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Hibernate 5 Changelog
Note: Please refer to JIRA to learn more about each issue.
Changes in 5.3.26.Final (April 08, 2022)
** Bug
* [HHH-14649] - Oracle limit handler create wrong sql query when multiple spaces are present in the query
** Improvement
* [HHH-15106] - fk() SQM function
* [HHH-14624] - Oracle from version 12 started supporting the `offset ? rows fetch next ? rows only`syntax for pagination
** Task
* [HHH-15026] - Upgrade to Log4J 2.17.1
* [HHH-14987] - Upgrade to Log4j 2.17.0
Changes in 5.3.25.Final (December 15, 2021)
** Bug
* [HHH-14972] - log4j2 <= 2.14.1 has an RCE (CVE-2021-44228)
* [HHH-14229] - Foreign key is created even ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT specified
** Task
* [HHH-14979] - Upgrade to Log4J 2 2.16.0
* [HHH-14635] - Upgrade to latest JUnit and to Log4j 2
Changes in 5.3.24.Final (November 16, 2021)
** Bug
* [HHH-14540] - Interceptor instance is shared between ORM session and Enver's temporary session resulting in multiple calls.
Changes in 5.3.23.Final (September 29, 2021)
** Bug
* [HHH-14840] - IBM Db2 11.1 fails on TransientOverride test cases
* [HHH-14796] - Cannot replace an existing JPQL NamedQuery with a native NamedQuery
* [HHH-14790] - Fix Gradle build failure with JDK 11
** Deprecation
* [HHH-14847] - Deprecate JMX integration
* [HHH-14845] - Deprecate JACC integration
Changes in 5.3.22.Final (August 20, 2021)
** Task
* [HHH-14788] - Upgrade to Byteman 4.0.16
* [HHH-14787] - Upgrade ORM 5.3 to Javassist 3.27.0-GA
* [HHH-14786] - Upgrade ORM 5.3 to Weld 3.1.8.Final
* [HHH-14785] - Upgrade ORM 5.3 to Hibernate Validator 6.0.22.Final
* [HHH-14784] - Upgrade ORM 5.3 to Hibernate Commons Annotations 5.0.5.Final
* [HHH-14783] - Upgrade Hibernate ORM 5.3 to Joda Time 2.9.7
* [HHH-14782] - Upgrade Hibernate ORM 5.3 to Classmate 1.5.1
* [HHH-14781] - Upgrade to JBoss Logging 3.4.2.Final
* [HHH-14771] - Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.11.12
* [HHH-14709] - Upgrade to Gradle 6.7.1 and move to Gradle's built-in way of testing Java modules
* [HHH-14372] - Upgrade to Weld 3.1.5.Final in tests
* [HHH-14371] - Add --add-opens options required for tests
* [HHH-14370] - Add --add-opens options required for Gradle
* [HHH-13821] - Update to Byte Buddy 1.10.7
Changes in 5.3.21.Final (July 16, 2021)
** Bug
* [HHH-14616] - Optimistic Lock throws org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not retrieve version
* [HHH-14608] - Merge causes StackOverflow when JPA proxy compliance is enabled
* [HHH-14537] - EntityNotFoundException thrown when non-existing association with @NotFound(IGNORE) mapped has proxy in PersistenceContext
* [HHH-14247] - Automatic release scripts, wrong Jira release url
* [HHH-14199] - setDataBase gradle task failed
* [HHH-14030] - hibernate-orm fails to build locally on German Win10
* [HHH-13875] - Optional one-to-one does not always join the associated entity table when querying
* [HHH-12842] - Non-optional OneToOne relation can't be lazy loaded anymore
* [HHH-12436] - Attempted to assign id from null one-to-one property
* [HHH-12320] - @JoinColumn's foreign key custom name does not work with @MapsId
** Improvement
* [HHH-14083] - Gradle, add task to automate the CI release process
** Task
* [HHH-14697] - TimePropertyTest fails on MySQL 8.0 with a ComparisonFailure
* [HHH-14640] - Backport support for automating releases that push to Sonatype to 5.3 branch (includes Gradle upgrade)
* [HHH-14513] - Move publishing release artifacts from BinTray
* [HHH-14315] - Upgrade to Gradle 6.7 and use toolchains for per-JDK builds
* [HHH-14283] - Review tuning of JVM parameters for the build
* [HHH-14144] - Explicitly set localization assumptions for the build and testsuite
* [HHH-14111] - Upgrade build dependencies to test JDK15/JDK16
* [HHH-13925] - Upgrade to Gradle 6.3
* [HHH-13689] - Replace uses of the deprecated osgi plugin with the biz.aQute.bnd plugin
* [HHH-13685] - Upgrade to Gradle 5
* [HHH-13682] - Generate Java 13/14 bytecode for tests when building with JDK13/14
Changes in 5.3.20.Final (November 16th, 2020)
** Bug
* [HHH-14257] - An Entity A with a map collection having as index an Embeddable with a an association to the Entity A fails with a NPE
** Task
* [HHH-14225] - CVE-2020-25638 Potential for SQL injection on use_sql_comments logging enabled
* [HHH-14324] - Add .gradletasknamecache to .gitignore
** Improvement
* [HHH-14325] - Add Query hint for specifying "query spaces" for native queries
Changes in 5.3.19.Final (November 10th, 2020)
** Bug
* [HHH-13310] - getParameterValue() not working for collections
* [HHH-14275] - Broken link to Infinispan User Guide in Hibernate 5.3 User Guide
** Task
* [HHH-14309] - Improve `BulkOperationCleanupAction#affectedEntity`
** Sub-task
* [HHH-14196] - Add parsing of persistence.xml/orm.xml documents in the EE 9 namespace
Changes in 5.3.18.Final (August 5th, 2020)
** Bug
* [HHH-12268] - LazyInitializationException thrown from lazy collection when batch fetching enabled and owning entity refreshed with lock
* [HHH-13110] - @PreUpdate method on a Embeddable null on the parent caused NullPointerException
* [HHH-13936] - No auto transaction joining from SessionImpl.doFlush
* [HHH-14077] - CVE-2019-14900 SQL injection issue using JPA Criteria API
** Task
* [HHH-14013] - Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.0.20.Final
* [HHH-14096] - Removal of unused code: XMLHelper and its SAXReader factory helper
* [HHH-14103] - Add test cases showing that an entity's transient attribute can be overridden to be persistent in entity subclasses
Changes in 5.3.17.Final (April 30th, 2020)
** Bug
* [HHH-13695] - DDL export forgets to close a Statement
** Task
* [HHH-13953] - Upgrade dom4j to 2.1.3
** Improvement
* [HHH-13960] - Add SAXReader sec features to match the defaults
Changes in 5.3.16.Final (March 27th, 2020)
** Bug
* [HHH-13184] - Oracle dialect detection does not return latest dialect in the default case
* [HHH-13891] - ProxyFactory should not be built if any ID or property getter/setter methods are final
* [HHH-13910] - MySQL57Dialect selected by automatic dialect resolution when using MySQL 8.0 database
** Task
* [HHH-13822] - OSGi integration tests need to be able to download dependencies from Maven Central using HTTPS
** Improvement
* [HHH-12977] - Update latest dialect for MySQL
* [HHH-13851] - Rework initialization of ProxyFactoryFactory to move responsibility out of PojoEntityTuplizer
Changes in 5.3.15.Final (January 7th, 2020)
** Bug
* [HHH-13433] - EntityManager.find() should only check for roll-back-only condition if there is an active JTA transaction, otherwise ORM should throw convert( e, lockOptions )
* [HHH-13651] - NPE on flushing when ElementCollection field contains null element
* [HHH-13675] - Optimize PersistentBag.groupByEqualityHash()
* [HHH-13737] - Add debug logging and a test case for HHH-13433
** Improvement
* [HHH-12858] - integration overrides during JPA bootstrap ought to override all logically related settings
* [HHH-13432] - Have EntityManagerFactory expose persistence.xml `jta-data-source` element as a `javax.persistence.nonJtaDataSource` property
Changes in 5.3.14.Final (November 7th, 2019)
** Bug
* [HHH-13307] - On release of batch it still contained JDBC statements using JTA
* [HHH-13633] - Bugs join-fetching a collection when scrolling with a stateless session using enhancement as proxy
* [HHH-13634] - PersistenceContext can get cleared before load completes using StatelessSessionImpl
* [HHH-13640] - Uninitialized HibernateProxy mapped as NO_PROXY gets initialized when reloaded with enhancement-as-proxy enabled
* [HHH-13653] - Uninitialized entity does not get initialized when a setter is called with enhancement-as-proxy enabled
* [HHH-13698] - Hibernate does not recognize MySQL 8 error code 3572 as PessimisticLockException
Changes in 5.3.13.Final (October 8th, 2019)
** Bug
* [HHH-13586] - ClassCastException when using a single region name for both entity and query results
* [HHH-13645] - StatsNamedContainer#getOrCompute throws NullPointerException when computed value is null
** Improvement
* [HHH-13130] - Provide Gradle-based bytecode enhancement as a task separate from the compileJava task
Changes in 5.3.12.Final (September 11th, 2019)
** Bug
* [HHH-12968] - Flush is not flushing inserts for inherited tables before a select within a transaction
* [HHH-12990] - JPA Model generator does not work in Java 9+
* [HHH-13128] - Missing jaxb-runtime dependency for hibernate-jpamodelgen
* [HHH-13580] - LocalTimeTest#writeThenNativeRead* and OffsetTimeTest#writeThenNativeRead* failing on MySQL
* [HHH-13581] - LocalTimeTest#writeThenRead* and OffsetTimeTest#writeThenRead* failing on MariaDB
* [HHH-13582] - LocalDateTest failures on MySQL
* [HHH-13590] - TransientObjectException merging a non-proxy association to a HibernateProxy
* [HHH-13592] - AutoFlushEvent#isFlushRequired is always false
* [HHH-13607] - Exception thrown while flushing uninitialized enhanced proxy with immutable natural ID
* [HHH-13611] - Restore EntityMetamodel constructor to take SessionFactoryImplementor argument instead of PersisterCreationContext.
* [HHH-13616] - Enable the hibernate-orm-modules test for JDK 11
** Task
* [HHH-13007] - No longer use net.bytebuddy.experimental=true when testing on JDK11
* [HHH-13043] - Upgrade to JAXB 2.3
* [HHH-13271] - Javadoc build failures on JDK 12
* [HHH-13275] - Re-introduce usage of net.bytebuddy.experimental=true when testing on JDK > 11
* [HHH-13415] - Improve build compatibility with JDK11.0.3
* [HHH-13419] - Support building javadoc with JDK 11.0.3
* [HHH-13421] - Disable OSGi testing for JDK 11+
* [HHH-13504] - Upgrade ByteBuddy to 1.9.11
* [HHH-13605] - InstantTest, OffsetDateTimeTest, ZonedDateTimeTest fail for MariaDB on CI
** Improvement
* [HHH-12946] - Include JAXB as a dependency as it's not provided by JDK 11
* [HHH-13022] - Make OSGi integration work on JDK11
* [HHH-13069] - Update the links to JBoss Nexus to use the direct repository over https
* [HHH-13127] - Document JAXB dependencies should be added for using hibernate-jpamodelgen in Eclipse IDE
* [HHH-13428] - Minor cleanup of build scripts
Changes in 5.3.11.Final (August 15th, 2019)
** Bug
* [HHH-13357] - OffsetTimeTest fails using TimeAsTimestampRemappingH2Dialect in non-GMT European time zones
* [HHH-13379] - Regression of Instant serialization
* [HHH-13424] - Table nullability should not depend on JpaCompliance.isJpaCacheComplianceEnabled()
* [HHH-13455] - Enabling Enhancement as a Proxy causes IllegalStateException when using Javassist
* [HHH-13459] - Unit test lock up when they run on PostgreSQL
* [HHH-13460] - FetchGraphTest is failing on MariaDB
* [HHH-13466] - ClassCastException when changing a Collection association to a Set if @PreUpdate listener exists
* [HHH-13492] - OptimisticLockException after locking, refreshing, and updating an entity
* [HHH-13505] - NullPointerException thrown by StatisticsImpl#getCacheRegionStatistics
* [HHH-13514] - Calling the wrong method inside SessionDelegatorBaseImpl#createStoredProcedureQuery
* [HHH-13544] - Restore logged warning on jdbc code mapping issue in NationalizedTypeMappings
* [HHH-13550] - Fix Oracle failure for test added by HHH-13424
* [HHH-13554] - QueryAndSQLTest.testNativeQueryWithFormulaAttributeWithoutAlias() fails on Oracle, MSSQL, Sybase, DB2, MariaDB
* [HHH-13555] - FetchGraphTest, MergeProxyTest and ProxyDeletionTest fail due to ConstraintViolationException
* [HHH-13556] - Tests doing dynamic fetch scrolling a collection fail on DB2
* [HHH-13557] - LocalTimeTest#writeThenNativeRead and OffsetTimeTest#writeThenNativeRead tests are failing on SQL Server
* [HHH-13558] - InstantTest, LocalDateTimeTest, OffsetDateTimeTest, ZonedDateTimeTest failing on Sybase for year 1600
* [HHH-13569] - org.hibernate.test.annotations.embedded.EmbeddedTest failures on Sybase
* [HHH-13570] - Test failures due to Sybase not supporting UPDATE statement with WITH(NOWAIT)
* [HHH-13571] - Test failures due to cross joined table out of scope of a subsequent JOIN on Sybase
* [HHH-13573] - Test failure due to Sybase not supporting cascade delete on foreign key definitions
* [HHH-13574] - SybaseASE does not support PARTITION BY
* [HHH-13577] - LockTest.testContendedPessimisticLock and StatementIsClosedAfterALockExceptionTest.testStatementIsClosed tests fail on Sybase
** New Feature
* [HHH-11147] - Allow enhanced entities to be returned in a completely uninitialized state
** Task
* [HHH-13026] - Documentation: fixing link to Infinispan documentation section regarding Hibernate 2LC
* [HHH-13416] - Unguarded debug message being rendered in org.hibernate.engine.internal.Collections.processReachableCollection
* [HHH-13513] - Partial revert of string interning introduced by HHH-3924
* [HHH-13520] - Deprecate mutators on SqlStatementLogger
* [HHH-13525] - Make test SessionDelegatorBaseImplTest more resilient to previously existing alias definition
* [HHH-13526] - Optimise ResourceRegistryStandardImpl#release
* [HHH-13527] - Performance regression in org.hibernate.stat.internal.StatisticsImpl
* [HHH-13528] - Invoke afterStatements only at the end of releasing all statements for a batch
* [HHH-13529] - Performance regression in org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor#getDialect
* [HHH-13531] - Some more opportunities to reuse the constants pool in AliasConstantsHelper
* [HHH-13534] - AbstractLoadPlanBasedLoader never needs a List of AfterLoadAction
** Improvement
* [HHH-11032] - Improve performance of PersistentBag.equalsSnapshot
* [HHH-13442] - CollectionType#getCollection() method improvements
* [HHH-13444] - Remove ignored EntityMode field from CollectionKey
* [HHH-13447] - Minimize number of EventListenerRegistry lookups within a Session use
* [HHH-13448] - Avoid retrieving PRE_LOAD and POST_LOAD Event listeners within the inner loops of TwoPhaseLoad
* [HHH-13450] - Do not compute the full role name of a collection unless necessary
* [HHH-13451] - Logging typo in CascadingActions causing significant allocations
* [HHH-13452] - Missing log level guard on formatting in DefaultPersistEventListener#entityIsDeleted
* [HHH-13453] - Optimise CascadingActions for the most likely case
* [HHH-13458] - Update Hibernate's custom IdentityMap to better match its use
* [HHH-13462] - Introduce a fastpath for SessionImpl#fireLoad to be used by internal loops
* [HHH-13467] - Make average BatchFetchQueue consume less memory
* [HHH-13471] - Avoid invoking delayedAfterCompletion() multiple times from the same SessionImpl method
* [HHH-13475] - SessionImpl#applyQuerySettingsAndHints should not rely on defensive copies to just read properties
* [HHH-13476] - Micro-optimisations of TwoPhaseLoad#getOverridingEager
* [HHH-13477] - Make heavily invoked method final: EventListenerGroupImpl#listeners()
* [HHH-13478] - Various low hanging fruits identified by CPU flame graphs
* [HHH-13494] - LobTypeMappings should not use a Bounded ConcurrentHashmap
* [HHH-13495] - NationalizedTypeMappings should not use a Bounded ConcurrentHashmap
* [HHH-13508] - Reuse alias names generated by BasicLoader#generateSuffixes
* [HHH-13511] - Remove old org.hibernate.loader.DefaultEntityAliases#intern
* [HHH-13512] - Avoid allocating an array in org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper#unquote(String[], Dialect) if there are no changes to be applied
* [HHH-13521] - Avoid excessive validation of enabled filters
* [HHH-13522] - Optimise LoadQueryInfluencers by making maps lazily initialized
* [HHH-13523] - StatementPreparerImpl should not need to retrieve the JDBCService as often
* [HHH-13524] - Remove unused fields xref,unassociatedResultSets from JdbcCoordinatorImpl
Changes in 5.3.10.final (April 19th, 2019)
** Bug
* [HHH-12939] - Database name not quoted at schema update
* [HHH-13138] - Work around class loading issues so that bytecode enhanced tests can run as expected
* [HHH-13241] - Constraint violation when deleting entites in bi-directional, lazy OneToMany association with bytecode enhancement
* [HHH-13266] - LocalDateTime values are wrong around 1900 (caused by JDK-8061577)
* [HHH-13277] - HibernateMethodLookupDispatcher - Issue with Security Manager
* [HHH-13300] - query.getSingleResult() throws org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException instead of javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException
* [HHH-13326] - Transaction passed to Hibernate Interceptor methods is null when JTA is used
* [HHH-13343] - Bytecode enhancement using ByteBuddy fails when the class is not available from the provided ClassLoader
* [HHH-13364] - Query.getSingleResult and getResultList() throw PessimisticLockException when pessimistic lock fails with timeout
** Task
* [HHH-13376] - Upgrade Javassist dependency to 3.23.2-GA
Changes in 5.3.9.final (February 25th, 2019)
** Bug
* [HHH-13107] - JtaWithStatementsBatchTest fails on Oracle
* [HHH-13112] - Proxies on entity types in the default package lead to MappingException with JDK9+
* [HHH-13262] - javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: Executing an update/delete query
* [HHH-13269] - Embeddable collection regression due to HHH-11544
* [HHH-13281] - java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl cannot be cast to org.hibernate.ejb.HibernateEntityManager
* [HHH-13285] - ClassCastException: org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory after dom4j update
Changes in 5.3.8.final (February 19th, 2019)
** Bug
* [HHH-10891] - Exception at bootstrap when @Any is inside an @Embeddable object
* [HHH-11209] - NullPointerException in EntityType.replace() with a PersistentBag
* [HHH-12555] - Merging a blob on an entity results in a class cast exception
* [HHH-13050] - On release of batch it still contained JDBC statements logged; unable to release batch statement
* [HHH-13059] - OneToMany with referencedColumnName returns too many entities
* [HHH-13064] - Documentation of Lock and LockModeType is on two columns instead of 3
* [HHH-13076] - Hibernate “Transaction already active” behaviour with custom transaction manager
* [HHH-13084] - Querying entity with non-ID property named 'id' fails if entity has an IdClass composite key
* [HHH-13097] - Hibernate enhancer is superslow after upgrade to latest 5.3 or 5.4-SNAPSHOT
* [HHH-13114] - Query "select count(h) from Human h" fails if a subclass has a non-Id property named "id"
* [HHH-13129] - Cascaded merge fails for detached bytecode-enhanced entity with uninitialized ToOne
* [HHH-13164] - Detecting transient state of mandatory toOne relations is broken
* [HHH-13169] - Table alias used instead of exact table name in multitable update query
* [HHH-13172] - Log a warning instead of throwing an Exception when @AttributeOverride is used in conjunction with inheritance
* [HHH-13194] - Some methods returning org.hibernate.query.Query are not defined for StatelessSession
* [HHH-13244] - setting hibernate.jpa.compliance.proxy=true and org.hibernate debug level to DEBUG breaks hibernate
** Task
* [HHH-13099] - Update to Byte Buddy 1.9.4
* [HHH-13100] - All custom implementation of Byte Buddy "Implementation" s should have a proper equals and hashcode
** Improvement
* [HHH-12917] - Interning of strings for Filter definitions
* [HHH-12918] - Interning of strings for Formula and Column exctraction templates
* [HHH-12919] - Interning of strings for EntityReferenceAliases
* [HHH-13005] - Upgrade ByteBuddy to 1.9.0
* [HHH-13057] - Prevent Byte Buddy's Advice helper to need reloading many resources from the ClassLoader
* [HHH-13220] - In the ByteBuddy enhancer, avoid creating a PersistentAttributeTransformer if the class is not enhanced
Changes in 5.3.7.final (October 16th, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-12784] - Javassist support broken by HHH-12760
* [HHH-12920] - AbstractCachedDomainDataAccess.clearCache() throws MissingFormatArgumentException at DEBUG level
* [HHH-12934] - Exception handling documentation does not apply only to "Session-per-application anti-pattern"
* [HHH-12935] - Constraint and AuxiliaryDatabaseObject export identifiers are not qualified by schema or catalog
* [HHH-12937] - Where clause for collections of basic, embeddable and "any" elements is ignored when mapped using hbm.xml
* [HHH-12964] - Upgrade to dom4j 2.1.1
* [HHH-13027] - org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence can no longer be used as a persistence provider name
** Improvement
* [HHH-12961] - The links in the Javadoc of the SAP HANA dialects don't work
* [HHH-13011] - Add option enabling/disabling use of an entity's mapped where-clause when loading collections of that entity
Changes in 5.3.6.final (August 28th, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-12931] - Revert HHH-12542 as it introduces some issues with the security manager
* [HHH-12932] - Add privileged blocks in ByteBuddyState initialization
Changes in 5.3.5.final (August 14th, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-12871] - Metamodel contains managed types related to dynamic-map entities that have been excluded.
