moving TestUtils to common

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Darnell 2020-04-08 04:32:27 -07:00
parent 7be1cb7d1b
commit 63f1474257
1 changed files with 568 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
package org.reso.commander.common;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.olingo.client.api.communication.response.ODataRawResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.client.api.communication.response.ODataResponse;
import org.apache.olingo.client.api.edm.xml.XMLMetadata;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.Edm;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeException;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlEntityContainer;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlNavigationProperty;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlProperty;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.provider.CsdlSchema;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.core.edm.primitivetype.EdmDate;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.core.edm.primitivetype.EdmDateTimeOffset;
import org.apache.olingo.commons.core.edm.primitivetype.EdmTimeOfDay;
import org.reso.models.Settings;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.Year;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath.from;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public final class TestUtils {
public static final String JSON_VALUE_PATH = "value";
public static final String HEADER_ODATA_VERSION = "OData-Version";
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(TestUtils.class);
* Used to prepare URIs given that the input queryStrings can sometimes contain special characters
* that need to be ensured that they be processed.
* @param queryString the queryString to prepare
* @return the prepared URI with special characters in the queryString processed.
public static URI prepareUri(final String queryString) {
/* replace spaces with %20 */
return URI.create(
queryString.replace(" ", "%20")
/* add other handlers here */
* Finds the default entity container for the given configuration.
* @param xmlMetadata XML Metadata to search through
* @return the default CSDL Container for the given XMLMetadata
* @throws Exception if required metadata cannot be parsed, an exception will be thrown with an appropriate message.
public static CsdlEntityContainer findDefaultEntityContainer(Edm edm, XMLMetadata xmlMetadata) {
assertNotNull("Edm Cannot be Null!", edm);
assertNotNull("XMLMetadata Cannot be Null!", xmlMetadata);
assertNotNull("ERROR: Could not find default EntityContainer for given service root!", edm.getEntityContainer());
String entityContainerNamespace = edm.getEntityContainer().getNamespace();
assertNotNull("ERROR: no default EntityContainer namespace could be found", entityContainerNamespace);
return xmlMetadata.getSchema(entityContainerNamespace).getEntityContainer();
* Gets a list of CsdlProperty items for the given entityTypeName.
* @param xmlMetadata the metadata to search.
* @param entityTypeName the name of the entityType to search for. MUST be in the default EntityContainer.
* @return a list of CsdlProperty items for the given entityTypeName
* @throws Exception is thrown if the given metadata doesn't contain the given type name.
public static List<CsdlProperty> findEntityTypesForEntityTypeName(Edm edm, XMLMetadata xmlMetadata, String entityTypeName) {
assertNotNull("ERROR: Edm Cannot be Null!", edm);
assertNotNull("ERROR: XMLMetadata Cannot be Null!", xmlMetadata);
assertNotNull("ERROR: entityTypeName cannot be null!", entityTypeName);
CsdlEntityContainer entityContainer = findDefaultEntityContainer(edm, xmlMetadata);
assertNotNull("ERROR: could not find a default entity container for the given server!", entityContainer);
CsdlSchema schemaForType = xmlMetadata.getSchema(entityContainer.getEntitySet(entityTypeName).getTypeFQN().getNamespace());
assertNotNull("ERROR: could not find type corresponding to given type name: " + entityTypeName, schemaForType);
return schemaForType.getEntityType(entityTypeName).getProperties();
* Gets a list of CsdlProperty items for the given entityTypeName.
* @param xmlMetadata the metadata to search.
* @param entityTypeName the name of the entityType to search for. MUST be in the default EntityContainer.
* @return a list of CsdlProperty items for the given entityTypeName
* @throws Exception is thrown if the given metadata doesn't contain the given type name.
