Make Report Generator Friendlier with Jenkins and Build Processes (#72)
* Added file generation to DD Metadata tests * Updated most libraries and build.gradle accordingly * Fixed annotation processor so it read Term instead of Type
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ plugins {
// Define the main class for the application
mainClassName = 'org.reso.commander.Main'
mainClassName = 'org.reso.commander.App'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8
compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ repositories {
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile 'commons-cli:commons-cli:1.4'
compile 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.13.0'
@ -35,22 +35,23 @@ dependencies {
compile 'org.apache.olingo:odata-commons-core:4.8.0'
compile 'org.apache.olingo:odata-client-core:4.8.0'
compile 'org.apache.poi:poi:3.17'
compile 'org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:3.17'
compile 'org.apache.poi:poi:5.0.0'
compile 'org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:5.0.0'
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-java8:5.4.0'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-java:5.4.0'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-junit:5.4.0'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-guice:5.4.0'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-core:5.4.0'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-java8:6.10.2'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-java:6.10.2'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-junit:6.10.2'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-guice:6.10.2'
compile 'io.cucumber:cucumber-core:6.10.2'
compile 'net.masterthought:cucumber-reporting:5.1.1'
compile 'net.masterthought:cucumber-reporting:5.5.2'
compile 'com.networknt:json-schema-validator:1.0.35'
//TODO: choose one schema validator between this and rest-assured
compile 'com.networknt:json-schema-validator:1.0.51'
compile ''
compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.9'
@ -64,18 +65,19 @@ configurations {
jar {
manifest {
'Class-Path': configurations.compile.collect { it.getName() }.join(' '),
'Main-Class': 'org.reso.commander.App'
attributes "Main-Class": mainClassName
// generate "fat jar" by default
from {
configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
exclude 'META-INF/*.RSA'
exclude 'META-INF/*.SF'
exclude 'META-INF/*.DSA'
// don't suppress warnings or deprecation notices
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.compilerArgs << '-Xlint:unchecked'
@ -330,3 +332,4 @@ task _jenkins_testWebApiServer_1_0_2_Core() {
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import org.apache.olingo.client.api.domain.ClientEntitySet;
import org.apache.olingo.client.api.edm.xml.XMLMetadata;
import org.apache.olingo.client.api.uri.QueryOption;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.Edm;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlEnumType;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlProperty;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.format.ContentType;
import org.reso.commander.Commander;
@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ public final class WebAPITestContainer implements TestContainer {
//singleton variables
private static final AtomicReference<Map<String, Map<String, CsdlProperty>>> fieldMap = new AtomicReference<>();
private static final AtomicReference<Map<String, Map<String, CsdlEnumType>>> enumMap = new AtomicReference<>();
* Initializes the container with a singleton instance of the RESO Commander
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class CertificationReportGenerator {
private static final boolean USE_MINIMAL_REPORT = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("minimal", "false"));
private static final String DEFAULT_REPORT_DESCRIPTION = "Certification Report";
private static final String projectName = System.getProperty("reportDescription", DEFAULT_REPORT_DESCRIPTION);
private static final String MINIMAL_JSON_EXTENSION = ".minimal.json";
private static final String MINIMAL_JSON_EXTENSION = "minimal.json";
public static void main(String[] args) {
@ -184,6 +184,9 @@ public class DataDictionary {
areMetadataValid = container.hasValidMetadata();
//create metadata report
} catch (IOException e) {
failAndExitWithErrorMessage(getDefaultErrorMessage(e), scenario);
@ -215,6 +218,9 @@ public class DataDictionary {
//if we have gotten to this point without exceptions, then metadata are valid
