HTML Parameter Reference
WalshNorman199920002001Norman WalshIntroductionThis is technical reference documentation for the DocBook XSL
Stylesheets; it documents (some of) the parameters, templates, and
other elements of the stylesheets.This reference describes each of the HTML Stylesheet parameters.
These are the easily customizable parts of the stylesheet.
If you want to specify an alternate value for one or more of these
parameters, you can do so in a driver stylesheet.For example, if you want to change the html.stylesheet
to reference.css, you might create a driver
stylesheet like this:<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
<xsl:import href=""/>
<xsl:param name="html.stylesheet">reference.css</xsl:param>
</xsl:stylesheet>Naturally, you have to change the
href attribute on
<xsl:import> to point to
docbook.xsl on your system. (Or
chunk.xsl, if you're using chunking.)This is not intended to be user documentation.
It is provided for developers writing customization layers for the
stylesheets, and for anyone who's interested in how it
works.Although I am trying to be thorough, this documentation is known
to be incomplete. Don't forget to read the source, too :-) for admonition graphics<xsl:param name="" select="'.png'"></xsl:param>DescriptionSets the extension to use on admonition to admonition graphics<xsl:param name="">images/</xsl:param>DescriptionSets the path, probably relative to the directory where the HTML
files are created, to the admonition graphics.
admon.graphicsbooleanadmon.graphicsUse graphics in admonitions?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true (non-zero), admonitions are presented in an alternate style that uses
a graphic. Default graphics are provided in the distribution.
admon.textlabelbooleanadmon.textlabelUse text label in admonitions?
<xsl:param name="admon.textlabel" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true (non-zero), admonitions are presented with a generated
text label such as Note or Warning in the appropriate language.
If zero, such labels are turned off, but any title child
of the admonition element are still output.
The default value is 1.
admon.stylestringadmon.styleCSS style attributes for admonitions<xsl:param name="">
<xsl:text>margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;</xsl:text>
</xsl:param>DescriptionSpecifies the value of the STYLE
attribute that should be added to admonitions.
Calloutscallout.defaultcolumnintegercallout.defaultcolumnIndicates what column callouts appear in by default<xsl:param name="callout.defaultcolumn" select="'60'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf a callout does not identify a column (for example, if it uses
the linerangeunit),
it will appear in the default column. for callout graphics<xsl:param name="" select="'.png'"></xsl:param>DescriptionSets the extension to use on callout of the largest callout graphic<xsl:param name="" select="'10'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf
is non-zero, graphics are used to represent
callout numbers. The value of
the largest number for which a graphic exists. If the callout number
exceeds this limit, the default presentation "(nnn)" will always
be used. to callout graphics
<xsl:param name="" select="'images/callouts/'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionSets the path, probably relative to the directory where the HTML
files are created, to the callout graphics.
callout.graphicsbooleancallout.graphicsUse graphics for callouts?
<xsl:param name="" select="'1'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, callouts are presented with graphics (e.g., reverse-video
circled numbers instead of "(1)", "(2)", etc.).
Default graphics are provided in the distribution.
callout.list.tablebooleancallout.list.tablePresent callout lists using a table?<xsl:param name="callout.list.table" select="'1'"></xsl:param>DescriptionThe default presentation of CalloutLists uses
an HTML DL. Some browsers don't align DLs very well
if are used. With this option
turned on, CalloutLists are presented in an HTML
TABLE, which usually results in better alignment
of the callout number with the callout description.callout.unicode.number.limitintegercallout.unicode.number.limitNumber of the largest callout graphic<xsl:param name="callout.unicode.number.limit" select="'10'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf callout.unicode
is non-zero, unicode characters are used to represent
callout numbers. The value of
the largest number for which a unicode character exists. If the callout number
exceeds this limit, the default presentation "(nnn)" will always
be used.
callout.unicode.start.characterintegercallout.unicode.start.characterFirst Unicode character to use, decimal value.<xsl:param name="callout.unicode.start.character" select="10102"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf is zero and callout.unicode
is non-zero, unicode characters are used to represent
callout numbers. The value of
is the decimal unicode value used for callout number one. Currently,
only 10102 is supported in the stylesheets for this parameter.
callout.unicodebooleancallout.unicodeUse Unicode characters rather than images for callouts.<xsl:param name="callout.unicode" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionThe stylesheets can use either an image of the numbers one to ten, or the single Unicode character which represents the numeral, in white on a black background. Use this to select the Unicode character option.
callouts.extensionbooleancallouts.extensionEnable the callout extension<xsl:param name="callouts.extension" select="'1'"></xsl:param>DescriptionThe callouts extension processes areaset
elements in ProgramListingCO and other text-based
callout elements.
EBNFebnf.table.bgcolorstringebnf.table.bgcolorBackground color for EBNF tables<xsl:param name="ebnf.table.bgcolor" select="'#F5DCB3'"></xsl:param>DescriptionSets the background color for EBNF tables. No bgcolor
attribute is output if ebnf.table.bgcolor is set to
the null string. The default value matches the value used in recent
online versions of the W3C's XML Spec productions.ebnf.table.borderebnf.table.borderSelects border on EBNF tables<xsl:param name="ebnf.table.border" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionSelects the border on EBNF tables. If non-zero, the tables have
borders, otherwise they don't.ebnf.assignmentrtfebnf.assignmentThe EBNF production assignment operator
<xsl:param name="ebnf.assignment">
DescriptionThe ebnf.assignment parameter determines what
text is used to show assignment in productions
in productionsets.While ::= is common, so are several
other operators.ebnf.statement.terminatorrtfebnf.statement.terminatorPunctuation that ends an EBNF statement.
<xsl:param name="ebnf.statement.terminator"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe ebnf.statement.terminator parameter determines what
text is used to terminate each production
in productionset.Some notations end each statement with a period.ToC/LoT/Index Generationannotate.tocbooleanannotate.tocAnnotate the Table of Contents?<xsl:param name="annotate.toc" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true, TOCs will be annotated. At present, this just means
that the RefPurpose of RefEntry
TOC entries will be displayed.
autotoc.label.separatorstringautotoc.label.separatorSeparator between labels and titles in the ToC<xsl:param name="autotoc.label.separator" select="'. '"></xsl:param>DescriptionString to use to seperate labels and title in a table of contents.process.source.tocbooleanprocess.source.tocFIXME:<xsl:param name="process.source.toc" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:
process.empty.source.tocbooleanprocess.empty.source.tocFIXME:<xsl:param name="process.empty.source.toc" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME: bridgehead elements appear in the TOC?<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf non-zero, bridgeheads appear in the TOC. Note that this option
is not fully supported and may be removed in a future version of the
manual.tocstringmanual.tocAn explicit TOC to be used for the TOC
<xsl:param name="manual.toc" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe manual.toc identifies an explicit TOC that
will be used for building the printed TOC.
toc.list.typelistdluloltoc.list.typeType of HTML list element to use for Tables of Contents<xsl:param name="toc.list.type">dl</xsl:param>DescriptionWhen an automatically generated Table of Contents (or List of Titles)
is produced, this HTML element will be used to make the list.
toc.section.depthintegertoc.section.depthHow deep should recursive sections appear
in the TOC?<xsl:param name="toc.section.depth">2</xsl:param>DescriptionSpecifies the depth to which recursive sections should appear in the
toc.max.depthintegertoc.max.depthHow maximaly deep should be each TOC?<xsl:param name="toc.max.depth">8</xsl:param>DescriptionSpecifies the maximal depth of TOC on all levels.generate.toctablegenerate.tocControl generation of ToCs and LoTs
<xsl:param name="generate.toc">
appendix toc,title
article/appendix nop
article toc,title
book toc,title,figure,table,example,equation
chapter toc,title
part toc,title
preface toc,title
qandadiv toc
qandaset toc
reference toc,title
sect1 toc
sect2 toc
sect3 toc
sect4 toc
sect5 toc
section toc
set toc,title
DescriptionThis parameter has a structured value. It is a table of space-delimited
path/value pairs. Each path identifies some element in the source document
using a restricted subset of XPath (only the implicit child axis, no wildcards,
no predicates). Paths can be either relative or absolute.When processing a particular element, the stylesheets consult this table to
determine if a ToC (or LoT(s)) should be generated.For example, consider the entry:book toc,figureThis indicates that whenever a book is formatted, a
Table Of Contents and a List of Figures should be generated. Similarly,/chapter tocindicates that whenever a document that has a root
ofchapter is formatted, a Table of
Contents should be generated. The entry chapter would match
all chapters, but /chapter matches only chapter
document elements.Generally, the longest match wins. So, for example, if you want to distinguish
articles in books from articles in parts, you could use these two entries:book/article toc,figure
part/article tocNote that an article in a part can never match a book/article,
so if you want nothing to be generated for articles in parts, you can simply leave
that rule out.If you want to leave the rule in, to make it explicit that you're turning
something off, use the value nop. For example, the following
entry disables ToCs and LoTs for articles:article nopDo not simply leave the word article in the file
without a matching value. That'd be just begging the silly little
path/value parser to get confused.Section ToCs are further controlled by the
generate.section.toc.level parameter.
