Hibernate 6 Changelog ======================= Note: Please refer to JIRA to learn more about each issue. Changes in 7.0.0.Alpha3 (June 14, 2024) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://hibernate.atlassian.net/projects/HHH/versions/32304 ** Bug * [HHH-18135] - GenerationTypeStrategy implementations always throw UnsupportedOperationException * [HHH-18081] - XML element is not added to JdkClassDetails * [HHH-11937] - Remove warnings about "empty composites" being experimental when feature is stabilized * [HHH-11936] - Stabilize "empty composites" feature ** New Feature * [HHH-18231] - SPI for persistence XML parsing * [HHH-18057] - Support for JPA 3.2 column options * [HHH-18056] - Support for JPA 32 table options * [HHH-18055] - Support for JPA 3.2 table comment * [HHH-18054] - Support for JPA 3.2 @CheckConstraint * [HHH-16153] - Support JPA 3.2 `@EnumeratedValue` ** Remove Feature * [HHH-18222] - remove hibernate.create_empty_composites.enabled in Hibernate 7 * [HHH-18207] - remove deprecated Dialects * [HHH-18139] - remove IdentifierGeneratorFactory and related code ** Sub-task * [HHH-18095] - Transform hbm.xml column read/write fragments * [HHH-18072] - Transform hbm.xml not-found ** Task * [HHH-18127] - Leverage hibernate-models Annotation-as-Class * [HHH-18096] - Support for JPA 3.2 database generator options Changes in 7.0.0.Alpha2 (May 03, 2024) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://hibernate.atlassian.net/projects/HHH/versions/32280 ** Bug * [HHH-18053] - duration arithmetic with fractional seconds * [HHH-18049] - Handle and * [HHH-18042] - ConstructorResults defined in XML are not applied * [HHH-18041] - With SharedCacheMode.DISABLE_SELECTIVE entities with cacheable false should not be cached * [HHH-18039] - EntityListeners defined in XML should replace those from annotations, not add to * [HHH-18038] - Fall back to persistence-unit name as SessionFactory name * [HHH-18036] - Retrieving java.sql.Date from Oracle contains unwanted milliseconds * [HHH-18028] - TCK test failure with attribute converter and Embeddable * [HHH-18018] - Derby implementation for 'right' function wrongly passes parameter to 'length' ** Improvement * [HHH-18048] - Split notions of SessionFactory name and SessionFactory JNDI name * [HHH-18005] - Remove AnnotationDescriptor#createUsage method calls that rely on lambdas for configuration * [HHH-18003] - Create a PersistenceUnitDescriptor wrapper around JPA 3.2 PersistenceConfiguration * [HHH-18000] - Remove XmlProcessingHelper methods for creating AnnotationUsage instances ** New Feature * [HHH-18025] - RefreshOptions & LockOptions for Hibernate 7 * [HHH-18001] - FindOptions for Hibernate 7 ** Task * [HHH-18043] - Change SQL Server default timestamp precision to 7 * [HHH-18035] - Change Oracle default timestamp precision to 9 * [HHH-17982] - Setup JPA 3.2 TCK testing automation for ORM 7 Changes in 7.0.0.Alpha1 (April 16, 2024) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://hibernate.atlassian.net/projects/HHH/versions/32214 ** Deprecation * [HHH-17441] - Deprecate @Comment ** New Feature * [HHH-17460] - Ongoing JPA 3.2 work * [HHH-17459] - Allow resolution callbacks on select o.h.mapping objects ** Remove Feature * [HHH-17961] - Drop support for hibernate.mapping.precedence * [HHH-17894] - Remove AdditionalJaxbMappingProducer * [HHH-17893] - Remove MetadataContributor * [HHH-17892] - Remove @Persister ** Task * [HHH-17444] - Ongoing JPA 32 work