2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
< ? php
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
// available at https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3 //
// or https://www.getid3.org //
// or http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// //
// getid3.lib.php - part of getID3() //
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
// see readme.txt for more details //
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// ///
class getid3_lib
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
* @ param string $string
* @ param bool $hex
* @ param bool $spaces
* @ param string | bool $htmlencoding
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function PrintHexBytes ( $string , $hex = true , $spaces = true , $htmlencoding = 'UTF-8' ) {
$returnstring = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i ++ ) {
if ( $hex ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$returnstring .= str_pad ( dechex ( ord ( $string [ $i ])), 2 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
} else {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$returnstring .= ' ' . ( preg_match ( " #[ \x20 - \x7E ]# " , $string [ $i ]) ? $string [ $i ] : '¤' );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
if ( $spaces ) {
$returnstring .= ' ' ;
if ( ! empty ( $htmlencoding )) {
if ( $htmlencoding === true ) {
$htmlencoding = 'UTF-8' ; // prior to getID3 v1.9.0 the function's 4th parameter was boolean
$returnstring = htmlentities ( $returnstring , ENT_QUOTES , $htmlencoding );
return $returnstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* Truncates a floating - point number at the decimal point .
* @ param float $floatnumber
* @ return float | int returns int ( if possible , otherwise float )
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function trunc ( $floatnumber ) {
if ( $floatnumber >= 1 ) {
$truncatednumber = floor ( $floatnumber );
} elseif ( $floatnumber <= - 1 ) {
$truncatednumber = ceil ( $floatnumber );
} else {
$truncatednumber = 0 ;
if ( self :: intValueSupported ( $truncatednumber )) {
$truncatednumber = ( int ) $truncatednumber ;
return $truncatednumber ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int | null $variable
* @ param int $increment
* @ return bool
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function safe_inc ( & $variable , $increment = 1 ) {
if ( isset ( $variable )) {
$variable += $increment ;
} else {
$variable = $increment ;
return true ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int | float $floatnum
* @ return int | float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function CastAsInt ( $floatnum ) {
// convert to float if not already
$floatnum = ( float ) $floatnum ;
// convert a float to type int, only if possible
if ( self :: trunc ( $floatnum ) == $floatnum ) {
// it's not floating point
if ( self :: intValueSupported ( $floatnum )) {
// it's within int range
$floatnum = ( int ) $floatnum ;
return $floatnum ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $num
* @ return bool
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function intValueSupported ( $num ) {
// check if integers are 64-bit
static $hasINT64 = null ;
if ( $hasINT64 === null ) { // 10x faster than is_null()
$hasINT64 = is_int ( pow ( 2 , 31 )); // 32-bit int are limited to (2^31)-1
if ( ! $hasINT64 && ! defined ( 'PHP_INT_MIN' )) {
define ( 'PHP_INT_MIN' , ~ PHP_INT_MAX );
// if integers are 64-bit - no other check required
2020-05-01 16:12:06 -04:00
if ( $hasINT64 || (( $num <= PHP_INT_MAX ) && ( $num >= PHP_INT_MIN ))) { // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.Constants.NewConstants.php_int_minFound
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
return true ;
return false ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $fraction
* @ return float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function DecimalizeFraction ( $fraction ) {
list ( $numerator , $denominator ) = explode ( '/' , $fraction );
return $numerator / ( $denominator ? $denominator : 1 );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $binarynumerator
* @ return float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function DecimalBinary2Float ( $binarynumerator ) {
$numerator = self :: Bin2Dec ( $binarynumerator );
$denominator = self :: Bin2Dec ( '1' . str_repeat ( '0' , strlen ( $binarynumerator )));
return ( $numerator / $denominator );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ link http :// www . scri . fsu . edu /~ jac / MAD3401 / Backgrnd / binary . html
* @ param string $binarypointnumber
* @ param int $maxbits
* @ return array
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function NormalizeBinaryPoint ( $binarypointnumber , $maxbits = 52 ) {
if ( strpos ( $binarypointnumber , '.' ) === false ) {
$binarypointnumber = '0.' . $binarypointnumber ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif ( $binarypointnumber [ 0 ] == '.' ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$binarypointnumber = '0' . $binarypointnumber ;
$exponent = 0 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
while (( $binarypointnumber [ 0 ] != '1' ) || ( substr ( $binarypointnumber , 1 , 1 ) != '.' )) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
if ( substr ( $binarypointnumber , 1 , 1 ) == '.' ) {
$exponent -- ;
$binarypointnumber = substr ( $binarypointnumber , 2 , 1 ) . '.' . substr ( $binarypointnumber , 3 );
} else {
$pointpos = strpos ( $binarypointnumber , '.' );
$exponent += ( $pointpos - 1 );
$binarypointnumber = str_replace ( '.' , '' , $binarypointnumber );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$binarypointnumber = $binarypointnumber [ 0 ] . '.' . substr ( $binarypointnumber , 1 );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$binarypointnumber = str_pad ( substr ( $binarypointnumber , 0 , $maxbits + 2 ), $maxbits + 2 , '0' , STR_PAD_RIGHT );
return array ( 'normalized' => $binarypointnumber , 'exponent' => ( int ) $exponent );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ link http :// www . scri . fsu . edu /~ jac / MAD3401 / Backgrnd / binary . html
* @ param float $floatvalue
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function Float2BinaryDecimal ( $floatvalue ) {
$maxbits = 128 ; // to how many bits of precision should the calculations be taken?