For a given section level to have a ToC, it must have both an entry in
generate.toc and be within the range enabled by
generate.section.toc.level.generate.section.toc.levelintegergenerate.section.toc.levelControl depth of TOC generation in sections
<xsl:param name="generate.section.toc.level" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe generate.section.toc.level parameter
controls the depth of section in which TOCs will be generated. Note
that this is related to, but not the same as
toc.section.depth, which controls the depth to
which TOC entries will be generated in a given TOC.If, for example, generate.section.toc.level
is 3, TOCs will be generated in first, second, and third
level sections, but not in fourth level sections.
generate.indexbooleangenerate.indexDo you want an index?<xsl:param name="generate.index" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionSpecify if an index should be generated. Extensionslinenumbering.everyNthintegerlinenumbering.everyNthIndicate which lines should be numbered<xsl:param name="linenumbering.everyNth" select="'5'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf line numbering is enabled, everyNth line will be numbered.
linenumbering.extensionbooleanlinenumbering.extensionEnable the line numbering extension<xsl:param name="linenumbering.extension" select="'1'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true, verbatim environments (elements that have the
format='linespecific' notation attribute: address, literallayout,
programlisting, screen, synopsis) that specify line numbering will
have, surprise, line numbers.
linenumbering.separatorstringlinenumbering.separatorSpecify a separator between line numbers and lines<xsl:param name="linenumbering.separator" select="' '"></xsl:param>DescriptionThe separator is inserted between line numbers and lines in
the verbatim environment.
linenumbering.widthintegerlinenumbering.widthIndicates the width of line numbers<xsl:param name="linenumbering.width" select="'3'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf line numbering is enabled, line numbers will appear right
justified in a field "width" characters wide.
tablecolumns.extensionbooleantablecolumns.extensionEnable the table columns extension function<xsl:param name="tablecolumns.extension" select="'1'"></xsl:param>DescriptionThe table columns extension function adjusts the widths of table
columns in the HTML result to more accurately reflect the specifications
in the CALS table.
textinsert.extensionbooleantextinsert.extensionEnable the textinsert extension element<xsl:param name="textinsert.extension" select="'1'"></xsl:param>DescriptionThe textinsert extension element inserts the contents of a
a file into the result tree (as text).
graphicsize.extensionbooleangraphicsize.extensionEnable the getWidth()/getDepth() extension functions
<xsl:param name="graphicsize.extension" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero (and if use.extensions is non-zero
and if you're using a processor that supports extension functions), the
getWidth and getDepth functions
will be used to extract image sizes from graphics.use.extensionsbooleanuse.extensionsEnable extensions<xsl:param name="use.extensions" select="'0'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf non-zero, extensions may be used. Each extension is
further controlled by its own parameter. But if
use.extensions is zero, no extensions will
be used.
Automatic labellingchapter.autolabelbooleanchapter.autolabelAre chapters automatically enumerated?<xsl:param name="chapter.autolabel" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), unlabeled chapters will be enumerated.
appendix.autolabelbooleanappendix.autolabelAre Appendixes automatically enumerated?<xsl:param name="appendix.autolabel" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), unlabeled appendixes will be
part.autolabelbooleanpart.autolabelAre parts and references enumerated?<xsl:param name="part.autolabel" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), unlabeled parts and references will be enumerated.
preface.autolabelbooleanpreface.autolabelAre prefaces enumerated?<xsl:param name="preface.autolabel" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), unlabeled prefaces will be enumerated.
qandadiv.autolabelbooleanqandadiv.autolabelAre divisions in QAndASets enumerated?<xsl:param name="qandadiv.autolabel" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), unlabeled qandadivs will be enumerated.
section.autolabelbooleansection.autolabelAre sections enumerated?<xsl:param name="section.autolabel" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), unlabeled sections will be enumerated.
section.label.includes.component.labelbooleansection.label.includes.component.labelDo section labels include the component label?<xsl:param name="section.label.includes.component.label" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), section labels are prefixed with the label of the
component that contains them.
label.from.partbooleanlabel.from.partRenumber chapters in each part?<xsl:param name="label.from.part" select="'0'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf label.from.part is non-zero, components
(chapters, appendixes, etc.)
will be numbered from 1 in each part. Otherwise,
they will be numbered monotonically throughout each
HTMLhtml.baseurihtml.baseAn HTML base URI<xsl:param name="html.base"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf html.base is set, it is used for the BASE
element in the HEAD of the HTML documents.
This is useful for dynamically served HTML where the base URI needs
to be shifted.html.stylesheet.typestringhtml.stylesheet.typeThe type of the stylesheet used in the generated HTML<xsl:param name="html.stylesheet.type">text/css</xsl:param>DescriptionThe type of the stylesheet to place in the HTML link tag.
html.stylesheetstringhtml.stylesheetName of the stylesheet(s) to use in the generated HTML
<xsl:param name="html.stylesheet" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe html.stylesheet parameter is either empty,
indicating that no stylesheet LINK tag should be generated
in the HTML output, or it is a list of one or more stylesheets.Multiple stylesheets are space-delimited. If you need to
reference a stylesheet URI that includes a space, encode it with
%20. A seprate HTML LINK element will
be generated for each stylesheet in the order they are listed in the ID value of chunk elements as the filename?<xsl:param name="" select="'0'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf
is non-zero, the filename of chunk elements that have IDs will be
derived from the ID value.
css.decorationbooleancss.decorationEnable CSS decoration of elements
<xsl:param name="css.decoration" select="1"></xsl:param>
If css.decoration is turned on, then HTML elements
produced by the
stylesheet may be decorated with STYLE attributes. For example, the
LI tags produced for list items may include a fragment of CSS in the
STYLE attribute which sets the CSS property "list-style-type".
spacing.parasbooleanspacing.parasInsert additional <p> elements for spacing?<xsl:param name="spacing.paras" select="'0'"></xsl:param>DescriptionWhen non-zero, additional, empty paragraphs are inserted in
several contexts (for example, around informal figures), to create a
more pleasing visual appearance in many browsers.
emphasis.propagates.stylebooleanemphasis.propagates.stylePass emphasis role attribute through to HTML?
<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true, the role attribute of emphasis elements
will be passed through to the HTML as a class attribute on a
span that surrounds the emphasis.para.propagates.stylebooleanpara.propagates.stylePass para role attribute through to HTML?
<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true, the role attribute of para elements
will be passed through to the HTML as a class attribute on the
p generated for the paragraph.phrase.propagates.stylebooleanphrase.propagates.stylePass phrase role attribute through to HTML?<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true, the role attribute of phrase elements
will be passed through to the HTML as a class attribute on a
span that surrounds the phrase.entry.propagates.stylebooleanentry.propagates.stylePass entry role attribute through to HTML?
<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true, the role attribute of entry elements
will be passed through to the HTML as a class attribute on the
td or th generated for the table
cell.html.longdescbooleanhtml.longdescShould longdesc URIs be created?
<xsl:param name="html.longdesc" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, HTML files will be created for the
longdesc attribute. These files
are created from the textobjects in
mediaobjects and
html.longdesc.linkbooleanhtml.longdesc.linkShould a link to the longdesc be included in the HTML?
<xsl:param name="" select="$html.longdesc"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, links will be created to the
HTML files created for the
longdesc attribute. It makes no
sense to turn enable this option without also enabling the
$html.longdesc parameter.The named template is called
to construct the link.make.valid.htmlbooleanmake.valid.htmlAttempt to make sure the HTML output is valid HTML
<xsl:param name="make.valid.html" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf make.valid.html is true, the stylesheets take
extra effort to ensure that the resulting HTML is valid. This may mean that some
para tags are translated into HTML divs or
that other substitutions occur.This parameter is different from html.cleanup
because it changes the resulting markup; it does not use extension functions
to manipulate result-tree-fragments and is therefore applicable to any
XSLT processor.html.cleanupbooleanhtml.cleanupAttempt to clean up the resulting HTML?
<xsl:param name="html.cleanup" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, and if the EXSLT
extensions are supported by your processor, the resulting HTML will be
cleaned up. This improves the chances that the
resulting HTML will be valid. It may also improve the formatting of
some elements.This parameter is different from make.valid.html
because it uses extension functions to manipulate result-tree-fragments.draft.modelistdraft.modeSelect draft mode
<xsl:param name="draft.mode" select="'maybe'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionSelects draft mode. If draft.mode is
yes, the entire document will be treated
as a draft. If it is no, the entire document
will be treated as a final copy. If it is maybe,
individual sections will be treated as draft or final independently, depending
on how their status attribute is set.
draft.watermark.imageuridraft.watermark.imageThe URI of the image to be used for draft watermarks
<xsl:param name="draft.watermark.image" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe image to be used for draft
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, the HTML stylesheet will generate ID attributes on
containers. For example, the markup:<section id="foo"><title>Some Title</title>
<para>Some para.</para>
</section>might produce:<div class="section" id="foo">
<h2>Some Title</h2>
<p>Some para.</p>
</div>The alternative is to generate anchors:<div class="section">
<h2><a name="foo"></a>Some Title</h2>
<p>Some para.</p>
</div>Because the name attribute of
the a element and the id
attribute of other tags are both of type ID, producing both
generates invalid documents.As of version 1.50, you can use this switch to control which type of
identifier is generated. For backwards-compatibility, generating
a anchors is preferred.Note: at present, this switch is incompletely implemented.