* [HHH-12875] - Class level where="..." clause in hbm.xml mappings is not enforced on collections of that class
* [HHH-12882] - Where clauses mapped on collections and entities need parentheses when used in conjunction
* [HHH-12890] - Fix link to JPA Metamodel generator documentation
* [HHH-12903] - CommitFlushCollectionTest fails when running on Oracle.
* [HHH-12905] - Passing null as parameter is not allowed even when enablePassingNulls() has been called
* [HHH-12906] - Statistics.getCollectionRoleNames() reports incorrect value
** Task
* [HHH-10782] - Add a comment about what you can expect from a query plan cache cleanup
* [HHH-12898] - Enable integration tests for Oracle Standard Edition Two on the AWS build slaves
* [HHH-12899] - Enable integration tests for MS SQL Server on the AWS build slaves
* [HHH-12901] - Enable loading of additional JDBC drivers from a local path
* [HHH-12909] - Upgrade ByteBuddy to 1.8.17
** Improvement
* [HHH-12196] - Sybase Dialect not supporting max result - paging
* [HHH-12361] - In the User Guide, omit constructors and equals/hashCode for brevity
* [HHH-12608] - Add the ST_DWithin() function in DB2 Spatial Dialect
* [HHH-12892] - Fix spelling issues in the User Guide
* [HHH-12907] - Avoid garbage collection pressure when creating proxies with ByteBuddy
Changes in 5.3.4.final (August 2nd, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-10603] - ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got BLOB after HHH-10345 with Oracle12cDialect
* [HHH-12492] - JPA delete query generated has missing table alias and thus incorrect semantics
* [HHH-12834] - org.hibernate.envers.test.integration.collection.StringMapNationalizedLobTest fails with Sybase
* [HHH-12835] - Wrong assertion in BatchFetchQueueHelper
* [HHH-12846] - Merge cascade of collection fails when orphan removal enabled with flush mode commit
* [HHH-12847] - NullPointerException in FetchStyleLoadPlanBuildingAssociationVisitationStrategy::adjustJoinFetchIfNeeded
* [HHH-12848] - UpgradeSkipLockedTest, PessimisticReadSkipLockedTest and OracleFollowOnLockingTest fail with Oracle12c
* [HHH-12849] - QuotedIdentifierTest fails with ORA-04043 on Oracle12c
* [HHH-12851] - ConverterTest fails with SQL Server depending on collation
* [HHH-12861] - SchemaUpdate doesn't work with Sybase
* [HHH-12863] - SchemaUpdateTest should be skipped with Sybase
* [HHH-12868] - Using CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONE leads to a NPE when trying to load an entity
* [HHH-12869] - SingletonEhcacheRegionFactory initialization fails
* [HHH-12880] - LockModeTest hangs indefinitely with Sybase due to HHH-12847
** New Feature
* [HHH-12857] - Support the security manager with ByteBuddy as bytecode provider
** Task
* [HHH-12730] - User types built using 5.1 are not binary compatible with 5.3
* [HHH-12792] - Document binary incompatibility of persisters and tuplizers
* [HHH-12877] - Upgrade ByteBuddy to 1.8.15
Changes in 5.3.3.final (July 23, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-7686] - org.hibernate.proxy.map.MapProxy loses all important state on serialization
* [HHH-8805] - [SchemaUpdate] javax.persistence.ForeignKey doesn't respect ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT
* [HHH-12200] - Docs mention outdated APIs
* [HHH-12542] - WildFly integration test, HibernateNativeAPINaturalIdTestCase, fails when security manager is enabled
* [HHH-12666] - Add an option for restoring 5.1 native exception handling
* [HHH-12695] - Incompatibility in return value for org.hibernate.procedure.ParameterRegistration.getType() 5.1 vs 5.3
* [HHH-12718] - Entity changes in @PreUpdate callback are not persisted when lazy loading is active for more than one field
* [HHH-12720] - LazyInitializationException with hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans
* [HHH-12740] - Subselect fetching doesn't work when multiLoad was used
* [HHH-12753] - org.hibernate.envers.test.integration.collection.StringMapNationalizedLobTest fails with DB2
* [HHH-12768] - TimeAndTimestampTest fails with SQL Server and MYSQL
* [HHH-12771] - Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cache provider [org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.EhcacheRegionFactory@3271ec2a] does not support `transactional` access
* [HHH-12776] - NullPointerException when executing native query on an Audited Entity
* [HHH-12779] - Revert HHH-12670 - Allows native SQL queries that take a given resultClass to map the result set to the required type
* [HHH-12781] - Update Javassist dependency to 3.23.1
* [HHH-12786] - Deleting an entity leads to NullPointerException in ByteBuddy proxy
* [HHH-12787] - SessionJdbcBatchTest hangs with DB2
* [HHH-12791] - ComponentTuplizer generates a LOT of proxy classes when using Bytebuddy as bytecode provider
* [HHH-12795] - Setting FlushMode to manual for a @NamedQuery is ignored
* [HHH-12797] - Fix cache modes relationships table layout in the documentation
* [HHH-12798] - Nested spatial functions are not rendered correctly on SAP HANA
* [HHH-12800] - TuplizerInstantiatesByteBuddySubclassTest uses ByteBuddy operation unsafe with JDK 11
* [HHH-12802] - Hibernate does not throw an exception when more than one entity is loaded with the same ID
* [HHH-12815] - LocalDateCustomSessionLevelTimeZoneTest fails with mysql 5.5 and 5.7
* [HHH-12822] - Skip "case when" tests requiring casts for DB2
* [HHH-12823] - CompositeIdTest.testDistinctCountOfEntityWithCompositeId fails on databases that don't support tuple distinct counts because it expects wrong exception
* [HHH-12824] - ASTParserLoadingTest.testComponentNullnessChecks fail with DB2 because it uses legacy-style query parameter
* [HHH-12825] - CriteriaHQLAlignmentTest.testCountReturnValues fails on databases that don't support tuple distinct counts because it expects wrong exception
* [HHH-12826] - Persist cascade of collection fails when orphan removal enabled with flush mode commit.
* [HHH-12827] - NUMERIC column type is not handled correctly on DB2
* [HHH-12829] - Invalid references to outdated EhCache classes
* [HHH-12832] - SchemaUpdateHaltOnErrorTest and SchemaMigratorHaltOnErrorTest fail with DB2
* [HHH-12833] - UniqueConstraintDropTest fails with DB2
* [HHH-12838] - AndNationalizedTests fails with DB2
* [HHH-12839] - EntityProxySerializationTest fails with oracle
* [HHH-12843] - CreateDeleteTest and FlushIdGenTest fail with ORA-00936 on oracle
* [HHH-12844] - HbmWithIdentityTest fails with ORA-00936 on oracle
** Task
* [HHH-12742] - Document the removal of JPAIntegrator SPI
* [HHH-12773] - Document org.hibernate.Query.getHibernateFirstResult(), setHibernateFirstResult(), getHibernateMaxResults(), setHibernateMaxResults() in migration guide
* [HHH-12774] - JARs missing from the distribution ZIP
* [HHH-12785] - Test Javassist support
* [HHH-12788] - Enable mockito-inline for the Agroal integration module
* [HHH-12789] - Upgrade to Mockito 2.19.0
* [HHH-12793] - Upgrade Karaf, pax-exam and reenable the OSGi tests
* [HHH-12799] - Enforce version alignment of Mockito and ByteBuddy dependencies
* [HHH-12801] - Error message in SqlFunctionMetadataBuilderContributorIllegalClassArgumentTest differs with JDK 11
* [HHH-12803] - Upgrade ByteBuddy to 1.8.13
* [HHH-12805] - Upgrade Mockito to 2.19.1
* [HHH-12807] - Disable the hibernate-orm-modules tests for JDK 11
* [HHH-12808] - Upgrade Gradle to 4.8.1
* [HHH-12809] - Use an HTTP link for the Javadoc link to our Bean Validation documentation
* [HHH-12813] - Disable Asciidoclet in Javadoc generation
* [HHH-12816] - Enable the experimental features of ByteBuddy when building with JDK 11
* [HHH-12820] - Merge the migration guides in the code base
* [HHH-12828] - ScannerTests#testGetBytesFromInputStream() is not stable enough
** Improvement
* [HHH-12349] - User Guide documentation for @Filter is too verbose
* [HHH-12778] - BasicProxyFactoryImpl.getProxy() swallows exception
* [HHH-12804] - No need to mock Map in CollectionBinderTest
* [HHH-12811] - @UpdateTimestamp and @CreationTimestamp missing @Target annotation and breaking in Kotlin
* [HHH-12830] - Improve error output with transaction issues
Changes in 5.3.2.final (July 5, 2018)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-12683] - Update documentation about support for JPA CriteriaUpdate and CriteriaDelete
** Bug
* [HHH-9403] - AssertionFailure: Fail to process type argument in a generic declaration
* [HHH-11979] - Invalid SQL when force increment version of inherited entity
* [HHH-12124] - The JPA Metamodel does not allow to retrieve the actual EmbeddableType since all instances are registered by the associated Java type
* [HHH-12247] - Bootstrap error information is only logged at DEBUG level
* [HHH-12353] - Document that Session.getReference not always returns a T
* [HHH-12396] - Problem with mapping of the annotation @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)
* [HHH-12476] - NativeQuery with EntityGraphs assumes a HQL query
* [HHH-12531] - JCache existing cache not detected.
* [HHH-12553] - ConcurrentModificationException in OsgiClassLoader
* [HHH-12561] - bulk_id_strategy does not work with globally_quoted_identifiers
* [HHH-12594] - Using property "hibernate.default_batch_fetch_size" crashes bootstrapping
* [HHH-12603] - Contributing using Eclipse Documentation out of Date
* [HHH-12607] - Wrong audit data of ElementCollection attribute of map
* [HHH-12633] - ClassCastException when updating lazy loaded bytecode enhanced byte[]
* [HHH-12639] - No user friendly error on incompatible WildFly Transactions Client
* [HHH-12640] - Update to JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform should be backward compatible attempting old names as well
* [HHH-12649] - Auto-register entity and collection caches based on the Hibernate @Cache annotation (XML mapping) settings
* [HHH-12651] - org.hibernate.Session.*Query(Ljava/lang/String) methods return different types in 5.1 and 5.3
* [HHH-12657] - ClassCastException: org.hibernate.mapping.SingleTableSubclass cannot be cast to org.hibernate.mapping.RootClass
* [HHH-12660] - Missing verb in reference documentation
* [HHH-12661] - Hibernate types (e.g. NumericBooleanType, YesNoType and any implementations of UserType) cannot bind value in StoredProcedureQuery
* [HHH-12668] - support for persistence_2_2.xsd and orm_2_2.xsd
* [HHH-12671] - INSERT time in-db generated properties not persisted with IDENTITY insert
* [HHH-12684] - Hibernate fails when mapping one-to-many collections by non-primary key
* [HHH-12685] - java.lang.ClassCastException when checking if parameter isBound in criteria query
* [HHH-12687] - ManyToOne associations in embeddable collection elements and composite IDs are always eagerly loaded
* [HHH-12688] - Duplicated Error Information Displayed in the Log
* [HHH-12691] - Code block is broken in documentation about AUTO flushing
* [HHH-12697] - Headings problem in Hibernate Documentation 5.3.1 - Proxool configuration
* [HHH-12698] - Headings problem in Hibernate Documentation 5.3.1 - Transation Patterns
* [HHH-12700] - Missing property in sample code in documentation of bulk-id strategies
* [HHH-12715] - Error in documentation sample code about JPQL and HQL
* [HHH-12724] - Add javax.activation as a dependency
* [HHH-12729] - Binary and behavioral incompatibilities of org.hibernate.Query.getFirstResult(), setFirstResult(), getMaxResults(), setMaxResults()
* [HHH-12731] - TOC hidden in the generated Asciidoctor docs
* [HHH-12732] - Don't generate auxiliary HTML files in the documentation
* [HHH-12738] - Session/EntityManager is closed in ForeignGenerator (JTA setup)
* [HHH-12739] - CLONE - AssertionFailure: Fail to process type argument in a generic declaration
* [HHH-12754] - *EqualsHashCodeTest, UnspecifiedEnumTypeTest fail with DB2, SQL Server, Sybase and Oracle
* [HHH-12755] - RevisionConstraintQuery.testRevisionsLtQuery fails with PostgreSQL 10.1 and EnterpriseDB 10.1
* [HHH-12757] - EntityMapCompositeElementTest fail with oracle
* [HHH-12764] - IdClassReferenceIdentifierTest fail with Oracle
* [HHH-12765] - LazyInitializationWithoutInlineDirtyTrackingTest fails with SQL Server
* [HHH-12767] - Fix tests failing on Oracle
** New Feature
* [HHH-12662] - JPQL queries fail when using the Java attribute type which has an associated AttributeConverter (only the DB column type works)
** Task
* [HHH-12348] - Hibernate ORM Document user guide, architecture of Hibernate class is out of date
* [HHH-12637] - Add more tests and improve fix for HHH-12592
* [HHH-12658] - Upgrade to Gradle 4.7
* [HHH-12659] - Configure ForbiddenAPIs for JDK10 as intended target compatibility
* [HHH-12663] - Avoid depending on any SNAPSHOT dependency
* [HHH-12674] - Upgrade to Gradle 4.8
* [HHH-12677] - Update javadoc API links from EE7 to EE8
* [HHH-12689] - Upgrade to Gradle WildFly build tools 0.0.9
* [HHH-12692] - Modify SessionImpl.toString to be quiet by default and verbose when trace is enabled
* [HHH-12694] - Upgrade to Hibernate Commons Annotations 5.0.4.Final
* [HHH-12701] - Upgrade to Jandex 2.0.5.Final
* [HHH-12743] - Cleaning ProviderChecker from some deprecated and dead code
* [HHH-12744] - Remove no longer necessary jboss-deployment-structure.xml from integration tests
* [HHH-12758] - Arquillian JVM configuration for integration tests is ignoring system properties
* [HHH-12759] - Upgrade integration tests to WildFly 13.0.0.Final
* [HHH-12760] - Remove no longer needed EqualsHelper and cleanup some equality checks
* [HHH-12766] - Upgrading to Byteman 4.0.3
** Improvement
* [HHH-11495] - Cache MetaModel#getImplementors() results
* [HHH-12341] - Documentation refers to nonexistent "image clob"
* [HHH-12350] - User Guide documentation for @Any is too verbose
* [HHH-12351] - User Guide: document why Subselect always requires Synchronize
* [HHH-12604] - Replace EqualsHelper.equals with Objects.equals
* [HHH-12630] - Add error logging to org.hibernate.cache.spi.AbstractRegionFactory.start(SessionFactoryOptions, Map)
* [HHH-12654] - Throw MappingException if both @Inheritance and @AttributeOverride are used
* [HHH-12656] - Document how contributors can run tests on different databases
* [HHH-12670] - Allows native SQL queries that take a given resultClass to map the result set to the required type
* [HHH-12686] - Replace EmptyIterator with Collections.emptyIterator()
* [HHH-12699] - Performance issue in ResultSetWrapperProxy.locateCorrespondingColumnIndexMethod() line 137 due to repeated use of Class.getMethod(String, Class[]) reflection call
* [HHH-12702] - Make JCacheRegionFactory easier to subclass
* [HHH-12710] - BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase opens an InputStream for mapping files but never closes it
* [HHH-12716] - Sample code is required for documentation of disabling polymorphism in queries
* [HHH-12723] - Revert the changes applied by HHH-12585 to the DefaultFlushEntityEventListener#invokeInterceptor() method
* [HHH-12725] - Upgrade the Asciidoctor plugin to 1.5.7 for JDK 9 compatibility
* [HHH-12727] - Performance issue in ResourceRegistryStandardImpl.register lines 67, 70
* [HHH-12734] - StrategySelectorImpl - Add original exception when selected strategy could not be loaded
* [HHH-12741] - Register new reserved words added in MySQL 8.0
* [HHH-12749] - Avoid setting the isolation level to the same value in C3P0ConnectionProvider
* [HHH-12769] - Rework LockTest#testContendedPessimisticLock so that it can work on Oracle without throwing exceptions
Changes in 5.3.1.final (May 25, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-12569] - Referential integrity violation on insert when using @OneToOne with @JoinColumn with hibernate.order_inserts=true
* [HHH-12577] - Warning log appears on an AttributeConverter<enum, String>
* [HHH-12579] - Bytecode enhancement with Generics on @MappedSuperclass crashes bootstrapping while using Bytebuddy
* [HHH-12581] - NPE for Criteria query containing fetch join as a regression of HHH-12338
* [HHH-12584] - Bytebuddy ReflectionOptimizer does not work with abstract class
* [HHH-12586] - Strange date type confusion in JdbcDateTypeDescriptor
* [HHH-12587] - Flushing enhanced entity with @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONE) fails
* [HHH-12592] - Merge of detached, enhanced entity with orphanRemoval = true collection fails since 5.2.13
* [HHH-12599] - Add Javadoc indicating that region names do not include a prefix
* [HHH-12602] - Bytecode Enhancement documentation refers to removed property hibernate.ejb.use_class_enhancer
* [HHH-12612] - TYPE_USE annotated collections and elements fail metamodel generation.
* [HHH-12614] - Protection domain ignored when enhancing+loading classes with ByteBuddy
* [HHH-12617] - Caching log message prints null rather than class name.
* [HHH-12620] - Update JBossStandAloneJtaPlatform to use org.wildfly.transaction.client.* TM/UT
* [HHH-12621] - Thread-unsafe behavior of Query Spaces in Named Queries
* [HHH-12622] - JdbcResourceLocalTransactionCoordinatorImpl#markRollbackOnly should be ignored if there is no TX
* [HHH-12627] - Caching debug log error: java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException: Format specifier '%s'
* [HHH-12631] - Fix invalid tracev calls in DefaultResolveNaturalIdEventListener
* [HHH-12634] - Make EntityPrinter more permissive regarding the parameters passed
** Task
* [HHH-12575] - Upgrade to Classmate 1.3.4
* [HHH-12576] - Upgrade to jboss-transaction-api 1.1.1.Final
* [HHH-12580] - The WildFly module of ByteBuddy should be marked as private API
* [HHH-12583] - Deprecate hibernate.proc.param_null_passing setting
* [HHH-12610] - Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.8.11 to improve JDK compatibility
** Improvement
* [HHH-12559] - Add support for MySQL 8 SKIP LOCKED and NOWAIT
* [HHH-12572] - Exclude LockMode.WRITE from loader creation loop
* [HHH-12585] - Improve DefaultFlushEntityEventListener#invokeInterceptor method execution
* [HHH-12589] - Add support for registering custom SQL functions when bootstrapping via JPA
* [HHH-12591] - Remove second call to Scope#setSessionFactory(SessionFactoryImplementor) from TypeConfiguration#scope(SessionFactoryImplementor,BootstrapContext)
* [HHH-12605] - Boxed variables never null
* [HHH-12606] - Container contents are never accessed
* [HHH-12615] - Make AbstractEntityPersister#getLoaderByLockMode() and a few others protected final
* [HHH-12616] - Clarify ambiguity in License name
* [HHH-12618] - ByteBuddy enhancement - Use MethodHandle lookup if available
* [HHH-12626] - Avoid high CPU contention by not allocating Session UUIDs eagerly
* [HHH-12629] - Make some methods protected in DefaultLoadListener
* [HHH-12636] - Upgrade to ByteBuddy 1.8.12 to fix issue with entities having no package
Changes in 5.3.0.Final (May 14, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-8786] - find, refresh, lock should throw LockTimeoutException or PessimisticLockException when lock problems occur
* [HHH-10435] - ClassLoaderServiceImpl is getting a Permission check failed "createClassLoader" when run under Java security manager
* [HHH-11859] - Class annotated with @Audited (withModifiedFlag = true) is giving error when executing update.
* [HHH-12011] - Field annotated with target TYPE_USE break metamodel generation
* [HHH-12090] - PropertyAccessBuildingException: Could not locate setter for property named XXX for Java 8 default methods
* [HHH-12199] - Static fields should be ignored when resolving property type via reflection
* [HHH-12362] - Allow both SQL query hints and comments
* [HHH-12470] - Batching statements fails for delete
* [HHH-12517] - Incorrect method references in @deprecated elements of the Query javadoc
* [HHH-12529] - Some StatisticsImpl methods throw an exception instead of returning null
* [HHH-12534] - SAP HANA dialects use unqualified dummy table in queries
* [HHH-12535] - SAP HANA dialect doesn't support circular cascade delete constraints
* [HHH-12539] - NPE in AbstractPropertyMapping.getCommonPersistentClass when creating UnionSubclassEntityPersister for dynamic-map
* [HHH-12540] - Reusing same EntityTransaction with JTA enabled
* [HHH-12546] - locate function doesn't work on SAP HANA
* [HHH-12565] - Can't use TYPE function on leaf subtype of a table per class inheritance hierarchy
** New Feature
* [HHH-12505] - Option to disable scanning of entity mapping metadata
** Task
* [HHH-12316] - Document usage of the new Feature Packs
* [HHH-12503] - Finalize 5.3 Migration Guide
* [HHH-12519] - Use Forbidden APIs library (Gradle plugin) to check our use of APIs
* [HHH-12527] - Verify that all binary compatibility breaks between 5.1 and 5.3 are accounted for
* [HHH-12530] - Add processing of unknown hints
* [HHH-12545] - ByteBuddy based enhancer not accepting special character in description names
* [HHH-12554] - Make ByteBuddy EnhancerImpl more closely match the semantics described in Enhancer javadoc
* [HHH-12562] - Remove DefaultSchemaNameResolver#delegate since the value should not be cached
** Improvement
* [HHH-12463] - Delegate CustomType#equals/hashCode to wrapped UserType
* [HHH-12472] - WildFly (IronJacamar) - EntityManager#find with roll-back-only leads to exception rather than return null
* [HHH-12537] - Query hint test for SAP HANA
* [HHH-12541] - Test for SAP HANA calculation views
* [HHH-12544] - Add jipijapa hook to plug in specialized caching and transaction services
* [HHH-12556] - Share data structures between similar LoadPlan based EntityLoaders
* [HHH-12558] - Lazy load EntityLoaders to improve memory usage
* [HHH-12560] - Make sure only one Service registration (initiator/provided) exists per role
* [HHH-12570] - MariaDB 10.3 adds support for lock timeouts via WAIT plus NOWAIT
Changes in 5.3.0.CR2 (April 27, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-3813] - Automatic flush to the join table before a criteria query
* [HHH-3930] - one-to-one causes redundant select query
* [HHH-7119] - Hibernate filter's parameters are not populated when an entity's Collection is populated using a fetch mode of subselect.
* [HHH-7809] - ehcache region factory should set a name for the CacheManager
* [HHH-8382] - Oracle ORA-24816 - Issue HH4635 solved for annotation, not for hbm version
* [HHH-8944] - ColumnTransformer handling is too aggressive in qualifying "column names"
* [HHH-9186] - ORM wrongly assumes that an element of a set has a primary key
* [HHH-9460] - Removing non-optional bidirectional @OneToOne association with cascade
* [HHH-10333] - Schema validation: incorrect use of schema and catalog filters
* [HHH-10667] - Envers cannot support @IdClass referencing foreign entity identifier
* [HHH-11286] - Schema-validation fails with Oracle
* [HHH-11440] - In hibernate 5.2.4 hbm2ddl.auto=validate does not work with oracle
* [HHH-11544] - Joins over type variable defined relations is non-deterministic
* [HHH-11766] - Accessing lazy basic property on entity loaded from 2nd level cache throws exception
* [HHH-11867] - @UpdateTimestamp not working with @Inheritance( strategy = JOINED )
* [HHH-11901] - Map with null values cannot be audited
* [HHH-11924] - ElementCollection ignore converter for XML mapping
* [HHH-11981] - Association query causes QueryException: Named parameter [revision] not set.
* [HHH-12059] - hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update stopped working in Oracle since 5.1.4
* [HHH-12092] - Bad PrimitiveCharacterArrayNClobType INSTANCE typo
* [HHH-12166] - AbstractCompositionAttribute#getAttributes throws NPE for nested CompositeCustomType
* [HHH-12221] - Incorrect formatting of SQL statement on logging when entities/tables or fields/columns named like keywords (e.g. "group" or "order").
* [HHH-12225] - NullPointerException When Using type(<Class>) in HQL
* [HHH-12226] - ObjectNotFoundException thrown when @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE) used with enhancement
* [HHH-12230] - SelectCase does not work when simultaneously exists in select and group by sections
* [HHH-12257] - Refreshing an entity clears the lock mode returned from EntityManager.getLockMode
* [HHH-12260] - Detach of entity with lazy-loaded collection and orphan removal leads to exception during flush of session
* [HHH-12273] - Load Proxy by its identifier should consider the Session UUID
* [HHH-12285] - DB connection exception on rollback causes connection leak
* [HHH-12290] - Failure with JPQL positional queries with collection parameter (IN statement for example)
* [HHH-12292] - QueryParameterBindingValidator does not allow null values in Object arrays
* [HHH-12297] - Relations are not loaded when using Fetch Profiles
* [HHH-12304] - MappingException occurs when a custom enum type is applied to an audited property.
* [HHH-12306] - Fix org.hibernate.envers.test.integration.manytomany.MappedByEmbeddableAttributeTest on HANA
* [HHH-12313] - org.hibernate.jpa.test.transaction.TransactionCommitFailureTest fails on HANA
* [HHH-12314] - CriteriaAPI - Cannot use a not clause on a join, with explicit "on" argument
* [HHH-12332] - 5.2.14 regression: NullPointerException in AbstractPropertyMapping.getSuperCollection
* [HHH-12352] - The new ByteBuddy module for WildFly 12 is not working on JDK9
* [HHH-12355] - Insert fails on one-to-one mapping when an intermediate embeddable type is between mappings when using ordered inserts.
* [HHH-12357] - NamingHelper uses system default encoding
* [HHH-12369] - Integer overflow in limit handlers when firstResult used with maxResults=Integer.MAX_VALUE on DB2
* [HHH-12370] - Lazily-initialized byte[] LOB gets turned into a String, resulting in poor performance
* [HHH-12374] - Order inserts sorting code gives up too soon
* [HHH-12375] - 5.2.15 regression: 'could not resolve property: attributes of: org.hibernate.test.inheritance.discriminator.JoinedInheritanceTest$BaseEntity' with FetchType.EAGER
* [HHH-12379] - Add support for persistence_2_2.xsd and orm_2_2.xsd
* [HHH-12380] - Stackoverflow when order_inserts=true
* [HHH-12383] - JoinedSubclassEntityPersister throws ClassCastException for AnyType
* [HHH-12387] - Immutable entities can be updated via bulk update queries
* [HHH-12388] - User Guide and Javadoc typo fixes
* [HHH-12389] - Remove usage of javax.script.ScriptEngine from org.hibernate.test.bytecode.enhancement.access.MixedAccessTest
* [HHH-12391] - calls to EntityTransaction.rollback() should be ignored if the LogicalConnection.physicalConnection is null or the LogicalConnection.physicalConnection.getAutoCommit() returns true
* [HHH-12392] - Caching SchemaResolver delegate with multiple data sources
* [HHH-12397] - org.hibernate.jpa.test.query.QueryTest fails with TImeoutException
* [HHH-12410] - Cannot use AttributeConverter with spatial types
* [HHH-12412] - QueryException Thrown on Abstract Property of Abstract Class
* [HHH-12423] - SecondaryTable is not taking into account the schema while mapping the entity
* [HHH-12427] - Prevent classloader leak in ByteBuddy based BasicProxyFactoryImpl
* [HHH-12439] - Merging of new entities can fail depending on cascade order
* [HHH-12448] - Possible memory leak in Envers due to Narayana Transaction Reaper
* [HHH-12451] - Hibernate CurrencyType info is not correct in the table
* [HHH-12464] - NPE upon insert & delete with identity generated id
* [HHH-12473] - EntityManager.close() should throw an ISE if called on already closed EntityManager
* [HHH-12479] - Document the converted:: prefix for HBM type mappings
* [HHH-12487] - Calling getTransaction() on a closed Session should not throw ISE
* [HHH-12498] - Audit entity with composite-key association to non-audit entity leads to NullPointerException
* [HHH-12507] - InsertOrderingWithCompositeTypeAssociation test fails on Oracle due to reserved word
* [HHH-12508] - SessionFactoryOptions#isSecondLevelCacheEnabled returns true by default with NoCachingRegionFactory
** New Feature
* [HHH-8058] - Querying property-level revisions
* [HHH-11769] - New MariaDB Dialect for MariaDB >= v10.1
* [HHH-11790] - Support for DB2 spatial extender
* [HHH-12315] - Publish WildFly Feature Packs rather than a zip file of modules
* [HHH-12417] - default strategy based on registrations with StrategySelector
* [HHH-12424] - Fix unintended binary compatibility breaks between 5.1 and 5.3
** Task
* [HHH-12317] - Move module path of the new Feature packs to org.hibernate.orm
* [HHH-12321] - Separate the Wildfly module for ByteByddy to make it private API
* [HHH-12327] - Fix MapProxyTool not to depend directly on Javassist, allowing for BytecodeProvider agonostic support
* [HHH-12328] - ByteBuddyInterceptor#intercept should not wrap Exception types
* [HHH-12334] - ASTUtil improvements in Map usage
* [HHH-12335] - StrategySelectorImpl can avoid some unnecessary String formatting during bootstrap
* [HHH-12336] - Avoid unnecessary invocations of fillInStackTrace() in the tests
* [HHH-12339] - Optimise TypeNames for memory consumption: avoid autoboxing
* [HHH-12340] - BasicTypeRegistry would benefit from string interning
* [HHH-12342] - Upgrade to Byteman 4.0.1
* [HHH-12343] - Upgrade to WildFly 12.0.0.Final for integration tests
* [HHH-12344] - Upgrade to JBoss Logging 3.3.2.Final
* [HHH-12358] - Upgrade Agroal dependency to 0.4
* [HHH-12366] - Enable EE8 preview mode on WildFly 12 for integration tests
* [HHH-12367] - Create a separate JBoss Module for Hibernate Envers
* [HHH-12382] - TypeTest is creating a Proxy which is not necessary
* [HHH-12406] - Add a test for HHH-11440
* [HHH-12455] - WildFly provisioning build helpers should not implicitly change repository configurations
* [HHH-12474] - Make sure the JPA version is defined by a single property across build files
* [HHH-12475] - Remove unnecessary dependencies from gradle build.
* [HHH-12477] - Javassist no longer needed in the JBoss Module for Hibernate Envers
* [HHH-12478] - Upgrade to Mockito 2.18.0 to improve memory utilization of tests
* [HHH-12501] - Fallback implementation for BytecodeProvider should match the default
* [HHH-12509] - Reduce memory usage of PreparedStatementSpyConnectionProvider
* [HHH-12510] - Upgrade PostgreSQL driver
** Improvement
* [HHH-7555] - Ability to query only for @Revision object without instantion of entities.
* [HHH-11253] - Make Byte Buddy BytecodeProvider impl the default
* [HHH-11356] - Adjust the 2nd-Cache SPIs to better reflect supported uses
* [HHH-11528] - Rename hibernate-modules to better represent their nature of feature pack
* [HHH-11953] - Disallow dynamic creation JCache Cache instances
* [HHH-12296] - Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.7.10 to support JDK10
* [HHH-12302] - Schema creation uses non-unicode string types on SAP HANA
* [HHH-12323] - Update Statistics API and SPI based on changes to 2nd level caching changes
* [HHH-12331] - Avoid swallowed instances of PropertyNotFoundException
* [HHH-12346] - Replace StringHelper#join by Java's String#join
* [HHH-12364] - ElementCollectionMapTest contains unnecessary MapKeyJoinColumn
* [HHH-12365] - User Guide: call_key should change to call_timestamp_epoch
* [HHH-12373] - Better document AuditReader#getEntityName() as throwing an exception rather than it returning null.
* [HHH-12376] - Apply some ThreadLocal optimisations made possible by new Java 8 API
* [HHH-12378] - JDK 9 support: Remove javax.annotation.Generated import
* [HHH-12384] - Have proxies generated by ByteBuddy to conform to legacy naming strategies
* [HHH-12398] - Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.8.0 to support JDK10 and preliminary support for JDK11
* [HHH-12399] - Re-introduce Environment#jvmHasTimestampBug as deprecated method
* [HHH-12415] - Update Gradle wrapper to Gradle 4.6
* [HHH-12419] - Incorrect batch inserts example
* [HHH-12426] - SAP HANA spatial dialect should support all SAP HANA spatial functions
* [HHH-12432] - Upgrade to Hibernate Commons Annotations 5.0.3.Final
* [HHH-12440] - Manage the SessionFactory's UUID on SessionFactoryOptions - wider availability
* [HHH-12443] - Introduce TypeConfiguration
* [HHH-12444] - Introduce BootstrapContext
* [HHH-12454] - Offer flag to consider id generator with local scope (legacy non JPA behavior)
* [HHH-12467] - ByteBuddy TypeCache stale entries should be cleared to avoid (weak) references to application classloader
* [HHH-12471] - Avoid using a TypeCache in the ByteBuddy BytecodeProvider
* [HHH-12481] - Reduce the visibility of internal implementations of Callback
* [HHH-12482] - Avoid logging overhead within CallbackBuilderLegacyImpl loops
* [HHH-12484] - Improved error output for LazyInitializationException to include entity-related info
* [HHH-12485] - MetamodelImpl throws exceptions unnecessarily since it could cache failed imports
* [HHH-12486] - SessionFactoryHelper#findEntityPersisterByName unnecessarily tries to find entity persisters via a method that causes MappingExceptions
* [HHH-12491] - Document the usage of the maven-compiler-plugin for hibernate-jpamodelgen
* [HHH-12493] - Further reduce allocations of ByteBuddy engines
* [HHH-12511] - Make ASTPrinter threadsafe and have code reuse their instances
* [HHH-12514] - Avoid repeated creations of costly Xsd definitions and definition lookups
* [HHH-12515] - LocalXsdResolver should attempt local resource loading before attempting it via URL
* [HHH-12521] - Take advantage of Java 8 improvements to optimise Statistics
* [HHH-12523] - Invoke CacheTransactionSynchronization.transactionCompleting
* [HHH-12524] - Rename JBoss modules from hibernate-core-jbossmodules to hibernate-orm-jbossmodules
* [HHH-12525] - Allow JBoss module definition to eventually import an Infinispan 2LC module
* [HHH-12526] - WildFly integration tests no longer need to override the Javassist module
** Deprecation
* [HHH-12441] - Port hibernate-ehcache to the new caching SPI, but deprecate
Changes in 5.3.0.CR1 (February 15, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-8916] - SQLServer2005LimitHandler bind top parameter to wrong position
* [HHH-10961] - Update address of Free Software Foundation
* [HHH-12114] - Union-select aliases not injected before "clazz_" conditions in HQL query
* [HHH-12141] - SQL insert in stateless session causes javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException
* [HHH-12271] - SchemaDropperImpl does not drop constraints with IF EXISTS
* [HHH-12286] - Update Vibur dependency from 21.3 to 22.0
* [HHH-12289] - One call of the SessionImpl#listeners( ) method from SessionImpl#autoFlushIfRequired() is useless.
* [HHH-12294] - Regression after fixing HHH-12064
** Task
* [HHH-12293] - Upgrade to Hibernate Commons Annotations 5.0.2.Final
** Improvement
* [HHH-12236] - Document 5.3 changes
* [HHH-12280] - Resolve {alias} in @Formula like Restrictions.sqlRestriction()
* [HHH-12282] - Allow disabling of invalidation of second-level cache entries for multi-table entities
Changes in 5.3.0.Beta2 (February 1, 2018)
** Bug
* [HHH-1268] - Unidirection OneToMany causes duplicate key entry violation when removing from list
* [HHH-11587] - Reordering items in List throws a constraint violation
* [HHH-11845] - Warn user when multiple persistence-units use the same name
* [HHH-12107] - ClassCastException when using L2Cache with "structured_cache"=true
* [HHH-12227] - {h-schema} tag is not replaced in @Formula
* [HHH-12238] - aliasToBean throws confusing ClassCastException if class lacks setters
* [HHH-12240] - mapped attribute link to the attribute in the embeddable attribute in the referenced entity is not supported
* [HHH-12241] - BinderHelper:644 logdebugf FAILS
* [HHH-12244] - The validation-api in libraries.gradle should be 2.0.1.Final, not 1.1.0.Final
* [HHH-12245] - The metamodel generator does not handle primitive types very well
* [HHH-12246] - Gradle build fails with Java 9
* [HHH-12249] - Wrong format in debug message of CollectionBinder
* [HHH-12256] - org.hibernate.test.lazyload.JtaLazyLoadingTest is not using JTA
* [HHH-12266] - The release task does not upload the documentation
** New Feature
* [HHH-12252] - New module for Agroal connection pool integration
* [HHH-12264] - Updated Vibur dependency from 21.2 to 21.3
** Task
* [HHH-12172] - Move to BinTray for publishing artifacts
* [HHH-12231] - Use the org.wildfly.build.provision Gradle plugin to fetch WildFly instances for integration testing
* [HHH-12250] - Avoid WildFly thin servers as they require Maven settings
* [HHH-12267] - Update migration guide to cover Generators name scope changes
** Improvement
* [HHH-11571] - Please update Hibernate with awareness of WebSphere Liberty transaction manager
* [HHH-12034] - According to JPA, a Proxy should be loaded even when accessing the identifier
* [HHH-12258] - Make credentials masking consistent
Changes in 5.3.0.Beta1 (January 17, 2018)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-12133] - Create ManagedBeanRegistry and ManagedBean
* [HHH-12134] - Convert entity listener CDI support to use ManagedBean/MenagedBeanRepository
* [HHH-12135] - Support for AttributeConverters as CDI beans
** Bug
* [HHH-1830] - Error during parse query on MS SQL
* [HHH-9965] - Pagination ignored on collection fetch join: Add the ability to throw an exception instead of loggin a warn
* [HHH-10575] - MapKeyColumn on Map<> association causes Insert constraint violation
* [HHH-11366] - Problem with Pax exam and injection
* [HHH-11913] - Schema generation ignores index DESC/ASC order
* [HHH-12075] - SQLQuery.executeUpdate() ignores SQLQuery.setTimeout()
* [HHH-12096] - Problem finding correlated getter-method for field access
* [HHH-12097] - EntityManagerFactory open/closed checks per JPA spec
* [HHH-12099] - Query#getLockMode ought to throw exception for non-SELECT
* [HHH-12106] - Database name not quoted at schema update
* [HHH-12116] - Positional parameters report position as name
* [HHH-12122] - Checking @OrderBy for special cases should perform case-insensitive checking
* [HHH-12125] - Support @GeneratedValue without explicit generator definition
* [HHH-12129] - Fix expected exceptions on various Query methods
* [HHH-12136] - Various improvements for ProcedureCall/StoredProcedureQuery
* [HHH-12150] - @MapKeyColumn referring to otherwise non-mapped column
* [HHH-12157] - TableGenerator defined on one class is not visible on another
* [HHH-12171] - Fix tests for hibernate-orm-modules
* [HHH-12173] - The new org.hibernate.resource.beans.spi.ExtendedBeanManager breaks compatibility with implementations of org.hibernate.jpa.event.spi.jpa.ExtendedBeanManager
* [HHH-12175] - ParameterParser doesn't handle JPA positional parameters correctly
* [HHH-12203] - NUMERIC column type is not handled correctly on HANA
* [HHH-12212] - Derived Identifiers component column size not applied
** New Feature
* [HHH-10294] - EntityGraph improvement: For each jpa attribute, generate also a String constant holding the attribute field name
* [HHH-10541] - Create Vibur DBCP connection pool module
* [HHH-12147] - Add support for JPA2.2 @TableGenerators and @SequenceGenerators
* [HHH-12148] - Add setting indicating if the value stored in the table used by the @TableGenerator is the last value generated or the next value to be used.
** Task
* [HHH-12098] - Prep for 5.3
* [HHH-12117] - Make sure Hibernate returns null on failed attempt to create EMF
* [HHH-12155] - Update documentation regarding limitation of defining caching on just root entity
* [HHH-12167] - Add matrix testing configuration for HANA database
* [HHH-12176] - Relax the checkstyle requirement for file headers.
* [HHH-12177] - Drop hibernate-infinispan module - relocated
* [HHH-12183] - Upgrade Gradle to work with JDK 9.0.1.
* [HHH-12211] - Test failure on MariaDB when the database charset is configured to UTF8
** Improvement
* [HHH-9641] - Resume uploading Javadoc JARs to Maven
* [HHH-11019] - Extend DelayedPostInsertIdentifier support to include checks for FlushMode (EXTENDED PC)
* [HHH-11798] - Provide method for overriding delete statement in GlobalTemporaryTableBulkIdStrategy
* [HHH-12095] - MavenEnhancePlugin causes compile phase run twice
* [HHH-12131] - Small memory improvement when parsing / transforming UUID
* [HHH-12139] - Allow Hibernate's Transaction act like JPA's EntityTransaction
* [HHH-12146] - Support enabling caching at any level within a mapped hierarchy
* [HHH-12164] - Upgrade the version of Hibernate Validator used for testing
* [HHH-12185] - Simplify SessionFactoryBuilder / SessionFactoryOptions handling
* [HHH-12187] - Drop custom javadoc css
* [HHH-12188] - Add Java 9 automatic module name hinting
* [HHH-12189] - Only call setAccessible() when member is not accessible
* [HHH-12190] - General tidying of Gradle scripts
* [HHH-12191] - Add Travis CI support
* [HHH-12216] - Improve logging for when Hibernate throws the "illegally attempted to associate a proxy with two open Sessions" Exception
** Deprecation
* [HHH-12194] - Deprecate Environment-scoped settings
** Remove Feature
* [HHH-12101] - Remove support for legacy HQL-style positional parameters
* [HHH-12110] - IllegalStateException should be thrown for some methods when called on a closed EntityManager
* [HHH-12118] - Removing handling of old JVM_HAS_TIMESTAMP_BUG
Changes in 5.2.12.Final (October 19, 2017)
** Bug
* [HHH-3870] - Hibernate proxies Groovy's getMetaClass method breaking proxies when used with Groovy
* [HHH-7842] - Hibernate Criteria does not respect fetch mode, when alias is used
* [HHH-11615] - Envers integration tests fail when WildFly security manager is enabled
* [HHH-11640] - NamedQuery doesn't log comment when UPDATE/DELETE
* [HHH-11651] - unwrapping errors in multiple classes
* [HHH-11656] - Optimistic Locking with HANA Dialect results in invalid SQL syntax.
* [HHH-11732] - HHH000352: in StatelessSession on rollback with JDBC batch
* [HHH-11816] - JoinProcessor considers table names with colons dynamic filter parameters
* [HHH-11838] - Id retrieving from proxy with FK leads to query execution
* [HHH-11863] - Implement REF_CURSOR support for StoredProcedureQuery.getOutputParameterValue(4);
* [HHH-11965] - Using unproxy in getter does not work properly
* [HHH-11969] - hibernate-spatial requires old 9.4-1200-jdbc41 dependency
* [HHH-11970] - Use of @NotFound(IGNORE) and @BatchSize when there are unresolved foreign key values results in extra queries
* [HHH-11971] - QueryParameterBindingValidator does not handle primitive types
* [HHH-11980] - MultiTenantConnectionProvider is required for MultiTenancyStrategy.DISCRIMINATOR
* [HHH-11988] - Envers creates unnecessary audit records for unchanged BigDecimal values
* [HHH-11996] - order_inserts causing constraint violation
* [HHH-11997] - EntityManager.createNamedQuery throwing illegalstateexception
* [HHH-12018] - NonUniqueObjectException when trying to update audited ElementCollection
* [HHH-12022] - hibernate-spatial adds org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:jar:1.7.7:runtime dependency
** New Feature
* [HHH-6382] - Support OnDelete=OnDeleteAction.CASCADE for unidirectional OneToMany ( JPA )
* [HHH-11984] - Add support for navigating between different doc versions
* [HHH-12006] - Make User Guide sections bookmark-able
* [HHH-12020] - Add SAP HANA to the list of provided dialects
* [HHH-12021] - Fix tests failing on SAP HANA
* [HHH-12033] - README.md links should use Markdown notation instead of AsciiDoc
** Task
* [HHH-11507] - Upgrade to Gradle 4.2
* [HHH-12001] - Allow ORM to be built with Java 9
* [HHH-12010] - Improve documentation for computeAggregationInInstanceContext
** Improvement
* [HHH-2897] - Adding support for use of sequence objects in DB2 V8 OS390
* [HHH-9576] - Use JDBC bind variables for handling JPA Criteria query numeric literals
* [HHH-11999] - Envers documentation issues
* [HHH-12026] - Make sure that search icon is rendered correctly in TOC
* [HHH-12037] - Remove unused code in ArrayHelper
* [HHH-12042] - Update to latest geolatte-geom version
** Deprecation
* [HHH-11989] - Deprecate LogicalConnectionImplementor#makeShareableCopy
** Remove Feature
* [HHH-11906] - Add support for MySQL query optimizer hints
Changes in 5.2.11.Final (September 13, 2017)
** Bug
* [HHH-5933] - NoopOptimizer ignores negative allocationSize; uses default of 1 instead
* [HHH-10747] - Enhanced entity classes initialize lazy collections when loaded.
* [HHH-11283] - hibernate spatial - getSRID returning 0
* [HHH-11374] - ConcurrentStatisticsImpl#getSecondLevelCacheStatistics() throws NPE if second level cache is not activated
* [HHH-11463] - HBM mappings generate a foreign-key even when foreign-key="none" is specified.
* [HHH-11465] - [Patch] @AttributeOverride does not work for CompositeUserType inside of @Embeddable
* [HHH-11600] - Sap HANA PreparedStatement implements CallableStatement and is treated as such by Hibernate
* [HHH-11614] - Wrong result for @Lob column with postgresql DB since 5.2.9
* [HHH-11624] - LazyInitializationException on enhanced class for Map<String, String>
* [HHH-11634] - ActionQueue#InsertActionSorter fails to generate right order
* [HHH-11635] - MySQLSkipAutoCommitTest fails when run on MariaDB
* [HHH-11642] - SQLServerException: The index 2 is out of range when executiong Spring Data findAll(Pageable)
* [HHH-11645] - HikariCP shutdown() method is deprecated, close() should be called instead
* [HHH-11646] - Incorrect search-and-replace has changed "before" to "beforeQuery" and "after" with "afterQuery" during HHH-10664
* [HHH-11650] - Parenthesis are interpreted in WHERE conditions when using paging and SQL Server
* [HHH-11655] - SessionImpl does not load EntityPersister by entity name
* [HHH-11703] - Entity with Natural ID not being cached in the persistenceContext, causing extra queries
* [HHH-11707] - README.md claims Java 6 compatibility
* [HHH-11709] - NoopOptimizer skips negative values and 0 when it has a positive incrementSize
* [HHH-11712] - PostgreSQL does not support positive/negative initial sequence values for descending/ascending sequences unless MAXVALUE/MINVALUE is defined as well
* [HHH-11714] - Entities with InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE and SecondaryTable are not being saved correctly
* [HHH-11716] - @Transient annotation not respected when class defines 'get' and 'is' accessor variants
* [HHH-11718] - Fix various alerts reported by lgtm.com
* [HHH-11725] - Javadoc typo
* [HHH-11726] - PASS_DISTINCT_THROUGH hint is ignored when used in conjunction with maxResults/firstResult limiters
* [HHH-11728] - Typo in PooledConnections
* [HHH-11729] - Add clarifications in the User Guide related to how Hibernate FetchMode types translate to JPA
* [HHH-11730] - Unable to audit entity with originalId property
* [HHH-11739] - globally_quoted_identifiers_skip_column_definitions property does the opposite of what the doc describes
* [HHH-11740] - Default MultiTableBulkIdStrategy for DB2 does not work with connection pools
* [HHH-11743] - Query.stream() does not map Tuple
* [HHH-11747] - Pagination with DB2390Dialect: TypedQuery.getResultList() always returns the first "maxResults" rows of the table for each call
* [HHH-11748] - RelatedId queries against Id annotated properties result in AuditException
* [HHH-11762] - PersistenceUnitUtilImpl#getIdentifier throws MappingException for non-entity
* [HHH-11764] - JTS geometry being bound to byte array instead of PGgeometry
* [HHH-11768] - foreign key violation with order_inserts=true and cascading persist
* [HHH-11770] - Audit queries for a OneToMany that is mapped to an EmbeddedId fails.
* [HHH-11783] - Wrong comment in UpdateTimestampsCache
* [HHH-11788] - Project gitignore ignores test classes
* [HHH-11795] - Support Ant Task for Bytecode Enhancement
* [HHH-11804] - Embeddable class' name and the reference to it are different
* [HHH-11815] - @org.hibernate.annotations.Index and NullPointerException in IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass
* [HHH-11818] - ClassCastException when binding a MaterializedNClobType value as NClob
* [HHH-11826] - ImplicitNamingStrategyComponentPathImpl generates invalid SQL for Entity with Embedded ElementCollection
* [HHH-11827] - JPA entity native query not eagerly fetching associations as suggested by documentation.
* [HHH-11830] - Shared Session memory leak via TransactionObserver reference
* [HHH-11832] - ManyToManyWithDynamicFilterTest fails on Sybase due to reserved word
* [HHH-11837] - MapsId and PrimaryKeyJoinColumn examples in the documentation should use OneToOne rather than ManyToOne
* [HHH-11841] - QueryException on map associaton when using Envers
* [HHH-11851] - BaseEnversFunctionalTestCase tests do not test against all parameterized audit strategies.
* [HHH-11864] - AutoCommit mode not reset after use by SchemaValidator
* [HHH-11868] - Documentation : Bad Hibernate type mapped to java.time.ZonedDateTime (Java 8)
* [HHH-11881] - Null Set collection elements are inserted into collection table
* [HHH-11884] - wrong class in returnedClass() in UserType example
* [HHH-11892] - Audit data not loaded for @ElementCollection
* [HHH-11897] - Fix support for Tuple results for native queries
* [HHH-11904] - EnumExplicitTypeTest test assert fails on mariadb clusters
* [HHH-11905] - AbstractLobTest Fails on Sybase
* [HHH-11910] - SchemaUpdateTest fails on databases using case-insensitive identifiers
* [HHH-11914] - SchemaUpdate.setHaltOnError(true) does nothing
* [HHH-11915] - DatabaseMetaData#getIndexInfo can return column names enclosed in quotes on PostgresPlus
* [HHH-11916] - Unnecessary initialization of lazy collection on PERSIST cascade
* [HHH-11922] - Entity with null many-to-one cannot be loaded when associated entity has composite ID with hibernate.create_empty_composites.enabled=true
* [HHH-11927] - CascadeMergeToChildBeforeParentTest should not assume the persisted entity has the id with a value of 1
* [HHH-11928] - Empty left join fetched collection is uninitialized when collection key is composite with hibernate.create_empty_composites.enabled=true
* [HHH-11935] - Log a warning and update documentation that enabling "empty" composites is an experimental feature
* [HHH-11944] - Fix the Session related delegating classes
* [HHH-11957] - DB2 substring method needs to be exposed in DB297Dialect
* [HHH-11982] - AbstractSharedSessionContract#getInterceptor should not call checkTransactionSynchStatus()
** New Feature
* [HHH-11907] - Add the getResultStream() default method in org.hibernate.query.Query
* [HHH-11942] - ANTLR parser should fail when providing an extra parenthesis
** Task
* [HHH-11698] - Upgrade to Byte Buddy 1.6.14 for improved JDK9 compatibility
* [HHH-11752] - Remove reference to old types.
* [HHH-11756] - Typo in public API method name: requiresPostCommitHanding on PostInsertEventListener
* [HHH-11808] - Update migration guide and documentation
* [HHH-11878] - Minor typo in CascadeStyles.java
* [HHH-11950] - Target WildFly 11 for produced hibernate-orm-modules
** Improvement
* [HHH-8955] - Add HSQLDialect support for trunc
* [HHH-10934] - Preventing duplicate ForeignKey generation
* [HHH-11176] - Add support for Tuple results for native queries
* [HHH-11186] - Add examples for all Hibernate annotations
* [HHH-11290] - Migrate all documentation snippets that derive the source code from extras instead of actual Unit Tests
* [HHH-11411] - Two column navigation and search box for documentation
* [HHH-11500] - Provide the cause of the error when validating @Loader named queries
* [HHH-11526] - Documentation for custom collection types
* [HHH-11546] - Add support for SAP NetWeaver Application Server as JTA Platform
* [HHH-11647] - Use ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS on Postgres
* [HHH-11750] - Fix typos in Hibernate 5.2 user guide
* [HHH-11759] - Improve deterministic nature of generated SQL of audited properties.
* [HHH-11793] - Change docs to point out that EAGER associations cannot be turn to LAZY with entity graphs
* [HHH-11820] - Do not inject CollectionTracker into entity without collection
* [HHH-11824] - Remove reflection for accessing Types.REF_CURSOR
* [HHH-11886] - Elaborate Envers documentation and switch to actual source code examples
* [HHH-11929] - Improve Performance of SQLServer2012LimitHandler.hasOrderBy()
* [HHH-11934] - Add a protected getter for the delegate in SessionFactoryDelegatingImpl
* [HHH-11945] - Make ExceptionConverterImpl use SharedSessionContractImplementor instead of AbstractSharedSessionContract
* [HHH-11946] - Configure the Configurable services in SessionFactoryServiceRegistryImpl
* [HHH-11951] - Improve TransactionStatus javadoc
* [HHH-11956] - Add createCustomLoader() to the NativeQueryInterpreter contract
* [HHH-11962] - Unmark deprecated the NativeQuery methods and add missing covariant overrides
** Patch
* [HHH-3924] - Use intern() to reuse strings and reduce memory usage
** Deprecation
* [HHH-11660] - Deprecate org.hibernate.mapping.RelationalModel
* [HHH-11700] - Deprecate three org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor methods
* [HHH-11737] - Remove dependency on legacy criteria package.
** Remove Feature
* [HHH-11890] - Remove old docbook folder from the documentation module
* [HHH-11891] - Clarify documentation about Hibernate support for basic array types
Changes in 5.2.10.Final (April 14, 2017)
** Bug
* [HHH-3628] - Hilo optimizer problem in case of multiple threads accessing the sequence table
* [HHH-8001] - Apply query timeouts to Oracle follow-on locking
* [HHH-9663] - Orphan removal does not work for OneToOne relations
* [HHH-10062] - ScrollableResults with join fetch reuses proxy rather than loading actual object.
* [HHH-10728] - NullPointerException when using CriteriaBuilder.selectCase with CriteriaBuilder.equal
* [HHH-11459] - Bytecode-enhanced Entity cannot be merged or refreshed
* [HHH-11557] - DB2 gets confused with numerical parameters in nullif function DB2Dialect
* [HHH-11575] - Multiple revisions are created during a single transaction with FlushMode COMMIT
* [HHH-11576] - Unloaded collections get deleted when entity is bytecode enhanced
* [HHH-11579] - Disable Query parameter validation when a Session is unwrapped from an EntityManager
* [HHH-11580] - EnversPreCollectionRemoveEventListener fails because EntityManager is closed when using JPA + JTA + Envers
* [HHH-11582] - Hibernate-Envers has incoherent behavior for modified flag when create new Entity
* [HHH-11591] - Nullable check should not be skipped for OneToOne annotated with @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)
* [HHH-11592] - The Field org.hibernate.jpa.AvailableSettings.JDBC_PASSWORD is initialized with org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings.JPA_JDBC_USER
* [HHH-11596] - @OneToOne association with @JoinTable ignores optional attribute
* [HHH-11601] - Fix tests failing on Oracle
* [HHH-11602] - Session close counter statistic not updated when using Hibernate in JPA mode
* [HHH-11609] - Cascade @OneToOne persist with enabled order_inserts generates statements in a wrong order
* [HHH-11612] - SINGLE_TABLE associated entity query missing restriction of DiscriminatorColumn - reverting HHH-11375
* [HHH-11616] - Refactor org.hibernate.jpa.test.lock.LockTest
* [HHH-11617] - Statement leak in case of "SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet"
* [HHH-11625] - Namespace uses physicalNamingStrategy.toPhysicalCatalogName() for schema name.
** New Feature
* [HHH-10654] - LockOptions.SKIP_LOCKED semantics implementation on MSSQL
* [HHH-10850] - SQLServerDialect doesRepeatableReadCauseReadersToBlockWriters impelmentation
** Improvement
* [HHH-10831] - Hibernate method to un-proxy a javassist proxy
* [HHH-11409] - Bind registered collection types using their type handler
* [HHH-11499] - Add a new DB2 dialect that uses "cross join" for cross joins instead of ","
* [HHH-11542] - Allow the auto-commit resolution to be configurable for RESOURCE_LOCAL transactions
* [HHH-11569] - Return only distinct elements when query is hinted with EntityGraph
* [HHH-11584] - Made parameter names of Restrictions#between more readable
* [HHH-11585] - Batch ordering fails for bidirectional one-to-one associations
* [HHH-11593] - Fix test issues in SQL Server
* [HHH-11598] - Use the default catalog when scanning the tables for hbm2ddl schema migration
Changes in 5.2.9.Final (March 16, 2017)
** Bug
* [HHH-9114] - @IdClass with @MappedSuperclass results in "property not found"
* [HHH-11372] - Do not send RemoveExpiredCommands in repl/dist caches
* [HHH-11373] - Silence lock acquisition failures on remote nodes
* [HHH-11381] - In nonstrict mode, putFromLoad after evict can behave incorrectly
* [HHH-11397] - Query parameter binding validation issue
* [HHH-11470] - Schema update should not try to query sequences for Dialects not supporting them (DB2400Dialect, DerbyDialect, DB2390Dialect)
* [HHH-11477] - HQL query against field marked with @Lob fails on PostgreSQL
* [HHH-11502] - XML Mapped Entity with a ManyToOne association to a Annotation Mapped Entity -> NullPointerException
* [HHH-11503] - LimitHandler parameter binding fails on SQL Server 2012
* [HHH-11506] - Lazy properties are not updated on bytecode-enhanced entity if not all lazy properties (e.g. collections) are initialized
* [HHH-11510] - NativeQuery#iterate throws QuerySyntaxException instead of UnsupportedOperationException
* [HHH-11511] - QuerySyntaxException when sorting by a column using a JPQL reserved keyword
* [HHH-11516] - Level two cache may not be enabled when using @Cacheable without/instead of @Cache
* [HHH-11529] - Getting NullPointerException from ScanningCoordinator debug log
* [HHH-11536] - Fix unit tests failing on Oracle
* [HHH-11538] - Redundant left outer joins in generated SQL
* [HHH-11540] - Metamodel does not include embeddable type used in type variables
* [HHH-11545] - ForeignKey definition of @CollectionTable isn't properly used
* [HHH-11547] - Misspelling in documentation
* [HHH-11549] - Unable to locate MappedSuperclass version attribute when mixing annotations with hibernate mapping files
* [HHH-11554] - Inherited interfaces are not considered when creating EntityMetamodel
* [HHH-11555] - AbstractSharedSessionContract doesn't restore ExceptionConverter after de-serialization
* [HHH-11559] - Fix tests catching exceptions without re-throwing them
* [HHH-11560] - Envers throws a MappingException for Lob + ElementCollection for non-audited properties.
* [HHH-11570] - Hibernate Envers listeners fail because EntityManager is closed when using JPA/JTA/Hibernate 5.2.8/Envers
** Improvement
* [HHH-11089] - Naming Strategy Does not affect the user-specified index/foreign-key names
* [HHH-11143] - Log a warning if @Cache / @Cacheable specified on non-root entities
* [HHH-11473] - Refactor MySQL Dialects
* [HHH-11509] - Infomix limit handler support for offset
* [HHH-11518] - Log4DelegatingLogger slows down testsuite execution by formatting messages too eagerly
* [HHH-11530] - IdentityGeneratorExtendsTest.testIdentifierGeneratorExtendsIdentityGenerator failing on Oracle DBs
* [HHH-11551] - Forward IOException in ClassFileArchiveEntryHandler::toClassFile
* [HHH-11558] - Envers Query API throws NullPointerException when providing a non-audited entity class.
* [HHH-11563] - Avoid calling multiple times org.hibernate.mapping.Component#getComponentClass() during the PojoComponentTuplizer creation
* [HHH-11564] - ThreadLocal access in ManagedSessionContext does not need synchronization
* [HHH-11568] - Throw QueryException rather than antlr-specific exceptions when query parsing fails.
Changes in 5.2.8.Final (February 17, 2017)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-7132] - Split Oracle spatial dialect into OGC Strict/non-strict dialects
* [HHH-11475] - Deprecate ModificationStore
** Bug
* [HHH-10256] - ClassCastException in ResultSetReturnImpl.java:75
* [HHH-10537] - Usage of JPQL KEY() with entity key generates inner join
* [HHH-10577] - Allow dereferencing of KEY() path
* [HHH-10930] - Need to add jta dependency for the plugin to work
* [HHH-10938] - Substantial native memory leak when bootstrapping EntityManagerFactory
* [HHH-10989] - Unidirectional one-to-many doesn't take care of many side during removal if bytecode enhancement is on
* [HHH-11161] - @LazyCollection(LazyCollectionOption.EXTRA) is not extra lazy for bytecode enhanced classes
* [HHH-11180] - JPA @ForeignKey still not consistently applied from annotation binding
* [HHH-11237] - Incorrect update occurs when updating a detached object with empty component and @SelectBeforeUpdate
* [HHH-11262] - Bulk Operations attempt to create temporary tables, but user does not have permission to create table
* [HHH-11299] - Uninitialized ManyToMany Entry is not removed when bytecode-enhanced Entity is deleted
* [HHH-11301] - Oracle Spatial Dialect non-string mode is unavailable
* [HHH-11410] - ManyToMany with Filter generates incorrect load SQL
* [HHH-11412] - EntityManager/Session setProperty should permit custom properties
* [HHH-11416] - Envers query API: cannot traverse relation if target entity is mapped with JOINED subclass mapping/Unrelated property joins do not work when target entity is Mapped with JOINED subclass mapping
* [HHH-11418] - SynonymValidationTest failure
* [HHH-11419] - QueryAndSQLTest failing on MS SQL Server
* [HHH-11425] - Karaf feature misses byte buddy dependency
* [HHH-11426] - NullPointerException in getPersistenceUnitUtil().getIdentifier() on detached enhanced entity
* [HHH-11434] - Failure in some tests causes TS to hang infinitely
* [HHH-11436] - SQLTest failure
* [HHH-11437] - Entity joins are not polymorphic
* [HHH-11438] - Inconsistencies in the documentation for bytecode enhancement
* [HHH-11455] - When "schema" attribute is set explicitly, tables are identified by schema name even when underlying database doesn't support schemas
* [HHH-11456] - SequenceHiLoGeneratorTest fails due to wrong select string on SQL Server
* [HHH-11467] - Form-feed (\f 0x0C) in generated SQL triggers exceptions in Firebird
* [HHH-11484] - Conversion from String to Locale.ROOT is not working
** Task
* [HHH-11431] - Remove unintended deprecations on Query
* [HHH-11439] - Switch from Geronimo JTA to Narayana JTA
* [HHH-11445] - Improve Infinispan second-level cache documentation
* [HHH-11461] - Remove reference to tools class EnversSchemaGenerator
* [HHH-11468] - Update CreationTimestamp and UpdateTimestamp Javadoc
** Improvement
* [HHH-8768] - Add support for OFFSET/FETCH pagination for SQL Server 2012
* [HHH-11417] - Upgrade Byte Buddy to 1.6.4
* [HHH-11420] - Update Byte Buddy to 1.6.6. and use more granular locks on type caches
* [HHH-11428] - When multiple @RequiresDialect annotation is applied the test is ignored
* [HHH-11442] - Update documentation for HHH-10858
* [HHH-11448] - Fix tests failing on PostgreSQL
* [HHH-11450] - The testWithClause from WithClauseTest class fails on PostgreSQL
* [HHH-11453] - Documentation: explain/state find() and Query on a single entity can behave differently
* [HHH-11457] - Add MariaDB specific Dialects
* [HHH-11458] - Optimize the SQL formatter call when iterating through multiple targets
* [HHH-11482] - SUBSTRING example code suggests start position is 0-based
* [HHH-11485] - Document that the @Filter annotation only applies to query
* [HHH-11489] - Improve the documentation about upgrading WidFly with latest Hibernate ORM modules
* [HHH-11491] - Add documentation to non-temporary tables bulk-id strategies
Changes in 5.2.7.Final (January 19, 2017)
** Bug
* [HHH-4712] - Field named "id" (but not an @Id) in a class referenced via join table leads to "Column 'col_1_1_' not found" when retrieving old versions
* [HHH-8973] - support auditing revised properties on detatched objects
* [HHH-9108] - Envers with Embeddable having a collection of other entities results in PropertyAccessException: IllegalArgumentException
* [HHH-9834] - Audit table creation fails for ElementCollection Map with CLOB/NCLOB element column
* [HHH-10183] - Mapping for NVARCHAR in SqlServer not working with native queries; org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: -9
* [HHH-10561] - Join on treated root not rendered in HQL
* [HHH-11134] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in BooleanTypeDescriptor
* [HHH-11173] - Bytecode enhanced lazy collection won't load from cache
* [HHH-11202] - IllegalAccessException on Embeddable ID after serializing Getter in cache key
* [HHH-11236] - JPA hbm2ddl auto-generation creates ddl with invalid syntax for Unique Key with any MySQLDialect
* [HHH-11242] - Unable to enhance property from MappedSuperclass: class is frozen
* [HHH-11284] - Enhancer dirty tracking doesn't work with inherited entities
* [HHH-11309] - Cannot install Hibernate feature into Karaf 4.0.7
* [HHH-11323] - Evict during concurrent update and putFromLoad can result in stale entry in 2LC
* [HHH-11350] - Intermittent failure in testEvictAll/testRemoveAll
* [HHH-11352] - Hibernate & Paging: BROKEN when a column contains the word "FROM" for SQL Server
* [HHH-11364] - Unable to populate an ElementCollection (of an embeddable type) of an audited entity when the collection has a null value for a property with JoinColumn
* [HHH-11369] - gradle tasks fail to list
* [HHH-11375] - SINGLE_TABLE associated entity query missing restriction of DiscriminatorColumn
* [HHH-11376] - Malformed SQL query sent to SQL Server with left outer join and pessimistic lock
* [HHH-11383] - Envers Query API: Cannot traverse relation of superclass with table-per-subclass mapping
* [HHH-11393] - Hibernate/JPA CriteriaQuery trim function generate wrong SQL for PostgreSQL
* [HHH-11394] - Custom WildFly modules include a duplicate dependency on Javassist
* [HHH-11400] - HHH90000016: Found use of deprecated 'collection property' issue for valid JPQL query
* [HHH-11401] - Subquery join rewrite produces wrong SQL in some cases
* [HHH-11404] - ManagedSuperclass not enhanced when extending another ManagedSuperclass
* [HHH-11407] - JPA + JDBC transaction - when a commit fails rollback is executed twice
** Task
* [HHH-11382] - Upgrade WildFly version used for integration tests to 10.1.0.Final
** Improvement
* [HHH-10858] - Could not find matching type descriptor for requested Java class [...]; using fallback
* [HHH-11339] - PutFromLoads in replicated/distributed caches should propagate asynchronously
* [HHH-11344] - Reduce execution time of hibernate-infinispan testsuite
* [HHH-11370] - Consider making javax.enterprise:cdi-api dependency "provided"
* [HHH-11377] - ReflectHelper#getConstantValue should consider digits as well
* [HHH-11388] - Fix documentation typos spotted by FabioUeno
* [HHH-11389] - Upgrade Byte Buddy to 1.6.0
* [HHH-11395] - ServiceRegistry#getService(...) throws NPE when service initiator returns null
* [HHH-11408] - Fixing typos in documentation
Changes in 5.2.6.Final (December 20, 2016)
** Bug
* [HHH-4313] - ConcurrentModificationException when collection of embeddable contains a collection
* [HHH-7940] - NullPointerException with indexed Collections
* [HHH-7949] - Mapping of modified flags for bidirectional association causes lazy loading of collections
* [HHH-10465] - Loss of precision in temporal JavaTypeDescriptor implementations
* [HHH-10623] - Persist of detached entity in derived ID
* [HHH-11183] - Mixed line endings in schema creation script
* [HHH-11241] - Missing column when executing HQL and criteria query with secondary table
* [HHH-11257] - Connection leak when SQLGrammarException is thrown
* [HHH-11274] - EntityManagerFactoryImpl.getIdentifier uses deprecated version of getIdentifier
* [HHH-11277] - SQLServerDialect does not adhere to supportsVariableLimit setting
* [HHH-11278] - setMaxResult(0) should return an empty List
* [HHH-11287] - requiresDependencyResolution must bet set in plugin.xml to include maven dependencies in enhancement classpath
* [HHH-11288] - Execution project artifacts are always empty, so dependencies are never included
* [HHH-11289] - Lazy-initializing a static Method and making accessible not thread-safe
* [HHH-11293] - Use of enhancer dirty tracking causes collections in entities to not be persisted
* [HHH-11294] - NPE in org.hibernate.jpa.internal.util.PersistenceUtilHelper.isInitialized(PersistentAttributeInterceptable)
* [HHH-11296] - Incorrect handling of NCLOB streaming
* [HHH-11304] - Invalidations are not cleared when transaction rolls back
* [HHH-11305] - @OneToOne association, Nullable check does is not skipped for @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)
* [HHH-11314] - BasicHibernateAnnotationsTest.testInheritFiltersFromMappedSuperclass fails on MS SQL Server
* [HHH-11315] - EnhancerTest fails on Oracle databases
* [HHH-11316] - EnhancerTest fails on Oracle databases
* [HHH-11324] - SQLServer2005LimitHandler uncapable of handle subquery in column list
* [HHH-11328] - Persist of transient entity in derived ID that is already in merge process throws javax.persistence.EntityExistsException
* [HHH-11329] - Too long identifiers in tests in org.hibernate.test.inheritancediscriminator.embeddable package
* [HHH-11330] - Skip IdentifierGeneratorWithNaturalIdCacheTest on dialects that do not support identity columns
* [HHH-11331] - SQLLoaderTest fails on DB2
* [HHH-11332] - QueryAndSQLTest and QueryTest failing on Sybase because null == null
* [HHH-11335] - ByteArrayIdTest and PrimitiveByteArrayIdTest failing on Oracle DBs
* [HHH-11337] - Incorrect SQL generated when use both left join with unrelated entity and implicit join to another entity in select-clause
* [HHH-11340] - Joins on Entity Joins are not rendered into SQL
** Improvement
* [HHH-4959] - Concurrent HQL parsing blocks on ReflectHelper.classForName()
* [HHH-11265] - JCacheRegionFactory should allow for subclasses to specify CacheManager
* [HHH-11295] - Some improvements to EntityJoinTest
* [HHH-11307] - When .class cannot be loaded, throw a sensible exception instead of NPE
* [HHH-11308] - Bump c3p0 version up to support JDBC 4.2
* [HHH-11317] - Several typos and style fixes in documentation
* [HHH-11318] - Fix Infinispan Javadoc documentation typos
* [HHH-11319] - The dirtyPropertyNames content is NOT logged properly
* [HHH-11320] - Disable EntityRegionAccessStrategyTest#testContestedPutFromLoad because of short timeout
* [HHH-11321] - ByteBuddy Enhancer throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot resolve type description for certain classes
* [HHH-11338] - Apply HHH-11194 fix to Dialect subclasses
* [HHH-11346] - Upgrade gradle to 3.2.1 + Upgrade build scan plugin to 1.3
Changes in 5.2.5.Final (November 24, 2016)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-2705] - optimistic-lock = "dirty" does not support detached objects
** Bug
* [HHH-5467] - API documentation for @Fetch(SUBSELECT) is ambiguous.
* [HHH-6941] - Erroneous Javadoc for getReferencedProperty, getReferenceablePropertyIterator
* [HHH-9816] - Document exclude-unlisted-classes and hibernate.archive.autodetection in the manual
* [HHH-11083] - WrongClassException using Infinispan and sharing cache regions
* [HHH-11155] - Lazy properties are not updated if not all lazy properties (e.g. collections) are initialized
* [HHH-11194] - [Regression] SQLServerDialect no longer supports setFirstResult(n)
* [HHH-11197] - Hibernate Spatial cannot parse WKT from PostGIS
* [HHH-11205] - char is not treated as nationalized character
* [HHH-11214] - ValidityAuditStrategy not audit properly nested collection with nulls
* [HHH-11215] - NullPointerException when reading an audited entity that has a collection of embeddables with a ManyToOne to an unaudited entity.
* [HHH-11216] - @ElementCollection for enumerations is failing when enabling insert ordering
* [HHH-11217] - SessionImpl.refresh() throws IllegalArgumentException, "not an Entity" when using custom entity name
* [HHH-11226] - Hibernate cache throws NullPointerException during wildfly app server startup
* [HHH-11230] - Aggregate on (mappedBy) joined column produces invalid query
* [HHH-11232] - Session closed exception when using Envers in a JTA transaction
* [HHH-11248] - Warn user when multiple persistence-units use the same name
* [HHH-11250] - NPE occurs when using filters whose name contains a dot
* [HHH-11254] - Timestamps cache fails validation if eviction strategy = MANUAL
* [HHH-11258] - Using nested order by in a function context produces wrong sql
* [HHH-11267] - hibernate-infinispan testsuite is broken
* [HHH-11269] - JPA & JTA - Error during managed flush [Session/EntityManager is closed] on flush-time cascades
** New Feature
* [HHH-3674] - Expose SchemaUpdate#haltOnError as a configuration property
** Task
* [HHH-7424] - document HHH-2576
* [HHH-11238] - Upgrade JBoss Logging Tools to 2.0.1.Final
* [HHH-11239] - Upgrade Jandex to version 2.0.3.Final
* [HHH-11240] - Upgrade Infinispan to version 8.2.4.Final
* [HHH-11268] - Changes required after upgrading to Infinispan to 8.2
* [HHH-11270] - Upgrade to Infinispan 8.2.5.Final
* [HHH-11271] - Fix hidden failure in InfinispanRegionFactoryTestCase#testTimestampValidation
** Improvement
* [HHH-476] - Event System documentation
* [HHH-4465] - Document @Entity.name != Hibernate entity name
* [HHH-10127] - Allow indication that converted types are immutable
* [HHH-10211] - Create Postgis9Dialect, Postgis92Dialect and Postgis94Dialect
* [HHH-11034] - Query.stream() Javadoc should specify whether the resulting Stream contains resources
* [HHH-11152] - ByteBuddy BytecodeProvider
* [HHH-11204] - Fix typo for all "occured" error message to occurred
* [HHH-11206] - Document all configurations that are not present in AvailableSettings
* [HHH-11220] - Auto-detect SQL Server 2016 when the major version is 13
* [HHH-11221] - Add more authors to the User Guide header
* [HHH-11225] - Add CriteriaBuilder overloads for methods dealing with Collection to also deal with Map
* [HHH-11233] - JPA SQL function with no arguments can only be called if we provide a comma
* [HHH-11235] - split checkstyles into fatal and non-fatal configs
* [HHH-11245] - Usage of a closed Thread Context ClassLoader
* [HHH-11255] - @NaturalId mapping fails when using a composite natural identifier
** Patch
* [HHH-2123] - clarification on the way interceptors and event system interact.
Changes in 5.2.4.Final (October 26, 2016)
** Bug
* [HHH-8512] - Hibernate documentation is not clear what Java/JDBC version is required
* [HHH-9864] - foreign key violation with order_inserts=true and batches with mixed subclass entities
* [HHH-11012] - Hibernate Spatial Geometry Not Serializable
* [HHH-11050] - Gradle Enhancement Task RuntimeException: class is frozen
* [HHH-11087] - MySQL56SpatialDialect does not register geometry types causing Geometry types are not correctly deserialized
* [HHH-11107] - Audit table schema generation creates foreign key constraint to Entity table for EmbeddedId containing ManyToOne
* [HHH-11145] - SQLServer2005LimitHandler creates invalid query when quoted column uses keywords.
* [HHH-11149] - Update plugin parameters for maven enhancer plugin
* [HHH-11157] - Invalid identifiers generated in org.hibernate.engine.internal.JoinSequence
* [HHH-11159] - JPA CriteriaUpdate - NullLiteral causes IllegalArgumentException: Could not convert java type to Hibernate type
* [HHH-11166] - JPA & JTA - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Session/EntityManager is closed when EntityManager is closed with an active Transaction
* [HHH-11171] - Java 8 time types fail Externalization
* [HHH-11179] - NullPointerException on lazy load of non-existed entity outside transaction
* [HHH-11182] - HQL subquery with constraint property in superclass does not join superclass table
* [HHH-11184] - SessionFactoryDelegatingImpl.registerNamedSQLQueryDefinition call wrong delegate method
* [HHH-11188] - SessionImpl.refresh() throws IllegalArgumentException, "Entity not managed" for detached instances when JPA bootstrapped
* [HHH-11203] - UniqueConstraintGenerationTest fails on db2
** New Feature
* [HHH-3771] - Best practice for equals/hashCode implementation
** Task
* [HHH-5152] - Update Configuration chapter (chapter 3) to reflect Hibernate Annotations
* [HHH-7010] - Document mapping annotations
* [HHH-9216] - Add documentation about merging multiple detached representations of the same entity
* [HHH-10243] - document package registration for Hibernate 5
* [HHH-11105] - Update Ehcache to 2.10.3
** Improvement
* [HHH-5037] - Improve documentation for immutable/read-only entity and immutable collection functionality
* [HHH-10489] - DB2400Dialect could use the same LimitHandler as DB2Dialect
* [HHH-11066] - Documentation regarding the reason @Filter is not supported with @Cache for collections
* [HHH-11127] - Confused batch processing doc example
* [HHH-11142] - Document supported use/implications of @Cache / @Cacheable
* [HHH-11148] - Migrate HikariCP from Java 1.6 to Java 1.8
* [HHH-11151] - Update Getting Started guide to Hibernate 5.2
* [HHH-11174] - Document that XML file mappings can reside outside of JAR
* [HHH-11175] - Remove the Cartesian Product note from JOINED inheritance
* [HHH-11177] - Duplicate queries during startup
* [HHH-11189] - Remove all links to external blog posts from User Guide
Changes in 5.2.3.Final (September 30, 2016)
** Bug
* [HHH-3846] - LazyInit error on persting with detached association
* [HHH-5908] - unnecessary updates when using select-before-update dirty check with entity that has immutable many-to-one properties.
* [HHH-6562] - Unknown collection role when accessing ElementCollection in Embeddable via Criteria API
* [HHH-7681] - Collection changes result in null audit values when collection entity participates in a fake bidirectional relationship.
* [HHH-8630] - random map key column generated when using @AttributeOverrides and @ElementCollection
* [HHH-9329] - Join With SQL generation regression
* [HHH-9739] - Updated object is written to second level cache with CacheMode.IGNORE
* [HHH-10229] - Select value from element collection results in wrong SQL being produced
* [HHH-10502] - ORDER BY FIELD(..) throws java.sql.SQLException: Operand should contain 1 column(s)
* [HHH-10629] - Spatial not bundled in release bundles
* [HHH-10659] - Natural Id 2nd level Cache not working when Identity is database generated
* [HHH-10693] - PostgreSQL should not use nvarchar when using Nationalization
* [HHH-10695] - MySQL fails using the NCLOB type
* [HHH-10818] - Allow AttributeConverter on attributes marked as Lob (REALLY this time)
* [HHH-10978] - Hibernate throws SQLGrammarException: Error accessing table metadata when @Table is used with schema value and no catalog
* [HHH-10981] - Support private persistent attributes in @MappedSuperclas
* [HHH-10998] - NullPointerException when using join with subselect in hbm mapping
* [HHH-11004] - Array types as @ElementCollection values not handled
* [HHH-11005] - OneToMany generated incorrect SQL where MapKey is on superclass and using InheritanceType.JOINED
* [HHH-11023] - Startup performance regression : schema update/validate
* [HHH-11030] - InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl getTable method wrong default namespace lookup
* [HHH-11033] - NativeQueryImpl::doScroll seems to be broken when used with setParameterList (affects scroll and stream)
* [HHH-11036] - The drop schema filtering of sequence generation with schemaFilter is wrong
* [HHH-11037] - Subclass embeddable sub-properties ignored if superclass has property with same name
* [HHH-11038] - Invalid statement generated for @MapKeyColumn(updatable=false) for @OneToMany
* [HHH-11051] - Cache EventListenerRegistry and StatisticsImplementor
* [HHH-11056] - Envers audits unchanged objects for a certain use case
* [HHH-11058] - NPE in SchemaValidator with DdlTransactionIsolatorJtaImpl
* [HHH-11061] - Attempt to resolve foreign key metadata from JDBC metadata failed to find column mappings for foreign when keywords auto quoting is enabled
* [HHH-11063] - Auditing tables are not filled correctly when using a custom hashCode method that does not use the entity id.
* [HHH-11067] - Proxy-wrapped Sessions (ThreadLocalSessionContext.TransactionProtectionWrapper) handle equals incorrectly
* [HHH-11072] - Skip CriteriaLiteralInSelectExpressionTest#testStringLiteral2 for Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase dialects
* [HHH-11073] - Casting to boolean in query fails on MySQL
* [HHH-11081] - JPA join with treat causes QuerySyntaxException: Invalid path
* [HHH-11084] - SQLServer2005LimitHandler applies TOP(?) to subselect
* [HHH-11092] - NamedNativeQueries ordinal parameters are zero based
* [HHH-11097] - Performance problem if cached entity has attribute state with an expensive toString() method (LOB, etc)
* [HHH-11099] - Closing EntityManager with an active transaction causes JTA connection leak
* [HHH-11101] - Missing unique constraint for many-to-many with unique=true in list mapping
* [HHH-11120] - SessionFactoryOptionsImpl#releaseResourcesOnCloseEnabled never initialized
* [HHH-11121] - Wrong NativeQueryImpl.setZeroBasedParametersIndex when Session#createSQLQuery is executed after EM#createNativeQuery
* [HHH-11131] - OrderedSequenceGenerator no longer serves any purpose
* [HHH-11133] - Audit tables storing incorrect discriminator value when using JOINED entity inheritance.
* [HHH-11140] - "query specified join fetching, but the owner of the fetched association was not present in the select list" with @ElementCollection
** New Feature
* [HHH-10399] - Add support for specifying TimeZone for ZonedDateTime type
** Improvement
* [HHH-10106] - Include source entity name and table name (attribute name too ideally) for associations referencing unmapped classes
* [HHH-10406] - Provide @CreationTimestamp and @UpdateTimestamp for Instant and LocalDateTime
* [HHH-10523] - 2.3.20. SQL quoted identifiers in User Guide should discuss explicit enclosure in double-quotes (JPA)
* [HHH-10972] - Use UTF-8 charset for reading files for initializing the database (javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source scripts)
* [HHH-11007] - The distributed modules for WildFly are missing Hibernate Envers test case support.
* [HHH-11027] - Document the PASS_DISTINCT_THROUGH Query Hint
* [HHH-11059] - Improve documentation for JTA configuration in user guide and 5.0 migration guide
* [HHH-11069] - Improve documentation regarding GenerationType.AUTO
* [HHH-11070] - Add the full Hibernate ORM version to the User Guide title
* [HHH-11074] - Add method setTimeout for DetachedCriteria
* [HHH-11082] - Log the failing SQL when the batched execution throws a RuntimeException (e.g. StaleStateException)
* [HHH-11108] - Add test to prove that @Basic( fetch = FetchType.LAZY ) really works as expected
* [HHH-11116] - Improve the JPA bootstrapping section in the User Guide
* [HHH-11119] - Improve performance of StringHelper.qualify() and StringHelper.unqualify()
* [HHH-11136] - Reduce memory consumption caused by Method.getParameterTypes()
Changes in 5.2.2.Final (August 04, 2016)
** Bug
* [HHH-5393] - MappingException when @MapKeyColumn refers to a column mapped in embeddable map value
* [HHH-7249] - Discrimator values in versioned entities in one to many relations could cause problems when deleting relation
* [HHH-7625] - Inverse OneToMany with a CompositeKey fails
* [HHH-9199] - ValidityAuditStrategy: Collection of embeddables is not audited correctly
* [HHH-10027] - Dynamic filter parameter can be bound in wrong order when applied to OneToMany collections
* [HHH-10617] - multiLoad behavior
* [HHH-10725] - Hibernate Integrations Guide: an incorrect example LatestAndGreatestConnectionProviderImpl
* [HHH-10795] - StatefulPersistenceContext.entityEntryContext does not work properly for ManagedEntity associated with a different StatefulPersistenceContext
* [HHH-10810] - ImplicitIndexColumnNameSource should extend ImplicitNameSource.
* [HHH-10879] - SqlServer dialect doesn't respect "key" reserved keyword
* [HHH-10888] - PluralAttribute#isAssociation returns true for @ElementCollection
* [HHH-10896] - Exception thrown when dropping schema with a managed connection
* [HHH-10900] - ExceptionConverter throws an exception if the Proxy is no longer reachable
* [HHH-10907] - Fix connection leak problem in hibernate-core tests
* [HHH-10915] - NullPointerException from AbstractProducedQuery.getParameters()
* [HHH-10919] - HQL: Sql syntax exception when joining a Map<Entity,Component>
* [HHH-10920] - Joined inheritance : Same super class field name in embedded type causes embedded field to be ignored
* [HHH-10922] - flush triggers load when using enableDirtyTracking
* [HHH-10937] - The generation of the drop schema does not filter sequence with schemaFilter
* [HHH-10942] - Session not flushing starting from 5.2.0 in Karaf + Aries JPA & JTA
* [HHH-10944] - org.hibernate.test.mappingexception.MappingExceptionTest#testNotFound failure
* [HHH-10950] - uniqueResultOptional fails for Query created from CriteriaQuery
* [HHH-10952] - Tests leaving transactions opened cause PostgreSQL to hang
* [HHH-10953] - HQL update statement fails if entity is inside a package of format in.mycomany.domain.Entity
* [HHH-10955] - PessimisticWriteLockTimeoutTest#testSkipLocked should run only on PostgreSQL 9.5
* [HHH-10959] - Methods in org.hibernate.query.Query should not return the deprecated org.hibernate.Query
* [HHH-10964] - Fix missing currentTenantIdentifierResolver
* [HHH-10973] - hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin won't enhance entities with bidirectional relationships
* [HHH-10977] - entity not enhanced when mapped superclass enhanced before
* [HHH-10987] - Cannot save JTS geometry with SRID 3857 into SRID 3857 column
* [HHH-10991] - Wrong order parameter binding when filters are used in conjunction with component type parameters and subqueries
* [HHH-10993] - NPE when Lazy loading collection without transaction for bytecode enhanced entitie
* [HHH-10994] - Limit Handler for SQL server doesn't support queries with alias( without 'as' keyboard ) in select clause.
* [HHH-11009] - org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Unable to create unique key constraint - if column not found
* [HHH-11013] - The release task creates two documentation folders for UserGuide
* [HHH-11016] - Hibernate Schema Management Tool does not properly drop sequences for PostgresSQL 8.2+
** New Feature
* [HHH-10965] - Add new Query Hint to avoid passing DISTINCT from entity queries to SQL statements
* [HHH-10966] - Document @DiscriminatorValue NULL and NOT_NULL options
* [HHH-10971] - Document flush operation order
** Task
* [HHH-10948] - Upgrade Byteman to 3.0.6
** Improvement
* [HHH-8687] - Better exception message for PostgreSQL81Dialect and named REF_CURSOR parameter binding
* [HHH-10531] - JaxbHbmTuplizerType marshalling does not conform hibernate-mapping-4.0.xsd
* [HHH-10532] - Cannot marshall JaxbHbmBasicAttributeType to xml if the "generated" attribute is not specified
* [HHH-10800] - InformixDialect: add support for coalesce(), current_timestamp(), current_date()
* [HHH-10905] - NullPointerException when StatelessSession.get(Class, Serializable, LockMode) called with null LockMode, instead of defaulting to LockMode.NONE
* [HHH-10923] - Upgrade CDI 1.1 and related dependencies to Final
* [HHH-10924] - Replace ConcurrentServiceBinding by ConcurrentHashMap
* [HHH-10943] - Driver Manager Connection Pool should close leaked connections upon shutting down
* [HHH-10945] - Move TransactionUtil from documentation to hibernate-testing
* [HHH-10946] - Add utility to detect connection leaks during testing
* [HHH-10947] - Add @Repeatable to Hibernate-owned annotations
* [HHH-10949] - Upgrade Infinispan to 8.2.3.Final
* [HHH-10984] - Have multiLoad not return (unflushed) DELETED entities
* [HHH-10996] - The cleanupTestData utility has issues with link tables
* [HHH-11000] - Fix the port stealing issue between Arquillian and NVidia Windows driver
* [HHH-11002] - Add documentation section about Filter and FilterDef
* [HHH-11017] - Migrate Integration Guide to AsciiDoctor
Changes in 5.2.1.Final (June 30, 2016)
** Bug
* [HHH-7510] - LazyInitializationException thrown when deleting an entity while global_with_modified_flag turned on
* [HHH-8305] - Envers auditing OneToOne inserts null in Aud JoinTable in a not stablished relationship
* [HHH-8488] - JPA joinList and treat behaviour
* [HHH-8999] - NullPointerException when updating or deleting multiple entities of same type with non-comparable IDs
* [HHH-9128] - Regression: EnversHibernateToolTask is missing
* [HHH-9322] - Updating multiple entities with the same name in the same flush throws a ClassCastException when using a non-Comparable user type as the entity ID
* [HHH-9512] - Invalid entity being created when merging with recursive cascading
* [HHH-10230] - Using boolean or null literals results in a parser error
* [HHH-10238] - Derby MultiTableBulkIdStrategy uses non-existant temporary tables
* [HHH-10245] - SelfDirtinessTracker not found
* [HHH-10277] - AttributeConverter not applied to attributes of an embeddable used as collection element
* [HHH-10299] - After adding "@Audited" to an entity field the warning "Use of DOM4J entity-mode is considered deprecated" appears
* [HHH-10334] - @formula annotation javadoc contains database dependent sample usage
* [HHH-10341] - Specification violation in Implementation of TupleElement
* [HHH-10352] - HBM2DDL does not use described name for foreign key in join inheritance
* [HHH-10360] - Natural ID columns are nullable by default (hbm mappings only)
* [HHH-10361] - Child module osgi does not exist in hibernate-tutorials
* [HHH-10375] - adding an entity at index to list with @OrderColumn in detached Entity
* [HHH-10413] - byte[] as the version attribute broken
* [HHH-10427] - ServiceRegistry creates multiple service instances and returns uninitialized services
* [HHH-10511] - PluralAttribute.getPersistentAttributeType() wrong value with enhanced classes
* [HHH-10515] - Stored procedure execution fails to find column
* [HHH-10516] - Incorrect coalesce function for InformixDialect
* [HHH-10540] - Incorrect bytecode instrumentation when there are multiple @Embedded attributes
* [HHH-10562] - ManagedEntity linked list broken when mutable, non-associated enhanced entity is evicted
* [HHH-10583] - BytecodeEnhancement's AssociationManagement breaks with entity containing two ToOne relations with the same mappedBy value.
* [HHH-10592] - Query with literal parameter and fails with attribute converter
* [HHH-10642] - BytecodeEnhancements PersistentAttributesEnhancer bytecode error INVOKESPECIAL
* [HHH-10643] - Attribute 'foreignKeyDefinition' of @javax.persistence.ForeignKey ignored by schema exporter
* [HHH-10644] - Enhancement cause Exception if property field not present
* [HHH-10648] - No MultipleBagFetchException is thrown when fetching two bags eagerly
* [HHH-10679] - Subselect fetching is not used for collections if their entity owners are initialized in a batch
* [HHH-10712] - Subselect fetches are not detected by load plans
* [HHH-10729] - Issue with CriteriaBuilder.literal(boolean) in my select expression?
* [HHH-10774] - SortedMap defined in .hbm.xml are not sortable
* [HHH-10796] - org.hibernate.query.Query<R> setProperties(Map map); set to null parameters not contained in the map
* [HHH-10797] - PostgreSQL81Dialect does not honor the lock timeout settings
* [HHH-10801] - Bytecode enhancement of @MappedSuperclass
* [HHH-10802] - Attempt to resolve foreign key metadata from JDBC metadata failed to find column mappings for foreign key
* [HHH-10803] - JPA specification violation in Query.getParameter(int) in HIbernate 5.2
* [HHH-10805] - PostgreSQL Dialect v 9.4 Doesn't support materialized view validation
* [HHH-10807] - Flushing EntityManager with rollback only transcation causes error
* [HHH-10811] - Envers can't start when some audited field has accented letters
* [HHH-10820] - InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl quoted table names
* [HHH-10824] - Query.stream() generic element type is wrong
* [HHH-10826] - Auxiliary Database Object no longer documented
* [HHH-10833] - NoResultException does not thrown after updating to 5.2
* [HHH-10841] - Field marked as @Generated not being audited.
* [HHH-10843] - QuerySyntaxException when use CriteriaBuilder.concat in selectCase expression
* [HHH-10846] - InformixDialect has incorrect substring function
* [HHH-10851] - PropertyAccessMixed not aware of Access annotation
* [HHH-10860] - Query#scroll() throws NPE
* [HHH-10863] - Improve consistency of how we call implicitNamingStrategy.determineBasicColumnName with element collections
* [HHH-10865] - Join table of lazy loading many-to-many relation not saved when lazy initialization bytecode enhancement is active
* [HHH-10870] - Parameter lookup for Iterable fails on Criteria API
* [HHH-10876] - DefaultIdentifierGeneratorFactory does not consider the hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings setting
* [HHH-10885] - JPA Native Queries with ordinal parameter are zero based
* [HHH-10886] - The follow-on-locking Oracle mechanism should consider UNION as well
* [HHH-10889] - Fix unit tests failing on Oracle
* [HHH-10890] - PostgreSQL does not consider alias-specific LockMode
* [HHH-10893] - Reusing Query but changing collection parameters returns wrong result
* [HHH-10904] - Fix tests failing when switching to MySQL
** New Feature
* [HHH-10816] - SQLServer2005Dialect does not use NOWAIT for aliases
* [HHH-10817] - AbstractHANADialect should support the NOWAIT directive in the FOR UPDATE clause
* [HHH-10837] - Add new setting to disable/enable scanning for the static metamodel.
* [HHH-10877] - Introduce a configuration option to allow out of transaction updates
** Task
* [HHH-10799] - Add PostgreSQL 9.5 Dialect which supports the SKIP LOCKED clause
* [HHH-10808] - Update documentation according to 5.2 changes
* [HHH-10864] - Allow ORM to be built with Java 9
* [HHH-10867] - Updating Hibernate Validator to 5.2.4.Final
* [HHH-10899] - Provide module ZIP file for upgrading WildFly to latest Hibernate
** Improvement
* [HHH-1594] - Add on-delete="cascade" support to unidirectional *ToOne relationships.
* [HHH-9021] - Select expression in JPA doesn't work
* [HHH-9486] - Envers ValidityAuditStrategy triggers "HHH000444: Encountered request for locking ..." warning on Oracle
* [HHH-10786] - Add MySQL 5.7 JSON datatype support
* [HHH-10822] - Wrong signature for SharedSessionContract#setJdbcBatchSize
* [HHH-10823] - Consider adding hibernate-entitymanager again
* [HHH-10835] - The hash code calculation of the EntityKey should also include the hash code of the root entity name.
* [HHH-10839] - Restore some lost backwards compatibility of the legacy org.hibernate.Query
* [HHH-10861] - JPA Constructor Expressions fails with nullLiteral passed to constructor
* [HHH-10883] - Restore the Maven artifact hibernate-java8 as an empty placeholder
** Deprecation
* [HHH-10906] - Remove passing EnversService in AuditStrategy.
Changes in 5.2.0.Final (June 1, 2016)
** Bug
* [HHH-6781] - Class level @Where annotation is not enforced on collections of that class
* [HHH-7355] - Hibernate criteria JOIN + additional condition (with clause) don't work with many-to-many association
* [HHH-8507] - SQLServer2005LimitHandler throws "string out of range -1" error
* [HHH-9178] - Querying audited entities with embeddables fails with 'org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property:'
* [HHH-9602] - Schema validation fails when materialized view is involved
* [HHH-9676] - TypeSafeActivator.applyDDL doesn't process composing constraints when @NotNull is present
* [HHH-9894] - Support Informix Boolean Type
* [HHH-9951] - Formula annotation doesn't properly escape keywords/types
* [HHH-10143] - Apache Derby and PostgreSQL - Criteria selectCase with Enum fails without explicit cast
* [HHH-10246] - PropertyNotFoundException with Hibernate Envers when using referencedColumn in @JoinColumn and bidirectional @OneTomany
* [HHH-10287] - Cache keys no longer include the entity type
* [HHH-10290] - org.hibernate.test.cfg.BatchVersionedDataConfigTest does not work properly when hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data is set in environment
* [HHH-10365] - Karaf feature hibernate-envers fails to create EntityManagerFactory
* [HHH-10373] - Sequence generator for idbag ignores generator parameters
* [HHH-10468] - If global "with modified flag" set, you cannot override the value
* [HHH-10476] - Getting an entity with composite ID containing a detached entity fails if PersistenceContext contains a managed copy
* [HHH-10513] - Follow-on locking WARN message logged when query LockMode is NONE
* [HHH-10522] - Invalid reference to naming chapter in user guide
* [HHH-10524] - Invalid reference wrt composite identifiers
* [HHH-10525] - Invalid reference to bytecode enhancement in User Guide
* [HHH-10526] - SchemaCreator does not apply SchemaFilter on foreign keys
* [HHH-10535] - Documentation: hibernate.order_updates configuration property
* [HHH-10587] - Test NationalizedIgnoreCaseTest.testIgnoreCaseCriteria fails on some databases that don't support nString type
* [HHH-10588] - ConnectionsReleaseTest should use H2Dialect
* [HHH-10598] - Oracle JDBC driver can't handle entities with a one-character name in some cases
* [HHH-10601] - Persistence.generateSchema - the output file contains duplicated DDL statements
* [HHH-10605] - HSQLDialect dosn't use "if exists" when dropping sequences
* [HHH-10612] - Check for support of RefCursor in Java 8
* [HHH-10640] - SchemaCreationTest fails on DB2 due to wrong expected statement
* [HHH-10641] - Some tests fail on Oracle due to ORA-00972: identifier is too long
* [HHH-10646] - Lazy fetch not properly handled when annotation in @MappedSuperclass
* [HHH-10649] - When 2LC enabled, flush session and then refresh entity cause dirty read in another session / transaction
* [HHH-10678] - hibernate-mapping's schema is ignored
* [HHH-10684] - No target script generated for update action when using schema-generation
* [HHH-10688] - Document changes from HHH-10056 in User Documentation
* [HHH-10706] - Test case native queries fail with case-sensitive databases dialects.
* [HHH-10708] - Accessing a lazy collection in an enhanced class deletes it afterwards
* [HHH-10718] - Underscore in table name can result in SchemaExtractionException: More than one table found
* [HHH-10734] - Hibernate Envers creates unnecessary audit rows for tables with LOB data
* [HHH-10736] - SQLServer dialect issue with native sql
* [HHH-10754] - Add support for PARTITION keyword in @Formula
* [HHH-10756] - StoredProcedureQuery with OUT param fails with Oracle when using named parameters
* [HHH-10757] - "select new ..." with CAST( NULL AS ...) fails with QuerySyntaxException: unexpected AST node: NULL
* [HHH-10765] - Some links in the user guide are broken
* [HHH-10766] - XML Enum mapping with parameter 'type'
* [HHH-10772] - RuntimeException during releaseStatements causes JDBC connection not to be closed
** New Feature
* [HHH-8070] - Support "in" expression in AuditRelatedId
* [HHH-9339] - java.lang.Optional support
* [HHH-10431] - Session-level configurable batch size support
* [HHH-10669] - Allow to add SF-scoped services through a ServiceContributor
* [HHH-10689] - Fix tests failing when switching to Oracle
* [HHH-10691] - Fix tests failing when switching to PostgreSQL
* [HHH-10696] - Add a new CatalogFilterTest
* [HHH-10762] - Implement left-joins for relation traversion in audit queries
** Task
* [HHH-10664] - Prep 5.2 feature branch
* [HHH-10670] - Remove deprecated ValidTimeAuditStrategy
* [HHH-10760] - Add a getter to org.hibernate.mapping.Index to expose the columnOrderMap
* [HHH-10781] - Remove all slf4j dependencies
** Improvement
* [HHH-9340] - Streams API for query result processing.
* [HHH-9406] - QueryStatistics is useless for really fast queries
* [HHH-9570] - Auto-detect SQL Server 2014 when the major version is 12
* [HHH-9742] - Allow to strictly adhere to JPA disallowance of restricting a fetched join
* [HHH-10049] - References to unmapped classes in from clause should not be allowed with strict JPQL compliance
* [HHH-10052] - documentation about hashcode and equals not up to date
* [HHH-10085] - Remove cast from SearchedCaseExpression and SimpleCaseExpression
* [HHH-10332] - Schema validation: ambiguous table name
* [HHH-10382] - GetterFieldImpl creates unnecessary objects
* [HHH-10674] - SessionFactoryObserver could use a sessionFactoryAboutToClose method
* [HHH-10711] - Null pointers should not be dereferenced
* [HHH-10714] - Add support for @Immutable attribute types
* [HHH-10726] - Support for Java 8 date/time types as Query parameters
* [HHH-10750] - Add stored procedure tests for Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL
* [HHH-10752] - ProcedureCallImpl registers every paremeter twice
* [HHH-10770] - Add support for JCache-compliant 2nd-level cache providers
* [HHH-10780] - Provide a PrimitiveByteArrayTypeDescriptor toString implementation
** Patch
* [HHH-1237] - Escaping : with :: in queries
Changes in 5.1.0.Final (February 10, 2016)
** Bug
* [HHH-7705] - Query.setProperties(Map) silently ignores null values provided in the Map
* [HHH-7973] - String literals in an HQL query can get mangled
* [HHH-8657] - Case Insensitive Equality Criterion NVARCHAR field yields bad SQL
* [HHH-9074] - HQL Query with boolean and @Convert
* [HHH-9286] - Extended Stored procedure support does not work with Oracle
* [HHH-9635] - SQLServer2005Dialect (and above) does not support read past locking
* [HHH-9735] - EntityGraph and isMember functions generates illegal sql
* [HHH-9983] - Error saving entity with identity id on Oracle 12c
* [HHH-10172] - Throw MappingException when entity/component class defines multiple matching getters by stem name
* [HHH-10185] - In nonstrict-read-write mode the remove may be not applied
* [HHH-10345] - Map byte[]/Byte[] to BLOB rather than LONG RAW in Oracle
* [HHH-10372] - OffsetDateTime value changes after fetching the row from the database
* [HHH-10401] - Missing table names on foreign key circularity error message
* [HHH-10430] - Comment for class is ignored when using subselect in hibernate mapping
* [HHH-10443] - SchemaUpdate and SchemaMigration do not release jdbc connection
* [HHH-10446] - Comment delimiters not "escaped" within (VAR)CHAR literals within native queries
* [HHH-10451] - Can not export table comment statement
* [HHH-10495] - Oracle10gDialect generate nvarchar when using @Nationalized
* [HHH-10507] - Hibernate core test removing usage of Java 8 introduced methods
** New Feature
* [HHH-16] - Explicit joins on unrelated classes
* [HHH-3555] - Extend the Envers query system with the ability to traverse associations
* [HHH-6225] - Add support to find entities by date in one single query
* [HHH-7572] - Develop API for load-by-multiple-ids
* [HHH-9876] - Ability to filter objects from Database for schema tooling
* [HHH-10267] - Support defining lazy attribute fetch groups
* [HHH-10484] - Add hibernate.jdbc.log.warnings configuration property
** Task
* [HHH-10124] - Upgrade Ehcache to 2.10.1
* [HHH-10171] - Update Javassist
* [HHH-10215] - Upgrade to Infinispan 8
* [HHH-10280] - Remove legacy bytecode enhancement artifacts
* [HHH-10303] - Reinstate legacy bytecode-enhancement Ant task
* [HHH-10335] - Upgrade to Hibernate Commons Annotations 5.0.1.Final
* [HHH-10336] - Upgrade to Jandex 2.0.0.Final
* [HHH-10438] - Upgrade the Gradle wrapper to use Gradle version 2.10
* [HHH-10449] - Upgrade to Infinispan 8.1.0.Final
* [HHH-10479] - Document that hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data default value is true in 5.0
** Improvement
* [HHH-5184] - Create a ConnectionAcquisitionMode as corollary to ConnectionReleaseMode
* [HHH-7321] - HQL: Combining a CROSS JOIN with a LEFT JOIN which requires a WITH clause triggers an exception.
* [HHH-7610] - Option for injecting empty (non-null) embedded when all columns are NULL
* [HHH-8706] - Delay registering of the entity listener class as long as possible
* [HHH-9474] - Perfomance issue with ElementCollection
* [HHH-9491] - Add support to opt columnDefinitions out of globally-quoted-identifiers
* [HHH-9548] - Allow propagation of NULL for stored-procedure argument parameters to database
* [HHH-9615] - Allow AttributeConverter on attributes marked as Lob
* [HHH-9780] - Unique instance for both CacheKey and EntityKey contracts
* [HHH-9791] - Add varargs to Restrictions.in(...)
* [HHH-9807] - Better error message when @Formula and @Id are combined
* [HHH-9839] - The hibernate-infinispan cache module should use a JBoss Logger interface to allow internationalization of error messages
* [HHH-9993] - IsolationDelegate: add method to execute code without obtaining a connection
* [HHH-10002] - Hibernate @Synchronize annotation values should be processed by NamingStrategy
* [HHH-10050] - AttributeConverter should supports ParameterizedType if autoApply is true
* [HHH-10083] - Support replicated and distributed caches
* [HHH-10084] - Refactor Identity Column support methods into IdentityColumnSupport interface
* [HHH-10088] - Add link to Eclipse setting in README file (Mustafa Ulu)
* [HHH-10097] - Expose the UUID from SessionFactoryImplementor
* [HHH-10136] - Upgrade HikariCP to latest version
* [HHH-10301] - HQLQueryPlan allocates a new ArrayList every time even if it is not required
* [HHH-10302] - Lots of allocations of LoadEvent and PostLoadEvent
* [HHH-10314] - In some cases BatchFetchQueue is created just to try and remove a key
* [HHH-10358] - EntityLoader is contended when calling AbstractLoadPlanBasedLoader.wrapResultSetIfEnabled
* [HHH-10366] - Improve performance and reduce CPU load when fetching reference cached objects
* [HHH-10379] - Remove dependency to rhq-pluginAnnotations
* [HHH-10419] - Better error report upon JPA AttributeConverter instantiation error
* [HHH-10439] - Log a message which prints the name of the import script being imported
* [HHH-10450] - Refactor the way configuration is read
* [HHH-10458] - Better encapsulate SchemaManagementTool (OGM) - unify JPA schema generation and hbm2ddl capabilities
* [HHH-10477] - Setting to allow delayed access to CDI
* [HHH-10487] - Add @Incubating annotation
Changes in 5.0.7.Final (January 13, 2016)
** Bug
* [HHH-4161] - persistence.xml <jar-file> not following JSR220 spec
* [HHH-9342] - HQL "x member of treat(y as Type).collections" fails to parse
* [HHH-9356] - jpa converter only applied to high value of cb.between
* [HHH-9357] - Incorrect SQL generated for Polymorpic Queries involving TYPE() with @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED)
* [HHH-9371] - Exception ''Invalid filter-parameter name format" from LoadQueryInfluencers when hql contains colon and filter is enabled.
* [HHH-10191] - InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl can't handle Oracle function indexes
* [HHH-10307] - JTA no longer transitively provided (HHH-10178) causes problems for apps not using JTA
* [HHH-10383] - IN parameter is not enclosed in parentheses
* [HHH-10384] - PooledThreadLocalLoOptimizer fails to give uniqe id's for different threads
* [HHH-10385] - In a @OneToMany association the @JoinColumn foreignKey is not taken into consideration when generating the association database schema
* [HHH-10386] - In a @ManyToMany assoctiation the @JoinColumn foreignKey is not taken into considertion when generating the association database schema
* [HHH-10395] - ServiceBootstrappingTest fails if tests are run with hibernate.show_sql=true
* [HHH-10396] - In a @OneToMany association with @JoinColum the @ForeignKey is not taken into consideration when generating the association database schema
* [HHH-10405] - <return> elements of <sql-query> are not handled properly when building metadata
* [HHH-10420] - SchemaExport creates foreign keys too early if across schema
* [HHH-10421] - Change "native" ID generator for Oracle12cDialect to SequenceStyleGenerator
* [HHH-10422] - Backport HHH-9983 to fix identity IDs using Oracle12cDialect in 5.0
* [HHH-10425] - SchemaMigration creates foreign keys too early if across schema
* [HHH-10432] - hibernate 5.0.6 does not work with Aries JPA 2.3.0
* [HHH-10437] - NPE in PrimaryKey#addColumn(Column column) when getTable().getNameIdentifier() is null
* [HHH-10443] - SchemaUpdate and SchemaMigration do not release jdbc connection
** Improvement
* [HHH-9474] - Perfomance issue with ElementCollection
* [HHH-10317] - Allow to bind custom types that implement the Collection interface through JPA APIs
* [HHH-10415] - org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.InfinispanRegionFactory should default the "immutable-entity" to the "entity" cache settings
* [HHH-10416] - Drop superfluous immutable-entity cache configuration
* [HHH-10439] - Log a message which prints the name of the import script being imported
Changes in 5.0.6.Final (December 16, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-1122] - hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate has no delimiter (SchemaExport works fine)
* [HHH-9029] - Missing parentheses around composite fields
* [HHH-9764] - StaleObjectStateExceptions raising outside flush context.
* [HHH-10158] - SchemaUpdate does not properly support formatter and delimiter anymore
* [HHH-10200] - Too long identifiers causing Envers test failures on Oracle databases
* [HHH-10223] - Element 'query-param' in *.hbm.xml files causes ClassCastException
* [HHH-10252] - Cascade delete does not work for instrumented/enhanced entities
* [HHH-10286] - SessionFactoryImpl doesn't cache and reuse existing collection cache region access strategies
* [HHH-10298] - Add new configuration type hibernate.hbm2dll.extra_physical_table_types
* [HHH-10331] - HSQLDialect returns supportsTupleDistinctCounts false which seems wrong
* [HHH-10343] - Precision and scale are reversed when using decimal as element in map
* [HHH-10344] - Bring transaction invalidation interceptor into Infinispan 2LC
* [HHH-10353] - Interceptor afterTransactionBegin() is not fired
* [HHH-10359] - Change default values in bytecode enhance build-time plugins
* [HHH-10364] - HSQL does not support Nationalized annotation
* [HHH-10367] - Fix more DB reserved words used by tests
* [HHH-10368] - Unit test failure because Sybase does not support binding an untyped null object
* [HHH-10369] - Unit test failure because Sybase trims trailing spaces
* [HHH-10371] - LocalDate value changes after fetching the row from the database
** New Feature
* [HHH-10356] - Make runtime bytecode enhancement configurable
** Task
* [HHH-10381] - Introduce a ThreadLocal-based pooled-lo optimizer to avoid locking
** Improvement
* [HHH-10349] - PersistenceUtilHelper should call getDeclaredField/Method inside of privileged block
* [HHH-10354] - Rename 'field access' bytecode enhancement
* [HHH-10358] - EntityLoader is contended when calling AbstractLoadPlanBasedLoader.wrapResultSetIfEnabled
* [HHH-10363] - The Cascade class makes unnecessary calls to the Reflection API.
* [HHH-10366] - Improve performance and reduce CPU load when fetching reference cached objects
* [HHH-10379] - Remove dependency to rhq-pluginAnnotations
Changes in 5.0.5.Final (December 2, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-9191] - Inheritance.JOINED + @DiscriminatorColumn : ERROR on quering
* [HHH-9302] - SQLGrammarException with @DiscriminatorColumn in an inheritance hierarchy
* [HHH-9343] - Case/when in criteria with string literal result fails type checking
* [HHH-10157] - Postgis geometry type for JTS geometrys not usable
* [HHH-10185] - In nonstrict-read-write mode the remove may be not applied
* [HHH-10291] - Partially generated composite attribute is not retrieved after insert
* [HHH-10304] - ImplicitCompositeKeyJoinTest#testImplicitCompositeJoin fails due to dialect-specific differences in generated SQL string
* [HHH-10309] - HHH-10242 is too aggressive in cases of FIELD access
* [HHH-10321] - HHH-9866 is alive; Wrong join table column names generation with globally_quoted_identifiers
* [HHH-10325] - Test failure on MySQL and MariaDB because they do not allow casting as float type
** Task
* [HHH-10335] - Upgrade to Hibernate Commons Annotations 5.0.1.Final
* [HHH-10336] - Upgrade to Jandex 2.0.0.Final
** Improvement
* [HHH-10301] - HQLQueryPlan allocates a new ArrayList every time even if it is not required
* [HHH-10302] - Lots of allocations of LoadEvent and PostLoadEvent
* [HHH-10306] - Use module initializer to add Hibernate 2LC externalizers
* [HHH-10308] - Don't make deep copy of property with AttributeConverter if Java type is known to be immutable
* [HHH-10313] - Make SessionImplementor extend WrapperOptions
* [HHH-10314] - In some cases BatchFetchQueue is created just to try and remove a key
* [HHH-10338] - Use an explicit empty object array to prevent the varargs method allocating one
Changes in 5.0.4.Final (November 18, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-1689] - Support subqueries in HQL as CASE statement alternatives
* [HHH-1706] - Named parameters ignored when single apostrophe encountered within an SQL comment
* [HHH-5764] - AssertionFailure: Unexpected nested component on the referenced entity when mapping a @MapsId
* [HHH-5946] - Wrong SQL generated when composites are compared using not-equal operator
* [HHH-5948] - Trying to get a PluralAttributePath from a @MappedSuperclass throws org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown collection role
* [HHH-6475] - Metamodel check fails when subclasses are used
* [HHH-6672] - Remove UNION support from 5.x grammars
* [HHH-8435] - @Lob + @Nationalized results in NCLOB on SQLServer2005+ rather than NVARCHAR(MAX)
* [HHH-8712] - Hibernate startup error "HHH015011: Unable to locate static metamodel field"
* [HHH-8775] - Exception when mapping a class more than once
* [HHH-8802] - Class cast exception thrown when trying to access Embedded type relationship path in Tuple
* [HHH-8847] - Exception thrown when trying to select a treated property
* [HHH-9140] - Error in CollectionCacheInvalidator when hibernate.cache.auto_evict_collection_cache is enabled
* [HHH-9160] - javax.persistence.Query#getParameterValue(String) returns the ParameterRegistration not the parameter value
* [HHH-9195] - Adding an entity at a given index in a list annotated with OrderColumn adds the entity at the end
* [HHH-9230] - NullPointer when combining JPQL query with in clause and @NamedEntityGraph
* [HHH-9475] - Cannot mix @MapKey with @Convert
* [HHH-9529] - Enhancer indiscriminately re-writes field accesses
* [HHH-9710] - IllegalArgumentException passing null as parameter value with explicit TemporalType
* [HHH-9794] - Replace string with preceding comma is not replacing string as required
* [HHH-10112] - Unable to enhance persistent attribute with declared targetEntity
* [HHH-10145] - Include maven dependencies in enhancement classpath
* [HHH-10146] - Compiled classes not included in enhancer class path
* [HHH-10163] - QueryResultsRegion is not invalidated from evictAll()
* [HHH-10181] - CacheableFileXmlSource.doBind uses obsolete .bin file
* [HHH-10203] - Overriden UniqueDelegate.getTableCreationUniqueConstraintsFragment not called anymore in SchemaExport
* [HHH-10208] - Index and unique-key constraints not properly handled with implicit columns in hbm.xml binding
* [HHH-10219] - Infinite loop generating IDs if using negative increment
* [HHH-10242] - Deal with HCANN poor handling of multiple properties by matching stem name
* [HHH-10247] - Hibernate ignores foreign-key attribute name in hbm <many-to-many>
* [HHH-10251] - Memory Leak when using Reference Cached, bytecode enhanced Immutable Entities
* [HHH-10259] - ForUpdateFragment.toFragmentString() does not check if aliases are defined when lockOptions are not null
* [HHH-10264] - hibernate.cache.auto_evict_collection_cache problems
* [HHH-10270] - Hibernate User Guide transactions chapter examples are not properly rendered
* [HHH-10273] - Reserved word used for database object in testsuite
* [HHH-10274] - org.hibernate.id.SequenceValueExtractor does not work for DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server
* [HHH-10275] - Inverse foreign key for many-to-many set is nullable
* [HHH-10288] - Temporary table support is broken using PostgresPlusDialect
* [HHH-10289] - CPU performance regression in StatefulPersistenceContext.addEntry()
* [HHH-10293] - Schema Update - Single table Inheritance with bi-directional OneToMany referencing superclass fails
* [HHH-10295] - Derived entity ID columns are nullable when @JoinColumns is overriden
** New Feature
* [HHH-10222] - AttributeConverter not applied to @ElementCollection
** Task
* [HHH-10279] - Memory usage improvements
** Improvement
* [HHH-10101] - Implement nonstrict-read-write mode in Infinispan 2LC
* [HHH-10161] - Allow parameter type for null value to be specified using javax.persistence.Parameter#getParameterType()
* [HHH-10178] - Make JTA a provided (non-transitive) dependency
* [HHH-10202] - Delay resolving TypeScopeImpl#factory after deserialization until resolveFactory() is called.
* [HHH-10248] - map removed TransactionFactory classes
* [HHH-10271] - Improve performance of EventListenerRegistry
* [HHH-10272] - Make pending-puts cache template configurable
* [HHH-10297] - Cache HashMap in AbstractRowReader instead of re-creating for each row that is read
** Deprecation
* [HHH-10281] - More formally deprecate the legacy bytecode enhancement code
Changes in 5.0.3.Final (October 28, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-1400] - formula-based property leads to generation of invalid SQL with subselect fetches
* [HHH-9074] - HQL Query with boolean and @Convert
* [HHH-9374] - EntityGraph applied to subquery when using collection function
* [HHH-9784] - scroll() and iterate() methods do not support provided HQLQueryPlan
* [HHH-10104] - Using JPA 2.1 schema generation together with hbm2ddl runs into deadlock with MySQL
* [HHH-10169] - Hibernate ignores foreign-key name in hbm <joined-subclass>
* [HHH-10170] - Reuse JAXBContext instance (Slow mapping initialization) - port HHH-10065 fix to 5.0 branch
* [HHH-10172] - Throw MappingException when entity/component class defines multiple matching getters by stem name
* [HHH-10174] - Incorrect splitting of string using dot as separator
* [HHH-10180] - hbm2ddl tools cannot generate create/update script not modifying the database
* [HHH-10188] - "stored" is a reserved keyword in MySQL 5.7
* [HHH-10189] - NPE in InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl
* [HHH-10193] - NameQualifierSupport for Hypersonic should be catalog
* [HHH-10194] - Change NameQualifierSupport for Hypersonic from CATALOG to SCHEMA
* [HHH-10195] - QueryHintSQLServer2012Test is wrong
* [HHH-10196] - DefaultGeneratedValueTest fails on MySQL
* [HHH-10197] - SchemaManagementException when performing SchemaUpdate
* [HHH-10206] - Primary key not created for a Set after loading from XML mapping file
* [HHH-10207] - Constraint name not considered for a Set while loading from XML mapping file
* [HHH-10217] - ModelBinder fails to bind version property when generated="always"
** Task
* [HHH-10137] - Upgrade to/support Jandex 2.0
* [HHH-10153] - Upgrade to Gradle 2.7
** Improvement
* [HHH-10087] - Support prepending of locks
* [HHH-10190] - org.hibernate.engine.spi.ActionQueue#executeActions() optimization
Changes in 5.0.2.Final (September 30, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-9731] - Potential bug in SearchedCaseExpression type handling
* [HHH-10055] - Lazy loading of collections in enhanced entity not working
* [HHH-10110] - DerbyTenSevenDialect fails to update schema because of sequence error
* [HHH-10111] - AttributeConverter based attributes are not marked for update when their state is modified
* [HHH-10115] - HHH90000003: Use of DOM4J entity-mode is considered deprecated
* [HHH-10119] - Config setting names loaded from cfg.xml stored in augmented (prefixed with "hibernate.") form but not original form
* [HHH-10120] - InputStream not closed in ConfigLoader.loadConfigXmlResource(String)
* [HHH-10125] - KEY() function in HQL causes inaccurate SQL when map key is an entity
* [HHH-10126] - Table-backed sequences are not populated on creation using SchemaUpdate
* [HHH-10131] - CacheableFileXmlSource.doBind returns null instead of created binding when .hbm.xml.bin have not been created yet
* [HHH-10132] - ENTRY() function in HQL causes invalid SQL when map key is an entity
* [HHH-10133] - CatalogSeparator of dialect metadata not used in runtime, just in schema tool
* [HHH-10135] - DB2Dialect should override getSelectSequenceNextValString
* [HHH-10139] - <one-to-one> and <many-to-one> mapping with <formula>1</formula> related to a boolean field causes java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException:
* [HHH-10140] - Apache Derby does not support tuples in subqueries
* [HHH-10141] - ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory unable to determine the correct RevisionType type
* [HHH-10142] - Derby dialect missing SQL keyword
* [HHH-10149] - PostgreSQL81Dialect.#getForUpdateString(String aliases,LockOptions lockOptions) returning a wrong value for update String when aliases is an empty String
* [HHH-10150] - PostgreSQL -MultiTableBulkIdStrategy fails with multiple delete of parent entity in the same transaction
** New Feature
* [HHH-10045] - Force all columns in primary key to be non-null
** Task
* [HHH-9995] - Finish pgsql database profile
* [HHH-9996] - Finish Derby database profile
* [HHH-10154] - Change built-in JavaTypeDescriptor impls to not auto-register themselves with JavaTypeDescriptorRegistry
** Improvement
* [HHH-9685] - Envers should do nothing when JTA transaction is already marked as rollback-only
* [HHH-10066] - Drop and recreate AuxiliaryDatabaseObjects as part of schema update
* [HHH-10083] - Support replicated and distributed caches
* [HHH-10086] - Deprecate Dialect#getIdentityColumnString() and Dialect#getIdentitySelectString()
* [HHH-10121] - Have EMF#getProperties expose ValidatorFactory injected via 2-phase load
* [HHH-10129] - Evaluate AttributeConverter tests in hibernate-entitymanager for move to hibernate-core
** Patch
* [HHH-10108] - checkstyle test <module name="NewlineAtEndOfFile" /> causes build time problem
** Deprecation
* [HHH-10122] - Deprecate ".class" property-style entity-type-expression format
Changes in 5.0.1.Final (September 3, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-9962] - Second level query cache returns stale data if query and update statements are executed concurrently
* [HHH-9975] - CacheImpl.containsQuery(String) does not check if query cache is enabled
* [HHH-10008] - SessionImplementor.getTimestamp() does not return transaction start time
* [HHH-10024] - Cannot define Path rooted at a collection join referencing attribute named same as "collection property"
* [HHH-10044] - hibernate-osgi unmanaged JPA not able to locate persistence.xml schema in entitymanager jar
* [HHH-10053] - Revert HHH-9736; BigIntegerType really should use NumericTypeDescriptor
* [HHH-10057] - hibernate-infinispan incompatible with Infinispan 8.0.0.CR1
* [HHH-10060] - Order of subclass joins are no longer determinate
* [HHH-10064] - Broken documentation page link in User guide
* [HHH-10065] - Reuse JAXBContext instance (Slow mapping initialization)
* [HHH-10068] - Missing generated JPA static metamodel class for envers revision entity
* [HHH-10069] - ClassCastException between CompositeCustomType and ComponentType part 2
* [HHH-10073] - Remove obsolete Type, AssociationType and TypeFactory methods
* [HHH-10076] - Multiple bytecode enhancement attempts if hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans set multiple times
* [HHH-10077] - Gradle plugin does not enhance any classes
* [HHH-10078] - Enforce synchronization on Enhancer.enhance()
* [HHH-10079] - Restrict enhanced getter/setter usage
** New Feature
* [HHH-10030] - Add read-write cache concurrency strategy to Infinispan 2LC
** Task
* [HHH-9593] - Remove superfluous references to enclosing class
* [HHH-9954] - Add EqualsHelper#areEqual which adds array-specific equality checks
** Improvement
* [HHH-10020] - Improvements to org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.internal.AttributeTypeDescriptor#buildInLineDirtyCheckingBodyFragment
* [HHH-10026] - Consider hibernate-java8 types for use with @Version
* [HHH-10054] - Modify Create Index SQL to support the Teradata database
* [HHH-10056] - Separate settings for notions of (1) disabling EnversService and (2) auto-registering Envers listeners
* [HHH-10058] - Parameterized test runner compatible with CustomRunner
* [HHH-10059] - Make EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl.populate methods protected
** Deprecation
* [HHH-10070] - Deprecate use of "collection properties" in HQL
Changes in 5.0.0.Final (August 20, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-951] - setMaxResults causes "ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined" exception
* [HHH-7070] - Sybase15+ dialect -> dateadd, datediff, SQLFunctionTemplate lack templates
* [HHH-9868] - Infinispan 2LC can store stale data
* [HHH-9881] - Pending put needs to be invalidated on update on remote node
* [HHH-9908] - Regression in naming collection join tables
* [HHH-9928] - Pending put leaks when the entity is not found in DB
* [HHH-9982] - @NotNull annotation ignored when persisting or merging entities
* [HHH-10016] - Gradle plugin does not enhance any classes
* [HHH-10031] - Multiple bytecode enhancement attempts if hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans set multiple times
* [HHH-10036] - Some tests are failing on Oracle, ORA-00972: identifier is too long
* [HHH-10040] - Fix problem with incomplete Iterator impl
** New Feature
* [HHH-9898] - Test for correct behaviour of 2LC
** Task
* [HHH-9919] - Update hibernate-osgi tutorials based on published Karaf features file
* [HHH-9994] - Finish mariadb (mysql) database profile
* [HHH-10022] - Continue documentation TLC (part 2)
* [HHH-10041] - features.xml generation: collapse 3 mains into one hibernate-orm
* [HHH-10042] - Add task to upload dist bundles to BinTray
* [HHH-10043] - Migration Guide
** Improvement
* [HHH-9707] - Nulls first behavior on SQLServer database
* [HHH-10021] - Allow easy testing of hibernate-infinispan against Infinispan 7 or 8
* [HHH-10023] - Make hibernate-infinispan compiled with Infinispan 7.x but runnable with Infinispan 8.x
* [HHH-10039] - Ensure the Karaf features.xml is included in the distro zip/tgz
Changes in 5.0.0.CR4 (August 5, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-8615] - Shared type parameters results in inconsistent internal model (especially with DynamicParameterizedType)
* [HHH-9503] - Consistently accept numeric value or Connection constant field name for configuring transaction isolation
* [HHH-9534] - Exception with custom EnumType and Map relation
* [HHH-9850] - Primary key generated for nullable column in sequence table
* [HHH-9865] - incorrect column information generated using schemaExport
* [HHH-9917] - 'value' is not a reserved word on Derby
* [HHH-9936] - Same Sequence is created and dropped multiple times
* [HHH-9961] - Ejb3JoinColumn does not use PhysicalNamingStrategy
* [HHH-9999] - Infinispan 7.x deprecated RpcManager.broadcastRpcCommand(EvictAllCommand,boolean) which is not present in Infinispan 8.0
* [HHH-10005] - Query in context needs precedence over query in cache
* [HHH-10015] - Oracle Dialect override canCreateSchema method to return false
* [HHH-10017] - Bytecode enhancer - consistent handling of persistent attributes (field / property access)
** Improvement
* [HHH-9869] - SizeExpression toString is misleading
* [HHH-9882] - many to one declarations in hbm without embed-xml="false" generate warning
* [HHH-9987] - HikariCPConnectionProvider TLC
* [HHH-9990] - Enable batched updates for versioned data when using Oracle12cDialect
* [HHH-10013] - Adjust default for hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings to true
* [HHH-10014] - Adjust default for hibernate.auto_quote_keyword to false
* [HHH-10018] - Change default ImplicitNamingStrategy to use the JPA compliant one + ImplicitNamingStrategy short-naming
** Task
* [HHH-9998] - Continue documentation TLC
* [HHH-10001] - Make the testsuite compatible with Infinispan 8
* [HHH-10006] - Document configuration of JndiService
* [HHH-10007] - Audit Services chapter in Integrations Guide
Changes in 5.0.0.CR3 (July 29, 2015)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-9938] - Enhance field access
** Bug
* [HHH-5255] - Merge detached entity failed when the instrumented lazy property is initialized
* [HHH-7573] - Lazy properties are not processed properly after a PreUpdate callback
* [HHH-7898] - Regression on org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.query.QueryResultsRegionImpl.put(Object, Object)
* [HHH-9244] - NPE in bindCollectionSecondPass
* [HHH-9637] - Join is reused when 2 explicit joins are used for the same ToOne association
* [HHH-9906] - The {{JdbcEnvironmentImpl(ServiceRegistryImplementor serviceRegistry, Dialect dialect)}} constructor form does not handle global/auto quoting properly.
