/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later. * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or . */ plugins { id 'com.gradle.enterprise' version '3.2.1' } if ( !JavaVersion.current().java8Compatible ) { throw new GradleException( "Gradle must be run with Java 8 or later" ) } gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of( 8 ) // Gradle does bytecode transformation on tests. // You can't use bytecode higher than what Gradle supports, even with toolchains. def GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION = 15 // If either 'main.jdk.version' or 'test.jdk.version' is set, enable the toolchain and use the selected jdk. // If only one property is set, the other defaults to the baseline Java version (8). // Note that when toolchain is enabled, you also need to specify // the location of the selected jdks // (auto-download and auto-detect are disabled in gradle.properties). // // Example (with SDKMAN): // ./gradlew build -Ptest.jdk.version=15 \ // -Porg.gradle.java.installations.paths=$SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR/java/15.0.1-open,$SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR/java/8 if ( hasProperty( 'main.jdk.version' ) || hasProperty( 'test.jdk.version' ) ) { // Testing a particular JDK version // Gradle doesn't support all JDK versions unless we use toolchains gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled = true gradle.ext.javaVersions = [ main: [ compiler: JavaLanguageVersion.of( hasProperty( 'main.jdk.version' ) ? getProperty( 'main.jdk.version' ) : gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion.asInt() ), release: gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion ], test: [ compiler: JavaLanguageVersion.of( hasProperty( 'test.jdk.version' ) ? getProperty( 'test.jdk.version' ) : gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion.asInt() ) ] ] def testCompilerVersion = gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.compiler if ( testCompilerVersion.asInt() > GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION ) { logger.warn( "[WARN] Gradle does not support bytecode version '${testCompilerVersion}'." + " Forcing test bytecode to version ${GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION}." ) gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release = JavaLanguageVersion.of( GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION ) } else { gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release = testCompilerVersion } gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.launcher = testCompilerVersion } else { // Not testing a particular JDK version: we will use the same JDK used to run Gradle. // We disable toolchains for convenience, so that anyone can just run the build with their own JDK // without any additional options and without downloading the whole JDK. gradle.ext.javaToolchainEnabled = false def gradleJdkVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of( JavaVersion.current().getMajorVersion() ) if ( gradleJdkVersion.asInt() > GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION ) { logger.warn( "[WARN] Gradle does not support this JDK, because it is too recent; build is likely to fail." + " To avoid failures, you should use an older Java version when running Gradle, and rely on toolchains." + " To that end, specify the version of Java you want to run tests with using property 'test.jdk.version'," + " and specify the path to JDK8 *and* a JDK of the test version using property 'org.gradle.java.installations.paths'." + " Example:" + "./gradlew build -Ptest.jdk.version=15 -Porg.gradle.java.installations.paths=\$SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR/java/15.0.1-open,\$SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR/java/8" ) } gradle.ext.javaVersions = [ main: [ compiler: gradleJdkVersion, release: gradle.ext.baselineJavaVersion ], test: [ compiler: gradleJdkVersion, release: JavaLanguageVersion.of( Math.min( GRADLE_MAX_SUPPORTED_BYTECODE_VERSION, gradleJdkVersion.asInt() ) ), launcher: gradleJdkVersion ] ] } logger.lifecycle "Java versions for main code: " + gradle.ext.javaVersions.main logger.lifecycle "Java versions for tests: " + gradle.ext.javaVersions.test include 'hibernate-core' include 'hibernate-entitymanager' include 'hibernate-testing' include 'hibernate-envers' include 'hibernate-spatial' include 'hibernate-java8' include 'hibernate-osgi' include 'hibernate-c3p0' include 'hibernate-proxool' include 'hibernate-hikaricp' include 'hibernate-vibur' include 'hibernate-agroal' include 'hibernate-jcache' include 'hibernate-ehcache' include 'hibernate-infinispan' include 'hibernate-jipijapa' include 'hibernate-orm-modules' // The plugin used to generate Java modules was compiled using JDK11. // This means even with toolchains, Gradle needs to be run with Java 11+ in order to run Java modules ITs. // We might be able to get rid of that limitation by relying on Gradle's built-in support for Java modules, // but I (Yoann) tried and failed to make it work. // See https://docs.gradle.org/current/samples/sample_java_modules_multi_project.html if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava11Compatible() && gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release.asInt() >= 9 ) { include 'hibernate-integrationtest-java-modules' } else { logger.warn( '[WARN] Skipping Java module path integration tests because the JDK does not support it' ) } include 'documentation' include 'release' include 'metamodel-generator' project(':metamodel-generator').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "tooling/metamodel-generator") project(':metamodel-generator').name = 'hibernate-jpamodelgen' include 'hibernate-gradle-plugin' project(':hibernate-gradle-plugin').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "tooling/hibernate-gradle-plugin") include 'hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin' project(':hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "tooling/hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin") rootProject.children.each { project -> project.buildFileName = "${project.name}.gradle" assert project.projectDir.isDirectory() assert project.buildFile.exists() assert project.buildFile.isFile() }