Disabling ID attributes will suppress them, but enabling ID attributes
will not suppress the anchors.generate.meta.abstractbooleangenerate.meta.abstractGenerate HTML META element from abstract?
<xsl:param name="generate.meta.abstract" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, document abstracts will be reproduced in the HTML
HEAD with meta name="description" content="...".XSLT ProcessingrootidstringrootidSpecify the root element to format<xsl:param name="rootid" select="''"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf rootid is specified, it must be the
value of an ID that occurs in the document being formatted. The entire
document will be loaded and parsed, but formatting will begin at the
element identified, rather than at the root. For example, this allows
you to process only chapter 4 of a book.Because the entire document is available to the processor, automatic
numbering, cross references, and other dependencies are correctly
resolved.suppress.navigationbooleansuppress.navigationDisable header and footer navigation<xsl:param name="suppress.navigation">0</xsl:param>Description
If suppress.navigation is turned on, header and
footer navigation will be suppressed.suppress.header.navigationbooleansuppress.header.navigationDisable header navigation<xsl:param name="suppress.header.navigation">0</xsl:param>Description
If suppress.header.navigation is turned on, header
navigation will be suppressed.suppress.footer.navigationbooleansuppress.footer.navigationDisable footer navigation<xsl:param name="suppress.footer.navigation">0</xsl:param>Description
If suppress.footer.navigation is turned on, footer
navigation will be suppressed.header.rulebooleanheader.ruleRule under headers?
<xsl:param name="header.rule" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, a rule will be drawn below the page headers.footer.rulebooleanfooter.ruleRule over footers?
<xsl:param name="footer.rule" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, a rule will be drawn above the page footers.Meta/*Infoinherit.keywordsbooleaninherit.keywordsInherit keywords from ancestor elements?<xsl:param name="inherit.keywords" select="'1'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf inherit.keywords
is non-zero, the keyword META for each HTML
HEAD element will include all of the keywords from
ancestral elements. Otherwise, only the keywords from the current section
will be used.
make.single.year.rangesbooleanmake.single.year.rangesPrint single-year ranges (e.g., 1998-1999)<xsl:param name="make.single.year.ranges" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf non-zero, year ranges that span a single year will be printed
in range notation (1998-1999) instead of discrete notation
(1998, 1999).make.year.rangesbooleanmake.year.rangesCollate copyright years into ranges?<xsl:param name="make.year.ranges" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf non-zero, copyright years will be collated into othername in author a
middle name?<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), the othername of an author
appears between the firstname and
surname. Otherwise, othername
is suppressed.
generate.legalnotice.linkbooleangenerate.legalnotice.linkTBD<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionTBDReference Pagesfuncsynopsis.decorationbooleanfuncsynopsis.decorationDecorate elements of a FuncSynopsis?<xsl:param name="funcsynopsis.decoration" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), elements of the FuncSynopsis will be decorated (e.g. bold or
italic). The decoration is controlled by functions that can be redefined
in a customization layer.
funcsynopsis.stylelistansikrfuncsynopsis.styleWhat style of 'FuncSynopsis' should be generated?<xsl:param name="">kr</xsl:param>DescriptionIf is ansi,
ANSI-style function synopses are generated for a
funcsynopsis, otherwise K&R-style
function synopses are generated.
funcsynopsis.tabular.thresholdintegerfuncsynopsis.tabular.thresholdWidth beyond which a tabular presentation will be used
<xsl:param name="funcsynopsis.tabular.threshold" select="40"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf funcsynopsis.tabular.threshold is greater than
zero then if a funcprototype is wider than the threshold
value, it will be presented in a table.function.parensbooleanfunction.parensGenerate parens after a function?<xsl:param name="function.parens">0</xsl:param>DescriptionIf not 0, the formatting of
a function element will include
generated parenthesis.
refentry.generate.namebooleanrefentry.generate.nameOutput NAME header before 'RefName'(s)?<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), a "NAME" section title is output before the list
of 'RefName's. This parameter and
refentry.generate.title are mutually
exclusive. This means that if you change this parameter to zero, you
should set refentry.generate.title to 1 unless
you want get quite strange output.
refentry.generate.titlebooleanrefentry.generate.titleOutput title before 'RefName'(s)?
<xsl:param name="refentry.generate.title" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true (non-zero), the reference page title or first name is
output before the list of 'RefName's. This parameter and are mutually exclusive.
This means that if you change this parameter to 1, you
should set to 0 unless
you want get quite strange output.refentry.xref.manvolnumbooleanrefentry.xref.manvolnumOutput manvolnum as part of
refentry cross-reference?<xsl:param name="refentry.xref.manvolnum" select="1"></xsl:param>Descriptionif true (non-zero), the manvolnum is used when cross-referencing
refentrys, either with xref
or citerefentry.
citerefentry.linkbooleanciterefentry.linkGenerate URL links when cross-referencing RefEntrys?<xsl:param name="" select="'0'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true, a web link will be generated, presumably
to an online man->HTML gateway. The text of the link is
generated by the template.
refentry.separatorbooleanrefentry.separatorGenerate a separator between consecutive RefEntry elements?<xsl:param name="refentry.separator" select="'1'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true, a separator will be generated between consecutive
reference pages.
Tablesdefault.table.widthlengthdefault.table.widthThe default width of tables<xsl:param name="default.table.width" select="''"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf specified, this value will be used for the WIDTH attribute on
tables that do not specify an alternate width (with the dbhtml processing
instruction).nominal.table.widthlengthnominal.table.widthThe (absolute) nominal width of tables<xsl:param name="nominal.table.width" select="'6in'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIn order to convert CALS column widths into HTML column widths, it
is sometimes necessary to have an absolute table width to use for conversion
of mixed absolute and relative widths. This value must be an absolute
length (not a percentag).table.borders.with.cssbooleantable.borders.with.cssUse CSS to specify table, row, and cell borders?
<xsl:param name="table.borders.with.css" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true (non-zero), CSS will be used to draw table borders.
<xsl:param name="" select="'solid'"></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="table.cell.border.thickness" select="'0.5pt'"></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="table.cell.border.color" select="''"></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="" select="'solid'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionFIXME:table.frame.border.thicknesstable.frame.border.thicknessSpecifies the thickness of the frame border
<xsl:param name="table.frame.border.thickness" select="'0.5pt'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionSpecifies the thickness of the border on the table's frame.table.frame.border.colortable.frame.border.color
<xsl:param name="table.frame.border.color" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionFIXME:html.cellspacingintegerhtml.cellspacingDefault value for cellspacing in HTML tables
<xsl:param name="html.cellspacing" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf specified, this value will be used as the default cellspacing value
in HTML tables.html.cellpaddingintegerhtml.cellpaddingDefault value for cellpadding in HTML tables
<xsl:param name="html.cellpadding" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf specified, this value will be used as the default cellpadding value
in HTML tables.QAndASetqanda.defaultlabelbooleanqanda.defaultlabelSets the default for defaultlabel on QandASet.<xsl:param name="qanda.defaultlabel">number</xsl:param>DescriptionIf no defaultlabel attribute is specified on a QandASet, this
value is used. It must be one of the legal values for the defaultlabel
qanda.inherit.numerationbooleanqanda.inherit.numerationDoes enumeration of QandASet components inherit the numeration of parent elements?<xsl:param name="qanda.inherit.numeration" select="1"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), numbered QandADiv elements and Questions and Answers inherit
the numeration of the ancestors of the QandASet.
Linkingtarget.database.documenturitarget.database.documentName of master database file for resolving
<xsl:param name="target.database.document" select="''"></xsl:param>
To resolve olinks between documents, the stylesheets use
a master database document that identifies the target datafiles for all the documents within the scope
of the olinks. This parameter value is the URI of
the master document to be read during processing to resolve olinks.
The default value is olinkdb.xml.The data structure of the file is defined in the targetdatabase.dtd DTD. The database file provides the high level elements to record the identifiers, locations, and relationships of documents. The cross reference data for individual documents is generally pulled into the database using system entity references or XIncludes. See also targets.filename.
targets.filenamestringtargets.filenameName of cross reference targets data file
<xsl:param name="targets.filename" select="'target.db'"></xsl:param>
In order to resolve olinks efficiently, the stylesheets can
generate an external data file containing information about
all potential cross reference endpoints in a document.
This parameter lets you change the name of the generated
file from the default name target.db.
The name must agree with that used in the target database
used to resolve olinks during processing.
See also target.database.document.
collect.xref.targetsstringcollect.xref.targetsControls whether cross reference data is
<xsl:param name="collect.xref.targets" select="'no'"></xsl:param>
In order to resolve olinks efficiently, the stylesheets can
generate an external data file containing information about
all potential cross reference endpoints in a document.
This parameter determines whether the collection process is run when the document is processed by the stylesheet. The default value is no, which means the data file is not generated during processing. The other choices are yes, which means the data file is created and the document is processed for output, and only, which means the data file is created but the document is not processed for output.
