Hibernate Annotations Changelog =============================== 3.4.0.GA (20-08-2008) ---------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-761] - Typo in documentation ** Improvement * [ANN-765] - Update of "Preface" section in documentation * [ANN-766] - Test updates due to the usage of (oracle) reserved keywords as properties ** Task * [ANN-767] - Refactor build to allow filtering of resources 3.4.0.CR2 (01-08-2008) ---------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-716] - Join table name cannot be resolved when using custom EJB3NamingStrategy * [ANN-718] - @JoinTable / @JoinColumn fails when using backticks in PK field name * [ANN-722] - ANN-694 alive: FK circularity error under certain circumstances * [ANN-723] - Impossible to bind a SortedMap collection * [ANN-730] - Still incorrect FK circularity errors * [ANN-742] - Primary key should not be set on nullable column * [ANN-748] - @JoinColumn overrides scale and percision in ManyToOne map.. * [ANN-750] - @NaturalId not working when placed on single *ToOne property ** Improvement * [ANN-625] - @OrderBy usage on a joined classes (when using join table) produces incorred SQL syntax. * [ANN-733] - @Immutable documentation improvement * [ANN-744] - Enumerated Primary Key 3.4.0.CR1 (27-05-2008) ---------------------- ** Improvement * [ANN-741] - Move to slf4j ** New Feature * [ANN-713] - Use an ant task to deploy the maven artifacts * [ANN-736] - Add pom * [ANN-737] - Make build independent of Hibernate Core structure * [ANN-738] - Move to Hibernate Core 3.3 3.3.1.GA (14-03-2008) --------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-610] - Copy/paste errors in reference docs * [ANN-694] - Incorrect report of FK circularity error when the @*ToOne property name starts with the identifier property name * [ANN-696] - @Type with Maps from Element to Element applies to both key to value type. ** Improvement * [ANN-701] - Better error message on incorrect use of @CollectionId ** New Feature * [ANN-607] - Release the hibernate-commons-annotations source at Sourceforce * [ANN-709] - Express @Type on a Map key ** Patch * [ANN-706] - Typo's in reference manuals 3.3.1.CR1 (06-03-2008) ---------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-509] - referencedColumnName to non primary key foreign key column causes MappingException * [ANN-590] - Alphabetical order issue when @ManyToOne is used in PrimaryKey and explicit referencedColumnName are used * [ANN-653] - Exception when overriding collection mapping with @AssociationOverride * [ANN-673] - Guaranty column order in genereted schema * [ANN-676] - Composite PK/FK and the alphabetical order of class names * [ANN-683] - AnnotationConfiguration hashCode collisions produce random binding failures * [ANN-698] - Unbound property when default field access is used lead to unbound AnnotationException * [ANN-699] - AnnotationBinder.mustBeSkipped references org.hibernate.tool.instrument.javassist.FieldHandler (hardcoded String-Reference) * [ANN-700] - Hibernate's @NamedQuery always sets flushMode ** Improvement * [ANN-650] - Explicitly disallow @Version on @Embedded and throw meaningful Exception * [ANN-690] - Override relevant Configuration methods in AnnotationConfiguration for method chaining ** New Feature * [ANN-442] - Support @GenericGenerators (Paul Cowan) * [ANN-695] - Transparent integration of the new Hibernate Search collection event listeners 3.3.1.Beta1 (31-10-2007) ------------------------ ** Bug * [ANN-434] - Confusing error message with @EmbeddedId and @Id * [ANN-602] - SecondaryTable with EmbeddedId or IdClass containing @ManyToOne fail * [ANN-608] - NullPointerException from AnnotationConfiguration with specific order of calling addResource and addPackage when package-info.java present * [ANN-613] - NPE when mappedBy property is wrong on a @OneToOne * [ANN-616] - Mistakes in of Manual * [ANN-617] - NullPointerException when handling @OrderBy * [ANN-618] - @AccessType("propery") cannot be overriden by @AccessType("field") * [ANN-619] - @OneToOne in primary key fails * [ANN-621] - Unable to handle JOINED stragegy when the root entity id contains a @ManyToOne * [ANN-631] - Mistake in " Many-to-one" * [ANN-634] - @CollectionOfElements cannot be combined with @Filter (or @Where) and EAGER fetching * [ANN-637] - @o.h.a.Table.indexes returns obscur message when the table does not exist * [ANN-643] - Missing .configure() on session factory creation examples * [ANN-647] - @Where JavaDoc does not specify that it describes a SQL fragment * [ANN-648] - o.h.a.Table.comment and o.h.a.Table.indexes fail on secondary tables ** Improvement * [ANN-605] - docs say @Enumerated(STRING), should be @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) * [ANN-606] - @Immutable does not throw error or warning on usage on subclass * [ANN-633] - JAR file should contain vendor- and versioning information * [ANN-671] - Log "Validator not present" only once ** New Feature * [ANN-28] - @Any * [ANN-122] - Add @NaturalId annotation (Nicol‡s Lichtmaier) ** Patch * [ANN-575] - Mistakes in " One-to-one" * [ANN-576] - Mistake in " Many-to-one" * [ANN-577] - Improvement in " Unidirectional with join table" * [ANN-578] - Improvement in " Definition" * [ANN-579] - Mistake in " Definition" * [ANN-580] - Mistake in " Embedded objects (aka components)" * [ANN-581] - Improvement in "2.4.8. Filters" * [ANN-588] - ProxyBreakingTest fails on case sensitive file systems * [ANN-595] - Remove FlushModeType.NEVER 3.3.0.GA (19-03-2007) --------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-515] - Fields are not correctly quoted in @OneToMany relationships when specified * [ANN-516] - @OrderBy added to wrong table in inheritance relationship * [ANN-517] - Default NodeName value not set in HAN leading to NPE in DOM4J mode (Daniel) * [ANN-521] - package-list file is missing from javax.persistence documentation * [ANN-531] - EntityMode.DOM4J does not deserialize collection entities * [ANN-544] - @SqlDeleteAll wrt to Collections * [ANN-547] - Typo in Docs: Declaring Column Attributes * [ANN-549] - key column of a true map should be not null when a join table is used * [ANN-551] - Guaranty the same parameter ordering when overriding SQL across VMs and compilations (Sżren Pedersen) * [ANN-554] - NPE with @Id on @OneToOne * [ANN-555] - Fix typo @Tables.values to @Table.value * [ANN-556] - @OneToOne(mappedBy might fail depending on alphebetical order * [ANN-559] - Undefined filter definition leads to NPE rather than a proper exception * [ANN-560] - Quoting clashes with defaults in NamingStrategy * [ANN-567] - Ability to specify a custom persister on a collection (Shawn Clowater) * [ANN-570] - @DiscriminatorForumla typo * [ANN-574] - CascadeType ALL is not equals to REMOVE+REFRESH+PERSIST+MERGE ** Improvement * [ANN-26] - @OptimisticLock(excluded=true) (Logi Ragnarsson) * [ANN-104] - Allow SQL customization for CRUD on secondary tables * [ANN-252] - AnnotationConfiguration silently ignores classes that are annotated with wrong Entity, or not annotated. * [ANN-444] - Ability to define fetch mode, inverse and optional for a Secondary table * [ANN-492] - IdClass of a composite id + ManyToOne associations in id = Repeated column error (testcase patch) * [ANN-502] - Cannot fully disable integration with Hibernate Validator * [ANN-525] - @ForeignKey for secondary tables and joined subclasses * [ANN-529] - MapBinder can generate SQL statements not supported by Oracle 10g * [ANN-532] - Better exception when @UniqueConstraint refers to a wrong column name * [ANN-535] - Force property insertability/updatability when @Generated is used * [ANN-542] - @Immutable for entities and collections * [ANN-553] - Remove classpath dependency between Hibernate Annotations and Hibernate Validator ** New Feature * [ANN-103] - Allow to specify fetching strategy for secondary table * [ANN-505] - Support @Tuplizer * [ANN-552] - Transparent event integration for Search and Validator ** Task * [ANN-584] - Move Validator and Search to their own project 3.2.1.GA (8-12-2006) -------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-395] - @Embedded can not map interface * [ANN-425] - Property not found when defined in a @IdClass and referenced by a @OneToMany * [ANN-430] - @ManyToOne results in default outer join eager fetch, should be lazy * [ANN-448] - @OrderBy does not work with an association table when Set is used for collection * [ANN-450] - @MapKey does not work with embedded fields * [ANN-452] - Check lucene behavior on