$intpart = self :: trunc ( $floatvalue );
$floatpart = abs ( $floatvalue - $intpart );
$pointbitstring = '' ;
while (( $floatpart != 0 ) && ( strlen ( $pointbitstring ) < $maxbits )) {
$floatpart *= 2 ;
$pointbitstring .= ( string ) self :: trunc ( $floatpart );
$floatpart -= self :: trunc ( $floatpart );
$binarypointnumber = decbin ( $intpart ) . '.' . $pointbitstring ;
return $binarypointnumber ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ link http :// www . scri . fsu . edu /~ jac / MAD3401 / Backgrnd / ieee - expl . html
* @ param float $floatvalue
* @ param int $bits
* @ return string | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function Float2String ( $floatvalue , $bits ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$exponentbits = 0 ;
$fractionbits = 0 ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
switch ( $bits ) {
case 32 :
$exponentbits = 8 ;
$fractionbits = 23 ;
break ;
case 64 :
$exponentbits = 11 ;
$fractionbits = 52 ;
break ;
default :
return false ;
if ( $floatvalue >= 0 ) {
$signbit = '0' ;
} else {
$signbit = '1' ;
$normalizedbinary = self :: NormalizeBinaryPoint ( self :: Float2BinaryDecimal ( $floatvalue ), $fractionbits );
$biasedexponent = pow ( 2 , $exponentbits - 1 ) - 1 + $normalizedbinary [ 'exponent' ]; // (127 or 1023) +/- exponent
$exponentbitstring = str_pad ( decbin ( $biasedexponent ), $exponentbits , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
$fractionbitstring = str_pad ( substr ( $normalizedbinary [ 'normalized' ], 2 ), $fractionbits , '0' , STR_PAD_RIGHT );
return self :: BigEndian2String ( self :: Bin2Dec ( $signbit . $exponentbitstring . $fractionbitstring ), $bits % 8 , false );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $byteword
* @ return float | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function LittleEndian2Float ( $byteword ) {
return self :: BigEndian2Float ( strrev ( $byteword ));
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* ANSI / IEEE Standard 754 - 1985 , Standard for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic
* @ link http :// www . psc . edu / general / software / packages / ieee / ieee . html
* @ link http :// www . scri . fsu . edu /~ jac / MAD3401 / Backgrnd / ieee . html
* @ param string $byteword
* @ return float | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function BigEndian2Float ( $byteword ) {
$bitword = self :: BigEndian2Bin ( $byteword );
if ( ! $bitword ) {
return 0 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$signbit = $bitword [ 0 ];
$floatvalue = 0 ;
$exponentbits = 0 ;
$fractionbits = 0 ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
switch ( strlen ( $byteword ) * 8 ) {
case 32 :
$exponentbits = 8 ;
$fractionbits = 23 ;
break ;
case 64 :
$exponentbits = 11 ;
$fractionbits = 52 ;
break ;
case 80 :
// 80-bit Apple SANE format
// http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.06/06.01/SANENormalized/
$exponentstring = substr ( $bitword , 1 , 15 );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$isnormalized = intval ( $bitword [ 16 ]);
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$fractionstring = substr ( $bitword , 17 , 63 );
$exponent = pow ( 2 , self :: Bin2Dec ( $exponentstring ) - 16383 );
$fraction = $isnormalized + self :: DecimalBinary2Float ( $fractionstring );
$floatvalue = $exponent * $fraction ;
if ( $signbit == '1' ) {
$floatvalue *= - 1 ;
return $floatvalue ;
default :
return false ;
$exponentstring = substr ( $bitword , 1 , $exponentbits );
$fractionstring = substr ( $bitword , $exponentbits + 1 , $fractionbits );
$exponent = self :: Bin2Dec ( $exponentstring );
$fraction = self :: Bin2Dec ( $fractionstring );
if (( $exponent == ( pow ( 2 , $exponentbits ) - 1 )) && ( $fraction != 0 )) {
// Not a Number
$floatvalue = false ;
} elseif (( $exponent == ( pow ( 2 , $exponentbits ) - 1 )) && ( $fraction == 0 )) {
if ( $signbit == '1' ) {
$floatvalue = '-infinity' ;
} else {
$floatvalue = '+infinity' ;
} elseif (( $exponent == 0 ) && ( $fraction == 0 )) {
if ( $signbit == '1' ) {
$floatvalue = - 0 ;
} else {
$floatvalue = 0 ;
$floatvalue = ( $signbit ? 0 : - 0 );
} elseif (( $exponent == 0 ) && ( $fraction != 0 )) {
// These are 'unnormalized' values
$floatvalue = pow ( 2 , ( - 1 * ( pow ( 2 , $exponentbits - 1 ) - 2 ))) * self :: DecimalBinary2Float ( $fractionstring );
if ( $signbit == '1' ) {
$floatvalue *= - 1 ;
} elseif ( $exponent != 0 ) {
$floatvalue = pow ( 2 , ( $exponent - ( pow ( 2 , $exponentbits - 1 ) - 1 ))) * ( 1 + self :: DecimalBinary2Float ( $fractionstring ));
if ( $signbit == '1' ) {
$floatvalue *= - 1 ;
return ( float ) $floatvalue ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $byteword
* @ param bool $synchsafe
* @ param bool $signed
* @ return int | float | false
* @ throws Exception
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function BigEndian2Int ( $byteword , $synchsafe = false , $signed = false ) {
$intvalue = 0 ;
$bytewordlen = strlen ( $byteword );
if ( $bytewordlen == 0 ) {
return false ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $bytewordlen ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $synchsafe ) { // disregard MSB, effectively 7-bit bytes
//$intvalue = $intvalue | (ord($byteword{$i}) & 0x7F) << (($bytewordlen - 1 - $i) * 7); // faster, but runs into problems past 2^31 on 32-bit systems
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$intvalue += ( ord ( $byteword [ $i ]) & 0x7F ) * pow ( 2 , ( $bytewordlen - 1 - $i ) * 7 );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
} else {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$intvalue += ord ( $byteword [ $i ]) * pow ( 256 , ( $bytewordlen - 1 - $i ));
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
if ( $signed && ! $synchsafe ) {
// synchsafe ints are not allowed to be signed
if ( $bytewordlen <= PHP_INT_SIZE ) {
$signMaskBit = 0x80 << ( 8 * ( $bytewordlen - 1 ));
if ( $intvalue & $signMaskBit ) {
$intvalue = 0 - ( $intvalue & ( $signMaskBit - 1 ));
} else {
throw new Exception ( 'ERROR: Cannot have signed integers larger than ' . ( 8 * PHP_INT_SIZE ) . '-bits (' . strlen ( $byteword ) . ') in self::BigEndian2Int()' );
return self :: CastAsInt ( $intvalue );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $byteword
* @ param bool $signed
* @ return int | float | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function LittleEndian2Int ( $byteword , $signed = false ) {
return self :: BigEndian2Int ( strrev ( $byteword ), false , $signed );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $byteword
* @ return string
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
public static function LittleEndian2Bin ( $byteword ) {
return self :: BigEndian2Bin ( strrev ( $byteword ));
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $byteword
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function BigEndian2Bin ( $byteword ) {
$binvalue = '' ;
$bytewordlen = strlen ( $byteword );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $bytewordlen ; $i ++ ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$binvalue .= str_pad ( decbin ( ord ( $byteword [ $i ])), 8 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
return $binvalue ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $number
* @ param int $minbytes
* @ param bool $synchsafe
* @ param bool $signed
* @ return string
* @ throws Exception
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function BigEndian2String ( $number , $minbytes = 1 , $synchsafe = false , $signed = false ) {
if ( $number < 0 ) {
throw new Exception ( 'ERROR: self::BigEndian2String() does not support negative numbers' );
$maskbyte = (( $synchsafe || $signed ) ? 0x7F : 0xFF );
$intstring = '' ;
if ( $signed ) {
if ( $minbytes > PHP_INT_SIZE ) {
throw new Exception ( 'ERROR: Cannot have signed integers larger than ' . ( 8 * PHP_INT_SIZE ) . '-bits in self::BigEndian2String()' );
$number = $number & ( 0x80 << ( 8 * ( $minbytes - 1 )));
while ( $number != 0 ) {
$quotient = ( $number / ( $maskbyte + 1 ));
$intstring = chr ( ceil (( $quotient - floor ( $quotient )) * $maskbyte )) . $intstring ;
$number = floor ( $quotient );
return str_pad ( $intstring , $minbytes , " \x00 " , STR_PAD_LEFT );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $number
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function Dec2Bin ( $number ) {
while ( $number >= 256 ) {
$bytes [] = (( $number / 256 ) - ( floor ( $number / 256 ))) * 256 ;
$number = floor ( $number / 256 );
$bytes [] = $number ;
$binstring = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $bytes ); $i ++ ) {
$binstring = (( $i == count ( $bytes ) - 1 ) ? decbin ( $bytes [ $i ]) : str_pad ( decbin ( $bytes [ $i ]), 8 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT )) . $binstring ;
return $binstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $binstring
* @ param bool $signed
* @ return int | float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function Bin2Dec ( $binstring , $signed = false ) {
$signmult = 1 ;
if ( $signed ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
if ( $binstring [ 0 ] == '1' ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$signmult = - 1 ;
$binstring = substr ( $binstring , 1 );
$decvalue = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $binstring ); $i ++ ) {
$decvalue += (( int ) substr ( $binstring , strlen ( $binstring ) - $i - 1 , 1 )) * pow ( 2 , $i );
return self :: CastAsInt ( $decvalue * $signmult );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $binstring
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function Bin2String ( $binstring ) {
// return 'hi' for input of '0110100001101001'
$string = '' ;
$binstringreversed = strrev ( $binstring );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $binstringreversed ); $i += 8 ) {
$string = chr ( self :: Bin2Dec ( strrev ( substr ( $binstringreversed , $i , 8 )))) . $string ;
return $string ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $number
* @ param int $minbytes
* @ param bool $synchsafe
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function LittleEndian2String ( $number , $minbytes = 1 , $synchsafe = false ) {
$intstring = '' ;
while ( $number > 0 ) {
if ( $synchsafe ) {
$intstring = $intstring . chr ( $number & 127 );
$number >>= 7 ;
} else {
$intstring = $intstring . chr ( $number & 255 );
$number >>= 8 ;
return str_pad ( $intstring , $minbytes , " \x00 " , STR_PAD_RIGHT );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
* @ param mixed $array1
* @ param mixed $array2
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ return array | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function array_merge_clobber ( $array1 , $array2 ) {
// written by kcØhireability*com
// taken from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-merge-recursive.php
if ( ! is_array ( $array1 ) || ! is_array ( $array2 )) {
return false ;
$newarray = $array1 ;
foreach ( $array2 as $key => $val ) {
if ( is_array ( $val ) && isset ( $newarray [ $key ]) && is_array ( $newarray [ $key ])) {
$newarray [ $key ] = self :: array_merge_clobber ( $newarray [ $key ], $val );
} else {
$newarray [ $key ] = $val ;
return $newarray ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
* @ param mixed $array1
* @ param mixed $array2
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ return array | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function array_merge_noclobber ( $array1 , $array2 ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $array1 ) || ! is_array ( $array2 )) {
return false ;
$newarray = $array1 ;
foreach ( $array2 as $key => $val ) {
if ( is_array ( $val ) && isset ( $newarray [ $key ]) && is_array ( $newarray [ $key ])) {
$newarray [ $key ] = self :: array_merge_noclobber ( $newarray [ $key ], $val );
} elseif ( ! isset ( $newarray [ $key ])) {
$newarray [ $key ] = $val ;
return $newarray ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
* @ param mixed $array1
* @ param mixed $array2
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ return array | false | null
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
public static function flipped_array_merge_noclobber ( $array1 , $array2 ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $array1 ) || ! is_array ( $array2 )) {
return false ;
# naturally, this only works non-recursively
$newarray = array_flip ( $array1 );
foreach ( array_flip ( $array2 ) as $key => $val ) {
if ( ! isset ( $newarray [ $key ])) {
$newarray [ $key ] = count ( $newarray );
return array_flip ( $newarray );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param array $theArray
* @ return bool
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function ksort_recursive ( & $theArray ) {
ksort ( $theArray );
foreach ( $theArray as $key => $value ) {
if ( is_array ( $value )) {
self :: ksort_recursive ( $theArray [ $key ]);
return true ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $filename
* @ param int $numextensions
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function fileextension ( $filename , $numextensions = 1 ) {
if ( strstr ( $filename , '.' )) {
$reversedfilename = strrev ( $filename );
$offset = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numextensions ; $i ++ ) {
$offset = strpos ( $reversedfilename , '.' , $offset + 1 );
if ( $offset === false ) {
return '' ;
return strrev ( substr ( $reversedfilename , 0 , $offset ));
return '' ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $seconds
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function PlaytimeString ( $seconds ) {
$sign = (( $seconds < 0 ) ? '-' : '' );
$seconds = round ( abs ( $seconds ));
$H = ( int ) floor ( $seconds / 3600 );
$M = ( int ) floor (( $seconds - ( 3600 * $H ) ) / 60 );
$S = ( int ) round ( $seconds - ( 3600 * $H ) - ( 60 * $M ) );
return $sign . ( $H ? $H . ':' : '' ) . ( $H ? str_pad ( $M , 2 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT ) : intval ( $M )) . ':' . str_pad ( $S , 2 , 0 , STR_PAD_LEFT );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $macdate
* @ return int | float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function DateMac2Unix ( $macdate ) {
// Macintosh timestamp: seconds since 00:00h January 1, 1904
// UNIX timestamp: seconds since 00:00h January 1, 1970
return self :: CastAsInt ( $macdate - 2082844800 );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $rawdata
* @ return float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function FixedPoint8_8 ( $rawdata ) {
return self :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $rawdata , 0 , 1 )) + ( float ) ( self :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $rawdata , 1 , 1 )) / pow ( 2 , 8 ));
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $rawdata
* @ return float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function FixedPoint16_16 ( $rawdata ) {
return self :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $rawdata , 0 , 2 )) + ( float ) ( self :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $rawdata , 2 , 2 )) / pow ( 2 , 16 ));
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $rawdata
* @ return float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function FixedPoint2_30 ( $rawdata ) {
$binarystring = self :: BigEndian2Bin ( $rawdata );
return self :: Bin2Dec ( substr ( $binarystring , 0 , 2 )) + ( float ) ( self :: Bin2Dec ( substr ( $binarystring , 2 , 30 )) / pow ( 2 , 30 ));
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $ArrayPath
* @ param string $Separator
* @ param mixed $Value
* @ return array
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function CreateDeepArray ( $ArrayPath , $Separator , $Value ) {
// assigns $Value to a nested array path:
// $foo = self::CreateDeepArray('/path/to/my', '/', 'file.txt')
// is the same as:
// $foo = array('path'=>array('to'=>'array('my'=>array('file.txt'))));
// or
// $foo['path']['to']['my'] = 'file.txt';
$ArrayPath = ltrim ( $ArrayPath , $Separator );
if (( $pos = strpos ( $ArrayPath , $Separator )) !== false ) {
$ReturnedArray [ substr ( $ArrayPath , 0 , $pos )] = self :: CreateDeepArray ( substr ( $ArrayPath , $pos + 1 ), $Separator , $Value );
} else {
$ReturnedArray [ $ArrayPath ] = $Value ;
return $ReturnedArray ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param array $arraydata
* @ param bool $returnkey
* @ return int | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function array_max ( $arraydata , $returnkey = false ) {
$maxvalue = false ;
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
$maxkey = false ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
foreach ( $arraydata as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $value )) {
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
if (( $maxvalue === false ) || ( $value > $maxvalue )) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$maxvalue = $value ;
$maxkey = $key ;
return ( $returnkey ? $maxkey : $maxvalue );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param array $arraydata
* @ param bool $returnkey
* @ return int | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function array_min ( $arraydata , $returnkey = false ) {
$minvalue = false ;
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
$minkey = false ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
foreach ( $arraydata as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $value )) {
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
if (( $minvalue === false ) || ( $value < $minvalue )) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$minvalue = $value ;
$minkey = $key ;
return ( $returnkey ? $minkey : $minvalue );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $XMLstring
* @ return array | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function XML2array ( $XMLstring ) {
2015-06-27 20:17:25 -04:00
if ( function_exists ( 'simplexml_load_string' ) && function_exists ( 'libxml_disable_entity_loader' )) {
2021-04-14 19:16:03 -04:00
// http://websec.io/2012/08/27/Preventing-XEE-in-PHP.html
// https://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/29378
// This function has been deprecated in PHP 8.0 because in libxml 2.9.0, external entity loading is
// disabled by default, but is still needed when LIBXML_NOENT is used.
$loader = @ libxml_disable_entity_loader ( true );
2015-06-27 20:17:25 -04:00
$XMLobject = simplexml_load_string ( $XMLstring , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOENT );
$return = self :: SimpleXMLelement2array ( $XMLobject );
2021-04-14 19:16:03 -04:00
@ libxml_disable_entity_loader ( $loader );
2014-08-05 15:14:18 -04:00
return $return ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
return false ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
* @ param SimpleXMLElement | array | mixed $XMLobject
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
* @ return mixed
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function SimpleXMLelement2array ( $XMLobject ) {
if ( ! is_object ( $XMLobject ) && ! is_array ( $XMLobject )) {
return $XMLobject ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$XMLarray = $XMLobject instanceof SimpleXMLElement ? get_object_vars ( $XMLobject ) : $XMLobject ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
foreach ( $XMLarray as $key => $value ) {
$XMLarray [ $key ] = self :: SimpleXMLelement2array ( $value );
return $XMLarray ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* Returns checksum for a file from starting position to absolute end position .
* @ param string $file
* @ param int $offset
* @ param int $end
* @ param string $algorithm
* @ return string | false
* @ throws getid3_exception
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function hash_data ( $file , $offset , $end , $algorithm ) {
if ( ! self :: intValueSupported ( $end )) {
return false ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
if ( ! in_array ( $algorithm , array ( 'md5' , 'sha1' ))) {
throw new getid3_exception ( 'Invalid algorithm (' . $algorithm . ') in self::hash_data()' );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$size = $end - $offset ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$fp = fopen ( $file , 'rb' );
fseek ( $fp , $offset );
$ctx = hash_init ( $algorithm );
while ( $size > 0 ) {
$buffer = fread ( $fp , min ( $size , getID3 :: FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE ));
hash_update ( $ctx , $buffer );
$size -= getID3 :: FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$hash = hash_final ( $ctx );
fclose ( $fp );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
return $hash ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $filename_source
* @ param string $filename_dest
* @ param int $offset
* @ param int $length
* @ return bool
* @ throws Exception
* @ deprecated Unused , may be removed in future versions of getID3
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function CopyFileParts ( $filename_source , $filename_dest , $offset , $length ) {
if ( ! self :: intValueSupported ( $offset + $length )) {
throw new Exception ( 'cannot copy file portion, it extends beyond the ' . round ( PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824 ) . 'GB limit' );
if ( is_readable ( $filename_source ) && is_file ( $filename_source ) && ( $fp_src = fopen ( $filename_source , 'rb' ))) {
if (( $fp_dest = fopen ( $filename_dest , 'wb' ))) {
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
if ( fseek ( $fp_src , $offset ) == 0 ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$byteslefttowrite = $length ;
while (( $byteslefttowrite > 0 ) && ( $buffer = fread ( $fp_src , min ( $byteslefttowrite , getID3 :: FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE )))) {
$byteswritten = fwrite ( $fp_dest , $buffer , $byteslefttowrite );
$byteslefttowrite -= $byteswritten ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
fclose ( $fp_dest );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
return true ;
} else {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
fclose ( $fp_src );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
throw new Exception ( 'failed to seek to offset ' . $offset . ' in ' . $filename_source );
} else {
throw new Exception ( 'failed to create file for writing ' . $filename_dest );
} else {
throw new Exception ( 'failed to open file for reading ' . $filename_source );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $charval
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_int_utf8 ( $charval ) {
if ( $charval < 128 ) {
// 0bbbbbbb
$newcharstring = chr ( $charval );
} elseif ( $charval < 2048 ) {
// 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb
$newcharstring = chr (( $charval >> 6 ) | 0xC0 );
$newcharstring .= chr (( $charval & 0x3F ) | 0x80 );
} elseif ( $charval < 65536 ) {
// 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
$newcharstring = chr (( $charval >> 12 ) | 0xE0 );
$newcharstring .= chr (( $charval >> 6 ) | 0xC0 );
$newcharstring .= chr (( $charval & 0x3F ) | 0x80 );
} else {
// 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
$newcharstring = chr (( $charval >> 18 ) | 0xF0 );
$newcharstring .= chr (( $charval >> 12 ) | 0xC0 );
$newcharstring .= chr (( $charval >> 6 ) | 0xC0 );
$newcharstring .= chr (( $charval & 0x3F ) | 0x80 );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* ISO - 8859 - 1 => UTF - 8
* @ param string $string
* @ param bool $bom
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf8 ( $string , $bom = false ) {
if ( function_exists ( 'utf8_encode' )) {
return utf8_encode ( $string );
// utf8_encode() unavailable, use getID3()'s iconv_fallback() conversions (possibly PHP is compiled without XML support)
$newcharstring = '' ;
if ( $bom ) {
$newcharstring .= " \xEF \xBB \xBF " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i ++ ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = ord ( $string [ $i ]);
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$newcharstring .= self :: iconv_fallback_int_utf8 ( $charval );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* ISO - 8859 - 1 => UTF - 16 BE
* @ param string $string
* @ param bool $bom
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf16be ( $string , $bom = false ) {
$newcharstring = '' ;
if ( $bom ) {
$newcharstring .= " \xFE \xFF " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i ++ ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$newcharstring .= " \x00 " . $string [ $i ];
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* ISO - 8859 - 1 => UTF - 16 LE
* @ param string $string
* @ param bool $bom
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf16le ( $string , $bom = false ) {
$newcharstring = '' ;
if ( $bom ) {
$newcharstring .= " \xFF \xFE " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i ++ ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$newcharstring .= $string [ $i ] . " \x00 " ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* ISO - 8859 - 1 => UTF - 16 LE ( BOM )
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf16 ( $string ) {
return self :: iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf16le ( $string , true );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 8 => ISO - 8859 - 1
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf8_iso88591 ( $string ) {
if ( function_exists ( 'utf8_decode' )) {
return utf8_decode ( $string );
// utf8_decode() unavailable, use getID3()'s iconv_fallback() conversions (possibly PHP is compiled without XML support)
$newcharstring = '' ;
$offset = 0 ;
$stringlength = strlen ( $string );
while ( $offset < $stringlength ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
if (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x07 ) == 0xF7 ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x07 ) << 18 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F ) << 12 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 2 )]) & 0x3F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 3 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 4 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x0F ) == 0xEF ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x0F ) << 12 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 2 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 3 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x1F ) == 0xDF ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x1F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 2 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x7F ) == 0x7F ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 0bbbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = ord ( $string [ $offset ]);
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 1 ;
} else {
// error? throw some kind of warning here?
