<divclass="updated"><p><?phpprintf(__('The active theme is <strong>%s</strong>. The template files are located in <code>%s</code>. The stylesheet files are located in <code>%s</code>. <strong>%s</strong> uses templates from <strong>%s</strong>. Changes made to the templates will affect both themes.'),$current_theme,$current_template_dir,$current_stylesheet_dir,$current_theme,$current_parent_theme);?></p></div>
<divclass="updated"><p><?phpprintf(__('The active theme is <strong>%s</strong>. The template files are located in <code>%s</code>. The stylesheet files are located in <code>%s</code>.'),$current_theme,$current_template_dir,$current_stylesheet_dir);?></p></div>
<h2><?php_e('Theme Management');?></h2>
<p><?php_e('Themes are usually downloaded separately from WordPress. To install a theme you generally just need to put the theme file or files into your <code>wp-content/themes</code> directory. Once a theme is installed, you may select it here.');?></p>
_e("<p>Couldn't open themes directory or there are no themes available.</p>");// TODO: make more helpful