FO Parameter Reference $Id$ Walsh Norman 1999 2000 2001 Norman Walsh Introduction This is technical reference documentation for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets; it documents (some of) the parameters, templates, and other elements of the stylesheets. This reference describes each of the XSL FO Stylesheet parameters. These are the easily customizable parts of the stylesheet. If you want to specify an alternate value for one or more of these parameters, you can do so in a driver stylesheet. For example, if you want to change the html.stylesheet to reference.css, you might create a driver stylesheet like this: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version='1.0'> <xsl:import href=""/> <xsl:param name="html.stylesheet">reference.css</xsl:param> </xsl:stylesheet> Naturally, you have to change the href attribute on <xsl:import> to point to docbook.xsl on your system. (Or chunk.xsl, if you're using chunking.) This is not intended to be user documentation. It is provided for developers writing customization layers for the stylesheets, and for anyone who's interested in how it works. Although I am trying to be thorough, this documentation is known to be incomplete. Don't forget to read the source, too :-) Admonitions boolean Use graphics in admonitions? <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), admonitions are presented in an alternate style that uses a graphic. Default graphics are provided in the distribution. string Extension for admonition graphics <xsl:param name="" select="'.png'"></xsl:param> Description Sets the extension to use on admonition graphics. string Path to admonition graphics <xsl:param name="">images/</xsl:param> Description Sets the path, probably relative to the directory where the HTML files are created, to the admonition graphics. admon.textlabel boolean admon.textlabel Use text label in admonitions? <xsl:param name="admon.textlabel" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), admonitions are presented with a generated text label such as Note or Warning in the appropriate language. If zero, such labels are turned off, but any title child of the admonition element are still output. The default value is 1. To set the style for admonitions titles. <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size">14pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="hyphenate">false</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="keep-with-next.within-column">always</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description How do you want admonitions titles styled? Set the font-size, weight etc to the style required. To set the style for admonitions. <xsl:attribute-set name=""></xsl:attribute-set> Description How do you want admonitions styled? Set the font-size, weight, etc. to the style required Callouts callout.defaultcolumn integer callout.defaultcolumn Indicates what column callouts appear in by default <xsl:param name="callout.defaultcolumn" select="'60'"></xsl:param> Description If a callout does not identify a column (for example, if it uses the linerange unit), it will appear in the default column. boolean Use graphics for callouts? <xsl:param name="" select="'1'"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, callouts are presented with graphics (e.g., reverse-video circled numbers instead of "(1)", "(2)", etc.). Default graphics are provided in the distribution. string Extension for callout graphics <xsl:param name="" select="'.png'"></xsl:param> Description Sets the extension to use on callout graphics. integer Number of the largest callout graphic <xsl:param name="" select="'10'"></xsl:param> Description If is non-zero, graphics are used to represent callout numbers. The value of is the largest number for which a graphic exists. If the callout number exceeds this limit, the default presentation "(nnn)" will always be used. string Path to callout graphics <xsl:param name="" select="'images/callouts/'"></xsl:param> Description Sets the path, probably relative to the directory where the HTML files are created, to the callout graphics. callout.unicode boolean callout.unicode Use Unicode characters rather than images for callouts. <xsl:param name="callout.unicode" select="0"></xsl:param> Description The stylesheets can use either an image of the numbers one to ten, or the single Unicode character which represents the numeral, in white on a black background. Use this to select the Unicode character option. callout.unicode.font callout.unicode.font Specify a font for Unicode glyphs <xsl:param name="callout.unicode.font" select="'ZapfDingbats'"></xsl:param> Description The name of the font to specify around Unicode callout glyphs. If set to the empty string, no font change will occur. callout.unicode.number.limit integer callout.unicode.number.limit Number of the largest callout graphic <xsl:param name="callout.unicode.number.limit" select="'10'"></xsl:param> Description If callout.unicode is non-zero, unicode characters are used to represent callout numbers. The value of callout.unicode.number.limit is the largest number for which a unicode character exists. If the callout number exceeds this limit, the default presentation "(nnn)" will always be used. callout.unicode.start.character integer callout.unicode.start.character First Unicode character to use, decimal value. <xsl:param name="callout.unicode.start.character" select="10102"></xsl:param> Description If is zero and callout.unicode is non-zero, unicode characters are used to represent callout numbers. The value of callout.unicode.start.character is the decimal unicode value used for callout number one. Currently, only 10102 is supported in the stylesheets for this parameter. callouts.extension boolean callouts.extension Enable the callout extension <xsl:param name="callouts.extension" select="'1'"></xsl:param> Description The callouts extension processes areaset elements in ProgramListingCO and other text-based callout elements. ToC/LoT/Index Generation autotoc.label.separator string autotoc.label.separator Separator between labels and titles in the ToC <xsl:param name="autotoc.label.separator" select="'. '"></xsl:param> Description String to use to seperate labels and title in a table of contents. process.empty.source.toc boolean process.empty.source.toc FIXME: <xsl:param name="process.empty.source.toc" select="0"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: process.source.toc boolean process.source.toc FIXME: <xsl:param name="process.source.toc" select="0"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: generate.toc table generate.toc Control generation of ToCs and LoTs <xsl:param name="generate.toc"> /appendix toc,title article/appendix nop /article toc,title book toc,title,figure,table,example,equation /chapter toc,title part toc,title /preface toc,title qandadiv toc qandaset toc reference toc,title /sect1 toc /sect2 toc /sect3 toc /sect4 toc /sect5 toc /section toc set toc,title </xsl:param> Description This parameter has a structured value. It is a table of space-delimited path/value pairs. Each path identifies some element in the source document using a restricted subset of XPath (only the implicit child axis, no wildcards, no predicates). Paths can be either relative or absolute. When processing a particular element, the stylesheets consult this table to determine if a ToC (or LoT(s)) should be generated. For example, consider the entry: book toc,figure This indicates that whenever a book is formatted, a Table Of Contents and a List of Figures should be generated. Similarly, /chapter toc indicates that whenever a document that has a root of chapter is formatted, a Table of Contents should be generated. The entry chapter would match all chapters, but /chapter matches only chapter document elements. Generally, the longest match wins. So, for example, if you want to distinguish articles in books from articles in parts, you could use these two entries: book/article toc,figure part/article toc Note that an article in a part can never match a book/article, so if you want nothing to be generated for articles in parts, you can simply leave that rule out. If you want to leave the rule in, to make it explicit that you're turning something off, use the value nop. For example, the following entry disables ToCs and LoTs for articles: article nop Do not simply leave the word article in the file without a matching value. That'd be just begging the silly little path/value parser to get confused. Section ToCs are further controlled by the generate.section.toc.level parameter. For a given section level to have a ToC, it must have both an entry in generate.toc and be within the range enabled by generate.section.toc.level. generate.index boolean generate.index Do you want an index? <xsl:param name="generate.index" select="1"></xsl:param> Description Specify if an index should be generated. make.index.markup boolean make.index.markup Generate XML index markup in the index? <xsl:param name="make.index.markup" select="0"></xsl:param> Description This parameter enables a very neat trick for getting properly merged, collated back-of-the-book indexes. G. Ken Holman suggested this trick at Extreme Markup Languages 2002 and I'm indebted to him for it. Jeni Tennison's excellent code in autoidx.xsl does a great job of merging and sorting indexterms in the document and building a back-of-the-book index. However, there's one thing that it cannot reasonably be expected to do: merge page numbers into ranges. (I would not have thought that it could collate and suppress duplicate page numbers, but in fact it appears to manage that task somehow.) Ken's trick is to produce a document in which the index at the back of the book is displayed in XML. Because the index is generated by the FO processor, all of the page numbers have been resolved. It's a bit hard to explain, but what it boils down to is that instead of having an index at the back of the book that looks like this:
A ap1, 1, 2, 3
you get one that looks like this:
<indexdiv>A</indexdiv> <indexentry> <primaryie>ap1</primaryie>, <phrase role="pageno">1</phrase>, <phrase role="pageno">2</phrase>, <phrase role="pageno">3</phrase> </indexentry>
After building a PDF file with this sort of odd-looking index, you can extract the text from the PDF file and the result is a proper index expressed in XML. Now you have data that's amenable to processing and a simple Perl script (such as fo/pdf2index) can merge page ranges and generate a proper index. Finally, reformat your original document using this literal index instead of an automatically generated one and bingo! Properties used to emphasize page number references for significant index terms <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Properties used to emphasize page number references for significant index terms (significance=preffered). Currently works only with XEP. Properties associated with XEP index-items <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="merge-subsequent-page-numbers">true</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="link-back">true</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Properties associated with XEP index-items. For more info see the section "Indexes" in . toc.section.depth integer toc.section.depth How deep should recursive sections appear in the TOC? <xsl:param name="toc.section.depth">2</xsl:param> Description Specifies the depth to which recursive sections should appear in the TOC. toc.indent.width float toc.indent.width Amount of indentation for TOC entries <xsl:param name="toc.indent.width" select="24"></xsl:param> Description Specifies, in points, the distance by which each level of the TOC is indented from its parent. This value is expressed in points, without a unit (in other words, it is a bare number). Using a bare number allows the stylesheet to perform calculations that would otherwise have to be performed by the FO processor because not all processors support expressions. Margin properties used on Tables of Contents <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.5em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">2em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.minimum">0.5em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.maximum">2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description This attribute set is used on Tables of Contents. These attributes are set on the wrapper that surrounds the ToC block, not on each individual lines. boolean Should bridgehead elements appear in the TOC? <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, bridgeheads appear in the TOC. Note that this option is not fully supported and may be removed in a future version of the stylesheets. generate.section.toc.level integer generate.section.toc.level Control depth of TOC generation in sections <xsl:param name="generate.section.toc.level" select="0"></xsl:param> Description The generate.section.toc.level parameter controls the depth of section in which TOCs will be generated. Note that this is related to, but not the same as toc.section.depth, which controls the depth to which TOC entries will be generated in a given TOC. If, for example, generate.section.toc.level is 3, TOCs will be generated in first, second, and third level sections, but not in fourth level sections.
