apply plugin: 'hibernate-matrix-testing' dependencies { compile( project( ':hibernate-core' ) ) compile( project( ':hibernate-entitymanager' ) ) provided( [group: 'org.hibernate', name: 'hibernate-tools', version: ''] ) provided( libraries.ant ) testCompile( project(':hibernate-testing') ) testCompile( project(path: ':hibernate-entitymanager', configuration: 'tests') ) testRuntime( libraries.javassist ) } mavenPom { name = 'ENtity VERSioning support' description = 'ENtity VERSioning support' } def osgiDescription() { return mavenPom.description } sourceSets { test { ext { enversDemoJavaDir = file( "src/demo/java" ) enversDemoResourcesDir = file( "src/demo/resources" ) } java { srcDir enversDemoJavaDir } resources { srcDir enversDemoResourcesDir } } } jar { manifest { instructionFirst 'Import-Package', // TODO: Shouldn't have to explicitly list the JPA packages, but // the plugin generates them with [1.0,2) versions. 'javax.persistence;version="2.1.0"', 'javax.persistence.criteria;version="2.1.0"', 'javax.persistence.metamodel;version="2.1.0"', 'javax.persistence.spi;version="2.1.0"', // optionals 'javax.naming;resolution:=optional', ';resolution:=optional' } }