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 23, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 2, q3.list().size() );
final Query q3 = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where timestamp <> :timestamp" );
q3.setParameter( "timestamp", new CompositeDateTime( 2014, 8, 23, 14, 23, 0 ) );
assertEquals( 2, q3.list().size() );
s.delete( t3 );
s.delete( t2 );
s.delete( t1 );
s.delete( t3 );
s.delete( t2 );
s.delete( t1 );
@ -223,22 +255,18 @@ public class CompositeUserTypeTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
* rather than create a random query.
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-5946" )
@RequiresDialectFeature( value = DialectChecks.DoesNotSupportRowValueConstructorSyntax.class )
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-5946")
@RequiresDialectFeature(value = DialectChecks.DoesNotSupportRowValueConstructorSyntax.class)
public void testLessThanOperator() {
final Session s = openSession();
try {
try (Session s = openSession()) {
final Query q = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value < :amount" );
q.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( BigDecimal.ZERO, Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) ) );
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTyping( QuerySyntaxException.class, e.getCause() );
assertTyping( SemanticException.class, e.getCause() );
finally {
@ -246,22 +274,18 @@ public class CompositeUserTypeTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
* rather than create a random query.
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-5946" )
@RequiresDialectFeature( value = DialectChecks.DoesNotSupportRowValueConstructorSyntax.class )
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-5946")
@RequiresDialectFeature(value = DialectChecks.DoesNotSupportRowValueConstructorSyntax.class)
public void testLessOrEqualOperator() {
final Session s = openSession();
try {
try (Session s = openSession()) {
final Query q = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value <= :amount" );
q.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( BigDecimal.ZERO, Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) ) );
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTyping( QuerySyntaxException.class, e.getCause() );
assertTyping( SemanticException.class, e.getCause() );
finally {
@ -269,22 +293,18 @@ public class CompositeUserTypeTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
* rather than create a random query.
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-5946" )
@RequiresDialectFeature( value = DialectChecks.DoesNotSupportRowValueConstructorSyntax.class )
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-5946")
@RequiresDialectFeature(value = DialectChecks.DoesNotSupportRowValueConstructorSyntax.class)
public void testGreaterThanOperator() {
final Session s = openSession();
try {
try (Session s = openSession()) {
final Query q = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value > :amount" );
q.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( BigDecimal.ZERO, Currency.getInstance( "EUR" ) ) );
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTyping( QuerySyntaxException.class, e.getCause() );
assertTyping( SemanticException.class, e.getCause() );
finally {
@ -292,22 +312,18 @@ public class CompositeUserTypeTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase {
* rather than create a random query.
@TestForIssue( jiraKey = "HHH-5946" )
@RequiresDialectFeature( value = DialectChecks.DoesNotSupportRowValueConstructorSyntax.class )
@TestForIssue(jiraKey = "HHH-5946")
@RequiresDialectFeature(value = DialectChecks.DoesNotSupportRowValueConstructorSyntax.class)
public void testGreaterOrEqualOperator() {
final Session s = openSession();
try {
try (Session s = openSession()) {
final Query q = s.createQuery( "from Transaction where value >= :amount" );
q.setParameter( "amount", new MonetoryAmount( BigDecimal.ZERO, Currency.getInstance( "USD" ) ) );
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTyping( QuerySyntaxException.class, e.getCause() );
assertTyping( SemanticException.class, e.getCause() );
finally {
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.QueryParameters;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.Work;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.process.spi.ResultSetProcessor;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.QueryParameters;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.Work;
import org.hibernate.loader.plan.exec.process.spi.ResultSetProcessor;
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL81Dialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect;
import org.hibernate.id.PostInsertIdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.testing.DialectCheck;
import org.hibernate.testing.RequiresDialectFeature;
@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunction;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
Reference in New Issue