
62 lines
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apply plugin: 'java'
// todo : there are test failures due to issues with how 'bundles' are handled.
// My guess is using TCCL as the tests try to is not valid in Gradle.
// not needed if we rename the directories to match the sourceSet name
sourceSets {
test {
// resources inherently exclude sources
resources {
setSrcDirs( ['src/test/java','src/test/resources'] )
dependencies {
shrinkwrapVersion = '1.0.0-alpha-6'
compile( project(':hibernate-core') )
compile( libraries.dom4j )
compile( libraries.commons_annotations )
compile( libraries.jpa )
compile( libraries.jta )
compile( libraries.javassist )
testCompile( project(':hibernate-core').sourceSets.test.classes )
testCompile( libraries.junit )
testCompile( libraries.jpa_modelgen )
testCompile( libraries.shrinkwrap_api )
testCompile( libraries.shrinkwrap )
testCompile( libraries.validation )
testCompile( libraries.slf4j_api )
testRuntime( libraries.validator )
procTargetDirName = buildDirName + "/generated-src/jpamodelgen"
procTargetDir = dir( procTargetDirName )
compileJava {
configure( options ) {
compilerArgs = [ "-s", "$procTargetDir.dir.absolutePath" ]
compileJava.dependsOn procTargetDir
bundlesTargetDirName = "$buildDirName/bundles"
bundlesTargetDir = dir( bundlesTargetDirName )
task processBundleResources {
copy {
from 'src/test/bundles'
into bundlesTargetDir.dir
processBundleResources.dependsOn bundlesTargetDir
ideaModule {
testSourceDirs.add( file( procTargetDirName ) )
// TODO : temporarily disable the tests until the shrinkwrap stuff is straightened out.
test.enabled = false