2003-04-01 14:12:34 +00:00
< ? php
// 1. save as gm-2-b2.php
// 2. upload on your server in the directory where your b2 files are
// 3. load in the browser from there
2003-05-23 02:38:28 +00:00
require ( " b2config.php " );
require ( $b2inc . " /b2functions.php " );
2003-04-01 14:12:34 +00:00
$b2varstoreset = array ( 'action' , 'gmpath' , 'archivespath' );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $b2varstoreset ); $i += 1 ) {
$b2var = $b2varstoreset [ $i ];
if ( ! isset ( $$b2var )) {
if ( empty ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " $b2var " ])) {
if ( empty ( $HTTP_GET_VARS [ " $b2var " ])) {
$$b2var = '' ;
} else {
$$b2var = $HTTP_GET_VARS [ " $b2var " ];
} else {
$$b2var = $HTTP_POST_VARS [ " $b2var " ];
switch ( $action ) {
case " step1 " :
function gm2autobr ( $string ) { // transforms GM's |*| into b2's <br />\n
$string = str_replace ( " |*| " , " <br /> \n " , $string );
return ( $string );
if ( ! chdir ( $archivespath ))
alert_error ( " Wrong path, $archivespath\ndoesn 't exist \n on the server " );
if ( ! chdir ( $gmpath ))
alert_error ( " Wrong path, $gmpath\ndoesn 't exist \n on the server " );
< html >
< head >
< title > GM 2 b2 - converting ...</ title >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " <?php echo $b2inc ; ?>/b2.css " type = " text/css " >
< style type = " text/css " >
< ? php
if ( ! preg_match ( " /Nav/ " , $HTTP_USER_AGENT )) {
textarea , input , select {
background - color : #f0f0f0;
border - width : 1 px ;
border - color : #cccccc;
border - style : solid ;
padding : 2 px ;
margin : 1 px ;
< ? php
</ style >
</ head >
< body style = " margin: 20px; " >
< p >< font face = " times new roman " style = " font-size: 39px; " > gm 2 < img src = " b2-img/b2minilogo.png " width = " 50 " height = " 50 " border = " 0 " alt = " b2 " align = " top " /></ font ></ p >
< p > The importer is running ...</ p >
< ul >
< li > importing users ... < ul >< ? php
chdir ( $gmpath );
$userbase = file ( " gm-authors.cgi " );
$connexion = mysql_connect ( $server , $loginsql , $passsql ) or die ( " Oops, MySQL connection error ! Couldn't connect to $server with the username $loginsql " );
$bdd = mysql_select_db ( $dbname , $connexion ) or die ( " Oops, can't find any database named $dbname here ! " );
foreach ( $userbase as $user ) {
$userdata = explode ( " | " , $user );
$user_ip = " " ;
$user_domain = " localhost " ;
$user_browser = " server " ;
$s = $userdata [ 4 ];
$user_joindate = substr ( $s , 6 , 4 ) . " - " . substr ( $s , 0 , 2 ) . " - " . substr ( $s , 3 , 2 ) . " 00:00:00 " ;
$user_login = addslashes ( $userdata [ 0 ]);
$pass1 = addslashes ( $userdata [ 1 ]);
$user_nickname = addslashes ( $userdata [ 0 ]);
$user_email = addslashes ( $userdata [ 2 ]);
$user_url = addslashes ( $userdata [ 3 ]);
$user_joindate = addslashes ( $user_joindate );
$query = " INSERT INTO $tableusers (user_login,user_pass,user_nickname,user_email,user_url,user_ip,user_domain,user_browser,dateYMDhour,user_level,user_idmode) VALUES (' $user_login ',' $pass1 ',' $user_nickname ',' $user_email ',' $user_url ',' $user_ip ',' $user_domain ',' $user_browser ',' $user_joindate ','1','nickname') " ;
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
if ( $result == false ) {
die ( " <b>ERROR</b>: couldn't register an user... please contact the <a href= \" mailto: $admin_email\ " > webmaster </ a > ! " );
echo " <li>user <i> $user_login </i>... <b>Done</b></li> " ;
?> </ul><b>Done</b></li>
< li > importing posts , comments , and karma ...< br />< ul >< ? php
chdir ( $archivespath );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $lastentry ; $i = $i + 1 ) {
$entryfile = " " ;
if ( $i < 10000000 ) {
$entryfile .= " 0 " ;
if ( $i < 1000000 ) {
$entryfile .= " 0 " ;
if ( $i < 100000 ) {
$entryfile .= " 0 " ;
if ( $i < 10000 ) {
$entryfile .= " 0 " ;
if ( $i < 1000 ) {
$entryfile .= " 0 " ;
if ( $i < 100 ) {
$entryfile .= " 0 " ;
if ( $i < 10 ) {
$entryfile .= " 0 " ;
$entryfile .= " $i " ;
if ( is_file ( $entryfile . " .cgi " )) {
