4.0.0 org.hibernate hibernate-parent 3.5.0-SNAPSHOT ../parent/pom.xml org.hibernate hibernate-jbosscache jar Hibernate JBossCache Integration Integration of Hibernate with JBossCache (based on JBossCache1.x APIs) ${groupId} hibernate-core ${version} jboss jboss-cache 1.4.1.GA jboss jboss-system 4.0.2 jboss jboss-common 4.0.2 jboss jboss-minimal 4.0.2 jboss jboss-j2se 200504122039 concurrent concurrent 1.3.4 jgroups jgroups-all 2.2.7 ${groupId} hibernate-testing ${version} test hsqldb hsqldb test commons-logging commons-logging 99.0-does-not-exist test commons-logging commons-logging-api 99.0-does-not-exist test org.slf4j jcl104-over-slf4j 1.4.2 test org.slf4j slf4j-log4j12 1.4.2 test log4j log4j 1.2.14 test javassist javassist 3.4.GA test cglib cglib 2.2 test asm asm 3.1 test