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* Template WordPress Administration API.
* A Big Mess. Also some neat functions that are nicely written.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Administration
// Category Checklists
* Walker to output an unordered list of category checkbox <input> elements.
* @see Walker
* @see wp_category_checklist()
* @see wp_terms_checklist()
* @since 2.5.1
class Walker_Category_Checklist extends Walker {
var $tree_type = 'category';
var $db_fields = array ('parent' => 'parent', 'id' => 'term_id'); //TODO: decouple this
function start_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
$indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
$output .= "$indent<ul class='children'>\n";
function end_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
$indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
$output .= "$indent</ul>\n";
function start_el( &$output, $category, $depth, $args, $id = 0 ) {
if ( empty($taxonomy) )
$taxonomy = 'category';
if ( $taxonomy == 'category' )
$name = 'post_category';
$name = 'tax_input['.$taxonomy.']';
$class = in_array( $category->term_id, $popular_cats ) ? ' class="popular-category"' : '';
$output .= "\n<li id='{$taxonomy}-{$category->term_id}'$class>" . '<label class="selectit"><input value="' . $category->term_id . '" type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'[]" id="in-'.$taxonomy.'-' . $category->term_id . '"' . checked( in_array( $category->term_id, $selected_cats ), true, false ) . disabled( empty( $args['disabled'] ), false, false ) . ' /> ' . esc_html( apply_filters('the_category', $category->name )) . '</label>';
function end_el( &$output, $category, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
$output .= "</li>\n";
* Output an unordered list of checkbox <input> elements labelled
* with category names.
* @see wp_terms_checklist()
* @since 2.5.1
* @param int $post_id Mark categories associated with this post as checked. $selected_cats must not be an array.
* @param int $descendants_and_self ID of the category to output along with its descendents.
* @param bool|array $selected_cats List of categories to mark as checked.
* @param bool|array $popular_cats Override the list of categories that receive the "popular-category" class.
* @param object $walker Walker object to use to build the output.
* @param bool $checked_ontop Move checked items out of the hierarchy and to the top of the list.
function wp_category_checklist( $post_id = 0, $descendants_and_self = 0, $selected_cats = false, $popular_cats = false, $walker = null, $checked_ontop = true ) {
wp_terms_checklist( $post_id, array(
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'descendants_and_self' => $descendants_and_self,
'selected_cats' => $selected_cats,
'popular_cats' => $popular_cats,
'walker' => $walker,
'checked_ontop' => $checked_ontop
) );
* Output an unordered list of checkbox <input> elements labelled
* with term names. Taxonomy independent version of wp_category_checklist().
* @since 3.0.0
* @param int $post_id
* @param array $args
function wp_terms_checklist($post_id = 0, $args = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'descendants_and_self' => 0,
'selected_cats' => false,
'popular_cats' => false,
'walker' => null,
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'checked_ontop' => true
$args = apply_filters( 'wp_terms_checklist_args', $args, $post_id );
extract( wp_parse_args($args, $defaults), EXTR_SKIP );
if ( empty($walker) || !is_a($walker, 'Walker') )
$walker = new Walker_Category_Checklist;
$descendants_and_self = (int) $descendants_and_self;
$args = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy);
$tax = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
$args['disabled'] = !current_user_can($tax->cap->assign_terms);
if ( is_array( $selected_cats ) )
$args['selected_cats'] = $selected_cats;
elseif ( $post_id )
$args['selected_cats'] = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $taxonomy, array_merge($args, array('fields' => 'ids')));
$args['selected_cats'] = array();
if ( is_array( $popular_cats ) )
$args['popular_cats'] = $popular_cats;
$args['popular_cats'] = get_terms( $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'ids', 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => 10, 'hierarchical' => false ) );
if ( $descendants_and_self ) {
$categories = (array) get_terms($taxonomy, array( 'child_of' => $descendants_and_self, 'hierarchical' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
$self = get_term( $descendants_and_self, $taxonomy );
array_unshift( $categories, $self );
} else {
$categories = (array) get_terms($taxonomy, array('get' => 'all'));
if ( $checked_ontop ) {
// Post process $categories rather than adding an exclude to the get_terms() query to keep the query the same across all posts (for any query cache)
$checked_categories = array();
$keys = array_keys( $categories );
foreach( $keys as $k ) {
if ( in_array( $categories[$k]->term_id, $args['selected_cats'] ) ) {
$checked_categories[] = $categories[$k];
unset( $categories[$k] );
// Put checked cats on top
echo call_user_func_array(array(&$walker, 'walk'), array($checked_categories, 0, $args));
// Then the rest of them
echo call_user_func_array(array(&$walker, 'walk'), array($categories, 0, $args));
* Retrieve a list of the most popular terms from the specified taxonomy.
* If the $echo argument is true then the elements for a list of checkbox
* <input> elements labelled with the names of the selected terms is output.
* If the $post_ID global isn't empty then the terms associated with that
* post will be marked as checked.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy to retrieve terms from.
* @param int $default Unused.
* @param int $number Number of terms to retrieve. Defaults to 10.
* @param bool $echo Optionally output the list as well. Defaults to true.
* @return array List of popular term IDs.
function wp_popular_terms_checklist( $taxonomy, $default = 0, $number = 10, $echo = true ) {
$post = get_post();
if ( $post && $post->ID )
$checked_terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy, array('fields'=>'ids'));
$checked_terms = array();
$terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, array( 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => $number, 'hierarchical' => false ) );
$tax = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
$popular_ids = array();
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
$popular_ids[] = $term->term_id;
if ( !$echo ) // hack for AJAX use
$id = "popular-$taxonomy-$term->term_id";
$checked = in_array( $term->term_id, $checked_terms ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
<li id="<?php echo $id; ?>" class="popular-category">
<label class="selectit">
<input id="in-<?php echo $id; ?>" type="checkbox" <?php echo $checked; ?> value="<?php echo (int) $term->term_id; ?>" <?php disabled( ! current_user_can( $tax->cap->assign_terms ) ); ?> />
<?php echo esc_html( apply_filters( 'the_category', $term->name ) ); ?>
return $popular_ids;
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 2.5.1
* @param unknown_type $link_id
function wp_link_category_checklist( $link_id = 0 ) {
$default = 1;
if ( $link_id ) {
$checked_categories = wp_get_link_cats( $link_id );
// No selected categories, strange
if ( ! count( $checked_categories ) )
$checked_categories[] = $default;
} else {
$checked_categories[] = $default;
$categories = get_terms( 'link_category', array( 'orderby' => 'name', 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
if ( empty( $categories ) )
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
$cat_id = $category->term_id;
$name = esc_html( apply_filters( 'the_category', $category->name ) );
$checked = in_array( $cat_id, $checked_categories ) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
echo '<li id="link-category-', $cat_id, '"><label for="in-link-category-', $cat_id, '" class="selectit"><input value="', $cat_id, '" type="checkbox" name="link_category[]" id="in-link-category-', $cat_id, '"', $checked, '/> ', $name, "</label></li>";
// adds hidden fields with the data for use in the inline editor for posts and pages
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 2.7.0
* @param unknown_type $post