Processor Extensions arbortext.extensions boolean arbortext.extensions Enable Arbortext extensions? <xsl:param name="arbortext.extensions" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, Arbortext extensions will be used. axf.extensions boolean axf.extensions Enable XSL Formatter extensions? <xsl:param name="axf.extensions" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, XSL Formatter extensions will be used. XSL Formatter extensions consists of PDF bookmarks, document information and better index processing. fop.extensions boolean fop.extensions Enable FOP extensions? <xsl:param name="fop.extensions" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, FOP extensions will be used. At present, this consists of PDF bookmarks. passivetex.extensions boolean passivetex.extensions Enable PassiveTeX extensions? <xsl:param name="passivetex.extensions" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, PassiveTeX extensions will be used. At present, this consists of PDF bookmarks and sorted index terms. string TeX notation used for equations <xsl:param name="" select="''"></xsl:param> Description If you want type math directly in TeX notation in equations, this parameter specifies notation used. Currently are supported two values -- plain and latex. Empty value means that you are not using TeX math at all. Preferred way for including TeX alternative of math is inside of textobject element. Eg.: <inlineequation> <inlinemediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="eq1.gif"/> </imageobject> <textobject><phrase>E=mc squared</phrase></textobject> <textobject role="tex"><phrase>E=mc^2</phrase></textobject> </inlinemediaobject> </inlineequation> If you are using graphic element, you can store TeX inside alt element: <inlineequation> <alt role="tex">a^2+b^2=c^2</alt> <graphic fileref="a2b2c2.gif"/> </inlineequation> If you want use this feature, you should process your FO with PassiveTeX, which only supports TeX math notation. When calling stylsheet, don't forget to specify also passivetex.extensions=1. If you want equations in HTML, just process generated file tex-math-equations.tex by TeX or LaTeX. Then run dvi2bitmap program on result DVI file. You will get images for equations in your document. tex.math.delims boolean tex.math.delims Should be equations outputed for processing by TeX automatically surrounded by math mode delimiters <xsl:param name="tex.math.delims" select="'1'"></xsl:param> Description For compatibility with DSSSL based DBTeXMath from Allin Cottrell you should set this parameter to 0. xep.extensions boolean xep.extensions Enable XEP extensions? <xsl:param name="xep.extensions" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, XEP extensions will be used. XEP extensions consists of PDF bookmarks, document information and better index processing. Stylesheet Extensions linenumbering.everyNth integer linenumbering.everyNth Indicate which lines should be numbered <xsl:param name="linenumbering.everyNth" select="'5'"></xsl:param> Description If line numbering is enabled, everyNth line will be numbered. linenumbering.extension boolean linenumbering.extension Enable the line numbering extension <xsl:param name="linenumbering.extension" select="'1'"></xsl:param> Description If true, verbatim environments (elements that have the format='linespecific' notation attribute: address, literallayout, programlisting, screen, synopsis) that specify line numbering will have, surprise, line numbers. linenumbering.separator string linenumbering.separator Specify a separator between line numbers and lines <xsl:param name="linenumbering.separator" select="' '"></xsl:param> Description The separator is inserted between line numbers and lines in the verbatim environment. linenumbering.width integer linenumbering.width Indicates the width of line numbers <xsl:param name="linenumbering.width" select="'3'"></xsl:param> Description If line numbering is enabled, line numbers will appear right justified in a field "width" characters wide. tablecolumns.extension boolean tablecolumns.extension Enable the table columns extension function <xsl:param name="tablecolumns.extension" select="'1'"></xsl:param> Description The table columns extension function adjusts the widths of table columns in the HTML result to more accurately reflect the specifications in the CALS table. textinsert.extension boolean textinsert.extension Enable the textinsert extension element <xsl:param name="textinsert.extension" select="'1'"></xsl:param> Description The textinsert extension element inserts the contents of a a file into the result tree (as text). use.extensions boolean use.extensions Enable extensions <xsl:param name="use.extensions" select="'0'"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, extensions may be used. Each extension is further controlled by its own parameter. But if use.extensions is zero, no extensions will be used. Automatic labelling appendix.autolabel boolean appendix.autolabel Are Appendixes automatically enumerated? <xsl:param name="appendix.autolabel" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), unlabeled appendixes will be enumerated. chapter.autolabel boolean chapter.autolabel Are chapters automatically enumerated? <xsl:param name="chapter.autolabel" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), unlabeled chapters will be enumerated. part.autolabel boolean part.autolabel Are parts and references enumerated? <xsl:param name="part.autolabel" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), unlabeled parts and references will be enumerated. preface.autolabel boolean preface.autolabel Are prefaces enumerated? <xsl:param name="preface.autolabel" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), unlabeled prefaces will be enumerated. section.autolabel boolean section.autolabel Are sections enumerated? <xsl:param name="section.autolabel" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), unlabeled sections will be enumerated. section.label.includes.component.label boolean section.label.includes.component.label Do section labels include the component label? <xsl:param name="section.label.includes.component.label" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), section labels are prefixed with the label of the component that contains them. label.from.part boolean label.from.part Renumber chapters in each part? <xsl:param name="label.from.part" select="'0'"></xsl:param> Description If label.from.part is non-zero, components (chapters, appendixes, etc.) will be numbered from 1 in each part. Otherwise, they will be numbered monotonically throughout each book. XSLT Processing rootid string rootid Specify the root element to format <xsl:param name="rootid" select="''"></xsl:param> Description If rootid is specified, it must be the value of an ID that occurs in the document being formatted. The entire document will be loaded and parsed, but formatting will begin at the element identified, rather than at the root. For example, this allows you to process only chapter 4 of a book. Because the entire document is available to the processor, automatic numbering, cross references, and other dependencies are correctly resolved. Meta/*Info make.single.year.ranges boolean make.single.year.ranges Print single-year ranges (e.g., 1998-1999) <xsl:param name="make.single.year.ranges" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, year ranges that span a single year will be printed in range notation (1998-1999) instead of discrete notation (1998, 1999). make.year.ranges boolean make.year.ranges Collate copyright years into ranges? <xsl:param name="make.year.ranges" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, copyright years will be collated into ranges. boolean Is othername in author a middle name? <xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), the othername of an author appears between the firstname and surname. Otherwise, othername is suppressed. Reference Pages funcsynopsis.decoration boolean funcsynopsis.decoration Decorate elements of a FuncSynopsis? <xsl:param name="funcsynopsis.decoration" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), elements of the FuncSynopsis will be decorated (e.g. bold or italic). The decoration is controlled by functions that can be redefined in a customization layer. list ansi kr What style of 'FuncSynopsis' should be generated? <xsl:param name="">kr</xsl:param> Description If is ansi, ANSI-style function synopses are generated for a funcsynopsis, otherwise K&R-style function synopses are generated. function.parens boolean function.parens Generate parens after a function? <xsl:param name="function.parens">0</xsl:param> Description If not 0, the formatting of a function element will include generated parenthesis. boolean Output NAME header before 'RefName'(s)? <xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), a "NAME" section title is output before the list of 'RefName's. This parameter and refentry.generate.title are mutually exclusive. This means that if you change this parameter to zero, you should set refentry.generate.title to 1 unless you want get quite strange output. refentry.generate.title boolean refentry.generate.title Output title before 'RefName'(s)? <xsl:param name="refentry.generate.title" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), the reference page title or first name is output before the list of 'RefName's. This parameter and are mutually exclusive. This means that if you change this parameter to 1, you should set to 0 unless you want get quite strange output. refentry.pagebreak boolean refentry.pagebreak Start each refentry on a new page <xsl:param name="refentry.pagebreak" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero (the default), each refentry element will start on a new page. If zero, a page break will not be generated. attribute set Title properties for a refentry title <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-family"> <xsl:value-of select="$"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="font-size">18pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="hyphenate">false</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="keep-with-next.within-column">always</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1.0em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.optimum">0.5em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.minimum">0.4em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.maximum">0.6em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Formatting properties applied to refentry titles, including refnamediv, refsect1 through 3, and refsection. The font size is supplied by the appropriate attribute-set, computed from its location in the section hierarchy. refentry.xref.manvolnum boolean refentry.xref.manvolnum Output manvolnum as part of refentry cross-reference? <xsl:param name="refentry.xref.manvolnum" select="1"></xsl:param> Description if true (non-zero), the manvolnum is used when cross-referencing refentrys, either with xref or citerefentry. Tables default.table.width length default.table.width The default width of tables <xsl:param name="default.table.width" select="''"></xsl:param> Description