public static List<CsdlNavigationProperty> findNavigationPropertiesForEntityTypeName(Edm edm, XMLMetadata xmlMetadata, String entityTypeName) {
assertNotNull("ERROR: Edm Cannot be Null!", edm);
assertNotNull("ERROR: XMLMetadata Cannot be Null!", xmlMetadata);
assertNotNull("ERROR: entityTypeName cannot be null!", entityTypeName);
CsdlEntityContainer entityContainer = findDefaultEntityContainer(edm, xmlMetadata);
assertNotNull("ERROR: could not find a default entity container for the given server!", entityContainer);
CsdlSchema schemaForType = xmlMetadata.getSchema(entityContainer.getEntitySet(entityTypeName).getTypeFQN().getNamespace());
assertNotNull("ERROR: could not find type corresponding to given type name: " + entityTypeName, schemaForType);
return schemaForType.getEntityType(entityTypeName).getNavigationProperties();
* Returns true if each item in the list is true
* @param lhs Integer value
* @param op an OData binary operator for use for comparisons
* @param rhs Integer value
* @return true if lhs op rhs produces true, false otherwise
public static boolean compare(Integer lhs, String op, Integer rhs) {
String operator = op.toLowerCase();
boolean result = false;
if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN)) {
result = lhs > rhs;
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs >= rhs;
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.EQ)) {
result = lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.NE)) {
result = !lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN)) {
result = lhs < rhs;
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs <= rhs;
}"Compare: " + lhs + " " + operator + " " + rhs + " ==> " + result);
return result;
* Returns true if each item in the list is true
* @param lhs Integer value
* @param op an OData binary operator for use for comparisons
* @param rhs Integer value
* @return true if lhs op rhs produces true, false otherwise
public static boolean compare(String lhs, String op, String rhs) {
String operator = op.toLowerCase();
boolean result = false;
if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.CONTAINS)) {
result = lhs.contains(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.STARTS_WITH)) {
result = lhs.startsWith(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.ENDS_WITH)) {
result = lhs.endsWith(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.TO_LOWER)) {
result = lhs.toLowerCase().equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.TO_UPPER)) {
result = lhs.toUpperCase().equals(rhs);
}"Compare: \"" + lhs + "\" " + operator + " \"" + rhs + "\" ==> " + result);
return result;
* Timestamp Comparator
* @param lhs Timestamp to compare
* @param op an OData binary operator to use for comparisons
* @param rhs Timestamp to compare
* @return true if lhs op rhs, false otherwise
public static boolean compare(Timestamp lhs, String op, Timestamp rhs) {
String operator = op.toLowerCase();
boolean result = false;
if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN)) {
result = lhs.after(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs.after(rhs) || lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.EQ)) {
result = lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.NE)) {
result = !lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN)) {
result = lhs.before(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs.before(rhs) || lhs.equals(rhs);
}"Compare: " + lhs + " " + operator + " " + rhs + " ==> " + result);
return result;
* Year Comparator
* @param lhs Year to compare
* @param op an OData binary operator to use for comparisons
* @param rhs Timestamp to compare
* @return true if lhs op rhs, false otherwise
public static boolean compare(Year lhs, String op, Year rhs) {
String operator = op.toLowerCase();
boolean result = false;
if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN)) {
result = lhs.isAfter(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs.isAfter(rhs) || lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.EQ)) {
result = lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.NE)) {
result = !lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN)) {
result = lhs.isBefore(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs.isBefore(rhs) || lhs.equals(rhs);
}"Compare: " + lhs + " " + operator + " " + rhs + " ==> " + result);
return result;
* Time Comparator
* @param lhs Time to compare
* @param op an OData binary operator to use for comparisons
* @param rhs Time to compare
* @return true if lhs op rhs, false otherwise
public static boolean compare(Time lhs, String op, Time rhs) {
String operator = op.toLowerCase();
boolean result = false;
if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN)) {
result = lhs.toLocalTime().isAfter(rhs.toLocalTime());
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs.toLocalTime().isAfter(rhs.toLocalTime()) || lhs.toLocalTime().equals(rhs.toLocalTime());
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.EQ)) {
result = lhs.toLocalTime().equals(rhs.toLocalTime());
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.NE)) {
result = !lhs.toLocalTime().equals(rhs.toLocalTime());
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN)) {
result = lhs.toLocalTime().isBefore(rhs.toLocalTime());
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs.toLocalTime().isBefore(rhs.toLocalTime()) || lhs.toLocalTime().equals(rhs.toLocalTime());
}"Compare: " + lhs + " " + operator + " " + rhs + " ==> " + result);
return result;
* Date Comparator
* @param lhs Date to compare
* @param op an OData binary operator to use for comparisons
* @param rhs Date to compare
* @return true if lhs op rhs, false otherwise
public static boolean compare(Date lhs, String op, Date rhs) {
String operator = op.toLowerCase();
boolean result = false;
if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN)) {
result = lhs.after(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs.after(rhs) || lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.EQ)) {
result = lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.NE)) {
result = !lhs.equals(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN)) {
result = lhs.before(rhs);
} else if (operator.contentEquals(Operators.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {
result = lhs.before(rhs) || lhs.equals(rhs);
}"Compare: " + lhs + " " + operator + " " + rhs + " ==> " + result);
return result;
* Tests the given string to see if it's valid JSON
* @param jsonString the JSON string to test the validity of
* @return true if valid, false otherwise. Throws {@link IOException}
public static boolean isValidJson(String jsonString) {
try {
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
* Returns the String data contained within a given ODataRawResponse.
