Improving performance
Understanding Collection performance
We've already spent quite some time talking about collections.
In this section we will highlight a couple more issues about
how collections behave at runtime.
Hibernate defines three basic kinds of collections:
collections of values
one to many associations
many to many associations
This classification distinguishes the various table and foreign key
relationships but does not tell us quite everything we need to know
about the relational model. To fully understand the relational structure
and performance characteristics, we must also consider the structure of
the primary key that is used by Hibernate to update or delete collection
rows. This suggests the following classification:
indexed collections
All indexed collections (maps, lists, arrays) have a primary key consisting
of the <key> and <index>
columns. In this case collection updates are usually extremely efficient -
the primary key may be efficiently indexed and a particular row may be efficiently
located when Hibernate tries to update or delete it.
Sets have a primary key consisting of <key> and element
columns. This may be less efficient for some types of collection element, particularly
composite elements or large text or binary fields; the database may not be able to index
a complex primary key as efficently. On the other hand, for one to many or many to many
associations, particularly in the case of synthetic identifiers, it is likely to be just
as efficient. (Side-note: if you want SchemaExport to actually create
the primary key of a <set> for you, you must declare all columns
as not-null="true".)
Bags are the worst case. Since a bag permits duplicate element values and has no
index column, no primary key may be defined. Hibernate has no way of distinguishing
between duplicate rows. Hibernate resolves this problem by completely removing
(in a single DELETE) and recreating the collection whenever it
changes. This might be very inefficient.
Note that for a one-to-many association, the "primary key" may not be the physical
primary key of the database table - but even in this case, the above classification
is still useful. (It still reflects how Hibernate "locates" individual rows of the
Lists, maps and sets are the most efficient collections to update
From the discussion above, it should be clear that indexed collections
and (usually) sets allow the most efficient operation in terms of adding,
removing and updating elements.
There is, arguably, one more advantage that indexed collections have over sets for
many to many associations or collections of values. Because of the structure of a
Set, Hibernate doesn't ever UPDATE a row when
an element is "changed". Changes to a Set always work via
INSERT and DELETE (of individual rows). Once
again, this consideration does not apply to one to many associations.
After observing that arrays cannot be lazy, we would conclude that lists, maps and sets
are the most performant collection types. (With the caveat that a set might be less
efficient for some collections of values.)
Sets are expected to be the most common kind of collection in Hibernate applications.
There is an undocumented feature in this release of Hibernate. The
<idbag> mapping implements bag semantics for a collection
of values or a many to many association and is more efficient that any other
style of collection in this case!
Bags and lists are the most efficient inverse collections
Just before you ditch bags forever, there is a particular case in which bags (and also lists)
are much more performant than sets. For a collection with inverse="true"
(the standard bidirectional one-to-many relationship idiom, for example) we can add elements
to a bag or list without needing to initialize (fetch) the bag elements! This is because
Collection.add() or Collection.addAll() must always
return true for a bag or List (unlike a Set). This can
make the following common code much faster.
One shot delete
Occasionally, deleting collection elements one by one can be extremely inefficient. Hibernate
isn't completly stupid, so it knows not to do that in the case of an newly-empty collection
(if you called list.clear(), for example). In this case, Hibernate will
issue a single DELETE and we are done!
Suppose we add a single element to a collection of size twenty and then remove two elements.
Hibernate will issue one INSERT statement and two DELETE
statements (unless the collection is a bag). This is certainly desirable.
However, suppose that we remove eighteen elements, leaving two and then add thee new elements.
There are two possible ways to proceed
delete eighteen rows one by one and then insert three rows
remove the whole collection (in one SQL DELETE) and insert
all five current elements (one by one)
Hibernate isn't smart enough to know that the second option is probably quicker in this case.
(And it would probably be undesirable for Hibernate to be that smart; such behaviour might
confuse database triggers, etc.)
Fortunately, you can force this behaviour (ie. the second strategy) at any time by discarding
(ie. dereferencing) the original collection and returning a newly instantiated collection with
all the current elements. This can be very useful and powerful from time to time.
We have already shown how you can use lazy initialization for persistent collections
in the chapter about collection mappings. A similar effect is achievable for ordinary object
references, using CGLIB proxies. We have also mentioned how Hibernate caches persistent
objects at the level of a Session. More aggressive caching strategies
may be configured upon a class-by-class basis.
In the next section, we show you how to use these features, which may be used to
achieve much higher performance, where necessary.
Proxies for Lazy Initialization
Hibernate implements lazy initializing proxies for persistent objects using runtime
bytecode enhancement (via the excellent CGLIB library).
The mapping file declares a class or interface to use as the proxy interface
for that class. The recommended approach is to specify the class itself:
The runtime type of the proxies will be a subclass of Order. Note that
the proxied class must implement a default constructor with at least package visibility.
There are some gotchas to be aware of when extending this approach to polymorphic
classes, eg.
Firstly, instances of Cat will never be castable to
DomesticCat, even if the underlying instance is an
instance of DomesticCat.
Secondly, it is possible to break proxy ==.
However, the situation is not quite as bad as it looks. Even though we now have two references
to different proxy objects, the underlying instance will still be the same object:
Third, you may not use a CGLIB proxy for a final class or a class
with any final methods.
Finally, if your persistent object acquires any resources upon instantiation (eg. in
initializers or default constructor), then those resources will also be acquired by
the proxy. The proxy class is an actual subclass of the persistent class.
These problems are all due to fundamental limitations in Java's single inheritence model.
