Andrea Boriero 3bc33221f0 Revert "HHH-13950 Apply the mass replace script to switch to Jakarta Validation API"
This reverts commit 60abc8aa764929920478888d1d6b08b95df3846a.
2020-04-24 13:26:37 +01:00

421 lines
15 KiB

plugins {
id 'org.hibernate.build.xjc'
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens
description = 'Hibernate\'s core ORM functionality'
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/published-java-module.gradle' )
apply plugin: Antlr4Plugin
apply plugin: 'hibernate-matrix-testing'
ext {
jaxbTargetDir = file( "${buildDir}/generated-src/jaxb/main" )
sourceSets.main {
java.srcDir project.jaxbTargetDir
sourceSets {
// resources inherently exclude sources
test {
resources {
setSrcDirs( ['src/test/java','src/test/resources'] )
testJavassist {
java {
compileClasspath += main.output + test.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output + test.output
configurations {
tests {
description = 'Configuration for the produced test jar'
//Configures the compile and runtime configurations for our javassist tests
//and includes the dependencies of the test task.
testJavassistCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
testJavassistRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
dependencies {
compile( libraries.jpa )
// This can now be made provided
compile( libraries.javassist )
compile( libraries.byteBuddy )
compile( libraries.antlr )
compile( libraries.jta )
compile( libraries.jandex )
compile( libraries.classmate )
compile( libraries.activation )
// We need dom4j for a number of things temporarily:
// 1) (unsupported) EntityMode.DOM4J support
// 2) Envers
// 3) hibernate-commons-annotations
compile( libraries.dom4j )
compile( libraries.commons_annotations )
compile( libraries.jaxb_api )
compile( libraries.jaxb_runtime )
// Antlr
antlr( libraries.antlr )
// xjc plugin
xjc( libraries.jaxb_runtime )
xjc( libraries.jaxb_xjc )
xjc( libraries.jaxb2_basics )
xjc( libraries.jaxb2_basics_ant )
xjc( libraries.activation )
provided( libraries.jacc )
provided( libraries.validation )
provided( libraries.ant )
provided( libraries.cdi )
testCompile( project(':hibernate-testing') )
testCompile( libraries.shrinkwrap_api )
testCompile( libraries.shrinkwrap )
testCompile( libraries.jacc )
testCompile( libraries.validation )
testCompile( libraries.jandex )
testCompile( libraries.classmate )
testCompile( libraries.mockito )
testCompile( libraries.mockito_inline )
testCompile( libraries.jodaTime )
testCompile( libraries.assertj )
testCompile( libraries.cdi )
testCompile( libraries.validator ) {
// for test runtime
transitive = true
// for testing stored procedure support
testCompile( libraries.derby )
testRuntime( "org.jboss.spec.javax.ejb:jboss-ejb-api_3.2_spec:1.0.0.Final" )
testRuntime( libraries.expression_language )
testRuntime( 'jaxen:jaxen:1.1' )
testRuntime( libraries.javassist )
testRuntime( libraries.byteBuddy )
testRuntime( libraries.weld )
testRuntime( libraries.atomikos )
testRuntime( libraries.atomikos_jta )
testAnnotationProcessor( project( ':hibernate-jpamodelgen' ) )
testCompile libraries.shrinkwrap_descriptors_api_javaee
testCompile libraries.shrinkwrap_descriptors_impl_javaee
testCompile libraries.jboss_ejb_spec_jar
testCompile libraries.jboss_annotation_spec_jar
// Additional tests requiring Javassist
// folder in src/javassist/java
testJavassistCompile libraries.javassist
jar {
manifest {
'Main-Class': 'org.hibernate.Version',
// BND Plugin instructions (for OSGi):
'Import-Package': [
// Make javax.security.jacc optional and do not reference a version range (because that's what we used to do)
// Make javax.validation optional and do not reference a version range (because that's what we used to do)
// Make javax.enterprise optional and do not reference a version range (because that's what we used to do)
// For JPA, we don't want to target the automatically generated range, but a specific version
// optionals
// We must specify the version explicitly to allow Karaf
// to use an older version of JAXB (the only one we can use in Karaf)
// Temporarily support JTA 1.1 -- Karaf and other frameworks still
// use it. Without this, the plugin generates [1.2,2).
