Steve Ebersole 3c26c470b0 fix aggregateJavadoc problem 2021-10-25 13:55:53 -05:00
src/release/javadoc improved aggregated javadoc generation 2021-09-27 08:21:36 -05:00
README.adoc HHH-14513 : Move publishing release and snapshot artifacts to Sonatype OSSRH 2021-05-14 15:06:15 -05:00
jenkins-release-process.adoc Updated release process documentation 2020-08-21 09:28:12 -05:00
manual-release-process.adoc 6.0.0.Alpha9 release 2021-08-04 21:00:05 -05:00
post-release-steps.adoc Updated release process documentation 2020-08-21 09:28:12 -05:00
release.gradle fix aggregateJavadoc problem 2021-10-25 13:55:53 -05:00


This project coordinates the tasks that need to be performed as part of creating a release for Hibernate.

== Artifacts

Both snapshot and release artifacts are published to Sonatype https://oss.sonatype.org/[OSSRH].

The "official" detials about OSSRH + Gradle can be found at https://central.sonatype.org/publish/publish-gradle/.
However, its content is way out of date as of the time of this writing.
https://dev.to/kengotoda/deploying-to-ossrh-with-gradle-in-2020-1lhi presents a much better guide.  Regardless,
This is all just for background; all of this information is "backed into" the build scripts.

After release, be sure to manage the staging repository created for it on https://oss.sonatype.org/[OSSRH].

== Documentation

JBoss doc server...

== SourceForge

Release bundles (as ZIP and TGZ) are uploaded to https://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernate/files/hibernate-orm/[SourceForge]