2005-08-27 14:48:56 -04:00
/* Simple AJAX Code-Kit (SACK) */
/* <20> 2005 Gregory Wild-Smith */
/* www.twilightuniverse.com */
/* Software licenced under a modified X11 licence, see documentation or authors website for more details */
function sack ( file ) {
this . AjaxFailedAlert = "Your browser does not support the enhanced functionality of this website, and therefore you will have an experience that differs from the intended one.\n" ;
this . requestFile = file ;
this . method = "POST" ;
this . URLString = "" ;
this . encodeURIString = true ;
this . execute = false ;
this . onLoading = function ( ) { } ;
this . onLoaded = function ( ) { } ;
this . onInteractive = function ( ) { } ;
this . onCompletion = function ( ) { } ;
this . createAJAX = function ( ) {
try {
this . xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject ( "Msxml2.XMLHTTP" ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
try {
this . xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject ( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
this . xmlhttp = null ;
if ( ! this . xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined" )
this . xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
if ( ! this . xmlhttp ) {
this . failed = true ;
} ;
this . setVar = function ( name , value ) {
if ( this . URLString . length < 3 ) {
this . URLString = name + "=" + value ;
} else {
this . URLString += "&" + name + "=" + value ;
this . encVar = function ( name , value ) {
var varString = encodeURIComponent ( name ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent ( value ) ;
return varString ;
this . encodeURLString = function ( string ) {
varArray = string . split ( '&' ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < varArray . length ; i ++ ) {
urlVars = varArray [ i ] . split ( '=' ) ;
if ( urlVars [ 0 ] . indexOf ( 'amp;' ) != - 1 ) {
urlVars [ 0 ] = urlVars [ 0 ] . substring ( 4 ) ;
varArray [ i ] = this . encVar ( urlVars [ 0 ] , urlVars [ 1 ] ) ;
return varArray . join ( '&' ) ;
this . runResponse = function ( ) {
eval ( this . response ) ;
this . runAJAX = function ( urlstring ) {
this . responseStatus = new Array ( 2 ) ;
if ( this . failed && this . AjaxFailedAlert ) {
alert ( this . AjaxFailedAlert ) ;
} else {
if ( urlstring ) {
if ( this . URLString . length ) {
this . URLString = this . URLString + "&" + urlstring ;
} else {
this . URLString = urlstring ;
if ( this . encodeURIString ) {
var timeval = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
this . URLString = this . encodeURLString ( this . URLString ) ;
this . setVar ( "rndval" , timeval ) ;
if ( this . element ) { this . elementObj = document . getElementById ( this . element ) ; }
if ( this . xmlhttp ) {
var self = this ;
if ( this . method == "GET" ) {
var totalurlstring = this . requestFile + "?" + this . URLString ;
this . xmlhttp . open ( this . method , totalurlstring , true ) ;
} else {
this . xmlhttp . open ( this . method , this . requestFile , true ) ;
if ( this . method == "POST" ) {
try {
this . xmlhttp . setRequestHeader ( 'Content-Type' , 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
} catch ( e ) { }
this . xmlhttp . send ( this . URLString ) ;
this . xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function ( ) {
switch ( self . xmlhttp . readyState ) {
case 1 :
self . onLoading ( ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
self . onLoaded ( ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
self . onInteractive ( ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
self . response = self . xmlhttp . responseText ;
self . responseXML = self . xmlhttp . responseXML ;
self . responseStatus [ 0 ] = self . xmlhttp . status ;
self . responseStatus [ 1 ] = self . xmlhttp . statusText ;
self . onCompletion ( ) ;
if ( self . execute ) { self . runResponse ( ) ; }
if ( self . elementObj ) {
var elemNodeName = self . elementObj . nodeName ;
elemNodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( elemNodeName == "input" || elemNodeName == "select" || elemNodeName == "option" || elemNodeName == "textarea" ) {
self . elementObj . value = self . response ;
} else {
self . elementObj . innerHTML = self . response ;
self . URLString = "" ;
break ;
} ;
} ;
this . createAJAX ( ) ;
2005-08-09 04:16:29 -04:00