Gustavo Adolfo Rodríguez Libreros 5c724307c7 HHH-9570: Auto-detect SQL Server 2014
Copying a previous workaround for the same issue: https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/pull/395

- Previously, SQL Server version 12 (SQL Server 2014) was an unknown version, resulting in the SQLServerDialect
- Add version 12 to the switch statement so that SQLServer2012Dialect  is now returned by default, as SQL Server 2014 is much more similar to SQL Server 2012 than SQL Server 2000
- Add test case
- Add Oracle and SQL Server environments for testing purpose
2016-04-25 17:57:06 +03:00

416 lines
13 KiB

import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply from: "./libraries.gradle"
apply from: "./databases.gradle"
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
name 'jboss-nexus'
url "http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/"
maven {
name "jboss-snapshots"
url "http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/"
dependencies {
classpath 'org.hibernate.build.gradle:gradle-maven-publish-auth:2.0.1'
classpath 'org.hibernate.build.gradle:hibernate-matrix-testing:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
classpath 'org.hibernate.build.gradle:version-injection-plugin:1.0.0'
classpath 'org.hibernate.build.gradle:gradle-xjc-plugin:1.0.2.Final'
classpath 'com.github.lburgazzoli:lb-karaf-features-gen:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
name 'jboss-nexus'
url "http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/"
maven {
name "jboss-snapshots"
url "http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/"
ext {
hibernateTargetVersion = '6.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
expectedGradleVersion = '2.10'
baselineJavaVersion = '1.8'
osgiExportVersion = hibernateTargetVersion.replaceAll( '-SNAPSHOT', '.SNAPSHOT' )
idea {
project {
jdkName = baselineJavaVersion
languageLevel = baselineJavaVersion
vcs = 'Git'
module {
name = "hibernate-orm"
// Used in MANIFEST.MF for OSGi Bundles
def osgiDescription() {
return "A module of the Hibernate O/RM project"
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
subprojects { subProject ->
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
defaultTasks 'build'
group = 'org.hibernate'
version = rootProject.hibernateTargetVersion
ext.exportPackageVersion = rootProject.osgiExportVersion
// minimize changes, at least for now (gradle uses 'build' by default)..
buildDir = "target"
if ( subProject.name.startsWith( 'release' ) || subProject.name.startsWith( 'documentation' ) ) {
// everything below here in the closure applies to java projects
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish-auth'
apply plugin: 'osgi'
apply plugin: 'findbugs'
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
apply plugin: 'build-dashboard'
apply plugin: 'project-report'
apply plugin: org.hibernate.build.HibernateBuildPlugin
sourceCompatibility = rootProject.baselineJavaVersion
targetCompatibility = rootProject.baselineJavaVersion
configurations {
provided {
// todo : need to make sure these are non-exported
description = 'Non-exported compile-time dependencies.'
jbossLoggingTool {
description = 'Dependencies for running the jboss-logging tooling.'
configurations {
all*.exclude group: 'xml-apis', module: 'xml-apis'
// appropriately inject the common dependencies into each sub-project
dependencies {
compile libraries.logging
provided libraries.logging_annotations
jbossLoggingTool( libraries.logging_processor )
testCompile( libraries.junit )
testCompile( libraries.byteman )
testCompile( libraries.byteman_install )
testCompile( libraries.byteman_bmunit )
testRuntime( libraries.log4j )
testRuntime( libraries.javassist )
testRuntime( libraries.h2 )
testRuntime( libraries.hsqldb )
testRuntime( libraries.postgresql )
testRuntime( libraries.mysql )
testRuntime( libraries.oracle )
testRuntime( libraries.mssql )
testRuntime( libraries.mariadb )
testRuntime( libraries.woodstox )
// 6.6 gave me some NPE problems from within checkstyle...
checkstyle 'com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle:6.5'
// mac-specific stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// should really use Jvm.current().toolsJar
ext.toolsJar = file("${System.getProperty('java.home')}/../lib/tools.jar")
if ( ext.toolsJar.exists() ) {
testCompile files( toolsJar )
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// compilation
task compile
compile.dependsOn compileJava, processResources, compileTestJava, processTestResources
sourceSets.main {
compileClasspath += configurations.provided
compileClasspath += configurations.jbossLoggingTool
subProject.getConvention().findPlugin( JavaPluginConvention.class ).sourceSets.each { sourceSet ->
JavaCompile javaCompileTask = project.tasks.findByName( sourceSet.compileJavaTaskName ) as JavaCompile
// NOTE : this aptDir stuff is needed until we can have IntelliJ run annotation processors for us
// which cannot happen until we can fold hibernate-testing back into hibernate-core/src/test
// which cannot happen until... ugh
File aptDir = subProject.file( "${subProject.buildDir}/generated-src/apt/${sourceSet.name}" )
sourceSet.allJava.srcDir( aptDir )
javaCompileTask.options.compilerArgs += [
"-encoding", "UTF-8",
"-s", "${aptDir.absolutePath}"
javaCompileTask.doFirst {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// testing
subProject.tasks.withType( Test.class ).all { task ->
task.jvmArgs += [
"-XX:HeapDumpPath=${project.file( "${project.buildDir}/OOM-dump.hprof" ).absolutePath}",
task.maxHeapSize = '2G'
task.systemProperties['hibernate.test.validatefailureexpected'] = true
task.systemProperties += System.properties.findAll { it.key.startsWith( "hibernate.") }
// uncomment to help identify pauses in test executions : where they occur
// task.beforeTest { descriptor ->
// println "Starting test: " + descriptor
