= 5.4 Migration Guide :toc: This guide discusses migration from Hibernate ORM version 5.3 to version 5.4. For migration from earlier versions, see any other pertinent migration guides as well. == Background == Known changes === Hibernate Spatial depends on JTS 1.6 Hibernate Spatial depends on the https://github.com/locationtech/jts[Java Topology Suite (JTS)]. In 5.4 this dependency has been upgraded to version 1.6. This implies a change in package naming: all `com.vividsolutions.jts.\*` packages have been renamed to `org.locationtech.jts.*`. See https://github.com/locationtech/jts/blob/master/MIGRATION.md[the JTS Migration guide] for more information. === SQL Server JDBC Driver version upgrade to at least 6.1.2 Due to fixing https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-12973[HHH-12973], you need to upgrade the JDBC Driver version to at least 6.1.2. Due to https://github.com/Microsoft/mssql-jdbc/issues/91[this bug], the older versions of the SQL Server JDBC Driver cannot introspect the `INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES` without closing the database connection.