Hibernate 6 Changelog ======================= Note: Please refer to JIRA to learn more about each issue. Changes in 6.0.0.Alpha6 (August 20, 2020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://hibernate.atlassian.net/projects/HHH/versions/31848 ** Bug * [HHH-13828] - Drop EntityPersister extending the internal interface InFlightEntityMappingType ** Improvement * [HHH-14172] - Drop any/all usage of Javassist * [HHH-14167] - JpaCompliance for @OrderBy handling * [HHH-13745] - Verify HqlTranslator usability without SessionFactory ** New Feature * [HHH-13132] - HQL inline EntityGraph support * [HHH-1523] - Rebuild fetches from query-cache hits ** Task * [HHH-14174] - Implent Collection#getElementByIndex * [HHH-14173] - @Parent support * [HHH-14171] - `@Formula` support * [HHH-14170] - Implement RowId support * [HHH-14169] - Implement SQM `member of` predicate * [HHH-14168] - Support for custom Type/UserType impls * [HHH-14166] - Allow nulls-precedence in HQL/SQM * [HHH-14165] - Implement support for embeddable-valued QueryParameters * [HHH-14164] - Verify / enable query result caching * [HHH-14163] - Named ResultSet mappings * [HHH-14162] - NativeQuery support * [HHH-14161] - NamedQuery support Changes in 6.0.0.Alpha5 (April 24, 2020) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH/fixforversion/31821 ** Bug * [HHH-13711] - H2 dialect not accurate for drop table since version 1.4.200 ** Task * [HHH-13937] - Remove JUnit 5 as compile-time dependency * [HHH-13953] - Upgrade dom4j to 2.1.3 Changes in 6.0.0.Alpha4 (December 20, 2019) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://hibernate.atlassian.net/projects/HHH/versions/31817 ** Bug * [HHH-13777] - UnsupportedOperationException is thrown for MappedSuperclass if the id is declared on subclasses ** Task * [HHH-13746] - Implement Load by Multiple Ids using SQL AST * [HHH-13763] - Update all load-by-key handling to use SQL AST * [HHH-13778] - `@OrderBy` handling using SQL AST ** Improvement * [HHH-13718] - secondary tables support * [HHH-13769] - Avoid unnecessary joins Changes in 6.0.0.Alpha1 (November 23, 2019) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://hibernate.atlassian.net/projects/HHH/versions/31768/ ** Sub-task * [HHH-13714] - HQL/Criteria UPDATE support * [HHH-13715] - HQL/Criteria DELETE support ** New Feature * [HHH-11474] - Implement support for LIMIT and OFFSET clause ** Task * [HHH-13395] - Update Envers to use the new Integrator signature. * [HHH-13725] - Implement ToOne Associations support * [HHH-13732] - Implement OneToOne support ** Improvement * [HHH-11828] - Adjust EntityMode, Tuplizer and friends to the 6.0 metamodel (Navigable et.al.) contracts * [HHH-13081] - Pass BootstrapContext to Integrator#integrate * [HHH-13224] - Look at removing references to SessionFactory from various components ** Remove Feature * [HHH-10071] - Remove support for "collection properties" in HQL * [HHH-11990] - Remove LogicalConnectionImplementor#makeShareableCopy