rollback() * [ANN-458] - Hibernate Validator initialization always requires keys in ValidatorMessges.properties * [ANN-466] - Discriminator values longer than 31 break in PostgreSQL * [ANN-471] - lazily resolve default messages in DefaultMessageInterpolator * [ANN-473] - Unable to define unique constraints on a denormalized table (union-subclass) * [ANN-474] - and at the entity level can override those at the property level in JPA XML * [ANN-477] - @Formula doesn't work in entities referenced by @JoinColumn(referencedColumnName="...") * [ANN-491] - Collection mapped with javax.persistence.MapKey isn't loaded properly. * [ANN-499] - @IdClass and @ManyToOne leads to repeated column exception ** Improvement * [ANN-37] - Support for SQL Overriding (László Benke, Assaf Berg) * [ANN-387] - lucene integration does not support Inheritance * [ANN-422] - Add targetEntity to MapKeyManyToMany annotation * [ANN-449] - @Min, @Max store value as Integer. @Range stores values as Long. * [ANN-456] - ClassValidator sould be able to get a reflectionManager from the caller (ie the event listener) * [ANN-460] - Support for several entity types per Index * [ANN-468] - IdFieldBridge should be introduced to cope with additional constraints on Brigdes used by document ids * [ANN-475] - Make ClassValidator independent from javax.persistence annotations * [ANN-476] - EJB3 naming strategy struggles with quoted identifiers when generating composed table/column names * [ANN-497] - Reuse the same synchronization queue per transaction for Search operations ** New Feature * [ANN-363] - Support for a @FieldBridge * [ANN-364] - @Boost or equivalent on entity and on fields * [ANN-383] - Align with Lucene 2 APIs for annotations * [ANN-384] - Reindex an object on a per instance basis (not triggered by a change) * [ANN-454] - Support for Built-in bridges in Lucene * [ANN-455] - Comprehensive built-in type support * [ANN-457] - Support field annotations in Hibernate Lucene (Richard Hallier) * [ANN-463] - @DateBridge * [ANN-478] - French translation (Vincent Ricard) * [ANN-482] - Use of transaction Synchronization rather than post-commit-* events * [ANN-493] - @NonEmpty ** Patch * [ANN-445] - Add dutch (Nederlands) validator_nl.properties for hibernate validator * [ANN-465] - SingleTableTest.testDefaultDiscriminatorColumn fix * [ANN-498] - Add Spanish Validation Bundle * [ANN-500] - Swedish default messages ** Task * [ANN-479] - Various optimizations of the Xlayer (reflection layer) * [ANN-483] - reorganize lucene packaging * [ANN-488] - Rename org.hibernate.lucene to org.hibernate.search 3.2.0.GA (16-10-2006) --------------------- Same code base as 3.2.0.CR3 ** Task * [ANN-459] - Add EJB 3.0 JavaDoc to the distribution 3.2.0.CR3 (04-10-2006) ---------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-408] - map a entity to integer map is not possible ** Improvement * [ANN-346] - Introduce @FilterJoinTable to complete @Filter on association involving a join table * [ANN-447] - Introduce @WhereJoinTable to complete @Where on association involving a join table ** New Feature * [ANN-443] - Define a hibernate.validator.interpolator_class 3.2.0.CR2 (16-09-2006) ---------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-181] - Do not fail on unbound attributes marked as @Type * [ANN-243] - @MapKey doesn't properly refer to column name mapped to property (quoted column) * [ANN-345] - EJB3NamingStrategy should be Serializable * [ANN-359] - @MappedSuperclass overriding fails on EJB3 DD * [ANN-362] - Specification of table @Table name with quotes using backticks fails with @OneToMany mapping * [ANN-368] - Keywords first letter is not decapilalized * [ANN-369] - @CollectionOfElements on a Map uses reserved word "key" as column name * [ANN-370] - Lucene updates are not thread safe * [ANN-375] - @Email validator failed a valid email address * [ANN-379] - Map fails due to unique constraint on map-key column * [ANN-382] - Id involving many to one may fail depending on the entity process ordering * [ANN-393] - Documentation errors in Many-toMany Annotation explanation * [ANN-405] - JPA XML overriding wrong when default schema and *-to-one association * [ANN-409] - Enum constants in HQL leads to ClassCastException * [ANN-411] - @Generated(INSERT) properties