If specified, this value will be used for the WIDTH attribute on tables that do not specify an alternate width (with the dbhtml processing instruction). nominal.table.width length nominal.table.width The (absolute) nominal width of tables <xsl:param name="nominal.table.width" select="'6in'"></xsl:param> Description In order to convert CALS column widths into HTML column widths, it is sometimes necessary to have an absolute table width to use for conversion of mixed absolute and relative widths. This value must be an absolute length (not a percentag). table.cell.padding table.cell.padding <xsl:attribute-set name="table.cell.padding"> <xsl:attribute name="padding-left">2pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="padding-right">2pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="padding-top">2pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="padding-bottom">2pt</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description FIXME: table.frame.border.thickness table.frame.border.thickness Specifies the thickness of the frame border <xsl:param name="table.frame.border.thickness" select="'0.5pt'"></xsl:param> Description Specifies the thickness of the border on the table's frame. <xsl:param name="" select="'solid'"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: table.frame.border.color table.frame.border.color <xsl:param name="table.frame.border.color" select="'black'"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: table.cell.border.thickness table.cell.border.thickness <xsl:param name="table.cell.border.thickness" select="'0.5pt'"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: <xsl:param name="" select="'solid'"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: table.cell.border.color table.cell.border.color <xsl:param name="table.cell.border.color" select="'black'"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: Properties associated with a table <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="border-before-width.conditionality">retain</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="border-collapse">collapse</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The styling for tables. This parameter should really have been called, but that parameter name was inadvertantly established for the block-level properties of the table as a whole. See also Linking target.database.document uri target.database.document Name of master database file for resolving olinks <xsl:param name="target.database.document" select="''"></xsl:param> Description To resolve olinks between documents, the stylesheets use a master database document that identifies the target datafiles for all the documents within the scope of the olinks. This parameter value is the URI of the master document to be read during processing to resolve olinks. The default value is olinkdb.xml. The data structure of the file is defined in the targetdatabase.dtd DTD. The database file provides the high level elements to record the identifiers, locations, and relationships of documents. The cross reference data for individual documents is generally pulled into the database using system entity references or XIncludes. See also targets.filename. boolean Process olinks using xref style of current document <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description When cross reference data is collected for use by olinks, the data for each potential target includes one field containing a completely assembled cross reference string, as if it were an xref generated in that document. Other fields record the separate title, number, and element name of each target. When an olink is formed to a target from another document, the olink resolves to that preassembled string by default. If the parameter is set to non-zero, then instead the cross reference string is formed again from the target title, number, and element name, using the stylesheet processing the targeting document. Then olinks will match the xref style in the targeting document rather than in the target document. If both documents are processed with the same stylesheet, then the results will be the same. current.docid string current.docid targetdoc identifier for the document being processed <xsl:param name="current.docid" select="''"></xsl:param> Description When olinks between documents are resolved for HTML output, the stylesheet can compute the relative path between the current document and the target document. The stylesheet needs to know the targetdoc identifiers for both documents, as they appear in the target.database.document database file. This parameter passes to the stylesheet the targetdoc identifier of the current document, since that identifier does not appear in the document itself. This parameter can also be used for print output. If an olink's targetdoc id differs from the current.docid, then the stylesheet can append the target document's title to the generated olink text. That identifies to the reader that the link is to a different document, not the current document. See also olink.doctitle to enable that feature. olink.doctitle boolean olink.doctitle show the document title for external olinks? <xsl:param name="olink.doctitle" select="0"></xsl:param> Description When olinks between documents are resolved for print output, the generated text may not make it clear that the reference is to another document. It is possible for the stylesheets to append the other document's title to external olinks. For this to happen, two parameters must be set. The olink.doctitle parameter should be set to nonzero to enable this feature. And you should set the current.docid parameter to the document id for the document currently being processed for output. If an olink's targetdoc id differs from the current.docid, then the stylesheet can append the target document's title to the generated olink text. QAndASet qandadiv.autolabel boolean qandadiv.autolabel Are divisions in QAndASets enumerated? <xsl:param name="qandadiv.autolabel" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), unlabeled qandadivs will be enumerated. qanda.inherit.numeration boolean qanda.inherit.numeration Does enumeration of QandASet components inherit the numeration of parent elements? <xsl:param name="qanda.inherit.numeration" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), numbered QandADiv elements and Questions and Answers inherit the numeration of the ancestors of the QandASet. qanda.defaultlabel boolean qanda.defaultlabel Sets the default for defaultlabel on QandASet. <xsl:param name="qanda.defaultlabel">number</xsl:param> Description If no defaultlabel attribute is specified on a QandASet, this value is used. It must be one of the legal values for the defaultlabel attribute. Bibliography biblioentry.item.separator string biblioentry.item.separator Text to separate bibliography entries <xsl:param name="biblioentry.item.separator">. </xsl:param> Description Text to separate bibliography entries bibliography.collection string bibliography.collection Name of the bibliography collection file <xsl:param name="bibliography.collection" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Maintaining bibliography entries across a set of documents is tedious, time consuming, and error prone. It makes much more sense, usually, to store all of the bibliography entries in a single place and simply extract the ones you need in each document. That's the purpose of the bibliography.collection parameter. To setup a global bibliography database, follow these steps: First, create a stand-alone bibliography document that contains all of the documents that you wish to reference. Make sure that each bibliography entry (whether you use biblioentry or bibliomixed) has an ID. My global bibliography, ~/bibliography.xml begins like this: <!DOCTYPE bibliography PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" ""> <bibliography><title>References</title> <bibliomixed id="xml-rec"><abbrev>XML 1.0</abbrev>Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, and Eve Maler, editors. <citetitle><ulink url="">Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Second Edition</ulink></citetitle>. World Wide Web Consortium, 2000. </bibliomixed> <bibliomixed id="xml-names"><abbrev>Namespaces</abbrev>Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, and Andrew Layman, editors. <citetitle><ulink url="">Namespaces in XML</ulink></citetitle>. World Wide Web Consortium, 1999. </bibliomixed> <!-- ... --> </bibliography> When you create a bibliography in your document, simply provide empty bibliomixed entries for each document that you wish to cite. Make sure that these elements have the same ID as the corresponding real entry in your global bibliography. For example: <bibliography><title>Bibliography</title> <bibliomixed id="xml-rec"/> <bibliomixed id="xml-names"/> <bibliomixed id="DKnuth86">Donald E. Knuth. <citetitle>Computers and Typesetting: Volume B, TeX: The Program</citetitle>. Addison-Wesley, 1986. ISBN 0-201-13437-3. </bibliomixed> <bibliomixed id="relaxng"/> </bibliography> Note that it's perfectly acceptable to mix entries from your global bibliography with normal entries. You can use xref or other elements to cross-reference your bibliography entries in exactly the same way you do now. Finally, when you are ready to format your document, simply set the bibliography.collection parameter (in either a customization layer or directly through your processor's interface) to point to your global bibliography. The stylesheets will format the bibliography in your document as if all of the entries referenced appeared there literally. bibliography.numbered boolean bibliography.numbered Should bibliography entries be numbered? <xsl:param name="bibliography.numbered" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero bibliography entries will be numbered Glossary boolean Generate links from glossterm to glossentry automaticaly? <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If true, a link will be automatically created from glossterm to glossentry for that glossary term. This is usefull when your glossterm names are consistent and you don't want to add links manually. If there is linkend on glossterm then is used instead of autogeneration of link. boolean Does automatic glossterm linking only apply to firstterms? <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If true, only firstterms will be automatically linked to the glossary. If glossary linking is not enabled, this parameter has no effect. glossary.collection string glossary.collection Name of the glossary collection file <xsl:param name="glossary.collection" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Glossaries maintained independently across a set of documents are likely to become inconsistent unless considerable effort is expended to keep them in sync. It makes much more sense, usually, to store all of the glossary entries in a single place and simply extract the ones you need in each document. That's the purpose of the glossary.collection parameter. To setup a global glossary database, follow these steps: Setting Up the Glossary Database First, create a stand-alone glossary document