If you wish to avoid these problems your persistent classes must each implement an interface
that declares its business methods. You should specify these interfaces in the mapping file. eg.
where Cat implements the interface ICat and
DomesticCat implements the interface IDomesticCat. Then
proxies for instances of Cat and DomesticCat may be returned
by load() or iterate(). (Note that find()
does not return proxies.)
Relationships are also lazily initialized. This means you must declare any properties to be of
type ICat, not Cat.
Certain operations do not require proxy initialization
equals(), if the persistent class does not override
hashCode(), if the persistent class does not override
The identifier getter method
Hibernate will detect persistent classes that override equals() or
Exceptions that occur while initializing a proxy are wrapped in a
Sometimes we need to ensure that a proxy or collection is initialized before closing the
Session. Of course, we can alway force initialization by calling
cat.getSex() or cat.getKittens().size(), for example.
But that is confusing to readers of the code and is not convenient for generic code.
The static methods Hibernate.initialize() and Hibernate.isInitialized()
provide the application with a convenient way of working with lazyily initialized collections or
proxies. Hibernate.initialize(cat) will force the initialization of a proxy,
cat, as long as its Session is still open.
Hibernate.initialize( cat.getKittens() ) has a similar effect for the collection
of kittens.
The Second Level Cache
A Hibernate Session is a transaction-level cache of persistent data. It is
possible to configure a cluster or JVM-level (SessionFactory-level) cache on
a class-by-class and collection-by-collection basis. You may even plug in a clustered cache. Be
careful. Caches are never aware of changes made to the persistent store by another application
(though they may be configured to regularly expire cached data).
By default, Hibernate uses EHCache for JVM-level caching. (JCS support is now deprecated and will
be removed in a future version of Hibernate.) You may choose a different implementation by
specifying the name of a class that implements net.sf.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider
using the property hibernate.cache.provider_class.
Cache Providers
Provider class
Cluster Safe
Query Cache Supported
Hashtable (not intended for production use)
memory, disk
memory, disk
clustered (ip multicast)
yes (clustered invalidation)
JBoss TreeCache
clustered (ip multicast), transactional
yes (replication)
Cache mappings
The <cache> element of a class or collection mapping has the
following form:
usage specifies the caching strategy:
nonstrict-read-write or
Alternatively (preferrably?), you may specify <class-cache> and
<collection-cache> elements in hibernate.cfg.xml.
The usage attribute specifies a cache concurrency strategy.
Strategy: read only
If your application needs to read but never modify instances of a persistent class, a
read-only cache may be used. This is the simplest and best performing
strategy. Its even perfectly safe for use in a cluster.
Strategy: read/write
If the application needs to update data, a read-write cache might be appropriate.
This cache strategy should never be used if serializable transaction isolation level is required.
If the cache is used in a JTA environment, you must specify the property
hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class, naming a strategy for obtaining the
JTA TransactionManager. In other environments, you should ensure that the transaction
is completed when Session.close() or Session.disconnect() is called.
If you wish to use this strategy in a cluster, you should ensure that the underlying cache implementation
supports locking. The built-in cache providers do not.
Strategy: nonstrict read/write
If the application only occasionally needs to update data (ie. if it is extremely unlikely that two
transactions would try to update the same item simultaneously) and strict transaction isolation is
not required, a nonstrict-read-write cache might be appropriate. If the cache is
used in a JTA environment, you must specify hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class.
In other environments, you should ensure that the transaction is completed when
Session.close() or Session.disconnect() is called.
Strategy: transactional
The transactional cache strategy provides support for fully transactional cache
providers such as JBoss TreeCache. Such a cache may only be used in a JTA environment and you must
specify hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class.
None of the cache providers support all of the cache concurrency strategies. The following table shows
which providers are compatible with which concurrency strategies.
Cache Concurrency Strategy Support
Hashtable (not intended for production use)
JBoss TreeCache
Managing the Session Cache
Whenever you pass an object to save(), update()
or saveOrUpdate() and whenever you retrieve an object using
load(), find(), iterate(),
or filter(), that object is added to the internal cache of the
Session. When flush() is subsequently called,
the state of that object will be synchronized with the database. If you do not want
this synchronization to occur or if you are processing a huge number of objects and
need to manage memory efficiently, the evict() method may be
used to remove the object and its collections from the cache.
Hibernate will evict associated entities automatically if the association is mapped
with cascade="all" or cascade="all-delete-orphan".
The Session also provides a contains() method
to determine if an instance belongs to the session cache.
To completely evict all objects from the session cache, call Session.clear()
For the second-level cache, there are methods defined on SessionFactory for
evicting the cached state of an instance, entire class, collection instance or entire collection
The Query Cache
Query result sets may also be cached. This is only useful for queries that are run
frequently with the same parameters. To use the query cache you must first enable it
by setting the property hibernate.cache.use_query_cache=true. This
causes the creation of two cache regions - one holding cached query result sets
(net.sf.hibernate.cache.QueryCache), the other holding timestamps
of most recent updates to queried tables
(net.sf.hibernate.cache.UpdateTimestampsCache). Note that the query
cache does not cache the state of any entities in the result set; it caches only
identifier values and results of value type. So the query cache is usually used in
conjunction with the second-level cache.
Most queries do not benefit from caching, so by default queries are not cached. To
enable caching, call Query.setCacheable(true). This call allows
the query to look for existing cache results or add its results to the cache when
it is executed.
If you require fine-grained control over query cache expiration policies, you may
specify a named cache region for a particular query by calling