#100: Migrate to Flattened DD Sheet Format
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="generateDDAcceptanceTests" type="Application" factoryName="Application">
<option name="ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH" value="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home" />
<option name="ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH_ENABLED" value="true" />
<option name="MAIN_CLASS_NAME" value="org.reso.commander.App" />
<module name="web-api-commander.main" />
<option name="PROGRAM_PARAMETERS" value="--generateDDAcceptanceTests" />
<option name="WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="." />
<method v="2">
<option name="Make" enabled="true" />
@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ jar {
exclude 'META-INF/*.DSA'
// don't suppress warnings or deprecation notices
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
options.compilerArgs << '-Xlint:unchecked'
@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ usage: java -jar web-api-commander
using numeric keys.
--generateReferenceEDMX Generates reference metadata in EDMX
--generateResourceInfoModels Generates Java Models for the Web API
Reference Server in the current
--getMetadata Fetches metadata from <serviceRoot>
using <bearerToken> and saves results
in <outputFile>.
@ -18,17 +18,6 @@ New Cucumber BDD acceptance tests will be generated and placed in a timestamped
To update the current tests, copy the newly generated ones into the [Data Dictionary BDD `.features` directory](src/main/java/org/reso/certification/features/data-dictionary/v1-7-0), run the `./gradlew build` task, and if everything works as expected, commit the newly generated tests.
## Generating RESO Web API Reference Server Data Models
The RESO Commander can be used to generate data models for the Web API Reference server from the currently approved [Data Dictionary Spreadsheet](src/main/resources/RESODataDictionary-1.7.xlsx).
The Commander project's copy of the sheet needs to be updated with a copy of the [DD Google Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SZ0b6T4_lz6ti6qB2Je7NSz_9iNOaV_v9dbfhPwWgXA/edit?usp=sharing) prior to generating reference metadata.
$ java -jar path/to/web-api-commander.jar --generateResourceInfoModels
New ResourceInfo Models for the Web API Reference Server will be generated and placed in a timestamped directory relative to your current path.
## Generating RESO Data Dictionary Reference Metadata
In addition to generating DD acceptance tests, the RESO Commander can generate reference metadata based on the current reference [Data Dictionary Spreadsheet](src/main/resources/RESODataDictionary-1.7.xlsx).
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
* in the user manual at https://docs.gradle.org/8.0.2/userguide/multi_project_builds.html
* This project uses @Incubating APIs which are subject to change.
rootProject.name = 'web-api-commander'
rootProject.name = 'web-api-commander'
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package org.reso.certification.codegen;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.reso.commander.common.Utils;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardLookup;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardField;
@ -17,63 +16,57 @@ import static org.reso.certification.containers.WebAPITestContainer.SINGLE_SPACE
public class BDDProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(BDDProcessor.class);
private static final String
LOCKED_WITH_ENUMERATIONS_KEY = "Locked with Enumerations";
private static final String FEATURE_EXTENSION = ".feature";
private static final int EXAMPLES_PADDING_AMOUNT = 6;
public void processResourceSheet(Sheet sheet) {
markup.append(BDDTemplates.buildHeaderInfo(sheet.getSheetName(), startTimestamp));
void processNumber(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processStringListSingle(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processString(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processBoolean(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processStringListMulti(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processDate(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processTimestamp(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processCollection(ReferenceStandardField row) {
LOG.debug("Collection Type is not supported!");
void processExpansion(ReferenceStandardField field) {
//TODO: DD 2.0
void generateOutput() {
LOG.info("Using reference worksheet: " + REFERENCE_WORKSHEET);
LOG.info("Generating BDD .feature files for the following resources: " + resourceTemplates.keySet().toString());
resourceTemplates.forEach((resourceName, content) -> {
LOG.info("Generating BDD .feature files for the following resources: " + resourceTemplates.keySet());
resourceTemplates.forEach((resourceName, buffer) -> {
//put in local directory rather than relative to where the input file is
Utils.createFile(getDirectoryName(), resourceName.toLowerCase() + FEATURE_EXTENSION, content);
Utils.createFile(getDirectoryName(), resourceName.toLowerCase() + FEATURE_EXTENSION,
BDDTemplates.buildHeaderInfo(resourceName, startTimestamp) + buffer.toString());
@ -215,7 +208,7 @@ public class BDDProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
.append(padLeft("| ", EXAMPLES_PADDING_AMOUNT))
.append(lookup.getLookupValue()).append(" | ")
.append(lookup.getLookupDisplayName()).append(" |\n");
.append(lookup.getLegacyODataValue()).append(" |\n");
if (markup.length() > 0) markup.insert(0, padLeft("| lookupValue | lookupDisplayName |\n", EXAMPLES_PADDING_AMOUNT));
return markup.toString();
@ -227,6 +220,7 @@ public class BDDProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
public static String buildStringListMultiTest(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
"\n " + buildTags(field).stream().map(tag -> "@" + tag).collect(Collectors.joining(SINGLE_SPACE)) + "\n" +
" Scenario: " + field.getStandardName() + "\n" +
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ public class DDCacheProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
void processCollection(ReferenceStandardField field) {
void processExpansion(ReferenceStandardField field) {
//TODO: DD 2.0
@ -16,40 +16,72 @@ import static org.reso.certification.codegen.EDMXProcessor.EMPTY_STRING;
import static org.reso.certification.containers.WebAPITestContainer.SINGLE_SPACE;
import static org.reso.commander.common.DataDictionaryMetadata.v1_7.*;
//TODO: move to central lib
public class DDLProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(DDLProcessor.class);
private static final String PADDING = " ";
private static final int STRING_KEY_SIZE = 64;
private static final int DEFAULT_VARCHAR_SIZE = 255;
private final boolean useKeyNumeric;
public DDLProcessor() {
this.useKeyNumeric = false;
public DDLProcessor(boolean useKeyNumeric) {
this.useKeyNumeric = useKeyNumeric;
private String buildFieldMarkup(String fieldName, String typeMarkup) {
StringBuilder fieldMarkup = new StringBuilder();
public static String buildDbTableName(String resourceName) {
return CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE, resourceName).replace("o_u_i_d", "ouid");
if (markup.length() > 0) {
private static String buildCreateLookupStatement(boolean useKeyNumeric) {
"\n\n/**\n" +
" This creates the Lookup resource, as described in RESO RCP-032, \n" +
" with an optional numeric key. \n\n" +
" SEE: https://reso.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RESOWebAPIRCP/pages/2275152879/RCP+-+WEBAPI-032+Lookup+and+RelatedLookup+Resources+for+Lookup+Metadata\n" +
"**/\n" +
" LookupKey VARCHAR(" + STRING_KEY_SIZE + ") NOT NULL, \n" +
" LookupName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
" LookupValue VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
" StandardLookupValue VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, \n" +
" LegacyODataValue VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, \n" +
" PRIMARY KEY (LookupKey" + (useKeyNumeric ? "Numeric" : EMPTY_STRING) + ")\n" +
* Add treatments for any SQL replacements that need to be done here
* <p>
* For instance, 'Order' is used by the DD in the Media resource, but it's a SQL keyword.
* @param sql SQL statement to be sanitized
* @return sanitized SQL statement
private static String sanitizeSql(String sql) {
return sql
.replaceAll("\\bOrder\\b", "`Order`");
private String buildFieldMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field, String typeMarkup) {
StringBuilder fieldMarkup = new StringBuilder();
String resourceName = field.getResourceName(), fieldName = field.getStandardName();
if (resourceTemplates.get(resourceName).length() > 0) {
fieldMarkup.append(", ");
//if the current field is a key field then append NOT NULL depending on which key it is
if ((useKeyNumeric && isPrimaryKeyNumericField(sheet.getSheetName(), fieldName))) {
if ((useKeyNumeric && isPrimaryKeyNumericField(resourceName, fieldName))) {
fieldMarkup.append(SINGLE_SPACE).append("NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT");
} else if (isPrimaryKeyField(sheet.getSheetName(), fieldName)) {
} else if (isPrimaryKeyField(field.getResourceName(), fieldName)) {
fieldMarkup.append(SINGLE_SPACE).append("NOT NULL");
} else if (!typeMarkup.contains("DEFAULT")) {
fieldMarkup.append(SINGLE_SPACE).append("DEFAULT NULL");
@ -82,51 +114,50 @@ public class DDLProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
markup.append(buildFieldMarkup(field.getStandardName(), typeMarkup));
resourceTemplates.get(field.getResourceName()).append(buildFieldMarkup(field, typeMarkup));
void processStringListSingle(ReferenceStandardField field) {
String typeMarkup = useKeyNumeric ? "BIGINT" : "VARCHAR(" + STRING_KEY_SIZE + ")";
markup.append(buildFieldMarkup(field.getStandardName(), typeMarkup));
resourceTemplates.get(field.getResourceName()).append(buildFieldMarkup(field, typeMarkup));
void processString(ReferenceStandardField field) {
String typeMarkup = !field.getStandardName().contains("Key") && field.getSuggestedMaxLength() > 80 ? "TEXT":
"VARCHAR" + (field.getSuggestedMaxLength() != null ? "(" + field.getSuggestedMaxLength() + ")" : EMPTY_STRING);
markup.append(buildFieldMarkup(field.getStandardName(), typeMarkup));
int length = field.getSuggestedMaxLength() != null ? field.getSuggestedMaxLength() : DEFAULT_VARCHAR_SIZE;
String typeMarkup = !field.getStandardName().contains("Key") && length > 80 ? "TEXT" :
"VARCHAR" + "(" + length + ")";
resourceTemplates.get(field.getResourceName()).append(buildFieldMarkup(field, typeMarkup));
void processBoolean(ReferenceStandardField field) {
String typeMarkup = "TINYINT(1) DEFAULT FALSE";
markup.append(buildFieldMarkup(field.getStandardName(), typeMarkup));
resourceTemplates.get(field.getResourceName()).append(buildFieldMarkup(field, typeMarkup));
void processStringListMulti(ReferenceStandardField field) {
String typeMarkup = useKeyNumeric ? "BIGINT" : "VARCHAR(" + STRING_KEY_SIZE + ")";
markup.append(buildFieldMarkup(field.getStandardName(), typeMarkup));
resourceTemplates.get(field.getResourceName()).append(buildFieldMarkup(field, typeMarkup));
void processDate(ReferenceStandardField field) {
String typeMarkup = "DATE";
markup.append(buildFieldMarkup(field.getStandardName(), typeMarkup));
resourceTemplates.get(field.getResourceName()).append(buildFieldMarkup(field, typeMarkup));
void processTimestamp(ReferenceStandardField field) {
String typeMarkup = "DATETIME";
markup.append(buildFieldMarkup(field.getStandardName(), typeMarkup));
resourceTemplates.get(field.getResourceName()).append(buildFieldMarkup(field, typeMarkup));
void processCollection(ReferenceStandardField field) {
//A Collection is actually a list of known values from a joined resource
//this is handled by StandardResources
void processExpansion(ReferenceStandardField field) {
//Does not apply in this case...