See also targets.filename.
olink.base.uriuriolink.base.uriBase URI used in olink hrefs
<xsl:param name="olink.base.uri" select="''"></xsl:param> DescriptionWhen cross reference data is collected for resolving olinks, it may be necessary to prepend a base URI to each target's href. This parameter lets you set that base URI when cross reference data is collected. This feature is needed when you want to link to a document that is processed without chunking. The output filename for such a document is not known to the XSL stylesheet; the only target information consists of fragment identifiers such as #idref. To enable the resolution of olinks between documents, you should pass the name of the HTML output file as the value of this parameter. Then the hrefs recorded in the cross reference data collection look like outfile.html#idref, which can be reached as links from other documents.use.local.olink.stylebooleanuse.local.olink.styleProcess olinks using xref style of current
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param> DescriptionWhen cross reference data is collected for use by olinks, the data for each potential target includes one field containing a completely assembled cross reference string, as if it were an xref generated in that document. Other fields record the separate title, number, and element name of each target. When an olink is formed to a target from another document, the olink resolves to that preassembled string by default. If the parameter is set to non-zero, then instead the cross
reference string is formed again from the target title, number, and
element name, using the stylesheet processing the targeting document.
Then olinks will match the xref style in the targeting document
rather than in the target document. If both documents are processed
with the same stylesheet, then the results will be the same.current.docidstringcurrent.docidtargetdoc identifier for the document being
<xsl:param name="current.docid" select="''"></xsl:param> DescriptionWhen olinks between documents are resolved for HTML output, the stylesheet can compute the relative path between the current document and the target document. The stylesheet needs to know the targetdoc identifiers for both documents, as they appear in the target.database.document database file. This parameter passes to the stylesheet
the targetdoc identifier of the current document, since that
identifier does not appear in the document itself. This parameter can also be used for print output. If an olink's targetdoc id differs from the current.docid, then the stylesheet can append the target document's title to the generated olink text. That identifies to the reader that the link is to a different document, not the current document. See also olink.doctitle to enable that feature.olink.doctitlebooleanolink.doctitleshow the document title for external olinks?
<xsl:param name="olink.doctitle" select="0"></xsl:param> DescriptionWhen olinks between documents are resolved for print output, the generated text may not make it clear that the reference is to another document. It is possible for the stylesheets to append the other document's title to external olinks. For this to happen, two parameters must be set. The olink.doctitle parameter should be set to nonzero to enable this
feature. And you should set the current.docid parameter to the document id for the document currently
being processed for output. If an olink's targetdoc id differs from the current.docid, then the stylesheet can append the target document's
title to the generated olink text. link.mailto.urlstringlink.mailto.urlMailto URL for the LINK REL=made HTML HEAD element<xsl:param name="link.mailto.url"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf not the empty string, this address will be used for the
REL=made LINK element in the HTML HEAD.
ulink.targetstringulink.targetThe HTML anchor target for ULinks<xsl:param name="" select="'_top'"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf is set, its value will
be used for the target attribute
on anchors generated for ulinks.olink.fragidstringolink.fragidNames the fragment identifier portion of an OLink resolver query<xsl:param name="olink.fragid" select="'fragid='"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:olink.outline.extstringolink.outline.extThe extension of OLink outline files<xsl:param name="olink.outline.ext" select="'.olink'"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:olink.pubidstringolink.pubidNames the public identifier portion of an OLink resolver query<xsl:param name="olink.pubid" select="'pubid='"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:olink.sysidstringolink.sysidNames the system identifier portion of an OLink resolver query<xsl:param name="olink.sysid" select="'sysid='"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:olink.resolverolink.resolverThe root name of the OLink resolver (usually a script)<xsl:param name="olink.resolver" select="'/cgi-bin/olink'"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:Bibliographybiblioentry.item.separatorstringbiblioentry.item.separatorText to separate bibliography entries<xsl:param name="biblioentry.item.separator">. </xsl:param>DescriptionText to separate bibliography entries
bibliography.collectionstringbibliography.collectionName of the bibliography collection file<xsl:param name="bibliography.collection" select="''"></xsl:param>DescriptionMaintaining bibliography entries across a set of documents is tedious, time
consuming, and error prone. It makes much more sense, usually, to store all of
the bibliography entries in a single place and simply extract
the ones you need in each document.That's the purpose of the
bibliography.collection parameter. To setup a global
bibliography database, follow these steps:First, create a stand-alone bibliography document that contains all of
the documents that you wish to reference. Make sure that each bibliography
entry (whether you use biblioentry or bibliomixed)
has an ID.My global bibliography, ~/bibliography.xml begins
like this:<!DOCTYPE bibliography
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
<bibliomixed id="xml-rec"><abbrev>XML 1.0</abbrev>Tim Bray,
Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, and Eve Maler, editors.
<citetitle><ulink url="">Extensible Markup
Language (XML) 1.0 Second Edition</ulink></citetitle>.
World Wide Web Consortium, 2000.
<bibliomixed id="xml-names"><abbrev>Namespaces</abbrev>Tim Bray,
Dave Hollander,
and Andrew Layman, editors.
<citetitle><ulink url="">Namespaces in
World Wide Web Consortium, 1999.
<!-- ... -->
When you create a bibliography in your document, simply
provide emptybibliomixed
entries for each document that you wish to cite. Make sure that these
elements have the same ID as the corresponding real
entry in your global bibliography.For example:<bibliography><title>Bibliography</title>
<bibliomixed id="xml-rec"/>
<bibliomixed id="xml-names"/>
<bibliomixed id="DKnuth86">Donald E. Knuth. <citetitle>Computers and
Typesetting: Volume B, TeX: The Program</citetitle>. Addison-Wesley,
1986. ISBN 0-201-13437-3.
<bibliomixed id="relaxng"/>
</bibliography>Note that it's perfectly acceptable to mix entries from your
global bibliography with normal entries. You can use
xref or other elements to cross-reference your
bibliography entries in exactly the same way you do now.Finally, when you are ready to format your document, simply set the
bibliography.collection parameter (in either a
customization layer or directly through your processor's interface) to
point to your global bibliography.The stylesheets will format the bibliography in your document as if
all of the entries referenced appeared there literally.bibliography.numberedbooleanbibliography.numberedShould bibliography entries be numbered?
<xsl:param name="bibliography.numbered" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero bibliography entries will be links from glossterm to glossentry automaticaly?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true, a link will be automatically created from glossterm
to glossentry for that glossary term. This is usefull when your
glossterm names are consistent and you don't want to add links
manually.If there is linkend on
glossterm then is used instead of autogeneration of
link.firstterm.only.linkbooleanfirstterm.only.linkDoes automatic glossterm linking only apply to firstterms?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf true, only firstterms will be automatically linked
to the glossary. If glossary linking is not enabled, this parameter
has no effect.glossary.collectionstringglossary.collectionName of the glossary collection file
<xsl:param name="glossary.collection" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionGlossaries maintained independently across a set of documents
are likely to become inconsistent unless considerable effort is
expended to keep them in sync. It makes much more sense, usually, to
store all of the glossary entries in a single place and simply
extract the ones you need in each document.That's the purpose of the
glossary.collection parameter. To setup a global
glossary database, follow these steps:Setting Up the Glossary DatabaseFirst, create a stand-alone glossary document that contains all of
the entries that you wish to reference. Make sure that each glossary
entry has an ID.Here's an example glossary:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE glossary
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
<title>Jargon File 4.2.3 (abridged)</title>
<releaseinfo>Just some test data</releaseinfo>
<para>Numeric zero, as opposed to the letter `O' (the 15th letter of
the English alphabet). In their unmodified forms they look a lot
alike, and various kluges invented to make them visually distinct have
compounded the confusion. If your zero is center-dotted and letter-O
is not, or if letter-O looks almost rectangular but zero looks more
like an American football stood on end (or the reverse), you're
probably looking at a modern character display (though the dotted zero
seems to have originated as an option on IBM 3270 controllers). If
your zero is slashed but letter-O is not, you're probably looking at
an old-style ASCII graphic set descended from the default typewheel on
the venerable ASR-33 Teletype (Scandinavians, for whom /O is a letter,
curse this arrangement). (Interestingly, the slashed zero long
predates computers; Florian Cajori's monumental "A History of
Mathematical Notations" notes that it was used in the twelfth and
thirteenth centuries.) If letter-O has a slash across it and the zero
does not, your display is tuned for a very old convention used at IBM
and a few other early mainframe makers (Scandinavians curse <emphasis>this</emphasis>
arrangement even more, because it means two of their letters collide).
Some Burroughs/Unisys equipment displays a zero with a <emphasis>reversed</emphasis>
slash. Old CDC computers rendered letter O as an unbroken oval and 0
as an oval broken at upper right and lower left. And yet another
convention common on early line printers left zero unornamented but
added a tail or hook to the letter-O so that it resembled an inverted
Q or cursive capital letter-O (this was endorsed by a draft ANSI
standard for how to draw ASCII characters, but the final standard
changed the distinguisher to a tick-mark in the upper-left corner).