// }
// task.afterTest { descriptor ->
// println "Completed test: " + descriptor
// }
processTestResources.doLast( {
copy {
from( sourceSets.test.java.srcDirs ) {
include '**/*.properties'
include '**/*.xml'
into sourceSets.test.output.classesDir
copy {
ext.targetDir = file( "${buildDir}/resources/test" )
from file('src/test/resources')
into targetDir
filter( ReplaceTokens, tokens: dbBundle[db] );
} )
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// artifact
jar {
manifest = osgiManifest {
// GRADLE-1411: Even if we override Imports and Exports
// auto-generation with instructions, classesDir and classpath
// need to be here (temporarily).
classesDir = sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
classpath = configurations.runtime
instruction 'Import-Package',
// Temporarily support JTA 1.1 -- Karaf and other frameworks still
// use it. Without this, the plugin generates [1.2,2).
// Tell Gradle OSGi to still dynamically import the other packages.
// IMPORTANT: Do not include the * in the modules' .gradle files.
// If it exists more than once, the manifest will physically contain a *.
instruction 'Bundle-Vendor', 'Hibernate.org'
instruction 'Bundle-Description', subProject.osgiDescription()
instruction 'Implementation-Url', 'http://hibernate.org'
instruction 'Implementation-Version', version
instruction 'Implementation-Vendor', 'Hibernate.org'
instruction 'Implementation-Vendor-Id', 'org.hibernate'
instruction 'Implementation-Title', name
instruction 'Specification-Title', name
instruction 'Specification-Version', version
instruction 'Specification-Vendor', 'Hibernate.org'
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: compileJava) {
from sourceSets.main.allSource
classifier = 'sources'
sourcesJar {
manifest = jar.manifest
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// IDE options
idea {
module {
jdkName = subProject.sourceCompatibility
excludeDirs = [file( ".gradle" )]
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/classes" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/bundles" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/packages" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/dependency-cache" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/libs" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/reports" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/test-results" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/tmp" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/matrix" )
excludeDirs += file( "$buildDir/resources" )
downloadSources = true
scopes.PROVIDED.plus += [configurations.provided]
eclipse {
jdt {
sourceCompatibility = subProject.sourceCompatibility
targetCompatibility = subProject.targetCompatibility
classpath {
plusConfigurations.add( configurations.provided )
// eclipseClasspath will not add sources to classpath unless the dirs actually exist.
// TODO: Eclipse's annotation processor handling is also fairly stupid (and completely lacks in the
// Gradle plugin). For now, just compile first in order to get the logging classes.
eclipseClasspath.dependsOn compile
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Report configs
checkstyle {
sourceSets = [ subProject.sourceSets.main ]
configFile = rootProject.file( 'shared/config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml' )
showViolations = false
// exclude generated java sources - by explicitly setting the base source dir
checkstyleMain.source = 'src/main/java'
findbugs {
sourceSets = [ subProject.sourceSets.main, subProject.sourceSets.test ]
ignoreFailures = true
toolVersion = '3.0.1'
// for now we need to set this to low so that FindBugs will actually report the DM_CONVERT_CASE warning we care about
reportLevel = 'low'
// remove all low level bug warnings except DM_CONVERT_CASE
// exclude generated java sources and cfg package is a mess mainly from annotation stuff
findbugsMain.doFirst {
classes = classes.filter {
!it.path.contains( 'org/hibernate/hql/internal/antlr' ) &&
!it.path.contains( 'org/hibernate/boot/jaxb/cfg/spi' ) &&
!it.path.contains( 'org/hibernate/sql/ordering/antlr/Generated' ) &&
!it.path.contains( 'org/hibernate/sql/ordering/antlr/OrderByTemplateTokenTypes' ) &&
!it.path.contains( 'org/hibernate/boot/jaxb/hbm/spi/Jaxb' ) &&
!it.path.contains( 'org/hibernate/boot/jaxb/hbm/spi/Adapter' ) &&
!it.path.contains( 'org/hibernate/boot/jaxb/hbm/spi/ObjectFactory' ) &&
!it.path.contains( 'org/hibernate/cfg' ) &&
!it.path.contains( '_\$logger' )
// because cfg package is a mess mainly from annotation stuff
checkstyleMain.exclude '**/org/hibernate/cfg/**'
checkstyleMain.exclude '**/org/hibernate/cfg/*'
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Publishing
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
from components.java
artifact( sourcesJar ) {
classifier 'sources'
// http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-2966
// Once ^^ is resolved:
// 1) Move hibernate-testing module into hibernate-core tests
// 2) Define a second publication on hibernate-core for publishing the testing jar
// We could kind of do this now, but it would just be the jar. Every module would still need
// to duplicate the testing dependencies. Well, on second thought, we could centralize the
// testing dependencies here within the subprojects block
model {
tasks.generatePomFileForMavenJavaPublication {
destination = file( "$subProject.buildDir/generated-pom.xml" )
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
task release(type: Task, dependsOn: 'release:release')
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = expectedGradleVersion
def excludeAllLowLevelBugsExcept(String[] bugTypes){
def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer);
xml.FindBugsFilter {
Match {
Confidence( value: '3' )
bugTypes.each { bug ->
Not {
Bug( pattern: "${bug}" )
return writer.toString( )