function get_inline_data($post) {
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post->post_type);
if ( ! current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->edit_post, $post->ID) )
$title = esc_textarea( trim( $post->post_title ) );
echo '
<div class="hidden" id="inline_' . $post->ID . '">
<div class="post_title">' . $title . '</div>
<div class="post_name">' . apply_filters('editable_slug', $post->post_name) . '</div>
<div class="post_author">' . $post->post_author . '</div>
<div class="comment_status">' . esc_html( $post->comment_status ) . '</div>
<div class="ping_status">' . esc_html( $post->ping_status ) . '</div>
<div class="_status">' . esc_html( $post->post_status ) . '</div>
<div class="jj">' . mysql2date( 'd', $post->post_date, false ) . '</div>
<div class="mm">' . mysql2date( 'm', $post->post_date, false ) . '</div>
<div class="aa">' . mysql2date( 'Y', $post->post_date, false ) . '</div>
<div class="hh">' . mysql2date( 'H', $post->post_date, false ) . '</div>
<div class="mn">' . mysql2date( 'i', $post->post_date, false ) . '</div>
<div class="ss">' . mysql2date( 's', $post->post_date, false ) . '</div>
<div class="post_password">' . esc_html( $post->post_password ) . '</div>';
if ( $post_type_object->hierarchical )
echo '<div class="post_parent">' . $post->post_parent . '</div>';
if ( $post->post_type == 'page' )
echo '<div class="page_template">' . esc_html( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true ) ) . '</div>';
if ( post_type_supports( $post->post_type, 'page-attributes' ) )
echo '<div class="menu_order">' . $post->menu_order . '</div>';
$taxonomy_names = get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type );
foreach ( $taxonomy_names as $taxonomy_name) {
$taxonomy = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy_name );
if ( $taxonomy->hierarchical && $taxonomy->show_ui ) {
echo '<div class="post_category" id="' . $taxonomy_name . '_' . $post->ID . '">'
. implode( ',', wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy_name, array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) ) ) . '</div>';
} elseif ( $taxonomy->show_ui ) {
echo '<div class="tags_input" id="'.$taxonomy_name.'_'.$post->ID.'">'
. esc_html( str_replace( ',', ', ', get_terms_to_edit( $post->ID, $taxonomy_name ) ) ) . '</div>';
if ( !$post_type_object->hierarchical )
echo '<div class="sticky">' . (is_sticky($post->ID) ? 'sticky' : '') . '</div>';
if ( post_type_supports( $post->post_type, 'post-formats' ) )
echo '<div class="post_format">' . esc_html( get_post_format( $post->ID ) ) . '</div>';
echo '</div>';
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 2.7.0
* @param unknown_type $position
* @param unknown_type $checkbox
* @param unknown_type $mode
function wp_comment_reply($position = '1', $checkbox = false, $mode = 'single', $table_row = true) {
// allow plugin to replace the popup content
$content = apply_filters( 'wp_comment_reply', '', array('position' => $position, 'checkbox' => $checkbox, 'mode' => $mode) );
if ( ! empty($content) ) {
echo $content;
if ( $mode == 'single' ) {
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table('WP_Post_Comments_List_Table');
} else {
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table('WP_Comments_List_Table');
<form method="get" action="">
<?php if ( $table_row ) : ?>
<table style="display:none;"><tbody id="com-reply"><tr id="replyrow" style="display:none;"><td colspan="<?php echo $wp_list_table->get_column_count(); ?>" class="colspanchange">
<?php else : ?>
<div id="com-reply" style="display:none;"><div id="replyrow" style="display:none;">
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="replyhead" style="display:none;"><h5><?php _e( 'Reply to Comment' ); ?></h5></div>
<div id="addhead" style="display:none;"><h5><?php _e('Add new Comment'); ?></h5></div>
<div id="edithead" style="display:none;">
<div class="inside">
<label for="author"><?php _e('Name') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="newcomment_author" size="50" value="" id="author" />
<div class="inside">
<label for="author-email"><?php _e('E-mail') ?></label>
<input type="text" name="newcomment_author_email" size="50" value="" id="author-email" />
<div class="inside">
<label for="author-url"><?php _e('URL') ?></label>
<input type="text" id="author-url" name="newcomment_author_url" size="103" value="" />
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<div id="replycontainer">
$quicktags_settings = array( 'buttons' => 'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,spell,close' );
wp_editor( '', 'replycontent', array( 'media_buttons' => false, 'tinymce' => false, 'quicktags' => $quicktags_settings ) );
<p id="replysubmit" class="submit">
<a href="#comments-form" class="save button-primary alignright">
<span id="addbtn" style="display:none;"><?php _e('Add Comment'); ?></span>
<span id="savebtn" style="display:none;"><?php _e('Update Comment'); ?></span>
<span id="replybtn" style="display:none;"><?php _e('Submit Reply'); ?></span></a>
<a href="#comments-form" class="cancel button-secondary alignleft"><?php _e('Cancel'); ?></a>
<span class="waiting spinner"></span>
<span class="error" style="display:none;"></span>
<br class="clear" />
<input type="hidden" name="user_ID" id="user_ID" value="<?php echo get_current_user_id(); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" id="action" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="comment_ID" id="comment_ID" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" id="comment_post_ID" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="status" id="status" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="position" id="position" value="<?php echo $position; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="checkbox" id="checkbox" value="<?php echo $checkbox ? 1 : 0; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="mode" id="mode" value="<?php echo esc_attr($mode); ?>" />
wp_nonce_field( 'replyto-comment', '_ajax_nonce-replyto-comment', false );
if ( current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) )
wp_nonce_field( 'unfiltered-html-comment', '_wp_unfiltered_html_comment', false );
<?php if ( $table_row ) : ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
* Output 'undo move to trash' text for comments
* @since 2.9.0
function wp_comment_trashnotice() {
<div class="hidden" id="trash-undo-holder">
<div class="trash-undo-inside"><?php printf(__('Comment by %s moved to the trash.'), '<strong></strong>'); ?> <span class="undo untrash"><a href="#"><?php _e('Undo'); ?></a></span></div>
<div class="hidden" id="spam-undo-holder">
<div class="spam-undo-inside"><?php printf(__('Comment by %s marked as spam.'), '<strong></strong>'); ?> <span class="undo unspam"><a href="#"><?php _e('Undo'); ?></a></span></div>
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 1.2.0
* @param unknown_type $meta
function list_meta( $meta ) {
// Exit if no meta
if ( ! $meta ) {
echo '
<table id="list-table" style="display: none;">
<th class="left">' . _x( 'Name', 'meta name' ) . '</th>
<th>' . __( 'Value' ) . '</th>
<tbody id="the-list" data-wp-lists="list:meta">
</table>'; //TBODY needed for list-manipulation JS
$count = 0;
<table id="list-table">
<th class="left"><?php _ex( 'Name', 'meta name' ) ?></th>
<th><?php _e( 'Value' ) ?></th>
<tbody id='the-list' data-wp-lists='list:meta'>
foreach ( $meta as $entry )
echo _list_meta_row( $entry, $count );
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 2.5.0
* @param unknown_type $entry
* @param unknown_type $count
* @return unknown
function _list_meta_row( $entry, &$count ) {
static $update_nonce = false;
if ( is_protected_meta( $entry['meta_key'], 'post' ) )
if ( !$update_nonce )
$update_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'add-meta' );
$r = '';
++ $count;
if ( $count % 2 )
$style = 'alternate';
$style = '';
if ( is_serialized( $entry['meta_value'] ) ) {
if ( is_serialized_string( $entry['meta_value'] ) ) {
// this is a serialized string, so we should display it
$entry['meta_value'] = maybe_unserialize( $entry['meta_value'] );
} else {
// this is a serialized array/object so we should NOT display it
$entry['meta_key'] = esc_attr($entry['meta_key']);