Are we sufficiently confused yet?</para>
<para role="accidence">
<phrase role="pronounce"></phrase>
<phrase role="partsofspeach">n</phrase>
<para>The "One True Brace Style"</para>
<glossseealso>indent style</glossseealso>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
</glossary>Marking Up Glossary TermsThat takes care of the glossary database, now you have to get the entries
into your document. Unlike bibliography entries, which can be empty, creating
placeholder glossary entries would be very tedious. So instead,
support for glossary.collection relies on implicit linking.In your source document, simply use firstterm and
glossterm to identify the terms you wish to have included
in the glossary. The stylesheets assume that you will either set the
baseform attribute correctly, or that the
content of the element exactly matches a term in your glossary.If you're using a glossary.collection, don't
make explicit links on the terms in your document.So, in your document, you might write things like this:<para>This is dummy text, without any real meaning.
The point is simply to reference glossary terms like <glossterm>0</glossterm>
and the <firstterm baseform="1TBS">One True Brace Style (1TBS)</firstterm>.
The <glossterm>1TBS</glossterm>, as you can probably imagine, is a nearly
religious issue.</para>If you set the parameter,
only the terms marked with firstterm will be links.
Otherwise, all the terms will be linked.Marking Up the GlossaryThe glossary itself has to be identified for the stylesheets. For lack
of a better choice, the role is used.
To identify the glossary as the target for automatic processing, set
the role to auto. The title of this
glossary (and any other information from the glossaryinfo
that's rendered by your stylesheet) will be displayed, but the entries will
come from the database.
Unfortunately, the glossary can't be empty, so you must put in
at least one glossentry. The content of this entry
is irrelevant, it will not be rendered:<glossary role="auto">
<para>If you can see this, the document was processed incorrectly. Use
the <parameter>glossary.collection</parameter> parameter.</para>
</glossary>What about glossary divisions? If your glossary database has glossary
divisions and your automatic glossary contains at least
one glossdiv, the automic glossary will have divisions.
If the glossdiv is missing from either location, no divisions
will be rendered.Glossary entries (and divisions, if appropriate) in the glossary will
occur in precisely the order they occur in your database.Formatting the DocumentFinally, when you are ready to format your document, simply set the
glossary.collection parameter (in either a
customization layer or directly through your processor's interface) to
point to your global glossary.The stylesheets will format the glossary in your document as if
all of the entries implicilty referenced appeared there literally.LimitationsGlossary cross-references within the glossary are
not supported. For example, this will not work:<glossentry>
<glossdef><para>A description that references <glossterm>gloss-2</glossterm>.</para>
</glossentry>If you put glossary cross-references in your glossary that way,
you'll get the cryptic error: Warning:
glossary.collection specified, but there are 0 automatic
glossaries.Instead, you must do two things:Markup your glossary using glossseealso:<glossentry>
<glossdef><para>A description that references <glossterm>gloss-2</glossterm>.</para>
</glossentry>Make sure there is at least one glossterm reference to
gloss-2in your document. The
easiest way to do that is probably within a remark in your
automatic glossary:<glossary role="auto">
<remark>Make sure there's a reference to <glossterm>gloss-2</glossterm>.</remark>
<para>If you can see this, the document was processed incorrectly. Use
the <parameter>glossary.collection</parameter> parameter.</para>
</glossary> glossentry acronyms?
<xsl:param name="" select="'no'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionA setting of yes means they should be displayed;
no means they shouldn't. If primary is used,
then they are shown as the primary text for the entry.This setting controls both acronym and
abbrev elements in the glossentry.Miscellaneousformal.proceduresbooleanformal.proceduresSelects formal or informal procedures
<xsl:param name="formal.procedures" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionFormal procedures are numbered and always have a title.
<xsl:param name="formal.title.placement">
figure before
example before
equation before
table before
procedure before
task before
DescriptionSpecifies where formal object titles should occur. For each formal object
type (figure,
table, and procedure)
you can specify either the keyword
before or
after.runinhead.default.title.end.punctstringruninhead.default.title.end.punctDefault punctuation character on a run-in-head<xsl:param name="runinhead.default.title.end.punct" select="'.'"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:
runinhead.title.end.punctstringruninhead.title.end.punctCharacters that count as punctuation on a run-in-head<xsl:param name="runinhead.title.end.punct" select="'.!?:'"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:
show.commentsbooleanshow.commentsDisplay comment elements?<xsl:param name="show.comments">1</xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), comments will be displayed, otherwise they are suppressed.
Comments here refers to the comment element,
which will be renamed remark in DocBook V4.0,
not XML comments (<-- like this -->) which are unavailable.
show.revisionflagbooleanshow.revisionflagEnable decoration of elements that have a revisionflag<xsl:param name="show.revisionflag">0</xsl:param>Description
If show.revisionflag is turned on, then the stylesheets
may produce additional markup designed to allow a CSS stylesheet to
highlight elements that have specific revisionflag settings.The markup inserted will be usually be either a <span> or <div>
with an appropriate class attribute. (The value of
the class attribute will be the same as the value of the revisionflag
attribute). In some contexts, for example tables, where extra markup
would be structurally illegal, the class attribute will be added to the
appropriate container element.In general, the stylesheets only test for revisionflag in contexts
where an importing stylesheet would have to redefine whole templates.
Most of the revisionflag processing is expected to be done by another
stylesheet, for example changebars.xsl.shade.verbatimbooleanshade.verbatimShould verbatim environments be shaded?<xsl:param name="shade.verbatim" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionFIXME:shade.verbatim.styleshade.verbatim.styleProperties that specify the style of shaded verbatim listings
<xsl:attribute-set name="">
<xsl:attribute name="border">0</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="bgcolor">#E0E0E0</xsl:attribute>
DescriptionFIXME:punct.honorificstringpunct.honorificPunctuation after an honorific in a personal name.
<xsl:param name="punct.honorific" select="'.'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the punctuation that should be added after an
honorific in a personal segmented lists as tables?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, segmentedlists will be formatted as variablelists as tables?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, variablelists will be formatted as
tables.This parameter only applys to the HTML transformations. In the
FO case, proper list markup is robust enough to handle the formatting.
But see also notation used for equations
<xsl:param name="" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want type math directly in TeX notation in equations,
this parameter specifies notation used. Currently are supported two
values -- plain and latex. Empty
value means that you are not using TeX math at all.Preferred way for including TeX alternative of math is inside of
textobject element. Eg.:<inlineequation>
<imagedata fileref="eq1.gif"/>
<textobject><phrase>E=mc squared</phrase></textobject>
<textobject role="tex"><phrase>E=mc^2</phrase></textobject>
</inlineequation>If you are using graphic element, you can
store TeX inside alt element:<inlineequation>
<alt role="tex">a^2+b^2=c^2</alt>
<graphic fileref="a2b2c2.gif"/>
</inlineequation>If you want use this feature, you should process your FO with
PassiveTeX, which only supports TeX math notation. When calling
stylsheet, don't forget to specify also
passivetex.extensions=1.If you want equations in HTML, just process generated file
tex-math-equations.tex by TeX or LaTeX. Then run
dvi2bitmap program on result DVI file. You will get images for
equations in your document.tex.math.filestringtex.math.fileName of temporary file for generating images from equations
<xsl:param name="tex.math.file" select="'tex-math-equations.tex'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionName of auxiliary file for TeX equations. This file can be
processed by dvi2bitmap to get bitmap versions of equations for HTML
output.tex.math.delimsbooleantex.math.delimsShould be equations outputed for processing by TeX
automatically surrounded by math mode delimiters
<xsl:param name="tex.math.delims" select="'1'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionFor compatibility with DSSSL based DBTeXMath from Allin Cottrell
you should set this parameter to 0.pixels.per.inchintegerpixels.per.inchHow many pixels are there per inch?
<xsl:param name="pixels.per.inch" select="90"></xsl:param>
DescriptionWhen lengths are converted to pixels, this value is used to
determine the size of a pixel. The default value is taken from the
points.per.emnumberpoints.per.emSpecify the nominal size of an em-space in points
<xsl:param name="points.per.em" select="10"></xsl:param>
DescriptionFIXME:use.svgbooleanuse.svgAllow SVG in the result tree?
<xsl:param name="use.svg" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, SVG will be considered an acceptable image format. SVG
is passed through to the result tree, so correct rendering of the resulting
diagram depends on the formatter (FO processor or web browser) that is used
to process the output from the role attribute for
xrefstyle on xref?
<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, the role attribute on
xref will be used to select the cross reference style.
The DocBook
Technical Committee recently added an
xrefstyle attribute for this purpose.
