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* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/published-java-module.gradle' )
apply plugin: 'maven'
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens
group = 'org.hibernate.orm.tooling'
description = 'Enhance Plugin of the Hibernate project for use with Maven build system.'
processResources {
include "**/lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml"
include "**/plugin-help.xml"
into processResources.destinationDir
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: ['version' : project.version])
dependencies {
compile( libraries.maven_core ) { transitive = false }
compile( libraries.maven_artifact ) { transitive = false }
compile( libraries.maven_plugin ) { transitive = false }
compile( libraries.maven_plugin_tools ) { transitive = false }
compile( project(':hibernate-core') ) { transitive = false }
compile( libraries.jpa ) { transitive = false }
compile( libraries.javassist ) { transitive = false }
compile( libraries.byteBuddy ) { transitive = false }
compile 'org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:3.0.24'
compile 'org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-build-api:0.0.7'
runtime( libraries.maven_core )
runtime( libraries.maven_artifact )
runtime( libraries.maven_plugin )
runtime( libraries.maven_plugin_tools )
runtime( project(':hibernate-core') )
runtime( libraries.jpa )
runtime( libraries.jta )
runtime( libraries.javassist )
runtime( libraries.byteBuddy )
runtime 'org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:3.0.24'
// Inject dependencies into plugin.xml
// Note: injecting the full dependency, rather than just the version,
// removing the need to maintain artifact names that might change with upgrades (JPA/JTA API version, etc.)
task processPluginXml(type: Copy) {
// force out-of-date if version changes
inputs.property("version", project.version)
from "src/main/resources/META-INF/maven/plugin.xml"
into "$processResources.destinationDir/META-INF/maven"
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: ['version' : project.version, 'generated-dependencies' :\
+ generateMavenDependency(libraries.antlr)\
+ generateMavenDependency(libraries.dom4j)\
+ generateMavenDependency(libraries.jta)\
+ generateMavenDependency(libraries.commons_annotations)\
+ generateMavenDependency(libraries.javassist)\
+ generateMavenDependency(libraries.byteBuddy)\
+ generateMavenDependency(libraries.logging)\
+ generateMavenDependency("org.hibernate:hibernate-core:" + project.version)])
// TODO: There may be a way to do this directly with Gradle's Maven plugin, but it's still incubating
// and I'd rather not rely on it yet.
def generateMavenDependency(String gradleDependency) {
String[] split = gradleDependency.split(":")
return "\n<dependency>"\
+ "\n <groupId>" + split[0] + "</groupId>"\
+ "\n <artifactId>" + split[1] + "</artifactId>"\
+ "\n <version>" + split[2] + "</version>"\
+ "\n <type>jar</type>"\
+ "\n</dependency>"
// Writes pom.xml using merged Gradle dependency and MavenPom configuration.
processResources.doLast {
ext.pomDefinition = pom {
configurations {
// avoiding test dependencies in generated pom
project {
groupId project.group
packaging 'maven-plugin'
name 'Hibernate Enhance Maven Plugin'
description 'Enhance Plugin of the Hibernate project for use with Maven build system.'
properties {
'project.build.sourceEncoding' 'UTF-8'
// HHH-9679 --- build in pom{} conflicts with FactoryBuilderSupport#build so we write that portion of XML by hand
ext.pomDefinition.withXml {
asNode().appendNode('build').appendNode('plugins').appendNode('plugin').with {
appendNode('groupId', 'org.apache.maven.plugins')
appendNode('artifactId', 'maven-plugin-plugin')
appendNode('version', '3.2')
appendNode('configuration').appendNode('skipErrorNoDescriptorsFound', 'true')
appendNode('executions').appendNode('execution').with {
appendNode('id', 'mojo-descriptor')
appendNode('goals').appendNode('goal', 'descriptor')
processResources.dependsOn processPluginXml