areMetadataValid = container.hasValidMetadata();
//create metadata report
@ -260,7 +266,7 @@ public class DataDictionary {
foundStandardMembers.set(getFoundStandardMembers(foundMembers.get(), dataTable));
if (foundStandardMembers.get().size() == 0) {
scenario.write("No RESO Standard Enumerations found for field: " + fieldName);
scenario.log("No RESO Standard Enumerations found for field: " + fieldName);
@ -461,10 +467,10 @@ public class DataDictionary {
? container.getFieldMap(currentResourceName.get()).get(fieldName).getPrecision() : null;
if (!Objects.equals(precision, suggestedPrecision)) {
scenario.write("Precision for field " + fieldName + " SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Precision of " + suggestedPrecision
scenario.log("Precision for field " + fieldName + " SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Precision of " + suggestedPrecision
+ " but was " + precision);
} else {
scenario.write("Precision for field " + fieldName + " is equal to the RESO Suggested Max Scale of " + suggestedPrecision);
scenario.log("Precision for field " + fieldName + " is equal to the RESO Suggested Max Scale of " + suggestedPrecision);
@ -475,10 +481,10 @@ public class DataDictionary {
? container.getFieldMap(currentResourceName.get()).get(fieldName).getScale() : null;
if (!Objects.equals(scale, suggestedMaxScale)) {
scenario.write("Scale for field " + fieldName + " SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Scale of " + suggestedMaxScale
scenario.log("Scale for field " + fieldName + " SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Scale of " + suggestedMaxScale
+ " but was " + scale);
} else {
scenario.write("Scale for field " + fieldName + " is equal to the RESO Suggested Max Scale of " + suggestedMaxScale);
scenario.log("Scale for field " + fieldName + " is equal to the RESO Suggested Max Scale of " + suggestedMaxScale);
@ -489,10 +495,10 @@ public class DataDictionary {
? container.getFieldMap(currentResourceName.get()).get(fieldName).getMaxLength() : null;
if (!Objects.equals(length, suggestedMaxLength)) {
scenario.write("Length for field " + fieldName + " SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of " + suggestedMaxLength
scenario.log("Length for field " + fieldName + " SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of " + suggestedMaxLength
+ " but was " + length);
} else {
scenario.write("Length for field " + fieldName + " is equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of " + length);
scenario.log("Length for field " + fieldName + " is equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of " + length);
@ -184,19 +184,29 @@ public class Commander {
public static String generateMetadataReport(Edm metadata, String fileName) {
final String DEFAULT_FILENAME = "metadata-report.json";
try {
MetadataReport report = new MetadataReport(metadata);
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting();
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(MetadataReport.class, report);
try {
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(gsonBuilder.create().toJson(report).getBytes()),
new File(fileName != null ? fileName.replaceAll(".edmx|.xml", EMPTY_STRING) + ".metadata-report.json"
File targetReportFile;
if (fileName != null) {
targetReportFile = new File(fileName.replaceAll(".edmx|.xml", EMPTY_STRING) + ".metadata-report.json");
} else {
//place unnamed files in the build directory
targetReportFile = new File("build", DEFAULT_FILENAME);
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(gsonBuilder.create().toJson(report).getBytes()), targetReportFile);
return report.toString();
} catch (Exception ex) {
return report.toString();
return null;
public static String generateMetadataReport(Edm metadata) {
@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ public final class TestUtils {
public static void failAndExitWithErrorMessage(String msg, Scenario scenario) {
if (scenario != null) {
@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
package org.reso.models;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.olingo.client.core.edm.xml.ClientCsdlAnnotation;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.*;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.core.edm.EdmAnnotationImpl;
import org.reso.commander.common.Utils;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import static org.reso.commander.Commander.REPORT_DIVIDER;
import static org.reso.commander.common.ErrorMsg.getDefaultErrorMessage;