* [HHH-9907] - Bytecode enhancer fails on windows
* [HHH-9910] - Schema migration (update) problems with catalog/schema restrictions
* [HHH-9913] - NPE in org.hibernate.cache.internal.CacheDataDescriptionImpl.decode()
* [HHH-9915] - Test IndexedCollectionTest.testEmbeddableWithEntityKey() fail on Oracle
* [HHH-9918] - org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect does not support identity key generation
* [HHH-9923] - Avoid cast to MetadataBuildingOptionsImpl in AnnotationMetadataSourceProcessorImpl#prepare()
* [HHH-9927] - Explicit calls to EntityManager.joinTransaction() with no active JTA transaction should throw a TransactionRequiredException
* [HHH-9937] - Hibernate#isPropertyInitialized always returns true for new enhancer
* [HHH-9945] - Allow Transaction to rollback if marked-for-rollback-only
* [HHH-9946] - Do better job cleaning up "stray" transactions in base test
* [HHH-9947] - PhysicalNamingStrategy#toPhysicalTableName called rather than #toPhysicalColumnName for some columns
* [HHH-9948] - SequenceStyleGenerator uses potentially incorrect name for table/sequence in DML statements
* [HHH-9949] - Recognize legacy http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration DTD base identifier
* [HHH-9953] - Test o.h.test.legacy.ComponentNotNullTest.testCompositeElement fails on Oracle - ORA-00972: identifier is too long
* [HHH-9967] - Create index on Postgres with --defaultSchemaName
* [HHH-9968] - Test o.h.test.type.AttributeConverterTest.testBasicTimestampUsage fails on Oracle - ORA-00972: identifier is too long
* [HHH-9969] - MySQLDialect handling of numeric cast targets is incorrect
* [HHH-9971] - Methods of ForwardingSessionBuilder, ForwardingSessionBuilderImplementor and ForwardingSharedSessionBuilder should return themselves not the delegate
* [HHH-9972] - Tests in o.h.test.type.EntityGraphUsingFetchGraphTestUsage fail on Oracle - ORA-00972: identifier is too long
* [HHH-9976] - JdbcResourceLocalTransactionCoordinatorImpl does not rollback on failure during #beforeCompletionCallback
* [HHH-9985] - Enhaced entity changes not peristed after merge
** Improvement
* [HHH-1872] - Hibernate should handle hbm.auto = update with views
* [HHH-9955] - EnumType mapped via hbm.xml not always resolved properly as far as named/ordinal
* [HHH-9966] - Improve schema tooling support for creating catalogs and schemas
* [HHH-9980] - Implement mark-for-rollback-only handling for JdbcResourceLocalTransactionCoordinatorImpl
** New Feature
* [HHH-9977] - Consider options for passing Session to caching SPI calls
** Task
* [HHH-9916] - Update quickstarts and tutorials for 5.0 + convert to asciidoc(tor)
* [HHH-9930] - Enable mariadb (mysql) database profile
* [HHH-9931] - Enable pgsql database profile
* [HHH-9956] - Enable derby database profile
* [HHH-9959] - Upgrade Hibernate Validator to 5.2.0.Final
* [HHH-9970] - Remove NoIdentityHQLScrollFetchTest and change HQLScrollFetchTest to work with "increment" ID generator
* [HHH-9974] - Rename org.hibernate.boot.model.relational.Schema to Namespace
* [HHH-9986] - Fix reference manual inconsistencies for 5.0
Changes in 5.0.0.CR2 (July 8, 2015)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-8558] - Lazy loading (basic attributes)
* [HHH-8559] - Lazy loading (to-one associations)
** Bug
* [HHH-2851] - ParameterTranslationsImpl fails to correctly determine parameter type
* [HHH-9166] - Postgres ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter doesn't handle nested Exceptions
* [HHH-9581] - hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin error: "Unable to delete class file"
* [HHH-9582] - hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin error: "Unable to enhance persistent attribute"
* [HHH-9757] - Incorrect image path generated in HTML rendering
* [HHH-9800] - Numerous hibernate-infinispan tests continue to fail transiently
* [HHH-9837] - Remove reliance during annotation binding on org.hibernate.internal.util.ClassLoaderHelper
* [HHH-9838] - Leverage ClassLoaderService during JavassistLazyInitializer#getProxyFactory
* [HHH-9844] - org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.AccessType enum names are not valid values for hibernate.cache.default_cache_concurrency_strategy
* [HHH-9849] - Duplicate column name for mixed case column name on schema update (mysql,linux)
* [HHH-9851] - Limit handling is broken for dialects that don't support variable limit/offset
* [HHH-9856] - EntityManager.find() and getReference() throw incorrect exception for non-entity
* [HHH-9859] - ResourceLocalTransactionCoordinatorImpl#isJoined bad impl
* [HHH-9866] - Wrong join table column names generation with globally_quoted_identifiers
* [HHH-9874] - Classloader issue in starting the Infinispan CacheManager within WildFly
* [HHH-9885] - The default ClassLoaderService implementation should handle java.lang.LinkageError
* [HHH-9887] - Make sure the JPA temp ClassLoader is not used to load Class definitions that are then held on to
* [HHH-9892] - Hibernate generator try to regenerate same metamodel after generated entities
* [HHH-9893] - proper karaf features file task dependency for artifact publishing
* [HHH-9902] - Gradle enhancer plugin skips Embeddable entities
* [HHH-9905] - JPA integration property "javax.persistence.validation.factory" not passed along to TypeSafeActivator
** Improvement
* [HHH-9518] - Exception and logging messages for collection multi-session access needs to be improved
* [HHH-9584] - MavenEnhancePlugin should optionally fail on error
* [HHH-9738] - Upgrade master (5.0) to Gradle 2.4
* [HHH-9840] - Allow custom key implementations for 2nd level cache regions
* [HHH-9841] - Redesign org.hibernate.property.PropertyAccessorFactory
* [HHH-9843] - Use optimized cache key implementation in Infinispan 2LC
* [HHH-9855] - Ignore non-entity classes listed as "managed classes" in persistence.xml
* [HHH-9857] - Reuse of EntityEntry for bytecode enhanced read-only reference cached entities
** New Feature
* [HHH-9848] - Allow disabling auto-quoting of database object names (tables, columns, etc)
* [HHH-9899] - Enable custom Metadata(Builder) extensions by integrators
** Task
* [HHH-9822] - Switch runtime JPA Class transformation to use new bytecode Enhancer
* [HHH-9825] - HCANN AnnotationFactory still using TCCL
* [HHH-9826] - Update the release task for uploading release bundles to SourceForge FRS
* [HHH-9827] - Truncate master changelog.txt file to just 5.0 related changes
* [HHH-9830] - Upgrade to jboss-logging 3.3 Final (rather than Beta)
* [HHH-9831] - Upgrade HCANN to 5.0.0
* [HHH-9858] - Make sure release bundles contain hibernate-java8
* [HHH-9860] - Upgrade to non-SNAPSHOT version of geolatte
Changes in 5.0.0.CR1 (May 27, 2015)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-8489] - Bi-directional association management via bytecode enhancement
** Bug
* [HHH-8854] - Could not extract ParameterizedType representation of AttributeConverter definition
* [HHH-9287] - Pooled optimizer identifiers clash with INSERT rows calling sequence directly
* [HHH-9629] - l2 cache key constructed wrong for entity with inheritance when fetching lazy property
* [HHH-9665] - Allow EntityManagerFactoryImpl to be unwrapped only into public interfaces/classes
* [HHH-9737] - Miscellaneous bugs in unit tests when using non-default dialects
* [HHH-9745] - ClassCastException in hbm2ddl update and validate
* [HHH-9756] - NPE in JtaTransactionCoordinatorImpl#explicitJoin() after previously executed transaction
* [HHH-9758] - Broken SQL generated for dynamic batch fetching entities with a composite ID
* [HHH-9760] - TransactionImpl itself should not be throwing new TransactionExceptions
* [HHH-9765] - Re-introduce ExceptionMapper, ManagedFlushChecker and AfterCompletionAction
* [HHH-9768] - Maintain explicit list of ANSI SQL keywords
* [HHH-9772] - annotation @ListIndexBase has no runtime retention, so it is not available through AnnotationBinder configuration
* [HHH-9773] - Add missing package statements to package-info.java files in hibernate-jpamodelgen
* [HHH-9776] - org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.impl.BaseRegion.getElementCountInMemory() is no longer correct
* [HHH-9777] - Dereferenced collections are not processed properly
* [HHH-9787] - Remove outdated Infinispan configuration elements
* [HHH-9788] - SchemaUpdate and quoted identifiers causes tables/columns to not be found based on name search
* [HHH-9797] - Inaccurate logged warning about duplicate joins (HHH000072)
* [HHH-9798] - Unique constraint of @JoinColumn in @JoinTable not generated
* [HHH-9806] - Bytecode-enhancement-based dirty tracking does not work because PersistentAttributeInterceptor is never injected
** Improvement
* [HHH-8804] - Ability to use parametrized type as AttributeConverter type parameter
* [HHH-8898] - Allow usage of try-with to autoclose Session, SessionFactory and ScrollableResults
* [HHH-9695] - Use non-transactional cache for immutable entities
* [HHH-9781] - Upgrade Hibernate to support Infinispan 7.2.1.Final configurations
* [HHH-9795] - Create delegating base class for SessionFactory(Implementor) implementations
* [HHH-9804] - Ehcache integration uses a write lock where a read lock is requested in EhcacheTransactionalDataRegion
* [HHH-9820] - Handle JDBC drivers that do not properly report metadata regarding case of identifiers
* [HHH-9823] - org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.SimpleValueBinder#fillSimpleValue incorrectly using HCANN classloading directly
** New Feature
* [HHH-9761] - Make native APIs typed
* [HHH-9762] - Complete deprecation of Settings contract
** Task
* [HHH-9697] - Complete documentation of new approach and APIs for SessionFactory building
* [HHH-9699] - Re-work the hibernate-osgi integration tests using managed Karaf
* [HHH-9782] - Build plugins could pick up JAVA6_HOME as environment variable
* [HHH-9783] - TestableLoggerProvider needs to implement a new method after upgrade of JBoss Logger
* [HHH-9790] - Remove deprecated methods from Session and SessionFactory
* [HHH-9792] - Clean up missed Configuration methods
* [HHH-9796] - Allow running hibernate-infinspan tests using Infinispan configuration specified by hibernate.cache.infinispan.cfg
* [HHH-9803] - Checkstyle fix ups
* [HHH-9809] - Improve Hibernate Gradle plugin
* [HHH-9811] - Change EntityPersister#resolveAttributeIndexes to take String[]
* [HHH-9813] - Improve Hibernate Enhance Maven Plugin
Changes in 5.0.0.Beta2 (April 29, 2015)
** Bug
* [HHH-9250] - BigIntegerSequenceGeneratorTest.testBasics fails on MS SQL Server 2012
* [HHH-9704] - Complete HHH-8805 work on 5.0
* [HHH-9709] - JPA @ForeignKey not consistently applied from annotation binding
* [HHH-9713] - Creating an index in the database incorrectly tries to qualify the index with table name for some databases
* [HHH-9716] - Previously working schema creation fails on 5.0
* [HHH-9722] - toLowerCase() still causes bugs in Turkish locale
* [HHH-9736] - BigIntegerType should use BigIntTypeDescriptor
* [HHH-9747] - Import initial reworking of transaction handling (based on JdbcSession work)
** Improvement
* [HHH-9550] - Allow a dialect to specify the level of catalog/schema support
* [HHH-9726] - Rename MetadataBuilderContributor to MetadataBuilderInitializer and pass it the StandardServiceRegistry
* [HHH-9727] - Slight redesign to bootstrapping APIs to allow for OGM bootstrapping
* [HHH-9728] - Audit Settings to decide what should become a SessionFactoryServiceRegistry service
* [HHH-9746] - Improve hibernate-spatial integration
** New Feature
* [HHH-9724] - More complete "temp table" coverage and allow Dialects to influence which strategy is used
** Remove Feature
* [HHH-9753] - Remove ClassicAvgFunction, ClassicCountFunction, ClassicSumFunction
** Task
* [HHH-6509] - import Hibernate Spatial into Hibernate core as a module
* [HHH-9701] - Develop "immutable EntityEntry" impl
* [HHH-9706] - Review concurrency of ClassLoaderService and warn against reuse
* [HHH-9717] - Build script improvements
* [HHH-9732] - Convert SQLFunctionRegistry to use a case-insensitive Map, rather than relying on code outside it using lower-case keys
* [HHH-9733] - Add checks for no-arg uses of String#toUpperCase and String#toLowerCase
Changes in 5.0.0.Beta1 (March 31, 2015)
** Sub-task
* [HHH-7998] - Add TypeContributions interface
* [HHH-9690] - Improve design of Enhancer
** Bug
* [HHH-3868] - Merging transient entity with a component property with parent mapping causes NullPointerException
* [HHH-5654] - query.setLockMode("alias", LockMode.LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE); does not Lock in PostgreSqlDialect
* [HHH-6005] - Better handling of implicit column naming with @ElementCollection of @Embeddables
* [HHH-7375] - TimeZone of Calendar objects should be used in binding to JDBC statements
* [HHH-8494] - Misleading log info during batch execution
* [HHH-8769] - NPE when using dynamic model mapping
* [HHH-8788] - Unnecessary warning logged about follow-on locking with Criteria query and LockMode NONE
* [HHH-8805] - [SchemaUpdate] javax.persistence.ForeignKey doesn't respect ConstraintMode.NO_CONSTRAINT
* [HHH-8866] - HQL Query with enum and @Convert
* [HHH-8879] - Regression: Embeddable with associations as @MapKey
* [HHH-8895] - Filter for MappedSuperClass stopped to work from 4.1.6.Final
* [HHH-8901] - Create base delegator impls for SessionBuilder and SharedSessionBuilder for use by Search
* [HHH-8911] - ClassCastException between CompositeCustomType and ComponentType
* [HHH-8994] - QueryException during startup with composite key in ElementCollection map
* [HHH-9044] - Create Oracle12cDialect
* [HHH-9091] - Collection deleted due to orphan removal fails with constraint violation
* [HHH-9141] - Remove deprecated PersistenceProvider from hibernate-entitymanager META-INF/services/javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
* [HHH-9247] - JPA 2.1 Named Entity Graph cannot be configured in ORM XML
* [HHH-9300] - DB2Dialect generates invalid order by clause
* [HHH-9320] - AttributeConverter result ignored on extraction when ResultSet.wasNull
* [HHH-9330] - orphanRemoval=true does not work in bidirectional relationships (without cascading)
* [HHH-9333] - TypeMismatchException when using composite-id and natural-id mappings
* [HHH-9337] - Region.destroy() attempts to remove a cache listener, but region class is not annotated with @Listener
* [HHH-9392] - SQLGrammarException while executing a entity graph with subgraphs
* [HHH-9401] - SQL warnings are never logged due to incorrect condition check
* [HHH-9419] - Remove after get with optimistic lock fails
* [HHH-9444] - Rounding of fractional seconds causes test failures on MySQL 5.6.4+
* [HHH-9448] - Association is not fetched when EntityGraph has explicit fetch and query has implicit join
* [HHH-9451] - Extra state is not propagated from temporary entity entries
* [HHH-9457] - EntityGraph with order by using Oracle10gDialect
* [HHH-9467] - Cannot enable NamingStrategyDelegator implementations using standalone schema tools
* [HHH-9498] - Using C3P0 connection pool but not setting hibernate.connection.isolation results in a NumberFormatException
* [HHH-9500] - H2: SchemaExport ERROR when using in-memory database - drop constraint issue HHH000389
* [HHH-9523] - EnumeratedTypeTest - select from dual causes test failures on mssql, postgresql, db2 and sybase
* [HHH-9528] - InputStream leak from opening resources
* [HHH-9549] - Selecting treated root generates invalid HQL
* [HHH-9561] - Master version is 4.3.7-SNAPSHOT; should be 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
* [HHH-9568] - EntityManager.flush() does not behave properly with transient one-to-one association and no cascade
* [HHH-9597] - Criteria creates invalid Column aliases.
* [HHH-9599] - AnnotationException occurs when applying @Nationalized and @Convert annotations to the same field
* [HHH-9605] - Query on an enum collection fails
* [HHH-9633] - Add tests that explicitly test the "main" NamingStrategy impls
* [HHH-9639] - Unwrap in HikariCPConnectionProvider fails to unwrap DataSource
* [HHH-9642] - Embedded OneToMany association fetch join does not work in CriteriaQuery
* [HHH-9659] - AnnotationMetadataSourceProcessorImpl uses a Logger.debugf method without matching parameters
* [HHH-9679] - hibernate-enhance-maven-plugin uses no-longer support syntax in its build script
* [HHH-9680] - hibernate-osgi module has gone cra-cra again
* [HHH-9689] - Avoid NPE when trying to load non-existent properties resource
** Deprecation
* [HHH-9645] - buildSessionFactory() should return a sessionFactory
** Improvement
* [HHH-6670] - H2Dialect should use "if exists" when dropping sequences
* [HHH-8191] - Update Teradata Dialect for Teradata 14.0
* [HHH-8401] - Support fractional seconds on MySQL 5.7
* [HHH-8697] - AttributeConverter not called when value is null
* [HHH-8844] - Add support for Java 8 date and time types (JSR-310)
* [HHH-9043] - Allow customization of the modified field flag
* [HHH-9324] - Avoid creation of LimitHandler instances for every query
* [HHH-9328] - Avoid creation of Cascade objects at all
* [HHH-9336] - Avoid creation of TypedValue objects in AbstractPersistentCollection#getOrphans(Collection, Collection, String, SessionImplementor) for some ID types.
* [HHH-9479] - Avoid immediate collection capacity increase in ActionQueue constructor
* [HHH-9488] - Move scanning from HEM to core
* [HHH-9490] - Migrate from dom4j to jaxb for XML processing
* [HHH-9492] - Migrate to new bootstrap API (MetadataSources, etc)
* [HHH-9497] - Remove call to Ehcache ClassLoaderUtil.getStandardClassLoader() as it has been removed in Ehcache 2.8.3+
* [HHH-9545] - H2Dialect should use "if exists" when dropping constraints
* [HHH-9556] - support query hints for SQL Server 2012
* [HHH-9562] - Dialect specific UUID handling
* [HHH-9600] - remove outdated info about cache concurrency strategies support
* [HHH-9601] - table schema not paired with @OrderColumn name value in example 7.8
* [HHH-9621] - Add HQL query to warning about positional parameter usage
* [HHH-9647] - Update jboss logging to 3.2.1.Final
* [HHH-9648] - Upgrade to HikariCP v. 2.3.3 (Java 6 compatible edition)
* [HHH-9655] - Add logging to help better track down tests that leave SessionFactories open
* [HHH-9658] - Simplify the way tests assert on logging statements
* [HHH-9698] - Leverage ClassLoaderDelegate stuff added to HCANN as means to avoid its need for TCCL
** New Feature
* [HHH-7078] - Split NamingStrategy into ImplicitNamingStrategy/PhysicalNamingStrategy
* [HHH-8869] - Create HikariCP connection pool module
* [HHH-9042] - Add support in Envers for converted (AttributeConverter) attributes
* [HHH-9167] - Support Postgres9.2 JSON data type
* [HHH-9265] - Extract EntityEntry behind a factory + interface
* [HHH-9524] - Make strategy for interpreting id-generator annotations pluggable
* [HHH-9577] - Make UUID generation the default (AUTO) for UUID type
** Patch
* [HHH-9495] - @Convert support for collections
** Task
* [HHH-9466] - Drop metamodel package from source
* [HHH-9471] - OSGi tests failing again after changes done for HHH-9466
* [HHH-9487] - Improve AvailableSettings javadoc for session_factory_name / session_factory_name_is_jndi
* [HHH-9508] - Avoid source code syntax which fails in Eclipse
* [HHH-9573] - Add EntityManager test case illustrating usage of query cache
* [HHH-9632] - Upgrade to Infinispan 7.1.0.Final
* [HHH-9654] - Adjust envers for 5.0 APIs + JAXB
* [HHH-9668] - Initial documentation of new approach and APIs for SessionFactory building
* [HHH-9677] - Upgrade Gradle
* [HHH-9678] - Change built-in SqlTypeDescriptor impls to not auto-register themselves with SqlTypeDescriptorRegistry
* [HHH-9700] - Make EntityEntryFactory pluggable via EntityPersister