@ -134,27 +165,25 @@ public class DDLProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
.append(PADDING).append("RESO Data Dictionary 1.7 Database Generation (DDL) Script\n")
.append(PADDING).append("Autogenerated on: ").append(Utils.getIsoTimestamp()).append("\n")
.append(PADDING).append("This content is covered by RESO's EULA. SEE: https://www.reso.org/eula/\n")
.append(PADDING).append("For questions or comments, please contact dev@reso.org\n")
.append(PADDING).append("RESO Data Dictionary 1.7 Database Generation (DDL) Script\n")
.append(PADDING).append("Autogenerated on: ").append(Utils.getIsoTimestamp()).append("\n")
.append(PADDING).append("This content is covered by RESO's EULA. SEE: https://www.reso.org/eula/\n")
.append(PADDING).append("For questions or comments, please contact dev@reso.org\n")
content.append("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS reso_data_dictionary_1_7;\n");
content.append("USE reso_data_dictionary_1_7;");
resourceTemplates.forEach((resourceName, templateContent) -> {
//exception for ouid so it doesn't become o_u_i_d
.append(" ( ")
resourceTemplates.forEach((resourceName, buffer) -> content
//exception for ouid so it doesn't become o_u_i_d
.append(" ( ")
.append(") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"));
@ -164,34 +193,10 @@ public class DDLProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
public static String buildDbTableName(String resourceName) {
return CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE, resourceName).replace("o_u_i_d", "ouid");
private static String buildCreateLookupStatement(boolean useKeyNumeric) {
"\n\n/**\n" +
" This creates the Lookup resource, as described in RESO RCP-032, \n" +
" with an optional numeric key. \n\n" +
" SEE: https://reso.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RESOWebAPIRCP/pages/2275152879/RCP+-+WEBAPI-032+Lookup+and+RelatedLookup+Resources+for+Lookup+Metadata\n" +
"**/\n" +
" LookupKey VARCHAR(" + STRING_KEY_SIZE + ") NOT NULL, \n" +
" LookupName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
" LookupValue VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n" +
" StandardLookupValue VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, \n" +
" LegacyOdataValue VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, \n" +
" PRIMARY KEY (LookupKey" + (useKeyNumeric ? "Numeric" : EMPTY_STRING) + ")\n" +
* INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c)
* VALUES(1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9);
* VALUES(1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9);
* @return a string containing the insert statements for the current lookups in the Data Dictionary.
private String buildInsertLookupsStatement() {
@ -201,15 +206,14 @@ public class DDLProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder("\n\n")
.append("INSERT INTO lookup (LookupKey, LookupName, LookupValue, StandardLookupValue, LegacyOdataValue) VALUES");
standardFieldsMap.forEach((resourceName, standardFieldMap) -> {
standardFieldMap.forEach((standardName, referenceStandardField) -> {
String inserts = buildLookupValueInserts(referenceStandardField);
if (inserts.length() > 0) {
(markupMap.keySet().size() > 0 ? ", " : EMPTY_STRING) + PADDING + inserts);
standardFieldsMap.forEach((resourceName, standardFieldMap) ->
standardFieldMap.forEach((standardName, referenceStandardField) -> {
String inserts = buildLookupValueInserts(referenceStandardField);
if (inserts.length() > 0) {
(markupMap.keySet().size() > 0 ? ", " : EMPTY_STRING) + PADDING + inserts);
markupMap.forEach((lookupStandardName, markup) -> content.append(markup));
return content.append(";").toString();
@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ public class DDLProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
+ lookup.getLookupDisplayName()
+ lookup.getLegacyODataValue()
+ lookup.getLookupValue(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
@ -238,52 +242,12 @@ public class DDLProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
.append(", ").append("\"").append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\"")
.append(", ").append("\"").append(lookup.getLookupDisplayName()).append("\"")
.append(", ").append("\"").append(lookup.getLookupDisplayName()).append("\"")
.append(", ").append("\"").append(lookup.getLegacyODataValue()).append("\"")
.append(", ").append("\"").append(lookup.getLegacyODataValue()).append("\"")
.append(", ").append("\"").append(lookup.getLookupValue()).append("\"")
return content.toString();
// private String buildNavigationPropertyMarkup(String resourceName) {
// StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
// List<ReferenceStandardRelationship> referenceStandardRelationships =
// this.getStandardRelationships().stream().filter(referenceStandardRelationship
// -> referenceStandardRelationship.getTargetResource().contentEquals(resourceName)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// for (ReferenceStandardRelationship referenceStandardRelationship : referenceStandardRelationships) {
// //LOG.info(referenceStandardRelationship);
// if (referenceStandardRelationship.getTargetResourceKey() != null) {
// content.append("<NavigationProperty")
// .append(" Name=\"").append(referenceStandardRelationship.getTargetStandardName()).append("\"")
// .append(" Type=\"org.reso.metadata.").append(referenceStandardRelationship.getSourceResource()).append("\"")
// .append(" />");
// } else {
// content.append("<NavigationProperty")
// .append(" Name=\"").append(referenceStandardRelationship.getTargetStandardName()).append("\"")
// .append(" Type=\"Collection(org.reso.metadata.").append(referenceStandardRelationship.getSourceResource()).append(")\"")
// .append(" />");
// }
// }
// return content.toString();
// }
* Add treatments for any SQL replacements that need to be done here
* For instance, 'Order' is used by the DD in the Media resource, but it's a SQL keyword.
* @param sql SQL statement to be sanitized
* @return sanitized SQL statement
private static String sanitizeSql(String sql) {
return sql
.replaceAll("\\bOrder\\b", "`Order`");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.reso.commander.common.DataDictionaryMetadata;
import static org.reso.certification.codegen.WorksheetProcessor.REFERENCE_WORKSHEET;
import static org.reso.certification.codegen.WorksheetProcessor.buildWellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap;
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ public class DataDictionaryCodeGenerator {
public DataDictionaryCodeGenerator(WorksheetProcessor processor) {
this.processor = processor;
workbook = processor.getReferenceWorkbook();
@ -33,17 +32,15 @@ public class DataDictionaryCodeGenerator {
* Generates Data Dictionary references for local workbook instance using the configured WorksheetProcessor
public void processWorksheets() {
Sheet fieldsWorksheet;
final Sheet fieldsWorksheet;
final int FIRST_ROW_INDEX = 1;
final String FIELDS_WORKSHEET = "Fields";
try {
fieldsWorksheet = workbook.getSheet(FIELDS_WORKSHEET);
assert fieldsWorksheet != null;
processor.wellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap = buildWellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap(fieldsWorksheet);
//starts at row 1 to skip header row
for (int rowIndex = FIRST_ROW_INDEX; rowIndex < fieldsWorksheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows(); rowIndex++) {
@ -52,10 +49,9 @@ public class DataDictionaryCodeGenerator {
} catch (Exception ex) {
@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ package org.reso.certification.codegen;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.reso.commander.common.Utils;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardField;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardLookup;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardRelationship;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.DOMImplementationLS;
@ -19,37 +17,32 @@ import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.Objects;
import static org.reso.commander.common.DataDictionaryMetadata.v1_7.getKeyFieldForResource;
import static org.reso.commander.common.Utils.wrapColumns;
//TODO: switch to build an XML document rather than creating it as a string
public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(EDMXProcessor.class);
final static String EMPTY_STRING = "";
final static String RESO_NAMESPACE = "org.reso.metadata";
String openEntityTypeTag = null, closeEntityTypeTag = null, keyMarkup = null;
final static String openingDataServicesTag =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"
+ "<!-- This file was autogenerated from " + REFERENCE_WORKSHEET + " on: " + Utils.getIsoTimestamp() + " -->"
+ "<edmx:Edmx xmlns:edmx=\"http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edmx\" Version=\"4.0\">"
+ "<edmx:DataServices>";
final static String closingDataServicesTag = "</edmx:DataServices></edmx:Edmx>";
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(EDMXProcessor.class);
public void processResourceSheet(Sheet sheet) {
openEntityTypeTag = "<EntityType Name=\"" + sheet.getSheetName() + "\">";
closeEntityTypeTag = "</EntityType>";
private static String sanitizeXml(String input) {
return input.replace("&", "&")
.replace(">", ">")
.replace("<", "<")
.replace("'", "'")
.replace("\"", """);
//TODO: add KeyNumeric handler
private String getKeyMarkup(String resourceName) {
if (resourceName == null) return null;
@ -61,60 +54,63 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
+ "</Key>" : null;
public void afterResourceSheetProcessed(Sheet sheet) {
assert sheet != null && sheet.getSheetName() != null;
String resourceName = sheet.getSheetName();
String templateContent =
+ getKeyMarkup(resourceName)
+ markup.toString()
+ buildNavigationPropertyMarkup(resourceName)
+ closeEntityTypeTag;
resourceTemplates.put(resourceName, templateContent);
void processNumber(ReferenceStandardField field) {
void processStringListSingle(ReferenceStandardField field) {
void processString(ReferenceStandardField field) {
void processBoolean(ReferenceStandardField field) {
void processStringListMulti(ReferenceStandardField field) {
void processDate(ReferenceStandardField field) {
void processTimestamp(ReferenceStandardField field) {
void processCollection(ReferenceStandardField field) {
LOG.debug("Collection Type is not supported at this time!");
void processExpansion(ReferenceStandardField field) {
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
final String simpleDataType = field.getSimpleDataType().trim();
.append(" Name=\"").append(field.getStandardName()).append("\"");
if (simpleDataType.compareTo(WELL_KNOWN_DATA_TYPES.COLLECTION) == 0) {
content.append(" Type=\"Collection(org.reso.metadata.").append(field.getSourceResource()).append(")\"");
} else if (simpleDataType.compareTo(WELL_KNOWN_DATA_TYPES.RESOURCE) == 0) {
content.append(" Type=\"org.reso.metadata.").append(field.getSourceResource()).append("\"");
} else {
//unsupported type, just exit without adding content
LOG.error("ERROR: Unsupported simple data type for Expansion fields: '{}'", simpleDataType);
content.append(" />");
@ -122,9 +118,9 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
try {
final String output =
+ buildEntityTypeMarkup()
+ buildEnumTypeMarkup()
+ closingDataServicesTag;
+ buildEntityTypeMarkup()
+ buildEnumTypeMarkup()
+ closingDataServicesTag;
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
@ -144,12 +140,12 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
lsSerializer.write(document, formattedOutput);
final String formattedOutputString = stringWriter.toString(),
filename = getReferenceResource().replace(".xlsx", ".xml");
filename = getDataDictionarySpecification().replace(".xlsx", ".xml");
LOG.info("Writing " + formattedOutputString.getBytes().length + " bytes to file: " + filename + "...");
//write content of the string to the same directory as the source file
Utils.createFile(getDirectoryName(), filename, stringWriter.toString());
Utils.createFile(getDirectoryName(), filename, output);
LOG.info("XML Metadata file written!");
@ -176,8 +172,11 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
content.append("<Schema xmlns=\"http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm\" Namespace=\"" + RESO_NAMESPACE + "\">");
//iterate through each of the found resources and generate their edm:EntityType content
resourceTemplates.forEach((resourceName, templateContent) -> {
resourceTemplates.forEach((resourceName, buffer) -> {
content.append("<EntityType Name=\"").append(resourceName).append("\">");
//nest entity container in main namespace
@ -195,17 +194,15 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
StringBuilder content =
new StringBuilder("<Schema xmlns=\"http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm\" Namespace=\"" + RESO_NAMESPACE + ".enums\">");
standardFieldsMap.forEach((resourceName, standardFieldMap) -> {
standardFieldMap.forEach((standardName, referenceStandardField) -> {
if (referenceStandardField.isSingleEnumeration()) {
markupMap.putIfAbsent(referenceStandardField.getLookupName(), buildSingleEnumTypeMarkup(referenceStandardField));
standardFieldsMap.forEach((resourceName, standardFieldMap) -> standardFieldMap.forEach((standardName, referenceStandardField) -> {
if (referenceStandardField.isSingleEnumeration()) {
markupMap.putIfAbsent(referenceStandardField.getLookupName(), buildSingleEnumTypeMarkup(referenceStandardField));
if (referenceStandardField.isMultipleEnumeration()) {
markupMap.putIfAbsent(referenceStandardField.getLookupName(), buildMultipleEnumTypeMarkup(referenceStandardField));
if (referenceStandardField.isMultipleEnumeration()) {
markupMap.putIfAbsent(referenceStandardField.getLookupName(), buildMultipleEnumTypeMarkup(referenceStandardField));
markupMap.forEach((lookupStandardName, markup) -> content.append(markup));
@ -214,30 +211,6 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
return content.toString();
private String buildNavigationPropertyMarkup(String resourceName) {
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
List<ReferenceStandardRelationship> referenceStandardRelationships =
-> referenceStandardRelationship.getTargetResource().contentEquals(resourceName)).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (ReferenceStandardRelationship referenceStandardRelationship : referenceStandardRelationships) {
if (referenceStandardRelationship.getTargetResourceKey() != null) {
.append(" Name=\"").append(referenceStandardRelationship.getTargetStandardName()).append("\"")
.append(" Type=\"org.reso.metadata.").append(referenceStandardRelationship.getSourceResource()).append("\"")
.append(" />");
