Guillaume Smet 4d057eab2f HHH-12813 Disable Asciidoclet in Javadoc generation
We don't have the certainty that we don't use Asciidoctor Javadoc but
using Asciidoclet leads to malformed Javadoc if we are using HTML
Javadoc, which concerns the high majority of our files.
2018-07-15 15:02:50 +02:00

140 lines
4.0 KiB

* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/java-module.gradle' )
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/publishing-repos.gradle' )
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/publishing-pom.gradle' )
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Jar
jar {
manifest = osgiManifest {
// GRADLE-1411: Even if we override Imports and Exports
// auto-generation with instructions, classesDir and classpath
// need to be here (temporarily).
if ( project.pluginManager.hasPlugin( 'groovy' ) ) {
classesDir = sourceSets.main.groovy.outputDir
else {
classesDir = sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
classpath = configurations.runtime
// Java 9 module name
instruction 'Automatic-Module-Name', project.java9ModuleName
// the OSGi metadata
symbolicName project.java9ModuleName
vendor 'Hibernate.org'
description project.description
docURL "http://www.hibernate.org/orm/${project.ormVersion.family}"
instruction 'Import-Package',
// Temporarily support JTA 1.1 -- Karaf and other frameworks still
// use it. Without this, the plugin generates [1.2,2).
// Tell Gradle OSGi to still dynamically import the other packages.
// IMPORTANT: Do not include the * in the modules' .gradle files.
// If it exists more than once, the manifest will physically contain a *.
// Basic JAR manifest metadata
instruction 'Specification-Title', project.name
instruction 'Specification-Version', project.version
instruction 'Specification-Vendor', 'Hibernate.org'
instruction 'Implementation-Title', project.name
instruction 'Implementation-Version', project.version
instruction 'Implementation-Vendor', 'Hibernate.org'
instruction 'Implementation-Vendor-Id', 'org.hibernate'
instruction 'Implementation-Url', 'http://hibernate.org/orm'
instruction 'Hibernate-VersionFamily', project.ormVersion.family
instruction 'Hibernate-JpaVersion', project.jpaVersion.name
task sourcesJar(type: Jar) {
from project.sourceSets.main.allSource
manifest = project.tasks.jar.manifest
classifier = 'sources'
task javadocJar(type: Jar) {
from project.tasks.javadoc.outputs
manifest = project.tasks.jar.manifest
classifier = 'javadoc'
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Javadoc
javadoc {
exclude( "**/internal/*" )
exclude( "**/generated-src/**" )
final int currentYear = new GregorianCalendar().get( Calendar.YEAR )
configure( options ) {
windowTitle = "$project.name JavaDocs"
docTitle = "$project.name JavaDocs ($project.version)"
bottom = "Copyright &copy; 2001-$currentYear <a href=\"http://redhat.com\">Red Hat, Inc.</a> All Rights Reserved."
use = true
encoding = 'UTF-8'
links += [
if ( JavaVersion.current().isJava8Compatible() ) {
options.addStringOption( 'Xdoclint:none', '-quiet' )
doFirst {
// ordering problems if we try to do this during config phase :(
classpath += project.sourceSets.main.output + project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath + project.configurations.provided
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Publishing
publishing {
publications {
publishedArtifacts {
from components.java
artifact( sourcesJar ) {
// todo : do these really need to be specified twice?
classifier 'sources'
artifact( javadocJar ) {
// todo : do these really need to be specified twice?
classifier "javadoc"
task ciBuild( dependsOn: [test, publish] )
task release( dependsOn: [test, bintrayUpload] )