// Also import every package referenced in the code
].join( ',' ),
'-exportcontents': [
// Legacy resource packages containing XSDs that were traditionally not exported
// TODO: Uncomment once EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl no longer uses ClassLoaderServiceImpl.
].join( ',' ),
ext {
jaxbTargetDir = file( "${buildDir}/generated-src/jaxb/main" )
sourceSets.main {
java.srcDir project.jaxbTargetDir
// resources inherently exclude sources
sourceSets.test.resources {
setSrcDirs( ['src/test/java','src/test/resources'] )
idea {
module {
sourceDirs += file( "${buildDir}/generated-src/antlr/main" )
xjc {
outputDir = project.jaxbTargetDir
schemas {
cfg {
xsd = file( 'src/main/resources/org/hibernate/xsd/cfg/legacy-configuration-4.0.xsd' )
xjcBinding = file( 'src/main/xjb/hbm-configuration-bindings.xjb' )
hbm {
xsd = file( 'src/main/resources/org/hibernate/xsd/mapping/legacy-mapping-4.0.xsd' )
xjcBinding = file( 'src/main/xjb/hbm-mapping-bindings.xjb' )
xjcExtensions = ['inheritance', 'simplify']
//sourceSets.main.sourceGeneratorsTask.dependsOn xjc
//sourceSets.main.sourceGeneratorsTask.dependsOn antlr
tasks.compile.dependsOn antlr
// todo (6.0) : remove this once we get 6.0 stable-ish
tasks.withType( JavaCompile ).forEach({ JavaCompile c -> c.options.compilerArgs += ["-Xmaxerrs", "4999"]})
task copyBundleResources (type: Copy) {
ext {
bundlesTargetDir = file( "${buildDir}/bundles" )
bundleTokens = dbBundle[db]
ext.bundleTokens['buildDirName'] = buildDir.absolutePath
from file('src/test/bundles')
into ext.bundlesTargetDir
filter( ReplaceTokens, tokens: ext.bundleTokens)
doFirst {
processTestResources.dependsOn copyBundleResources
task testJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: testClasses) {
archiveClassifier.set( 'test' )
from sourceSets.test.output
artifacts {
tests testJar
task generateEnversStaticMetamodel(
type: JavaCompile,
description: "Generate the Hibernate Envers revision entity static metamodel classes." ) {
source = sourceSets.main.java
// we only want to include these specific classes for metamodel generation.
// if envers adds any additional revision entity classes, they must be listed here.
include 'org/hibernate/envers/DefaultRevisionEntity.java'
include 'org/hibernate/envers/DefaultTrackingModifiedEntitiesRevisionEntity.java'
include 'org/hibernate/envers/enhanced/SequenceIdRevisionEntity.java'
include 'org/hibernate/envers/enhanced/SequenceIdTrackingModifiedEntitiesRevisionEntity.java'
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath + sourceSets.test.compileClasspath
options.compilerArgs = [
// put static metamodel classes back out to the source tree since they're version controlled.