does not update columns * [ANN-412] - Generator definition (@Table, @Generic, @Sequence) no longer taken into account at field level * [ANN-414] - Map, OneToMany, join table or @ManyToMany does not work on MySQL and on composite keys * [ANN-415] - * [ANN-337] - XML result-set-mapping should overrides @SqlResultSetMapping * [ANN-338] - @Temporal no longer has default value ** New Feature * [ANN-40] - @Parent * [ANN-89] - Support generated=true property option for automatic refresh * [ANN-158] - Support for @ManyToOne or @OneToOne @JoinTable (bidirectional) * [ANN-224] - Ability to override fetching and lazy options through annotations * [ANN-276] - Proper support of @OneToOne @PrimaryKeyJoinColumns 3.1.0.Beta10b Preview (27-04-2006) ---------------------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-292] - @EmbeddedId object containing only @ManyToOne fails / wrong pk generation when@EmbeddedId contains @ManyToOne * [ANN-295] - Generators behave like allocationSize+1 * [ANN-300] - @OneToOne(optional=false) does not create foreign key * [ANN-301] - Validator won't validate "new" (=transient) bean when bean is CGLIB-instrumented * [ANN-319] - Make Hibernate Annotations types Serializable and thread safe * [ANN-321] - Discriminator column wo @DiscriminatorColumn has the wrong varchar length * [ANN-328] - @javax.persistence.MapKey broken ** Improvement * [ANN-316] - Do not escape el expressions like #{foo} expressions in Validation messages ** New Feature * [ANN-1] - Support Map * [ANN-296] - Support for allocationSize in @SequenceGenerator * [ANN-304] - Display the version number at init time to avoid user confusion regarding the version used * [ANN-322] - Allow EJB3 style XML Overriding 3.1beta9 Preview (27-03-2006) ----------------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-16] - Annotations: composite pk with two manytoone not working * [ANN-98] - Wrong unsaved-value strategy for IdClass entities * [ANN-196] - sequence should increase by assocationSize rather than regular hilo * [ANN-197] - table generator should stock hi * low_max instead of hi * [ANN-211] - ClassValidator throws NPE during flush * [ANN-230] - Id Annotation - bad example of GeneratedValue * [ANN-234] - @NotNull syntax doesn't make join column null in conjunction with @OneToOne or @ManyToOne * [ANN-236] - @OneToMany(mappedBy) cannot referenced an hbm file described entity * [ANN-240] - @AttributeOverride only works in @Entity, not @MappedSuperclass * [ANN-241] - @Index broken on property when no columnName is defined * [ANN-253] - Do not raise unresolved type exception if targetEntity is defined on the association annotation * [ANN-254] - References to invalid CascadeType.CREATE in documentation * [ANN-255] - Validator problem with @Valid @Embedded objects * [ANN-256] - Incorrect classloader used for ResourceBundle loading in JavaEE environment * [ANN-257] - referencedColumnName is not recognized on a many-to-one to a composite primary key * [ANN-258] - OneToOne annotation: Hibernate is not respecting the optional=true behaviour * [ANN-266] - @Temporal on Calendar is not mapped properly * [ANN-269] - doc error in example validation annotation * [ANN-274] - @AttributeOverride ignored when defined on an @Entity having a @MappedSuperclass annotated with @IdClass * [ANN-280] - Index not work * [ANN-282] - @IdClass including @Id claims no identifier property rather than @Id not authorized ** Improvement * [ANN-146] - @NotNull should be ignored for SINGLE_TABLE subclass properties * [ANN-208] - Enable @Valid for Collections, Maps and Arrays * [ANN-223] - Entity name should be the default for discriminator value (not the fqcn) * [ANN-233] - @Email not documented * [ANN-245] - Better doc on MapKey explaining that the column is shared between the key and the referenced property * [ANN-262] - @org.hibernate.annotatios.Table.name remaned in @...Table.appliesTo * [ANN-271] - Change @EntityResult(Class entityClass) ( was @EntityResult(String name) ) * [ANN-272] - Remove TYPE @Target on @JoinColumn(s) * [ANN-275] - Default discriminator column is DTYPE rather than TYPE * [ANN-291] - addUnderscore changed to protected visibility in DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy as an extension point ** New Feature * [ANN-15] - Use of @ManyToOne in a @EmbeddedId * [ANN-226] - Allow Associations within an @Embeddable Class * [ANN-259] - @OnDelete for @OneToOne and @ManyToOne (Radim Tlusty, Mat?j Kraus) * [ANN-270] - Add @SqlResultSetMappings * [ANN-273] - @AssociationOverride(s) similar to @AttributeOverride(s) * [ANN-287] - Abstraction layer on top of reflection calls (Paolo Perrotta, Davide Marchignoli) ** Task * [ANN-228] - Get rid of the compliance and limitation section in the doc. * [ANN-239] - DefaultValidatorMessages_de.properties: translation errors 3.1beta8 Preview (20-01-2006) ----------------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-132] - transient fields are considered to be persistent when not annotated with @Transient * [ANN-162] - OneToMany mapping from annotated to hbm loaded class fails with infinite loop * [ANN-175] - extractType executed on @Transient and fail when the return type is T * [ANN-176] - Endless loop when annotated class references by ManyToOne class mapped in .hbm.xml * [ANN-177] - unable to use referencedColumnName = joined subclass primary column name * [ANN-178] - Different handling column naming with @JoinColumn between 3.1beta5 and 3.1beta7 * [ANN-180] - Indexed collection, field access, onetomany+mappedby seems to fail * [ANN-187] - Unable to referenceColumnName a column (property) of the super class * [ANN-193] - @IdClass should work on @MappedSuperclass * [ANN-199] - NPE when mappedBy property is wrong on a @OneToOne * [ANN-214] - Annotation website documentation syntax error ** New Feature * [ANN-147] - Allow embeddable subclasses in the middle of a class hierarchy * [ANN-172] - Delegates the SQL type of enum to @Enumerated * [ANN-188] - @Email for validator * [ANN-190] - @TableGenerator as per the pfd instead of @GeneratorIdTable & co * [ANN-191] - Non entity classes in between entity classes in the hierarchy * [ANN-200] - Support of @Basic, @Lob, @Enumerated, @Temporal as per the PFD * [ANN-209] - @Named(Native)Query(hints=...) ** Improvement * [ANN-17] - Support dotted annotation when declaring resultsets * [ANN-56] - @AccessType: Support mixed field/property access strategies for an Entity * [ANN-192] - Access type guessed from position of @Id or @EmbeddedId * [ANN-194] - Access type guessed from owner entity for Embeddable objects * [ANN-198] - Better error message when @ManyToOne references an unknown entity * [ANN-201] - Rename @EmbeddableSuperclass into @MappedSuperclass * [ANN-203] - Move to @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=AUTO, generator="blah") * [ANN-204] - @TableGenerator instead of @TableGenerator and @GeneratedIdTable * [ANN-205] - @NamedQuery(query=...) instead of @NamedQuery(queryString=...) same for @NamedNativeQuery * [ANN-215] - Support SqlResutSetMapping with dotted notation in arbitrary order * [ANN-216] - Support scalar queries through @ColumnResult * [ANN-218] - @SecondaryTable(PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] pkJoinColumns) instead of @SecondaryTable(JoinColumn[] joins() ) * [ANN-219] - @JoinTable(name, catalog, schema, uniqueConstraints) instead of @JoinTable(table=@Table()) * [ANN-220] - @Column(table=) and @JoinColumn(table=) instead of @Column(secondaryTable=) * [ANN-221] - @Inheritance(strategy), @DiscriminatorColumn(discriminatorType), @DiscriminatorValue instead of @Inheritance * [ANN-225] - @EntityListeners replace @EntityListener 3.1beta7 Preview (13-12-2005) ----------------------------- ** Bug * [ANN-114] - NPE when SecondaryTable uses a non pk reference column in @JoinColumn * [ANN-115] - @Index does not work on joincolumns * [ANN-117] - setOrphanDelete not set causing some delete-orphan .clear() to fail * [ANN-123] - Support for Generics superclass * [ANN-124] - FIELD constant thing is wrong in the doc * [ANN-133] - Bytecode enhancement process adds non-transient properties to beans * [ANN-135] - Inconsistent range check between Range Validator class and generated DDL. * [ANN-136] - Validator annotations not applied to the hibernate metamodel for id properties * [ANN-139] - SINGLE_TABLE inheritance raise an WrongClassException under certain circumstances * [ANN-142] - Automatic Generation of Composite IDs - Annonation declaration fails * [ANN-151] -