* @param oDataRawResponse the response to convert.
* @return the response stream as a string.
public static String getResponseData(ODataRawResponse oDataRawResponse) {
return convertInputStreamToString(oDataRawResponse.getRawResponse());
* Helper method to find headers with a given key in an an array of headers
* @param key the header to get
* @param headers an array containing Header objects
* @return the value of the header with key, or null
public static String getHeaderData(String key, Collection<Header> headers) {
String data = null;
for (Header header : headers) {
if (header.getName().toLowerCase().contains(key.toLowerCase())) {
data = header.getValue();
return data;
* Helper method to unpack headers from a raw OData response
* @param key the header to get
* @param oDataResponse the OData raw response from the request
* @return the value of the header with key, or null
public static String getHeaderData(String key, ODataResponse oDataResponse) {
if (key == null || oDataResponse.getHeader(key) == null) return null;
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(oDataResponse.getHeader(key));
if (result.size() > 0) {
return result.get(0);
} else {
return null;
* Parses the given edmDateTimeOffsetString into a Java Instant (the type expected by the Olingo type converter).
* @param edmDateTimeOffsetString string representation of an Edm DateTimeOffset to parse.
* @return the corresponding Instant value.
* @throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException thrown if given value cannot be parsed.
public static Timestamp parseTimestampFromEdmDateTimeOffsetString(String edmDateTimeOffsetString) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
return EdmDateTimeOffset.getInstance().valueOfString(edmDateTimeOffsetString, true, null, null, null, null, Timestamp.class);
* Parses the given edmDateString into a Java Timestamp.
* @param edmDateString the date string to convert.
* @return the corresponding Timestamp value.
* @throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException thrown if given value cannot be parsed.
public static Timestamp parseTimestampFromEdmDateString(String edmDateString) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
return EdmDate.getInstance().valueOfString(edmDateString, true, null, null, null, null, Timestamp.class);
* Parses the given edmDateString into a Java Time.
* @param edmTimeOfDayOffsetString the date string to convert.
* @return the corresponding Time value.
* @throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException thrown if given value cannot be parsed.
public static Time parseTimeOfDayFromEdmTimeOfDayString(String edmTimeOfDayOffsetString) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
return EdmTimeOfDay.getInstance().valueOfString(edmTimeOfDayOffsetString, true, null, null, null, null, Time.class);
* Parses the given DateTimeOffsetString into a Java Time.
* @param edmDateTimeOffsetString the DateTimeOffsetString to parse.
* @return the corresponding Time value.
* @throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException thrown if given value cannot be parsed.
public static Time parseTimeOfDayFromEdmDateTimeOffsetString(String edmDateTimeOffsetString) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
return EdmDateTimeOffset.getInstance().valueOfString(edmDateTimeOffsetString, true, null, null, null, null, Time.class);
* Parses the given edmDateString into a Java Date
* @param edmDateString the date string to convert.
* @return the corresponding Date value.
* @throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException thrown if given value cannot be parsed.
public static Date parseDateFromEdmDateString(String edmDateString) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
return EdmDate.getInstance().valueOfString(edmDateString, true, null, null, null, null, Date.class);
* Parses the given edmDateTimeOffsetString into a Java Date
* @param edmDateTimeOffsetString string representation of an Edm DateTimeOffset to parse.
* @return the corresponding Date value.
