apply plugin: 'base' apply plugin: 'idea' buildDir = "target" ideaModule { } // Javadocs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ javadocBuildDir = dir( buildDirName + "/documentation/javadocs" ) def List subProjectsToSkipForJavadoc = ['release']; task aggregateJavadocs(type: { description = "Build the aggregated JavaDocs for all modules" maxMemory = '512m' destinationDir = javadocBuildDir.dir configure( options ) { overview = new File( projectDir, 'src/javadoc/package.html' ) stylesheetFile = new File( projectDir, 'src/javadoc/stylesheet.css' ) windowTitle = 'Hibernate JavaDocs' docTitle = "Hibernate JavaDoc ($project.version)" bottom = 'Copyright © 2001-2010 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.' use = true links = [ '', '' ] group( 'Core API', [ 'org.hibernate', 'org.hibernate.classic', 'org.hibernate.criterion', 'org.hibernate.mapping', 'org.hibernate.metadata', 'org.hibernate.cfg', 'org.hibernate.stat' ] ) group( 'Extension SPI', [ '*', 'org.hibernate.connection', 'org.hibernate.transaction', 'org.hibernate.type', 'org.hibernate.dialect*', 'org.hibernate.cache*', 'org.hibernate.event*', '', 'org.hibernate.loader*', 'org.hibernate.persister*', 'org.hibernate.proxy', 'org.hibernate.tuple', 'org.hibernate.transform', 'org.hibernate.collection', 'org.hibernate.jdbc', 'org.hibernate.usertype' ] ) group( 'Bytecode providers', [ 'org.hibernate.bytecode*', 'org.hibernate.intercept*' ] ) group ( 'Infinispan Integration', ['org.hibernate.cache.infinispan*'] ) group ( 'JBossCache Integration', ['org.hibernate.cache.jbc*'] ) group ( 'Testing Support', ['org.hibernate.junit*'] ) } // parent.subprojects.each{ subProject-> // if ( !subProjectsToSkipForJavadoc.contains( ) ) { // subProject.sourceSets.each { set -> // if ( !"test".equals( ) ) { // source // // if( classpath ) { // classpath += set.classes + set.compileClasspath // } // else { // classpath = set.classes + set.compileClasspath // } // } // } // } // } aggregator { excludeSourceSetName 'test' parent.subprojects.each{ subProject-> if ( ! subProjectsToSkipForJavadoc.contains( ) ) { project subProject } } } } aggregateJavadocs.doLast { copy { from new File( projectDir, 'src/javadoc/images' ) into new File( javadocBuildDir.dir, "/images" ) } } // release bundles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ releaseBuildDir = dir( buildDirName ) //task prepareReleaseBundles( dependsOn: [buildDocs, aggregateJavadocs, uberJar] ) task prepareReleaseBundles( dependsOn: [aggregateJavadocs] ) releaseCopySpec = copySpec { from new File( parent.projectDir, 'lgpl.txt' ) from new File( parent.projectDir, 'changelog.txt' ) from new File( parent.projectDir, 'hibernate_logo.gif' ) into('lib/required') { from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.provided.files { dep -> == 'jta' } from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles.filter{ file -> !'-sources.jar') } } into('lib/bytecode/cglib') { from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.provided.files { dep -> == 'cglib' } } into('lib/bytecode/javassist') { from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.provided.files { dep -> == 'javassist' } } into( 'lib/jpa' ) { from parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles.filter{ file -> !'-sources.jar') } from( parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.runtime - parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime - parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles ) } into( 'lib/envers' ) { from( ( parent.project( 'hibernate-envers' ).configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles.filter{ file -> !'-sources.jar') } + parent.project( 'hibernate-envers' ).configurations.runtime ) - parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime - parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles - parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.runtime - parent.project( 'hibernate-entitymanager' ).configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles ) } ['hibernate-c3p0', 'hibernate-proxool', 'hibernate-ehcache', 'hibernate-infinispan', 'hibernate-oscache', 'hibernate-swarmcache'].each { feature -> final String shortName = feature.substring( 'hibernate-'.length() ); into('lib/optional/' + shortName) { from ( ( parent.project( feature ).configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles.filter{ file -> !'-sources.jar') } + parent.project( feature ).configurations.runtime ) - parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime - parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles ) } } // into('documentation/manual') { // from new File( project.buildDir, 'docbook/publish' ) // } into('documentation/javadocs') { from javadocBuildDir.dir } into( 'project' ) { from ( rootProject.projectDir ) { exclude( '.git' ) exclude( '.gitignore' ) exclude( 'changelog.txt' ) exclude( 'lgpl.txt' ) exclude( 'hibernate_logo.gif' ) exclude( '' ) exclude( 'gradlew' ) exclude( 'gradlew.bat' ) exclude( 'wrapper/*' ) exclude( '**/.gradle/**' ) exclude( '**/target/**' ) exclude( '.idea' ) exclude( '**/*.ipr' ) exclude( '**/*.iml' ) exclude( '**/*.iws' ) exclude( '**/atlassian-ide-plugin.xml' ) exclude( '**/.classpath' ) exclude( '**/.project' ) exclude( '**/.settings' ) exclude( '**/.nbattrs' ) } } } task buildReleaseZip( type: Zip, dependsOn: [prepareReleaseBundles] ) { description = "Build release bundle in ZIP format" baseName = 'hibernate-release' destinationDir = releaseBuildDir.dir with project.releaseCopySpec } task buildReleaseTgz( type: Tar, dependsOn: [prepareReleaseBundles] ) { description = "Build release bundle in GZIP format" baseName = 'hibernate-release' destinationDir = releaseBuildDir.dir compression = Compression.GZIP with project.releaseCopySpec } task buildReleaseBundles( dependsOn: [buildReleaseZip,buildReleaseTgz] ) { description = "Build release bundle in all formats" }