destinationDir = new File( "${projectDir}/src/main/java" )
test {
systemProperty 'file.encoding', 'utf-8'
beforeTest { descriptor ->
//println "Starting test: " + descriptor
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Custom Antlr v4 Plugin
// - the Gradle-supplied Antlr plugin attempts to simultaneously support
// multiple versions of Antlr which leads to many difficulties. this custom
// plugin provides dedicated and simplified support for Antlr v4
ext {
baseAntlrInputPath = 'src/main/antlr'
baseAntlrOutputPath = 'generated-src/antlr/main'
class GrammarDescriptor {
String packageName
String grammarName
GrammarDescriptor(String packageName, String grammarName) {
this.packageName = packageName
this.grammarName = grammarName
File resolveSourceFile(Project project) {
return project.file(
project.baseAntlrInputPath +
'/' + packageName.replace( '.', '/' ) +
'/' + grammarName + '.g4'
File resolveOutputFile(Project project) {
final File baseOutputDir = project.file( "${project.buildDir}/${project.baseAntlrOutputPath}/" )
final File packagedOutputDirectory = new File( baseOutputDir, packageName.replace( '.', '/' ) )
return new File( packagedOutputDirectory, grammarName + '.g4' )
class Antlr4Plugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.with {
apply plugin : 'java'
configurations.maybeCreate 'antlr'
Antlr4GenerationTask genTask = tasks.create 'antlr', Antlr4GenerationTask
genTask.group = 'Build'
genTask.description = 'Generate source code from ANTLR grammar'
tasks.getByName('compileJava').dependsOn genTask
SourceSet mainSourceSet = project.convention.getPlugin( JavaPluginConvention ).sourceSets.getByName( SourceSet.MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME );
mainSourceSet.compileClasspath += configurations.antlr
SourceSet testSourceSet = project.convention.getPlugin( JavaPluginConvention ).sourceSets.getByName( SourceSet.TEST_SOURCE_SET_NAME );
testSourceSet.compileClasspath += configurations.antlr
mainSourceSet.java.srcDir( genTask.outputDirectory )
class Antlr4GenerationTask extends DefaultTask {
static final String HQL_PCKG = 'org.hibernate.grammars.hql'
static final String IMPORT_SQL_PCKG = 'org.hibernate.grammars.importsql'
static final String GRAPH_PCKG = 'org.hibernate.grammars.graph'
static final String ORDER_PCKG = 'org.hibernate.grammars.ordering'
List<GrammarDescriptor> grammarDescriptors = [
new GrammarDescriptor( HQL_PCKG, 'HqlLexer' ),
new GrammarDescriptor( HQL_PCKG, 'HqlParser' ),
new GrammarDescriptor( IMPORT_SQL_PCKG, 'SqlScriptLexer' ),
new GrammarDescriptor( IMPORT_SQL_PCKG, 'SqlScriptParser' ),
new GrammarDescriptor( GRAPH_PCKG, 'GraphLanguageLexer' ),
new GrammarDescriptor( GRAPH_PCKG, 'GraphLanguageParser' ),
new GrammarDescriptor( ORDER_PCKG, 'OrderingLexer' ),
new GrammarDescriptor( ORDER_PCKG, 'OrderingParser' )
FileCollection getSource() {
// only used for UP-TO-DATE checking
return project.files( grammarDescriptors*.resolveSourceFile( project ) )
File getOutputDirectory() {
// only used for UP-TO-DATE checking
return project.file( "${project.buildDir}/${project.baseAntlrOutputPath}" )
void antlrGeneration() {
logger.lifecycle( "Starting custom Antlr (v4) grammar generation" )
grammarDescriptors.forEach( { grammarDescriptor -> generate( grammarDescriptor ) } )
def generate(GrammarDescriptor grammarDescriptor) {
final File sourceFile = grammarDescriptor.resolveSourceFile( project )
final File outputFile = grammarDescriptor.resolveOutputFile( project )
logger.lifecycle( "Starting Antlr grammar generation `${grammarDescriptor.grammarName} : [${sourceFile.absolutePath}] -> [${outputFile.absolutePath}]" )
project.javaexec {
main 'org.antlr.v4.Tool'
classpath project.configurations.antlr
args '-o', outputFile.parentFile.absolutePath
// args '-lib', sourceFile.parentFile.absolutePath
args '-long-messages'
args '-listener'
args '-visitor'
args sourceFile.absolutePath
//Create the task that runs the integration tests found from the
//configured source directory and uses the correct classpath.
task testJavassist(type: Test) {
testClassesDirs = sourceSets.testJavassist.output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets.testJavassist.runtimeClasspath
//If you want to ensure that integration tests are run every time when you invoke
//this task, uncomment the following line.
//outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
check.dependsOn testJavassist
testJavassist.mustRunAfter test