$entry = file ( $entryfile . " .cgi " );
echo " <li>entry # $entryfile " ;
$postinfo = explode ( " | " , $entry [ 0 ]);
$postmaincontent = gm2autobr ( $entry [ 2 ]);
$postmorecontent = gm2autobr ( $entry [ 3 ]);
$post_author = trim ( addslashes ( $postinfo [ 1 ]));
// we'll check the author is registered, or if it's a deleted author
$sql = " SELECT * FROM $tableusers WHERE user_login = ' $post_author ' " ;
$result = mysql_query ( $sql );
if ( ! mysql_num_rows ( $result )) { // if deleted from GM, we register the author as a level 0 user in b2
$user_ip = " " ;
$user_domain = " localhost " ;
$user_browser = " server " ;
$user_joindate = " 1979-06-06 00:41:00 " ;
$user_login = addslashes ( $post_author );
$pass1 = addslashes ( " password " );
$user_nickname = addslashes ( $post_author );
$user_email = addslashes ( " user@deleted.com " );
$user_url = addslashes ( " " );
$user_joindate = addslashes ( $user_joindate );
$query = " INSERT INTO $tableusers (user_login,user_pass,user_nickname,user_email,user_url,user_ip,user_domain,user_browser,dateYMDhour,user_level,user_idmode) VALUES (' $user_login ',' $pass1 ',' $user_nickname ',' $user_email ',' $user_url ',' $user_ip ',' $user_domain ',' $user_browser ',' $user_joindate ','0','nickname') " ;
$result = mysql_query ( $query );
if ( $result == false ) {
die ( " <b>ERROR</b>: couldn't register an user... please contact the <a href= \" mailto: $admin_email\ " > webmaster </ a > ! " );
echo " : registered deleted user <i> $user_login </i> at level 0 " ;
$sql = " SELECT * FROM $tableusers WHERE user_login = ' $post_author ' " ;
$result = mysql_query ( $sql );
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array ( $result );
$post_author_ID = $myrow [ 0 ];
$post_title = gm2autobr ( $postinfo [ 2 ]);
$post_title = addslashes ( $post_title );
$postyear = $postinfo [ 6 ];
$postmonth = zeroise ( $postinfo [ 4 ], 2 );
$postday = zeroise ( $postinfo [ 5 ], 2 );
$posthour = zeroise ( $postinfo [ 7 ], 2 );
$postminute = zeroise ( $postinfo [ 8 ], 2 );
$postsecond = zeroise ( $postinfo [ 9 ], 2 );
if (( $postinfo [ 10 ] == " PM " ) && ( $posthour != " 12 " ))
$posthour = $posthour + 12 ;
$post_date = " $postyear - $postmonth - $postday $posthour : $postminute : $postsecond " ;
$post_category = " 1 " ;
$post_content = $postmaincontent ;
if ( strlen ( $postmorecontent ) > 3 )
$post_content .= " <!--more--><br /><br /> " . $postmorecontent ;
$post_content = addslashes ( $post_content );
$post_karma = $postinfo [ 12 ];
$query = " INSERT INTO $tableposts (post_author,post_date,post_content,post_title,post_category,post_karma) VALUES (' $post_author_ID ',' $post_date ',' $post_content ',' $post_title ','1',' $post_karma ') " ;
$result = mysql_query ( $query ) or die ( mysql_error ());
if ( ! $result )
die ( " Error in posting... contact the <a href= \" mailto: $admin_email\ " > webmaster </ a > " );
$sql2 = " SELECT * FROM $tableposts WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1 " ;
$result2 = mysql_query ( $sql2 );
$myrow2 = mysql_fetch_array ( $result2 );
$post_ID = $myrow2 [ 0 ];
$c = count ( $entry );
if ( $c > 4 ) {
for ( $j = 4 ; $j < $c ; $j ++ ) {
$entry [ $j ] = gm2autobr ( $entry [ $j ]);
$commentinfo = explode ( " | " , $entry [ $j ]);
$comment_post_ID = $post_ID ;
$comment_author = addslashes ( $commentinfo [ 0 ]);
$comment_author_email = addslashes ( $commentinfo [ 2 ]);
$comment_author_url = addslashes ( $commentinfo [ 3 ]);
$comment_author_IP = addslashes ( $commentinfo [ 1 ]);
$commentyear = $commentinfo [ 7 ];
$commentmonth = zeroise ( $commentinfo [ 5 ], 2 );
$commentday = zeroise ( $commentinfo [ 6 ], 2 );
$commenthour = zeroise ( $commentinfo [ 8 ], 2 );
$commentminute = zeroise ( $commentinfo [ 9 ], 2 );
$commentsecond = zeroise ( $commentinfo [ 10 ], 2 );
if (( $commentinfo [ 11 ] == " PM " ) && ( $commenthour != " 12 " ))
$commenthour = $commenthour + 12 ;
$comment_date = " $commentyear - $commentmonth - $commentday $commenthour : $commentminute : $commentsecond " ;
$comment_content = addslashes ( $commentinfo [ 12 ]);
$sql3 = " INSERT INTO $tablecomments (comment_post_ID,comment_author,comment_author_email,comment_author_url,comment_author_IP,comment_date,comment_content) VALUES (' $comment_post_ID ',' $comment_author ',' $comment_author_email ',' $comment_author_url ',' $comment_author_IP ',' $comment_date ',' $comment_content ') " ;
$result3 = mysql_query ( $sql3 );
if ( ! $result3 )
die ( " There is an error with the database, it can't store your comment...<br>Contact the <a href= \" mailto: $admin_email\ " > webmaster </ a > " );
$comments = $c - 4 ;
echo " : imported $comments comment " ;
if ( $comments > 1 )
echo " s " ;
echo " ... <b>Done</b></li> " ;
} ?>
</ ul >< b > Done </ b ></ li ></ ul >
< p >& nbsp ; </ p >
< p > Completed GM 2 b2 import !</ p >
< p > Now you can go and < a href = " b2login.php " > log in </ a > , have fun !</ p >
< ? php
break ;
default :
?> <html>
< head >
< title > GM 2 b2 importer utility </ title >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " <?php echo $b2inc ; ?>/b2.css " type = " text/css " >
< style type = " text/css " >
< ? php
if ( ! preg_match ( " /Nav/ " , $HTTP_USER_AGENT )) {
textarea , input , select {
background - color : #f0f0f0;
border - width : 1 px ;
border - color : #cccccc;
border - style : solid ;
padding : 2 px ;
margin : 1 px ;
< ? php
</ style >
</ head >
< body style = " margin: 20px; " >
< p >< font face = " times new roman " style = " font-size: 39px; " > gm 2 < img src = " b2-img/b2minilogo.png " width = " 50 " height = " 50 " border = " 0 " alt = " b2 " align = " top " /></ font ></ p >
< p > This is a basic GreyMatter to b2 import script .</ p >
< p > What it does :</ p >
< ul >
< li > parses gm - authors . cgi to import authors : everyone is imported at level 1 </ li >
< li > parses the entries cgi files to import posts , comments , and karma on posts ( although karma is not used on b2 yet ) < br /> if authors are found not to be in gm - authors . cgi , imports them at level 0 </ li >
</ ul >
< p > What it does not :</ p >
< ul >
< li > parse gm - counter . cgi ( what ' s the use of that file ? ), gm - banlist . cgi , gm - cplog . cgi ( you can make a CP log hack if you really feel like it , but I question the need of a CP log ) </ li >
< li > import gm - templates . you ' ll start with the basic template b2 . php </ li >
< li > doesn ' t keep entries on top </ li >
</ ul >
< p >& nbsp ; </ p >
< h3 > First step : install b2 </ h3 >
< p > Install the b2 blog as explained in the < a href = " readme.html " target = " _blank " > ReadMe </ a > , then immediately come back here .</ p >
< form name = " stepOne " method = " get " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " action " value = " step1 " />
< h3 > Second step : GreyMatter details :</ h3 >
< p >< table cellpadding = " 0 " >
< tr >
< td > Path to GM files :</ td >
< td >< input type = " text " style = " width:300px " name = " gmpath " value = " /home/my/site/cgi-bin/greymatter/ " /></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Path to GM entries :</ td >
< td >< input type = " text " style = " width:300px " name = " archivespath " value = " /home/my/site/cgi-bin/greymatter/archives/ " /></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td colspan = " 2 " >< br /> This importer will search for files 00000001. cgi to 000 - whatever . cgi , < br /> so you need to enter the number of the last GM post here .< br /> ( if you don 't know that number, just log into your FTP and look it out<br />in the entries' folder ) </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Last entry ' s number :</ td >
< td >< input type = " text " name = " lastentry " value = " 00000001 " /></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ p >
< p > When you ' re ready , click OK to start importing : < input type = " submit " name = " submit " value = " OK " class = " search " /></ p >
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >
< ? php
break ;