/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later. * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or . */ configurations { all*.exclude group: 'org.jboss.logging', module: 'jboss-logging-spi' } dependencies { compile project( ':hibernate-core' ) compile( libraries.infinispan ) compile( libraries.rhq ) testCompile project( ':hibernate-testing' ) testCompile( libraries.infinispan_test ) testCompile( libraries.jboss_common_core ) testCompile( libraries.jnp_client ) testCompile( libraries.jnp_server ) testCompile( libraries.rhq ) testCompile ('mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.17') } mavenPom { name = 'Hibernate/Infinispan Integration' description = 'Integration for Infinispan into Hibernate as a second-level caching service' } def osgiDescription() { return mavenPom.description } test { systemProperties['java.net.preferIPv4Stack'] = true systemProperties['jgroups.ping.timeout'] = 500 systemProperties['jgroups.ping.num_initial_members'] = 1 systemProperties['jgroups.udp.enable_bundling'] = false systemProperties['jgroups.bind_addr'] = 'localhost' // Use Infinispan's test JGroups stack that uses TEST_PING systemProperties['hibernate.cache.infinispan.jgroups_cfg'] = '2lc-test-tcp.xml' // systemProperties['log4j.configuration'] = 'file:/log4j/log4j-infinispan.xml' enabled = true } task packageTests(type: Jar) { from sourceSets.test.output classifier = 'tests' } task sourcesTestJar(type: Jar, dependsOn:classes) { from sourceSets.test.allSource classifier = 'test-sources' } artifacts.archives packageTests artifacts.archives sourcesTestJar