Hibernate ORM Javadocs

Hibernate is a library for object/relation mapping (ORM). It provides:

Native API

Along with {@link org.hibernate.SessionFactory} and {@link org.hibernate.Session}, applications using the native API will often make use of the following interfaces:


The JPA interfaces are defined by the JPA specification. For details see the latest specification along with the API documentation for the package {@link jakarta.persistence}.

Note that since Hibernate 5.2, the native API extends the JPA API rather than wrapping it. For example, SessionFactory extends EntityManagerFactory, and Session extends EntityManager.

It's always possible to fall back from JPA interfaces to native APIs, by calling {@link jakarta.persistence.EntityManager#unwrap entityManager.unwrap(Session.class)}, {@link jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory#unwrap entityManagerFactory.unwrap(SessionFactory.class)}, or {@link jakarta.persistence.Query#unwrap query.unwrap(Query.class)}. In certain cases it's also possible to access native functionality by passing a {@linkplain org.hibernate.jpa.SpecHints JPA-defined} or {@linkplain org.hibernate.jpa.HibernateHints Hibernate-defined} hint, at the cost of a loss of type-safety.

These packages define additional extensions to the JPA APIs:

Mapping annotations

The mapping annotations defined by the JPA specification provide a foundation for expressing object/relational mappings in Hibernate and other JPA implementations.

The annotations in the package {@link org.hibernate.annotations} extend this foundation and accommodate more specialized requirements. These annotation are not tied to the native API, and may be used in conjunction with the JPA API.

The full power of Hibernate can only be unlocked via judicious use of these extra annotations.

XML-based mappings

Annotation-based mappings are the best choice for most users, but Hibernate offers XML-based mappings as an alternative.

Bootstrapping Hibernate

There are four basic ways to obtain an instance of Hibernate:

All major Java application servers and microservice frameworks come with built-in support for Hibernate. Such container environments also typically feature facilities to automatically manage the lifecycle of a {@code EntityManager} or {@code Session} and its association with container-managed transactions.

Example configuration files for JPA and native usage may be found {@linkplain org.hibernate.cfg here}. A comprehensive list of configuration properties understood by Hibernate may be found in the class {@link org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings}. Most sensible programs will only ever need to use a tiny handful of them.

Popular extension points

Hibernate offers an enormous wealth of extension points for customizing almost any aspect of its implementation. Most of these extension points are far too technical to be of interest to the typical application developer.

However, the following extension points are of quite general interest:

More advanced extension points include:

Finally, Hibernate ORM Core is itself a framework for advanced extensions like Hibernate Search, Hibernate Reactive, and Envers, which do much more than just implementing a single well-defined extension point. The starting points for such extensions are found in the packages {@link org.hibernate.integrator.spi} and {@link org.hibernate.event.spi}.

Package categories

The organization of code into packages is based on the following classification:

More information

Complete documentation may be found online at http://hibernate.org/orm/documentation/.