public class MetadataReport implements JsonSerializer<MetadataReport> {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(MetadataReport.class);
private Edm metadata;
private MetadataReport() {
@ -59,6 +67,7 @@ public class MetadataReport implements JsonSerializer<MetadataReport> {
DEFAULT_VALUE_KEY = "defaultValue",
UNICODE_KEY = "unicode",
TYPE_KEY = "type",
TERM_KEY = "term",
VALUE_KEY= "value",
ANNOTATIONS_KEY = "annotations",
FIELDS_KEY = "fields";
@ -87,9 +96,9 @@ public class MetadataReport implements JsonSerializer<MetadataReport> {
annotations.forEach(annotation -> {
if (annotation.getAsJsonObject().get(TYPE_KEY) != null) {
reportBuilder.append("\n\tType: ");
if (annotation.getAsJsonObject().get(TERM_KEY) != null) {
reportBuilder.append("\n\tTerm: ");
if (annotation.getAsJsonObject().get(VALUE_KEY) != null) {
@ -108,9 +117,19 @@ public class MetadataReport implements JsonSerializer<MetadataReport> {
public JsonElement serialize(FieldJson src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject field = new JsonObject();
field.addProperty(RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, src.resourceName);
field.addProperty(FIELD_NAME_KEY, src.edmElement.getName());
field.addProperty(TYPE_KEY, src.edmElement.getType().getFullQualifiedName().getFullQualifiedNameAsString());
String typeName = null;
try {
typeName = src.edmElement.getType().getFullQualifiedName().getFullQualifiedNameAsString();
field.addProperty(TYPE_KEY, typeName);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error(getDefaultErrorMessage("Field Name:", src.edmElement.getName(), ex.toString()));
field.addProperty(TYPE_KEY, "UNDEFINED");
field.addProperty(NULLABLE_KEY, ((EdmProperty) src.edmElement).isNullable());
field.addProperty(MAX_LENGTH_KEY, ((EdmProperty) src.edmElement).getMaxLength());
field.addProperty(SCALE_KEY, ((EdmProperty) src.edmElement).getScale());
@ -128,7 +147,10 @@ public class MetadataReport implements JsonSerializer<MetadataReport> {
annotations.forEach(edmAnnotation -> {
JsonObject annotation = new JsonObject();
if (edmAnnotation.getTerm() != null) {
annotation.addProperty(TYPE_KEY, edmAnnotation.getTerm().getFullQualifiedName().getFullQualifiedNameAsString());
annotation.addProperty(TERM_KEY, edmAnnotation.getTerm().getFullQualifiedName().getFullQualifiedNameAsString());
} else {
SneakyAnnotationReader sneakyAnnotationReader = new SneakyAnnotationReader(edmAnnotation);
annotation.addProperty(TERM_KEY, sneakyAnnotationReader.getTerm());
if (edmAnnotation.getExpression() != null) {
@ -142,6 +164,36 @@ public class MetadataReport implements JsonSerializer<MetadataReport> {
static class SneakyAnnotationReader {
Class object;
Field field;
EdmAnnotationImpl edmAnnotationImpl;
ClientCsdlAnnotation clientCsdlAnnotation;
public SneakyAnnotationReader(EdmAnnotation edmAnnotation) {
try {
edmAnnotationImpl = ((EdmAnnotationImpl)edmAnnotation);
// create an object of the class named Class
object = edmAnnotationImpl.getClass();
// access the private variable
field = object.getDeclaredField("annotation");
// make private field accessible
clientCsdlAnnotation = (ClientCsdlAnnotation) field.get(edmAnnotationImpl);
} catch (Exception ex) {
public String getTerm() {
return clientCsdlAnnotation.getTerm();
* LookupJson uses a JSON payload with the following structure:
@ -181,9 +233,9 @@ public class MetadataReport implements JsonSerializer<MetadataReport> {
annotations.forEach(annotation -> {
if (annotation.getAsJsonObject().get(TYPE_KEY) != null) {
reportBuilder.append("\n\tType: ");
if (annotation.getAsJsonObject().get(FieldJson.TERM_KEY) != null) {
reportBuilder.append("\n\tTerm: ");
if (annotation.getAsJsonObject().get(VALUE_KEY) != null) {
@ -210,7 +262,10 @@ public class MetadataReport implements JsonSerializer<MetadataReport> {
src.edmEnumType.getMember(memberName).getAnnotations().forEach(edmAnnotation -> {
JsonObject annotation = new JsonObject();
if (edmAnnotation.getTerm() != null) {
annotation.addProperty(TYPE_KEY, edmAnnotation.getTerm().getFullQualifiedName().getFullQualifiedNameAsString());
annotation.addProperty(FieldJson.TERM_KEY, edmAnnotation.getTerm().getFullQualifiedName().getFullQualifiedNameAsString());
} else {
SneakyAnnotationReader sneakyAnnotationReader = new SneakyAnnotationReader(edmAnnotation);
annotation.addProperty(FieldJson.TERM_KEY, sneakyAnnotationReader.getTerm());
if (edmAnnotation.getExpression() != null) {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue