apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/published-java-module.gradle' ) description = '(deprecated - use hibernate-core instead) Support for Java8-specific features - mainly Java8 Date/Time (JSR 310)' dependencies { compile( project( ':hibernate-core' ) ) } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Traditionally we used to not include any manifest attributes in this JAR // except "Manifest-Version" // Since it's a legacy JAR, let's continue that way until it's retired. jar { manifest.attributes.removeAll { key, value -> key != "Manifest-Version" } // Prevent BND from adding manifest attributes automatically bnd( '-nobundles': 'true' ) } sourcesJar { manifest.attributes.removeAll { key, value -> key != "Manifest-Version" } } javadocJar { manifest.attributes.removeAll { key, value -> key != "Manifest-Version" } }