2016-10-19 18:15:31 +00:00
< ? php
* Customize API : WP_Customize_Custom_CSS_Setting class
* This handles validation , sanitization and saving of the value .
* @ package WordPress
* @ subpackage Customize
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* Custom Setting to handle WP Custom CSS .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ see WP_Customize_Setting
final class WP_Customize_Custom_CSS_Setting extends WP_Customize_Setting {
* The setting type .
* @ var string
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access public
public $type = 'custom_css' ;
* Setting Transport
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access public
* @ var string
public $transport = 'postMessage' ;
* Capability required to edit this setting .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access public
* @ var string
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public $capability = 'edit_css' ;
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* Stylesheet
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access public
* @ var string
public $stylesheet = '' ;
* WP_Customize_Custom_CSS_Setting constructor .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access public
* @ throws Exception If the setting ID does not match the pattern `custom_css[$stylesheet]` .
* @ param WP_Customize_Manager $manager The Customize Manager class .
* @ param string $id An specific ID of the setting . Can be a
* theme mod or option name .
* @ param array $args Setting arguments .
public function __construct ( $manager , $id , $args = array () ) {
parent :: __construct ( $manager , $id , $args );
if ( 'custom_css' !== $this -> id_data [ 'base' ] ) {
throw new Exception ( 'Expected custom_css id_base.' );
if ( 1 !== count ( $this -> id_data [ 'keys' ] ) || empty ( $this -> id_data [ 'keys' ][ 0 ] ) ) {
throw new Exception ( 'Expected single stylesheet key.' );
$this -> stylesheet = $this -> id_data [ 'keys' ][ 0 ];
* Add filter to preview post value .
* @ since 4.7 . 9
* @ access public
* @ return bool False when preview short - circuits due no change needing to be previewed .
public function preview () {
if ( $this -> is_previewed ) {
return false ;
$this -> is_previewed = true ;
add_filter ( 'wp_get_custom_css' , array ( $this , 'filter_previewed_wp_get_custom_css' ), 9 , 2 );
return true ;
* Filter wp_get_custom_css for applying customized value to return value .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access private
* @ param string $css Original CSS .
* @ param string $stylesheet Current stylesheet .
* @ return string CSS .
public function filter_previewed_wp_get_custom_css ( $css , $stylesheet ) {
if ( $stylesheet === $this -> stylesheet ) {
$customized_value = $this -> post_value ( null );
if ( ! is_null ( $customized_value ) ) {
$css = $customized_value ;
return $css ;
* Fetch the value of the setting .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access public
* @ return string
public function value () {
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$value = wp_get_custom_css ( $this -> stylesheet );
if ( empty ( $value ) ) {
$value = $this -> default ;
return $value ;
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* Validate CSS .
* Checks for imbalanced braces , brackets , and comments .
* Notifications are rendered when the customizer state is saved .
* @ todo There are cases where valid CSS can be incorrectly marked as invalid when strings or comments include balancing characters . To fix , CSS tokenization needs to be used .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access public
* @ param string $css The input string .
* @ return true | WP_Error True if the input was validated , otherwise WP_Error .
public function validate ( $css ) {
$validity = new WP_Error ();
if ( preg_match ( '#</?\w+#' , $css ) ) {
$validity -> add ( 'illegal_markup' , __ ( 'Markup is not allowed in CSS.' ) );
$imbalanced = false ;
// Make sure that there is a closing brace for each opening brace.
if ( ! $this -> validate_balanced_characters ( '{' , '}' , $css ) ) {
$validity -> add ( 'imbalanced_curly_brackets' , __ ( 'Your curly brackets <code>{}</code> are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing <code>}</code> for every opening <code>{</code>.' ) );
$imbalanced = true ;
// Ensure brackets are balanced.
if ( ! $this -> validate_balanced_characters ( '[' , ']' , $css ) ) {
$validity -> add ( 'imbalanced_braces' , __ ( 'Your brackets <code>[]</code> are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing <code>]</code> for every opening <code>[</code>.' ) );
$imbalanced = true ;
// Ensure parentheses are balanced.
if ( ! $this -> validate_balanced_characters ( '(' , ')' , $css ) ) {
$validity -> add ( 'imbalanced_parentheses' , __ ( 'Your parentheses <code>()</code> are imbalanced. Make sure there is a closing <code>)</code> for every opening <code>(</code>.' ) );
$imbalanced = true ;
// Ensure single quotes are equal.
if ( ! $this -> validate_equal_characters ( '\'' , $css ) ) {
$validity -> add ( 'unequal_single_quotes' , __ ( 'Your single quotes <code>\'</code> are uneven. Make sure there is a closing <code>\'</code> for every opening <code>\'</code>.' ) );
$imbalanced = true ;
// Ensure single quotes are equal.
if ( ! $this -> validate_equal_characters ( '"' , $css ) ) {
$validity -> add ( 'unequal_double_quotes' , __ ( 'Your double quotes <code>"</code> are uneven. Make sure there is a closing <code>"</code> for every opening <code>"</code>.' ) );
$imbalanced = true ;
* Make sure any code comments are closed properly .
* The first check could miss stray an unpaired comment closing figure , so if
* The number appears to be balanced , then check for equal numbers
* of opening / closing comment figures .
* Although it may initially appear redundant , we use the first method
* to give more specific feedback to the user .
$unclosed_comment_count = $this -> validate_count_unclosed_comments ( $css );
if ( 0 < $unclosed_comment_count ) {
$validity -> add ( 'unclosed_comment' , sprintf ( _n ( 'There is %s unclosed code comment. Close each comment with <code>*/</code>.' , 'There are %s unclosed code comments. Close each comment with <code>*/</code>.' , $unclosed_comment_count ), $unclosed_comment_count ) );
$imbalanced = true ;
} elseif ( ! $this -> validate_balanced_characters ( '/*' , '*/' , $css ) ) {
$validity -> add ( 'imbalanced_comments' , __ ( 'There is an extra <code>*/</code>, indicating an end to a comment. Be sure that there is an opening <code>/*</code> for every closing <code>*/</code>.' ) );
$imbalanced = true ;
if ( $imbalanced && $this -> is_possible_content_error ( $css ) ) {
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$validity -> add ( 'possible_false_positive' , __ ( 'Imbalanced/unclosed character errors can be caused by <code>content: "";</code> declarations. You may need to remove this or add it to a custom CSS file.' ) );
2016-10-19 18:15:31 +00:00
if ( empty ( $validity -> errors ) ) {
$validity = parent :: validate ( $css );
return $validity ;
* Store the CSS setting value in the custom_css custom post type for the stylesheet .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access public
* @ param string $css The input value .
* @ return int | false The post ID or false if the value could not be saved .
public function update ( $css ) {
$args = array (
'post_content' => $css ? $css : '' ,
'post_title' => $this -> stylesheet ,
'post_name' => sanitize_title ( $this -> stylesheet ),
'post_type' => 'custom_css' ,
'post_status' => 'publish' ,
// Update post if it already exists, otherwise create a new one.
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$post = wp_get_custom_css_post ( $this -> stylesheet );
if ( $post ) {
$args [ 'ID' ] = $post -> ID ;
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$post_id = wp_update_post ( wp_slash ( $args ) );
} else {
$post_id = wp_insert_post ( wp_slash ( $args ) );
if ( ! $post_id ) {
return false ;
// Cache post ID in theme mod for performance to avoid additional DB query.
if ( $this -> manager -> get_stylesheet () === $this -> stylesheet ) {
set_theme_mod ( 'custom_css_post_id' , $post_id );
return $post_id ;
* Ensure there are a balanced number of paired characters .
* This is used to check that the number of opening and closing
* characters is equal .
* For instance , there should be an equal number of braces ( " { " , " } " )
* in the CSS .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access private
* @ param string $opening_char The opening character .
* @ param string $closing_char The closing character .
* @ param string $css The CSS input string .
* @ return bool
private function validate_balanced_characters ( $opening_char , $closing_char , $css ) {
return substr_count ( $css , $opening_char ) === substr_count ( $css , $closing_char );
* Ensure there are an even number of paired characters .
* This is used to check that the number of a specific
* character is even .
* For instance , there should be an even number of double quotes
* in the CSS .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access private
* @ param string $char A character .
* @ param string $css The CSS input string .
* @ return bool Equality .
private function validate_equal_characters ( $char , $css ) {
$char_count = substr_count ( $css , $char );
return ( 0 === $char_count % 2 );
* Count unclosed CSS Comments .
* Used during validation .
* @ see self :: validate ()
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access private
* @ param string $css The CSS input string .
* @ return int Count .
private function validate_count_unclosed_comments ( $css ) {
$count = 0 ;
$comments = explode ( '/*' , $css );
if ( ! is_array ( $comments ) || ( 1 >= count ( $comments ) ) ) {
return $count ;
unset ( $comments [ 0 ] ); // The first item is before the first comment.
foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
if ( false === strpos ( $comment , '*/' ) ) {
$count ++ ;
return $count ;
* Find " content: " within a string .
* Imbalanced / Unclosed validation errors may be caused
* when a character is used in a " content: " declaration .
* This function is used to detect if this is a possible
* cause of the validation error , so that if it is ,
* a notification may be added to the Validation Errors .
* Example :
* . element :: before {
* content : " ( \" " ;
* }
* . element :: after {
* content : " \" ) " ;
* }
* Using ! empty () because strpos () may return non - boolean values
* that evaluate to false . This would be problematic when
* using a strict " false === strpos() " comparison .
* @ since 4.7 . 0
* @ access private
* @ param string $css The CSS input string .
* @ return bool
private function is_possible_content_error ( $css ) {
$found = preg_match ( '/\bcontent\s*:/' , $css );
if ( ! empty ( $found ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;