} else {
.append(" Name=\"").append(referenceStandardRelationship.getTargetStandardName()).append("\"")
.append(" Type=\"Collection(org.reso.metadata.").append(referenceStandardRelationship.getSourceResource()).append(")\"")
.append(" />");
return content.toString();
private String buildSingleEnumTypeMarkup(ReferenceStandardField standardField) {
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
@ -245,21 +218,19 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
content.append("<EnumType Name=\"").append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\">");
//iterate through each of the lookup values and generate their edm:EnumType content
getEnumerations().get(standardField.getLookupName()).forEach(lookup -> {
.append("<Member Name=\"").append(lookup.getLookupValue()).append("\">")
getEnumerations().get(standardField.getLookupName()).forEach(lookup -> content
.append("<Member Name=\"").append(lookup.getLegacyODataValue()).append("\">")
} else {
.append("<!-- TODO: implement if you are using the single-valued enumeration \"")
.append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\" -->")
.append("<EnumType Name=\"").append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\">")
.append("\n<!-- TODO: implement if you are using the single-valued enumeration \"")
.append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\" -->")
.append("<Member Name=\"Sample").append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("EnumValue").append("\"/>")
@ -273,50 +244,41 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
content.append("<EnumType Name=\"").append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\">");
//iterate through each of the lookup values and generate their edm:EnumType content
getEnumerations().get(standardField.getLookupName()).forEach(lookup -> {
.append("<Member Name=\"").append(lookup.getLookupValue()).append("\">")
getEnumerations().get(standardField.getLookupName()).forEach(lookup -> content
.append("<Member Name=\"").append(lookup.getLegacyODataValue()).append("\">")
} else {
.append("<!-- TODO: implement if you are using the multi-valued enumeration \"").append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\" -->")
.append("<EnumType Name=\"").append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\">")
.append("\n<!-- TODO: implement if you are using the multi-valued enumeration \"").append(standardField.getLookupName()).append("\" -->")
.append("<Member Name=\"Sample").append(standardField.getStandardName()).append("EnumValue").append("\">")
.append("<Member Name=\"Sample").append(standardField.getStandardName()).append("EnumValue").append("\"/>")
return content.toString();
private static String sanitizeXml(String input) {
return input.replace("&", "&")
.replace(">", ">")
.replace("<", "<")
.replace("'", "'")
.replace("\"", """);
public static final class EDMXTemplates {
public static String buildDisplayNameAnnotation(String content) {
if (content == null || content.length() <= 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
if (content == null || content.length() == 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
return String.format("<Annotation Term=\"RESO.OData.Metadata.StandardName\" String=\"%1$s\" />", sanitizeXml(content));
//wrapColumns(referenceStandardField.getDefinition().replaceAll("--", "-"), " ")
public static String buildDescriptionAnnotation(String content) {
if (content == null || content.length() <= 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
if (content == null || content.length() == 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
return String.format("<Annotation Term=\"Core.Description\" String=\"%1$s\" />", sanitizeXml(content));
public static String buildDDWikiUrlAnnotation(String content) {
if (content == null || content.length() <= 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
if (content == null || content.length() == 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
return String.format("<Annotation Term=\"RESO.DDWikiUrl\" String=\"%1$s\" />", sanitizeXml(content));
@ -378,27 +340,28 @@ public class EDMXProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
public static String buildEnumTypeSingleMember(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null || field.getLookupName() == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
if (!field.getLookupName().toLowerCase().contains("lookups")) return EMPTY_STRING;
if (field.getLookupName().trim().length() == 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
String lookupName = field.getLookupName().replace("Lookups", "").trim();
return ""
+ "<Property Name=\"" + field.getStandardName() + "\" Type=\"" + RESO_NAMESPACE + ".enums." + lookupName + "\" >"
+ buildDisplayNameAnnotation(field.getDisplayName())
+ buildDDWikiUrlAnnotation(field.getWikiPageUrl())
+ buildDescriptionAnnotation(field.getDefinition())
+ "</Property>";
"<Property Name=\"" + field.getStandardName()
+ "\" Type=\"" + RESO_NAMESPACE + ".enums." + field.getLookupName() + "\" >"
+ buildDisplayNameAnnotation(field.getDisplayName())
+ buildDDWikiUrlAnnotation(field.getWikiPageUrl())
+ buildDescriptionAnnotation(field.getDefinition())
+ "</Property>";
public static String buildEnumTypeMultiMember(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null || field.getLookupName() == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
if (!field.getLookupName().toLowerCase().contains("lookups")) return EMPTY_STRING;
return ""
+ "<Property Name=\"" + field.getStandardName()
+ "\" Type=\"Collection(" + RESO_NAMESPACE + ".enums." + field.getLookupName() + ")\">"
+ buildDisplayNameAnnotation(field.getDisplayName())
+ buildDDWikiUrlAnnotation(field.getWikiPageUrl())
+ buildDescriptionAnnotation(field.getDefinition())
+ "</Property>";
if (field.getLookupName().trim().length() == 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
"<Property Name=\"" + field.getStandardName()
+ "\" Type=\"Collection(" + RESO_NAMESPACE + ".enums." + field.getLookupName() + ")\">"
+ buildDisplayNameAnnotation(field.getDisplayName())
+ buildDDWikiUrlAnnotation(field.getWikiPageUrl())
+ buildDescriptionAnnotation(field.getDefinition())
+ "</Property>";
@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
package org.reso.certification.codegen;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.reso.commander.common.Utils;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardField;
import static org.reso.certification.codegen.DDLProcessor.buildDbTableName;
import static org.reso.certification.containers.WebAPITestContainer.EMPTY_STRING;
public class ResourceInfoProcessor extends WorksheetProcessor {
final static String
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(ResourceInfoProcessor.class);
private static final String
public void processResourceSheet(Sheet sheet) {
markup.append(ResourceInfoTemplates.buildClassInfo(sheet.getSheetName(), null));
void processNumber(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processStringListSingle(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processString(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processBoolean(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processStringListMulti(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processDate(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processTimestamp(ReferenceStandardField row) {
void processCollection(ReferenceStandardField row) {
LOG.debug("Collection Type is not supported!");
void generateOutput() {
LOG.info("Using reference worksheet: " + REFERENCE_WORKSHEET);
LOG.info("Generating ResourceInfo .java files for the following resources: " + resourceTemplates.keySet().toString());
resourceTemplates.forEach((resourceName, content) -> {
//put in local directory rather than relative to where the input file is
Utils.createFile(getDirectoryName(), resourceName + "Definition" + FILE_EXTENSION, content);
String getDirectoryName() {
return startTimestamp + "-ResourceInfoModels";
public void afterResourceSheetProcessed(Sheet sheet) {
assert sheet != null && sheet.getSheetName() != null;
String resourceName = sheet.getSheetName();
String templateContent =
markup.toString() + "\n" +
" return " + resourceName + "Definition.fieldList;\n" +
" }\n" +
resourceTemplates.put(resourceName, templateContent);
public static final class ResourceInfoTemplates {
* Contains various templates used for test generation
* TODO: add a formatter rather than using inline spaces
public static String buildClassInfo(String resourceName, String generatedTimestamp) {
if (resourceName == null) return null;
if (generatedTimestamp == null) generatedTimestamp = Utils.getIsoTimestamp();
final String definitionName = resourceName + "Definition";
return "package org.reso.service.data.definition;\n" + "\n" +
"import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind;\n" +
"import org.reso.service.data.meta.FieldInfo;\n" +
"import org.reso.service.data.meta.ResourceInfo;\n" + "\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" + "\n" +
"// This class was autogenerated on: " + generatedTimestamp + "\n" +
"public class " + definitionName + " extends ResourceInfo {\n" +
" private static ArrayList<FieldInfo> fieldList = null;\n" + "\n" +
" public " + definitionName + "() {" + "\n" +
" this.tableName = " + buildDbTableName(resourceName) + ";\n" +
" this.resourcesName = " + resourceName + ";\n" +
" this.resourceName = " + resourceName + ";\n" +
" }\n" + "\n" +
" public ArrayList<FieldInfo> getFieldList() {\n" +
" return " + definitionName + ".getStaticFieldList();\n" +
" }\n" + "\n" +
" public static ArrayList<FieldInfo> getStaticFieldList() {\n" +
" if (null != " + definitionName + ".fieldList) {\n" +
" return " + definitionName + ".fieldList;\n" +
" }\n" + "\n" +
" ArrayList<FieldInfo> list = new ArrayList<FieldInfo>();\n" +
" " + definitionName + ".fieldList = list;\n" +
" FieldInfo fieldInfo = null;\n";
public static String buildBooleanMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
//TODO: refactor into one method that takes a type name and returns the appropriate content
return "\n" +
" fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(\"" + field.getStandardName() + "\", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean.getFullQualifiedName());\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDisplayName() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DISPLAY_NAME + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDefinition() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DESCRIPTION + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getWikiPageUrl() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_URL + "\");\n" +
" list.add(fieldInfo);" +
public static String buildDateMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
return "\n" +
" fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(\"" + field.getStandardName() + "\", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Date.getFullQualifiedName());\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDisplayName() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DISPLAY_NAME + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDefinition() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DESCRIPTION + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getWikiPageUrl() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_URL + "\");\n" +
" list.add(fieldInfo);" +
* Provides special routing for Data Dictionary numeric types, which may be Integer or Decimal
* @param field the numeric field to build type markup for
* @return a string containing specific markup for the given field
public static String buildNumberMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
if (field.getSuggestedMaxPrecision() != null) return buildDecimalMarkup(field);
else return buildIntegerMarkup(field);
public static String buildDecimalMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
return "\n" +
" fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(\"" + field.getStandardName() + "\", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal.getFullQualifiedName());\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDisplayName() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DISPLAY_NAME + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDefinition() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DESCRIPTION + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getWikiPageUrl() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_URL + "\");\n" +
" list.add(fieldInfo);" +
//TODO: Length is actually scale for Decimal fields by the DD! :/
//TODO: Add setScale property to Decimal types in FieldInfo
//TODO: Precision is actually Scale for Decimal fields by the DD! :/
//TODO: Add setPrecision property to Decimal types in FieldInfo
public static String buildIntegerMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
return "\n" +
" fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(\"" + field.getStandardName() + "\", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int64.getFullQualifiedName());\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDisplayName() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DISPLAY_NAME + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDefinition() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DESCRIPTION + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getWikiPageUrl() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_URL + "\");\n" +
" list.add(fieldInfo);" +
private static String buildStandardEnumerationMarkup(String lookupName) {
//TODO: add code to build Lookups
return "\n /* TODO: buildStandardEnumerationMarkup */\n";
public static String buildStringListMultiMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
//TODO: add multi lookup handler
return "\n /* TODO: buildStringListMultiMarkup */\n";
public static String buildStringListSingleMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
//TODO: add single lookup handler
return "\n /* TODO: buildStringListSingleMarkup */\n";
public static String buildStringMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
String content = "\n" +
" fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(\"" + field.getStandardName() + "\", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String.getFullQualifiedName());\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDisplayName() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DISPLAY_NAME + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDefinition() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DESCRIPTION + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getWikiPageUrl() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_URL + "\");\n";