$entry['meta_value'] = esc_textarea( $entry['meta_value'] ); // using a <textarea />
$entry['meta_id'] = (int) $entry['meta_id'];
$delete_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'delete-meta_' . $entry['meta_id'] );
$r .= "\n\t<tr id='meta-{$entry['meta_id']}' class='$style'>";
$r .= "\n\t\t<td class='left'><label class='screen-reader-text' for='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][key]'>" . __( 'Key' ) . "</label><input name='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][key]' id='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][key]' type='text' size='20' value='{$entry['meta_key']}' />";
$r .= "\n\t\t<div class='submit'>";
$r .= get_submit_button( __( 'Delete' ), 'deletemeta small', "deletemeta[{$entry['meta_id']}]", false, array( 'data-wp-lists' => "delete:the-list:meta-{$entry['meta_id']}::_ajax_nonce=$delete_nonce" ) );
$r .= "\n\t\t";
$r .= get_submit_button( __( 'Update' ), 'updatemeta small', "meta-{$entry['meta_id']}-submit", false, array( 'data-wp-lists' => "add:the-list:meta-{$entry['meta_id']}::_ajax_nonce-add-meta=$update_nonce" ) );
$r .= "</div>";
$r .= wp_nonce_field( 'change-meta', '_ajax_nonce', false, false );
$r .= "</td>";
$r .= "\n\t\t<td><label class='screen-reader-text' for='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][value]'>" . __( 'Value' ) . "</label><textarea name='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][value]' id='meta[{$entry['meta_id']}][value]' rows='2' cols='30'>{$entry['meta_value']}</textarea></td>\n\t</tr>";
return $r;
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 1.2.0
function meta_form() {
global $wpdb;
$limit = (int) apply_filters( 'postmeta_form_limit', 30 );
$keys = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT meta_key
FROM $wpdb->postmeta
GROUP BY meta_key
HAVING meta_key NOT LIKE '\_%'
ORDER BY meta_key
LIMIT $limit" );
if ( $keys )
<p><strong><?php _e( 'Add New Custom Field:' ) ?></strong></p>
<table id="newmeta">
<th class="left"><label for="metakeyselect"><?php _ex( 'Name', 'meta name' ) ?></label></th>
<th><label for="metavalue"><?php _e( 'Value' ) ?></label></th>
<td id="newmetaleft" class="left">
<?php if ( $keys ) { ?>
<select id="metakeyselect" name="metakeyselect">
<option value="#NONE#"><?php _e( '&mdash; Select &mdash;' ); ?></option>
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( is_protected_meta( $key, 'post' ) )
echo "\n<option value='" . esc_attr($key) . "'>" . esc_html($key) . "</option>";
<input class="hide-if-js" type="text" id="metakeyinput" name="metakeyinput" value="" />
<a href="#postcustomstuff" class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="jQuery('#metakeyinput, #metakeyselect, #enternew, #cancelnew').toggle();return false;">
<span id="enternew"><?php _e('Enter new'); ?></span>
<span id="cancelnew" class="hidden"><?php _e('Cancel'); ?></span></a>
<?php } else { ?>
<input type="text" id="metakeyinput" name="metakeyinput" value="" />
<?php } ?>
<td><textarea id="metavalue" name="metavalue" rows="2" cols="25"></textarea></td>
<tr><td colspan="2">
<div class="submit">
<?php submit_button( __( 'Add Custom Field' ), 'secondary', 'addmeta', false, array( 'id' => 'newmeta-submit', 'data-wp-lists' => 'add:the-list:newmeta' ) ); ?>
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'add-meta', '_ajax_nonce-add-meta', false ); ?>
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 0.71
* @param unknown_type $edit
* @param unknown_type $for_post
* @param unknown_type $tab_index
* @param unknown_type $multi
function touch_time( $edit = 1, $for_post = 1, $tab_index = 0, $multi = 0 ) {
global $wp_locale, $comment;
$post = get_post();
if ( $for_post )
$edit = ! ( in_array($post->post_status, array('draft', 'pending') ) && (!$post->post_date_gmt || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $post->post_date_gmt ) );
$tab_index_attribute = '';
if ( (int) $tab_index > 0 )
$tab_index_attribute = " tabindex=\"$tab_index\"";
// echo '<label for="timestamp" style="display: block;"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="edit_date" value="1" id="timestamp"'.$tab_index_attribute.' /> '.__( 'Edit timestamp' ).'</label><br />';
$time_adj = current_time('timestamp');
$post_date = ($for_post) ? $post->post_date : $comment->comment_date;
$jj = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'd', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'd', $time_adj );
$mm = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'm', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'm', $time_adj );
$aa = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'Y', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'Y', $time_adj );
$hh = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'H', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'H', $time_adj );
$mn = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'i', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'i', $time_adj );
$ss = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 's', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 's', $time_adj );
$cur_jj = gmdate( 'd', $time_adj );
$cur_mm = gmdate( 'm', $time_adj );
$cur_aa = gmdate( 'Y', $time_adj );
$cur_hh = gmdate( 'H', $time_adj );
$cur_mn = gmdate( 'i', $time_adj );
$month = "<select " . ( $multi ? '' : 'id="mm" ' ) . "name=\"mm\"$tab_index_attribute>\n";
for ( $i = 1; $i < 13; $i = $i +1 ) {
$monthnum = zeroise($i, 2);
$month .= "\t\t\t" . '<option value="' . $monthnum . '"';
if ( $i == $mm )
$month .= ' selected="selected"';
/* translators: 1: month number (01, 02, etc.), 2: month abbreviation */
$month .= '>' . sprintf( __( '%1$s-%2$s' ), $monthnum, $wp_locale->get_month_abbrev( $wp_locale->get_month( $i ) ) ) . "</option>\n";
$month .= '</select>';
$day = '<input type="text" ' . ( $multi ? '' : 'id="jj" ' ) . 'name="jj" value="' . $jj . '" size="2" maxlength="2"' . $tab_index_attribute . ' autocomplete="off" />';
$year = '<input type="text" ' . ( $multi ? '' : 'id="aa" ' ) . 'name="aa" value="' . $aa . '" size="4" maxlength="4"' . $tab_index_attribute . ' autocomplete="off" />';
$hour = '<input type="text" ' . ( $multi ? '' : 'id="hh" ' ) . 'name="hh" value="' . $hh . '" size="2" maxlength="2"' . $tab_index_attribute . ' autocomplete="off" />';
$minute = '<input type="text" ' . ( $multi ? '' : 'id="mn" ' ) . 'name="mn" value="' . $mn . '" size="2" maxlength="2"' . $tab_index_attribute . ' autocomplete="off" />';
echo '<div class="timestamp-wrap">';
/* translators: 1: month input, 2: day input, 3: year input, 4: hour input, 5: minute input */
printf(__('%1$s%2$s, %3$s @ %4$s : %5$s'), $month, $day, $year, $hour, $minute);
echo '</div><input type="hidden" id="ss" name="ss" value="' . $ss . '" />';
if ( $multi ) return;
echo "\n\n";
foreach ( array('mm', 'jj', 'aa', 'hh', 'mn') as $timeunit ) {
echo '<input type="hidden" id="hidden_' . $timeunit . '" name="hidden_' . $timeunit . '" value="' . $$timeunit . '" />' . "\n";
$cur_timeunit = 'cur_' . $timeunit;
echo '<input type="hidden" id="'. $cur_timeunit . '" name="'. $cur_timeunit . '" value="' . $$cur_timeunit . '" />' . "\n";
<a href="#edit_timestamp" class="save-timestamp hide-if-no-js button"><?php _e('OK'); ?></a>
<a href="#edit_timestamp" class="cancel-timestamp hide-if-no-js"><?php _e('Cancel'); ?></a>
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 1.5.0
* @param unknown_type $default
function page_template_dropdown( $default = '' ) {
$templates = get_page_templates();
ksort( $templates );
foreach (array_keys( $templates ) as $template )
: if ( $default == $templates[$template] )
$selected = " selected='selected'";
$selected = '';
echo "\n\t<option value='".$templates[$template]."' $selected>$template</option>";
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 1.5.0
* @param unknown_type $default
* @param unknown_type $parent
* @param unknown_type $level
* @return unknown
function parent_dropdown( $default = 0, $parent = 0, $level = 0 ) {
global $wpdb;
$post = get_post();
$items = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID, post_parent, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = %d AND post_type = 'page' ORDER BY menu_order", $parent) );
if ( $items ) {
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
// A page cannot be its own parent.