$charval = false ;
$offset += 1 ;
if ( $charval !== false ) {
$newcharstring .= (( $charval < 256 ) ? chr ( $charval ) : '?' );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 8 => UTF - 16 BE
* @ param string $string
* @ param bool $bom
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf8_utf16be ( $string , $bom = false ) {
$newcharstring = '' ;
if ( $bom ) {
$newcharstring .= " \xFE \xFF " ;
$offset = 0 ;
$stringlength = strlen ( $string );
while ( $offset < $stringlength ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
if (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x07 ) == 0xF7 ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x07 ) << 18 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F ) << 12 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 2 )]) & 0x3F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 3 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 4 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x0F ) == 0xEF ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x0F ) << 12 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 2 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 3 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x1F ) == 0xDF ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x1F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 2 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x7F ) == 0x7F ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 0bbbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = ord ( $string [ $offset ]);
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 1 ;
} else {
// error? throw some kind of warning here?
$charval = false ;
$offset += 1 ;
if ( $charval !== false ) {
$newcharstring .= (( $charval < 65536 ) ? self :: BigEndian2String ( $charval , 2 ) : " \x00 " . '?' );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 8 => UTF - 16 LE
* @ param string $string
* @ param bool $bom
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf8_utf16le ( $string , $bom = false ) {
$newcharstring = '' ;
if ( $bom ) {
$newcharstring .= " \xFF \xFE " ;
$offset = 0 ;
$stringlength = strlen ( $string );
while ( $offset < $stringlength ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
if (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x07 ) == 0xF7 ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x07 ) << 18 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F ) << 12 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 2 )]) & 0x3F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 3 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 4 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x0F ) == 0xEF ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x0F ) << 12 ) &
(( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 2 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 3 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x1F ) == 0xDF ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = (( ord ( $string [( $offset + 0 )]) & 0x1F ) << 6 ) &
( ord ( $string [( $offset + 1 )]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 2 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
} elseif (( ord ( $string [ $offset ]) | 0x7F ) == 0x7F ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// 0bbbbbbb
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval = ord ( $string [ $offset ]);
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$offset += 1 ;
} else {
// error? maybe throw some warning here?
$charval = false ;
$offset += 1 ;
if ( $charval !== false ) {
$newcharstring .= (( $charval < 65536 ) ? self :: LittleEndian2String ( $charval , 2 ) : '?' . " \x00 " );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 8 => UTF - 16 LE ( BOM )
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf8_utf16 ( $string ) {
return self :: iconv_fallback_utf8_utf16le ( $string , true );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 16 BE => UTF - 8
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf16be_utf8 ( $string ) {
if ( substr ( $string , 0 , 2 ) == " \xFE \xFF " ) {
// strip BOM
$string = substr ( $string , 2 );
$newcharstring = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i += 2 ) {
$charval = self :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $string , $i , 2 ));
$newcharstring .= self :: iconv_fallback_int_utf8 ( $charval );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 16 LE => UTF - 8
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf16le_utf8 ( $string ) {
if ( substr ( $string , 0 , 2 ) == " \xFF \xFE " ) {
// strip BOM
$string = substr ( $string , 2 );
$newcharstring = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i += 2 ) {
$charval = self :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $string , $i , 2 ));
$newcharstring .= self :: iconv_fallback_int_utf8 ( $charval );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 16 BE => ISO - 8859 - 1
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf16be_iso88591 ( $string ) {
if ( substr ( $string , 0 , 2 ) == " \xFE \xFF " ) {
// strip BOM
$string = substr ( $string , 2 );
$newcharstring = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i += 2 ) {
$charval = self :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $string , $i , 2 ));
$newcharstring .= (( $charval < 256 ) ? chr ( $charval ) : '?' );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 16 LE => ISO - 8859 - 1
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf16le_iso88591 ( $string ) {
if ( substr ( $string , 0 , 2 ) == " \xFF \xFE " ) {
// strip BOM
$string = substr ( $string , 2 );
$newcharstring = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i += 2 ) {
$charval = self :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $string , $i , 2 ));
$newcharstring .= (( $charval < 256 ) ? chr ( $charval ) : '?' );
return $newcharstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 16 ( BOM ) => ISO - 8859 - 1
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf16_iso88591 ( $string ) {
$bom = substr ( $string , 0 , 2 );
if ( $bom == " \xFE \xFF " ) {
return self :: iconv_fallback_utf16be_iso88591 ( substr ( $string , 2 ));
} elseif ( $bom == " \xFF \xFE " ) {
return self :: iconv_fallback_utf16le_iso88591 ( substr ( $string , 2 ));
return $string ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* UTF - 16 ( BOM ) => UTF - 8
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback_utf16_utf8 ( $string ) {
$bom = substr ( $string , 0 , 2 );
if ( $bom == " \xFE \xFF " ) {
return self :: iconv_fallback_utf16be_utf8 ( substr ( $string , 2 ));
} elseif ( $bom == " \xFF \xFE " ) {
return self :: iconv_fallback_utf16le_utf8 ( substr ( $string , 2 ));
return $string ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $in_charset
* @ param string $out_charset
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
* @ throws Exception
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function iconv_fallback ( $in_charset , $out_charset , $string ) {
if ( $in_charset == $out_charset ) {
return $string ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
// mb_convert_encoding() available
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
if ( function_exists ( 'mb_convert_encoding' )) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
if (( strtoupper ( $in_charset ) == 'UTF-16' ) && ( substr ( $string , 0 , 2 ) != " \xFE \xFF " ) && ( substr ( $string , 0 , 2 ) != " \xFF \xFE " )) {
// if BOM missing, mb_convert_encoding will mishandle the conversion, assume UTF-16BE and prepend appropriate BOM
$string = " \xFF \xFE " . $string ;
if (( strtoupper ( $in_charset ) == 'UTF-16' ) && ( strtoupper ( $out_charset ) == 'UTF-8' )) {
if (( $string == " \xFF \xFE " ) || ( $string == " \xFE \xFF " )) {