* @throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException thrown if given value cannot be parsed.
public static Date parseDateFromEdmDateTimeOffsetString(String edmDateTimeOffsetString) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
return EdmDateTimeOffset.getInstance().valueOfString(edmDateTimeOffsetString, true, null, null, null, null, Date.class);
* Tries to parse datePart from the given Object value
* @param datePart the timestamp part, "Year", "Month", "Day", etc. to try and parse
* @param value the value to try and parse
* @return the Integer portion of the date if successful, otherwise throws an Exception
* @exception throws an exception if value cannot be parsed into a date.
public static Integer getDatePart(String datePart, Object value) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse(parseDateFromEdmDateString(value.toString()).toString());
switch (datePart) {
case DateParts.YEAR:
return date.getYear();
case DateParts.MONTH:
return date.getMonthValue();
case DateParts.DAY:
return date.getDayOfMonth();
return null;
* Tries to parse datePart from the given Object value
* @param timestampPart the timestamp part, "Year", "Month", "Day", etc. to try and parse
* @param value the value to try and parse
* @return the Integer portion of the date if successful, otherwise throws an Exception
public static Integer getTimestampPart(String timestampPart, Object value) throws EdmPrimitiveTypeException {
//Turns nanoseconds into two most significant 2 digits for fractional comparisons
Integer ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR = 10000000;
OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime.parse(value.toString());
if (timestampPart.equals(DateParts.YEAR)) {
return offsetDateTime.getYear();
} else if (timestampPart.equals(DateParts.MONTH)) {
return offsetDateTime.getMonthValue();
} else if (timestampPart.equals(DateParts.DAY)) {
return offsetDateTime.getDayOfMonth();
} else if (timestampPart.equals(DateParts.HOUR)) {
return offsetDateTime.getHour();
} else if (timestampPart.equals(DateParts.MINUTE)) {
return offsetDateTime.getMinute();
} else if (timestampPart.equals(DateParts.SECOND)) {
return offsetDateTime.getSecond();
} else if (timestampPart.equals(DateParts.FRACTIONAL)) {
return offsetDateTime.getNano() / ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR;
} else {
return null;
* Converts the given inputStream to a string.
* @param inputStream the input stream to convert.
* @return the string value contained in the stream.
public static String convertInputStreamToString(InputStream inputStream) {
InputStreamReader isReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isReader);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String str;
try {
while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) {
return sb.toString();
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Error in convertInputStreamToString: " + ex);
return null;
* For each parameterFieldName value in responseData, assertTrue(value op timestamp)
* @param parameterFieldName the field name containing data
* @param op an OData binary operator to be used for comparsions
* @param parameterAssertedValue value to be used for comparisons
* @param responseData string containing JSON response data
public static void assertDateTimeOffset(String parameterFieldName, String op, String parameterAssertedValue, String responseData, Settings settings) {
AtomicReference<Timestamp> assertedValue = new AtomicReference<>();
try {
assertedValue.set(parseTimestampFromEdmDateTimeOffsetString(Settings.resolveParametersString(parameterAssertedValue, settings)));
assertDateTimeOffset(parameterFieldName, op, assertedValue.get(), responseData, settings);
} catch (EdmPrimitiveTypeException tex) {
LOG.error("ERROR: Cannot Convert the value in "
+ Settings.resolveParametersString(parameterAssertedValue, settings) + " to a Timestamp value!!" + tex);
* For each parameterFieldName value in responseData, assertTrue(value op timestamp)
* @param parameterFieldName the field name containing data
* @param op an OData binary operator to be used for comparsions
* @param timestamp value to be used for comparisons
* @param responseData string containing JSON response data
public static void assertDateTimeOffset(String parameterFieldName, String op, Timestamp timestamp, String responseData, Settings settings) {"Asserted time is: " + timestamp);
String fieldName = Settings.resolveParametersString(parameterFieldName, settings);
AtomicReference<Timestamp> fieldValue = new AtomicReference<>();
from(responseData).getList(JSON_VALUE_PATH, HashMap.class).forEach(item -> {
try {
assertTrue(compare(fieldValue.get(), op, timestamp));
} catch (EdmPrimitiveTypeException tex) {
LOG.error("ERROR: Cannot Convert the value in " + fieldValue.get() + " to a Timestamp value!!" + tex);
* Contains the list of supported operators for use in query expressions.
public static class Operators {
public static final String
AND = "and",
OR = "or",
NE = "ne",
EQ = "eq",
LESS_THAN = "lt",
CONTAINS = "contains",
ENDS_WITH = "endswith",
STARTS_WITH = "startswith",
TO_LOWER = "tolower",
TO_UPPER = "toupper";
public static class DateParts {
public static final String
YEAR = "year",
MONTH = "month",
DAY = "day",
HOUR = "hour",
MINUTE = "minute",
SECOND = "second",
FRACTIONAL = "fractional";