2021-05-18 15:50:10 -05:00

585 lines
20 KiB

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/base-information.gradle' )
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'distribution'
idea.module {
final File documentationDir = mkdir( "${project.buildDir}/documentation" )
final File projectTemplateStagingDir = mkdir( "${project.buildDir}/projectTemplate" )
* Assembles all documentation into the {buildDir}/documentation directory.
* Depends on building the docs
task assembleDocumentation {
group 'Release'
description 'Assembles all documentation into the {buildDir}/documentation directory'
dependsOn rootProject.project( 'documentation' ).tasks.buildDocsForPublishing
doLast {
// copy documentation outputs into target/documentation.
// * this is used in building the dist bundles
// * it is also used as a base to build a staged directory for documentation upload
// Integrations Guide
copy {
from "${rootProject.project( 'documentation' ).buildDir}/asciidoc/integrationguide"
into "${documentationDir}/integrationguide"
// Getting-started Guide
copy {
from "${rootProject.project( 'documentation' ).buildDir}/asciidoc/quickstart"
into "${documentationDir}/quickstart"
// Topical Guide
copy {
from "${rootProject.project( 'documentation' ).buildDir}/asciidoc/topical"
into "${documentationDir}/topical"
// User Guide
copy {
from "${rootProject.project( 'documentation' ).buildDir}/asciidoc/userguide"
into "${documentationDir}/userguide"
// Aggregated JavaDoc
copy {
from "${rootProject.project( 'documentation' ).buildDir}/javadocs"
into "${documentationDir}/javadocs"
//task assembleProjectTemplates(type:Copy, dependsOn: project( ":project-template" ).tasks.assembleDist) {
// def templateProject = project( ":project-template" )
// from templateProject.layout.buildDirectory.dir( "distributions" )
// into projectTemplateStagingDir
* Upload the documentation to the JBoss doc server
task uploadDocumentation(type:Exec) {
group 'Release'
description 'Uploads documentation to the JBoss doc server'
dependsOn assembleDocumentation
final String url = "filemgmt.jboss.org:/docs_htdocs/hibernate/orm/${rootProject.ormVersion.family}";
executable 'rsync'
args '-avz', '--links', '--protocol=28', "${documentationDir.absolutePath}/", url
doFirst {
if ( rootProject.ormVersion.isSnapshot ) {
logger.error( "Cannot perform upload of SNAPSHOT documentation" );
throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot perform upload of SNAPSHOT documentation" );
else {
logger.lifecycle( "Uploading documentation [{$url}]..." )
doLast {
logger.lifecycle( 'Done uploading documentation' )
* Configuration of the distribution plugin, used to build release bundle as both ZIP and TGZ
distributions {
main {
baseName = 'hibernate-release'
contents {
from rootProject.file( 'lgpl.txt' )
from rootProject.file( 'changelog.txt' )
from rootProject.file( 'hibernate_logo.gif' )
into('lib/required') {
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.provided.files { dep -> dep.name == 'jta' }
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
// for now,
from parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.provided.files { dep -> dep.name == 'javassist' }
// todo (6.0) - add back
// into( 'project-template' ) {
// // todo : hook in some form of variable replacement - especially for version
// from project( ':project-template' ).files( 'src/main/dist' )
// }
// todo (6.0) - add back spatial
// into( 'lib/spatial' ) {
// from(
// ( parent.project( 'hibernate-spatial' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
// + parent.project( 'hibernate-spatial' ).configurations.runtime )
// - parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime
// - parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
// )
// }
into( 'lib/jpa-metamodel-generator' ) {
from parent.project( 'hibernate-jpamodelgen' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
into( 'lib/envers' ) {
( parent.project( 'hibernate-envers' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
+ parent.project( 'hibernate-envers' ).configurations.runtime )
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
// todo : this closure is problematic as it does not write into the hibernate-release-$project.version directory
// due to http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1450
[ 'hibernate-agroal', 'hibernate-c3p0', 'hibernate-hikaricp', 'hibernate-jcache', 'hibernate-proxool', 'hibernate-vibur' ].each { feature ->
final String shortName = feature.substring( 'hibernate-'.length() )
// WORKAROUND http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1450
// into('lib/optional/' + shortName) {
owner.into('lib/optional/' + shortName) {
from (
( parent.project( feature ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.filter{ file -> !file.name.endsWith('-sources.jar') }
+ parent.project( feature ).configurations.runtime )
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.runtime
- parent.project( 'hibernate-core' ).configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
into('documentation') {
from documentationDir
into( 'project' ) {
from ( rootProject.projectDir ) {
exclude( '.git' )
exclude( '.gitignore' )
exclude( 'changelog.txt' )
exclude( 'lgpl.txt' )
exclude( 'hibernate_logo.gif' )
exclude( 'tagRelease.sh' )
exclude( 'gradlew' )
exclude( 'gradlew.bat' )
exclude( 'wrapper/*' )
exclude( '**/.gradle/**' )
exclude( '**/target/**' )
exclude( '.idea' )
exclude( '**/*.ipr' )
exclude( '**/*.iml' )
exclude( '**/*.iws' )
exclude( '**/atlassian-ide-plugin.xml' )
exclude( '**/.classpath' )
exclude( '**/.project' )
exclude( '**/.settings' )
exclude( '**/.nbattrs' )
exclude( '**/out/**' )
exclude( '**/bin/**' )
exclude( 'build/**' )
exclude( '*/build/**' )
// this is the common task between distTar and distZip
assembleDist.dependsOn assembleDocumentation
distTar.compression = Compression.GZIP
* "virtual" task for building both types of dist bundles
task buildBundles {
group 'Release'
description 'Builds all release bundles'
dependsOn distZip
dependsOn distTar
task uploadBundlesSourceForge(type: Exec) {
group 'Release'
description 'Uploads release bundles to SourceForge'
dependsOn buildBundles
final String url = "frs.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/hibernate/hibernate-orm/${version}";
executable 'rsync'
args '-vr', '-e ssh', "${project.buildDir}/distributions/", url
doFirst {
if ( rootProject.ormVersion.isSnapshot ) {
logger.error( "Cannot perform upload of SNAPSHOT bundles to SourceForge" );
throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot perform upload of SNAPSHOT bundles to SourceForge" )
else {
logger.lifecycle( "Uploading release bundles to SourceForge..." )
doLast {
logger.lifecycle( 'Done uploading release bundles to SourceForge' )
configurations {
bundles {
description = 'Configuration used to group the archives output from the distribution plugin.'
artifacts {
bundles distTar
bundles distZip
task releaseChecks {
group 'Release'
description 'Checks and preparation for release'
task changeLogFile {
group 'Release'
description 'Updates the changelog.txt file based on the change-log report from Jira'
dependsOn project.tasks.releaseChecks
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle( "Appending version `${project.releaseVersion}` to changelog..." )
ChangeLogFile.update( ormVersion.fullName );
task changeToReleaseVersion {
group 'Release'
description 'Updates `gradle/version.properties` file to the specified release-version'
dependsOn project.tasks.releaseChecks
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle( "Updating version-file to release-version : `${project.releaseVersion}`" )
updateVersionFile( project.releaseVersion )
task gitPreparationForRelease {
dependsOn changeLogFile
dependsOn changeToReleaseVersion
doLast {
logger.lifecycle( "Performing pre-steps Git commit : `${project.releaseVersion}`" )
executeGitCommand( 'add', '.' )
executeGitCommand( 'commit', '-m', "Pre-steps for release : `${project.ormVersion.fullName}`" )
task changeToDevelopmentVersion {
group 'Release'
description 'Updates `gradle/version.properties` file to the specified development-version'
dependsOn project.tasks.releaseChecks
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle( "Updating version-file to development-version : `${project.developmentVersion}`" )
updateVersionFile( project.developmentVersion )
task gitTasksAfterRelease {
dependsOn changeToDevelopmentVersion
doLast {
logger.lifecycle( "Performing pre-steps Git commit : `${project.releaseVersion}`" )
executeGitCommand( 'add', '.' )
executeGitCommand( 'commit', '-m', "Post-steps for release : `${project.ormVersion.fullName}`" )
if ( project.releaseTag != '' ) {
logger.lifecycle("Tagging release : `${project.releaseTag}`...")
executeGitCommand( 'tag', project.releaseTag )
void updateVersionFile(String version) {
logger.lifecycle( "Updating `gradle/version.properties` version to `${version}`" )
project.ormVersionFile.text = "hibernateVersion=${version}"
task publishReleaseArtifacts {
dependsOn releaseChecks
dependsOn uploadDocumentation
dependsOn uploadBundlesSourceForge
mustRunAfter gitPreparationForRelease
task release {
group 'Release'
description 'Performs a release on local check-out, including updating changelog and '
dependsOn gitPreparationForRelease
dependsOn publishReleaseArtifacts
finalizedBy gitTasksAfterRelease
rootProject.subprojects.each { Project subProject ->
if ( project.name != subProject.name ) {
if ( subProject.tasks.findByName( 'release' ) ) {
project.tasks.publishReleaseArtifacts.dependsOn( subProject.tasks.release )
subProject.tasks.release.dependsOn( releaseChecks )
subProject.tasks.release.mustRunAfter( releaseChecks )
task ciReleaseChecks {
dependsOn releaseChecks
task gitTasksAfterCiRelease {
dependsOn gitTasksAfterRelease
doLast {
if ( project.createTag ) {
logger.lifecycle( "Pushing branch and tag to remote `${project.gitRemote}`..." )
executeGitCommand( 'push', '--atomic', project.gitRemote , project.gitBranch, project.releaseTag )
else {
logger.lifecycle("Pushing branch to remote `${project.gitRemote}`..." )
executeGitCommand( 'push', project.gitRemote , project.gitBranch )
task ciRelease {
group 'Release'
description 'Performs a release: the hibernate version is set and the changelog.txt file updated, the changes are pushed to github, then the release is performed, tagged and the hibernate version is set to the development one.'
dependsOn ciReleaseChecks
dependsOn release
finalizedBy gitTasksAfterCiRelease
static String executeGitCommand(Object ... subcommand){
List<Object> command = ['git']
Collections.addAll( command, subcommand )
def proc = command.execute()
def code = proc.waitFor()
def stdout = inputStreamToString( proc.getInputStream() )
def stderr = inputStreamToString( proc.getErrorStream() )
if ( code != 0 ) {
throw new GradleException( "An error occurred while executing " + command + "\n\nstdout:\n" + stdout + "\n\nstderr:\n" + stderr )
return stdout
static String inputStreamToString(InputStream inputStream) {
inputStream.withCloseable { ins ->
new BufferedInputStream(ins).withCloseable { bis ->
new ByteArrayOutputStream().withCloseable { buf ->
int result = bis.read();
while (result != -1) {
buf.write((byte) result);
result = bis.read();
return buf.toString( StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name());
class ChangeLogFile {
// Get the Release Notes from Jira and add them to the Hibernate changelog.txt file
static void update(String releaseVersion) {
def text = ""
File changelog = new File( "changelog.txt" )
def newReleaseNoteBlock = getNewReleaseNoteBlock(releaseVersion)
changelog.eachLine {
line ->
if ( line.startsWith( "Note:" ) ) {
text += line + System.lineSeparator() + System.lineSeparator() + newReleaseNoteBlock
else {
text += line + System.lineSeparator()
changelog.text = text
// Get the Release Notes from Jira
static String getNewReleaseNoteBlock(String releaseVersion) {
def restReleaseVersion;
if ( releaseVersion.endsWith( ".Final" ) ) {
restReleaseVersion = releaseVersion.replace( ".Final", "" )
else {
restReleaseVersion = releaseVersion
def apiString = "https://hibernate.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search/?jql=project=HHH%20AND%20fixVersion=${restReleaseVersion}%20order%20by%20issuetype%20ASC"
def apiUrl = new URL( apiString )
def jsonReleaseNotes = new JsonSlurper().parse( apiUrl )
def releaseDate = new Date().format( 'MMMM dd, YYYY' )
def versionId = getVersionId( jsonReleaseNotes, restReleaseVersion )
ReleaseNote releaseNotes = new ReleaseNote( releaseVersion, releaseDate, versionId )
def issuetype
jsonReleaseNotes.issues.each {
issue ->
if ( issuetype != issue.fields.issuetype.name ) {
issuetype = issue.fields.issuetype.name
releaseNotes.addLine( "** ${issue.fields.issuetype.name}" )
releaseNotes.addLine( " * [" + issue.key + "] - " + issue.fields.summary )
return releaseNotes.notes
private static getVersionId(jsonReleaseNotes, String restReleaseVersion) {
def fixVersions = jsonReleaseNotes.issues.get( 0 ).fields.fixVersions
for ( def fixVersion : fixVersions ) {
if ( fixVersion.name.equals( restReleaseVersion ) ) {
return fixVersion.id
throw new GradleException( "Unable to determine the version id of the current release." )
class ReleaseNote {
String notes;
String notesHeaderSeparator = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
ReleaseNote(String releaseVersion, String releaseDate, String versionId) {
notes = "Changes in ${releaseVersion} (${releaseDate})" + System.lineSeparator()
addLine( "https://hibernate.atlassian.net/projects/HHH/versions/${versionId}" )
void addLine(String text) {
notes += text + System.lineSeparator()
void addHeaderSeparator() {
addLine( notesHeaderSeparator )
void addEmptyLine() {
notes += System.lineSeparator()
void addEmptyLines(int numberOfLines) {
for ( i in 1..numberOfLines ) {
notes += System.lineSeparator()
gradle.getTaskGraph().whenReady {tg->
if ( tg.hasTask( project.tasks.releaseChecks ) ) {
// make sure we have everything we need
if ( ! ( project.hasProperty( 'releaseVersion' ) && project.hasProperty( 'developmentVersion' ) ) ) {
throw new GradleException(
"`release`-related tasks require the following properties: 'releaseVersion', 'developmentVersion'"
// set up information for the release-related tasks
project.ext {
releaseVersion = project.property( 'releaseVersion' )
developmentVersion = project.property( 'developmentVersion' )
createTag = ! project.hasProperty( 'noTag' )
releaseTag = determineReleaseTag( project )
logger.lifecycle( "Checking that the working tree is clean..." )
String uncommittedFiles = executeGitCommand( 'status', '--porcelain' )
if ( !uncommittedFiles.isEmpty() ) {
throw new GradleException(
"Cannot release because there are uncommitted or untracked files in the working tree.\n" +
"Commit or stash your changes first.\n" +
"Uncommitted files:\n " +
if ( tg.hasTask( project.tasks.ciReleaseChecks ) ) {
// make sure we have everything we need
if ( ! project.hasProperty( 'gitBranch' ) || ! project.hasProperty( 'gitRemote' ) ) {
throw new GradleException(
"`ciRelease`-related tasks require the following properties: 'releaseVersion', 'developmentVersion', 'gitRemote', 'gitBranch'."
// set up information for the release-related tasks
project.ext {
gitBranch = project.property( 'gitBranch' )
gitRemote = project.hasProperty( 'gitRemote' )
? project.property( 'gitRemote' )
: 'origin'
logger.lifecycle( "Switching to branch '${project.gitBranch}'..." )
executeGitCommand( 'checkout', project.gitBranch )
logger.lifecycle( "Checking that all commits are pushed..." )
String diffWithUpstream = executeGitCommand( 'diff', '@{u}' )
if ( !diffWithUpstream.isEmpty() ) {
throw new GradleException(
"Cannot release because there are commits on the branch-to-release that haven't been pushed yet.\n" +
"Push your commits to the branch-to-release first."
static String determineReleaseTag(Project project) {
if ( ! project.hasProperty( 'noTag' ) ) {
return "";
final String tag = project.ormVersion.fullName
if ( tag.endsWith( ".Final" ) ) {
return tag.replace( ".Final", "" )
return tag;