Issue 37 Add Data Dictionary testing to the RESO Commmander (#41)
* Added DD Spreadsheet, Command Line option, and parser
* Initial check-in of DD generator and generated .feature files for 1.7 resources
* Added file naming and header info to the generated files, regenerated Gluecode
* Changed generator templates
* Added support for additional DD resources and updated generator
* Added new Commander build
* Changed templates
* Refactored generator and changed DD templates
* Refactored WorksheetProcessor into base class
* Added EDMX Generator
* Added better EDMX generation
* Intermediate check-in for EDMX processor
* Added dependency injection of test containers, changed from Java8 Lambda test expressions to functions
* Added skip logic and resource tags to generators
* Generated new tests and improved skipped test messaging
* Corrected Test Template
* Finished first round of DD tests: field presence
* Expanded field map to include all resources rather than just the one included in the Web API test
* DD test generator intermediate check-in
* EDMX Generator build enumerations generator
* EDMX generator can generate valid EDMX files. See: /src/main/resources
* Re-generated EDMX and BDD Tests from sanitized spreadsheet
* Issue #30 - Convert Web API Server tests to Core, and remove Date Part comparisons
* Updated DD BDD test format
* Wrapped up test templates and generated new BDD acceptance tests
* Cleaned up EDMX generation
* Wrapped up first round of EDMX generation using Key (but not KeyNumeric). Metadata validation passes on generated file
* Updated EDMX generator with Single and Multiple Enumerations
* Updated reference XSLX, generated new EDMX and BDD Tests
* Added updated BDD generators with improved tags and addedcomments with descriptions in the generated EDMX
* Added generation of comments for both Standard Fields and Standard Enumerations, and also added a StandardEnumeration class and builder
* Updated reference EDMX and BDD test generators to use Collections of enumerations rather than multi-select enum types. Added newly generated EDMX and BDD tests
* Added the ability to generate Standard Relationships into NavigationProperty definitions
* Added updated reference EDMX document
* Updated Standard Relationships and re-generated EDMX and Open API definitions
* Removed Partner Property Definitions and extra info logging
* Added Data Dictionary tests for Collections, TODO: README and non-collection based enumerations
* Issue #37 - added support for multiple enumerations that use IsFlags=true
* Issue #37 - added better reporting
* Issue #37 - Allow Edm.Double in addition to Edm.Decimal as per Cert group 10/1/2020 call
* Issue #37 - added Gradle task to generate minimal 'pretty' reports.
* Issue #37 - added updated .JAR and updated build.gradle
* Issue #37 - Added additional error information to test results
* Issue #37 - Added BDD generation for Lookups and stubs for testing. Prepended 'sample' to the RESOScript templates
* Issue #37 - committing new BDD tests
* Issue #37 - Added enumeration MAY and MUST support
* Issue #37 - Added field-level synonyms checking and fixed invalid synonyms in DD sheet
* Issue #37 - added test to check that closed enumerations only have standard values
* Issue #37 - added better logging, including more info about standard vs. non-standard enumerations
* Issue #37 - further improvement of OData type error messages
* Issue #37 - Added fuzzy matching of enumerations using Levenshtein distance
* Issue #37 - Improved Edit Distance behavior, added IgnoredItem and ignored.json, and updated Vha, Usda, and Fha with VHA, USDA, and FHA
* Issue #37 - Added better error messages, --strict=true for strict testing mode, and metadata-report.json to output results to aggregation server
* Issue #37 - Added auto-generating output directory as well as a generateCertificationReports_DD_1_7 task that takes -DpathToJsonResults from the cert task and creates a pretty report
* Issue #37 - Added better error message formatting and handling, and help messages for gradle tasks
* Issue #37 - updated README and fixed some of the existing Web API Commander JAR tasks, as well as improved the all-in-one generateCertificationReport task
* Issue #37 - Cleaned up some items in the README and message output
* Update
2021-01-06 02:47:04 -05:00
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
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<option name="CUCUMBER_CORE_VERSION" value="4.5" />
<option name="FILE_PATH" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/src/test/java/org/reso/commander/test/features" />
<option name="GLUE" value="org.reso.commander.test.stepdefs" />
<option name="MAIN_CLASS_NAME" value="io.cucumber.core.cli.Main" />
<module name="web-api-commander.test" />
<option name="PROGRAM_PARAMETERS" value=" --plugin --strict" />
<option name="SUGGESTED_NAME" value="Feature: web-api-server-1.0.2" />
<extension name="coverage">
<option name="PATTERN" value="io.cucumber.core.cli.*" />
<option name="ENABLED" value="true" />
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