that contains all of the entries that you wish to reference. Make sure that each glossary entry has an ID. Here's an example glossary: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE glossary PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" ""> <glossary> <glossaryinfo> <editor><firstname>Eric</firstname><surname>Raymond</surname></editor> <title>Jargon File 4.2.3 (abridged)</title> <releaseinfo>Just some test data</releaseinfo> </glossaryinfo> <glossdiv><title>0</title> <glossentry> <glossterm>0</glossterm> <glossdef> <para>Numeric zero, as opposed to the letter `O' (the 15th letter of the English alphabet). In their unmodified forms they look a lot alike, and various kluges invented to make them visually distinct have compounded the confusion. If your zero is center-dotted and letter-O is not, or if letter-O looks almost rectangular but zero looks more like an American football stood on end (or the reverse), you're probably looking at a modern character display (though the dotted zero seems to have originated as an option on IBM 3270 controllers). If your zero is slashed but letter-O is not, you're probably looking at an old-style ASCII graphic set descended from the default typewheel on the venerable ASR-33 Teletype (Scandinavians, for whom /O is a letter, curse this arrangement). (Interestingly, the slashed zero long predates computers; Florian Cajori's monumental "A History of Mathematical Notations" notes that it was used in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.) If letter-O has a slash across it and the zero does not, your display is tuned for a very old convention used at IBM and a few other early mainframe makers (Scandinavians curse <emphasis>this</emphasis> arrangement even more, because it means two of their letters collide). Some Burroughs/Unisys equipment displays a zero with a <emphasis>reversed</emphasis> slash. Old CDC computers rendered letter O as an unbroken oval and 0 as an oval broken at upper right and lower left. And yet another convention common on early line printers left zero unornamented but added a tail or hook to the letter-O so that it resembled an inverted Q or cursive capital letter-O (this was endorsed by a draft ANSI standard for how to draw ASCII characters, but the final standard changed the distinguisher to a tick-mark in the upper-left corner). Are we sufficiently confused yet?</para> </glossdef> </glossentry> <glossentry> <glossterm>1TBS</glossterm> <glossdef> <para role="accidence"> <phrase role="pronounce"></phrase> <phrase role="partsofspeach">n</phrase> </para> <para>The "One True Brace Style"</para> <glossseealso>indent style</glossseealso> </glossdef> </glossentry> <!-- ... --> </glossdiv> <!-- ... --> </glossary> Marking Up Glossary Terms That takes care of the glossary database, now you have to get the entries into your document. Unlike bibliography entries, which can be empty, creating placeholder glossary entries would be very tedious. So instead, support for glossary.collection relies on implicit linking. In your source document, simply use firstterm and glossterm to identify the terms you wish to have included in the glossary. The stylesheets assume that you will either set the baseform attribute correctly, or that the content of the element exactly matches a term in your glossary. If you're using a glossary.collection, don't make explicit links on the terms in your document. So, in your document, you might write things like this: <para>This is dummy text, without any real meaning. The point is simply to reference glossary terms like <glossterm>0</glossterm> and the <firstterm baseform="1TBS">One True Brace Style (1TBS)</firstterm>. The <glossterm>1TBS</glossterm>, as you can probably imagine, is a nearly religious issue.</para> If you set the parameter, only the terms marked with firstterm will be links. Otherwise, all the terms will be linked. Marking Up the Glossary The glossary itself has to be identified for the stylesheets. For lack of a better choice, the role is used. To identify the glossary as the target for automatic processing, set the role to auto. The title of this glossary (and any other information from the glossaryinfo that's rendered by your stylesheet) will be displayed, but the entries will come from the database. Unfortunately, the glossary can't be empty, so you must put in at least one glossentry. The content of this entry is irrelevant, it will not be rendered: <glossary role="auto"> <glossentry> <glossterm>Irrelevant</glossterm> <glossdef> <para>If you can see this, the document was processed incorrectly. Use the <parameter>glossary.collection</parameter> parameter.</para> </glossdef> </glossentry> </glossary> What about glossary divisions? If your glossary database has glossary divisions and your automatic glossary contains at least one glossdiv, the automic glossary will have divisions. If the glossdiv is missing from either location, no divisions will be rendered. Glossary entries (and divisions, if appropriate) in the glossary will occur in precisely the order they occur in your database. Formatting the Document Finally, when you are ready to format your document, simply set the glossary.collection parameter (in either a customization layer or directly through your processor's interface) to point to your global glossary. The stylesheets will format the glossary in your document as if all of the entries implicilty referenced appeared there literally. Limitations Glossary cross-references within the glossary are not supported. For example, this will not work: <glossentry> <glossterm>gloss-1</glossterm> <glossdef><para>A description that references <glossterm>gloss-2</glossterm>.</para> <glossseealso>gloss-2</glossseealso> </glossdef> </glossentry> If you put glossary cross-references in your glossary that way, you'll get the cryptic error: Warning: glossary.collection specified, but there are 0 automatic glossaries. Instead, you must do two things: Markup your glossary using glossseealso: <glossentry> <glossterm>gloss-1</glossterm> <glossdef><para>A description that references <glossterm>gloss-2</glossterm>.</para> <glossseealso>gloss-2</glossseealso> </glossdef> </glossentry> Make sure there is at least one glossterm reference to gloss-2 in your document. The easiest way to do that is probably within a remark in your automatic glossary: <glossary role="auto"> <remark>Make sure there's a reference to <glossterm>gloss-2</glossterm>.</remark> <glossentry> <glossterm>Irrelevant</glossterm> <glossdef> <para>If you can see this, the document was processed incorrectly. Use the <parameter>glossary.collection</parameter> parameter.</para> </glossdef> </glossentry> </glossary> glossterm.separation length glossterm.separation Separation between glossary terms and descriptions in list mode <xsl:param name="glossterm.separation" select="'0.25in'"></xsl:param> Description Specifies the separation between glossary terms and descriptions when glossarys are presented using lists. glossterm.width length glossterm.width Width of glossterm in list presentation mode <xsl:param name="glossterm.width" select="'2in'"></xsl:param> Description This parameter specifies the width reserved for glossary terms when a list presentation is used. boolean Present glossarys using blocks instead of lists? <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, glossarys will be formatted as blocks. If you have long glossterms, proper list markup in the FO case may produce unattractive lists. By setting this parameter, you can force the stylesheets to produce block markup instead of proper lists. You can override this setting with a processing instruction as the child of glossary: dbfo glossary-presentation="blocks" or dbfo glossary-presentation="list" boolean Use blocks for glosslists? <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description See list Display glossentry acronyms? <xsl:param name="" select="'no'"></xsl:param> Description A setting of yes means they should be displayed; no means they shouldn't. If primary is used, then they are shown as the primary text for the entry. This setting controls both acronym and abbrev elements in the glossentry. Miscellaneous formal.procedures boolean formal.procedures Selects formal or informal procedures <xsl:param name="formal.procedures" select="1"></xsl:param> Description Formal procedures are numbered and always have a title. formal.title.placement formal.title.placement <xsl:param name="formal.title.placement"> figure before example before equation before table before procedure before task before </xsl:param> Description Specifies where formal object titles should occur. For each formal object type (figure, example, equation, table, and procedure) you can specify either the keyword before or after. runinhead.default.title.end.punct string runinhead.default.title.end.punct Default punctuation character on a run-in-head <xsl:param name="runinhead.default.title.end.punct" select="'.'"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: runinhead.title.end.punct string runinhead.title.end.punct Characters that count as punctuation on a run-in-head <xsl:param name="runinhead.title.end.punct" select="'.!?:'"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: show.comments boolean show.comments Display comment elements? <xsl:param name="show.comments">1</xsl:param> Description If true (non-zero), comments will be displayed, otherwise they are suppressed. Comments here refers to the comment element, which will be renamed remark in DocBook V4.0, not XML comments (<-- like this -->) which are unavailable. punct.honorific string punct.honorific Punctuation after an honorific in a personal name. <xsl:param name="punct.honorific" select="'.'"></xsl:param> Description This parameter specifies the punctuation that should be added after an honorific in a personal name. boolean Format segmented lists as tables? <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, segmentedlists will be formatted as tables. boolean Format variablelists lists as blocks? <xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, variablelists will be formatted as blocks. If you have long terms, proper list markup in the FO case may produce unattractive lists. By setting this parameter, you can force the stylesheets to produce block markup instead of proper lists. You can override this setting with a processing instruction as the child of variablelist: dbfo list-presentation="blocks" or dbfo list-presentation="list" <variablelist> <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?> <varlistentry> <term>list</term> <listitem> <para> Formatted as a list even if is set to 1. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> To set the style for block quotations. <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="start-indent">0.5in</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="end-indent">0.5in</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.minimum">0.5em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.maximum">2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The attribute set specifies the formating properties of block quotations. boolean Display URLs after ulinks? <xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, the URL of each ULink will appear after the text of the link. If the text of the link and the URL are identical, the URL is suppressed. ulink.footnotes boolean ulink.footnotes Generate footnotes for ULinks? <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, the URL of each ULink will appear as a footnote. ulink.footnote.number.format string ulink.footnote.number.format Identifies the format used for ulink footnote numbers <xsl:param name="ulink.footnote.number.format" select="'1'"></xsl:param> Description The ulink.footnote.number.format specifies the format to use for footnote numeration (1, i, I, a, or A). ulink.hyphenate string ulink.hyphenate Allow URLs to be automatically hyphenated <xsl:param name="ulink.hyphenate" select="''"></xsl:param> Description If not empty, the specified character (or more generally, content) is added to URLs after every /. If the character specified is a Unicode soft hyphen (0x00AD) or Unicode zero-width space (0x200B), some FO processors will be able to reasonably hyphenate long URLs. As of 28 Jan 2002, discretionary hyphens are more widely and correctly supported than zero-width spaces for this purpose. shade.verbatim boolean shade.verbatim Should verbatim environments be shaded? <xsl:param name="shade.verbatim" select="0"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: Properties that specify the style of shaded verbatim listings <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="background-color">#E0E0E0</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description FIXME: use.svg boolean use.svg Allow SVG in the result tree? <xsl:param name="use.svg" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, SVG will be considered an acceptable image format. SVG is passed through to the result tree, so correct rendering of the resulting diagram depends on the formatter (FO processor or web browser) that is used to process the output from the stylesheet. boolean Use role attribute for xrefstyle on xref? <xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, the role attribute on xref will be used to select the cross reference style. The DocBook Technical Committee recently added an xrefstyle attribute for this purpose. If the xrefstyle attribute is present, role will be ignored, regardless of this setting. Until an official DocBook release that includes the new attribute, this flag allows role to serve that purpose. Example The following small stylesheet shows how to configure the stylesheets to make use of the cross reference style: <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"> <xsl:import href="../xsl/html/docbook.xsl"/> <xsl:output method="html"/> <xsl:param name="local.l10n.xml" select="document('')"/> <l:i18n xmlns:l=""> <l:l10n xmlns:l="" language="en"> <l:context name="xref"> <l:template name="chapter" style="title" text="Chapter %n, %t"/> <l:template name="chapter" text="Chapter %n"/> </l:context> </l:l10n> </l:i18n> </xsl:stylesheet> With this stylesheet, the cross references in the following document: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" ""> <book id="book"><title>Book</title> <preface> <title>Preface</title> <para>Normal: <xref linkend="ch1"/>.</para> <para>Title: <xref xrefstyle="title" linkend="ch1"/>.</para> </preface> <chapter id="ch1"> <title>First Chapter</title> <para>Irrelevant.</para> </chapter> </book> will appear as: Normal: Chapter 1. Title: Chapter 1, First Chapter. menuchoice.separator menuchoice.separator <xsl:param name="menuchoice.separator" select="'+'"></xsl:param> Description Separator used to connect items of a menuchoice other than guimenuitem and guisubmenu. The latter elements are linked with <xsl:param name="" select="'->'"></xsl:param> Description Separator used to connect items of a menuchoice with guimenuitem or guisubmenu. Other elements are linked with menuchoice.separator. default.float.class string default.float.class Specifies the default float class <xsl:param name="default.float.class" select="'before'"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: footnote.number.format string footnote.number.format Identifies the format used for footnote numbers <xsl:param name="footnote.number.format" select="'1'"></xsl:param> Description The footnote.number.format specifies the format to use for footnote numeration (1, i, I, a, or A). table.footnote.number.format string table.footnote.number.format Identifies the format used for footnote numbers in tables <xsl:param name="table.footnote.number.format" select="'a'"></xsl:param> Description The table.footnote.number.format specifies the format to use for footnote numeration (1, i, I, a, or A) in tables. footnote.number.symbols footnote.number.symbols <xsl:param name="footnote.number.symbols" select="''"></xsl:param> Description If footnote.number.symbols is not the empty string, footnotes will use the characters it contains as footnote symbols. For example, *&#x2020;&#x2021;&#x25CA;&#x2720; will identify footnotes with *, , , , and . If there are more footnotes than symbols, the stylesheets will fall back to numbered footnotes using footnote.number.format. The use of symbols for footnotes depends on the ability of your processor (or browser) to render the symbols you select. Not all systems are capable of displaying the full range of Unicode characters. If the quoted characters in the preceding paragraph are not displayed properly, that's a good indicator that you may have trouble using those symbols for footnotes. table.footnote.number.symbols table.footnote.number.symbols <xsl:param name="table.footnote.number.symbols" select="''"></xsl:param> Description If table.footnote.number.symbols is not the empty string, table footnotes will use the characters it contains as footnote symbols. For example, *&#x2020;&#x2021;&#x25CA;&#x2720; will identify footnotes with *, , , , and . If there are more footnotes than symbols, the stylesheets will fall back to numbered footnotes using table.footnote.number.format. The use of symbols for footnotes depends on the ability of your processor (or browser) to render the symbols you select. Not all systems are capable of displaying the full range of Unicode characters. If the quoted characters in the preceding paragraph are not displayed properly, that's a good indicator that you may have trouble using those symbols for footnotes. xref.with.number.and.title boolean xref.with.number.and.title Use number and title in cross references <xsl:param name="xref.with.number.and.title" select="1"></xsl:param> Description FIXME: Properties associated with superscripts <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size">75%</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specifies styling properties for superscripts. Properties associated with subscripts <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size">75%</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specifies styling properties for subscripts. Graphics graphic.default.extension string graphic.default.extension Default extension for graphic filenames <xsl:param name="graphic.default.extension"></xsl:param> Description If a graphic or mediaobject includes a reference to a filename that does not include an extension, and the format attribute is unspecified, the default extension will be used. default.image.width length default.image.width The default width of images <xsl:param name="default.image.width" select="''"></xsl:param> Description If specified, this value will be used for the width attribute on images that do not specify any viewport dimensions. preferred.mediaobject.role preferred.mediaobject.role Select which mediaobject to use based on this value of an object's role attribute. <xsl:param name="preferred.mediaobject.role"></xsl:param> Description A mediaobject may contain several objects such as imageobjects. If the parameter use.role.for.mediaobject is non-zero, then the role attribute on imageobjects and other objects within a mediaobject container will be used to select which object will be used. If one of the objects has a role value that matches the preferred.mediaobject.role parameter, then it has first priority for selection. If more than one has such a role value, the first one is used. See the use.role.for.mediaobject parameter for the sequence of selection. use.role.for.mediaobject boolean use.role.for.mediaobject Use role attribute value for selecting which of several objects within a mediaobject to use. <xsl:param name="use.role.for.mediaobject" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, the role attribute on imageobjects or other objects within a mediaobject container will be used to select which object will be used. The order of selection when then parameter is non-zero is: If the stylesheet parameter preferred.mediaobject.role has a value, then the object whose role equals that value is selected. Else if an object's role attribute has a value of html for HTML processing or fo for FO output, then the first of such objects is selected. Else the first suitable object is selected. If the value of use.role.for.mediaobject is zero, then role attributes are not considered and the first suitable object with or without a role value is used. ignore.image.scaling boolean ignore.image.scaling Tell the stylesheets to ignore the author's image scaling attributes <xsl:param name="ignore.image.scaling" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, the scaling attributes on graphics and media objects are ignored. Pagination and General Styles
Understanding XSL FO Margins In order for the parameters in this section to make sense, it is useful to consider .
Figure showing page margins This figure shows the physical page with the various FO page regions identified.
First, let's consider the regions on the page. The white region is the physical page. Its dimensions are determined by the page.height and page.width parameters. The yellow region is the region-body. The size and placement of the region body is constrained by the dimensions labelled in the figure. The pink region at the top of the page is the region-before. The darker area inside the region-before is the header text. In XSL, the default display alignment for a region is before, but the DocBook stylesheets still explicitly make it before. That's why the darker area is at the top. The pink region at the bottom of the page is the region-after. The darker area is the footer text. In XSL, the default display alignment for a region is before, but the DocBook stylesheets explicitly make it after. That's why the darker area is at the bottom. The dimensions in the figure are: The page-master margin-top. The region-before extent. The region-body margin-top. The region-after extent. The page-master margin-bottom. The region-body margin-bottom. The sum of the page-master margin-left and the region-body margin-left. In DocBook, the region-body margin-left is zero by default, so this is simply the page-master region-left. The sum of the page-master margin-right and the region-body margin-right. In DocBook, the region-body margin-right is zero by default, so this is simply the page-master region-left.
page.height page.height The height of the physical page <xsl:param name="page.height"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$page.orientation = 'portrait'"> <xsl:value-of select="$page.height.portrait"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:value-of select="$page.width.portrait"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:param> Description The page height is generally calculated from the paper.type and page.orientation. page.height.portrait page.height.portrait Specify the physical size of the long edge of the page <xsl:param name="page.height.portrait"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A4landscape'">210mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'USletter'">11in</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'USlandscape'">8.5in</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = '4A0'">2378mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = '2A0'">1682mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A0'">1189mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A1'">841mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A2'">594mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A3'">420mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A4'">297mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A5'">210mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A6'">148mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A7'">105mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A8'">74mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A9'">52mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A10'">37mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B0'">1414mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B1'">1000mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B2'">707mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B3'">500mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B4'">353mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B5'">250mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B6'">176mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B7'">125mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B8'">88mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B9'">62mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B10'">44mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C0'">1297mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C1'">917mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C2'">648mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C3'">458mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C4'">324mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C5'">229mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C6'">162mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C7'">114mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C8'">81mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C9'">57mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C10'">40mm</xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise>11in</xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:param> Description The portrait page height is the length of the long edge of the physical page. page.margin.bottom page.margin.bottom The bottom margin of the page <xsl:param name="page.margin.bottom" select="'0.5in'"></xsl:param> Description The bottom page margin is the distance from the bottom of the region-after to the physical bottom of the page. page.margin.inner page.margin.inner The inner page margin <xsl:param name="page.margin.inner"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$double.sided != 0">1.25in</xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise>1in</xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:param> Description The inner page margin is the distance from binding edge of the page to the first column of text. In the left-to-right, top-to-bottom writing direction, this is the left margin of recto pages. The inner and outer margins are usually the same unless the output is double-sided. page.margin.outer page.margin.outer The outer page margin <xsl:param name="page.margin.outer"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$double.sided != 0">0.75in</xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise>1in</xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:param> Description The outer page margin is the distance from non-binding edge of the page to the last column of text. In the left-to-right, top-to-bottom writing direction, this is the right margin of recto pages. The inner and outer margins are usually the same unless the output is double-sided. The top margin of the page <xsl:param name="" select="'0.5in'"></xsl:param> Description The top page margin is the distance from the physical top of the page to the top of the region-before. page.orientation page.orientation Select the page orientation <xsl:param name="page.orientation" select="'portrait'"></xsl:param> Description In portrait orientation, the short edge is horizontal; in landscape orientation, it is vertical. page.width page.width The width of the physical page <xsl:param name="page.width"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$page.orientation = 'portrait'"> <xsl:value-of select="$page.width.portrait"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:value-of select="$page.height.portrait"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:param> Description The page width is generally calculated from the paper.type and page.orientation. page.width.portrait page.width.portrait Specify the physical size of the short edge of the page <xsl:param name="page.width.portrait"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'USletter'">8.5in</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = '4A0'">1682mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = '2A0'">1189mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A0'">841mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A1'">594mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A2'">420mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A3'">297mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A4'">210mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A5'">148mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A6'">105mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A7'">74mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A8'">52mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A9'">37mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'A10'">26mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B0'">1000mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B1'">707mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B2'">500mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B3'">353mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B4'">250mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B5'">176mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B6'">125mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B7'">88mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B8'">62mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B9'">44mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'B10'">31mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C0'">917mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C1'">648mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C2'">458mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C3'">324mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C4'">229mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C5'">162mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C6'">114mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C7'">81mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C8'">57mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C9'">40mm</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$paper.type = 'C10'">28mm</xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise>8.5in</xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:param> Description The portrait page width is the length of the short edge of the physical page. paper.type paper.type Select the paper type <xsl:param name="paper.type" select="'USletter'"></xsl:param> Description The paper type is a convenient way to specify the paper size. The list of known paper sizes includes USletter and most of the A, B, and C sizes. See page.width.portrait, for example. double.sided double.sided Is the document to be printed double sided? <xsl:param name="double.sided" select="0"></xsl:param> Description Double-sided documents are printed with a slightly wider margin on the binding edge of the page. FIXME: The current set of parameters does not take writing direction into account. body.margin.bottom body.margin.bottom The bottom margin of the body text <xsl:param name="body.margin.bottom" select="'0.5in'"></xsl:param> Description The body bottom margin is the distance from the last line of text in the page body to the bottom of the region-after. To specify the size of the top margin of a page <xsl:param name="" select="'0.5in'"></xsl:param> Description The body top margin is the distance from the top of the region-before to the first line of text in the page body. alignment alignment Specify the default text alignment <xsl:param name="alignment">justify</xsl:param> Description The default text alignment is used for most body text. hyphenate hyphenate Specify hyphenation behavior <xsl:param name="hyphenate">true</xsl:param> Description If true, words may be hyphenated. Otherwise, they may not. line-height string line-height Specify the line-height property <xsl:param name="line-height" select="'normal'"></xsl:param> Description Sets the line-height property. column.count.back integer column.count.back Number of columns on back matter pages <xsl:param name="column.count.back" select="1"></xsl:param> Description Number of columns on back matter (appendix, glossary, etc.) pages. column.count.body integer column.count.body Number of columns on body pages <xsl:param name="column.count.body" select="1"></xsl:param> Description Number of columns on body pages. column.count.front integer column.count.front Number of columns on front matter pages <xsl:param name="column.count.front" select="1"></xsl:param> Description Number of columns on front matter (dedication, preface, etc.) pages. column.count.index integer column.count.index Number of columns on index pages <xsl:param name="column.count.index" select="2"></xsl:param> Description Number of columns on index pages. column.count.lot integer column.count.lot Number of columns on a 'List-of-Titles' page <xsl:param name="column.count.lot" select="1"></xsl:param> Description Number of columns on a page sequence containing the Table of Contents, List of Figures, etc. column.count.titlepage integer column.count.titlepage Number of columns on a title page <xsl:param name="column.count.titlepage" select="1"></xsl:param> Description Number of columns on a title page length Gap between columns in back matter <xsl:param name="" select="'12pt'"></xsl:param> Description Specifies the gap between columns in back matter (if column.count.back is greater than one). length Gap between columns in the body <xsl:param name="" select="'12pt'"></xsl:param> Description Specifies the gap between columns in body matter (if column.count.body is greater than one). length Gap between columns in the front matter <xsl:param name="" select="'12pt'"></xsl:param> Description Specifies the gap between columns in front matter (if column.count.front is greater than one). length Gap between columns in the index <xsl:param name="" select="'12pt'"></xsl:param> Description Specifies the gap between columns in indexes (if column.count.index is greater than one). length Gap between columns on a 'List-of-Titles' page <xsl:param name="" select="'12pt'"></xsl:param> Description Specifies the gap between columns on 'List-of-Titles' pages (if column.count.lot is greater than one). length Gap between columns on title pages <xsl:param name="" select="'12pt'"></xsl:param> Description Specifies the gap between columns on title pages (if column.count.titlepage is greater than one). region.after.extent region.after.extent Specifies the height of the footer. <xsl:param name="region.after.extent" select="'0.4in'"></xsl:param> Description The region after extent is the height of the area where footers are printed. region.before.extent region.before.extent Specifies the height of the header <xsl:param name="region.before.extent" select="'0.4in'"></xsl:param> Description The region before extent is the height of the area where headers are printed. default.units list cm mm in pt pc px em default.units Default units for an unqualified dimension <xsl:param name="default.units" select="'pt'"></xsl:param> Description If an unqualified dimension is encountered (for example, in a graphic width), the default-units will be used for the units. Unqualified dimensions are not allowed in XSL Formatting Objects. normal.para.spacing What space do you want between normal paragraphs <xsl:attribute-set name="normal.para.spacing"> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specify the spacing required between normal paragraphs body.font.master body.font.master Specifies the default point size for body text <xsl:param name="body.font.master">10</xsl:param> Description The body font size is specified in two parameters (body.font.master and body.font.size) so that math can be performed on the font size by XSLT. body.font.size body.font.size Specifies the default font size for body text <xsl:param name="body.font.size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master"></xsl:value-of><xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:param> Description The body font size is specified in two parameters (body.font.master and body.font.size) so that math can be performed on the font size by XSLT. footnote.font.size footnote.font.size The font size for footnotes <xsl:param name="footnote.font.size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 0.8"></xsl:value-of><xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:param> Description The footnote font size is used for...footnotes! title.margin.left title.margin.left Adjust the left margin for titles <xsl:param name="title.margin.left"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$passivetex.extensions != 0">0pt</xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise>-4pc</xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:param> Description This parameter adjusts the left margin for titles, effectively leaving the titles at the left margin and indenting the body text. The default value is -4pc, which means the body text is indented 4 picas relative to the titles. If you set the value to zero, be sure to still include a unit indicator such as 0pt, or the FO processor will report errors. This parameter is set to 0pt if the passivetex.extensions parameter is nonzero because PassiveTeX cannot handle the math expression with negative values used to calculate the indents. draft.mode list draft.mode Select draft mode <xsl:param name="draft.mode" select="'maybe'"></xsl:param> Description Selects draft mode. If draft.mode is yes, the entire document will be treated as a draft. If it is no, the entire document will be treated as a final copy. If it is maybe, individual sections will be treated as draft or final independently, depending on how their status attribute is set. draft.watermark.image uri draft.watermark.image The URI of the image to be used for draft watermarks <xsl:param name="draft.watermark.image" select="''"></xsl:param> Description The image to be used for draft watermarks. headers.on.blank.pages boolean headers.on.blank.pages Put headers on blank pages? <xsl:param name="headers.on.blank.pages" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, headers will be placed on blank pages. footers.on.blank.pages boolean footers.on.blank.pages Put footers on blank pages? <xsl:param name="footers.on.blank.pages" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, footers will be placed on blank pages. header.rule boolean header.rule Rule under headers? <xsl:param name="header.rule" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, a rule will be drawn below the page headers. footer.rule boolean footer.rule Rule over footers? <xsl:param name="footer.rule" select="1"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, a rule will be drawn above the page footers. header.column.widths string header.column.widths Specify relative widths of header areas <xsl:param name="header.column.widths" select="'1 1 1'"></xsl:param> Description Page headers in print output use a three column table to position text at the left, center, and right side of the header on the page. This parameter lets you specify the relative sizes of the three columns. The default value is "1 1 1". The parameter value must be three numbers, separated by white space. The first number represents the relative width of the left header for single-sided output, or the inside header for double-sided output. The second number is the relative width of the center header. The third number is the relative width of the right header for single-sided output, or the outside header for double-sided output. The numbers are used to specify the column widths for the table that makes up the header area. In the FO output, this looks like: <fo:table-column column-number="1" column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/> The proportional-column-width() function computes a column width by dividing its argument by the total of the arguments for all the columns, and then multiplying the result by the width of the whole table (assuming all the column specs use the function). Its argument can be any positive integer or floating point number. Zero is an acceptable value, although some FO processors may warn about it, in which case using a very small number might be more satisfactory. For example, the value "1 2 1" means the center header should have twice the width of the other areas. A value of "0 0 1" means the entire header area is reserved for the right (or outside) header text. Note that to keep the center area centered on the page, the left and right values must be the same. A specification like "1 2 3" means the center area is no longer centered on the page since the right area is three times the width of the left area. footer.column.widths string footer.column.widths Specify relative widths of footer areas <xsl:param name="footer.column.widths" select="'1 1 1'"></xsl:param> Description Page footers in print output use a three column table to position text at the left, center, and right side of the footer on the page. This parameter lets you specify the relative sizes of the three columns. The default value is "1 1 1". The parameter value must be three numbers, separated by white space. The first number represents the relative width of the left footer for single-sided output, or the inside footer for double-sided output. The second number is the relative width of the center footer. The third number is the relative width of the right footer for single-sided output, or the outside footer for double-sided output. The numbers are used to specify the column widths for the table that makes up the footer area. In the FO output, this looks like: <fo:table-column column-number="1" column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"/> The proportional-column-width() function computes a column width by dividing its argument by the total of the arguments for all the columns, and then multiplying the result by the width of the whole table (assuming all the column specs use the function). Its argument can be any positive integer or floating point number. Zero is an acceptable value, although some FO processors may warn about it, in which case using a very small number might be more satisfactory. For example, the value "1 2 1" means the center footer should have twice the width of the other areas. A value of "0 0 1" means the entire footer area is reserved for the right (or outside) footer text. Note that to keep the center area centered on the page, the left and right values must be the same. A specification like "1 2 3" means the center area is no longer centered on the page since the right area is three times the width of the left area. <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-family"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.fontset"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="margin-left"> <xsl:value-of select="$title.margin.left"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Properties of page header content. <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-family"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.fontset"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="margin-left"> <xsl:value-of select="$title.margin.left"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Properties of page footer content. marker.section.level integer marker.section.level Control depth of sections shown in running headers or footers <xsl:param name="marker.section.level" select="2"></xsl:param> Description The marker.section.level parameter controls the depth of section levels that may be displayed in running headers and footers. For example, if the value is 2 (the default), then titles from sect1 and sect2 or equivalent section elements are candidates for use in running headers and footers. Each candidate title is marked in the FO output with a <fo:marker marker-class-name="section.head.marker"> element. In order for such titles to appear in headers or footers, the header.content or footer.content template must be customized to retrieve the marker using an output element such as: <fo:retrieve-marker retrieve-class-name="section.head.marker" retrieve-position="first-including-carryover" retrieve-boundary="page-sequence"/>
Font Families The default font family for body text <xsl:param name="" select="'serif'"></xsl:param> Description The body font family is the default font used for text in the page body. The font family for copyright, quotes, and other symbols <xsl:param name="" select="'serif'"></xsl:param> Description The dingbat font family is used for dingbats. If it is defined as the empty string, no font change is effected around dingbats. The default font family for monospace environments <xsl:param name="" select="'monospace'"></xsl:param> Description The monospace font family is used for verbatim environments (program listings, screens, etc.). The default sans-serif font family <xsl:param name="" select="'sans-serif'"></xsl:param> Description The default sans-serif font family. At the present, this isn't actually used by the stylesheets. The default font family for titles <xsl:param name="" select="'sans-serif'"></xsl:param> Description The title font family is used for titles (chapter, section, figure, etc.) The font families to be searched for symbols outside of the body font <xsl:param name="" select="'Symbol,ZapfDingbats'"></xsl:param> Description A typical body or title font does not contain all the character glyphs that DocBook supports. This parameter specifies additional fonts that should be searched for special characters not in the normal font. These symbol font names are automatically appended to the body or title font family name when fonts are specified in a font-family property in the FO output. The symbol font names should be entered as a comma-separated list. The default value is Symbol,ZapfDingbats. Lists list.block.spacing What spacing do you want before and after lists? <xsl:attribute-set name="list.block.spacing"> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specify the spacing required before and after a list. It is necessary to specify the space after a list block because lists can come inside of paras. list.item.spacing What space do you want between list items? <xsl:attribute-set name="list.item.spacing"> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specify what spacing you want between each list item. compact.list.item.spacing What space do you want between list items (when spacing=compact)? <xsl:attribute-set name="compact.list.item.spacing"> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">0em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">0.2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specify what spacing you want between each list item when spacing is compact. variablelist.max.termlength variablelist.max.termlength Specifies the longest term in variablelists <xsl:param name="variablelist.max.termlength">24</xsl:param> Description In variablelists, the listitem is indented to leave room for the term elements. That indent may be computed if it is not specified with a termlength attribute on the variablelist element. The computation counts characters in the term elements in the list to find the longest term. However, some terms are very long and would produce extreme indents. This parameter lets you set a maximum character count. Any terms longer than the maximum would line wrap. The default value is 24. The character counts are converted to physical widths by multiplying by 0.50em. There will be some variability in how many actual characters fit in the space since some characters are wider than others. Cross References string Turns page numbers in xrefs on and off <xsl:param name="">no</xsl:param> Description The value of this parameter determines if cross references (xrefs) in printed output will include page number citations. It has three possible values. no No page number references will be generated. yes Page number references will be generated for all xref elements. The style of page reference may be changed if an xrefstyle attribute is used. maybe Page number references will not be generated for an xref element unless it has an xrefstyle attribute whose value specifies a page reference. Properties associated with cross-reference text <xsl:attribute-set name=""> </xsl:attribute-set> Description This attribute set is used on cross reference text. xref.label-title.separator string xref.label-title.separator Punctuation or space separating label from title in xref <xsl:param name="xref.label-title.separator">: </xsl:param> Description This parameter allows you to control the punctuation of certain types of generated cross reference text. When cross reference text is generated for an xref or olink element using an xrefstyle attribute that makes use of the select: feature, and the selected components include both label and title, then the value of this parameter is inserted between label and title in the output. xref.label-page.separator string xref.label-page.separator Punctuation or space separating label from page number in xref <xsl:param name="xref.label-page.separator"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:param> Description This parameter allows you to control the punctuation of certain types of generated cross reference text. When cross reference text is generated for an xref or olink element using an xrefstyle attribute that makes use of the select: feature, and the selected components include both label and page but no title, then the value of this parameter is inserted between label and page number in the output. If a title is included, then other separators are used. xref.title-page.separator string xref.title-page.separator Punctuation or space separating title from page number in xref <xsl:param name="xref.title-page.separator"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:param> Description This parameter allows you to control the punctuation of certain types of generated cross reference text. When cross reference text is generated for an xref or olink element using an xrefstyle attribute that makes use of the select: feature, and the selected components include both title and page number, then the value of this parameter is inserted between title and page number in the output. Property Sets Properties associated with a formal object such as a figure, or other component that has a title <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.5em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">2em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.minimum">0.5em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.maximum">2em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="keep-together.within-column">always</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The styling for formal objects in docbook. Specify the spacing before and after the object. Style the title element of formal object such as a figure. <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets="normal.para.spacing"> <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 1.2"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="hyphenate">false</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.minimum">0.4em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.optimum">0.6em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.maximum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specify how the title should be styled. Specify the font size and weight of the title of the formal object. Properties associated with a formal object such as a figure, or other component that has a title <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.5em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">2em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.minimum">0.5em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.maximum">2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The styling for informal objects in docbook. Specify the spacing before and after the object. attribute set Properties of monospaced content <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-family"> <xsl:value-of select="$"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specifies the font name for monospaced output. This property set used to set the font-size as well, but that doesn't work very well when different fonts are used (as they are in titles and paragraphs, for example). If you want to set the font-size in a customization layer, it's probably going to be more appropriate to set font-size-adjust, if your formatter supports it. Properties associated with verbatim text <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.optimum">1em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-after.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description This attribute set is used on all verbatim environments. What font and size do you want for monospaced content? <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> <xsl:attribute name="text-align">start</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description Specify the font name and size you want for monospaced output attribute set Attribute set for sidebar properties <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> <xsl:attribute name="border-style">solid</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="border-width">1pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="border-color">black</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="background-color">#DDDDDD</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="padding-left">12pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="padding-right">12pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="padding-top">6pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="padding-bottom">6pt</xsl:attribute> <!-- <xsl:attribute name="margin-left">12pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="margin-right">12pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="margin-top">6pt</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="margin-bottom">6pt</xsl:attribute> --> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The styling for sidebars. attribute set Properties for section titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-family"> <xsl:value-of select="$"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute> <!