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= Logging design
== "System"-specific Loggers
The basic idea here is to group log messages into a more logical hierarchy of Logger names for
the purpose of filtering.
E.g. "org.hibernate.orm.model.mapping" is one such system we define for the purpose of
grouping hierarchy of loggers names related to specific aspects of the mapping model:
* org.hibernate.orm.model.mapping
|- * org.hibernate.orm.model.mapping.creation
\- * org.hibernate.orm.model.mapping....
Just like with normal log filtering, here we'd use these system names in the underlying logger config.
E.g., in our test-suite we've found the following log4j pattern to be great for these systems:
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}(%C{1}:%L) - %m%n
An example of output:
09:45:34,713 DEBUG creation(MappingModelCreationProcess:76) - Starting generic post-init callbacks
09:45:34,713 DEBUG creation(MappingModelCreationProcess$PostInitCallbackEntry:160) - Starting MappingModelCreationProcess.PostInitCallbackEntry processing : EmbeddableMappingType builder : org.hibernate.type.EmbeddedComponentType@69b2f8e5
09:45:34,714 DEBUG creation(MappingModelCreationProcess$PostInitCallbackEntry:160) - Starting MappingModelCreationProcess.PostInitCallbackEntry processing : Static fetchable list builder : org.hibernate.test.ecid.CompositeIdAssociationsWithEmbeddedCompositeIdTest$Parent
The pattern could use `%c` rather than `%c{1}`. That approach is much nicer for these system-based names. However,
that would be verbose with the more normal pattern of using class name for logger name.
As an example output:
09:45:34,713 DEBUG org.hibernate.orm.model.mapping.creation(MappingModelCreationProcess:76) - Starting generic post-init callbacks
09:45:34,713 DEBUG org.hibernate.orm.model.mapping.creation(MappingModelCreationProcess$PostInitCallbackEntry:160) - Starting MappingModelCreationProcess.PostInitCallbackEntry processing : EmbeddableMappingType builder : org.hibernate.type.EmbeddedComponentType@69b2f8e5
09:45:34,714 DEBUG org.hibernate.orm.model.mapping.creation(MappingModelCreationProcess$PostInitCallbackEntry:160) - Starting MappingModelCreationProcess.PostInitCallbackEntry processing : Static fetchable list builder : org.hibernate.test.ecid.CompositeIdAssociationsWithEmbeddedCompositeIdTest$Parent
Typically, a class would be created for each system to hold a shared reference to a singleton Logger instance as
well as some helper info such as whether DEBUG or TRACE are enabled. E.g.:
@MessageLogger( projectCode = "HHH" )
@ValidIdRange( min = 90005701, max = 90005800 )
public interface MappingModelCreationLogger extends BasicLogger {
String LOGGER_NAME = "org.hibernate.orm.model.mapping.creation";
MappingModelCreationLogger LOGGER = Logger.getMessageLogger( MappingModelCreationLogger.class, LOGGER_NAME );
boolean TRACE_ENABLED = LOGGER.isTraceEnabled();
boolean DEBUG_ENABLED = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled();
== Sub-system logging registry
|Channel (category)
|Id Range (?)
|Logging related to connection pooling
|Logging related to bootstrapping of a SessionFactory / EntityManagerFactory
== MessageLogger id registry
|Sub-system (?)
| <<connections-pooling>>