If the xrefstyle attribute
is present, role will be ignored, regardless
of this setting.Until an official DocBook release that includes the new
attribute, this flag allows role
to serve that purpose.ExampleThe following small stylesheet shows how to configure the stylesheets to make
use of the cross reference style:<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
<xsl:import href="../xsl/html/docbook.xsl"/>
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:param name="local.l10n.xml" select="document('')"/>
<l:i18n xmlns:l="">
<l:l10n xmlns:l="" language="en">
<l:context name="xref">
<l:template name="chapter" style="title" text="Chapter %n, %t"/>
<l:template name="chapter" text="Chapter %n"/>
</xsl:stylesheet>With this stylesheet, the cross references in the following document:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
<book id="book"><title>Book</title>
<para>Normal: <xref linkend="ch1"/>.</para>
<para>Title: <xref xrefstyle="title" linkend="ch1"/>.</para>
<chapter id="ch1">
<title>First Chapter</title>
</book>will appear as:Normal: Chapter 1.Title: Chapter 1, First Chapter.menuchoice.separatormenuchoice.separator
<xsl:param name="menuchoice.separator" select="'+'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionSeparator used to connect items of a menuchoice other
than guimenuitem and guisubmenu. The latter
elements are linked with
<xsl:param name="" select="'->'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionSeparator used to connect items of a menuchoice with
guimenuitem or guisubmenu. Other elements
are linked with menuchoice.separator.
default.float.classstringdefault.float.classSpecifies the default float class
<xsl:param name="default.float.class" select="'before'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionFIXME:footnote.number.formatstringfootnote.number.formatIdentifies the format used for footnote numbers
<xsl:param name="footnote.number.format" select="'1'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe footnote.number.format specifies the format
to use for footnote numeration (1, i, I, a, or A).table.footnote.number.formatstringtable.footnote.number.formatIdentifies the format used for footnote numbers in tables
<xsl:param name="table.footnote.number.format" select="'a'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe table.footnote.number.format specifies the format
to use for footnote numeration (1, i, I, a, or A) in tables.footnote.number.symbolsfootnote.number.symbols
<xsl:param name="footnote.number.symbols" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf footnote.number.symbols is not the empty string,
footnotes will use the characters it contains as footnote symbols. For example,
*†‡◊✠ will identify
footnotes with *, †, ‡,
◊, and ✠. If there are more footnotes
than symbols, the stylesheets will fall back to numbered footnotes using
footnote.number.format.The use of symbols for footnotes depends on the ability of your
processor (or browser) to render the symbols you select. Not all systems are
capable of displaying the full range of Unicode characters. If the quoted characters
in the preceding paragraph are not displayed properly, that's a good indicator
that you may have trouble using those symbols for footnotes.table.footnote.number.symbolstable.footnote.number.symbols
<xsl:param name="table.footnote.number.symbols" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf table.footnote.number.symbols is not the empty string,
table footnotes will use the characters it contains as footnote symbols. For example,
*†‡◊✠ will identify
footnotes with *, †, ‡,
◊, and ✠. If there are more footnotes
than symbols, the stylesheets will fall back to numbered footnotes using
table.footnote.number.format.The use of symbols for footnotes depends on the ability of your
processor (or browser) to render the symbols you select. Not all systems are
capable of displaying the full range of Unicode characters. If the quoted characters
in the preceding paragraph are not displayed properly, that's a good indicator
that you may have trouble using those symbols for footnotes.xref.with.number.and.titlebooleanxref.with.number.and.titleUse number and title in cross references
<xsl:param name="xref.with.number.and.title" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionFIXME:xref.label-page.separatorstringxref.label-page.separatorPunctuation or space separating label from page number in xref<xsl:param name="xref.label-page.separator"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:param>Description
This parameter allows you to control the punctuation of certain
types of generated cross reference text.
When cross reference text is generated for an
xref or
olink element
using an xrefstyle attribute
that makes use of the select: feature,
and the selected components include both label and page
but no title,
then the value of this parameter is inserted between
label and page number in the output.
If a title is included, then other separators are used.
xref.label-title.separatorstringxref.label-title.separatorPunctuation or space separating label from title in xref<xsl:param name="xref.label-title.separator">: </xsl:param>Description
This parameter allows you to control the punctuation of certain
types of generated cross reference text.
When cross reference text is generated for an
xref or
olink element
using an xrefstyle attribute
that makes use of the select: feature,
and the selected components include both label and title,
then the value of this parameter is inserted between
label and title in the output.
xref.title-page.separatorstringxref.title-page.separatorPunctuation or space separating title from page number in xref<xsl:param name="xref.title-page.separator"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:param>Description
This parameter allows you to control the punctuation of certain
types of generated cross reference text.
When cross reference text is generated for an
xref or
olink element
using an xrefstyle attribute
that makes use of the select: feature,
and the selected components include both title and page number,
then the value of this parameter is inserted between
title and page number in the output. page numbers in xrefs on and off
<xsl:param name="">no</xsl:param>
DescriptionThe value of this parameter determines if
cross references (xrefs) in
printed output will
include page number citations.
It has three possible values.
noNo page number references will be generated.
yesPage number references will be generated
for all xref elements.
The style of page reference may be changed
if an xrefstyle
attribute is used.
maybePage number references will not be generated
for an xref element unless
it has an
attribute whose value specifies a page reference.
Graphicsgraphic.default.extensionstringgraphic.default.extensionDefault extension for graphic filenames<xsl:param name="graphic.default.extension"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf a graphic or mediaobject
includes a reference to a filename that does not include an extension,
and the format attribute is
unspecified, the default extension will be used.
default.image.widthlengthdefault.image.widthThe default width of images
<xsl:param name="default.image.width" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf specified, this value will be used for the
width attribute on
images that do not specify any
dimensions.nominal.image.widthlengthnominal.image.widthThe nominal image width
<xsl:param name="nominal.image.width" select="6 * $pixels.per.inch"></xsl:param>
DescriptionGraphic widths expressed as a percentage are problematic. In the
following discussion, we speak of width and contentwidth, but
the same issues apply to depth and contentdepth.A width of 50% means "half of the available space for the image."
That's fine. But note that in HTML, this is a dynamic property and
the image size will vary if the browser window is resized.A contentwidth of 50% means "half of the actual image width".
But what does that mean if the stylesheets cannot assess the image's
actual size? Treating this as a width of 50% is one possibility, but
it produces behavior (dynamic scaling) that seems entirely out of
character with the meaning.Instead, the stylesheets define a
nominal.image.width and convert percentages to
actual values based on that nominal size.nominal.image.depthlengthnominal.image.depthNominal image depth
<xsl:param name="nominal.image.depth" select="4 * $pixels.per.inch"></xsl:param>
DescriptionSee nominal.image.width.use.embed.for.svgbooleanuse.embed.for.svgUse HTML embed for SVG?
<xsl:param name="use.embed.for.svg" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, an embed element will be created for
SVG figures. An object is always created,
this parameter merely controls whether or not an additional embed
is generated inside the object.On the plus side, this may be more portable among browsers and plug-ins.
On the minus side, it isn't valid HTML.make.graphic.viewportbooleanmake.graphic.viewportUse tables in HTML to make viewports for graphics
<xsl:param name="make.graphic.viewport" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe HTML img element only supports the notion
of content-area scaling; it doesn't support the distinction between a
content-area and a viewport-area, so we have to make some compromises.If make.graphic.viewport is non-zero, a table
will be used to frame the image. This creates an effective viewport-area.
Tables and alignment don't work together, so this parameter is ignored
if alignment is specified on an image.preferred.mediaobject.rolepreferred.mediaobject.roleSelect which mediaobject to use based on
this value of an object's role attribute.
<xsl:param name="preferred.mediaobject.role"></xsl:param>
DescriptionA mediaobject may contain several objects such as imageobjects.
If the parameter use.role.for.mediaobject
is non-zero, then the role attribute on
imageobjects and other objects within a mediaobject container will be used to select which object will be
used. If one of the objects has a role value that matches the
preferred.mediaobject.role parameter, then it has first
priority for selection. If more than one has such a
role value, the first one is used.
See the use.role.for.mediaobject parameter
for the sequence of selection.use.role.for.mediaobjectbooleanuse.role.for.mediaobjectUse role attribute
value for selecting which of several objects within a mediaobject to use.
<xsl:param name="use.role.for.mediaobject" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, the role attribute on
imageobjects or other objects within a mediaobject container will be used to select which object will be
The order of selection when then parameter is non-zero is:
If the stylesheet parameter preferred.mediaobject.role has a value, then the object whose role equals that value is selected.Else if an object's role attribute has a value of
html for HTML processing or
fo for FO output, then the first
of such objects is selected.
Else the first suitable object is selected.
If the value of
is zero, then role attributes are not considered
and the first suitable object
with or without a role value is used.
ignore.image.scalingbooleanignore.image.scalingTell the stylesheets to ignore the author's image scaling attributes
<xsl:param name="ignore.image.scaling" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, the scaling attributes on graphics and media objects are
ignored.Chunkingchunker.output.cdata-section-elementsstringchunker.output.cdata-section-elementsList of elements to escape with CDATA sections<xsl:param name="chunker.output.cdata-section-elements" select="''"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the list of elements that should be escaped
as CDATA sections by the chunking stylesheet. Not all processors support
specification of this parameter.
This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.chunker.output.doctype-publicstringchunker.output.doctype-publicPublic identifer to use in the document type of generated pages<xsl:param name="chunker.output.doctype-public" select="''"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the public identifier that should be used by
the chunking stylesheet in the document type declaration of chunked pages.
Not all processors support specification of
this parameter.
This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.chunker.output.doctype-systemurichunker.output.doctype-systemSystem identifier to use for the document type in generated pages<xsl:param name="chunker.output.doctype-system" select="''"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the system identifier that should be used by
the chunking stylesheet in the document type declaration of chunked pages.
Not all processors support specification of
this parameter.