if (field.getSuggestedMaxLength() != null) {
content +=
" fieldInfo.setMaxLength(" + field.getSuggestedMaxLength() + ");\n";
content +=
" list.add(fieldInfo);" + "\n";
return content;
public static String buildTimestampMarkup(ReferenceStandardField field) {
if (field == null) return EMPTY_STRING;
return "\n" +
" fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(\"" + field.getStandardName() + "\", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.DateTime.getFullQualifiedName());\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDisplayName() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DISPLAY_NAME + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getDefinition() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_DESCRIPTION + "\");\n" +
" fieldInfo.addAnnotation(\"" + field.getWikiPageUrl() + "\", \"" + ANNOTATION_TERM_URL + "\");\n" +
" list.add(fieldInfo);" +
@ -2,401 +2,373 @@ package org.reso.certification.codegen;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DataFormatter;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.reso.commander.common.Utils;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardField;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardLookup;
import org.reso.models.ReferenceStandardRelationship;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static java.lang.System.exit;
import static org.reso.certification.codegen.WorksheetProcessor.WELL_KNOWN_DATA_TYPES.*;
import static org.reso.commander.common.DataDictionaryMetadata.v1_7.LOOKUP_FIELDS_AND_VALUES;
import static org.reso.commander.common.DataDictionaryMetadata.v1_7.LOOKUPS;
import static org.reso.commander.common.ErrorMsg.getDefaultErrorMessage;
public abstract class WorksheetProcessor {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(WorksheetProcessor.class);
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(WorksheetProcessor.class);
//TODO: make this a dynamic property based on DD version
public static final String REFERENCE_WORKSHEET = "RESODataDictionary-1.7-Flattened.xlsx";
//TODO: make this a dynamic property based on DD version
public static final String REFERENCE_WORKSHEET = "RESODataDictionary-1.7.xlsx";
static final Map<String, String> resourceTemplates = new LinkedHashMap<>();
static final Map<String, Set<ReferenceStandardLookup>> standardEnumerationsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
static final Map<String, Map<String, ReferenceStandardField>> standardFieldsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(new LinkedHashMap<>());
private final List<ReferenceStandardRelationship> referenceStandardRelationships = new ArrayList<>();
String referenceDocument = null;
StringBuffer markup;
Sheet sheet;
String startTimestamp;
Map<String, Integer> wellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> wellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
static final Map<String, StringBuffer> resourceTemplates = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public WorksheetProcessor() {
LOG.info("Using Data Dictionary Reference sheet: " + REFERENCE_WORKSHEET);
startTimestamp = Utils.getTimestamp();
markup = new StringBuffer();
static final Map<String, Set<ReferenceStandardLookup>> standardEnumerationsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
static final Map<String, Map<String, ReferenceStandardField>> standardFieldsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(new LinkedHashMap<>());
String dataDictionarySpecification = null;
String startTimestamp;
Map<String, Integer> wellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> wellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public WorksheetProcessor() {
LOG.info("Using Data Dictionary Reference sheet: " + REFERENCE_WORKSHEET);
startTimestamp = Utils.getTimestamp();
public static Map<String, Integer> buildWellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap(Sheet sheet) {
Map<String, Integer> headerMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
sheet.getRow(0).cellIterator().forEachRemaining(cell ->
headerMap.put(cell.getStringCellValue(), cell.getColumnIndex()));
return headerMap;
public static Integer getIntegerValue(Integer index, Row row, Integer defaultValue) {
if (index == null || !(index >= 0)) return defaultValue;
Integer value;
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
try {
value = Integer.parseInt(formatter.formatCellValue(row.getCell(index)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
value = defaultValue;
return value;
public static Map<String, Integer> buildWellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap(Sheet sheet) {
Map<String, Integer> headerMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
sheet.getRow(0).cellIterator().forEachRemaining(cell ->
headerMap.put(cell.getStringCellValue(), cell.getColumnIndex()));
return headerMap;
public static Integer getIntegerValue(Integer index, Row row) {
return getIntegerValue(index, row, null);
public static String getStringValue(Integer index, Row row, String defaultValue) {
if (index == null || !(index >= 0)) return defaultValue;
String value;
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
try {
value = formatter.formatCellValue(row.getCell(index));
} catch (Exception ex) {
value = defaultValue;
return value;
public static Integer getIntegerValue(Integer index, Row row, Integer defaultValue) {
if (index == null || !(index >= 0)) return defaultValue;
Integer value;
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
try {
value = Integer.parseInt(formatter.formatCellValue(row.getCell(index)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
value = defaultValue;
public static String getStringValue(Integer index, Row row) {
return getStringValue(index, row, null);
public static Boolean getBooleanValue(Integer index, Row row, Boolean defaultValue) {
if (index == null || !(index >= 0)) return defaultValue;
final String BOOLEAN_VALUE = "yes";
Boolean value = false;
String cellValue;
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
try {
cellValue = formatter.formatCellValue(row.getCell(index));
if (cellValue.toLowerCase().contains(BOOLEAN_VALUE)) {
value = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
value = defaultValue;
return value;
public static Boolean getBooleanValue(Integer index, Row row) {
return getBooleanValue(index, row, false);
public static List<String> getArrayValue(Integer index, Row row, List<String> defaultValue) {
if (index == null || !(index >= 0)) return defaultValue;
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
String cellValue;
List<String> value = new ArrayList<>();
try {
cellValue = formatter.formatCellValue(row.getCell(index));
if (cellValue != null && cellValue.length() > 0) {
//LOG.info("Cell index is: " + index + ", cell value is: " + cellValue);
value = Arrays.stream(cellValue
.replace(" ", "").split(","))
.filter(item -> item.length() > 0)
} catch (Exception ex) {
value = defaultValue;
return value;
public static List<String> getArrayValue(Integer index, Row row) {
return getArrayValue(index, row, new ArrayList<>());
abstract void processNumber(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processStringListSingle(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processString(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processBoolean(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processStringListMulti(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processDate(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processTimestamp(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processExpansion(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void generateOutput();
public Integer getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(String wellKnownStandardFieldKey) {
return wellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap.get(wellKnownStandardFieldKey);
public Integer getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(String wellKnownStandardEnumerationKey) {
return wellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap.get(wellKnownStandardEnumerationKey);
public void buildWellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap(Sheet sheet) {
wellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
sheet.getRow(0).cellIterator().forEachRemaining(cell ->
wellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap.put(cell.getStringCellValue(), cell.getColumnIndex()));
public ReferenceStandardField deserializeStandardFieldRow(Row row) {
return new ReferenceStandardField.Builder()
.setResourceName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.RESOURCE_NAME), row))
.setStandardName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.STANDARD_NAME), row))
.setDisplayName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.DISPLAY_NAME), row))
.setDefinition(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.DEFINITION), row))
.setGroups(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.GROUPS), row))
.setSimpleDataType(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SIMPLE_DATA_TYPE), row))
.setSourceResource(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SOURCE_RESOURCE), row))
.setSuggestedMaxLength(getIntegerValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SUGGESTED_MAX_LENGTH), row))
.setSuggestedMaxPrecision(getIntegerValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SUGGESTED_MAX_PRECISION), row))
.setSynonyms(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SYNONYMS), row))
.setElementStatus(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.ELEMENT_STATUS), row))
.setBedes(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.BEDES), row))
.setRecordId(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.RECORD_ID), row))
.setLookupStatus(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.LOOKUP_STATUS), row))
.setLookupName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.LOOKUP_NAME), row))
.setRepeatingElement(getBooleanValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.REPEATING_ELEMENT), row))
.setPropertyTypes(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.PROPERTY_TYPES), row))
.setPayloads(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.PAYLOADS), row))
.setSpanishDisplayName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SPANISH_DISPLAY_NAME), row))
.setFrenchCanadianDisplayName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.FRENCH_CANADIAN_DISPLAY_NAME), row))
.setStatusChangeDate(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.STATUS_CHANGE_DATE), row))
.setRevisedDate(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.REVISED_DATE), row))
.setAddedInVersion(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.ADDED_IN_VERSION), row))
.setWikiPageTitle(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_TITLE), row))
.setWikiPageURL(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_URL), row))
.setWikiPageID(getIntegerValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_ID), row))
public ReferenceStandardLookup deserializeStandardEnumerationRow(Row row) {
return new ReferenceStandardLookup.Builder()
.setLookupName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_NAME), row))
.setLookupValue(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.STANDARD_LOOKUP_VALUE), row))
.setLegacyODataValue(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LEGACY_ODATA_VALUE), row))
.setDefinition(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.DEFINITION), row))
.setLookupDisplayNameSynonyms(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.SYNONYMS), row))
.setBedes(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.BEDES), row))
.setReferences(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.REFERENCES), row))
.setElementStatus(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.ELEMENT_STATUS), row))
.setLookupId(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_ID), row))
.setLookupNameId(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_NAME_ID), row))
.setSpanishLookupValue(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.SPANISH_LOOKUP_VALUE), row))
.setFrenchCanadianLookupValue(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.FRENCH_CANADIAN_LOOKUP_VALUE), row))
.setStatusChangeDate(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.STATUS_CHANGE_DATE), row))
.setRevisedDate(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.REVISED_DATE), row))
.setAddedInVersion(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.ADDED_IN_VERSION), row))
.setWikiPageTitle(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_TITLE), row))
.setWikiPageUrl(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_URL), row))
public void processResourceRow(Row row) {
ReferenceStandardField referenceStandardField = deserializeStandardFieldRow(row);
//add empty top-level resource name map
standardFieldsMap.putIfAbsent(referenceStandardField.getResourceName(), new LinkedHashMap<>());
//add a resource standard field
standardFieldsMap.get(referenceStandardField.getResourceName()).put(referenceStandardField.getStandardName(), referenceStandardField);
resourceTemplates.putIfAbsent(referenceStandardField.getResourceName(), new StringBuffer());
//handle expanded fields
if (referenceStandardField.isExpansion()) {
} else {
//now that row has been processed, extract field type and assemble the template
switch (referenceStandardField.getSimpleDataType()) {
case NUMBER:
case STRING:
case DATE:
if (referenceStandardField.getSimpleDataType() != null)
LOG.debug("Data type: " + referenceStandardField.getSimpleDataType() + " is not supported!");
String getDirectoryName() {
return startTimestamp + "-" + getDataDictionarySpecification()
.toLowerCase().substring(0, getDataDictionarySpecification().lastIndexOf("."));
public String getDataDictionarySpecification() {
return dataDictionarySpecification;
public void setDataDictionarySpecification(String dataDictionarySpecification) {
this.dataDictionarySpecification = dataDictionarySpecification;
public Workbook getReferenceWorkbook() {
try {
return new XSSFWorkbook(Objects.requireNonNull(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(getDataDictionarySpecification())));
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
public void buildEnumerationMap() {
Sheet sheet = getReferenceWorkbook().getSheet(LOOKUPS);
AtomicReference<ReferenceStandardLookup> standardEnumeration = new AtomicReference<>();
sheet.rowIterator().forEachRemaining(row -> {
if (row.getRowNum() > 0) {
if (!standardEnumerationsMap.containsKey(standardEnumeration.get().getLookupName())) {
standardEnumerationsMap.put(standardEnumeration.get().getLookupName(), new LinkedHashSet<>());
return value;
public static Integer getIntegerValue(Integer index, Row row) {
return getIntegerValue(index, row, null);
public Map<String, Set<ReferenceStandardLookup>> getEnumerations() {
return standardEnumerationsMap;
public static String getStringValue(Integer index, Row row, String defaultValue) {
if (index == null || !(index >= 0)) return defaultValue;
String value;
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
try {
value = formatter.formatCellValue(row.getCell(index));
} catch (Exception ex) {
value = defaultValue;
return value;
public static final class WELL_KNOWN_DATA_TYPES {
public static final String
NUMBER = "Number",
STRING_LIST_SINGLE = "String List, Single",
STRING_LIST_MULTI = "String List, Multi",
STRING = "String",
BOOLEAN = "Boolean",
DATE = "Date",
TIMESTAMP = "Timestamp",
COLLECTION = "Collection",
RESOURCE = "Resource";
public static String getStringValue(Integer index, Row row) {
return getStringValue(index, row, null);
* Must match what's in the DD spreadsheet EXACTLY
public static final class WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS {
public static final String
RESOURCE_NAME = "ResourceName",
STANDARD_NAME = "StandardName",
DISPLAY_NAME = "DisplayName",
DEFINITION = "Definition",
GROUPS = "Groups",
SIMPLE_DATA_TYPE = "SimpleDataType",
SOURCE_RESOURCE = "SourceResource",
SYNONYMS = "Synonyms",
FRENCH_CANADIAN_DISPLAY_NAME = "FrenchCanadianDisplayName",
SPANISH_DISPLAY_NAME = "SpanishDisplayName",
ELEMENT_STATUS = "ElementStatus",
RECORD_ID = "RecordId",
LOOKUP_STATUS = "LookupStatus",
LOOKUP_NAME = "LookupName",
REPEATING_ELEMENT = "RepeatingElement",
PROPERTY_TYPES = "PropertyTypes",
PAYLOADS = "Payloads",
STATUS_CHANGE_DATE = "StatusChangeDate",
REVISED_DATE = "RevisedDate",
ADDED_IN_VERSION = "AddedInVersion",
WIKI_PAGE_TITLE = "WikiPageTitle",
WIKI_PAGE_URL = "WikiPageUrl",
WIKI_PAGE_ID = "WikiPageId",
public static Boolean getBooleanValue(Integer index, Row row, Boolean defaultValue) {
if (index == null || !(index >= 0)) return defaultValue;
final String BOOLEAN_VALUE = "yes";
Boolean value = false;
String cellValue;
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
try {
cellValue = formatter.formatCellValue(row.getCell(index));
if (cellValue.toLowerCase().contains(BOOLEAN_VALUE)) {
value = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
value = defaultValue;
return value;
public static Boolean getBooleanValue(Integer index, Row row) {
return getBooleanValue(index, row, false);
public static List<String> getArrayValue(Integer index, Row row, List<String> defaultValue) {
if (index == null || !(index >= 0)) return defaultValue;
DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
String cellValue;
List<String> value = new ArrayList<>();
try {
cellValue = formatter.formatCellValue(row.getCell(index));
if (cellValue != null && cellValue.length() > 0) {
//LOG.info("Cell index is: " + index + ", cell value is: " + cellValue);
value = Arrays.stream(cellValue
.replace(" ", "").split(","))
.filter(item -> item.length() > 0)
} catch (Exception ex) {
value = defaultValue;
return value;
public static List<String> getArrayValue(Integer index, Row row) {
return getArrayValue(index, row, new ArrayList<>());
public Integer getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(String wellKnownStandardFieldKey) {
return wellKnownStandardFieldHeaderMap.get(wellKnownStandardFieldKey);
public Integer getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(String wellKnownStandardEnumerationKey) {
return wellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap.get(wellKnownStandardEnumerationKey);
public void buildWellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap(Sheet sheet) {
wellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
sheet.getRow(0).cellIterator().forEachRemaining(cell ->
wellKnownStandardEnumerationHeaderMap.put(cell.getStringCellValue(), cell.getColumnIndex()));
public List<ReferenceStandardRelationship> getStandardRelationships() {
return this.referenceStandardRelationships;
public ReferenceStandardField deserializeStandardFieldRow(Row row) {
return new ReferenceStandardField.Builder()
.setResourceName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.RESOURCE_NAME), row))
.setStandardName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.STANDARD_NAME), row))
.setDisplayName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.DISPLAY_NAME), row))
.setDefinition(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.DEFINITION), row))
.setGroups(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.GROUPS), row))
.setSimpleDataType(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SIMPLE_DATA_TYPE), row))
.setSuggestedMaxLength(getIntegerValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SUGGESTED_MAX_LENGTH), row))
.setSuggestedMaxPrecision(getIntegerValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SUGGESTED_MAX_PRECISION), row))
.setSynonyms(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SYNONYMS), row))
.setElementStatus(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.ELEMENT_STATUS), row))
.setBedes(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.BEDES), row))
.setRecordId(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.RECORD_ID), row))
.setLookupStatus(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.LOOKUP_STATUS), row))
.setLookupName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.LOOKUP_NAME), row))
.setRepeatingElement(getBooleanValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.REPEATING_ELEMENT), row))
.setPropertyTypes(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.PROPERTY_TYPES), row))
.setPayloads(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.PAYLOADS), row))
.setSpanishDisplayName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.SPANISH_DISPLAY_NAME), row))
.setFrenchCanadianDisplayName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.FRENCH_CANADIAN_DISPLAY_NAME), row))
.setStatusChangeDate(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.STATUS_CHANGE_DATE), row))
.setRevisedDate(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.REVISED_DATE), row))
.setAddedInVersion(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.ADDED_IN_VERSION), row))
.setWikiPageTitle(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_TITLE), row))
.setWikiPageURL(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_URL), row))
.setWikiPageID(getIntegerValue(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_ID), row))
public ReferenceStandardLookup deserializeStandardEnumerationRow(Row row) {
return new ReferenceStandardLookup.Builder()
.setLookupField(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_FIELD), row))
.setLookupValue(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_VALUE), row))
.setLookupDisplayName(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_DISPLAY_NAME), row))
.setDefinition(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.DEFINITION), row))
.setLookupDisplayNameSynonyms(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_DISPLAY_NAME_SYNONYMS), row))
.setBedes(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.BEDES), row))
.setReferences(getArrayValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.REFERENCES), row))
.setElementStatus(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.ELEMENT_STATUS), row))
.setLookupId(getIntegerValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_ID), row))
.setLookupFieldId(getIntegerValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.LOOKUP_FIELD_ID), row))
.setSpanishLookupField(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.SPANISH_LOOKUP_FIELD), row))
.setSpanishLookupValue(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.SPANISH_LOOKUP_VALUE), row))
.setStatusChangeDate(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.STATUS_CHANGE_DATE), row))
.setRevisedDate(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.REVISED_DATE), row))
.setAddedInVersion(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.ADDED_IN_VERSION), row))
.setWikiPageTitle(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_TITLE), row))
.setWikiPageUrl(getStringValue(getWellKnownStandardEnumerationIndex(WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS.WIKI_PAGE_URL), row))
void processResourceSheet(Sheet sheet) {
this.sheet = sheet;
abstract void processNumber(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processStringListSingle(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processString(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processBoolean(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processStringListMulti(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processDate(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processTimestamp(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void processCollection(ReferenceStandardField field);
abstract void generateOutput();
public void processResourceRow(Row row) {
final Cell
resourceNameCell = row.getCell(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.RESOURCE_NAME)),
standardNameCell = row.getCell(getWellKnownStandardFieldIndex(WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS.STANDARD_NAME));
if (resourceNameCell == null || resourceNameCell.getStringCellValue() == null) {
LOG.error("ResourceName value is missing for row: " + row.getRowNum());
if (standardNameCell == null || standardNameCell.getStringCellValue() == null) {
LOG.error("StandardName value is missing for row: " + row.getRowNum());
ReferenceStandardField referenceStandardField = deserializeStandardFieldRow(row);
//add empty top-level resource name map
standardFieldsMap.putIfAbsent(resourceNameCell.getStringCellValue(), new LinkedHashMap<>());
//add a resource, standard field
standardFieldsMap.get(sheet.getSheetName()).put(referenceStandardField.getStandardName(), referenceStandardField);
//now that row has been processed, extract field type and assemble the template
switch (referenceStandardField.getSimpleDataType()) {
case NUMBER:
case STRING:
case DATE:
if (referenceStandardField.getSimpleDataType() != null)
LOG.debug("Data type: " + referenceStandardField.getSimpleDataType() + " is not supported!");
String getDirectoryName() {
return startTimestamp + "-" + getReferenceResource()
.toLowerCase().substring(0, getReferenceResource().lastIndexOf("."));
public String getReferenceResource() {
return referenceDocument;
public void setReferenceResource(String referenceResource) {
this.referenceDocument = referenceResource;
public Workbook getReferenceWorkbook() {
try {
return new XSSFWorkbook(Objects.requireNonNull(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(getReferenceResource())));
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
public void beforeResourceSheetProcessed(Sheet sheet) {
//Add any before events here
public void afterResourceSheetProcessed(Sheet sheet) {
resourceTemplates.put(sheet.getSheetName(), markup.toString());
public void buildEnumerationMap() {
Sheet sheet = getReferenceWorkbook().getSheet(LOOKUP_FIELDS_AND_VALUES);
AtomicReference<ReferenceStandardLookup> standardEnumeration = new AtomicReference<>();
sheet.rowIterator().forEachRemaining(row -> {
if (row.getRowNum() > 0) {
if (!standardEnumerationsMap.containsKey(standardEnumeration.get().getLookupField())) {
standardEnumerationsMap.put(standardEnumeration.get().getLookupField(), new LinkedHashSet<>());
public Map<String, Set<ReferenceStandardLookup>> getEnumerations() {
return standardEnumerationsMap;
public void resetMarkupBuffer() {
markup = new StringBuffer();
public static final class WELL_KNOWN_DATA_TYPES {
public static final String
NUMBER = "Number",
STRING_LIST_SINGLE = "String List, Single",
STRING_LIST_MULTI = "String List, Multi",
STRING = "String",
BOOLEAN = "Boolean",
DATE = "Date",
TIMESTAMP = "Timestamp",
COLLECTION = "Collection";
* Must match what's in the DD spreadsheet EXACTLY
public static final class WELL_KNOWN_FIELD_HEADERS {
public static final String
RESOURCE_NAME = "ResourceName",
STANDARD_NAME = "StandardName",
DISPLAY_NAME = "DisplayName",
DEFINITION = "Definition",
GROUPS = "Groups",
SIMPLE_DATA_TYPE = "SimpleDataType",
SYNONYMS = "Synonyms",
FRENCH_CANADIAN_DISPLAY_NAME = "FrenchCanadianDisplayName",
SPANISH_DISPLAY_NAME = "SpanishDisplayName",
ELEMENT_STATUS = "ElementStatus",
RECORD_ID = "RecordId",
LOOKUP_STATUS = "LookupStatus",
LOOKUP_NAME = "LookupName",
REPEATING_ELEMENT = "RepeatingElement",
PROPERTY_TYPES = "PropertyTypes",
PAYLOADS = "Payloads",
STATUS_CHANGE_DATE = "StatusChangeDate",
REVISED_DATE = "RevisedDate",
ADDED_IN_VERSION = "AddedInVersion",
WIKI_PAGE_TITLE = "WikiPageTitle",
WIKI_PAGE_URL = "WikiPageUrl",
WIKI_PAGE_ID = "WikiPageId",
* Must match what's in the DD spreadsheet EXACTLY
public static final class WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS {
public static final String
LOOKUP_FIELD = "LookupField",
LOOKUP_VALUE = "LookupValue",
LOOKUP_DISPLAY_NAME = "LookupDisplayName",
DEFINITION = "Definition",
LOOKUP_DISPLAY_NAME_SYNONYMS = "LookupDisplayNameSynonyms",
REFERENCES = "References",
ELEMENT_STATUS = "ElementStatus",
LOOKUP_ID = "LookupID",
LOOKUP_FIELD_ID = "LookupFieldID",
SPANISH_LOOKUP_FIELD = "SpanishLookupField",
SPANISH_LOOKUP_VALUE = "SpanishLookupValue",
STATUS_CHANGE_DATE = "StatusChangeDate",
REVISED_DATE = "RevisedDate",
ADDED_IN_VERSION = "AddedInVersion",
WIKI_PAGE_TITLE = "Wiki Page Title",
WIKI_PAGE_URL = "Wiki Page URL";
* Must match what's in the DD spreadsheet EXACTLY
public static final class WELL_KNOWN_ENUMERATION_HEADERS {
public static final String
LOOKUP_NAME = "LookupName",
STANDARD_LOOKUP_VALUE = "StandardLookupValue",
LEGACY_ODATA_VALUE = "LegacyODataValue",
DEFINITION = "Definition",
REFERENCES = "References",
SYNONYMS = "Synonyms",
FRENCH_CANADIAN_LOOKUP_VALUE = "FrenchCanadianLookupValue",
SPANISH_LOOKUP_VALUE = "SpanishLookupValue",
ELEMENT_STATUS = "ElementStatus",
LOOKUP_NAME_ID = "LookupNameId",
LOOKUP_ID = "LookupID",
STATUS_CHANGE_DATE = "StatusChangeDate",
REVISED_DATE = "RevisedDate",
ADDED_IN_VERSION = "AddedInVersion",
WIKI_PAGE_TITLE = "Wiki Page Title",
WIKI_PAGE_URL = "Wiki Page URL",
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: ContactListingNotes
@ -18,22 +18,12 @@ Feature: ContactListingNotes
Then "ContactKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ContactKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ContactKeyNumeric
When "ContactKeyNumeric" exists in the "ContactListingNotes" metadata
Then "ContactKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ContactListingNotesKey
When "ContactListingNotesKey" exists in the "ContactListingNotes" metadata
Then "ContactListingNotesKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ContactListingNotesKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ContactListingNotesKeyNumeric
When "ContactListingNotesKeyNumeric" exists in the "ContactListingNotes" metadata
Then "ContactListingNotesKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ListingId
When "ListingId" exists in the "ContactListingNotes" metadata
@ -46,11 +36,6 @@ Feature: ContactListingNotes
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "ContactListingNotes" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ModificationTimestamp
When "ModificationTimestamp" exists in the "ContactListingNotes" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: ContactListings
@ -28,11 +28,6 @@ Feature: ContactListings
Then "ContactKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ContactKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ContactKeyNumeric
When "ContactKeyNumeric" exists in the "ContactListings" metadata
Then "ContactKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ContactListingPreference
When "ContactListingPreference" exists in the "ContactListings" metadata
@ -44,11 +39,6 @@ Feature: ContactListings
Then "ContactListingsKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ContactListingsKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ContactListingsKeyNumeric
When "ContactListingsKeyNumeric" exists in the "ContactListings" metadata
Then "ContactListingsKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ContactLoginId
When "ContactLoginId" exists in the "ContactListings" metadata
@ -87,11 +77,6 @@ Feature: ContactListings
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "ContactListings" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ListingModificationTimestamp
When "ListingModificationTimestamp" exists in the "ContactListings" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Contacts
@ -72,13 +72,6 @@ Feature: Contacts
Then "ContactKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ContactKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ContactKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ContactKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Contacts" metadata
| RID |
When "ContactKeyNumeric" exists in the "Contacts" metadata
Then "ContactKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ContactLoginId
When "ContactLoginId" exists in the "Contacts" metadata
@ -397,13 +390,6 @@ Feature: Contacts
Then "OwnerMemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OwnerMemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: OwnerMemberKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "OwnerMemberKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Contacts" metadata
| OwnerAgentKeyNumeric |
When "OwnerMemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "Contacts" metadata
Then "OwnerMemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: Pager
When "Pager" exists in the "Contacts" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Field
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: HistoryTransactional
@ -33,13 +33,6 @@ Feature: HistoryTransactional
Then "ChangedByMemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ChangedByMemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
| ChangedByAgentKeyNumeric |
When "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
Then "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ClassName
When "ClassName" exists in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
@ -52,11 +45,6 @@ Feature: HistoryTransactional
Then "FieldKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "FieldKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: FieldKeyNumeric
When "FieldKeyNumeric" exists in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
Then "FieldKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: FieldName
When "FieldName" exists in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
@ -69,11 +57,6 @@ Feature: HistoryTransactional
Then "HistoryTransactionalKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "HistoryTransactionalKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: HistoryTransactionalKeyNumeric
When "HistoryTransactionalKeyNumeric" exists in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
Then "HistoryTransactionalKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ModificationTimestamp
When "ModificationTimestamp" exists in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
@ -142,14 +125,6 @@ Feature: HistoryTransactional
Then "ResourceRecordKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ResourceRecordKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ResourceRecordKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" exists in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
Then "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: SourceSystemHistoryKey
Given that the following synonyms for "SourceSystemHistoryKey" DO NOT exist in the "HistoryTransactional" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: InternetTracking
@ -42,11 +42,6 @@ Feature: InternetTracking
Then "ActorKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ActorKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ActorKeyNumeric
When "ActorKeyNumeric" exists in the "InternetTracking" metadata
Then "ActorKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ActorLatitude
When "ActorLatitude" exists in the "InternetTracking" metadata
@ -147,11 +142,6 @@ Feature: InternetTracking
Then "EventKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "EventKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: EventKeyNumeric
When "EventKeyNumeric" exists in the "InternetTracking" metadata
Then "EventKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: EventLabel
When "EventLabel" exists in the "InternetTracking" metadata
@ -214,11 +204,6 @@ Feature: InternetTracking
Then "ObjectKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ObjectKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ObjectKeyNumeric
When "ObjectKeyNumeric" exists in the "InternetTracking" metadata
Then "ObjectKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ObjectOriginatingSystemID
When "ObjectOriginatingSystemID" exists in the "InternetTracking" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Lookup
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Media
@ -28,13 +28,6 @@ Feature: Media
Then "ChangedByMemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ChangedByMemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Media" metadata
| ChangedByAgentKeyNumeric |
When "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "Media" metadata
Then "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ClassName
When "ClassName" exists in the "Media" metadata
@ -88,14 +81,6 @@ Feature: Media
Then "MediaKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "MediaKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@Media @IDX
Scenario: MediaKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "MediaKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Media" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "MediaKeyNumeric" exists in the "Media" metadata
Then "MediaKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@Media @IDX
Scenario: MediaModificationTimestamp
Given that the following synonyms for "MediaModificationTimestamp" DO NOT exist in the "Media" metadata
@ -204,14 +189,6 @@ Feature: Media
Then "ResourceRecordKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ResourceRecordKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@Media @IDX
Scenario: ResourceRecordKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Media" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" exists in the "Media" metadata
Then "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@Media @IDX
Scenario: ShortDescription
Given that the following synonyms for "ShortDescription" DO NOT exist in the "Media" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Member
@ -46,13 +46,6 @@ Feature: Member
Then "MemberAORkey" MUST be "String" data type
And "MemberAORkey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: MemberAORkeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "MemberAORkeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Member" metadata
| AgentAORkeyNumeric |
When "MemberAORkeyNumeric" exists in the "Member" metadata
Then "MemberAORkeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: MemberAddress1
Given that the following synonyms for "MemberAddress1" DO NOT exist in the "Member" metadata
@ -180,13 +173,6 @@ Feature: Member
Then "MemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "MemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@Member @IDX
Scenario: MemberKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "MemberKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Member" metadata
| AgentKeyNumeric |
When "MemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "Member" metadata
Then "MemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: MemberLanguages
Given that the following synonyms for "MemberLanguages" DO NOT exist in the "Member" metadata
@ -432,11 +418,6 @@ Feature: Member
Then "OfficeKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OfficeKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@Member @IDX
Scenario: OfficeKeyNumeric
When "OfficeKeyNumeric" exists in the "Member" metadata
Then "OfficeKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@Member @IDX
Scenario: OfficeMlsId
When "OfficeMlsId" exists in the "Member" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Office
@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ Feature: Office
Then "MainOfficeKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "MainOfficeKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@Office @IDX
Scenario: MainOfficeKeyNumeric
When "MainOfficeKeyNumeric" exists in the "Office" metadata
Then "MainOfficeKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@Office @IDX
Scenario: MainOfficeMlsId
When "MainOfficeMlsId" exists in the "Office" metadata
@ -62,11 +57,6 @@ Feature: Office
Then "OfficeAORkey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OfficeAORkey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: OfficeAORkeyNumeric
When "OfficeAORkeyNumeric" exists in the "Office" metadata
Then "OfficeAORkeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@Office @IDX
Scenario: OfficeAddress1
When "OfficeAddress1" exists in the "Office" metadata
@ -96,11 +86,6 @@ Feature: Office
Then "OfficeBrokerKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OfficeBrokerKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@Office @IDX
Scenario: OfficeBrokerKeyNumeric
When "OfficeBrokerKeyNumeric" exists in the "Office" metadata
Then "OfficeBrokerKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: OfficeBrokerMlsId
When "OfficeBrokerMlsId" exists in the "Office" metadata
@ -144,22 +129,12 @@ Feature: Office
Then "OfficeKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OfficeKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@Office @IDX
Scenario: OfficeKeyNumeric
When "OfficeKeyNumeric" exists in the "Office" metadata
Then "OfficeKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: OfficeManagerKey
When "OfficeManagerKey" exists in the "Office" metadata
Then "OfficeManagerKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OfficeManagerKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: OfficeManagerKeyNumeric
When "OfficeManagerKeyNumeric" exists in the "Office" metadata
Then "OfficeManagerKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: OfficeManagerMlsId
When "OfficeManagerMlsId" exists in the "Office" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: OpenHouse
@ -36,14 +36,6 @@ Feature: OpenHouse
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@OpenHouse @IDX
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ListingKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "OpenHouse" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "OpenHouse" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@OpenHouse @IDX
Scenario: ModificationTimestamp
Given that the following synonyms for "ModificationTimestamp" DO NOT exist in the "OpenHouse" metadata
@ -83,11 +75,6 @@ Feature: OpenHouse
Then "OpenHouseKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OpenHouseKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@OpenHouse @IDX
Scenario: OpenHouseKeyNumeric
When "OpenHouseKeyNumeric" exists in the "OpenHouse" metadata
Then "OpenHouseKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@OpenHouse @IDX
Scenario: OpenHouseRemarks
When "OpenHouseRemarks" exists in the "OpenHouse" metadata
@ -164,13 +151,6 @@ Feature: OpenHouse
Then "ShowingAgentKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ShowingAgentKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@OpenHouse @IDX
Scenario: ShowingAgentKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ShowingAgentKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "OpenHouse" metadata
| ShowingMemberKeyNumeric |
When "ShowingAgentKeyNumeric" exists in the "OpenHouse" metadata
Then "ShowingAgentKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ShowingAgentLastName
Given that the following synonyms for "ShowingAgentLastName" DO NOT exist in the "OpenHouse" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: OtherPhone
@ -44,11 +44,6 @@ Feature: OtherPhone
Then "OtherPhoneKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OtherPhoneKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: OtherPhoneKeyNumeric
When "OtherPhoneKeyNumeric" exists in the "OtherPhone" metadata
Then "OtherPhoneKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: OtherPhoneNumber
When "OtherPhoneNumber" exists in the "OtherPhone" metadata
@ -88,11 +83,3 @@ Feature: OtherPhone
When "ResourceRecordKey" exists in the "OtherPhone" metadata
Then "ResourceRecordKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ResourceRecordKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ResourceRecordKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "OtherPhone" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" exists in the "OtherPhone" metadata
Then "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: OUID
@ -28,13 +28,6 @@ Feature: OUID
Then "ChangedByMemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ChangedByMemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "OUID" metadata
| ChangedByAgentKeyNumeric |
When "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "OUID" metadata
Then "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ModificationTimestamp
When "ModificationTimestamp" exists in the "OUID" metadata
@ -69,11 +62,6 @@ Feature: OUID
Then "OrganizationAorOuidKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OrganizationAorOuidKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: OrganizationAorOuidKeyNumeric
When "OrganizationAorOuidKeyNumeric" exists in the "OUID" metadata
Then "OrganizationAorOuidKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: OrganizationCarrierRoute
Given that the following synonyms for "OrganizationCarrierRoute" DO NOT exist in the "OUID" metadata
@ -273,11 +261,6 @@ Feature: OUID
Then "OrganizationUniqueIdKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OrganizationUniqueIdKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: OrganizationUniqueIdKeyNumeric
When "OrganizationUniqueIdKeyNumeric" exists in the "OUID" metadata
Then "OrganizationUniqueIdKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: OriginalEntryTimestamp
When "OriginalEntryTimestamp" exists in the "OUID" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Property
@ -394,13 +394,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "BuyerAgentKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "BuyerAgentKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: BuyerAgentKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "BuyerAgentKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
| BuyerMemberKeyNumeric |
When "BuyerAgentKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "BuyerAgentKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: BuyerAgentLastName
Given that the following synonyms for "BuyerAgentLastName" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
@ -557,11 +550,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "BuyerOfficeKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "BuyerOfficeKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: BuyerOfficeKeyNumeric
When "BuyerOfficeKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "BuyerOfficeKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: BuyerOfficeMlsId
When "BuyerOfficeMlsId" exists in the "Property" metadata
@ -598,11 +586,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "BuyerTeamKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "BuyerTeamKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: BuyerTeamKeyNumeric
When "BuyerTeamKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "BuyerTeamKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: BuyerTeamName
When "BuyerTeamName" exists in the "Property" metadata
@ -762,13 +745,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "CoBuyerAgentKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "CoBuyerAgentKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: CoBuyerAgentKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "CoBuyerAgentKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
| CoBuyerMemberKeyNumeric |
When "CoBuyerAgentKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "CoBuyerAgentKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: CoBuyerAgentLastName
Given that the following synonyms for "CoBuyerAgentLastName" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
@ -920,11 +896,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "CoBuyerOfficeKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "CoBuyerOfficeKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: CoBuyerOfficeKeyNumeric
When "CoBuyerOfficeKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "CoBuyerOfficeKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: CoBuyerOfficeMlsId
When "CoBuyerOfficeMlsId" exists in the "Property" metadata
@ -1025,13 +996,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "CoListAgentKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "CoListAgentKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: CoListAgentKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "CoListAgentKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
| CoListMemberKey |
When "CoListAgentKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "CoListAgentKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: CoListAgentLastName
Given that the following synonyms for "CoListAgentLastName" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
@ -1183,11 +1147,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "CoListOfficeKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "CoListOfficeKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: CoListOfficeKeyNumeric
When "CoListOfficeKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "CoListOfficeKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: CoListOfficeMlsId
When "CoListOfficeMlsId" exists in the "Property" metadata
@ -2245,13 +2204,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "ListAgentKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListAgentKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListAgentKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ListAgentKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
| ListMemberKeyNumeric |
When "ListAgentKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "ListAgentKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ListAgentLastName
Given that the following synonyms for "ListAgentLastName" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
@ -2403,11 +2355,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "ListOfficeKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListOfficeKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListOfficeKeyNumeric
When "ListOfficeKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "ListOfficeKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ListOfficeMlsId
When "ListOfficeMlsId" exists in the "Property" metadata
@ -2466,11 +2413,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "ListTeamKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListTeamKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListTeamKeyNumeric
When "ListTeamKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "ListTeamKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ListTeamName
When "ListTeamName" exists in the "Property" metadata
@ -2513,14 +2455,6 @@ Feature: Property
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ListingKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "Property" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ListingService
Given that the following synonyms for "ListingService" DO NOT exist in the "Property" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: PropertyGreenVerification
@ -18,11 +18,6 @@ Feature: PropertyGreenVerification
Then "GreenBuildingVerificationKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "GreenBuildingVerificationKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@PropertyGreenVerification @IDX
Scenario: GreenBuildingVerificationKeyNumeric
When "GreenBuildingVerificationKeyNumeric" exists in the "PropertyGreenVerification" metadata
Then "GreenBuildingVerificationKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@PropertyGreenVerification @IDX
Scenario: GreenBuildingVerificationType
Given that the following synonyms for "GreenBuildingVerificationType" DO NOT exist in the "PropertyGreenVerification" metadata
@ -119,14 +114,6 @@ Feature: PropertyGreenVerification
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
@PropertyGreenVerification @IDX
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ListingKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "PropertyGreenVerification" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "PropertyGreenVerification" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
@PropertyGreenVerification @IDX
Scenario: ModificationTimestamp
When "ModificationTimestamp" exists in the "PropertyGreenVerification" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: PropertyPowerProduction
@ -31,14 +31,6 @@ Feature: PropertyPowerProduction
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ListingKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "PropertyPowerProduction" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "PropertyPowerProduction" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ModificationTimestamp
When "ModificationTimestamp" exists in the "PropertyPowerProduction" metadata
@ -60,11 +52,6 @@ Feature: PropertyPowerProduction
Then "PowerProductionKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "PowerProductionKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: PowerProductionKeyNumeric
When "PowerProductionKeyNumeric" exists in the "PropertyPowerProduction" metadata
Then "PowerProductionKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: PowerProductionSize
When "PowerProductionSize" exists in the "PropertyPowerProduction" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: PropertyRooms
@ -31,14 +31,6 @@ Feature: PropertyRooms
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ListingKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "PropertyRooms" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "PropertyRooms" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ModificationTimestamp
When "ModificationTimestamp" exists in the "PropertyRooms" metadata
@ -84,11 +76,6 @@ Feature: PropertyRooms
Then "RoomKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "RoomKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: RoomKeyNumeric
When "RoomKeyNumeric" exists in the "PropertyRooms" metadata
Then "RoomKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: RoomLength
When "RoomLength" exists in the "PropertyRooms" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: PropertyUnitTypes
@ -31,14 +31,6 @@ Feature: PropertyUnitTypes
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ListingKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "PropertyUnitTypes" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "PropertyUnitTypes" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ModificationTimestamp
When "ModificationTimestamp" exists in the "PropertyUnitTypes" metadata
@ -90,11 +82,6 @@ Feature: PropertyUnitTypes
Then "UnitTypeKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "UnitTypeKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: UnitTypeKeyNumeric
When "UnitTypeKeyNumeric" exists in the "PropertyUnitTypes" metadata
Then "UnitTypeKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: UnitTypeProForma
When "UnitTypeProForma" exists in the "PropertyUnitTypes" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Prospecting
@ -55,11 +55,6 @@ Feature: Prospecting
Then "ContactKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ContactKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ContactKeyNumeric
When "ContactKeyNumeric" exists in the "Prospecting" metadata
Then "ContactKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: DailySchedule
When "DailySchedule" exists in the "Prospecting" metadata
@ -126,11 +121,6 @@ Feature: Prospecting
Then "OwnerMemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "OwnerMemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: OwnerMemberKeyNumeric
When "OwnerMemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "Prospecting" metadata
Then "OwnerMemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ProspectingKey
Given that the following synonyms for "ProspectingKey" DO NOT exist in the "Prospecting" metadata
@ -140,14 +130,6 @@ Feature: Prospecting
Then "ProspectingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ProspectingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ProspectingKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ProspectingKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Prospecting" metadata
| AutoMailKeyNumeric |
| AutoEmailKeyNumeric |
When "ProspectingKeyNumeric" exists in the "Prospecting" metadata
Then "ProspectingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ReasonActiveOrDisabled
When "ReasonActiveOrDisabled" exists in the "Prospecting" metadata
@ -159,11 +141,6 @@ Feature: Prospecting
Then "SavedSearchKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "SavedSearchKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: SavedSearchKeyNumeric
When "SavedSearchKeyNumeric" exists in the "Prospecting" metadata
Then "SavedSearchKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ScheduleType
When "ScheduleType" exists in the "Prospecting" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Queue
@ -51,11 +51,6 @@ Feature: Queue
Then "QueueTransactionKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "QueueTransactionKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: QueueTransactionKeyNumeric
When "QueueTransactionKeyNumeric" exists in the "Queue" metadata
Then "QueueTransactionKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: QueueTransactionType
When "QueueTransactionType" exists in the "Queue" metadata
@ -88,14 +83,6 @@ Feature: Queue
Then "ResourceRecordKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ResourceRecordKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ResourceRecordKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "Queue" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" exists in the "Queue" metadata
Then "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: SourceSystemID
Given that the following synonyms for "SourceSystemID" DO NOT exist in the "Queue" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Rules
@ -23,11 +23,6 @@ Feature: Rules
Then "FieldKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "FieldKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: FieldKeyNumeric
When "FieldKeyNumeric" exists in the "Rules" metadata
Then "FieldKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: FieldName
When "FieldName" exists in the "Rules" metadata
@ -128,11 +123,6 @@ Feature: Rules
Then "RuleKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "RuleKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: RuleKeyNumeric
When "RuleKeyNumeric" exists in the "Rules" metadata
Then "RuleKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: RuleName
When "RuleName" exists in the "Rules" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: SavedSearch
@ -25,13 +25,6 @@ Feature: SavedSearch
Then "MemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "MemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: MemberKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "MemberKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "SavedSearch" metadata
| AgentKeyNumeric |
When "MemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "SavedSearch" metadata
Then "MemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: MemberMlsId
Given that the following synonyms for "MemberMlsId" DO NOT exist in the "SavedSearch" metadata
@ -121,11 +114,6 @@ Feature: SavedSearch
Then "SavedSearchKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "SavedSearchKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: SavedSearchKeyNumeric
When "SavedSearchKeyNumeric" exists in the "SavedSearch" metadata
Then "SavedSearchKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: SavedSearchName
When "SavedSearchName" exists in the "SavedSearch" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Showing
@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ Feature: Showing
Then "ListingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ListingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ListingKeyNumeric
When "ListingKeyNumeric" exists in the "Showing" metadata
Then "ListingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ListingOriginatingSystemID
When "ListingOriginatingSystemID" exists in the "Showing" metadata
@ -111,11 +106,6 @@ Feature: Showing
Then "ShowingAgentKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ShowingAgentKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ShowingAgentKeyNumeric
When "ShowingAgentKeyNumeric" exists in the "Showing" metadata
Then "ShowingAgentKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ShowingAgentMlsID
When "ShowingAgentMlsID" exists in the "Showing" metadata
@ -139,11 +129,6 @@ Feature: Showing
Then "ShowingKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ShowingKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ShowingKeyNumeric
When "ShowingKeyNumeric" exists in the "Showing" metadata
Then "ShowingKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: ShowingOriginatingSystemID
When "ShowingOriginatingSystemID" exists in the "Showing" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: SocialMedia
@ -56,14 +56,6 @@ Feature: SocialMedia
Then "ResourceRecordKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "ResourceRecordKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: ResourceRecordKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "SocialMedia" metadata
| SystemUniqueID |
| ImmediateSourceID |
When "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" exists in the "SocialMedia" metadata
Then "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: SocialMediaKey
Given that the following synonyms for "SocialMediaKey" DO NOT exist in the "SocialMedia" metadata
@ -73,11 +65,6 @@ Feature: SocialMedia
Then "SocialMediaKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "SocialMediaKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: SocialMediaKeyNumeric
When "SocialMediaKeyNumeric" exists in the "SocialMedia" metadata
Then "SocialMediaKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: SocialMediaType
Given that the following synonyms for "SocialMediaType" DO NOT exist in the "SocialMedia" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: TeamMembers
@ -20,13 +20,6 @@ Feature: TeamMembers
Then "MemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "MemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: MemberKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "MemberKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "TeamMembers" metadata
| AgentKeyNumeric |
When "MemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "TeamMembers" metadata
Then "MemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: MemberLoginId
Given that the following synonyms for "MemberLoginId" DO NOT exist in the "TeamMembers" metadata
@ -112,11 +105,6 @@ Feature: TeamMembers
Then "TeamKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "TeamKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: TeamKeyNumeric
When "TeamKeyNumeric" exists in the "TeamMembers" metadata
Then "TeamKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: TeamMemberKey
Given that the following synonyms for "TeamMemberKey" DO NOT exist in the "TeamMembers" metadata
@ -125,13 +113,6 @@ Feature: TeamMembers
Then "TeamMemberKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "TeamMemberKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: TeamMemberKeyNumeric
Given that the following synonyms for "TeamMemberKeyNumeric" DO NOT exist in the "TeamMembers" metadata
| TeamAgentKeyNumeric |
When "TeamMemberKeyNumeric" exists in the "TeamMembers" metadata
Then "TeamMemberKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: TeamMemberNationalAssociationId
Given that the following synonyms for "TeamMemberNationalAssociationId" DO NOT exist in the "TeamMembers" metadata
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file was autogenerated on: 20211212171220893
# This file was autogenerated on: 20230314030610239
Feature: Teams
@ -142,22 +142,12 @@ Feature: Teams
Then "TeamKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "TeamKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: TeamKeyNumeric
When "TeamKeyNumeric" exists in the "Teams" metadata
Then "TeamKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: TeamLeadKey
When "TeamLeadKey" exists in the "Teams" metadata
Then "TeamLeadKey" MUST be "String" data type
And "TeamLeadKey" length SHOULD be equal to the RESO Suggested Max Length of 255
Scenario: TeamLeadKeyNumeric
When "TeamLeadKeyNumeric" exists in the "Teams" metadata
Then "TeamLeadKeyNumeric" MUST be "Integer" data type
Scenario: TeamLeadLoginId
When "TeamLeadLoginId" exists in the "Teams" metadata
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import static org.reso.commander.common.XMLMetadataToJSONSchemaSerializer.conver
* - Bearer Tokens
* - Client Credentials (in-progress)
* <p>
* Exposes several different actions for working with OData-based WebAPI servers.
* Exposes several actions for working with OData-based WebAPI servers.
* This application is structured so that the App class is an OData WebAPI consumer
* using the Commander class, which contains the actual methods for working with OData.
* <p>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class App {
String serviceRoot = null, bearerToken = null, clientId = null, clientSecret = null,
authorizationUri = null, tokenUri = null, redirectUri = null, scope = null;
String inputFilename, outputFile, uri;
boolean useEdmEnabledClient = false, useKeyNumeric = false;
boolean useEdmEnabledClient, useKeyNumeric;
int pageLimit, pageSize;
//created with the commanderBuilder throughout the initialization body
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class App {
//if we're running a batch, initialize variables from the settings file rather than from command line options
Settings settings = null;
Settings settings;
LOG.debug("Service Root is: " + commanderBuilder.serviceRoot);
@ -124,15 +124,15 @@ public class App {
.substring(inputFilename.contains(File.separator) ? inputFilename.lastIndexOf(File.separator) : 0)
.replace(RESOSCRIPT_EXTENSION, "") + "-" + getTimestamp(new Date());
String resolvedUrl = null;
String resolvedUrl;
Request request = null;
Request request;
//this is an integer so it can be nullable in cases where we don't care about the response code assertion
//this is an integer, so it can be nullable in cases where we don't care about the response code assertion
Integer responseCode = null;
String outputFilePath;
ODataTransportWrapper wrapper = null;
ODataTransportWrapper wrapper;
for (int i = 0; i < numRequests; i++) {
try {
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public class App {
LOG.info("Request " + request.getRequestId() + " has an empty URL. Skipping...");
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Exception thrown in RUN_RESOSCRIPT Action. Exception is: \n" + ex.toString());
LOG.error("Exception thrown in RUN_RESOSCRIPT Action. Exception is: \n" + ex);
LOG.error("Stack trace:");
Arrays.stream(ex.getStackTrace()).forEach(stackTraceElement -> LOG.error(stackTraceElement.toString()));
@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ public class App {
LOG.info(generateMetadataReport(deserializeEdmFromPath(inputFilename, commander.getClient()), inputFilename));
generateMetadataReport(deserializeEdmFromPath(inputFilename, commander.getClient()), inputFilename);
LOG.info("Metadata report generated!");
@ -222,14 +223,6 @@ public class App {
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
DataDictionaryCodeGenerator generator = new DataDictionaryCodeGenerator(new ResourceInfoProcessor());
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
@ -270,8 +263,8 @@ public class App {
LOG.info("RESOScript: " + inputFilename);
LOG.info(REPORT_DIVIDER + "\n\n");
String resolvedUrl = null;
Request request = null;
String resolvedUrl;
Request request;
for (int i = 0; i < numRequests; i++) {
try {
request = settings.getRequestsAsList().get(i);
@ -293,7 +286,7 @@ public class App {
LOG.info("Request " + request.getRequestId() + " has an empty URL. Skipping...");
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Exception thrown in RUN_RESOSCRIPT Action. Exception is: \n" + ex.toString());
LOG.error("Exception thrown in RUN_RESOSCRIPT Action. Exception is: \n" + ex);
LOG.error("Stack trace:");
Arrays.stream(ex.getStackTrace()).forEach(stackTraceElement -> LOG.error(stackTraceElement.toString()));
@ -319,7 +312,7 @@ public class App {
return false;
* Validates the metadata in inputFilename in the following ways:
* - de-serializes it into a native Edm object, which will fail if given metadata isn't valid
* - verifies whether the given EDMX file is a valid service document
@ -537,8 +530,6 @@ public class App {
.desc("Generates acceptance tests in the current directory.").build())
.desc("Generates JSON Schema documents from the given XML metadata.").build())
.desc("Generates Java Models for the Web API Reference Server in the current directory.").build())
.desc("Generates reference metadata in EDMX format.").build())
@ -582,7 +573,6 @@ public class App {
public static final String VALIDATE_METADATA = "validateMetadata";
public static final String SAVE_GET_REQUEST = "saveGetRequest";
public static final String GENERATE_METADATA_REPORT = "generateMetadataReport";
public static final String GENERATE_RESOURCE_INFO_MODELS = "generateResourceInfoModels";
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ public class DataDictionaryMetadata {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(DataDictionaryMetadata.class);
public static final class v1_7 {
public static final String LOOKUPS = "Lookups";
//TODO: clean up
public static final Set<String> WELL_KNOWN_RESOURCES = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
@ -43,7 +45,6 @@ public class DataDictionaryMetadata {
public static final String LOOKUP_FIELDS_AND_VALUES = "Lookup Fields and Values";
//TODO: clean up
public static class WELL_KNOWN_RESOURCE_KEYS {
@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ public class ReferenceStandardField {
return getSimpleDataType().trim().contentEquals(DATA_TYPE_NAME);
public Boolean isExpansion() {
return getSourceResource() != null && getSourceResource().trim().length() > 0;
public String getStandardName() {
return standardName;
@ -73,6 +77,10 @@ public class ReferenceStandardField {
return simpleDataType;
public String getSourceResource() {
return sourceResource;
public Integer getSuggestedMaxLength() {
return suggestedMaxLength;
@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ package org.reso.models;
import java.util.List;
public class ReferenceStandardLookup {
private String lookupField;
private String lookupName;
private String lookupValue;
private String lookupDisplayName;
private String legacyODataValue;
private String definition;
List<String> lookupDisplayNameSynonyms;
private String bedes;
private List<String> references;
private String elementStatus;
private Integer lookupId;
private Integer lookupFieldId;
private String spanishLookupField;
private String lookupId;
private String lookupNameId;
private String frenchCanadianLookupValue;
private String spanishLookupValue;
private String statusChangeDate;
private String revisedDate;
@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ public class ReferenceStandardLookup {
//default constructor is private, use Builder instead
public String getLookupField() {
return lookupField;
public String getLookupName() {
return lookupName;
public String getLookupValue() {
return lookupValue;
public String getLookupDisplayName() {
return lookupDisplayName;
public String getLegacyODataValue() {
return legacyODataValue;
public String getDefinition() {
@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ public class ReferenceStandardLookup {
return elementStatus;
public Integer getLookupId() {
public String getLookupId() {
return lookupId;
public Integer getLookupFieldId() {
return lookupFieldId;
public String getLookupNameId() {
return lookupNameId;
public String getSpanishLookupField() {
return spanishLookupField;
public String getFrenchCanadianLookupValue() {
return frenchCanadianLookupValue;
public String getSpanishLookupValue() {
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ public class ReferenceStandardLookup {
public static class Builder {
ReferenceStandardLookup referenceStandardLookup = new ReferenceStandardLookup();
public Builder setLookupField(String lookupField) {
referenceStandardLookup.lookupField = lookupField;
public Builder setLookupName(String lookupName) {
referenceStandardLookup.lookupName = lookupName;
return this;
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ public class ReferenceStandardLookup {
return this;
public Builder setLookupDisplayName(String lookupDisplayName) {
referenceStandardLookup.lookupDisplayName = lookupDisplayName;
public Builder setLegacyODataValue(String legacyODataValue) {
referenceStandardLookup.legacyODataValue = legacyODataValue;
return this;
@ -136,18 +136,18 @@ public class ReferenceStandardLookup {
return this;
public Builder setLookupId(Integer lookupId) {
public Builder setLookupId(String lookupId) {
referenceStandardLookup.lookupId = lookupId;
return this;
public Builder setLookupFieldId(Integer lookupFieldId) {
referenceStandardLookup.lookupFieldId = lookupFieldId;
public Builder setLookupNameId(String lookupNameId) {
referenceStandardLookup.lookupNameId = lookupNameId;
return this;
public Builder setSpanishLookupField(String spanishLookupField) {
referenceStandardLookup.spanishLookupField = spanishLookupField;
public Builder setFrenchCanadianLookupValue(String frenchCanadianLookupValue) {
referenceStandardLookup.frenchCanadianLookupValue = frenchCanadianLookupValue;
return this;
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Reference in New Issue