description = 'Maven plugin to integrate aspects of Hibernate into your build.' apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/publishing-pom.gradle' ) apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/java-module.gradle' ) apply plugin: '' /* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later. * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or */ dependencies { implementation project( ":hibernate-core" ) implementation "org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:3.6.3" implementation "org.apache.maven.plugin-tools:maven-plugin-annotations:3.6.0" implementation "org.apache.maven:maven-project:2.2.1" implementation "org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:3.1.0" } publishing { publications { publishedArtifacts(MavenPublication) { from pom.withXml { asNode() .version .plus { packaging('maven-plugin') } asNode() .dependencies .dependency .findAll { dependency -> dependency.groupId.text().startsWith('org.apache.maven') } .each { dependency -> if (dependency.groupId.text().startsWith('org.apache.maven.shared')) { dependency.scope*.value = 'compile' } else { dependency.scope*.value = 'provided' } } asNode() .dependencies .dependency .findAll { dependency -> dependency.groupId.text().startsWith('org.hibernate.orm') } .each { dependency -> dependency.scope*.value = 'compile' } asNode() .dependencies .plus { def plugins = build().appendNode('plugins') def pluginPlugin = plugins.appendNode('plugin') pluginPlugin.appendNode('groupId', 'org.apache.maven.plugins') pluginPlugin.appendNode('artifactId', 'maven-plugin-plugin') pluginPlugin.appendNode('version', '3.15.0') def pluginConfiguration = pluginPlugin.appendNode('configuration') pluginConfiguration.appendNode('goalPrefix', 'plugin') pluginConfiguration.appendNode('outputDirectory', layout.buildDirectory.dir('generated/sources/plugin-descriptors/META-INF/maven').get().getAsFile().getAbsolutePath() ) def invokerPlugin = plugins.appendNode('plugin'); invokerPlugin.appendNode('groupId', 'org.apache.maven.plugins') invokerPlugin.appendNode('artifactId', 'maven-invoker-plugin') invokerPlugin.appendNode('version', '3.8.0') def invokerConfiguration = invokerPlugin.appendNode('configuration'); invokerConfiguration.appendNode('debug', 'true'); invokerConfiguration.appendNode('mavenExecutable', 'mvnw'); def scriptVariables = invokerConfiguration.appendNode('scriptVariables'); scriptVariables.appendNode('hibernateCoreJarPath', layout.buildDirectory.file('maven-embedder/maven-local/org/hibernate/orm/hibernate-core/' + project.version + '/hibernate-core-' + project.version + '.jar').get().getAsFile().getAbsolutePath()) } } } } } // Following tasks need to be performed: // 1. Compile the Java classes // 2. Copy the source tree to the working directory // 3. Copy the compiled Java classes to the working directory // 4. Install the 'hibernate-core' dependency in the local Maven repo // 5. Install the 'hibernate-scan-jandex' dependency in the local Maven repo // 6. Generate the pom.xml file for the Maven plugin // 7. Generate the Maven plugin descriptor // 8. Create the jar for the Maven plugin // 9. Install the Maven plugin descriptor in the local Maven repo // 10. Run the integration tests // Prepare the working directory tasks.register('prepareWorkspace', Copy) { into('target/maven-embedder/workspace') // copy the plugin pom with( copySpec { from('target/publications/publishedArtifacts/pom-default.xml') rename('pom-default.xml', 'pom.xml') dependsOn('generatePomFileForPublishedArtifactsPublication') }) // copy the compiled java classes into('target/classes') { with( copySpec { from('target/classes/java/main') dependsOn('compileJava') }) } // copy the integration tests into('src/it') { with( copySpec { from('src/it') }) } }