// if string consists of only BOM, mb_convert_encoding will return the BOM unmodified
return '' ;
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
if ( $converted_string = @ mb_convert_encoding ( $string , $out_charset , $in_charset )) {
switch ( $out_charset ) {
case 'ISO-8859-1' :
$converted_string = rtrim ( $converted_string , " \x00 " );
break ;
return $converted_string ;
return $string ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
// iconv() available
} elseif ( function_exists ( 'iconv' )) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
if ( $converted_string = @ iconv ( $in_charset , $out_charset . '//TRANSLIT' , $string )) {
switch ( $out_charset ) {
case 'ISO-8859-1' :
$converted_string = rtrim ( $converted_string , " \x00 " );
break ;
return $converted_string ;
// iconv() may sometimes fail with "illegal character in input string" error message
// and return an empty string, but returning the unconverted string is more useful
return $string ;
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
// neither mb_convert_encoding or iconv() is available
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
static $ConversionFunctionList = array ();
if ( empty ( $ConversionFunctionList )) {
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'ISO-8859-1' ][ 'UTF-8' ] = 'iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf8' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'ISO-8859-1' ][ 'UTF-16' ] = 'iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf16' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'ISO-8859-1' ][ 'UTF-16BE' ] = 'iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf16be' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'ISO-8859-1' ][ 'UTF-16LE' ] = 'iconv_fallback_iso88591_utf16le' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-8' ][ 'ISO-8859-1' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf8_iso88591' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-8' ][ 'UTF-16' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf8_utf16' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-8' ][ 'UTF-16BE' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf8_utf16be' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-8' ][ 'UTF-16LE' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf8_utf16le' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-16' ][ 'ISO-8859-1' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf16_iso88591' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-16' ][ 'UTF-8' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf16_utf8' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-16LE' ][ 'ISO-8859-1' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf16le_iso88591' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-16LE' ][ 'UTF-8' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf16le_utf8' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-16BE' ][ 'ISO-8859-1' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf16be_iso88591' ;
$ConversionFunctionList [ 'UTF-16BE' ][ 'UTF-8' ] = 'iconv_fallback_utf16be_utf8' ;
if ( isset ( $ConversionFunctionList [ strtoupper ( $in_charset )][ strtoupper ( $out_charset )])) {
$ConversionFunction = $ConversionFunctionList [ strtoupper ( $in_charset )][ strtoupper ( $out_charset )];
return self :: $ConversionFunction ( $string );
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
throw new Exception ( 'PHP does not has mb_convert_encoding() or iconv() support - cannot convert from ' . $in_charset . ' to ' . $out_charset );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param mixed $data
* @ param string $charset
* @ return mixed
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
public static function recursiveMultiByteCharString2HTML ( $data , $charset = 'ISO-8859-1' ) {
if ( is_string ( $data )) {
return self :: MultiByteCharString2HTML ( $data , $charset );
} elseif ( is_array ( $data )) {
$return_data = array ();
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$return_data [ $key ] = self :: recursiveMultiByteCharString2HTML ( $value , $charset );
return $return_data ;
// integer, float, objects, resources, etc
return $data ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string | int | float $string
* @ param string $charset
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function MultiByteCharString2HTML ( $string , $charset = 'ISO-8859-1' ) {
$string = ( string ) $string ; // in case trying to pass a numeric (float, int) string, would otherwise return an empty string
$HTMLstring = '' ;
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
switch ( strtolower ( $charset )) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
case '1251' :
case '1252' :
case '866' :
case '932' :
case '936' :
case '950' :
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
case 'big5' :
case 'big5-hkscs' :
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
case 'cp1251' :
case 'cp1252' :
case 'cp866' :
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
case 'euc-jp' :
case 'eucjp' :
case 'gb2312' :
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
case 'ibm866' :
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
case 'iso-8859-1' :
case 'iso-8859-15' :
case 'iso8859-1' :
case 'iso8859-15' :
case 'koi8-r' :
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
case 'koi8-ru' :
case 'koi8r' :
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
case 'shift_jis' :
case 'sjis' :
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
case 'win-1251' :
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
case 'windows-1251' :
case 'windows-1252' :
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$HTMLstring = htmlentities ( $string , ENT_COMPAT , $charset );
break ;
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
case 'utf-8' :
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$strlen = strlen ( $string );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $strlen ; $i ++ ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$char_ord_val = ord ( $string [ $i ]);
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$charval = 0 ;
if ( $char_ord_val < 0x80 ) {
$charval = $char_ord_val ;
} elseif ((( $char_ord_val & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ) == 0x0F && $i + 3 < $strlen ) {
$charval = (( $char_ord_val & 0x07 ) << 18 );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval += (( ord ( $string [ ++ $i ]) & 0x3F ) << 12 );
$charval += (( ord ( $string [ ++ $i ]) & 0x3F ) << 6 );
$charval += ( ord ( $string [ ++ $i ]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
} elseif ((( $char_ord_val & 0xE0 ) >> 5 ) == 0x07 && $i + 2 < $strlen ) {
$charval = (( $char_ord_val & 0x0F ) << 12 );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval += (( ord ( $string [ ++ $i ]) & 0x3F ) << 6 );
$charval += ( ord ( $string [ ++ $i ]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
} elseif ((( $char_ord_val & 0xC0 ) >> 6 ) == 0x03 && $i + 1 < $strlen ) {
$charval = (( $char_ord_val & 0x1F ) << 6 );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$charval += ( ord ( $string [ ++ $i ]) & 0x3F );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
if (( $charval >= 32 ) && ( $charval <= 127 )) {
$HTMLstring .= htmlentities ( chr ( $charval ));
} else {
$HTMLstring .= '&#' . $charval . ';' ;
break ;
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
case 'utf-16le' :
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i += 2 ) {
$charval = self :: LittleEndian2Int ( substr ( $string , $i , 2 ));
if (( $charval >= 32 ) && ( $charval <= 127 )) {
$HTMLstring .= chr ( $charval );
} else {
$HTMLstring .= '&#' . $charval . ';' ;
break ;
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
case 'utf-16be' :
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $string ); $i += 2 ) {
$charval = self :: BigEndian2Int ( substr ( $string , $i , 2 ));
if (( $charval >= 32 ) && ( $charval <= 127 )) {
$HTMLstring .= chr ( $charval );
} else {
$HTMLstring .= '&#' . $charval . ';' ;
break ;
default :
$HTMLstring = 'ERROR: Character set "' . $charset . '" not supported in MultiByteCharString2HTML()' ;
break ;
return $HTMLstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $namecode
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function RGADnameLookup ( $namecode ) {
static $RGADname = array ();
if ( empty ( $RGADname )) {
$RGADname [ 0 ] = 'not set' ;
$RGADname [ 1 ] = 'Track Gain Adjustment' ;
$RGADname [ 2 ] = 'Album Gain Adjustment' ;
return ( isset ( $RGADname [ $namecode ]) ? $RGADname [ $namecode ] : '' );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $originatorcode
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function RGADoriginatorLookup ( $originatorcode ) {
static $RGADoriginator = array ();
if ( empty ( $RGADoriginator )) {
$RGADoriginator [ 0 ] = 'unspecified' ;
$RGADoriginator [ 1 ] = 'pre-set by artist/producer/mastering engineer' ;
$RGADoriginator [ 2 ] = 'set by user' ;
$RGADoriginator [ 3 ] = 'determined automatically' ;
return ( isset ( $RGADoriginator [ $originatorcode ]) ? $RGADoriginator [ $originatorcode ] : '' );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $rawadjustment
* @ param int $signbit
* @ return float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function RGADadjustmentLookup ( $rawadjustment , $signbit ) {
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
$adjustment = ( float ) $rawadjustment / 10 ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
if ( $signbit == 1 ) {
$adjustment *= - 1 ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
return $adjustment ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param int $namecode
* @ param int $originatorcode
* @ param int $replaygain
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function RGADgainString ( $namecode , $originatorcode , $replaygain ) {
if ( $replaygain < 0 ) {
$signbit = '1' ;
} else {
$signbit = '0' ;
$storedreplaygain = intval ( round ( $replaygain * 10 ));
$gainstring = str_pad ( decbin ( $namecode ), 3 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
$gainstring .= str_pad ( decbin ( $originatorcode ), 3 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
$gainstring .= $signbit ;
$gainstring .= str_pad ( decbin ( $storedreplaygain ), 9 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
return $gainstring ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param float $amplitude
* @ return float
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function RGADamplitude2dB ( $amplitude ) {
return 20 * log10 ( $amplitude );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $imgData
* @ param array $imageinfo
* @ return array | false
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function GetDataImageSize ( $imgData , & $imageinfo = array ()) {
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
if ( PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 ) {
$GetDataImageSize = @ getimagesizefromstring ( $imgData , $imageinfo );
if ( $GetDataImageSize === false || ! isset ( $GetDataImageSize [ 0 ], $GetDataImageSize [ 1 ])) {
return false ;
$GetDataImageSize [ 'height' ] = $GetDataImageSize [ 0 ];
$GetDataImageSize [ 'width' ] = $GetDataImageSize [ 1 ];
return $GetDataImageSize ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
static $tempdir = '' ;
if ( empty ( $tempdir )) {
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
if ( function_exists ( 'sys_get_temp_dir' )) {
$tempdir = sys_get_temp_dir (); // https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3/issues/52
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// yes this is ugly, feel free to suggest a better way
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
if ( include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/getid3.php' )) {
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
$getid3_temp = new getID3 ();
if ( $getid3_temp_tempdir = $getid3_temp -> tempdir ) {
$tempdir = $getid3_temp_tempdir ;
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
unset ( $getid3_temp , $getid3_temp_tempdir );
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$GetDataImageSize = false ;
if ( $tempfilename = tempnam ( $tempdir , 'gI3' )) {
if ( is_writable ( $tempfilename ) && is_file ( $tempfilename ) && ( $tmp = fopen ( $tempfilename , 'wb' ))) {
fwrite ( $tmp , $imgData );
fclose ( $tmp );
$GetDataImageSize = @ getimagesize ( $tempfilename , $imageinfo );
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
if (( $GetDataImageSize === false ) || ! isset ( $GetDataImageSize [ 0 ]) || ! isset ( $GetDataImageSize [ 1 ])) {
return false ;
2015-06-27 20:17:25 -04:00
$GetDataImageSize [ 'height' ] = $GetDataImageSize [ 0 ];
$GetDataImageSize [ 'width' ] = $GetDataImageSize [ 1 ];
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
unlink ( $tempfilename );
return $GetDataImageSize ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $mime_type
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function ImageExtFromMime ( $mime_type ) {
// temporary way, works OK for now, but should be reworked in the future
return str_replace ( array ( 'image/' , 'x-' , 'jpeg' ), array ( '' , '' , 'jpg' ), $mime_type );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param array $ThisFileInfo
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
* @ param bool $option_tags_html default true ( just as in the main getID3 class )
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ return bool
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
public static function CopyTagsToComments ( & $ThisFileInfo , $option_tags_html = true ) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
// Copy all entries from ['tags'] into common ['comments']
if ( ! empty ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ])) {
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
if ( isset ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ 'id3v1' ])) {
// bubble ID3v1 to the end, if present to aid in detecting bad ID3v1 encodings
$ID3v1 = $ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ 'id3v1' ];
unset ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ 'id3v1' ]);
$ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ][ 'id3v1' ] = $ID3v1 ;
unset ( $ID3v1 );
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
foreach ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'tags' ] as $tagtype => $tagarray ) {
foreach ( $tagarray as $tagname => $tagdata ) {
foreach ( $tagdata as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! empty ( $value )) {
if ( empty ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ])) {
// fall through and append value
} elseif ( $tagtype == 'id3v1' ) {
$newvaluelength = strlen ( trim ( $value ));
foreach ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ] as $existingkey => $existingvalue ) {
$oldvaluelength = strlen ( trim ( $existingvalue ));
if (( $newvaluelength <= $oldvaluelength ) && ( substr ( $existingvalue , 0 , $newvaluelength ) == trim ( $value ))) {
// new value is identical but shorter-than (or equal-length to) one already in comments - skip
break 2 ;
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
if ( function_exists ( 'mb_convert_encoding' )) {
if ( trim ( $value ) == trim ( substr ( mb_convert_encoding ( $existingvalue , $ThisFileInfo [ 'id3v1' ][ 'encoding' ], $ThisFileInfo [ 'encoding' ]), 0 , 30 ))) {
// value stored in ID3v1 appears to be probably the multibyte value transliterated (badly) into ISO-8859-1 in ID3v1.