-- font size is calculated dynamically by section.heading template --> <xsl:attribute name="keep-with-next.within-column">always</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1.0em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties common to all section titles. attribute set Properties for level-1 section titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 2.0736"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-1 section titles. attribute set Properties for level-1 section titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 1.728"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-2 section titles. attribute set Properties for level-1 section titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 1.44"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-3 section titles. attribute set Properties for level-1 section titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 1.2"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-4 section titles. attribute set Properties for level-1 section titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-5 section titles. attribute set Properties for level-1 section titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-6 section titles. This property set is actually used for all titles below level 5. attribute set Properties for all section levels <xsl:attribute-set name=""> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties that apply to the containing block of all section levels, and therefore apply to the whole section. This attribute set is inherited by the more specific attribute sets such as The default is empty. attribute set Properties for level-1 sections <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties that apply to the containing block of a level-1 section, and therefore apply to the whole section. This includes sect1 elements and section elements at level 1. For example, you could start each level-1 section on a new page by using: <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> This attribute set inherits attributes from the general attribute set. attribute set Properties for level-2 sections <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties that apply to the containing block of a level-2 section, and therefore apply to the whole section. This includes sect2 elements and section elements at level 2. For example, you could start each level-2 section on a new page by using: <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> This attribute set inherits attributes from the general attribute set. attribute set Properties for level-3 sections <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties that apply to the containing block of a level-3 section, and therefore apply to the whole section. This includes sect3 elements and section elements at level 3. For example, you could start each level-3 section on a new page by using: <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> This attribute set inherits attributes from the general attribute set. attribute set Properties for level-4 sections <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties that apply to the containing block of a level-4 section, and therefore apply to the whole section. This includes sect4 elements and section elements at level 4. For example, you could start each level-4 section on a new page by using: <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> This attribute set inherits attributes from the general attribute set. attribute set Properties for level-5 sections <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties that apply to the containing block of a level-5 section, and therefore apply to the whole section. This includes sect5 elements and section elements at level 5. For example, you could start each level-5 section on a new page by using: <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> This attribute set inherits attributes from the general attribute set. attribute set Properties for level-6 sections <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties that apply to the containing block of a level 6 or lower section, and therefore apply to the whole section. This includes section elements at level 6 and lower. For example, you could start each level-6 section on a new page by using: <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> This attribute set inherits attributes from the general attribute set. Properties associated with a figure <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""></xsl:attribute-set> Description The styling for figures. Properties associated with a example <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""></xsl:attribute-set> Description The styling for examples. Properties associated with a equation <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""></xsl:attribute-set> Description The styling for equations. Properties associated with the block surrounding a table <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""></xsl:attribute-set> Description Block styling properties for tables. This parameter should really have been called or something like that, but we’re leaving it to avoid backwards-compatibility problems. See also Properties associated with a procedure <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""></xsl:attribute-set> Description The styling for procedures. attribute set The properties of the fo:root element <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-family"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.fontset"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.size"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="text-align"> <xsl:value-of select="$alignment"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="line-height"> <xsl:value-of select="$line-height"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="font-selection-strategy">character-by-character</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="line-height-shift-adjustment">disregard-shifts</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description This property set is used on the fo:root element of an FO file. It defines a set of default, global parameters. attribute set Properties for qanda set titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-family"> <xsl:value-of select="$"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute> <!-- font size is calculated dynamically by qanda.heading template --> <xsl:attribute name="keep-with-next.within-column">always</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.minimum">0.8em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.optimum">1.0em</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="space-before.maximum">1.2em</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties common to all qanda set titles. attribute set Properties for level-1 qanda set titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 2.0736"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-1 qanda set titles. attribute set Properties for level-2 qanda set titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 1.728"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-2 qanda set titles. attribute set Properties for level-3 qanda set titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 1.44"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-3 qanda set titles. attribute set Properties for level-4 qanda set titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 1.2"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-4 qanda set titles. attribute set Properties for level-5 qanda set titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-5 qanda set titles. attribute set Properties for level-6 qanda set titles <xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="font-size"> <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master"></xsl:value-of> <xsl:text>pt</xsl:text> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties of level-6 qanda set titles. This property set is actually used for all titles below level 5. attribute set Properties for appendix titles that appear in an article <xsl:attribute-set name="" use-attribute-sets=""> <xsl:attribute name="margin-left"> <xsl:value-of select="$title.margin.left"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> Description The properties for the title of an appendix that appears inside an article. The default is to use the properties of sect1 titles. Profiling Following parameters can be used for attribute value based profiling of your document. For more info about profiling look at profile.arch string profile.arch Target profile for arch attribute <xsl:param name="profile.arch" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.condition string profile.condition Target profile for condition attribute <xsl:param name="profile.condition" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.conformance string profile.conformance Target profile for conformance attribute <xsl:param name="profile.conformance" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.lang string profile.lang Target profile for lang attribute <xsl:param name="profile.lang" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.os string profile.os Target profile for os attribute <xsl:param name="profile.os" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.revision string profile.revision Target profile for revision attribute <xsl:param name="profile.revision" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.revisionflag string profile.revisionflag Target profile for revisionflag attribute <xsl:param name="profile.revisionflag" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.role string profile.role Target profile for role attribute <xsl:param name="profile.role" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). Note that role is often used for other purposes than profiling. For example it is commonly used to get emphasize in bold font: <emphasis role="bold">very important</emphasis> If you are using role for these purposes do not forget to add values like bold to value of this parameter. If you forgot you will get document with small pieces missing which are very hard to track. For this reason it is not recommended to use role attribute for profiling. You should rather use profiling specific attributes like userlevel, os, arch, condition, etc. string Target profile for security attribute <xsl:param name="" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.userlevel string profile.userlevel Target profile for userlevel attribute <xsl:param name="profile.userlevel" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.vendor string profile.vendor Target profile for vendor attribute <xsl:param name="profile.vendor" select="''"></xsl:param> Description Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.attribute string profile.attribute Name of user-specified profiling attribute <xsl:param name="profile.attribute" select="''"></xsl:param> Description This parameter is used in conjuction with profile.value. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.value string profile.value Target profile for user-specified attribute <xsl:param name="profile.value" select="''"></xsl:param> Description When you are using this parameter you must also specify name of profiling attribute with parameter profile.attribute. Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by profile.separator parameter. This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl, profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal ones (docbook.xsl, chunk.xsl, …). profile.separator string profile.separator Separator character for compound profile values <xsl:param name="profile.separator" select="';'"></xsl:param> Description Separator character for compound profile values. Localization l10n.gentext.language string l10n.gentext.language Sets the gentext language <xsl:param name="l10n.gentext.language" select="''"></xsl:param> Description If this parameter is set to any value other than the empty string, its value will be used as the value for the language when generating text. Setting l10n.gentext.language overrides any settings within the document being formatted. It's much more likely that you might want to set the l10n.gentext.default.language parameter. l10n.gentext.default.language string l10n.gentext.default.language Sets the default language for generated text <xsl:param name="l10n.gentext.default.language" select="'en'"></xsl:param> Description The value of the l10n.gentext.default.language parameter is used as the language for generated text if no setting is provided in the source document. l10n.gentext.use.xref.language boolean l10n.gentext.use.xref.language Use the language of target when generating cross-reference text? <xsl:param name="l10n.gentext.use.xref.language" select="0"></xsl:param> Description If non-zero, the language of the target will be used when generating cross reference text. Usually, the current language is used when generating text (that is, the language of the element that contains the cross-reference element). But setting this parameter allows the language of the element pointed to to control the generated text. Consider the following example: <para lang="en">See also <xref linkend="chap3"/>.</para> Suppose that Chapter 3 happens to be written in German. If l10n.gentext.use.xref.language is non-zero, the resulting text will be something like this:
See also Kapital 3.
Where the more traditional rendering would be:
See also Chapter 3.
EBNF ebnf.assignment rtf ebnf.assignment The EBNF production assignment operator <xsl:param name="ebnf.assignment"> <fo:inline font-family="{$}"> <xsl:text>::=</xsl:text> </fo:inline> </xsl:param> Description The ebnf.assignment parameter determines what text is used to show assignment in productions in productionsets. While ::= is common, so are several other operators. ebnf.statement.terminator rtf ebnf.statement.terminator Punctuation that ends an EBNF statement. <xsl:param name="ebnf.statement.terminator"></xsl:param> Description The ebnf.statement.terminator parameter determines what text is used to terminate each production in productionset. Some notations end each statement with a period. The Stylesheet The param.xsl stylesheet is just a wrapper around all these parameters. <xsl:stylesheet exclude-result-prefixes="src" version="1.0"> <!-- This file is generated from param.xweb; do not edit this file! --> <!-- ******************************************************************** $Id$ ******************************************************************** This file is part of the XSL DocBook Stylesheet distribution. See ../README or for copyright and other information. ******************************************************************** --> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="admon.textlabel.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="alignment.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="appendix.autolabel.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="arbortext.extensions.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="autotoc.label.separator.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="axf.extensions.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="biblioentry.item.separator.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="bibliography.collection.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="bibliography.numbered.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="body.font.master.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="body.font.size.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="body.margin.bottom.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="callout.defaultcolumn.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="callout.unicode.font.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="callout.unicode.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="callout.unicode.number.limit.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="callout.unicode.start.character.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="callouts.extension.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="chapter.autolabel.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="column.count.back.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="column.count.body.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="column.count.front.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="column.count.index.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="column.count.lot.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="column.count.titlepage.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="compact.list.item.spacing.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="current.docid.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="default.float.class.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="default.image.width.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="default.table.width.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="default.units.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="double.sided.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="draft.mode.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="draft.watermark.image.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="ebnf.assignment.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="ebnf.statement.terminator.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="footer.rule.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="footer.column.widths.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="footers.on.blank.pages.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="footnote.font.size.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="footnote.number.format.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="footnote.number.symbols.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="fop.extensions.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="formal.procedures.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="formal.title.placement.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="funcsynopsis.decoration.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="function.parens.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="generate.index.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="generate.section.toc.level.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="generate.toc.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="glossary.collection.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="glossterm.separation.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="glossterm.width.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend="graphic.default.extension.frag"></src:fragref> <src:fragref linkend=""></src:fragref> <src:fragref 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