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import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import javax.tools.Diagnostic
import javax.tools.DiagnosticListener
import javax.tools.JavaCompiler
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject
import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager
import javax.tools.ToolProvider
import org.gradle.api.internal.project.ProjectInternal
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.SimpleWorkResult
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.CompilationFailedException
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.Compiler
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.DefaultJavaCompileSpec
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.DefaultJavaCompilerFactory
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.DelegatingJavaCompiler
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.JavaCompileSpec
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.JavaCompilerArgumentsBuilder
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.JavaCompilerFactory
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.daemon.CompilerDaemonManager
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.jdk6.Jdk6JavaCompiler
import org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm
apply plugin: SourceGenerationPlugin
class SourceGenerationPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
public static final String GROUP = "sourceGeneration";
public static final String GENERATE_SOURCES_TASK_NAME = "generateSources";
public void apply(Project project) {
final JavaPluginConvention javaPluginConvention = project.getConvention().findPlugin( JavaPluginConvention.class );
if ( javaPluginConvention == null ) {
// something seriously awry
project.convention.plugins[GROUP] = new SourceGenerationPluginConvention( project );
// first set up the overall generateSources task
Task generateSourcesTask = project.getTasks().findByName( GENERATE_SOURCES_TASK_NAME );
if ( generateSourcesTask == null ) {
generateSourcesTask = project.getTasks().create( GENERATE_SOURCES_TASK_NAME );
generateSourcesTask.setGroup( GROUP );
generateSourcesTask.setDescription( "Grouping task for all source generation tasks" );
// for each source set, define the specific grouping tasks (and associate with the generateSources as a
// task dependency)
for ( SourceSet sourceSet : javaPluginConvention.getSourceSets() ) {
final ExtraPropertiesExtension extProps = ( (ExtensionAware) sourceSet ).getExtensions().getExtraProperties();
// find the main javac task for this sourceSet (so we can add dependsOn to it)
final JavaCompile javaCompileTask = (JavaCompile) project.getTasks().getByName( sourceSet.getCompileJavaTaskName() );
// create the pre-apt generation grouping task
final String sourceGeneratorsTaskName = sourceSet.getTaskName( "run", "sourceGenerators" );
final Task sourceGeneratorsTask = project.getTasks().create( sourceGeneratorsTaskName );
sourceGeneratorsTask.setGroup( GROUP );
"Grouping task for running all source generation tasks for the %s source-set of the %s project",
generateSourcesTask.dependsOn( sourceGeneratorsTask );
javaCompileTask.dependsOn( sourceGeneratorsTask );
extProps.set( "sourceGeneratorsTask", sourceGeneratorsTask );
class SourceGenerationPluginConvention {
public static final String LOGGING_DEPENDENCY_CONFIG_NAME = "jbossLoggingTool";
public static final String LOGGING_PROCESSOR_NAME = "org.jboss.logging.processor.apt.LoggingToolsProcessor";
public static final String METAGEN_DEPENDENCY_CONFIG_NAME = "hibernateJpaModelGenTool";
public static final String METAGEN_PROCESSOR_NAME = "org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor";
private final Project project;
// practicality says we only ever deal with 2 source-sets:
private AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask mainProcOnlyTask;
private AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask testProcOnlyTask;
SourceGenerationPluginConvention(Project project) {
this.project = project
public void addLoggingProcessor(SourceSet sourceSet) {
AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask task = getLocateProcessorOnlyTask( sourceSet )
task.processors += LOGGING_PROCESSOR_NAME
task.classpath += project.configurations[LOGGING_DEPENDENCY_CONFIG_NAME];
private AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask getLocateProcessorOnlyTask(SourceSet sourceSet) {
if ( sourceSet.name.equals( "main" ) ) {
if ( mainProcOnlyTask == null ) {
mainProcOnlyTask = generateProcessorOnlyTask( sourceSet )
return mainProcOnlyTask;
else if ( sourceSet.name.equals( "test" ) ) {
if ( testProcOnlyTask == null ) {
testProcOnlyTask = generateProcessorOnlyTask( sourceSet )
return testProcOnlyTask;
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SourceSet (" + sourceSet.name + ") not valid for source generation" )
private AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask generateProcessorOnlyTask(SourceSet sourceSet) {
// find the main javac task for this sourceSet (we will alter it a bit later on)
final JavaCompile javaCompileTask = (JavaCompile) project.getTasks().getByName( sourceSet.getCompileJavaTaskName() );
final ExtraPropertiesExtension extProps = ( (ExtensionAware) sourceSet ).getExtensions().getExtraProperties();
// Obtain the output dir reference: generated-src/apt/{sourceSet.name}
final File outputDir = new File(
new File( project.getBuildDir(), "generated-src/apt/" ),
final String aptTaskName = sourceSet.getTaskName( "run", "annotationProcessors" );
final AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask aptTask = project.getTasks().create( aptTaskName, AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask.class );
aptTask.setGroup( SourceGenerationPlugin.GROUP );
"Grouping task for running all AnnotationProcessors (javac -proc:only) for the %s sourceSet of the %s project",
// sourceSet.getAllJava() returns a SourceDirectorySet which is a "live view" meaning it keeps expanding
// even as we add to it. The problem is that later on here we will add the output directory of this task
// to this SourceDirectorySet; we need to make sure that we use the view of the SourceDirectorySet *before* that
// happens as the source for this task. getSrcDirs() does that
aptTask.source( sourceSet.getAllJava().getSrcDirs() )
aptTask.destinationDir = outputDir
// again for JBoss Logging...
aptTask.classesDir = outputDir
aptTask.setSourceCompatibility( javaCompileTask.getSourceCompatibility() );
aptTask.setTargetCompatibility( javaCompileTask.getTargetCompatibility() );
aptTask.setDependencyCacheDir( javaCompileTask.getDependencyCacheDir() );
new Callable<FileCollection>() {
public FileCollection call() throws Exception {
return javaCompileTask.getClasspath()
aptTask.mustRunAfter( extProps.get( "sourceGeneratorsTask" ) );
javaCompileTask.dependsOn( aptTask );
project.tasks.findByName( SourceGenerationPlugin.GENERATE_SOURCES_TASK_NAME ).dependsOn( aptTask )
// create a FileTree representation of the APT output dir and add it to the JavaCompile task (so they get compiled)
// final ConfigurableFileTree outputDirFileTree = project.fileTree( outputDir );
// outputDirFileTree.builtBy( aptTask );
// javaCompileTask.getSource().plus( outputDirFileTree );
// Add the APT output dir to the source set
sourceSet.getJava().srcDir( outputDir );
return aptTask
public void addMetaGenProcessor(SourceSet sourceSet) {
AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask task = getLocateProcessorOnlyTask( sourceSet )
task.processors += METAGEN_PROCESSOR_NAME
task.classpath += project.configurations[METAGEN_DEPENDENCY_CONFIG_NAME]
class AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask extends AbstractCompile {
def List<String> processors = new ArrayList<String>();
// todo : support for this? really only "used" for logging and its use is questionable
//private Map<String,String> processorSettings = new HashMap<String, String>();
def File dependencyCacheDir;
def File classesDir;
private Compiler<JavaCompileSpec> javaCompiler;
AnnotationProcessorOnlyTask() {
// Stolen from Gradle's Compile/JavaCompile
org.gradle.internal.Factory<org.gradle.api.AntBuilder> antBuilderFactory = getServices().getFactory( org.gradle.api.AntBuilder.class );
JavaCompilerFactory inProcessCompilerFactory = new ExpandedJavaCompilerFactory( getLogger() );
ProjectInternal projectInternal = (ProjectInternal) getProject();
CompilerDaemonManager compilerDaemonManager = getServices().get( CompilerDaemonManager.class );
JavaCompilerFactory defaultCompilerFactory = new DefaultJavaCompilerFactory(
// The Gradle IncrementalJavaCompiler cant be used here for various reasons
javaCompiler = new DelegatingJavaCompiler( defaultCompilerFactory );
public File getDependencyCacheDir() {
return dependencyCacheDir;
public void setDependencyCacheDir(File dependencyCacheDir) {
this.dependencyCacheDir = dependencyCacheDir;
protected void compile() {
// see if the output dir exists
if ( !getDestinationDir().exists() ) {
// its does not - create it (javac will complain if its not there)
makeDirectory( getDestinationDir() );
else {
// it does - clean it
project.delete( getDestinationDir() )
makeDirectory( getDestinationDir() );
if ( !getClassesDir().exists() ) {
// create classes dir if not there (again, javac will complain if its not there)
makeDirectory( getClassesDir() );
CompileOptions compileOptions = new CompileOptions();
"-encoding", "UTF-8",
"-s", getDestinationDir().getAbsolutePath(),
"-processor", processors.join( "," )
DefaultJavaCompileSpec spec = new DefaultJavaCompileSpec();
spec.setSource( getSource() );
// jboss logging needs this :(
spec.setDestinationDir( getClassesDir() );
spec.setClasspath( getClasspath() );
spec.setDependencyCacheDir( dependencyCacheDir );
spec.setSourceCompatibility( getSourceCompatibility() );
spec.setTargetCompatibility( getTargetCompatibility() );
spec.setCompileOptions( compileOptions );
WorkResult result = javaCompiler.execute( spec );
setDidWork( result.getDidWork() );
private static void makeDirectory(File directory) {
* Implementation of the Gradle JavaCompilerFactory contract generating {@link ExpandedJdk6JavaCompiler} instances
class ExpandedJavaCompilerFactory implements JavaCompilerFactory {
private final Logger logger;
public ExpandedJavaCompilerFactory(Logger logger) {
//To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
this.logger = logger;
public Compiler<JavaCompileSpec> create(CompileOptions options) {
return new ExpandedJdk6JavaCompiler( logger );
* Extension of Gradle's Jdk6JavaCompiler to add DiagnosticListener for diagnostic message mapping and APT support
public class ExpandedJdk6JavaCompiler extends Jdk6JavaCompiler {
private final Logger logger;
public ExpandedJdk6JavaCompiler(Logger logger) {
this.logger = logger;
public WorkResult execute(JavaCompileSpec spec) {
logger.info( "Compiling with JDK Java compiler API." );
final DiagnosticListenerImpl diagnosticListener = new DiagnosticListenerImpl( logger );
final JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = createCompileTask( spec, diagnosticListener );
boolean success = task.call();
if ( !success || diagnosticListener.sawError() ) {
throw new CompilationFailedException();
return new SimpleWorkResult( true );
private static JavaCompiler.CompilationTask createCompileTask(
JavaCompileSpec spec,
DiagnosticListenerImpl diagnosticListener) {
List<String> options = new JavaCompilerArgumentsBuilder(spec).build();
JavaCompiler compiler = findCompiler();
if ( compiler == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find System Java Compiler. Ensure that you have installed a JDK (not just a JRE) and configured your JAVA_HOME system variable to point to the according directory.");
CompileOptions compileOptions = spec.getCompileOptions();
StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(
compileOptions.getEncoding() != null
? Charset.forName( compileOptions.getEncoding() )
: null
Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(spec.getSource());
return compiler.getTask(null, null, diagnosticListener, options, null, compilationUnits);
private static class DiagnosticListenerImpl implements DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> {
private final Logger logger;
public DiagnosticListenerImpl(Logger logger) {
this.logger = logger;
public void report(Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> diagnostic) {
switch ( diagnostic.getKind() ) {
case Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR:
logger.debug( "[ERROR] : " + diagnostic.toString() );
case Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING:
logger.debug( "[WARNING] : " + diagnostic.toString() );
case Diagnostic.Kind.MANDATORY_WARNING:
logger.debug( "[MANDATORY_WARNING] : " + diagnostic.toString() );
case Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE:
logger.debug( "[NOTE] : " + diagnostic.toString() );
case Diagnostic.Kind.OTHER:
logger.debug( "[OTHER] : " + diagnostic.toString() );
logger.debug( "[UNKNOWN] : " + diagnostic.toString() );
public boolean sawError() {
// technically ERROR diagnostics should end the compile cycle, but since we are just generating
// sources here we ignore errors for now (expecting the later compilation task to report them
// if still valid)
return false;
private static JavaCompiler findCompiler() {
File realJavaHome = Jvm.current().getJavaHome();
File javaHomeFromToolProvidersPointOfView = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"));
if (realJavaHome.equals(javaHomeFromToolProvidersPointOfView)) {
return ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
System.setProperty("java.home", realJavaHome.getAbsolutePath());
try {
return ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
} finally {
System.setProperty("java.home", javaHomeFromToolProvidersPointOfView.getAbsolutePath());