// As an example, Foobar2000 will do this if you tag a file with Chinese or Arabic or Cyrillic or something that doesn't fit into ISO-8859-1 the ID3v1 will consist of mostly "?" characters, one per multibyte unrepresentable character
break 2 ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
} elseif ( ! is_array ( $value )) {
$newvaluelength = strlen ( trim ( $value ));
foreach ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ] as $existingkey => $existingvalue ) {
$oldvaluelength = strlen ( trim ( $existingvalue ));
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
if (( strlen ( $existingvalue ) > 10 ) && ( $newvaluelength > $oldvaluelength ) && ( substr ( trim ( $value ), 0 , strlen ( $existingvalue )) == $existingvalue )) {
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
$ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ][ $existingkey ] = trim ( $value );
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
break ;
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
if ( is_array ( $value ) || empty ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ]) || ! in_array ( trim ( $value ), $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ])) {
$value = ( is_string ( $value ) ? trim ( $value ) : $value );
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
if ( ! is_int ( $key ) && ! ctype_digit ( $key )) {
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
$ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ][ $key ] = $value ;
} else {
2020-04-20 07:13:07 -04:00
if ( ! isset ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ])) {
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
$ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ] = array ( $value );
} else {
$ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $tagname ][] = $value ;
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2017-07-31 15:50:45 -04:00
// attempt to standardize spelling of returned keys
$StandardizeFieldNames = array (
'tracknumber' => 'track_number' ,
'track' => 'track_number' ,
foreach ( $StandardizeFieldNames as $badkey => $goodkey ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $badkey , $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ]) && ! array_key_exists ( $goodkey , $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ])) {
$ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $goodkey ] = $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $badkey ];
unset ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ][ $badkey ]);
2020-07-02 11:48:04 -04:00
if ( $option_tags_html ) {
// Copy ['comments'] to ['comments_html']
if ( ! empty ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ])) {
foreach ( $ThisFileInfo [ 'comments' ] as $field => $values ) {
if ( $field == 'picture' ) {
// pictures can take up a lot of space, and we don't need multiple copies of them
// let there be a single copy in [comments][picture], and not elsewhere
continue ;
foreach ( $values as $index => $value ) {
if ( is_array ( $value )) {
$ThisFileInfo [ 'comments_html' ][ $field ][ $index ] = $value ;
} else {
$ThisFileInfo [ 'comments_html' ][ $field ][ $index ] = str_replace ( '�' , '' , self :: MultiByteCharString2HTML ( $value , $ThisFileInfo [ 'encoding' ]));
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
return true ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $key
* @ param int $begin
* @ param int $end
* @ param string $file
* @ param string $name
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function EmbeddedLookup ( $key , $begin , $end , $file , $name ) {
// Cached
static $cache ;
if ( isset ( $cache [ $file ][ $name ])) {
return ( isset ( $cache [ $file ][ $name ][ $key ]) ? $cache [ $file ][ $name ][ $key ] : '' );
// Init
$keylength = strlen ( $key );
$line_count = $end - $begin - 7 ;
// Open php file
$fp = fopen ( $file , 'r' );
// Discard $begin lines
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( $begin + 3 ); $i ++ ) {
fgets ( $fp , 1024 );
// Loop thru line
while ( 0 < $line_count -- ) {
// Read line
$line = ltrim ( fgets ( $fp , 1024 ), " \t " );
// METHOD A: only cache the matching key - less memory but slower on next lookup of not-previously-looked-up key
//$keycheck = substr($line, 0, $keylength);
//if ($key == $keycheck) {
// $cache[$file][$name][$keycheck] = substr($line, $keylength + 1);
// break;
// METHOD B: cache all keys in this lookup - more memory but faster on next lookup of not-previously-looked-up key
//$cache[$file][$name][substr($line, 0, $keylength)] = trim(substr($line, $keylength + 1));
$explodedLine = explode ( " \t " , $line , 2 );
$ThisKey = ( isset ( $explodedLine [ 0 ]) ? $explodedLine [ 0 ] : '' );
$ThisValue = ( isset ( $explodedLine [ 1 ]) ? $explodedLine [ 1 ] : '' );
$cache [ $file ][ $name ][ $ThisKey ] = trim ( $ThisValue );
// Close and return
fclose ( $fp );
return ( isset ( $cache [ $file ][ $name ][ $key ]) ? $cache [ $file ][ $name ][ $key ] : '' );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $filename
* @ param string $sourcefile
* @ param bool $DieOnFailure
* @ return bool
* @ throws Exception
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function IncludeDependency ( $filename , $sourcefile , $DieOnFailure = false ) {
if ( file_exists ( $filename )) {
if ( include_once ( $filename )) {
return true ;
} else {
$diemessage = basename ( $sourcefile ) . ' depends on ' . $filename . ', which has errors' ;
} else {
$diemessage = basename ( $sourcefile ) . ' depends on ' . $filename . ', which is missing' ;
if ( $DieOnFailure ) {
throw new Exception ( $diemessage );
} else {
$GETID3_ERRORARRAY [] = $diemessage ;
return false ;
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $string
* @ return string
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function trimNullByte ( $string ) {
return trim ( $string , " \x00 " );
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $path
* @ return float | bool
2013-03-21 00:55:42 -04:00
public static function getFileSizeSyscall ( $path ) {
$filesize = false ;
if ( class_exists ( 'COM' )) { // From PHP 5.3.15 and 5.4.5, COM and DOTNET is no longer built into the php core.you have to add COM support in php.ini:
$filesystem = new COM ( 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' );
$file = $filesystem -> GetFile ( $path );
$filesize = $file -> Size ();
unset ( $filesystem , $file );
} else {
$commandline = 'for %I in (' . escapeshellarg ( $path ) . ') do @echo %~zI' ;
} else {
$commandline = 'ls -l ' . escapeshellarg ( $path ) . ' | awk \'{print $5}\'' ;
if ( isset ( $commandline )) {
$output = trim ( `$commandline` );
if ( ctype_digit ( $output )) {
$filesize = ( float ) $output ;
return $filesize ;
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* @ param string $filename
* @ return string | false
public static function truepath ( $filename ) {
// 2017-11-08: this could use some improvement, patches welcome
if ( preg_match ( '#^(\\\\\\\\|//)[a-z0-9]#i' , $filename , $matches )) {
// PHP's built-in realpath function does not work on UNC Windows shares
$goodpath = array ();
foreach ( explode ( '/' , str_replace ( '\\' , '/' , $filename )) as $part ) {
if ( $part == '.' ) {
continue ;
if ( $part == '..' ) {
if ( count ( $goodpath )) {
array_pop ( $goodpath );
} else {
// cannot step above this level, already at top level
return false ;
} else {
$goodpath [] = $part ;
return implode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $goodpath );
return realpath ( $filename );
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
2019-09-14 15:07:57 -04:00
* Workaround for Bug #37268 (https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=37268)
* @ param string $path A path .
* @ param string $suffix If the name component ends in suffix this will also be cut off .
* @ return string
2014-09-11 15:07:17 -04:00
public static function mb_basename ( $path , $suffix = null ) {
$splited = preg_split ( '#/#' , rtrim ( $path , '/ ' ));
return substr ( basename ( 'X' . $splited [ count ( $splited ) - 1 ], $suffix ), 1 );
2015-06-27 20:17:25 -04:00