This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.chunker.output.encodingstringchunker.output.encodingEncoding used in generated pages<xsl:param name="chunker.output.encoding" select="'ISO-8859-1'"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the encoding to be used in files
generated by the chunking stylesheet. Not all processors support
specification of this parameter.
This parameter used to be named default.encoding.This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.chunker.output.indentstringchunker.output.indentSpecification of indentation on generated pages<xsl:param name="chunker.output.indent" select="'no'"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the value of the indent
specification for generated pages. Not all processors support
specification of this parameter.
This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet type to use in generated pages<xsl:param name="" select="''"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the media type that should be used by
the chunking stylesheet. Not all processors support specification of
this parameter.
This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.chunker.output.methodlisthtmlxmlchunker.output.methodMethod used in generated pages<xsl:param name="chunker.output.method" select="'html'"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the output method to be used in files
generated by the chunking stylesheet.
This parameter used to be named output.method.This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.chunker.output.omit-xml-declarationchunker.output.omit-xml-declarationOmit-xml-declaration for generated pages<xsl:param name="chunker.output.omit-xml-declaration" select="'no'"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the value of the omit-xml-declaration
specification for generated pages. Not all processors support
specification of this parameter.
This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.chunker.output.standalonestringchunker.output.standaloneStandalone declaration for generated pages<xsl:param name="chunker.output.standalone" select="'no'"/>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies the value of the standalone
specification for generated pages. Not all processors support
specification of this parameter.
This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.saxon.character.representationstringsaxon.character.representationSaxon character representation used in generated HTML pages<xsl:param name="saxon.character.representation" select="'entity;decimal'"/>
DescriptionThis character representation is used in files generated by chunking stylesheet. If
you want to suppress entity references for characters with direct representation
in default.encoding, set this parameter to value native.
This parameter is documented here, but the declaration is actually
in the chunker.xsl stylesheet module.html.exthtml.extIdentifies the extension of generated HTML files
<xsl:param name="html.ext" select="'.html'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe extension identified by html.ext will
be used as the filename extension for chunks created by this stylesheet.
html.extra.head.linksbooleanhtml.extra.head.linksToggle extra HTML head link information
<xsl:param name="html.extra.head.links" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, extra link elements will be
generated in the head of chunked HTML files. These
extra links point to chapters, appendixes, sections, etc. as supported
by the Site Navigation Bar in Mozilla 1.0 (as of CR1, at least).
root.filenameroot.filenameIdentifies the name of the root HTML file when chunking<xsl:param name="root.filename" select="'index'"></xsl:param>DescriptionThe root.filename is the base filename for
the chunk created for the root of each document processed.
base.dirbase.dirThe base directory of chunks<xsl:param name="base.dir" select="''"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf specified, the base.dir identifies
the output directory for chunks. (If not specified, the output directory
is system dependent.)generate.manifestbooleangenerate.manifestGenerate a manifest file?<xsl:param name="generate.manifest" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf non-zero, a list of HTML files generated by the
stylesheet transformation is written to the file named by
the manifest parameter.manifeststringmanifestName of manifest file<xsl:param name="manifest" select="'HTML.manifest'"></xsl:param>DescriptionThe name of the file to which a manifest is written (if the
value of the generate.manifest parameter
is non-zero) be manifest file written in $base.dir?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero manifest file and project files for HTML Help and
Eclipse Help are written into base.dir instead
of current directory.chunk.tocstringchunk.tocAn explicit TOC to be used for chunking
<xsl:param name="chunk.toc" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe chunk.toc identifies an explicit TOC that
will be used for chunking. This parameter is only used by the
chunktoc.xsl stylesheet (and customization layers built
from it).chunk.tocs.and.lotsbooleanchunk.tocs.and.lotsShould ToC and LoTs be in separate chunks?
<xsl:param name="chunk.tocs.and.lots" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, ToC and LoT (List of Examples, List of Figures, etc.)
will be put in a separate chunk. At the moment, this chunk is not in the
normal forward/backward navigation list. Instead, a new link is added to the
navigation footer.This feature is still somewhat experimental. Feedback welcome.chunk.section.depthintegerchunk.section.depthDepth to which sections should be chunked
<xsl:param name="chunk.section.depth" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThis parameter sets the depth of section chunking.chunk.first.sectionschunk.first.sectionsChunk the first top-level section?
<xsl:param name="chunk.first.sections" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, a chunk will be created for the first top-level
sect1 or section elements in
each component. Otherwise, that section will be part of the chunk for
its parent.
chunk.quietlychunk.quietlyOmit the chunked filename messages.
<xsl:param name="chunk.quietly" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf zero (the default), the XSL processor emits a message naming
each separate chunk filename as it is being output.
If nonzero, then the messages are suppressed.
navig.graphicsbooleannavig.graphicsUse graphics in navigational headers and footers?<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero), the navigational headers and footers in chunked
HTML are presented in an alternate style that uses
graphical icons for Next, Previous, Up, and Home.
Default graphics are provided in the distribution. for navigational graphics<xsl:param name="" select="'.gif'"></xsl:param>DescriptionSets the filename extension to use on navigational graphics used
in the headers and footers of chunked to navigational graphics<xsl:param name="">images/</xsl:param>DescriptionSets the path, probably relative to the directory where the HTML
files are created, to the navigational graphics used in the
headers and footers of chunked HTML.
navig.showtitlesbooleannavig.showtitlesDisplay titles in HTML headers and footers?<xsl:param name="navig.showtitles">1</xsl:param>DescriptionIf true (non-zero),
the headers and footers of chunked HTML
display the titles of the next and previous chunks,
along with the words 'Next' and 'Previous' (or the
equivalent graphical icons if is true).
If false (zero), then only the words 'Next' and 'Previous'
(or the icons) are displayed.
ProfilingFollowing parameters can be used for attribute value based
profiling of your document. For more info about profiling look at profile for arch
<xsl:param name="profile.arch" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.conditionstringprofile.conditionTarget profile for condition
<xsl:param name="profile.condition" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.conformancestringprofile.conformanceTarget profile for conformance
<xsl:param name="profile.conformance" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.langstringprofile.langTarget profile for lang
<xsl:param name="profile.lang" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.osstringprofile.osTarget profile for os
<xsl:param name="profile.os" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.revisionstringprofile.revisionTarget profile for revision
<xsl:param name="profile.revision" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.revisionflagstringprofile.revisionflagTarget profile for revisionflag
<xsl:param name="profile.revisionflag" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.rolestringprofile.roleTarget profile for role
<xsl:param name="profile.role" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).Note that role is often
used for other purposes than profiling. For example it is commonly
used to get emphasize in bold font:<emphasis role="bold">very important</emphasis>If you are using role for
these purposes do not forget to add values like bold to
value of this parameter. If you forgot you will get document with
small pieces missing which are very hard to track.For this reason it is not recommended to use role attribute for profiling. You should
rather use profiling specific attributes like userlevel, os, arch, condition, etc.profile.securitystringprofile.securityTarget profile for security
<xsl:param name="" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.userlevelstringprofile.userlevelTarget profile for userlevel
<xsl:param name="profile.userlevel" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.vendorstringprofile.vendorTarget profile for vendor
<xsl:param name="profile.vendor" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionValue of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.attributestringprofile.attributeName of user-specified profiling attribute
<xsl:param name="profile.attribute" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThis parameter is used in conjuction with profile.value.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.valuestringprofile.valueTarget profile for user-specified attribute
<xsl:param name="profile.value" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionWhen you are using this parameter you must also specify name of
profiling attribute with parameter profile.attribute.Value of this parameter specifies profiles which should be
included in the output. You can specify multiple profiles by
separating them by semicolon. You can change separator character by
parameter.This parameter has effect only when you are using profiling
stylesheets (profile-docbook.xsl,
profile-chunk.xsl, …) instead of normal
ones (docbook.xsl,
chunk.xsl, …).profile.separatorstringprofile.separatorSeparator character for compound profile values
<xsl:param name="profile.separator" select="';'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionSeparator character for compound profile values.HTML Helphtmlhelp.encodingstringhtmlhelp.encodingCharacter encoding to use in files for HTML Help compiler.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.encoding" select="'iso-8859-1'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionHTML Help Compiler is not UTF-8 aware, so you should always use
apropriate single-byte encoding here.htmlhelp.autolabelbooleanhtmlhelp.autolabelShould tree-like ToC use autonumbering feature?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.autolabel" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want to include chapter and section numbers into ToC in
the left panel, set this parameter to 1.htmlhelp.chmstringhtmlhelp.chmFilename of output HTML Help file.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.chm" select="'htmlhelp.chm'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionChange this parameter if you want different name of result
CHM file than htmlhelp.chm.htmlhelp.default.topicstringhtmlhelp.default.topicName of file with default topic
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.default.topic" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionNormally first chunk of document is displayed when you open HTML
Help file. If you want to display another topic, simply set its
filename by this parameter.This is useful especially if you don't generate ToC in front of
your document and you also hide root element in ToC. E.g.:<xsl:param name="" select="0"/>
<xsl:param name="" select="0"/>
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.default.topic" select="'pr01.html'"/>htmlhelp.display.progressbooleanhtmlhelp.display.progressDisplay compile progress?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.display.progress" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionYou can swith off display of compile progress by setting this
parameter to 0.htmlhelp.hhpstringhtmlhelp.hhpFilename of project file.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhp" select="'htmlhelp.hhp'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionChange this parameter if you want different name of project
file than htmlhelp.hhp.htmlhelp.hhcstringhtmlhelp.hhcFilename of TOC file.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhc" select="'toc.hhc'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionChange this parameter if you want different name of TOC file
than toc.hhc.htmlhelp.hhkstringhtmlhelp.hhkFilename of index file.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhk" select="'index.hhk'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionChange this parameter if you want different name of index file
than index.hhk.htmlhelp.hhp.tailstringhtmlhelp.hhp.tailAdditional content for project file.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhp.tail"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want to include some additional parameters into project file,
store appropriate part of project file into this parameter.htmlhelp.hhp.windowstringhtmlhelp.hhp.windowName of default window.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhp.window" select="'Main'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionName of default window. If empty no [WINDOWS] section will be
added to project file.htmlhelp.hhp.windowsstringhtmlhelp.hhp.windowsDefinition of additional windows
<xsl:param name=""></xsl:param>
DescriptionContent of this parameter is placed at the end of [WINDOWS]
section of project file. You can use it for defining your own
addtional windows.htmlhelp.enhanced.decompilationbooleanhtmlhelp.enhanced.decompilationAllow enhanced decompilation of CHM?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.enhanced.decompilation" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionWhen set to 1 this parameter enables enhanced decompilation of CHM.htmlhelp.enumerate.imagesbooleanhtmlhelp.enumerate.imagesShould be paths to all used images added to project file?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.enumerate.images" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionYou should turn on this flag, if you insert images into your documents
as external binary entities or if you are using absolute path in image be [MAP] and [ALIAS] section added to project file unconditionaly?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionYou should turn on this flag, if you have your own
alias.h and contex.h files
and you want include reference to them in project of map file.
