* Added minimal DD build task for Jenkins environments
* Added Web API Core Jenkins Job
* Updated Olingo client and Guice
* Updated build.gradle
* Issue #55 - added =true test and reorganized tests, as well as generated new reference metadata and other artifacts
* Issue #52 - add better error messages for fetch-by-key test
* Fixed unreported issue with generateDDAcceptanceTests not working from the command line
* Improved metadata reports and updated reference metadata
* Improvements to Metadata and Metadata Report Generation. Added JSON schema for report format
* Issue #61 - added DDL generation to the RESO Commander for Reference Server
* Issue #61 - updated template .sql DDL files in /src/main/resources/ddl
* Issue #61 - added Lookup resource Inserts to DDL
* Issue #61 - fixed formatting issues
* Issue #51 - Improved Jenkins Builds in the Commander
* Fix failing tests with the mock Add/Edit spec
* Clean up tags for tests
* Issue #51 - improved Jenkin behavior, and added the ability to pass a set of reference queries
* Issue #51 - cleaned up constants
* Issue #51 - improved Jenkins Builds. Added Scenario.Write messages for DD 1.7 tests.
* Issue #51 - added better support for error handling in the testing scenarios, as well as fast failure on DD testing