if ( $post && $post->ID && $item->ID == $post->ID )
$pad = str_repeat( '&nbsp;', $level * 3 );
if ( $item->ID == $default)
$current = ' selected="selected"';
$current = '';
echo "\n\t<option class='level-$level' value='$item->ID'$current>$pad " . esc_html($item->post_title) . "</option>";
parent_dropdown( $default, $item->ID, $level +1 );
} else {
return false;
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 2.0.0
* @param unknown_type $id
* @return unknown
function the_attachment_links( $id = false ) {
$id = (int) $id;
$post = get_post( $id );
if ( $post->post_type != 'attachment' )
return false;
$icon = wp_get_attachment_image( $post->ID, 'thumbnail', true );
$attachment_data = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $id );
$thumb = isset( $attachment_data['thumb'] );
<form id="the-attachment-links">
<col />
<col class="widefat" />
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'URL' ) ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><?php echo esc_textarea( wp_get_attachment_url() ); ?></textarea></td>
<?php if ( $icon ) : ?>
<th scope="row"><?php $thumb ? _e( 'Thumbnail linked to file' ) : _e( 'Image linked to file' ); ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><a href="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(); ?>"><?php echo $icon ?></a></textarea></td>
<th scope="row"><?php $thumb ? _e( 'Thumbnail linked to page' ) : _e( 'Image linked to page' ); ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><a href="<?php echo get_attachment_link( $post->ID ) ?>" rel="attachment wp-att-<?php echo $post->ID; ?>"><?php echo $icon ?></a></textarea></td>
<?php else : ?>
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Link to file' ) ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><a href="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(); ?>" class="attachmentlink"><?php echo basename( wp_get_attachment_url() ); ?></a></textarea></td>
<th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Link to page' ) ?></th>
<td><textarea rows="1" cols="40" type="text" class="attachmentlinks" readonly="readonly"><a href="<?php echo get_attachment_link( $post->ID ) ?>" rel="attachment wp-att-<?php echo $post->ID ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></textarea></td>
<?php endif; ?>
* Print out <option> html elements for role selectors
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string $selected slug for the role that should be already selected
function wp_dropdown_roles( $selected = false ) {
$p = '';
$r = '';
$editable_roles = get_editable_roles();
foreach ( $editable_roles as $role => $details ) {
$name = translate_user_role($details['name'] );
if ( $selected == $role ) // preselect specified role
$p = "\n\t<option selected='selected' value='" . esc_attr($role) . "'>$name</option>";
$r .= "\n\t<option value='" . esc_attr($role) . "'>$name</option>";
echo $p . $r;
* Outputs the form used by the importers to accept the data to be imported
* @since 2.0.0
* @param string $action The action attribute for the form.
function wp_import_upload_form( $action ) {
$bytes = apply_filters( 'import_upload_size_limit', wp_max_upload_size() );
$size = size_format( $bytes );
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
if ( ! empty( $upload_dir['error'] ) ) :
?><div class="error"><p><?php _e('Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:'); ?></p>
<p><strong><?php echo $upload_dir['error']; ?></strong></p></div><?php
else :
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="import-upload-form" method="post" class="wp-upload-form" action="<?php echo esc_attr(wp_nonce_url($action, 'import-upload')); ?>">
<label for="upload"><?php _e( 'Choose a file from your computer:' ); ?></label> (<?php printf( __('Maximum size: %s' ), $size ); ?>)
<input type="file" id="upload" name="import" size="25" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" />
<input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="<?php echo $bytes; ?>" />
<?php submit_button( __('Upload file and import'), 'button' ); ?>
* Add a meta box to an edit form.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $id String for use in the 'id' attribute of tags.
* @param string $title Title of the meta box.
* @param string $callback Function that fills the box with the desired content. The function should echo its output.
* @param string|object $screen Optional. The screen on which to show the box (post, page, link). Defaults to current screen.
* @param string $context Optional. The context within the page where the boxes should show ('normal', 'advanced').
* @param string $priority Optional. The priority within the context where the boxes should show ('high', 'low').
* @param array $callback_args Optional. Data that should be set as the "args" property of the box array (which is the second parameter passed to your callback).
function add_meta_box( $id, $title, $callback, $screen = null, $context = 'advanced', $priority = 'default', $callback_args = null ) {
global $wp_meta_boxes;
if ( empty( $screen ) )
$screen = get_current_screen();
elseif ( is_string( $screen ) )
$screen = convert_to_screen( $screen );
$page = $screen->id;
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes) )
$wp_meta_boxes = array();
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page]) )
$wp_meta_boxes[$page] = array();
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context]) )
$wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context] = array();
foreach ( array_keys($wp_meta_boxes[$page]) as $a_context ) {
foreach ( array('high', 'core', 'default', 'low') as $a_priority ) {
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page][$a_context][$a_priority][$id]) )
// If a core box was previously added or removed by a plugin, don't add.
if ( 'core' == $priority ) {
// If core box previously deleted, don't add
if ( false === $wp_meta_boxes[$page][$a_context][$a_priority][$id] )
// If box was added with default priority, give it core priority to maintain sort order
if ( 'default' == $a_priority ) {
$wp_meta_boxes[$page][$a_context]['core'][$id] = $wp_meta_boxes[$page][$a_context]['default'][$id];
// If no priority given and id already present, use existing priority
if ( empty($priority) ) {
$priority = $a_priority;
// else if we're adding to the sorted priority, we don't know the title or callback. Grab them from the previously added context/priority.
} elseif ( 'sorted' == $priority ) {
$title = $wp_meta_boxes[$page][$a_context][$a_priority][$id]['title'];
$callback = $wp_meta_boxes[$page][$a_context][$a_priority][$id]['callback'];
$callback_args = $wp_meta_boxes[$page][$a_context][$a_priority][$id]['args'];
// An id can be in only one priority and one context
if ( $priority != $a_priority || $context != $a_context )
if ( empty($priority) )
$priority = 'low';
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context][$priority]) )
$wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context][$priority] = array();
$wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context][$priority][$id] = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'callback' => $callback, 'args' => $callback_args);
* Meta-Box template function
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string|object $screen Screen identifier
* @param string $context box context
* @param mixed $object gets passed to the box callback function as first parameter
* @return int number of meta_boxes
function do_meta_boxes( $screen, $context, $object ) {
global $wp_meta_boxes;
static $already_sorted = false;
if ( empty( $screen ) )
$screen = get_current_screen();
elseif ( is_string( $screen ) )
$screen = convert_to_screen( $screen );
$page = $screen->id;
$hidden = get_hidden_meta_boxes( $screen );
printf('<div id="%s-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables">', htmlspecialchars($context));
$i = 0;
do {
// Grab the ones the user has manually sorted. Pull them out of their previous context/priority and into the one the user chose
if ( !$already_sorted && $sorted = get_user_option( "meta-box-order_$page" ) ) {
foreach ( $sorted as $box_context => $ids ) {
foreach ( explode(',', $ids ) as $id ) {
if ( $id && 'dashboard_browser_nag' !== $id )
add_meta_box( $id, null, null, $screen, $box_context, 'sorted' );
$already_sorted = true;
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes) || !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page]) || !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context]) )
foreach ( array('high', 'sorted', 'core', 'default', 'low') as $priority ) {
if ( isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context][$priority]) ) {
foreach ( (array) $wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context][$priority] as $box ) {
if ( false == $box || ! $box['title'] )
$style = '';
$hidden_class = in_array($box['id'], $hidden) ? ' hide-if-js' : '';
echo '<div id="' . $box['id'] . '" class="postbox ' . postbox_classes($box['id'], $page) . $hidden_class . '" ' . '>' . "\n";
if ( 'dashboard_browser_nag' != $box['id'] )
echo '<div class="handlediv" title="' . esc_attr__('Click to toggle') . '"><br /></div>';
echo "<h3 class='hndle'><span>{$box['title']}</span></h3>\n";
echo '<div class="inside">' . "\n";
call_user_func($box['callback'], $object, $box);
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} while(0);
echo "</div>";
return $i;
* Remove a meta box from an edit form.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param string $id String for use in the 'id' attribute of tags.
* @param string|object $screen The screen on which to show the box (post, page, link).
* @param string $context The context within the page where the boxes should show ('normal', 'advanced').
function remove_meta_box($id, $screen, $context) {
global $wp_meta_boxes;
if ( empty( $screen ) )
$screen = get_current_screen();
elseif ( is_string( $screen ) )
$screen = convert_to_screen( $screen );
$page = $screen->id;
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes) )
$wp_meta_boxes = array();
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page]) )
$wp_meta_boxes[$page] = array();
if ( !isset($wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context]) )
$wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context] = array();
foreach ( array('high', 'core', 'default', 'low') as $priority )
$wp_meta_boxes[$page][$context][$priority][$id] = false;
* Add a new section to a settings page.
* Part of the Settings API. Use this to define new settings sections for an admin page.
* Show settings sections in your admin page callback function with do_settings_sections().
* Add settings fields to your section with add_settings_field()
* The $callback argument should be the name of a function that echoes out any
* content you want to show at the top of the settings section before the actual
* fields. It can output nothing if you want.
* @since 2.7.0
* @global $wp_settings_sections Storage array of all settings sections added to admin pages
* @param string $id Slug-name to identify the section. Used in the 'id' attribute of tags.
* @param string $title Formatted title of the section. Shown as the heading for the section.
* @param string $callback Function that echos out any content at the top of the section (between heading and fields).
* @param string $page The slug-name of the settings page on which to show the section. Built-in pages include 'general', 'reading', 'writing', 'discussion', 'media', etc. Create your own using add_options_page();
function add_settings_section($id, $title, $callback, $page) {
global $wp_settings_sections;
if ( 'misc' == $page ) {
_deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.0', sprintf( __( 'The "%s" options group has been removed. Use another settings group.' ), 'misc' ) );
$page = 'general';
if ( 'privacy' == $page ) {
_deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.5', sprintf( __( 'The "%s" options group has been removed. Use another settings group.' ), 'privacy' ) );
$page = 'reading';
if ( !isset($wp_settings_sections) )
$wp_settings_sections = array();
if ( !isset($wp_settings_sections[$page]) )
$wp_settings_sections[$page] = array();
if ( !isset($wp_settings_sections[$page][$id]) )
$wp_settings_sections[$page][$id] = array();
$wp_settings_sections[$page][$id] = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'callback' => $callback);
* Add a new field to a section of a settings page
* Part of the Settings API. Use this to define a settings field that will show
* as part of a settings section inside a settings page. The fields are shown using
* do_settings_fields() in do_settings-sections()
* The $callback argument should be the name of a function that echoes out the
* html input tags for this setting field. Use get_option() to retrieve existing
* values to show.
* @since 2.7.0
* @global $wp_settings_fields Storage array of settings fields and info about their pages/sections
* @param string $id Slug-name to identify the field. Used in the 'id' attribute of tags.
* @param string $title Formatted title of the field. Shown as the label for the field during output.
* @param string $callback Function that fills the field with the desired form inputs. The function should echo its output.
* @param string $page The slug-name of the settings page on which to show the section (general, reading, writing, ...).
* @param string $section The slug-name of the section of the settings page in which to show the box (default, ...).
* @param array $args Additional arguments
function add_settings_field($id, $title, $callback, $page, $section = 'default', $args = array()) {
global $wp_settings_fields;
if ( 'misc' == $page ) {
_deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.0', __( 'The miscellaneous options group has been removed. Use another settings group.' ) );
$page = 'general';
if ( 'privacy' == $page ) {
_deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.5', __( 'The privacy options group has been removed. Use another settings group.' ) );
$page = 'reading';
if ( !isset($wp_settings_fields) )
$wp_settings_fields = array();
if ( !isset($wp_settings_fields[$page]) )
$wp_settings_fields[$page] = array();
if ( !isset($wp_settings_fields[$page][$section]) )
$wp_settings_fields[$page][$section] = array();
$wp_settings_fields[$page][$section][$id] = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'callback' => $callback, 'args' => $args);
* Prints out all settings sections added to a particular settings page
* Part of the Settings API. Use this in a settings page callback function
* to output all the sections and fields that were added to that $page with
* add_settings_section() and add_settings_field()
* @global $wp_settings_sections Storage array of all settings sections added to admin pages
* @global $wp_settings_fields Storage array of settings fields and info about their pages/sections
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $page The slug name of the page whos settings sections you want to output
function do_settings_sections( $page ) {
global $wp_settings_sections, $wp_settings_fields;
if ( ! isset( $wp_settings_sections ) || !isset( $wp_settings_sections[$page] ) )
foreach ( (array) $wp_settings_sections[$page] as $section ) {
if ( $section['title'] )
echo "<h3>{$section['title']}</h3>\n";
if ( $section['callback'] )
call_user_func( $section['callback'], $section );
if ( ! isset( $wp_settings_fields ) || !isset( $wp_settings_fields[$page] ) || !isset( $wp_settings_fields[$page][$section['id']] ) )
echo '<table class="form-table">';
do_settings_fields( $page, $section['id'] );
echo '</table>';
* Print out the settings fields for a particular settings section
* Part of the Settings API. Use this in a settings page to output
* a specific section. Should normally be called by do_settings_sections()
* rather than directly.
* @global $wp_settings_fields Storage array of settings fields and their pages/sections
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $page Slug title of the admin page who's settings fields you want to show.
* @param section $section Slug title of the settings section who's fields you want to show.
function do_settings_fields($page, $section) {
global $wp_settings_fields;
if ( !isset($wp_settings_fields) || !isset($wp_settings_fields[$page]) || !isset($wp_settings_fields[$page][$section]) )
foreach ( (array) $wp_settings_fields[$page][$section] as $field ) {
echo '<tr valign="top">';
if ( !empty($field['args']['label_for']) )
echo '<th scope="row"><label for="' . esc_attr( $field['args']['label_for'] ) . '">' . $field['title'] . '</label></th>';
echo '<th scope="row">' . $field['title'] . '</th>';
echo '<td>';
call_user_func($field['callback'], $field['args']);
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
* Register a settings error to be displayed to the user
* Part of the Settings API. Use this to show messages to users about settings validation
* problems, missing settings or anything else.
* Settings errors should be added inside the $sanitize_callback function defined in
* register_setting() for a given setting to give feedback about the submission.
* By default messages will show immediately after the submission that generated the error.
* Additional calls to settings_errors() can be used to show errors even when the settings
* page is first accessed.
* @since 3.0.0
* @global array $wp_settings_errors Storage array of errors registered during this pageload
* @param string $setting Slug title of the setting to which this error applies
* @param string $code Slug-name to identify the error. Used as part of 'id' attribute in HTML output.
* @param string $message The formatted message text to display to the user (will be shown inside styled <div> and <p>)
* @param string $type The type of message it is, controls HTML class. Use 'error' or 'updated'.
function add_settings_error( $setting, $code, $message, $type = 'error' ) {
global $wp_settings_errors;
if ( !isset($wp_settings_errors) )
$wp_settings_errors = array();
$new_error = array(
'setting' => $setting,
'code' => $code,
'message' => $message,
'type' => $type
$wp_settings_errors[] = $new_error;
* Fetch settings errors registered by add_settings_error()
* Checks the $wp_settings_errors array for any errors declared during the current
* pageload and returns them.
* If changes were just submitted ($_GET['settings-updated']) and settings errors were saved
* to the 'settings_errors' transient then those errors will be returned instead. This
* is used to pass errors back across pageloads.
* Use the $sanitize argument to manually re-sanitize the option before returning errors.
* This is useful if you have errors or notices you want to show even when the user
* hasn't submitted data (i.e. when they first load an options page, or in admin_notices action hook)
* @since 3.0.0
* @global array $wp_settings_errors Storage array of errors registered during this pageload
* @param string $setting Optional slug title of a specific setting who's errors you want.
* @param boolean $sanitize Whether to re-sanitize the setting value before returning errors.
* @return array Array of settings errors
function get_settings_errors( $setting = '', $sanitize = false ) {
global $wp_settings_errors;
// If $sanitize is true, manually re-run the sanitizisation for this option
// This allows the $sanitize_callback from register_setting() to run, adding
// any settings errors you want to show by default.
if ( $sanitize )
sanitize_option( $setting, get_option( $setting ) );
// If settings were passed back from options.php then use them
if ( isset( $_GET['settings-updated'] ) && $_GET['settings-updated'] && get_transient( 'settings_errors' ) ) {
$wp_settings_errors = array_merge( (array) $wp_settings_errors, get_transient( 'settings_errors' ) );
delete_transient( 'settings_errors' );
// Check global in case errors have been added on this pageload
if ( ! count( $wp_settings_errors ) )
return array();
// Filter the results to those of a specific setting if one was set
if ( $setting ) {
$setting_errors = array();
foreach ( (array) $wp_settings_errors as $key => $details ) {
if ( $setting == $details['setting'] )
$setting_errors[] = $wp_settings_errors[$key];
return $setting_errors;
return $wp_settings_errors;
* Display settings errors registered by add_settings_error()
* Part of the Settings API. Outputs a <div> for each error retrieved by get_settings_errors().
* This is called automatically after a settings page based on the Settings API is submitted.
* Errors should be added during the validation callback function for a setting defined in register_setting()
* The $sanitize option is passed into get_settings_errors() and will re-run the setting sanitization
* on its current value.
* The $hide_on_update option will cause errors to only show when the settings page is first loaded.
* if the user has already saved new values it will be hidden to avoid repeating messages already
* shown in the default error reporting after submission. This is useful to show general errors like missing
* settings when the user arrives at the settings page.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $setting Optional slug title of a specific setting who's errors you want.
* @param boolean $sanitize Whether to re-sanitize the setting value before returning errors.
* @param boolean $hide_on_update If set to true errors will not be shown if the settings page has already been submitted.
function settings_errors( $setting = '', $sanitize = false, $hide_on_update = false ) {
if ( $hide_on_update && ! empty( $_GET['settings-updated'] ) )
$settings_errors = get_settings_errors( $setting, $sanitize );
if ( empty( $settings_errors ) )
$output = '';
foreach ( $settings_errors as $key => $details ) {
$css_id = 'setting-error-' . $details['code'];
$css_class = $details['type'] . ' settings-error';
$output .= "<div id='$css_id' class='$css_class'> \n";
$output .= "<p><strong>{$details['message']}</strong></p>";
$output .= "</div> \n";
echo $output;
* {@internal Missing Short Description}}
* @since 2.7.0
* @param unknown_type $found_action
function find_posts_div($found_action = '') {
<div id="find-posts" class="find-box" style="display:none;">
<div id="find-posts-head" class="find-box-head"><?php _e('Find Posts or Pages'); ?></div>
<div class="find-box-inside">
<div class="find-box-search">
<?php if ( $found_action ) { ?>
<input type="hidden" name="found_action" value="<?php echo esc_attr($found_action); ?>" />
<?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="affected" id="affected" value="" />
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'find-posts', '_ajax_nonce', false ); ?>
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="find-posts-input"><?php _e( 'Search' ); ?></label>
<input type="text" id="find-posts-input" name="ps" value="" />
<span class="spinner"></span>
<input type="button" id="find-posts-search" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Search' ); ?>" class="button" />
<div id="find-posts-response"></div>
<div class="find-box-buttons">
<input id="find-posts-close" type="button" class="button alignleft" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Close'); ?>" />
<?php submit_button( __( 'Select' ), 'button-primary alignright', 'find-posts-submit', false ); ?>
* Display the post password.
* The password is passed through {@link esc_attr()} to ensure that it
* is safe for placing in an html attribute.
* @uses attr
* @since 2.7.0
function the_post_password() {
$post = get_post();
if ( isset( $post->post_password ) )
echo esc_attr( $post->post_password );
* Get the post title.
* The post title is fetched and if it is blank then a default string is
* returned.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param mixed $post Post id or object. If not supplied the global $post is used.
* @return string The post title if set
function _draft_or_post_title( $post = 0 ) {
$title = get_the_title( $post );
if ( empty( $title ) )
$title = __( '(no title)' );
return $title;
* Display the search query.
* A simple wrapper to display the "s" parameter in a GET URI. This function
* should only be used when {@link the_search_query()} cannot.
* @uses attr
* @since 2.7.0
function _admin_search_query() {
Change all core API to expect unslashed rather than slashed arguments. The exceptions to this are update_post_meta() and add_post_meta() which are often used by plugins in POST handlers and will continue accepting slashed data for now. Introduce wp_upate_post_meta() and wp_add_post_meta() as unslashed alternatives to update_post_meta() and add_post_meta(). These functions could become methods in WP_Post so don't use them too heavily yet. Remove all escape() calls from wp_xmlrpc_server. Now that core expects unslashed data this is no longer needed. Remove addslashes(), addslashes_gpc(), add_magic_quotes() calls on data being prepared for handoff to core functions that until now expected slashed data. Adding slashes in no longer necessary. Introduce wp_unslash() and use to it remove slashes from GPCS data before using it in core API. Almost every instance of stripslashes() in core should now be wp_unslash(). In the future (a release or three) when GPCS is no longer slashed, wp_unslash() will stop stripping slashes and simply return what is passed. At this point wp_unslash() calls can be removed from core. Introduce wp_slash() for slashing GPCS data. This will also turn into a noop once GPCS is no longer slashed. wp_slash() should almost never be used. It is mainly of use in unit tests. Plugins should use wp_unslash() on data being passed to core API. Plugins should no longer slash data being passed to core. So when you get_post() and then wp_insert_post() the post data from get_post() no longer needs addslashes(). Most plugins were not bothering with this. They will magically start doing the right thing. Unfortunately, those few souls who did it properly will now have to avoid calling addslashes() for 3.6 and newer. Use wp_kses_post() and wp_kses_data(), which expect unslashed data, instead of wp_filter_post_kses() and wp_filter_kses(), which expect slashed data. Filters are no longer passed slashed data. Remove many no longer necessary calls to $wpdb->escape() and esc_sql(). In wp_get_referer() and wp_get_original_referer(), return unslashed data. Remove old stripslashes() calls from WP_Widget::update() handlers. These haven't been necessary since WP_Widget. Switch several queries over to prepare(). Expect something to break. Props alexkingorg see #21767 git-svn-id: http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk@23416 1a063a9b-81f0-0310-95a4-ce76da25c4cd
2013-02-14 17:51:06 -05:00
echo isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? esc_attr( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) : '';
* Generic Iframe header for use with Thickbox
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $title Title of the Iframe page.
* @param bool $limit_styles Limit styles to colour-related styles only (unless others are enqueued).
function iframe_header( $title = '', $limit_styles = false ) {
show_admin_bar( false );
global $hook_suffix, $current_user, $admin_body_class, $wp_locale;
$admin_body_class = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]+/i', '-', $hook_suffix);
$current_screen = get_current_screen();
@header( 'Content-Type: ' . get_option( 'html_type' ) . '; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );
<title><?php bloginfo('name') ?> &rsaquo; <?php echo $title ?> &#8212; <?php _e('WordPress'); ?></title>
wp_enqueue_style( 'colors' );
<script type="text/javascript">
addLoadEvent = function(func){if(typeof jQuery!="undefined")jQuery(document).ready(func);else if(typeof wpOnload!='function'){wpOnload=func;}else{var oldonload=wpOnload;wpOnload=function(){oldonload();func();}}};
function tb_close(){var win=window.dialogArguments||opener||parent||top;win.tb_remove();}
var userSettings = {
'url': '<?php echo SITECOOKIEPATH; ?>',
'uid': '<?php if ( ! isset($current_user) ) $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); echo $current_user->ID; ?>',
'time':'<?php echo time() ?>'
ajaxurl = '<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', 'relative' ); ?>',
pagenow = '<?php echo $current_screen->id; ?>',
typenow = '<?php echo $current_screen->post_type; ?>',
adminpage = '<?php echo $admin_body_class; ?>',
thousandsSeparator = '<?php echo addslashes( $wp_locale->number_format['thousands_sep'] ); ?>',
decimalPoint = '<?php echo addslashes( $wp_locale->number_format['decimal_point'] ); ?>',
isRtl = <?php echo (int) is_rtl(); ?>;
do_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', $hook_suffix);
$admin_body_class .= ' locale-' . sanitize_html_class( strtolower( str_replace( '_', '-', get_locale() ) ) );
<body<?php if ( isset($GLOBALS['body_id']) ) echo ' id="' . $GLOBALS['body_id'] . '"'; ?> class="wp-admin wp-core-ui no-js iframe <?php echo apply_filters( 'admin_body_class', '' ) . ' ' . $admin_body_class; ?>">
<script type="text/javascript">
var c = document.body.className;
c = c.replace(/no-js/, 'js');
document.body.className = c;
* Generic Iframe footer for use with Thickbox
* @since 2.7.0
function iframe_footer() {
//We're going to hide any footer output on iframe pages, but run the hooks anyway since they output Javascript or other needed content. ?>
<div class="hidden">
do_action('admin_footer', '');
do_action('admin_print_footer_scripts'); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">if(typeof wpOnload=="function")wpOnload();</script>
function _post_states($post) {
$post_states = array();
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['post_status'] ) )
$post_status = $_REQUEST['post_status'];
$post_status = '';
if ( !empty($post->post_password) )
$post_states['protected'] = __('Password protected');
if ( 'private' == $post->post_status && 'private' != $post_status )
$post_states['private'] = __('Private');
if ( 'draft' == $post->post_status && 'draft' != $post_status )
$post_states['draft'] = __('Draft');
if ( 'pending' == $post->post_status && 'pending' != $post_status )
/* translators: post state */
$post_states['pending'] = _x('Pending', 'post state');
if ( is_sticky($post->ID) )
$post_states['sticky'] = __('Sticky');
$post_states = apply_filters( 'display_post_states', $post_states );
if ( ! empty($post_states) ) {
$state_count = count($post_states);
$i = 0;
echo ' - ';
foreach ( $post_states as $state ) {
( $i == $state_count ) ? $sep = '' : $sep = ', ';
echo "<span class='post-state'>$state$sep</span>";
function _media_states( $post ) {
$media_states = array();
$stylesheet = get_option('stylesheet');
if ( current_theme_supports( 'custom-header') ) {
$meta_header = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wp_attachment_is_custom_header', true );
if ( ! empty( $meta_header ) && $meta_header == $stylesheet )
$media_states[] = __( 'Header Image' );
if ( current_theme_supports( 'custom-background') ) {
$meta_background = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wp_attachment_is_custom_background', true );
if ( ! empty( $meta_background ) && $meta_background == $stylesheet )
$media_states[] = __( 'Background Image' );
$media_states = apply_filters( 'display_media_states', $media_states );
if ( ! empty( $media_states ) ) {
$state_count = count( $media_states );
$i = 0;
echo ' - ';
foreach ( $media_states as $state ) {
( $i == $state_count ) ? $sep = '' : $sep = ', ';
echo "<span class='post-state'>$state$sep</span>";
* Test support for compressing JavaScript from PHP
* Outputs JavaScript that tests if compression from PHP works as expected
* and sets an option with the result. Has no effect when the current user
* is not an administrator. To run the test again the option 'can_compress_scripts'
* has to be deleted.
* @since 2.8.0
function compression_test() {
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
var testCompression = {
get : function(test) {
var x;
if ( window.XMLHttpRequest ) {
x = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
try{x=new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');}catch(e){try{x=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');}catch(e){};}
if (x) {
x.onreadystatechange = function() {
var r, h;
if ( x.readyState == 4 ) {
r = x.responseText.substr(0, 18);
h = x.getResponseHeader('Content-Encoding');
testCompression.check(r, h, test);
x.open('GET', ajaxurl + '?action=wp-compression-test&test='+test+'&'+(new Date()).getTime(), true);
check : function(r, h, test) {
if ( ! r && ! test )
if ( 1 == test ) {
if ( h && ( h.match(/deflate/i) || h.match(/gzip/i) ) )
if ( 2 == test ) {
if ( '"wpCompressionTest' == r )
/* ]]> */
* Echos a submit button, with provided text and appropriate class
* @since 3.1.0
* @param string $text The text of the button (defaults to 'Save Changes')
* @param string $type The type of button. One of: primary, secondary, delete
* @param string $name The HTML name of the submit button. Defaults to "submit". If no id attribute
* is given in $other_attributes below, $name will be used as the button's id.
* @param bool $wrap True if the output button should be wrapped in a paragraph tag,
* false otherwise. Defaults to true
* @param array|string $other_attributes Other attributes that should be output with the button,
* mapping attributes to their values, such as array( 'tabindex' => '1' ).
* These attributes will be output as attribute="value", such as tabindex="1".
* Defaults to no other attributes. Other attributes can also be provided as a
* string such as 'tabindex="1"', though the array format is typically cleaner.
function submit_button( $text = null, $type = 'primary', $name = 'submit', $wrap = true, $other_attributes = null ) {
echo get_submit_button( $text, $type, $name, $wrap, $other_attributes );
* Returns a submit button, with provided text and appropriate class
* @since 3.1.0
* @param string $text The text of the button (defaults to 'Save Changes')
* @param string $type The type of button. One of: primary, secondary, delete
* @param string $name The HTML name of the submit button. Defaults to "submit". If no id attribute
* is given in $other_attributes below, $name will be used as the button's id.
* @param bool $wrap True if the output button should be wrapped in a paragraph tag,
* false otherwise. Defaults to true
* @param array|string $other_attributes Other attributes that should be output with the button,
* mapping attributes to their values, such as array( 'tabindex' => '1' ).
* These attributes will be output as attribute="value", such as tabindex="1".
* Defaults to no other attributes. Other attributes can also be provided as a
* string such as 'tabindex="1"', though the array format is typically cleaner.
function get_submit_button( $text = null, $type = 'primary large', $name = 'submit', $wrap = true, $other_attributes = null ) {
if ( ! is_array( $type ) )
$type = explode( ' ', $type );
$button_shorthand = array( 'primary', 'small', 'large' );
$classes = array( 'button' );
foreach ( $type as $t ) {
if ( 'secondary' === $t || 'button-secondary' === $t )
$classes[] = in_array( $t, $button_shorthand ) ? 'button-' . $t : $t;
$class = implode( ' ', array_unique( $classes ) );
if ( 'delete' === $type )
$class = 'button-secondary delete';
$text = $text ? $text : __( 'Save Changes' );
// Default the id attribute to $name unless an id was specifically provided in $other_attributes
$id = $name;
if ( is_array( $other_attributes ) && isset( $other_attributes['id'] ) ) {
$id = $other_attributes['id'];
unset( $other_attributes['id'] );
$attributes = '';
if ( is_array( $other_attributes ) ) {
foreach ( $other_attributes as $attribute => $value ) {
$attributes .= $attribute . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '" '; // Trailing space is important
} else if ( !empty( $other_attributes ) ) { // Attributes provided as a string
$attributes = $other_attributes;
$button = '<input type="submit" name="' . esc_attr( $name ) . '" id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '" class="' . esc_attr( $class );
$button .= '" value="' . esc_attr( $text ) . '" ' . $attributes . ' />';
if ( $wrap ) {
$button = '<p class="submit">' . $button . '</p>';
return $button;
function _wp_admin_html_begin() {
$admin_html_class = ( is_admin_bar_showing() ) ? 'wp-toolbar' : '';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if IE 8]>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="ie8 <?php echo $admin_html_class; ?>" <?php do_action('admin_xml_ns'); ?> <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
<!--[if !(IE 8) ]><!-->
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="<?php echo $admin_html_class; ?>" <?php do_action('admin_xml_ns'); ?> <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php echo get_option('blog_charset'); ?>" />
final class WP_Internal_Pointers {
* Initializes the new feature pointers.
* @since 3.3.0
* All pointers can be disabled using the following:
* remove_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( 'WP_Internal_Pointers', 'enqueue_scripts' ) );
* Individual pointers (e.g. wp330_toolbar) can be disabled using the following:
* remove_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( 'WP_Internal_Pointers', 'pointer_wp330_toolbar' ) );
public static function enqueue_scripts( $hook_suffix ) {
* Register feature pointers
* Format: array( hook_suffix => pointer_id )
$registered_pointers = array(
'index.php' => 'wp330_toolbar',
'post-new.php' => 'wp350_media',
'post.php' => 'wp350_media',
'themes.php' => array( 'wp330_saving_widgets', 'wp340_customize_current_theme_link' ),
'appearance_page_custom-header' => 'wp340_choose_image_from_library',
'appearance_page_custom-background' => 'wp340_choose_image_from_library',
// Check if screen related pointer is registered
if ( empty( $registered_pointers[ $hook_suffix ] ) )
$pointers = (array) $registered_pointers[ $hook_suffix ];
$caps_required = array(
'wp330_saving_widgets' => array( 'edit_theme_options', 'switch_themes' ),
'wp340_customize_current_theme_link' => array( 'edit_theme_options' ),
'wp340_choose_image_from_library' => array( 'edit_theme_options' ),
'wp350_media' => array( 'upload_files' ),
// Get dismissed pointers
$dismissed = explode( ',', (string) get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'dismissed_wp_pointers', true ) );
$got_pointers = false;
foreach ( array_diff( $pointers, $dismissed ) as $pointer ) {
if ( isset( $caps_required[ $pointer ] ) ) {
foreach ( $caps_required[ $pointer ] as $cap ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( $cap ) )
continue 2;
// Bind pointer print function
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( 'WP_Internal_Pointers', 'pointer_' . $pointer ) );
$got_pointers = true;
if ( ! $got_pointers )
// Add pointers script and style to queue
wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-pointer' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-pointer' );
* Print the pointer javascript data.
* @since 3.3.0
* @param string $pointer_id The pointer ID.
* @param string $selector The HTML elements, on which the pointer should be attached.
* @param array $args Arguments to be passed to the pointer JS (see wp-pointer.js).
private static function print_js( $pointer_id, $selector, $args ) {
if ( empty( $pointer_id ) || empty( $selector ) || empty( $args ) || empty( $args['content'] ) )
<script type="text/javascript">
var options = <?php echo json_encode( $args ); ?>, setup;
if ( ! options )
options = $.extend( options, {
close: function() {
$.post( ajaxurl, {
pointer: '<?php echo $pointer_id; ?>',
action: 'dismiss-wp-pointer'
setup = function() {
$('<?php echo $selector; ?>').pointer( options ).pointer('open');
if ( options.position && options.position.defer_loading )
$(window).bind( 'load.wp-pointers', setup );
$(document).ready( setup );
})( jQuery );
public static function pointer_wp330_toolbar() {
$content = '<h3>' . __( 'New Feature: Toolbar' ) . '</h3>';
$content .= '<p>' . __( 'We&#8217;ve combined the admin bar and the old Dashboard header into one persistent toolbar. Hover over the toolbar items to see what&#8217;s new.' ) . '</p>';
if ( is_multisite() && is_super_admin() )
$content .= '<p>' . __( 'Network Admin is now located in the My Sites menu.' ) . '</p>';
WP_Internal_Pointers::print_js( 'wp330_toolbar', '#wpadminbar', array(
'content' => $content,
'position' => array( 'edge' => 'top', 'align' => 'center' ),
) );
* Print 'Updated Media Uploader' for 3.3.0.
* @since 3.3.0
public static function pointer_wp330_media_uploader() {}
* Print 'New Feature: Saving Widgets' for 3.3.0.
* @since 3.3.0
public static function pointer_wp330_saving_widgets() {
$content = '<h3>' . __( 'New Feature: Saving Widgets' ) . '</h3>';
$content .= '<p>' . __( 'If you change your mind and revert to your previous theme, we&#8217;ll put the widgets back the way you had them.' ) . '</p>';
WP_Internal_Pointers::print_js( 'wp330_saving_widgets', '#message2', array(
'content' => $content,
'position' => array( 'edge' => 'top', 'align' => is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left' ),
) );
* Print 'New Feature: Current Theme Customize Link' for 3.4.0.
* @since 3.4.0
public static function pointer_wp340_customize_current_theme_link() {
$content = '<h3>' . __( 'New Feature: Customizer' ) . '</h3>';
$content .= '<p>' . __( 'Click Customize to change the header, background, title and menus of the current theme, all in one place.' ) . '</p>';
$content .= '<p>' . __( 'Click the Live Preview links in the Available Themes list below to customize and preview another theme before activating it.' ) . '</p>';
WP_Internal_Pointers::print_js( 'wp340_customize_current_theme_link', '#customize-current-theme-link', array(
'content' => $content,
'position' => array( 'edge' => 'top', 'align' => is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left', 'offset' => is_rtl() ? '32 0' : '-32 0' ),
) );
* Print 'New Feature: Choose Image from Library' for 3.4.0.
* @since 3.4.0
public static function pointer_wp340_choose_image_from_library() {
$content = '<h3>' . __( 'New Feature: Choose Image from Library' ) . '</h3>';
$content .= '<p>' . __( 'Want to use an image you uploaded earlier? Select it from your media library instead of uploading it again.' ) . '</p>';
WP_Internal_Pointers::print_js( 'wp340_choose_image_from_library', '#choose-from-library-link', array(
'content' => $content,
'position' => array( 'edge' => 'top', 'align' => is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left', 'defer_loading' => true ),
) );
public static function pointer_wp350_media() {
$content = '<h3>' . __( 'New Media Manager' ) . '</h3>';
$content .= '<p>' . __( 'Uploading files and creating image galleries has a whole new look. Check it out!' ) . '</p>';
self::print_js( 'wp350_media', '.insert-media', array(
'content' => $content,
'position' => array( 'edge' => is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left', 'align' => 'center' ),
) );
* Prevents new users from seeing existing 'new feature' pointers.
* @since 3.3.0
public static function dismiss_pointers_for_new_users( $user_id ) {
add_user_meta( $user_id, 'dismissed_wp_pointers', 'wp330_toolbar,wp330_saving_widgets,wp340_choose_image_from_library,wp340_customize_current_theme_link,wp350_media' );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( 'WP_Internal_Pointers', 'enqueue_scripts' ) );
add_action( 'user_register', array( 'WP_Internal_Pointers', 'dismiss_pointers_for_new_users' ) );
* Convert a screen string to a screen object
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $hook_name The hook name (also known as the hook suffix) used to determine the screen.
* @return WP_Screen Screen object.
function convert_to_screen( $hook_name ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Screen' ) ) {
_doing_it_wrong( 'convert_to_screen(), add_meta_box()', __( "Likely direct inclusion of wp-admin/includes/template.php in order to use add_meta_box(). This is very wrong. Hook the add_meta_box() call into the add_meta_boxes action instead." ), '3.3' );
return (object) array( 'id' => '_invalid', 'base' => '_are_belong_to_us' );
return WP_Screen::get( $hook_name );