<xsl:param name="" select="'context.h'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionChange this parameter if you want different name of map file
than context.h.htmlhelp.alias.filestringhtmlhelp.alias.fileFilename of map file.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.alias.file" select="'alias.h'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionChange this parameter if you want different name of map file
than alias.h.htmlhelp.hhc.section.depthintegerhtmlhelp.hhc.section.depthDepth of TOC for sections in a left pane.
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhc.section.depth" select="5"></xsl:param>
DescriptionChange this parameter if you want shallower ToC in a left pane
of HTML Help be entry for root element shown in ToC?
<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf set to 0, there will be no entry for root element in
ToC. This is useful when you want provide user with expanded ToC as
a default.htmlhelp.hhc.folders.instead.bookshtmlhelp.hhc.folders.instead.books
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhc.folders.instead.books" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThis parameter controls whether there should be folder-like
icons (1) or book-like icons (0) in ToC. If you want to use
folder-like icons you must swith off binary ToC using
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhc.binary" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThis parametr controls whether binary TOC will be generated. You
must create binary TOC if you want to add Prev/Next buttons to toolbar
(which is default behaviour). Files with binary TOC can't be merged.htmlhelp.hhc.widthintegerhtmlhelp.hhc.widthWidth of navigation (ToC) pane
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.hhc.width"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies width of ToC pane in pixels.htmlhelp.titlestringhtmlhelp.titleTitle of HTML Help
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.title" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionContent of this parameter will be used as a title for generated
HTML Help. If empty, title will be automatically taken from be menu shown?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want application menu in your HTML Help file, turn this
parameter to text under toolbar buttons?
<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionYou can switch off display of texts under toolbar buttons by
setting this parameter to be advanced search available?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want advanced search features in your help, turn this
parameter to be favorities tab shown?
<xsl:param name="" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want favorities tab shown in your help, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.hideshowbooleanhtmlhelp.button.hideshowShould be Hide/Show button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.hideshow" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Hide/Show button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.backbooleanhtmlhelp.button.backShould be Back button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.back" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Back button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.forwardbooleanhtmlhelp.button.forwardShould be Forward button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.forward" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Forward button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.stopbooleanhtmlhelp.button.stopShould be Stop button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.stop" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Stop button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.refreshbooleanhtmlhelp.button.refreshShould be Refresh button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.refresh" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Refresh button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.homebooleanhtmlhelp.button.homeShould be Home button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.home" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Home button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.home.urlstringhtmlhelp.button.home.urlURL address of page accessible by Home button
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.home.url"></xsl:param>
DescriptionURL address of page accessible by Home button.htmlhelp.button.optionsbooleanhtmlhelp.button.optionsShould be Options button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.options" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Options button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.printbooleanhtmlhelp.button.printShould be Print button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.print" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Print button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.locatebooleanhtmlhelp.button.locateShould be Locate button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.locate" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Locate button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.jump1booleanhtmlhelp.button.jump1Should be Jump1 button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.jump1" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Jump1 button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.jump1.urlstringhtmlhelp.button.jump1.urlURL address of page accessible by Jump1 button
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.jump1.url"></xsl:param>
DescriptionURL address of page accessible by Jump1 button.htmlhelp.button.jump1.titlestringhtmlhelp.button.jump1.titleTitle of Jump1 button
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.jump1.title" select="'User1'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionTitle of Jump1 button.htmlhelp.button.jump2booleanhtmlhelp.button.jump2Should be Jump2 button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.jump2" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Jump2 button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.jump2.urlstringhtmlhelp.button.jump2.urlURL address of page accessible by Jump2 button
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.jump2.url"></xsl:param>
DescriptionURL address of page accessible by Jump2 button.htmlhelp.button.jump2.titlestringhtmlhelp.button.jump2.titleTitle of Jump2 button
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.jump2.title" select="'User2'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionTitle of Jump2 button.htmlhelp.button.nextbooleanhtmlhelp.button.nextShould be Next button shown?
<xsl:param name="" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Next button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.prevbooleanhtmlhelp.button.prevShould be Prev button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.prev" select="1"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Prev button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.button.zoombooleanhtmlhelp.button.zoomShould be Zoom button shown?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.button.zoom" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want Zoom button shown on toolbar, turn this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.remember.window.positionbooleanhtmlhelp.remember.window.positionRemember help window position?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.remember.window.position" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionTo remember help window position between starts set this
parameter to 1.htmlhelp.window.geometrystringhtmlhelp.window.geometrySet initial geometry of help window
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.window.geometry"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThis parameter specifies initial position of help
window. E.g.<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.window.geometry">[160,64,992,704]</xsl:param>htmlhelp.use.hhkbooleanhtmlhelp.use.hhkShould be index built using HHK file?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.use.hhk" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, index is created using HHK file. This provides some
new features.htmlhelp.onlybooleanhtmlhelp.onlyShould be only project files generated?
<xsl:param name="htmlhelp.only" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want to play with various HTML Help parameters and you
don't need to regenerate all HTML files, you can set this parameter to
1. This setting will not process whole document, only project files
(hhp, hhc, hhk,...) will be generated.Eclipse Help Platformeclipse.autolabelbooleaneclipse.autolabelShould tree-like ToC use autonumbering feature?
<xsl:param name="eclipse.autolabel" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf you want to include chapter and section numbers into ToC in
the left panel, set this parameter to 1.eclipse.plugin.namestringeclipse.plugin.nameEclipse Help plugin name
<xsl:param name="">DocBook Online Help Sample</xsl:param>
DescriptionEclipse Help plugin name.eclipse.plugin.idstringeclipse.plugin.idEclipse Help plugin id
<xsl:param name=""></xsl:param>
DescriptionEclipse Help plugin id. You should change this id to something
unique for each help.eclipse.plugin.providerstringeclipse.plugin.providerEclipse Help plugin provider name
<xsl:param name="eclipse.plugin.provider">Example provider</xsl:param>
DescriptionEclipse Help plugin provider name.Localizationl10n.gentext.languagestringl10n.gentext.languageSets the gentext language
<xsl:param name="l10n.gentext.language" select="''"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf this parameter is set to any value other than the empty string, its
value will be used as the value for the language when generating text. Setting
l10n.gentext.language overrides any settings within the
document being formatted.It's much more likely that you might want to set the
l10n.gentext.default.language parameter.l10n.gentext.default.languagestringl10n.gentext.default.languageSets the default language for generated text
<xsl:param name="l10n.gentext.default.language" select="'en'"></xsl:param>
DescriptionThe value of the l10n.gentext.default.language
parameter is used as the language for generated text if no setting is provided
in the source document.l10n.gentext.use.xref.languagebooleanl10n.gentext.use.xref.languageUse the language of target when generating cross-reference text?
<xsl:param name="l10n.gentext.use.xref.language" select="0"></xsl:param>
DescriptionIf non-zero, the language of the target will be used when
generating cross reference text. Usually, the current
language is used when generating text (that is, the language of the
element that contains the cross-reference element). But setting this parameter
allows the language of the element pointed to to control
the generated text.Consider the following example:<para lang="en">See also <xref linkend="chap3"/>.</para>
Suppose that Chapter 3 happens to be written in German.
If l10n.gentext.use.xref.language is non-zero, the
resulting text will be something like this: