261 lines
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261 lines
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* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens
plugins {
id 'org.hibernate.build.xjc-jakarta'
description = 'Hibernate\'s core ORM functionality'
apply from: rootProject.file( 'gradle/published-java-module.gradle' )
apply plugin: 'org.hibernate.orm.antlr'
apply plugin: 'org.hibernate.matrix-test'
configurations {
tests {
description = 'Configuration for the produced test jar'
dependencies {
api jakartaLibs.jpa
api jakartaLibs.jta
implementation libs.hcann
implementation libs.jandex
implementation libs.classmate
implementation libs.byteBuddy
implementation jakartaLibs.jaxbApi
implementation jakartaLibs.jaxb
implementation jakartaLibs.inject
implementation libs.antlrRuntime
compileOnly jakartaLibs.jacc
compileOnly jakartaLibs.validation
compileOnly jakartaLibs.cdi
compileOnly jakartaLibs.jsonbApi
compileOnly libs.jackson
compileOnly libs.jacksonXml
testImplementation project(':hibernate-testing')
testImplementation project(':hibernate-ant')
testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrapApi
testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrap
testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrapDescriptors
testImplementation testLibs.shrinkwrapDescriptorsApi
testImplementation jakartaLibs.cdi
testImplementation jakartaLibs.jacc
testImplementation jakartaLibs.validation
testImplementation jakartaLibs.el
testImplementation( libs.validator ) {
// for test runtime
transitive = true
testImplementation "joda-time:joda-time:2.3"
testRuntimeOnly libs.byteBuddy
testRuntimeOnly testLibs.weld
testRuntimeOnly testLibs.wildFlyTxnClient
testRuntimeOnly libs.jackson
testAnnotationProcessor project( ':hibernate-jpamodelgen' )
// NOTE: it seems like, since 4.10, the Antlr Tool no longer defines
// transitive dep on the corresponding Antlr Runtime. At least, I get
// errors about mismatched versions if I do not include the runtime
// dependency here.
antlr libs.antlr
antlr libs.antlrRuntime
xjc jakartaLibs.xjc
xjc jakartaLibs.jaxb
xjc rootProject.fileTree(dir: 'patched-libs/jaxb2-basics', include: '*.jar')
jar {
manifest {
'Main-Class': 'org.hibernate.Version'
ext {
jaxbTargetDir = project.file( "${buildDir}/generated/sources/xjc/main" )
sourceSets {
main {
// add the XJC generated JAXB classes to the main source-set
srcDir project.jaxbTargetDir
// resources inherently exclude sources
test {
resources {
srcDir 'src/test/java'
srcDir 'src/test/resources'
srcDir 'src/test/bundles'
xjc {
outputDirectory = project.jaxbTargetDir
schemas {
cfg {
xsdFile = 'src/main/resources/org/hibernate/xsd/cfg/legacy-configuration-4.0.xsd'
xjcBindingFile = 'src/main/xjb/hbm-configuration-bindings.xjb'
hbm {
xsdFile = file( 'src/main/resources/org/hibernate/xsd/mapping/legacy-mapping-4.0.xsd' )
xjcBindingFile = file( 'src/main/xjb/hbm-mapping-bindings.xjb' )
xjcExtensions += ['inheritance', 'simplify']
mapping {
xsdFile = file( 'src/main/resources/org/hibernate/xsd/mapping/mapping-3.1.0.xsd' )
xjcBindingFile = file( 'src/main/xjb/mapping-bindings.xjb' )
xjcExtensions += ['inheritance', 'simplify']
task copyBundleResources (type: Copy) {
inputs.property( "db", db )
ext {
bundlesTargetDir = file( "${buildDir}/bundles" )
bundleTokens = dbBundle[db]
ext.bundleTokens['buildDirName'] = project.relativePath( buildDir )
from file('src/test/bundles/templates')
into ext.bundlesTargetDir
filter( ReplaceTokens, tokens: ext.bundleTokens)
doFirst {
processTestResources {
dependsOn copyBundleResources
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.WARN
sourcesJar {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
task testJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: testClasses) {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
archiveClassifier.set( 'test' )
from sourceSets.test.output
artifacts {
tests testJar
task generateEnversStaticMetamodel(
type: JavaCompile,
description: "Generate the Hibernate Envers revision entity static metamodel classes." ) {
source = sourceSets.main.java
// we only want to include these specific classes for metamodel generation.
// if envers adds any additional revision entity classes, they must be listed here.
include 'org/hibernate/envers/DefaultRevisionEntity.java'
include 'org/hibernate/envers/DefaultTrackingModifiedEntitiesRevisionEntity.java'
include 'org/hibernate/envers/enhanced/SequenceIdRevisionEntity.java'
include 'org/hibernate/envers/enhanced/SequenceIdTrackingModifiedEntitiesRevisionEntity.java'
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath + sourceSets.test.compileClasspath
options.compilerArgs = [
// put static metamodel classes back out to the source tree since they're version controlled.
destinationDirectory = new File( "${projectDir}/src/main/java" )
tasks.withType( Test.class ).each { test ->
test.systemProperty 'file.encoding', 'utf-8'
// See org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.NamingHelperTest.DefaultCharset.set
test.jvmArgs( ['--add-opens', 'java.base/java.nio.charset=ALL-UNNAMED'] )
// Weld needs this to generate proxies
test.jvmArgs( ['--add-opens', 'java.base/java.security=ALL-UNNAMED'] )
test.jvmArgs( ['--add-opens', 'java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED'] )
test.beforeTest { descriptor ->
//println "Starting test: " + descriptor
// Allow to exclude specific tests
if (project.hasProperty('excludeTests')) {
test.filter {
excludeTestsMatching project.property('excludeTests').toString()
// Tests with records
if ( gradle.ext.javaVersions.test.release.asInt() >= 17 ) {
// Add a new source set, which contains tests that can run on JDK17+
sourceSets {
testJava17 {
java {
srcDirs = ['src/test/java17']
// Refer to the main test resources to avoid processing variables twice
resources {
srcDir 'target/resources/test'
// For the new source set, we need to configure the source and target version to 17
compileTestJava17Java {
sourceCompatibility = 17
targetCompatibility = 17
// We also depend on the main test resources
dependsOn( tasks.processTestResources )
// The source set gets a custom configuration which extends the normal test implementation config
configurations {
testJava17Implementation.extendsFrom(testImplementation, testRuntimeOnly)
// Add the output from src/main/java as dependency
dependencies {
testJava17Implementation files(sourceSets.main.output.classesDirs) {
builtBy compileJava
// We execute the Java 17 tests in a custom test task
task java17Test(type: Test) {
testClassesDirs = sourceSets.testJava17.output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets.testJava17.runtimeClasspath
testClasses.dependsOn compileTestJava17Java
// And run this as part of the check task by default
check.dependsOn java17Test
} |